Where to go to Church Sunday Bethel Baptist Church 30th and S Street South Omaha Rev. M. C. Williams, Pastor Morning Worship 11 o’clock BTU. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 8 p. m. r+J Union Memorial—The Methodist Church 3223 "U" Street, South Omaha Rev. A. L. Hook. Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 o’clock Evening Worship 8 p. m. c-*J> Allen Chapel AME. Church 25th and R Streets, So. Omaha Rev. Fant, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. Church oj God in Christ 2712 R St., South Omaha Elder A. E. Johnson, Pastor Sunday School 10 o'clock YPWW, 6:30 p. m. Prayer Band, Tuesday night Bible Band, Wednesday night Sewing Circle Thursday altar noon at 2 p. m. c+J> Church of God in Christ Elder G. P. Benson Pastor 1710 North 25th St. Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. YPWW 6 p. m. Evening Worship 7:45 p. m. cvf'9. Church of the Living God 2316 North 25th St. Elder A. Washington, Pastor Res. 3011 Miami St., Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Services 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. First Church of Deliverance Rev. A. J. Thomas, Pastor Miss Bernice Ellis, Recur :ei I reaching Tuesday aiul Thurs days 8:00 p. m. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Evening Worship 8 p. UL c-+u> hrist Temple Church of Christ (Holiness) 2124 North 26th St Res. 2122 North 26th St Rev. O. A. Askerneese, Pastor Velma Shearron, ClerK c+J Freestone Primitive Baptist Church 26th and Hamilton Sts. Rev. Dan Thomas. Pastor Mrs. Pinkie Oliver, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Service 11 a. m. YPVW 6 p. m. Evering Worship 8 p. m. Zion Baptist Church 2215 Giant Street Rev. F. C. Williams, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Junior Church 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. BTU. 6 p. m. Evening Worship 7:15 p. m. Pleasant Green Baptist Church 27th and Franklin Sts. Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship II a. m. L>Tu. 5:30 p. m. Evening Worship 7.30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday nite i :30 p. m. _ atson’s School of Beautv Culture ENROLL NOW i Terms Can Be A’—anged 2511 North 22nd Street — JA-3974 — BINKMAN SHOE L SERVICE 319 So. 15th St. Marsh Caster In Charge r ^ Good Radio Service 6ALES & SERVICE Guarantee Repairs on all Makes of Radios UNDEV NEW MANAGEMENT R. L Rfchman, Mgr_JA 4365 22f7 CUMING ST. .oosfns BLACKHEADS U»4 vOv m directed „ ...... s St'BSCRU'TICir RATES: I 1 MONTH.. 30c 1 3 MONTHS...01-5® | 6 MONTHS .rv>.*.. **-3# 1 1 YEAR ... W 0° 1 ooo j= 1 1 YrEAR (Out *t T»wi-> $4-50 Cleaves Temple CME. Church 25th and Decatur Sts. Rev. C, P Raines, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a. nt. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Epworth League 6:30 p. m. Evening Service 8 p, m. Allen Chapel AME. Church 5233 South 25th St., So. Omaha Rev. Y. B. Brooks, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. C-KS Morning Star Baptist Church 23th and Franklin Street Rev. Z. W. Williams, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. BTU 6 p. m. Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. Interdenomination Church PEOPLES’ MISSION 1710 North 27th St. Rev. W. S. Farmer, Pastor Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11:30 a. m. Prayer Services Thursday 8 pm. C+3 Church of the Living God 2412 Parker St. Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Oliver, Reporter Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Service 11:30 a. m. YPPU. 5 p. m. Eveniiig Worship 7:30 p. m. | St. Philips Episcopal Church 1119 North 21st St. Rev. S. G. Sachez, Pastor Mass 7:30—9:00 a. m. Church School—9:45 Salem Baptist Church 28th and Decatur Sts. Rev. J. C. Wade, Pastor L. A. Henderson, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a- m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. BTU. 6 p. m, Evening Worship 8 p. m. Hillside Presbyterian Church 30th and Ohio Sts. Rev. E. W. Gordon, Pastor Mrs. T. Newte, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Service 11 a. m. Visitors are always welcome Church of God 2025 North 24th St. Elder S. S. Spaght, Pastor Alice Britt, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 s m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evening Service 8 p.m. i _ v c+s Paradise Baptist Church 1811 North 23rd St. Rev. C. C. Adams, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. LKW. Mission Thurs. 8 p. m. BYPU. 6 p. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. Prayer Service Wed., 8 p. m. Mt. Nebo Baptist Church 3211 Pinkney St. Rev. J. P. Mosley, Pastor Christine Phillips, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. BTU. 6 p. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. Sr. Mission Tuesday 8 p. m. Prayer Service, Wed. 8 p. m. C+3 Bethel AME. Church 2430 Franklin Street Rev. Herbert W. Bletson, Pastor Telephone JAckson 3561 cw Pilgrim Baptist Church 25th and Hamilton St. Rev. Charles Favor3. Pastor Mrs. Ed. Dortch, Reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 10:45 a. m. j BTU 6 p. m. Evening Worship 7:45 p. m. Allen Christian Endeavor L ge. 6:30 p. m. rM Mt. Olive Baptist Church 3010 R St„ South Omaha ReV. W. M. Clayton, Pastor Mrs. Jeannette Thompson, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. BTU. 6 p. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. C-K® Mt. Calvary Community Church Grant at 25th Street Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor R. Hatter, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. /----— “It Pays To Look Well” MAYO'S B ARBER SHOP Ladies ar.d Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street j ___ —/ Lr • . LAKE SHOE SERVICE IVoir Is The Time To Get Your Shoes Rebuilt! Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street ---' Kleenway Cleaning Chemicals Waterless hand cleaner Dishwashing Powders KLEEN-WAY Laboratories Ltd. 2208 CUMING ST Phone-JA 7522—8451 St. John AME. Church 22nd and Willis Avenue •'The Friendly Churh” Rev. E. B. Childres3, Pastor Mason Devereaux, Jr, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Union 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. Church of Cod in Christ 2230 Ohio St. Rev. J. C. Crawford, Pastor Worship 3 p. m. each Sunday Tues.( Thurs.. nights David Spiritual Temple in Christ Council Bluffs, Iowa 1720 Avenue A Circle Meeting Every Monday Evening 8:30 p. m. Prophecy and Healing reJ Seven Day Adventist Church 2760 Lake Street Elder P. W. McDaniels, Pastor Sabbath School Saturday 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a, m. Vesper Service Friday even ing 7:45 p. m. Wednesday Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. C+J> Calvary Baptist Church of Red Oak, la. 603 Grimes St. Rev. Goldsmith, Pastor Julia Keene, Reporter Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. BYPU. 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday WJ First Church of Deliverance 2621 Hondo St. Rev. A. J. Thomas, Pastor Rev. Frank Johnson. Asst Rt. Rev. William Taylor, Bishop c+J Mt. Moriah Baptist Church 24th and Ohio Sts. Rev. David St Clair, Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Service 11 a. m. St. Benedict Catholic Church 2423 Grapt St. Father Moylan, Pastor Low Mass 7 a.m. Children’s Mass 8:30 a. m. High Mass 10 a. m. Clair Chapel Methodist Church 22nd and Miami Sts. Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor MMrs. Viola Buford, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. e-fS Neic Hope Baptist Church .26th and Seward Sts. Rev. L. R. Bragg, Pastor Mrs. Ada J. Fields, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. BTU 6 p. m. Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Junior Church 8 p. m. Visiters are always welcome. First Mission of the God Sent Light Prophet Hess, Officiator Ora Robinson, Reporter Services Sundays, Tuesdays and j Thursday nights at 8 p. m. Private Reading Daily at 201C North 23rd St. C*-9 Hope Lutheran Church 30th and Corby Sts. H. H. Schauland, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Morning Service 11:00 A. M. rfJ Apolostic Church of Christ 2518 Cuming St. | Elder Milton T. Wilson, Pastoi i Order of Service— Sunday Morning Worship 11 a. m. Sunday Evening Worship 8 pm I Prayer and Preaching Tuesday l evening 8 p. m. Bible Class, Friday evening at 8 p. m. All are welcome. Independent Community Church 2320 North 28th Avenue, Rev. E. F. Ridley, Pastor First Spiritual Army Church of Christ 1201 North 24th Street, Rev. Alfred J. Thomas, Pastor ATI antic 5932. Church Services each Sunday, 11 and 8 p.m.; Wednesday and Friday 8 p. m. All are Welcome. e+s First Baptist Church South Sioux City, ISebr. 500 West 10th Street Rev. D. A. Campbell, Minister Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. ’ BTU. 6 p. m. Evening Worship 7:45 p. m. Church of God in Christ 1207 South 13th St. Elder D. M. Watson, Pastor Iodeli Watson, Reporter , YPWW. 6 p. m. Evening Worship 7:45 p. m. Fellowship Baptist Church 1839 North 24th St Rev. D. A. Campbell, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m. j Morning Worship 11 a. m. BTU. 6:20 p. m. cn~s Church of God in Christ 2318 North 26th St. Elder V. M. Barker, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m., Morning Worship U a. it. CLEAVES TEMPLE CME 25th and Decatur Streets C. P. Raines, Pastor Mrs. jeanie English, Reporter The choir sang “He Knows Just How Much We Can Bear.’’ It is on of ray favorite songs. I think I speak the sentiment of congregation when I say all of us enjoyed it. Dr. E. Arlington Wilson, of St Louis, Mo., visited with us today and delivered an inspirational ser mon. His text was from Isaiah 41: 14 verse. Subject: Presence of the Lord. There are burdens placed upon us, darknesses before us; but there is a voice saying “Don't be afraid, I am the Lord the Re deemer, Feai not.” Sometimes in significant people are nearer to God than those of us who seem outstanding in the eyes of the people. “Glory to God on High; on Earth peace and goodwill towards men.” The church needs people who can walk with God, put their hand in His. God has some people who will stand up for Him. There were several visitors in our services. We urge them to re turn and more to come. We wel come visitors in our services at all times. The Loyal Ma Iron's Club is sponsorsg Woman’s Day services Sunday, June 22. We pray tor the support of every member and friend to help us make that a suc cessful day. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 30th and Corby H. H. Schauland, Pastor On Monday. June 17, 56 children enrolled in Vacation Bible School at Hope 1 u*j eran. Prosper is are i that 25 nurc children wb enroll' during the rext few dayj Tins Bible school will be conduct*! un. ' til June 27, from 9 to 11 *5 a m All diiidr-n between fie if three and 35 are welcome to at tend. A ?eiy interesting course entitled “The Early Ch-'s’dans,” based on tht Book of Ac*s is • r ing offered. On comm'W:err ent night, June 27, the children will give a demonstration and display of the work accomplished during these two weeks of school. All parents as well as the children are urged to attend this service. Sunday, June 22, is the big day at Hope Lutheran. Services wall be conducted at 11 a. m. and 2 30 p. m. A ham dinner will be served by the ladies of the congregation from 12 noon until 1:30 t m. Theie will be an hour of music furnished by the Mass Lutheran Chorus of Maha and accomplished piano and vocal soloists from 1:30 until 2:30. A powerful public ad dress system will project the ac tivities of the day into a large area. Your attendance at these services will be appreciated. RATE OF DIVORCE IS RISING Today the rate of divorce is on upward trend according to statis tics for 1946 from the National Office of Vital Statistics. A sharp increase in marriages that mark ed the first year of peace is on a decline and from all indications will continue to decline- The 1946 marriage and divorces cannot be used as a criterion in determining war-time and pre-war marriages and divorces. In 1942 there were 13.2 marriages per one thousand persons in the population; 1943— 11.8; 1944—11; 1945—12.3. (The 1887 figure the earlies, was 8.7). The divorce figures show that in 1942—2.4 persons per one thou sand in population; 1943_2.6; 1944—2.9; 1945—36. (The 1867 figure was 0.5). A. Philip Randolph, Internation al President of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and Co Chairman of the National Coun cil for a Permanent FEPC, dis cussed the problem of minorities in a democracy, at Mount Holyoke college, May 21. Following the presentation of the address, a per iod of questions and answers fol lowed with the serving of refresh ments. Randolph urged the girls to es tablish a chapter of the National Council for a Permanent FEPC on the campus, and to make the fight for FEPC a major project, as a contribution to American demo cracy. ST. JOHN’S A. M. E. CHURCH 22nd and Willis Avenue Rev. E. B. Chil°ress Mason M. Devereaux, Jr., Reporter Rev. C. L. Long of Gregg Cha pel AME in St. Louis was the guest speaker for the 11 o’clock services. He chose as his subject of the day, ‘‘Prayer that Rocks the Rocks the World.” Using as his text for his expedient mess age, eighth chapter of Romans, 26th verse. His well chosen thoughts were as follows: When j a man is in touch with God, his grandstand play is over; Man , must include the Holy Trinity in his prayer -(the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost); a sincere earn est prayer will rock the world, selfish prayr will not do it Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Melven M. Bennett, 1008 East 42nd st., Los Angeles, Calif., Second Bapt ist Church; Miss Lucille Johnson, Chicago, 111.; Mrs. Laura Moore and children, 2858 Burdette st., Omaha; Mr. U. S- Curry, 2414 California st., Denver, Colo.; Mr. J. L. Caffey, 2422 Erskine st., San Diego, Calif.; Mr. Landry Bryant, 432 East 46th st, Chicago, 111; Mrs. Margaret Holman, 2926 Wei. ton st., Denver, Colo., Shorter AME church;. Mrs. Ruth Curtis, 2925 Warren st., Chicago, 111.; Mrs. Birdie Hamilton, 308 South 3rd st., Bardstown, Ky.; and Mr. James H. Goodwin, 1123 North 26th st., Omaha. St. John’s delegates to the con ference in Lincoln on June 11, 12 and 13 are to be congratulated for the excellent way they represent ed their church. The officers, pastor and wife, and members want you, our young people, to know how we felt over the excel lent showing you made as repre sentatives of the St. John’s church. » The Pastor’s Aid club and its president, Mrs. Llua Washington, invites the members and friends of St. John's to attend their serv ices Sunday afternoon, June 22 at 3 p. m. at the church. Come one, come all to this enlighting service planned for you June 29 is Missionary Day, be ginning with the 11 a. m. service through the 7:30 p. m. service. Let all that can plan to be pre sent on this day. The Watchmen will rehearse at the church on Friday, June 20 at S p. m. A11 the men of the church are invited to come out. Let us pray for the sick through out the week whoever they may be or wherever they may be. COMING EVENTS: July 13—Men’s Day. July 20—Pew Rally. Through our Junior choir, un der the direction of Mrs. E. B. Childress, was small in number, on Sunday morning, June 15. They are to be commended far the splendid rendering of numbers for services. The Church Is proud of you. our young Junior Choir and though they don’t always express it as loud as you think they should —don’t ever believe for one mo ment that their 100 per cent sup port isn't behind you and your directress an all your Christian undertakings. To you young peo ple and your promising soloist, St. John’s takps off its hat to you in recognition of your splndid con tribution. Support John Orduno. young people, in his effort to bring Christ into your life by joining the Youth for Christ today. The Usher Board and its pre sident thank ithe members and frinds of St- John’s that contri buted in anyway to the success of their Bar-B-Q and Tag Day. Mrs. Willa Ray comes in for special commendations for the splendid report on Tag money turned in by her. Mothers send your children to Sunday School every Sunday Sunday morning at 9:’0 a. m. At tend morning services at 11 a. m. and our evening services at 7:30 p. m. Visitors and friends are al ways welcome at St. John's, the friendly church at 22nd and Wil lis av Come and worship with us, won’t you? -BEATRICE L. MORGAN ramatc Studio • ATTRACTIVE TEACHING METHODS. • RECITALS. STUDENTS ALL ACES. 2537 Patrick ’ JA-0559 nwir—rrwiniwiiii— him mmmm«b—hi—i—— ■■ n» > i r *»•*■*" S2S252agggsas^ m Designed to speedily relieve simple headache and painful discomforts of neuralgia. Measured doses — in powder form for quick assimilation. E^ Proof of merit. Same type for g/ mula over one-third century. Q Standard U. S. P. ingredients. Laboratory tested, controlled. In price range of everyone. 10c and 25c sizes Caution: Use only as directed. rhrough a pious life inti hy a rarional use of the Psalms, you may ob tain the grace of God, the favor of Princes, and Hie love of your fellow man,” says the author. Here are some of the amazing things he tells j'ou about: Pslam to re ceive Instruction or In mrougn a Dream or Vision I t-alm to escape danger. Psalm to be come safe from Enemies. Psalm to receive . GOOD after committing a heavy sin. Psalm to make you fortun ate 111 everything you trv to do. i.slarn to free yourself from Evil Spir its. I slam to make peace betw een Juan and \Y ife. MIDGET BIBLE FREE Now yon can carry the Bible with yon at all times. (Smallest Bible in the World). Many people feel that this is of great value in obtaining things you desire. Sent) No Money '“‘.IS! ’Z’. dress Today and pay postman only $1 plus postage on delivery. I positively GUARANTEE that you will be more than delighted within 5 days or your money will be returned promptly on request and no questions asked. Order at once. NATIONAL PRODUCTS 1472 Broadway, Dept. 122-A, N.Y. 18, New York $3.00 C.OX>. plus postage 7 AISO CHIGMOHS BARGAIN SPfCIALS ( ALL AROUND ROLLS, extra heavy, extra long £7.5® VICTORY ROLLS _£4.00 CHIGNONS_>4.09 BRAIDS (extra leiyh) £4.50 Scad , lor Free Catalogue ’ Write to HAIGCtAFT "547 St. Pauls Place' Bronx, New York