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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1947)
[ CROSSWORD PUZZLE Horizontal 1 Medieval stringed instrument 6 Thin metal . disk 11 Shoshonean Indian 12 Snaky-haired avenging spirit 14 Kept bow to the sea (naut.) 15 The nostrils 17 Colloquial: mother 18 Pronoun 19 Cavities 20 Qualified 21 Compass point 22 Enclosure for sheep 23 Pain 24 Printer’s error 26 Unreelable silk fibers 27 Sandarac tree 28 Dam 29 Merrymaking 31 Passage 34 Divisible by two 35 Carriage 36 Eleven 37 Enthusiastic devotee 38 To defeat 39 Imitator '40 Man’s nickname 41 To pound *42 Keyed up i with interest ,43 To fix N 45 Ancient i Judean ) ascetic 47 Short lances 48 To elevate '*'• Vertical 1 Somewhat 2 European ' country 3 To purchase ♦ French for * "and” f 8 Half man, half horse Solution In Next Issue. 6 Danger 7 Plane surface 8 Contraction: it is 9 Half an em 10 Forest divinities 11 Antiquated 13 Cloys 16 English philologist and murderer 19 North African weight (pi.) 20 Fruit of the oak 22 Girl’s name 23 To place in rows (var.) 25 Largest bird of the crow family 26 Banquet 28 To speak covertly 29 To have recourse 30 Baffled 31 Bulblike stem 32 To set forth (obs.) 33 Faithful 35 Flows in a hood 38 Smallest part 39 Epochs 41 Sticky substance 1 42 Edible i mollusk 44 Colloquial: father 46 Symbol for samarium j Answer to Pnssle Number 1 |b|a|a| |kIi|y; 1 i 1 IsIeIW r H 0.S S._ N. 0 E L_ E L A o gBIh o eBBe l i xT|~r L I Elis A els 0 T d[e l l1|d o gBBn 0 01 N F 0 8lB 0 aMn a Y T¥^Bg’e lLIdT h LIE A FllD E wMn I “nTe S E cMr I bMIt 0 D P| I A Z Z AllD y eM b e .0 _W_L _K _I _L _N pIaitI 1 r 1 e| i|nI |e1v|e| Series H-47 James M. Robinson, Jr., M.D. ltd Yates Publicationt Native of Cincinnati. Ohio. Honor Graduate of 60th Wilberforce Univer sity. Wilberforce. Ohio, and Meharry j Medical College. Nasbville.Tenn. Mem ber of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Sen Mehr Rehk and Kappa Pi Honor ary Societies. Veteran of two and a half years of military service with the Army of the United States, including overseas combat service as Battalion Surgeon with the 777th Field Artillery Battalion, with rank of Captain. Son of James H. Robinson. Sr., PhD., Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Wilberforce University, who is listed in "Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Robinson recently opened an office in Detroit at 1553" W. Grand Blvd. Wife is the former Rose L. Elliott of Media. Pa., recently a First Lieuten ant in the Army Nursing Corps, who served with the famed 335th Station I Hospital in the Burma-lndia Theatre and later on Okinowa. : Mrs- Dora Miller of 2110 Grace st. had as guest over the week-end her niece, Mrs. Jean Stevenson and her father Mr. Ed Washing ton of Lincoln, Nebr. They report ed having spent a wonderful week end in Omaha. I - i i ii altar rt — - — - T THE SEASONED TRAVELER • • • GOES BY TRAIN _j23SnH_ GRAND CANYON ARIZONA It’s an awe-inspiring spectacle. The gigantic abyss—one mile deep and, in some places, thirteen miles across—is like a vast s6a of color. Grand Canyon National Park is closely grouped with Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks of southern Utah. All three great attractions may be visited on one - thrilling tour. Union Pacific will take you to these famous National Parks in air conditioned comfort. You relax as you ride .. arriving rested and refreshed. * * * Request your free copy of beautiful booklet describing the Southern Utah-Arizona National Parks and contain ing helpful travel information. 1416 DODGE ST. ^ | OMAHA 2, NEBRASKA Union Pacific Railroad ST. JOHN’S A. M E. CHURCH 22nd and Willis Avenue Rev- E. B. Childress Mason M. Devereaux, Jr., Reporter A not to large but an appreciat ive congregation turned out on a rain soaked Sunday morning June 22, 1947 to hear our pastor deliver a messege filled with the spirit and the power of the Almighty God Our Building. Mrs. I. McWilliams director of the three choirs of Shorter A.M.E. Church in Denver Colo, was guest soloist singing I’m Walking With Jesus By My Side before the pas tor began his sermon. He chose the text of his message from Luke 6 chapter and the 36 to the 49 verses and his timely thoughts of the day was as folliws: “We can ofter build cardboard houses for others, but we fear to live in them ourselves.” “We send up timber day by day thus we too are build ers with God”. If we don’t want to walk with God we will always de. vise ways and means of getting around it”. Acession: Mrs. Maggie Adams of Council Bluffs. Visitors: Mr. Wayal M. Harper of of Mrs. M. Wilson from Kansas City, Kans., Mr. M. T. Sands of Omaha, Mrs. McWilliams (Irene) of Denver, Colo., Mrs. Fred Nevels of Lincoln, Nebr., and Mrs. B. Gill iam of Tulsa Okla. sister of Dr. Wesley Jones. Sunday June 29th has been set aside as Missionary Day. All the Omaha, Mrs. F. E. Browen sister ladies of this society are urged by the President and officers to wear white on this day. These God-fear ing ladies will have charge of the morning and evening services. They have chosen for their morning speaker the Rev. E. B Childress our pastor. Their even ing speaker for the 7:30 p.m. ser vices is the Mrs. B. J. Childress wife of our pastor. Members and friends of St. John are urged to attended these in spiring christain services. With the warmest of thanks in our hearts the Officers, Pastor and Wifet, Members and Friends of St. John’s thank cordially the aux iliaries (the 20th Century Club and the Usher Board) and the in dividual for the contibutions to the building fund totaling $350 dollars Sunday Jim* 23rd. M> Edna Moses is president of the progressive 20th. Century Club and Mr. Redric Brown is the presi dent of loyal Usher Board of St. John’s. May the spirit of God’s goodness be with you all. Let us pray for the sick through out the week whoever they maybe or wherever they may be. St. John’s very illed: Mr. Bruce Napier and Mrs. C. B. Fredrick. £assa joj ssaaSojd ui -mo suaid Contest to be sponsored by the Youth for Christ Group. John Orduna sponsor urges all Young People to attend the Youth for Chirst meetings each Saturday evening from 7:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. and learn more about this contest and other activities of the group The Men’s Day is set for Sunday July 13, 1847. The Rev. F. A. Hughs a general officer of the A.M.E. Church and Editor and Chief of the Western Recorder will deliver the morning message. The Rev. Bruce Hadley, excut ive secretary of the Omaha Chur ch Council will deliver the 7:30 message. The Watch will furnish the sing ing for both of these services un der the direction of Mr. H. L. Pres ton. Though the rain tried to put a damper on the All-Request Pro gram a fair christain and spirit ual filled congregation came out and enjoyed one of the finest pres entations by the choir. Mrs. Pearl Gibson and the Choir was at its best rendering its num bers with the same zeal, fire and spirit of God given power as in the past. It was a night one of those rare musical treats that the fellow christain that stayed at home because it looked like rain wished he had come out and heard. Those that attended thoroughly enjoyed the program especially tjie solos by Mrs. Venus Starms, Mrs. Maude Ray, Mrs. W. H. Moore, and Mrs- Pearl Gibson. Pay your Edicational money to the Pastor Today. Don't forget the Memorial Bas ket —Call Mrs. Anna Jones. _ Mothers send your children to Sunday school every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. Our morn ing services 11 a.m. Attended our evening services at 7:30 p.m. Vis itors and friends are always wel come at St- John’s the friendly church at 22nd Willis ave. Come and worship with us won’t you? CLEAVES TEMPLE CME 25th and Decatur Streets C. P. Raines, Pastor Mrs. Jeanie English, Reporter Today was set aside as Woman’s Day, which was sponsored by the Loyal Matron’s Club. Rev. Mrs. C. M. Farmer delivered the sermon, and I think that I speak the sen timent of the congregation, when I say we enjoyed her sermon im mensely. She led "Jesus Is Real” beautifully. Her sermon was from St. John 10:9 verses. Subject: The Open Door. Jesus has set before us an open door and we have the privilege of walking in. Many of us have had weaknesses, but if we keep trying, God will help us. It is a daily effort to please God. The Door of Safety—when we go in this door, we shut this door for safety. The Door of Privilege—any man has the privilege of getting as close to God as he please. The Door of Opportunity—when that door closes, the chance never presents itself again. God gives us many opportunities to prove our selves. The Door of Separation—separ ation from our sin^, “Behold I set before you an open door, will you come in?” There were several visitors in our services today. You are al ways welcome. Evening services: Inter-club pro gram with various clubs of the city participating. e Wish to thang everyone who helped us make this a successful Woman’s Day Program. 5 CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2316 North 25th Street Rev. A. Washington, Pastor Order of Service for Sunday: 9:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Morning Service 8:0b p. m. Evening Service. Each first and third Sunday night is request night. We are en deavoring to sing your favorite song. Sunday, July 6, 1947, at 3 p. m. Rev. R. Johnson and conreation will worship with us. Sunday evening, July 6-8, a pro gram of song will be presented. The Drama League Quartet of Pleasant Green Baptist church and other local talent will be pre sented. WATSON SCHOOL OF COSMETOLOGY Mr. V. V. Watsor/ instructor I and founder of the Watson school | of cosmetology was one of the five guest speakers to lecture at the Omaha Urban League. The sub ject of his talk was the industrial and economic condition that exists in the vicinity and is affiliated with the Negro youth. The school was honored by a visit of Miss Icelona McSwain, a j former student and January grad uate. Miss McSwain is an effici ent operator at Laura’s beauty shop. A very tasty luncheon was pre pared Friday, June 13, by Mr. and Mrs. Smith of 1704 Lake st. Mr. Watson was their honored guest. Mr. Lloyd Neals was enrolled in the past week under the GI F.ill of Rights. Mr. Neals enrollment brings the male count to seven for the year. The field of cosmetology is far from being filled. Enroll today, secure years future. -BEATRICE L. MORGAN Dramatc Studio • ATTRACTIVE TEACHING METHODS. • RECITALS. STUDENTS ALL AGES. 2537 PatrickJA-0559 Dolan Hardware Company, 4004 No. 30th St. For sale table top gas stove dining room suite, and living room suite. Your dollar will go fur ther here. Small victor portable electric sew ing machine, $45.00. 8513 N. 30th Street, Florence Furniture Store Phone KEnwood 6243 Mrs. Willie H. Gerald Jackson, dramatic artist and Hawaiian guitarist, appeared before the Christian Workers conference and camp at Mathew academy, Cam c^n, S. C„ Friday. Mrs. Jackson has been aclaimed by critics and artists from coast to coast. Her repertoire of verse includes such selections as Edgar Allen Poe’s, “The Reven” and “The Bells;” Thorpe’s “Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight” and poems by Kipling, Dunbar and other celebrated poets. She will be heard at State A and M college, Orangeburg, S. C., on July 8- The artist is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gerald, Marion, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin of 2600 Wirt st-, announces the birth of their baby daughter, Caron Ann Franklin. Caron Ann was born at Doctors hospital, weighing six pounds and seven ounces at birth. Mrs. Franklin is of Protestant re ligion and a housewife with four other children. Gas on Stomach Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usuallj prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known foi symptomatic relief—medicines like those 1n Bell-ant Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort in • jiffy or double your money back on return of bottl* *o us. 25c at all druggists. Bringing Chris^To The Nation ST. LOUIS, Mo. (Special)—The question ‘'How does man become right with God?” was answered today by the Reverend Professor Martin J. Neeb, executive secre tary of the Board for Higher Edu cation of the Missouri Synod Lu thern church and summer guest speaker ,on , Bjringling Christ to the Nations, the International Lu theran Hour. Speaking over the Mutual Broadcasting System and affiliated stations, Professor Neeb asserted: “No greater calamity can befall our country than this, that she denies the reality of sin or that she regards it with com placency. The pity of our day is the fact that too few dare to men tion sin any more- Even some of our churches try to get people saved without mentioning sin, and as consequence men and women are told that they are saved, but do not know what they have been saved from. Let’s get perfectly clear in our own minds that whenever we try to lead people who are less than lost sinners to salvation, we are deceiving some body. It is not enough to simply ‘decide for Jesus.’ we must be clear on the doctrine of sin as hte cause for both temporal and eternal death before we can ac cept salvation from it. Nor are there any exceptions to this rule. All men are sinners.” Professor Neeb continued: "Of America’s 140,000,000 people, ev ery fifth person is a student in school or college today. At no time and In no place In history has faith in formal education ever been greater than it is in our country today. Seven out of ten boys and girls fcre in high school, one out of six is enrolled in col lege or university. It is estimated that college enrollment will ap _ -- I . SPECIAL GET ACQUAINTED OFFER— 3 Beautiful 5x7 LIFE-LIKE PORTRAITS (in Folders) *2.50 PHOTOGRAPHIC GREETING CARDS From Your Negative $1.50 We Make Negative $2.00 —STUDIO OPEN— Evenings 7:30-9:30 Sundays 10 a. m.-3:30 p. m. TRIANGLE PHOTO SHOP 1608 N. 24th St. We Are Once More ! LAUNDERING CURTAINS • SEND OR BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS 2401 North 24th St. Phone WE 6055 -S 4MMMMMUIIMM«ManualimimvuniMMi'iiiHiiiMiiinininiiiiniiiiiMiiiiiiuiiNMM4Miiiuiiuiiiiiiuiiiii:mmiii: ii:Mi :: iiitiion iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMitiHiniiniiiiiMHiitimimiiiiiiUNMiiiiuiiiiui ( ROSE Beauty Salon Now located at 2219 Maple Street I -PHONE: JAckson 7610 Open from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Each Week Day. 1 j Featuring AN INTRODUCTORY OFFERING,— A Series of Three Scalp Treatments j Mrs. Rose Lucky Johnson formerly operated a Beauty Salon at 2408 Erskine Street I OPERATORS: I ! MRS. REBECCA EVANS, % I MRS. EDNA MCDONALD, MRS. ROSE LUCKY JOHNSON, Prop. f 1$ THERE SUCH A THING AS PERFECT i WOMANHOOD ? “No"—claim medical authorities, who ought to know! Nature has so constructed and physi cally endowed woman that in many cases she’s apt to suffer certain distressing symptoms during her life. For instance, when she enters womanhood—or during the menopause, the period when fertility ebbs away. Now if on ‘certain days’ of the month—fe male functional monthly disturbances are causing you to suffer from pain, nervous dis tress and feel so tired, cranky, you snap at your children and husband—then do try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It’s famous for this purpose. * Made ESPECIALLY For Girls and Women Pinkham’s Compound does more than relieve such monthly pain. It also relieves accom panying, nervous tension, irritability and weak, highs trung feelings—when due to this cause. Taken regularly thrucut the month — this great medicine helps build up resistance against such distress. A thing any sensible Woman should want to do! Lydia Pinkham’s Compound is ako very ■ effective to relieve hot flashes and those funny, embarrassing feelings during the years 38 to 52—when due to the functional ‘middle-age’ period peculiar to women. Pinkham’s Compound is worth trying! OL?--&&(PcnAAafKb compTounS proach the staggering total of three million students by 1950. Yet •onsider the fact that our nation today has more lawbreakers than school teachers; more criminals than students, more bar-maids than co-eds. Fifty-two per cent of our people are without church af filiaton, 17 million of our children do not attend a Sunday Bible School, and 22 million of the youth do not attend church. Our nation’s liquor bill is eiht times more than all our national church offerings combined.” PRESIDENT TRUMAN’S. - * President Harry S. Truman’s address before the closing session of the 38th Annual Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will be broadcast by CBS and other major networks Sunday. June 29, from Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D. C. (CBS, 4:30 5:00 p, m. edt). The Chief Executive will be pre sented on the program by Walter White, secretary of the NAACP. Carol Brice, contralto, will lead the assemblage in the singing of the hymn “God Be With You Till We Meet Again.’’ The Rev. John W. Suter dean of the Washington Cathedral, will deliver the bene diction. Hard.Coughing Spells Resulting From'Colds When your cold brings on a nasty troublesome cough, spend 45 cents at any drug store for a bottle of BUCK LEY'S CANADIOL MIXTURE — triple acting—to relieve coughing fast. BUCK LEY'S acts promptly to help loosen up thick, sticky phlegm — soothe irritated throat membranes and ease hard cough ing spells. So try it the very' next time a cold results in a wracking, stubborn cough. Find out for yourself just how good it is for coughs due to colds. Get BUCKLEY'S CANADIOL MIXTURE — made in the U.S.A—TODAY—all drug gists. * # i I »». Designed to speedily relieve Hr simple headache and painful discomforts of neuralgia. Measured doses — in powder [3 form for quick assimilation. Proof of merit. Same type for CX mula over one-third century. mr\ Standard U. S. P. ingredients. EX Laboratory tested, controlled. ri In price range of everyone. 10c and 25c sizes. Caution: Use only as directed. '‘Through u pious life ami by a rarionai use of the Psalms, you may ob tain the grace of God. the favor of Princes, and the lore of your fellow man,” says the author. Here are some of the amazing things he tells you about: Pslam to re ceive Instruction nr In P«,T,n Vr l,iro"e ‘ a Dream or Vision, Ls“‘m t° escape danger. Psalm to be tome safe from Enemies. Psalm to receive GOOD after committing a bea\y sin. Psalm to make you fortun ate in everything you try to do. I slam to free yourself from Evil Spir its. 1 slam to make peace between Man and Wife. MIDGET BIBLE FREE Now yo« can carry the Bible with you « a 1 itimes. (Smallest Bible in the Morld). Many people feel that this is of great value in obtaining things you desire. Send No Money ££ rlY dress Today and pay postman only $1 pi us postage on delivery. I positively GUARANTEE that you will be more than delighted within 5 days or your money will be returned promptly on request and no questions asked. Order at once. NATIONAL PRODUCTS 147? Broadway, Dept. 1??-A, N.Y. 18, New York $3(00 COl>. plot postage AISO CMCNOMS •AAOAM SPECIALS Att AROUND ROLLS, nn» humh «ttai»g PJO '•WViuvar rolls ^->4-00 CHIGNONS_ptoo aSUWDS (otalMk) JR-50 toA' ft* Act CaMlogua t 347 St. Paula Placa Bronx, Nto Tbafc