Congratulations Graduates Select Your Future As We Do Our Merchandise “AIM f-OR THE BEST!” CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS GRADUATE The Central high school held its June Commencement exercises on Saturday evening May 31 at which time the following received their diplomas at this graduation exercises: Thomas Beck, Willie Gray, Clifford Henry, Earl Huni gan, Eugene Owen, Norma Am pay, Louis Brown, Dorothy Chap man, Josephine Cooper, Fos ter, Florentine Crawford, Alice Duncan, Idell Dyson, Barbara Ann Edwards, Marjorie Hughes, Kath erine Jean Pierce, Jackline Good lett, Nadine Hancock, Marjorie Hughes, Katherine Manley, Belle Clara Scott, Thelma Watkins and Marie Williams. Congratulations to the June Graduates of 1947 From the Bakers of BUTTER-NUT BREAD SCHULZE BAKING CO 2215 Leavenworth J Congratulations to the Jtine Graduates of 1947 COMPLIMENTS OF THE EMERSON & SARATOGA LAUNDRY ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 North 24th Street WEbster 1029 _ f ■ " 1 ' " ' * Congratulations to the June Graduates of 1947 Young Graduates of Grade, High, and the University you're cordially welcome to the BLUE ARROW CAFE Specialize in Sandwiches, soft drinks, breakfast lunch and “inners 2509 North 24th Street Mr. and Mrs. W- Johnson AT 996C f ^^ Congratulations to the June Graduates ofj 1947 ALWAYS SOMETHING TO PLEASE THE PALATES OF YOU JUNE GRADUATES You Are Always Welcome at The LITTLE DINER 2314 North 24th Street OPEN 24 HRS. JAckson 9243 _ J " 1 Congratulations to the June Graduates of 1947 j WAGEN MARKET 2010 North 24th SKreet , WEboter 1073 _ * Congratulations to the June Graduates of 1947 OMAHA STATIONERY CO, COMMERCIAL STATIONER* 307-09 South 17th Street JAckeon 0805-0806 A campaign for evangelism by the Home Mission board of the National Baptist convention, was announced last week for the west coast by Dr. E. W. Perry, presi dent of the Oklahoma State con vention. Dr. Perry is also vice president of the National Baptist convention and chairman of the evangelical commission. The evan gelistic services will begin on June 22 and end June 29 in Oak land .Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Thames have four other children. They are Orlevia, Edner Earl, Thedore Jr., and Charles Melvin. Baby Alvin’s grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert McAdory and Mr. and Mrs. Wash Thames. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Richardson, 2416 Franklin st, announce the arrival of their son, Leon Jr. Baby Leon was bom at the Uni versity Hospital at 3:20 a. m. on May 29 and weighed nine pounds and six ounces. Baby Leon has three sisters: Shirley, Lorraine, and Shiela. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hurst and Mr. and Ms. Leon Richardson. Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Wilkerson Haper. 3114 Miami st., announce the ar rival of their daughter, Deborah Louise. Baby Debrah was at the University Hospital at 9:15 p.m. 2HJ COAL Get First Choice oC Quality at the lowest prices and best service We Appreciate Your Patronage FOUR SQUARE FUEL CO. Atlantic 26th & Martha 3732 Street * Congratulations to the June Graduates of 1947 CORBIN GROCERY & MEAT MARKET 2701 Maple Street JAction 2308 Douglas Corbin, Prop. _ - Congratulations to the June Graduates of 1947 COLTON DRY GOODS STORE 2503 North 24th Street JAckson 5757 Mike Colton, Prop. -■ * Congratulations to the June Graduates of 1947 KILLINGSWORTH & PRICE BARBER SHOP 2416 North 24th Street JAckson 8861 J ■ 11,1 > Congratulations to the Juno Graduates of 1947 UNITED CAB CO INC: 2313 North 24th Street ♦ JAckson 7*71 h%s-j(lohnson - Mr. Brown, Prop8. ——i—i———j Congratulations to the June Graduates of 1947 ARNES FLOWER SHOP 20th and Lake Streets JAckson 3395 ' a' ■" • r ~-'--- 1 > Congratulations to the June Graduates of! 1947 VICTORY BEAUTY SALON 2418 North 34th Street WEbster 9C17 Cieone Murrell, Mgr. toward Kennedy Graduates 27 Thursday, May 29. at 2 p. m. the Howard Kennedy grade school graduated 27 boys and girls at their impressive graduation cere mony. The program was as follows. Welcome address by the princi pal, Mrs. Heacock after which she and the Eighth Grade teacher were presented with corsages by the class. The Peace Hymn was then sung by the class followed by Dorlores played by Miss For otha Baltimore. The prize winners in the Essay contest then recited their paprse in the following or. der: Paul Lawrence Dunbar re cited by Bessie Johnson: Mary M. Bethune by Miss destine Peters; Col. Charles Young bv Pierre Mc Fall. Miss Treva Butler rendered ap iano solo. The class sang "All Through the Night” after which awards and diplomas were pre sented to the graduates by the Principal, Mrs Heacock. Students receiving diplomas were as follows: Deloris West brook, Dorothy Townsend, Geral dine, Elaine Smith, Annabelle Smith, Sarah Pullum, Celestine Peters,. Lets Murrell, Juanita Mc Carthy, Bonnie Harrold, Phyllis Grizzard. Beverlv Davis, Treva Butler, Dorotha Baltimore, dau dia Watts. Clarence Smith. Willie Miles, Robert Martin, Pierre Mc Fall, Bassie Johnson. Cubia Her ▼ey, Ganzy Henry. Samuel Hal comb, James Grizzard. Charles Farrell, Horace Burton, and Franklin Bragg. The class gift was presented by Delores Westbrook and accepted by Pearl Billingsley. The gift was raincoats for the Safety Patrol. The program closed with the Star Spangled Banner sung by the class and audience. The Omaha Guide wishes to congratulate Mr- and Mrs. Joshua Foster on the arrival of their baby eon. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Spral lng, 2210 Clark st„ announce the arrival of their son, Larry Bur llss. Baby Larry was bom on May 27 at 7:15 p. m. at the Uni 1 versity Hospital and weighed five ! pounds and five ounces. Baby Larry's grandparents are 1 Mr. and Mrs. Willie Floyd. Mr. and Mrs. Spalring have two other children—Marrica Jean and David Lee. The Recognition Day program opened with the Howard Kennedy chorus followed by the purpose ctf the day by one of the staff members which is to honor the pupils of Howard Kennedy for their faithful and loyal service to others. The awards of arm bands and letters for the Campfire Girls was presented by Mrs. Dorene Holli day. The meaning of the arm bands and the awards of arm bands and letters; Miss G. Booker, Mrs. Jolliff, Mrs. Favors, Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Laughlin. Recognition of Fire Patrol, sponsor, Mrs. Goode. Recognition of Safety Patrol, sponsor, Mrs. Laughlin. Award of Gra Y Pennant, Mr. Travis Dixon. Award of Gra Y Insignia, Mr. Travis Dixon. Announcement of Track Meet, Candy, Popcorn, and Wastepaper awards. Award of Boy Scout Shoulder Insignia, Mrs. Curry, P.-T. A. pre sident. Recognition of Junior Red Cross, sponsor, Miss G. Booker. Presentation of Y-Teens, Y Teens chairman, Mrs. Goode. Award of Track Meet arm bands and letters, Mr- Joseph Mosley. Presentation of Blue Birds Campfire Girls, Mrs. Bert Wag ner. Award of Seeds to Gardners, Reve Schareland and Mrs. Curry. Introduction of Howard Kenne dy teachers, P.-T. A. officers, and closing the program with America the Beautiful. Those to receive awards on the Safety Patrol are as follows: Capt. Samuel Halcomb, Lt. Clar ence Smith, Sgt William J. Miles, Cpl. Basse Johnson, Jr., Robert Lee Martin Horace V. Burton, Pierre E. McFalls, Jr., Juanita McCarthy, Trera D. Butler, De lores M. Westbrook. Dorothy Len ear, Townsent, Leta, Rae Murrel, Phyllis Yvonne Grizzard, Dorotha M. Baltimore, Sarah J. Pullum, Geraldine Stanford, Celestine A. Peters. Elaine F- Smith. The Fire Patrol members re ceiving recognition are as follows: Capt. Phyllis Y. Grizzard, Lt. Leta R. Murrell, Celestine A. Peters, Elaine Francine Smith. Sarah J. Pullum, Cubia R. Her vey, Dorothy Townsend, Deloris M. Westbrook, Aimabelle M. Smith, Juanita McCartly, Doro tha M. Baltimore Above photo shows the Eighth Grade graduates of Lake school. First row: Vinnie Marian. Nancy Reeves, and Ross Brown. Second row: Bonnie Murrell, George Booth, Jeanne Killian, and Leonard James. Third row: Joyce izodgers an