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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1947)
HEW TO THE Ohe\ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PHONE HA.0800 » * ★ _ _Htt.. HENRY A. WALLACE IS INVITED TO SPEAK IN THIS CITY LOCAL AND NATIONAL NEWS J Qc Per Copy AND WORTH IT— “To Sell It, ADVERTISE,, Former Omahan Passes Suddenly of Heart Attack; on Trip Here to See Relatives, Friends Death Comes As Surprise and Shock to Entire Community * __ Mrs. Bennie Anderson, formerly Mrs Leon Ray, arrived in Oma ha a few days ago with her, hus band, Mr. Duke Anderson, to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Anderson was well and hearty and was seen conversing With many of her friends Satur aa, and Sunday. She was enter tained by a group of her friends at the Amvets Sunday evening. Monday morning, about 5 o’ clock, she was heard saying. “Lord help me," and was making a curious noise which awakened her husband. In a few minutes, they discovered she was dead. The funeral was held at St. John’s AME church, Thursday at 2 o’clock, and she was buried in Forest Lawn. She is survived by a husband, Duke; one son, Hobert Ray; one gTand daughter of Chicago; one sister, Mrs. Viola Tate, of New York; one niece, Lavar Powell; one nephew, Clyde Powell of New York; three brothers, Mr. William Clay of Snyder, Texas; Mr. S. Clay of Wascom, Texas, and Mr. L. V. Clay of Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs, Anderson, also has several surviving cousins in Omaha. Buys Lots For Church REV. E. F. RIDLEY Rev. E F. Ridley, the officers and members of the Immanuel Community church, 2320 North 28th av.. have recently purchased the vacant lots on the southeast corner of Lake st. and North 28th av., as a site for their future ' church home. The property is ad- j vantageously located so as to be easily accessible for thos* who care to use public transportation facilities. It is directly on the Crosstown car line, one short block from the 30th and Lake bus line and two short blocks from the 30th st. bus line. The lots were paid for cash, and there is no remaining idebtedhess. The church has recently been properly and duly incorporated. It enjoys full and extended rights and privileges in all things per taining there unto, that any other church so enjoys under the pro tection of the Almighty Father Eternal. Plans are being made to start building as soon as possible- The public will be informed as soon as they are ready to start building. The church is not quite one year old yet. It was organized around June' 22 of last year and held its first public meeting June 30. 1946 in the same location where they are worshiping now at 2320 North 28th av. Rev. Ridley and the entire con gregation are very thankful to the many friends and well wishers of the church who have been so very kind in extending their friendly aid in the past, and are looking forward to. and soliciting their continued goodwill and friendly aid in the future. The church is interdenomination al, interracial and nonsecterian. It extends the open door to those of all races, creeds, and faiths who profess a saving faith in Christ as the Savior of the world. Mrs. Stanley and the ladies of Immanuel will have a Tag Day, Saturday, June 7, for the benefit of the Building Fund of the church. What ever aid any one can give and will give will be highly ap preciated. Pres. Truman to Speak at Ass’n Meet WASHINGTON, D. C.—It was announced by the White House this week that President Truman will speak Sunday afternoon, June 29, at the Lincoln Memorial in the nation’s capitol, to the con. eluding session of the 38th Annual Conference of the National As sociation tor the Advancement of Colored People. Other speakers sharing the platform with the Pre sident will be Mrs. Eleanor Roose velt; Senator Wayne Morse, of Oregon and Water White, execu tive secretary of the Association. It is expected that an audience as large as that which heard Marion Anderson at" the historic 1939 Easter Sunday concert, will again fill the Lincoln Memorial. One hundred thousand people fill ed the national shrine to hear the world-famous contralto at that time, following refusal of the DAR to allow the Negro artist to sing in Constitution Hall. The huge audience, at the June 29 meeting, will hear another great Negro singer, Carol Brice, a youthful mezzo-soprano, who has appear ed with the Boston Symphony or chestra and other orchestras throughout the nation. Critics here and abroad have been unani mous in crediting Miss Brice with possessing one of the greatest voices of modern times. Instru mental music will be furnished by the United States Marine Corps Band The President's speech, which will be broadcast over several ma jor networks, is being eagerly an ticipated in domestic as well as in ternational circles, since it is ex pected that Mr. Truman will make a major declaration of government policy on racial tensions both at home and abroad. It is known that the rise of bigotry since the war’s end has been a matter of major concern to the President, as evi denced by his appointment of a Commission on Civil Rights, head ed by Charles E. Wilson, president of General Electric. The front page notice and unprecedented edi torial comment which the foreign press has devoted to lynching and racial discripiination in the Unit ed States, particularly when Se cretary of State George Marshall issued his definition of democracy during the recent Moscow Confer ence, are known to have been a matter of grave concern to the President, according to sources close to the White House. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is the oldest and best known agency in the country dealing with racial problems, having been organized in 109. It has at present 1509 branches, youth councils and col lege chapters with a bi-racial membership of 535,000 distribut ed through forty-three states and the District of Columbia. It is said to be the largest civil rights or ganization in the world. The NAACP's national Board of Directors is bi-racial and includes Mrs. Roosevelt, Herbert H, Leh man, former governor of New York and director of UNRRA; Eric Johnston, president of the Motion Picture Producers Asso ciation; Governor William H. Hastie of the Virgin Islands; Philip Murray, president of the CIO; Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas; Arthur B- Spingarn who is the Ossociation's president; Dr. Louis T. Wright wrho is chairman of the Board and Fiorella H. La Guardia, former mayor of New York. FORMER OMAHAN VISITING CITY Mr- and Mrs. A. Black, former residents of the city of Omaha, are here visiting their many friends. They are now residing in Oakland, Calif. While in Omaha, they are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Biggs, 3524 Parker st. When living in Omaha, Mr. Black operated a filling station for a number of years at 2412 Willis av. The Black's have been extended many courtesies while in Omaha. From left to right standing: Earl Frederiksen. charge of ac cident precention; Burgess Manchester, Gas Engineer; C. F. Holdrege, assistant to Mr. Manchester; Frank Reynolds, in charge laboratories and as sistant training supervisor Seater: Robert Kinckiner, in charge space heating; R. H. Lawlor, Conversion Division Di rector; W. T. Burgess, in charge work supervision and assistant training supervisor; Vincent C. > Dworak. assistant to Mr. Law lor; William V. Bell, not in pic ture, in charge industrial heat ing. SHORTER WORK DAY ASKED BY BARBERS j. * r’ Omaha barbers have petitioned the City Council of Omaha for a shorter work day. On Tuesday, May 27 the Council heard the Bar bers request from the Associated Master Barbers and Local 765 of the Journeymen Berbers Inter national Union. These men want the ordinance changed regarding present hours of work. They now work from 7:30 a. m. to 7 p. m. daily and from 7 a- m. to 9 p. m. on Saturday. They want the following chan ges made in hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily and 8a. m. to 8 p. m. Saturday. Their letter has been referred to the City Legal Depart ment. INCREASE IN ARSON NOTED It is believed that an increase in arson is in the offing along with similar increases in other crimes. . . Prof. L. L. Ling, director of the public safety institute of Purdue university forecasted at the 51st annual meeting of the National Fire Prevention Association. “We lack accurate statistics re garding the prevalence of arson today because many fires are never properly investigated by men trained in recognizing and preserving good evidence/' ac cording to Professor Lin. He believes that proper inves tigation of fires suspected of be ing set is the province of pollee ! and fire departments and de- i mands specialized training and a well coordinated plan of opera-1 tion . | Spare Sugar Stamp 12 Effectiveat Once Spare Stamp Nok 12. good for 10 pounds of sugar, may be used immediately, effective today the Sugar Rationing Administration, I U. S. Department of Agriculture’ * announced. Another stamp, good for 10 pounds, will be validated not later than August 1, 1947. This next stamp will assure household con sumers of the full 35 pounds of sugar assured them under the pro visions of the Sugar Control Ex tension Act of 1947, If current improvement in sugar supplies continues, additional sugar above the 35 pounds will be made avail able to consumers. Spare Stamp No. 53, good for five pounds, was made valid on January 1 and expired on March 31, 1947- On April 1 Spare Stamp No. 11 was vadidated for 10 pounds. It will expire on October 31, 1947. Today’s stamp, No. 12, will be good until October 31. Since these stamps are to be used for sugar to cover both household and home canning uses, today’s action has been taken to prevent loss of early berry crops in southern areas which may oc cur for lack of sugar for canning purposes. It is impractical, how ever to validate the stamps on a geographical basis. Graduation Edition Off the Press •• Friday, June 13 The Omaha Guide Graduation Edition for June graduates of 1947 will roll off the press on Fri day, June 13. The date of this his tory making edition has been moved to the 13th in order that this edition will be complete in every respect in keeping with The Guides policy of bringing and building for our citizens served in the city of Omaha especially the Mid City Community, a Great er Omaha Guide We don’t want any of our read ers to miss this edition filled with stories and pictures of the June graduates. It will be on sale at the news stand nearest you. Pur chase your copy or copies to keep and send to your out-of-town friends. Students that still desire to hav” their individual pictures plus their story of 'their School activities have until Tuesday noon, June 10 in which to get them into the Omaha Guide office, 2420 Grant st. All church, organization, and general news to appear in this breath-taking edition must be in the office of the Omaha Guide by 4 p. m. Monday, June 9. We have reserved a copy of this Graduation Edition. Friday, June 13, at your favorite news stand so be sure and purchase your copy. Dirt Track Champ in Lincoln, Nebr. at StateJFair LINCOLN, Nebr. (Special )— Emory Collins, national dirt track champion, and holder of the State Fair track record of 24.85. which he set last July 4th, has confirm ed his entry to Secretary Edwin Schultz for the second annual championship auto races to be held here Sunday. June 15. Collins, who aihls from Le Mars, Iowa, wall bring his big red River side Special, valued at $20,000 to Lincoln a day early in order to get in a few practice laps, accord ing to the letter accompanying his entry. The Iowan’s entry was the fifth to be filed at Secretary Schultz’s office. Four states now have re presentatives in the coming speed classic with two from California, two from Iowa and one from Kan sas, sending in entries. Big Ben Musick, the veteran Texas driver and long time favor ite of Lincoln fans notified IMCA Zone Representative William B. Howe that he has hung up the goggles and will not compete this season- E determined effort is be ing made to secure the signed en try of Deb Snyder, who is now wheeling a new Offensauser Spe-. cial equipped with the late Gus Schrader motor. A seven-event program has been | arranged by National Speedways Inc., promoters of the annual event, in cooperation with the State Fair Board. Time trials are set for 1:00 p. m. and the first race at 2:30 p. m. C Day Will Begin On June 9th What s C Day ? 'Why don’t you know?” That’s the day set by the Metropolitan Utilities District to change over from Manufactured Gas to Natural Gas. Let us go back a little for back ground, then we will tell you how the Change-Over will be accom plished. Saturday. May 31, 180 college men went to the Technical high school, which will be the head quarters for the change over and were given a rigid physical exa mination before they were passed oy the Personnel Department of the Mtropolitan Utilities District. Saturday, June 7 another 120 col lege men will take their physical examinations for the Change Over. These 300 selectees from 900 applicants will be the Change Over working crew. They are stu dents from 11 universities, whose parents or wives liv* in Omaha. There are a large number of vet erans in this gToup, who are fin ishing their university courses in terrupted by the war. The Change-Over crews will all have a week of intensive techni cal training under 41 teachers selected from the Omaha high schools before they start on the Change-Over. The teachers will follow the crews as supervisors on the job. The crews are backed by skill ed foremen. Clyde Lemon leads 20 groups, Louis Bobell, form an, leader of a crew of skilled mech anics to be on the spot to solve any troublesome technical pro blem, Wm, Wunderlich is foreman of another 20 groups and Richard Rowe is assigned to work with Robert Kinchiner on space heat ing problems. Now we are going to tell you ex actly what is going to happen on C Day, Monday. June 9- The whole force close to 200 men, will report at 8 a. m. at the tool wa on, which will be stationed at 13th and Missouri av. Manufactured Gas will be val ved off from the section where the change crew starts working just before they make their first house to house calls and Natural Gas turned into that section. Oma | ha will be operating on two gases I for the total duration of the change-over. Natural Gas where the change-over has been com pleted, Manufactured Gas in all other sections. This is done 'by valves in the gas pipes, which shut off manufactured gas from the sections changed over. Re member there will be no differ ence in your gas bill, both natural and manufactured gas will be bill ed at the same rate. Take out your map you received by mail or look at the large scale map you saw in the World Herald Monday, June 2. You will find that 13th and Missouri is in Section 2-A-l this whole section wiU be completely changed over Monday Tuesday the crews will move to Sec. 2-A-2, Wednesday the crews ; will invade 2-B and Thursday and Continued on Page Four TRIALS DELAYED TILL FALL The following cases have been 1 delayed until when the District Court Jury trials resume. Hiram D. Dee, contractor charg ed with obtaining money and pro perty from a wounded war vet eran under false pretenses. George Moore. 5026 South 25th st-, charged with assault with in tent to wound. Alonzo Crum, 1914 Charles st., first degree arson. Charged with helping his son-in-law. Milton Dixon, plan a fire which nearly destroyed his (Crum) house, 3032 Bedford av. A Errie Newicki 5238 South 24ht st., forgery, and being a habitual criminal. He has a record of five felony convictions. Joseph Jennings. 2729 R. st., second degree murder- He is char ged with fatally shooting James Monday. 1502 North 28th st., dur ing a disturbance at the Work man's Club. Jennings was employ ed as a bartender at the club at the time of the shooting. Demo Action League Send Invitation The Democracy in Action Lea gue held a special call meeting Monday night, June 3. At this meeting the directors instructed their president, Mrs. Herman Cohn, to extend an invitation to the honorable Henry Wallace to come to Omaha for their second big meeting to be held at some convenient place as soon as ar rangements can be made and as soon as Mr. Wallace accepts the invitation. Ask City Council Project Race Ban to Lift Housing NEW YORK—In view of the ef forts of the Metropolitan Life In surance company, builders of Stuyvesant Town, to renegotiate their contract with the City Coun cil, so that rents for the housing project may be raised, the NAACP this week urged the Council, if it reconsiders the contract, to insist that the stipulation against Ne gro tenants be removed. Officials of the Association said in a statement, “There is no ne cessity for repeating to the in formed members of our City Gov ernment the situation with res pect to housing for Negroes in New York City. While there is a great shortage of housing for all people, the pattern of restriction against Negroes, which created hetto housing and all of its evils, has resulted in an acute, peculiar and vicious discrimination against the Negro population. “The NAACP is opposed to this. It is opposed to the announced policy of the owners of Stuyvesant Town of excluding Negro citizens from that development solely be cause of their race. It opposed thisproposal when the original contract was before the City Council, but despite protests the Cjouncil saw fit to sign a con tract with the Metropolitan Life Insurance company. “That contract provided for a maximum rental of $14 per room. The compan3r now seeks to re-open and renegotiate that contract with respect to the clauses relating to the maximum rental per room, and desires the Board of Estimate to permit an increase in that maximum to $17 per room. “This Association believes that if the contract is renegotiated in any manner whatsoever and any of its provisions altered, the Gov ernment of the City of New York in fairness to its Negro citizens should insist that the stipulation against occupancy by Negroes be cancelled. By this action the City would simply be affirming the ordinance passed in 1945 forbidding any dis crimination against the applicants for housing in projects of the na ture of Stjrvesant Town. “We are opposed to any increase in the rental schedule at the Riverton housing project.” New Anti-Lynch Bill Now in Senate WASHINGTON, D. C.—At the request of the NAACP Senators Robert F. Wagner and Wayne Morse this week jointly introduc ed in the Senate a strong anti lynching bill. Wagner a New York Democrat, has been closely iden tified with the lynching fight in Congress since the 1930’s, and Senator Morse is a liberal Repub lican from Oregon. The Wagner-Morse bill, S-1352, is practically identical with other bills introduced in the House un ! der NAACP auspices by Congress man Clifford P- Case (R., N. J.) and Congresswoman Helen Ga hagan Douglas (D„ Calif.). The Wagner-Morse-Case Bill has “real teeth’’ the NAACP said: | “it defines lynching as any vio lence to person or property by a mob (an assemblage of two or more persons) because of the race, color, religion, creed, national ori gin. ancestry or language of the victim or because the victim was suspected, accured. or convicted of s crimina offense. “The victim does not have to die in order to be lynched' within the meaning of the bill. Any injury is sufficient. ’Members of the lynch mob, or any person who aids or incites the mob, are made punishable by a maximum inmprisonment of 20 years or a maximum fine of $10,000 or both. “Dereliction on the part of state officers charged with responsibil ity of protecting the victim or apprehending the lynchers is made punishable by a maximum imprisonment of five years or a maximum fine of $5,000, or both. “Every governmental subdivi sion of the state which wilfully or negligently permits an individual to be seized, abducted and lynched is made liable to the lynched, if he lives, for monetary compensa tion for injury of $2,000 to $10,000 or, if he dies, to his next of kin. These suits would be brought in a Federal district court and pro secuted by the Attorney General of the United States in behalf of the victim or the victim’s next of kin. “All criminal prosecutions under the Act would be brought in a Federal district court ” Simon Harrold and Miaa Juanita Hanger (King Borealis XVII and Queen Aurora XVII) . .. receive congratulations at coronation bail.—World-Herald Photo. • -—— ■ ■ — . a Juanita Hanger, Simon Harrold Reign as King Borealis and Queen Aurora ’I Gov. Dewey Hails 37th Annual Meet Boy Scouts in Their Gov. Thomas E- Dewey today hailed the thousands of volunteer leaders in the Boy Scouts of Amer ica, saying that ‘their contribution to the welfare and training of our flture citizens is of the highest im portance.” Gov. Dewey’s tribute was con tained in a message to Amory Houghton of Coming, N. Y., pre sident of the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America, which opened its 37th annual meeting today at th^ Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York. His greetings, read at the open ing session Tuesday morning fol lows: “Both personally and as Gover nor I am happy to welcome the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America on the occasion of its Thirty-seventh Annual Meet ing. “Millions of boys and young men who have been active in Scouting in these thirty-seven years have experienced an association and comradship in their Troop meet ings and camps to be cherished all through their lives. “I should like to take this op portunity, also, to express the thanks of the people of the entire State to the thousands of volun teers who as Scoutmasters, Senior Unit Leaders, Cubmasters, and Den Mothers, have given their time and energy so effectively to bringing the Scout Program to our boys. Their contribution to the welfare and training of our futur' citizens is of the highest import 1 ance. "The Scout Oath and Law are still the guiding light and inspir ation of Scouts and Scouters ev erywhere. The “Daily Good Turn” is still the trademark ofa Scout If every boy in every land cduld have the benefit of Scout training, I am sure the training he receives in Scouting would be of great benefit to our country in the days that lie ahead. .“With kindest regards and best wishes, f Siincerely yours, (Signed) Thomas E. Dewey” Civil Rights Congress Asks Investigation Of N. C. Lynching The Civil Rights CongTess last night urged Attorney General Tom C. Clark for the immediate investigation and federal prosecu tion of those guilty of the North Carolina lynching of Godwin Bush. “Coming on the heels of the shocking acquital of the lynch mob in Greenville, S. C., today’s lynch ing in a neighboring state places complete responsibility upon the federal government for protecting the life and limb of Negro Amer icans in the South,” CRC stated in a telegram to Mr. Clark. “We also call upon you, at the same time, to declare publicly your energetic support for swift enactment of the anti-lynching bill recently introduced to enable the Department of Justice to put an end to the murderous attack upon Negro-Americans,” the attorney general was urged. “In view of the outcome of the trial of the. lynchers in Greenville, S. C. a confession by the federal government of its inability to halt this wave of killings is tanta mount to confessing that our na tion is unable to grant the most elementary protection to 13,000, 000 of our people.” SICK LIST Mr. Carl Bone, esteem leading knight of the Elks and past Chief Antler of the Exalted Ruler's Council, of 2526 Grant st. was taken suddenly ill two days ago and is now a patient in a local hospital, suffering with a mental illness. Mr. EJider Mudd, members of the Elks Lodge, No. 92, was reported ill in the hospital from a heart attack. Louie Williams, who had been in a local hospital for the past five weeks, is very low and is not expected to recover. Simon Harr old, a long time re sident of Omaha, employee of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, and civic leader ,was crowned King Borealis XVH. Queen Aurora XVII, Miss Juan ita Hanger, was bom and reared in Omaha, attended the public schools, and graduated from Cen tral high school in June 1946. She was a member of the Central High Players and many other clubs and organizations of Cen tral high school. Miss Hanger is a student at the University of Nebraska, enrolled in the Medical College, taking her pre-medic work. Miss Hanger’s mother is a tea cher in the public schools of Oma ha and is noted for her service in the community. The retired King Borealis XVI, Mr. Milton Johnson and Queen Aurora XVI, Miss Eloise Jones, passed their septor on to Mr. Har rold and Miss Hanger, wishing them a successful year as King Borealis XVn and Queen Aurora xvn. After the King had arrived on the throne, he summoned the fol lowing members of his court: Mr. Leo Bohanon, Executive Secre tary of the Omaha Urban League, acting as Grand Potentate, relat ing the King’s summons, first called the ladies in waiting of the former Queen, followed by the Crown Bearer, Willard Wright, and the Pages, James Hall, Jr., Melvin McCaw and Larry Morse man. Next, the princesses, Louise Brown, Jean Pierce, Florentine Crawford, Marjorie Hughes, Betty J. Nelum, Pearl Faulkner, and Norma Ampuy. The Duchesses were then summoned by tha Grand Potentate. They are as fol lows: Eleanor Brown, Erma Blackburn, Geneva Brown, Bar bara Waldron and Nadine Han cock The Crown Bearer was lit tle Miss Ronetta Marie Hobbs. King Borealis XVII summoned his majesty, Queen Aurora XVII, preceeded by pages, Master Streeter Turner, William Riggs and Bobby Whiteside. Queen Aurora XVII, Miss Juan ita Hanger, was crowned by King Borealis XVH, Mr Simon Harrold. They .then, received congratula tions and sincere good wishes from the Court. The trumpeter was Von Richard Trimble. The Rev. Shirley G. Sanchez, D. D., rector, is the pastor of the St* Philip’s Episcopal church. The fol lowing committees v/ere in charge of the Coronation. Advertising:, Mrs. Dolores Blackwell, Mrs. Edith Wheatley. Mr. E. J. Banks,. Mrs. Alma Clark, Mrs. CharlotU; Crawford. Mrs Ether Dean, Mrs. S. W. i Waites, and Mr. V. S. Wheatley. Decoration: Mr. H. W. Black, Mr. S- C. Hanger. Mr. Harvey Carter, Mr. Jasper Brown, Mr. Wesley L. Dean. Mr. Bruce Vanoy and Mr. S. W. Waites. Pageant: Mr. John Smith. Mrs Alice Smith. Mrs. Claretta Banks, Mra. Edna Banks, Mrs. Vera Cowan. Mrs. Gertrude James, Mrs. Lena Paul, Mrs. Viola Lennox, Mrs. Viva Phillips. Mrs. Lenora Scott, Mrs. Margaret Wright, Mrs Marguerite Workuff. Mrs. Charles Dickerson and Mrs. Flo rence Riggs. BLUES SINGER GIVEN YEAR In the United States District court in Philadalphia, Pa., on Wednesday, May 28, Billie Holi day, a blues singer, pleaded guilty to receiving and concealing nar cotic drugs. She was iven a year and a day in the Federal Refor matory for Women at Alderson W. Va. She earned and spent S250.000 in the last three years, according to her testimony. She asked to be sent to a Fed eral hospital to be cured; she claims that she has been using drugs for the past three years. ELKS LODGE HOLDS ANNUAL ELECTION The Elks Lodge No. 92 held election Wednesday. June 4, 1947. The following officers were’ elect ed: Charles Davis, exalted ruler; Curtis Jones, esteem leading knight; “Son” Harris, esteem loyal knight: Robert Johnson, election knight; Mason Miller, es quire; T. C. Hall, innerguard,’and H. J. Johnson esquire. The Amvets will sponsor their First Annual Membership Drive Dancing Party, Wed., June 11. All World War II vets and Guests invited. Adm. free