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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1947)
' " I IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CHARLES C. CALLOWAY, ADMINSTRATOR OF THP ESTATE OF LE ROY DOZIER. DECEASED, FOR A LICENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR’S j SALE Notice is hereby given that in j pursuance of an order of the Hon. Jackson B. Chase, one of the judges of the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, made on the 23rd day of June, 1947, for the sale of the real estate herein after described, there will be sold i at public auction to the highest bidder the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot 5, Strickland’s suo-uivision, j an Addition to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all in Douglas County, Nebraska; Said sale to take place place on the 29th day of July, 1947 at the hour of ten o'clock A.M, at the east door of the Court House in Omaha’ Douglas County, Nebraska. Terms of sale as follows: Twenty per cent (20%) of. amount bid on date of sale, bal lance when sale is confirmed. . ' Daed this 23rd day of June, 1947. (signed) Charles C. Galloway Administrator of the Estate Of LeRoy Dozier, Deceased ROOFS I REPAIRED RE-ROOFED ASPHALT • ASBESTOS SHINGLES and ROOFING BUILT-UP ROOFS SIDINGS ROCK WOOL INSULATION call Central ROOFING Company 1459 So. 16lh Street asphalt emulsions AT 0562 Res. Phone ATlantic 9035 I Undulant Fever Brucellosis, commonly known as “Bang’s disease,” attacks hogs as well as cattle. When humans con tract the disease .through milk oi meat from infected animals, it is known as undulant fever. Undulanl fever caused by eating infected pork is much more virulent than the dis ease resulting from drinking milk from infected cows. w —————^^^ Wings Over Jordan Thurs. July 3rd 8:30 p. m. Near Northside Y.M.CA. Benefit Bluiding Fund Tickets On Sale At Johnson’s Drug Store MEET YOUR FRIENDS ENJOY A GOOD GAME OF BILLIARDS OR POCKET BILLIARDS AT R. UNDERWOOD Billiard Parlor - CIGARS - SOFT DRINKS - 1522 North 24th Street Omaha, Nebraska —Telephone—IA 9082— CHICAGO FURNITURE CO. I •SPECIAL SALK • LINOLEUM, • STOVES, / • ICE BOXES, • LAMPS. ‘ WE SELL FOR LESS” JA 4411 1833-35 NORTH 24th ST. ^ ASK YOUR MIRROR ABOUT Gray hair often comes on so gradually, you hardly notice it. But other people do, and if you're missing out on fun, admiration and romance, ask your mirror. The answer may be gray hair. But you may take years off your looks by giving your hair rich, natural-looking color and beauty with Lcrrieuse. Jook years younger Color Your Hair This Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, natural looking co lor (black, brown, blonde)* tart using Godefroy’s Larieuse HairColor ing NOW ... acts quickly — goes on evenly, easily — won t ruo err or wash out—unarrectea oy neat — permits permanents and stylish hairdos . . • lenovsm and used for over 50 years. Your dealer wil I give your money back if you’re not 100% satisfied. Have an easy, professional application at your favorite beauty shop or buy Larieuse at any cosmetic department or drugstore. . ( Continued from Page One) a year of drill plus two-week per iods in summer camps for three years, or enrollment in college R.O.T.C courses. In addition to this, the Com mission feels that the national security demands seven more in gredients: a united and inform ed nation; a coordiated intelli gence service; stimulated scienti fic research and development; in. dustrial readinss fore war; an air force ready to strike on little not ice; better equipment and train ing for all the services; and uni fication of the armed forces. It said that it viewed “with horror” the total cost of this program, and could not esimate it- But, it added, the alternative was an “invitation to extermination.” The Commision believes—as do all military authorities—that the next war, if it comes will arrive with unbelievable speed.' It observ ed that the obliteration of 12 American cities in a single day, along with essential communica tion, transportation, and power resources was not at al impossible. Our monopoly of atomic weapons, it said, will end about 1951, and by 1955 an all-out atomic attack could be mounted against us. The program it advocates would take six years and perhaps longer to achieve significant results. So, if the Commission’s findings are cor rect, we must start in the near future to pjrepare for the possi bility of global war of unpreced ented savagery and destructive ness. The report does not confine itself to atomic war. It takes into con sideration chemical and bacterio logical warfare—along with the possiblity of another war with traditional weapons. It found "our military forces are a hollow shell." that the army and air forces are virtually dismantled, and that at the present time the ground forces have not more than two and one third divisions available for com bat duty. ( The Commission forecast that its universal training program ENTERTAINS OMAHAN Mrs. Mary M. Duncan of Port land, Oregon, was hostess of Mrs. Li. B. Houston of Omaha during her visit in Portland the week of June 2. Mrs- Houston received many j courtesies while she was in the city of Portland. Mrs. Joseph Reed gave a theater party in honor of Mrs.’s Houston’s vist at the Broad way Theater where they saw “Duel In the Sun." --| CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sym* pathy and beautiful floral offer ings received from our many fri ends in Omaha and other cities in our recent bereavement at the loss of our beloved husband, brother and uncle, Mr. Charles A. Cleve land who departed this life Sunday June 15th. We especially thank Rev. C.C. Reynolds and members of Clair Chapel C/lurch, officers and members of Iroquois Lodge No- 92 and Cherorkee Temple No. 223 and all woh endeavored to lighten our burden in our sad hour' Mrs. Bennetta Cleveland, wife. ‘uo^uag buitv sjyi Mrs. Sarah Snowden, sisters, Mrs. Tina Smith, neice. Men, Women! Old at 40, 50,60! Get Pep Feel Years Younger, FuM of Vim Don't always btna/e •xfcaiatoC *»n>-out po^ovn fee ring on vow me im* annsed a't wtant a !SSg <£S5HS beeslartnw won alio Birwapk of salotnra. phsepboaua. XnwmH U, A TiiHMn sead donor writes " 1 wok It armat Raw]* waaa S»e Get 8Se intBidaWawr Aw Onrws Towa tAM eodaw. omit M* Why leal otrtl Tty Oawta fc> (M( pem*«r. gel maw vim and teal reaw yuant/er. Wig very day. At all Drug Stores Everywhere— In Omaha, at Walgreen’s & Smith Stores would produce a long list of be nefits. First and foremost, of course, it would provide a trained be absorbed into the services in time of emergency, and thus tre. mendously shorten the time ne cessary to effective mobilization In addition, the report goes on. it would improve the quality of the regular establishments in peace time; it would provide a large, \ trained group in each community capable of dealing with problems I of civilian defense and mas3 dis aster in the event of bombing and other attacks; it would help to channel young men into scientific and vocational training important to national defense, and it would give greater military strength at less cost than would be provided by a large standing force. And, to quote the report directly, the pro gram would reduce as far as pos sible “the disruption of normal family life which inevitably at tends the calling of young men from their homes in the national interest.” In another paragraph it met an obvious objection to com pulsory training by saying, that “we are convinced that it is en tirely possible to provide for American youth a wholesome, moral, and religious environment in training camps.” It pointed to the widely-publicized experiment al unit at Fort Knox in substan tiation of this. The- report is 448 pages in length, and a brief summary can tolph only the high spots. The big point is the commission’s somber belief that preparedness for war on a scale never attempted by this | country in time of peace is absol utely vital if we are not to risk the chance of being exterminated. OMAHA COUNCIL OF COLORED CHURCH WOMEN CELEBRATE FOUNDER’S DAY The Omaha Council of Colored Church Women observed their first Founder’s Day at the Inter denominational People’s Mission, 1710 North 26th st. Rev. William Farmer, pastor. The program was as follows: Devotional by Mrs. | Anne Burton; mistress of cere- j mony, Mrs. Rena Thomas: wel come by Miss Texanna Brown: re sponse by Mrs. Katherine Steel; solo by Mrs. Bernice Davis; in troduction of charter members; solo by Mrs- Farmer; history of organization by Mrs. Mamie John son; solo by Mrs. Gertrude Brooks; address by Rev. J. P. Mosely; solo dedicated to the pre sident by Mrs. Rosalie Robinson; selection—Quintuplet of Song; re. marks by the president, Mrs. Cora Haynes; benediction. In spite of the inclement wea ther, the afternoon was a spiritual feast and the presence of the Holy Spirit was felt. Our thanks go to each who participated on the pro gram. --1—*»r j The financial effort was for the purpose of sending some children to summer camp. We are grateful to those who did respond and those who will do so before the end of the drive, July 1. According to Prof. E. M. Gill inek, a Yale Phpsiologist, there were more women drunkards in grandmother’s day than there are today, He said the people are drinking, but they don’t drink as much as they did yesterday. The female rate of chronic al coholism was higher in 1910 (384 per hundred thousand) than in 1945 (242 per hundred thousand) he said in a published article. MR. J c. BLACKBURN SALES REPRESENTATIVE, HOME INSULATION CO. Mr. Blackburn has been a resit dent of Omaha for over thirty years and has a wide experience in insulation and contracting work. He has a reputation for honesty and interity and is well liked by all- We are pleased to know that he is employee of the Home Insul ation work, we should contact him. It is gratifying t okonw that more I See Bailey First I j SPECIALIZING IN PATCH WORK, PLASTERING i ©BRICKLAYING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETEING© I' • RETAINING WALLS © ( OFFICE—2209 NO. 22ND SI ( —PHONE—AT1154— ■aaffHwigfT gpgyy|ipiBM|ipBpi HBtSfflSB&QBr Tm, smart womanjtnAman by tha thcHC^ kaow how quickly PahnarVSKIN SUCCESS Otak ■anl works to raliava tha itching of many satsr tally aauaad plmplaa, raahas, “spots" acsama sod ringworm. Original, ganuins Palmar'a SKIN SW CMS Ointment h safrssn proved for ooor 100 yasm Try It am tha guarantaa of satiafaetkm or mamag hack, 25a (Eoonomy 75e sis a oosi tains 4 tiro as at mach). At all stores sr from K.T.BtowaaItag Oh, L12T Water St, Now Teak CHg. Holm fsjwjlria complexion beamy aid MaaA SUM SUCCESS Soap (offotdoofy miHm-i) M Don Lee (right) moves into clinch, tucKs Jackie Darthard’s potent right hand under his arm . . . but couldn’t keep it thers long enough to escape defeat.—World-Herald Photo. MCDONALD REPORTING 2403 Farnam Street. Just what the name implies, Sweet, Sweet. Oh! boy, you can sure buy candy for the entire family and your friends. Also banana splits and other drinks found at a first class fountain bandy for all. When you get off the street car, just walk in and feast. 24th and Farnam Try him once. The Fairmdnt Market, 1342 Park av., a busy place and one of the nicest in the city. It carries a full line of groceries, liquors and wine. Rest assured when you go to this store, you will be treated right and let me say in part, you never met such clever, nice people Come to my place; you are always welcome. Thanks for your past patronage. Call again. Shop Rate Market, 235 South <>9th st., carries a nice line of gro ceries and wishes to thank his friends for their many kind acts. We will always strive to please and give you your money’s worth. j*.t I acific *»nd Wooiwcrth sts, ,ou will find ar Lp-‘o-da‘e oil sta tion prepared to take care of your ar and fill her witn gas and oil. Always at your service—rain or •h'ne. Speaking of radios in No. 1 shape, you should see Mr. C H Ifsys at 613 South 24th st. He is weil prepared to repai- anything in the radio line and has all the equipment to do the job. It is quite a treat to Ick at his shop. One would be surprised to find such a placeJn Omaha. Wh«n in trouble, see him. He is waiting, and more of ourex perienced citi zens are being given a chance to display their talent; and Home In sulation Company should be com mended for their selection of Mr. Blackburn to represent their pdo. ducts. To show our appreciation to the Home Insulation Company, w« should call on them whenever vve are in any need for insulation or repair work. YMCA NOTES YMCA TO RENOVATE SWIMMING POOL The Omaha YMCA swimming pool will be closed from June 26 to July 5 inclusive. During this per iod there will be a thorough clear ing of the tile and a new filtera too, for you with a smile and will send you on your way smiling. The old familiar corner. C. A. Burns, 4002 Ames av. where you find anything you r.ould like in | a first class grocery Everyone is j .vnrtiing and smiling and waiting on their customers, >t seems to be a pleasure servin them and to pi n-e !vem. When in that r.rtnr. of the city, stop b” V . also thank our many friends and the public : for their past patronage. Call ! again. Omaha General Auto Co., 38.23 Leavenworth st., the place to go ' when you are having auto trouble. There is nice cautious service which will send you on your way smiling. You will then realize that you stopped at a ogod, efficient shop. Everyone nows that oldTeTiable store known as the Gould Drug Store where you can buy your nice fresh drugs at a reasonable price, all first class drugs. 4969 Dodge st. The Graystone Dairy, 3857Tea venworth st., wishes to thank the public for their past patronage, and we will continue to give you the best that can be found in the line of first class dairy. Products always at your service with the best obtainable. Our dairy is locat. ed where all can reach it easily. Always welcome. Lou Con Upholstery Co., 2934 North 24th st.. ask their many friends to visit their place of busi ness and look over some of the work they are daily turning out on your chairs; in fact, any furni ® used in the house. They are wonderful in their line of work prepared to make your old furni ure new Anyone would think suRe of f^ jUSt PUrchased a new H^dv to e' Try them nan ay to everyone, be installed. "The gym, handball courts, sky beach, special exercise rooms, health service and showers will be open as usual. The re-opening of the natorium is scheduled for Julv 7. I CLEO’s Nite & Day BARBn 2042 North 21st St. all kinds of delicious SANDWICHES ‘OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY” Deliveries Made—Small Fee l Charge for the same. Call ATlantic 9541 PLANNING A PINIC FOR ) THEFOURTH? 1 Shop for Picnic Treats At NEW LOW PRICES AT Hinky Dinky 1 1 -.. Classified Ads Get Results Spaulding Furniture Co. 3823 North 24th Street FOR SALE— Chest of Drawers, Sectional Book Cases. Matched Rnd Tables, sev eral kinds of Dinette and Dining room sets, Bedroom Suites and Xew Living Room Suites and etc. "Come In and See Us’’ For quick Sale, cheap, $2,300 Uptown Cafe. During best bus iness on Douglas st. Average profit of $650.00 per month, lowest over head and rent plus good lease, leaving for West coast soon. 205 S. 13th st. Phone Ja. 2184 • McBrady Products Orders Taken at 2506 Burdette St., Telephone JAckson 7284. —Mrs. C. M. Elder. • AUTOS WANTED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Farnam Specially Priced for the Week Only TRAVELER PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER Was $32.95 — Now $27.79 Terms ' Allied Appliance Co. 205 South 18th Street A MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 N. CHICKEN DINNERS 30th St., JA. 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are Something to Crow A bout. Robt. Jones, Propr. LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS GUHOLM A SHERMAN Mill North 24th St WE. Hunt iVew & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell ana Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 8511-13 North 24th— 24th f T -Jce —WEt 'rr 2224— "Everything l :r The H. BUY A LOT in Bedford Park, beauty spot of our community. Call JA-7718. 1 TWO SLEEPING ROOMS Zon car line. Fine for working couple or man. Call HA 7059. FOREIGN JOBS Men Women gov. and private listings, hundreds skill de classifications. 16-pages accur.. ate information $1.00, postpaid.... Satisfaction guaranteed.FOREIGN JOBS, INC-, Baltimore 1, Maryld WANTED: Clean cut man or wo man for sales work. Strictly commission. Chance to make real money. Allied Appliance Co. 205 South 18th St. Badly Needed 3 or 4 Room Apt or Hous« FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. COUPLE AND ONE CHILD WE. 7005 BEDFORD PARK—One New Home tof immediate occu* pancy. 2 more for May 1st. Small down payment—F.ILA. and G. I. Loans. Phone Hiram D. Dee, JA. 7718, JA. 1620. LOSSES FROM FIRE IN MAY AMOUNT TO 56 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Tuesday, June 17, the National Board of Fire Underwriters es timated losses from fires in the United States for the month of May at $56,545,000. This was a decrease of 16.9 per cent from $68,029,000 during April. Losses for May were 22.6 per cent above $46,094,000 in May 1946. The first five months of the year showed a total loss of $318,436,000. r iMfiM-w mt/ m Wiiw ^jo^+iiat ^ GqGO C METZ. FLAVOR / We wish to Announce r THE OPENING OF THE } G&J Smoke Shop > ; 2118 NORTH 24th Street l Everything in the Line of CIGARS, CIGARETTES, & f SOFT DRINKS j t Jackson & Godbey, Props. (. Old? Get Pep, Vim With IRON; plus supplements CALCIUM, VITAMIN Bi MEN, WOMEN ”■ Jousted. Take Ostrex. Contains tonic often needed after 40 — by bodies old Just because lack ing iron; plus calcium. Vitamin Bt Thousands now SSy!?®3rvJrears >'oun«er- Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets TODAY. Get generous “get acquainted” size Or SAV E REAL MONEY—ask druggist to show you the special, big, money-saving “Economy” elie. At all drug stores everywhere.. In Omaha, at WALGREEN and SMITH STORES. I DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS MEET ENDS JULY 5th 8 RACES DAILY The Finest Mile Track Between Chicago and the Pacific Coast ADMISSION 75c Including State and Fed. Tax LADIES’ DAYS TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS (EXCEPT HOLIDAYS) Ladies Admitted Upon Payment of 35c Tax and Service Charge No Children Admitted! i | Beauticians ; I HAIR DRESSING P ' US f ■ For Rent or ’ — X I DOT’S BEAUTY SALON 1 I 2031 North 24th St. AT-0459 fl Look for Swanons Noodle Giblet Dinner) Noodle Chicken Dinner) —■ New Low Prices At All Grocers Cooperative with President Truman's Program I UMMMNMMMWMMMVMWNniuntiiuinutMumMiuMniiMnmiiMM^^^^ **,'<**fli