The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 21, 1947, Image 1

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*■*>■** A’** Omaha Guide NEWS
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HArney OoOO /justice/EQUALITY „To seu tt, advertise
__ _ WU fa KANT ST______
★ * ★ SATURDAY, JUNE 21, "^917 OUR 20TH \EAR—No. 20 office, Omaha. Nebruaka. Under Act of
Southern Teachers Endorse The League Guidance Program
Man Dies As Elks Hold Theor 41st Annual Services
Charles Cleveland Takes
111 During Parade; Dies
Later When Taken Home
Charles Cleveland 67, 2862 Cor
by st., died of a heart attack while
Rev. E. B. Childress of St. John's
church was delivering the Elks
41st Annual Sermon for Iroquois
Lodge No. 92 and Cherokee Tem
ple No. 2233 Sunday afternoon
around 4 p. m.
Mr. Cleveland,a member of Iro
quois Lodge No. 92 took ill while
marching in the annual parade
which became noticeable about
two blocks from the church. He
was immediately placed in the
ambulance provided for such an
emergency and rushed to his
home. He passed at his residence,
2862 Corby st., a half hour later.
He was warned by his doctor
and family to refrain from mak
ing the long parade treke, but he
was a true brother Elk filled with
the determination to march this
day with his brother Elks—a
march that cost him his life. He
chose to march onward and for
ward with his comrades carrying
the banners of Elkdom.
He leaves to mourn the follow
ing: Mrs. Bennetta Cleveland,
wife, of Omaha; two sisters, Anna
Benton and Sarah Snowden of
Los Angeles, Calif.; one niece Mrs
Tina Smith of St. Joseph, Mo.
Funeral services are to be held
Friday afternoon, Jime 20 at 2
p. m. from Clar Chapel Methodist
church with the Rev. C. C. Rey
nolds officiating. The body will be
interred at Forest Lawn ceme
Honorary pallbearers will be the
mmbers of the International Bro.
therhood of Sleeping Car Porters
No- 30 of the AFL. Active pall
bearers will be members of the
Iroquoise Lodge No. 92 of the
Mr. Cleveland has been a resi
dent of the city of Omaha for over
23 years. He was a retired Pull
man porter with 28 years of serv
Out-of-towm persons here to at
tend the funeral are as follows:
Mrs Mannie Smith of Kansas
City Mo.; Mr. C. O. Webster of
Coffeyville, Kas, brother of Mrs.
B. Cleveland, and her uncle, Mr. I.
H. Payne of Portland, Oregon.
Thomas Mortuary was in charge
of burial.
14 Omaha Delegates
Attend Y Conference
for School \ ouths
Fourteen delegates from Omaha
will attend the National Confer
ence for High School Youth at
Grinnell College from June 20-26.
The oonfrenece is being held to
give high school members of the
YMCA and YWCA an opportunity
to speak out for themselves about
some of the problems they are
facing. It will be a conference for
Youth by Youth. During a week
of making new friends, of playing
together, of raising questions, of
seeking answers, of probing deep
ly the vital areas of life, these
young people will have experien
ces to better prepare them to as
sume leadership in their own clubs
and communities to build creative
human relationships. Those at
tending this conference from
Omaha are as follows: Shirley
Ebright, Eileen Duncomb, Sue
Fortezzo, Mary Ann Jablonski,
Marilyn Nelson, Janice McCaw,
Lorraine Peters, Joe Spelic, Cur
tis Hunigan, Gordon Gagini, Gor
don Francis, Geneva Burney, “Y”
Teen director of the Northside
Granch YWCA, Ruth Sunderin,
“Y" Teen secretary of the Cen
tral YWCA, and John R. Butler,
executive secretary of the Near
Northside Branch YMCA.
Graduation Edition
Copies May Still Be
Purchased at Guide
There are a few extra copies of
| The Omaha Guide Graduation. To
i those mothers and fathers or
j graduates who desire additional
copees of the graduation edition
I to send to relatives and friends,
i they may be purchased at The
| Omaha Guide office, 2420 Grant
st.. for 10 cents.
You may call at The Omaha
Guide office for any additional
editions you might desire for the
above purpose and the offic girl
will be happy to serve you.
Let your out-of-town relatives
get as much enjoyment out of
| reading this special dition as you
Receives Honorary
i Degree of the
Doctor of Letters
NASHVILLE. Tenn.—The hon
orary degree of Doctor of Letters
was conferred on Dr. Charles S.
Johnson, president-elect of Fisk
Universary, at the 193rd commen
cement exercises of Columbia Uni
versity in New York, June 3, by
Dr. Frank Fackenthal, acting pre
Among the others who received
honorary degrees at the cerenjcny
were Secretary of War Robert P.
Patterson, and Secretary of the
Navy James Forrestal.
Director of the social science de
partment at Fisk since, 1928, Dr.
Johnson was elected to the presi
dency of the institution last fall,
and will assume office July 1.
During the past year he has fig
ured prominently in activities of
the United Nations Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Organiza
tion both as member of the initial
commission meeting in Washing
ton last summer, and as Ameri
can delegate to the UNESCO con
ference in Paris in the fall.
A graduate of Virginia Union
University and the University of
Chicago he has received honor
ary degrees also from Virginia
Union and Howard University.
i Recently elected to the Fisk Uni
I versity Board of Trustees was
Dr. John Hope Franklin, Profes
sor of history at North Carolina
College, Durham, Dr. Franklin
graduated from Fisk magna cum
laude, in 1935, and took his mas
ters and doctors degrees from
Harvard. The recipient of Rosen
wald, Edward Austin, and Social
Science Research Council fellow
ships, he won numerous awards
and written extensively in the
field of Negro history. Since 1943
he has served as assistant editor
of Journal of Negro History.
Other new member member elect
ed at the Fisk ^oar .1 meeting was
Dan May, N»s.: ,-ille Hr. er J 'll
executive and < dative on
the city school board.
Elks Iroquouis Lodge No. 92 dumg their 41st Annual Sermon
Parade up 24th st. Sunday afterno< n, June 15th. Exalted Ruler
Charles F. Davis is shown in the center of the above photo flanked
by his officers and guards on their wny to St. John’s AME church
where the Rev. E. B. Childress delivered the Annual serman.
Iroquois Lodge Ao. 92 and Cherokee Temple
No. 223 Hold 41st Annual Service and Ccloiful
Parade at St. John3s AME Church, June 15th
Thousands Line
Streets to Watch
Hour Long March
Iroquois Lodge No. 92 and
Cherokee Temple^ No. 223 held
their 31st Annual Service at the
St. John's AME church on Sun
day afternoon at 3 p. m.
Arrayed in their robes of color
ful uniforms the Elks Lodge and
Auxiliary, after an hour long gala
parade, gatherd to hear the Rev.
E. B. Childress of St. John’s AME
church deliver the message for
its 41st annual service. He chose
for his subject “The Eternal Love”
which he expressed these thou
ghtss: Charity in itself is an at
titude encraved to the heart of
man. Charity is the breaking
away from the old things and
stepping out. and man should re
member that charity is the great
est of the three—Faith, Hope and
Exalted Ruler Charles Davis
said in his brief remarks that the
Elks and the Temple are to be
commended for their broad mind
ness, progressive steps, and com
munity betterment in their es
tablishment of an Old Folks Home
and the contributions to the bene
fit of the community.
Past Exalted Rulr Johnson com
mended the Elks and Auxiliary
for the excellent progress they are
making in the Near Northside
The program was as follows:
An organ prelude, processional;
song, “The Lord Is My Light" by
the Elks Ensemble; song, "Near
the Cross" by the Elks Ensemble;
welcome address; scripture read
ing, Invocation by Rev. Johnson;
i solo. ' Just to BehtJu His FacJ’ by
Calvin Phillips, remarks by Bro.
Curtis G. Jones, Chief Antler,
’Voice of America’
Program Refused
by Radio Network
When approached on taking
over the program, “Voice of
America,” sponsored by our
State Department, which request
ed 14 million dollars to run its In
ternational and Cultural program,
the NBC and CBS Broadcasting
radio officials shieded away from
discussing the acceptance of such
a responsibility. William F.
Brooks, NBC and Edward A.
Chester, director of CBS short
wave, said that their business can
not afford the 14 million dollar
broadcasting section of the pro
Judge Bond Almond of Atlanta,
Ga„ granted a surprise grant re
questing its charter be dissolved.
The Ku Klux Klan reviled on
the high tide of Anti-Negro after
World War II- The organization
came as the state of Georgia mov
ed into the courts with a suit in
stigated with former Gov. Ellis
Amall to wipe out the organiza
PEE Council No. 68; song, “When
I’ve Done the Best I Can by the
Elks Ensemble; remarks by Clara
Campbell, Dtr. Ruler, Cherokee
Temple No. 223; song “Come Ye
Blessed” by Elks Ensemble; ser
mon by Rev. E B. Childress; song
I "I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray”
by Elks Ensemble; Offertory,
closing remarks, Exalted Ruler
Charles F. Davis; song, “Now the
Day Is Over” by the Elks En
semble; “Auld Lang Syne by the
Lodge, and benediction.
Mrs. Edyth Young Cooper is
valedictorian of the 1947 graduat
ing class of Lincoln university
(Mo.), with an average of 2.764
Mrs. Cooper, who lives at 1225
East 11 st., Kansas City, Mo. re
ceived the degree of bachelor of
science in education at Commence.
mnt convocation June 2.
Rabbi Stephen
Wise Flays Job
In an address before the Senate
Labor Committee, Rabbi Stephen
S. Wise, president of the Ameri
can Jewish Congress, said, “Dis
crimination in employment be
cause of race relation, color, -and
national origin or ancestry must
be made illegal.’’ He further said
that the discrimination among
Neegroes is obvious in every state
of the union- Increase discrimin
ation against the Jew, if less ap
, parent is no less real.
NAACP Redress
Committee Fights
Restrictive Covenants
- H. J. Pinkett, chairman of the
Legal Redress Committee, has
been directed to make public the
following statement:
‘ The Executive Committee of the
National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People has
had called to its attenntion tne
signing and filing of Restrictive
Covenants here recently which
seek to prevent colored people
from buying or renting homes in
certain areas of the City of Oma
“The Association has always
been opposed to these covenants
and has prosecuted many cases
in the courts against them. Sev
eral of them have been taken to
the Supreme Court of the United
States. It is opposed to the coven
ants now being filed in Omaha.
“Just now the filing of these
covenants will greatly shock col
ored people, who, along with their
white fellow citizens are being
evicted from the Govemmnt
Housing Projects, while another
group is obtaining covenants to
keep colored people from rent
ing or buying homes in other
places. «
“What is needed in Omaha, in
America and the World is the
fullest opportunity for colored and
white ^people alike to win econ
omic as well as other kinds of
security. And any efforts, such as
obtaining of restrictive covenants
is a denial of such opportunities
and is un-American.
“The Omaha j^anch of the As
sociation has directed its Legal
Redress Committee to seek advice
from the National Legal Commit
tee of the NAACP as to its
cours against these restrictive
covenants. It regrets that we have
“hate mongers” among us- And
: we hope that ere long all racial
i groups will grow beyond such
l mean and petty thins as anti-ra
j cial covenants and work for the
unity and advancement ad the
fullest civil liberty for all our peo
Negro Youth of Georgia to
Get Full Use of Vocational
and Guidance Benefits
Omaha Council of
Col. Church Women
Hold Founder’s Day
The Omaha Council of Colored |
Church Women will hold their J
first Founders Day Sunday, June i
22 at 3 p- m. at the Interdenomin- j
ational church, 1710 North 26th st. |
Rev. Wm. Farmer, pastor; Rev. J.
Mosley, speaker.
An inspiring program has been
planned and local talent groups
and individuals will be presented.
A special invitation is extended to
all charter members as well as
members and friends. The coun
cil is a worthwhile organization
and its purpose is one worthy of
the cooperation of all church wo
men of the city.
Mrs. C- Haynes is presidnt, and
Mrs. L. Locke, reporter.
-my —— '
Veterans Allowance
Endorsee by Com.
Senator Morris, of Oregon, and
his committee agreed on a mea
sure to increase the allowances
for veterans that are attending
college under the GI Bill of
Rights. This public welfare sub
committee made the following
1. Raise the subsistence allow
ance of veterans attending col
lege from $65 a month to $75 for
single vetrans; from $90 to $105
a month for married veterans with
no children; and from $90 to $120
a month to those who are mar
ried and have children.
2. Enable a single veteran mak
ing les3 than $200 a month to get
on-the-job pay from the Govern
ment. The present ceiling for
single veterans is $175 monthly.
Under the bill the subcommit
tee approved, the ceiling for mar
ried veterans would be $250, in
stead of $200.
3. Allow the government to fur
nish automobiles, not only to vet
erans who have lost a leg, but to
those who have lost the use of one
or more legs or arms or who were
j blinded.
Willie L. Allen, 28, 2852 Binney
I st., was sentenced to two years
! after admitting taking a suitcase
at the Union Station. He pleaded
guilty to a grand larceny charge.
Judge James T. English presided
over the case.
Little Miss Cherie M. Curry,
2612 Corby st., received a year's
Musical Scholarship from Miss
Flora F. Pinkston on Sunday,
June 15, at Cleave Temple Church.
Miss Curry was presented in a
recital along with several other
students of the Pinkston School of
| Music. Cherie plans to continue
her music and hopes someday to
become a successful pianist.
On Sunday, June 15, death came
to Louis Williams, 71, 2020 North
24 st„ at a local hospital. He is
survived by cousins, Mrs. Beulah
Henry, George and Bennie Starn
es, all of Omaha.
He was buried on Wednesday,
June 18 from the Myers Funeral
Chapel by the Iroqouis Lodge No.
92 IBPOE of W. His body was in
turned at Graceland Cemetary.
Undulant Fever
Brucellosis, commonly known as
“Bang’s disease,’’ attacks hogs as
well as cattle. When humans con
tract the disease through milk or
meat frcxn infecied animals, it i«
known as undulant fever. Undulr
cp"v d by eating infect; d .
i« T”cl- Bir virulent than t; »
j ease r ^ m uriniing -
I fvim infected ct- vs.
ATLANTA, Ga.—Georgia teach
ers gave unqualified and hearty
endorsement to the National Ur
ban League’s expanded vocational
guidance program at their annual
session in Columbus, Ga., recently.
Emphasizing the Georgia Teach
ers and Educational Association’s
Action, C. L. Harper, Executive
Secretary, stated that it would
welcome any assistance which
might be forthcoming in helping
the schools of Georgia meet the
vocational needs of Negro youth.”
The resolution of approval fol
lowed an address at one of the
Association’s sessions by George
L- Edwards of the National Ur
ban League’s Atlanta headquar
ters, who is directing the voca
tional work in that ara. The en
tire text reads as follows:
“Be it resolved, that the Georgia
I Teachers and Education Associa
tion heartily approves of the pro
gram of educational and vocation
al guidance and counseling spon
sored by the National Urban Lea
gue in every way possible and to
have its members avail themsel
vs of guidance materials, produc
ed or secured by the National Ur
ban League and to request con
sultant services as will be most
expedient for the development of
functional guidance programs in
the schools of Georgia.”
The expanded vocational guid
ance programs is directed na
tionally by Miss Ann Tanneyhill,
rqctyitly named director of the
National Urban League’s Office
of Vocational Guidance, 1133
Broadway, New York City.
Cleveland Banker
Says Capitalists Mnst
Mend Their Ways
A Cleveland banker, Cyrus Ea
ton, said Saturday, June 14, “To
avoid extinction capitalists will
have to make immediate and radi
cal changes in our methods of
dealing with labor." He said such
organizations as the National As.
sociation of Manufacturers wjll
have to be muzzled in his article,
“A Capitalists Looks at Labor.”
In the current University of Chi
cago Law Review, he states the
following: * That no business man
is naive enough to be that re
strictive lgislation will be any
more effective in bringing about
industrial harmony than the Vol
stead Act was in discouragihg
“The casualness with which we
capitalists seem willing—nay even
eager to invite the collapse of our
economic system in almost every
industrial dispute for the sole pur
pose of thwarting labor is utter
ly incomprehensible. Labor not
only produces the goods and con
sumes a larg part of them; labor
also has the votes.
! iwenuti (labor) unity is prac
j tically a foregone conclusion. The
prospect of labor united should be
sobering to even the most embit
tered and embattled capitalist.
“I also believe that we may ul
timately see a strong alliance be.
tween labor and the farmer, ac
companied by a tremendous ex
pansion of the manufacturing and
selling cooperatives. The effect
ing of such a formidable combin
ation awaits only the magic touch
of some dynamic personality.”
Then if capitalism has not al
I ready bone by the board, its con.
; tinued existence will be complete
i ly at the mercy of an stranged
95 percent of the electorate, ,<#'
He raised John L. Lwis for his
"wisdom and restraint” duH I
I the soft coal controversy last ^