The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 24, 1947, Image 1

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+ "fr ★ | SATURDAY, MAY 24,1947 Our 20th Year—No. 16 Entered as 2nd Class matter at Post-Office, Omaha. Nebraska, Under Act of
The luscious and lithesome Doro
thy Donegan, vivacious virtuose of
the ivories was flown from Las Vegas,
Nevada to New York for her Broad
way engagement at Loew’s State The
atre just in timetomake her trium
phant appearance on the Gay White
After a fortnight at the “Galloping
Rough Range” El Ranche in the gold
mine country the talented Dottie was
glad to greet her friends when she
alighted from a TW'A Constellation
just in time to “make” the second
show Thursday, and the officials
awaited desperately her tardy flight.
Following her stay at the State La
Donegan may continue at the Roxy
Theatre to cover the swing assign
ment held by Hazel Scott. Dorothy
Donegan will contribute her services
for the Stars of the World show at
Madison Square Garden on May 27th.
—Courtesy Floyd Snelson.
Miss Leota G. Norton, Director of
Home Service for the Douglas County
Chapter of the American Red Cross,
will attend a meeting of American
Red Cross home service directors at
St. Louis, May 19th and 20th. Homej
service directors from Kansas City,
Denver, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Wichi
ta and Omaha will attend the meeting.
(Special)—Funds to erect here “the
South’s finest high school” were col
lected in a public drive May 4-18
among the citizens of all races and
creeds. Father Edward J. Lawlor, who
will serve as principal of the school
to be erected under Catholic auspices,
directed the campaign.
BASTROP, LA., May 22—(Special)
—When the parochial school of Our
Lady Help of Christians Catholic
Church opened here, 116 children en
rolled. Only 20 are Catholics. The
School is conducted by the Sisters of
the Most Holy Sacrament.
The Annual Report Meeting of the
Northside Building, Y.W.C.A. was
held on Sunday, May 18, 1947 from
5:00 to 7:00 P.M. The following pro
gram was rendered after which time,
tea w'as served to members and
friends. Invocation, Rev. Herbert W.
Bletson; Song “Jesus The Light of |
The World”; Solo, Edmond Donald-1
son; Piano Solo, Ermine Blackston;
Solo, Nadine Manley; Business Meet- |
ing with Mrs. Joseph Haynes presid
ing and Mrs. Alton Goode giving elec
tion returns; Solo, Harry Clayter;
Song “YWCA Lamp Lighters” which
was composed hy Miss Dorothy Beck;
“The Challenge for Light” by Miss
Ethel F. Brewer, Executive Director J
YWCA, Northside (Report on Year’s
Work — Committees); Solo, Mrs.
Blanchlee Wright and closing prayer
in unison.
Mrs. Lois Goode, Chairman of the
Xominating Committee, made the fol
lowing report of the election returns
for the year 1947-48: Mrs. Roberta
McCloud, Mrs. Lida Hughes, Mrs.
Lois Goode, Mrs. Vera Price, Mrs.
Anna M. Kennedy, Miss Blanchlee
Wright and Mrs. Jewell Robinson.
These are the newly elected members
of the Committee of Management,
who will srve for a period of three
years. The report also was made for
the Nominating Committee for next
year and the following persons elected:
Mesdames Leola Jones, Thelma Han
cock, Annabelle Battles, Gladys Er
vin and Edna Burrell.
On Saturday, May 24, the Time
keepers will sponsor a Bridge and
Whist Party in the Northside building.
Persons who are interested and enjoy
playing whist or bridge are urged to
get in touch with members of the
Timekeepers Club and secure tickets.
The Mothers’ Council, Quacks,
Timekeepers, and Trojans will hold
Annual Meeting in the building on
Sunday, June 15, 1947. Plans are un
der way for this occasion with the
presidents and program chairmen from
each club assisting.
On June 22, an Art Exhibit will be
held here at Northside. The Pub
licity Committee of the Committee of
Management is sponsoring this affair.
Letters are already in the mail to in
dividuals and organizations for the
purpose of securing participants for
the Exhibit. More detailed information
will appear as the time draws near.
Washington, D. C., May 22—The
long-awaited new and strengthened
anti-lynching bill was introduced in
the House today by Congressman
Clifford P. Case, New Jersey Repub
lican. It will receive the vigorous
support of the NAACP, church, labor,
professional and civic groups.
The measure has been referred to
the House Judiciary Committee of
which Congressman Case is a mem
In a statement issued today, Mr.
Case declared that "it is vital that the
federal government should definitely
define and use full authority to pro
tect fundamental human rights.
“Our moral leadership, upon which
the outside world depends at least as
much as on our physical strength and
material resources, will be greatly
weakened,” he said, "unless we, as a
nation, take definite and effective steps
to eradicate the foul crime of lynching
from the fabric of our domestic life.
“Freedom from lynch law is essen
tial to the enjoyment of the funda
mental human rights which the United
States promised to promote when it
signed the United Nations Charter.
It is one of the inherent rights guar
anteed by our Constitution.”
The Case bill, it was pointed out,
would provide heavy criminal penal
ties for any member of a lynch mob
or any other person wilfully involved
in a lynching. It would also punish
any state or local official who shall
have failed in the performance of his
duty to prevent a lynching or to ap
prehend and bring to justice anyone
guilty of that crime. Of equal, if not
greater, importance, it would make
the local community whose neglect I
makes possible a lynching, or an ab
duction which leads to alynching, li
able for civil damages to the lynch
victim or to his family if he is killed.
The Congressman called attention
to the fact that 1946 showed a
marked increase in the number of ad
mitted lynchings. He pointed to the
fact that there has been on conviction
of the lynchers who dragged Roger
Malcolm, George Dorsey, a veteran,
and their wives, Willie Mae and Dor
othy, from a car and shot them to
death in broad daylight down in Mon
roe, Georgia, last July. He said that
those who lynched Leon McTatie, the
35-year-old father of ten children in
Lexington, Mississippi, have never
paid the penalty for their heinous
crime against humanity.
While recognizing the efforts which
(certain states and communities have
! made and are making to deal with
the problem, he insisted that the
j whole record, including that for 1946,
j clearly showed that they could not do
j the job alone and that the assistance
| of a strong federal law was necessary.
It was pointed out that following
j the failure to make any progress on
j the Monroe, Georgia lynchings, At
I tomey-General Tom Clark asserted in
. several speeches and in one magazine
I article last year that a federal law
specifically against lynching was neces
sary in order to give federal officials
the necessary authority to act.
Representative Case said that the
bill had been prepared with the co
operation of the National Association
| for the Advancement of Colored Peo
ple and that the support of many
church, labor, professional and civic
organizations had been assured.
A similar bill is expected to be in
troduced in the Senate in the next few
Father John F. Ryan, Chicago pas
tor who is president of the Clergy
Conference, announced that the fall
meeting will be held in Washington,
The Rockets, colored traveling
baseball team will play the famous
House of David bearded team Satur
day, May 24th at Co. Bluffs Legion
Park. The time- 8:15 P.M. This
should be a very good game and the
Omaha fans should turn out in large
numbers to see these two teams. The
Davids need no introduction in this
area. The Rockets are playing their
1st season, and are owned by an
Omaha man, Mr. Will Calhoun, local
hotel operator. The Rockets are furn
ished players by the famous Kansas^
City Monarchs, last year’s American
league champions. The Rockets list
several very good players, foremost
among them being Jewell “Mighty”
Day, crack 1st baseman and home run
hitter from Bluefield, West Virginia.
He hit 38 home runs last season play
ing with *the San Francisco Sea Lions
of the West Coast colored league.
| Robert Daniels, Eugene Collins, Lefty
Bryant, Charles Wright, Tommy West
and Charles Napolean form a form
idable pitching staff. The Rockets
have a very hard schedule all sum
mer long. They will play in Nebraska,
Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota, Kan- j
sas, Colorado, Illinois, Missouri and 1
Wisconsin. It is hoped the Omaha
fans will turn out for this game in
large numbers. Admission will be 75c
for all seats. Grandstand and boxes in
■ • 4
Rockets vs House Of
DAVIDMAY 24 8:15 P.M.
Mrs. Ted Adams, mother of Mrs.
Gains Bradford, formerly of Omaha
is very ill in the University hospital.
She underwent a serious operation
Monday, May 19, 1947. Mrs. Ted
Adams and her husband resided at
2519 Maple street.
Mrs. Bradford came home several
weeks ago to be with her sick mother
and try to comfort her during her
Dr. Aaron McMillan will be the
guest speaker at the Twentieth Cen
tury club’s Pew. Rally on Sunday, May
25th, 4 P.M. at St. John’s church,
22nd and Willis.
Dr. McMillian is the director of
the Willis F. Rirce Memorial Hos
pital in Angola, West Africa.
There wil lalso be musical num
bers on the program. The public is
cordially invited.
Radio Broadcast
Mr. Henry Luce, editor of Time,
Fortune and Life magazines and Les
ter E. Granger, executive secretary of
the National Urban League will be
the speakers on a radio broadcast over
Station WOW on Saturday, May 24,
6:15 p.m.
Mr. Luce and Mr. Granger will
speak on the work of the Urban
League and the need for an expanded
League program.
Well! Well! It looks as if the Oma
ha Rockets are in for a pretty gooc
season. The Rockets just starting uf
here in Omaha are managed anc
owned hy Mf. Calhoon, owner of the
Calhoon hotel just up from 24th anc
[Lake on Lake St. The Rockets are i
branch of the K. C. Monarchs and oi
the Rockets team are some fellow
works. So stand by while I introduci
to you the Rockets of Omaha,
that know how to start lots of fire
Viola Jackson, 3026 Burdette St.,
Saturday night was hit on the head by |
flying stone thrown through a street
car window while riding. This inci
dent occurred at Twentieth St. and
Willis avenue, police reported. She
refused medical attention for a head
bruise. »
Tuesday, May 27, 1947 from 7 a.m.'
to 12 noon will be the day that the I
Cheerful, Cheerful Builders of St.!
John’s will have their Annual May!
Breakfast. This Annual affair this
year will be at the church in order
that all the members and friends of
St. John’s can be served with com
fort and ease. Mrs. Viney Walker,
president, and members of this club
are working with zeal and zest in or
der that this affair will be one of
those events that should be a must on'
the members’ and friends’ of St. John’s j
Christian event calendar.
The food processing industries will
need according to Robert C. Good
win, director of the United States
Employment service Saturday May
17th will need 500,000 workers next
summer and fall to pack fruits and
vegetables. This is about the same
number that was needed in 1946.
The World-Herald Goodfellow
Charities, Inc. Summer Festival is
set for Thursday, June 12. This night
will be one filled with glorious music
and song. Fourteen thousand seats are
being made ready for the expected
capacity crowd. Lanny Ross, star of
stage, radio, and film will share the
spotlight with Olga San Juan, singer
and dancer renown. Richard E. Dun
can, director of the Omaha Symphony
Orchestra wiT lwave the festival or
chestra baton. Participants include
the Nebraska-Iowa Chorus of 1,300
voices, the Omaha-Council Bluffs
High School Chorus, directed by the
famous Choral director Noble Cain,
The Goodwill Musical Chorus, and
three high school bands. Other high
lights of the evening baton twirlers,
drum and bugle corps, a match light
ing ceremony, and a grand finale of
massed bands, fireworks, etc.
Mail orders for tickets are being ac
cepted by the Goodfellow Charities,
Inc. Omaha World-Herald.
Mr. Joseph Bayne, general manager
of the Plymouth Motor Car Co. an
nounces to boys and girls all over
America to put their aeronautical
knowledge to use by entering the
model airplane contest that will pos
sibly lead to a trip to the 1st Interna
tional Model Plane Contest June 13,
14, 15, and 16 at Detroit. Six thou
sand dollars in cash prizes, 95 tro
phies are to be awarded to winners of
130 separate contests. 500 boys and
I girls will be selected to attend this
I meet from the United States and for
eign countries. Selection to be made
on records of State and local contest
results. No entry fee is required.
Entries are to write to st Interna
tional Contest Model Plane Box. 658
Detroit, Mich, and an entry blank
will be forwarded to those who desire
to compete. Girls are eligible along
with the boys and two-thirds of the
contestants will be from 12 to 21
years age group. Others will be chosen
from boys and girls over 21 years.
Scheduling of 30 separate event
will run the gamut from wind-em-uj
rubber powered models through fron
flight gasoline models to the gas pow
ered jobs, with flight controllec
through wires from the ground. Ii
: - every case, age-group limitations wil
[ insure fair competition. First group i
i! the junior, from 12 to 16, second, th<
i senior, from 16 to 21 and third, th«
! open class, over 21. At least one jun
'ior and one senior will be selectei
.from each state.
More than 3,000 music lovers
packed Carnegie Hall and hundreds
were turned away last Tuesday night
as Muriel Rahn, soprano, and Ed
ward Matthews, baritone, sang with
the 65-piece Carnegie “Pops” Sym
phony Orchestra under Conductor
David Broekman in a concert devoted
to the works of the great American
composer George Gershwin. Miss
Rahn was immediately engaged for a
return appearance at Carnegie Hall
this month, while Matthews was sign
ed by the Columbia Broadcasting Sys
tem to sing the leading role in the
Virgil Thompson opera “Four Saints
in Three Acts” over a coast to coast
hook-up on Sunday, May 25th, from
3 to 4:30 P.M., Eastern Daylight
Time. Left ■ to right, Matthews, Miss
Rahn and Maestro Broekman.
OF 1947
St. John’s A.M.E. Church Senior
Choir will present on Sunday eve
ning at 7:30 p.m. May 25th the First
All-Request Program of 1947. This
porgram as during the past season
will be under the direction of Mrs.
Pearl Gibson the St. John’s Senior
Choir Directress. Mrs. Gibson and the
Choir members have received . and
prepared a host of numbers. These
numbers will be rendered with the
same finish and religious ferbance as
in the past years. A rare musical treat
awaits all those who attend.
22nd at Miami St.
Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor
Services were well attended last
Sunday, with several visitors present.
The pastor delivered the sermons both
morning and night. Mr. Robert Mc
Dougal united with the church.
This coming Sunday, May 25th, the
Roosevelt Post of the American Le
gion will observe their Annual Service
at Clair Church at the Morning Wor
ship. The pastor will use as his
theme, “Faith Of Our Fathers." This
Service will begin promptly at 10:55
Next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock,
the Rev. C. Adams of Paradise Bap
tist Church, his Choir, and members
will have charge of services at Clair
Church. The public is cordially in
vited to all of the services at Clair
Victor Wilbur, son of Mr. and Mrs'.
V. Wilbum, 2108 Miami St., was
cited along with John Campbell for
the winning of the flag for Company
A of the Central High ROTC. Victor
is only 16 years of age but possesses
a great deal of leadership qualities
that help lead his company to vic
tory'. He is a fine student and ranks
with the best in his classes. His hob
bies besides ROTC are reading and
j airplane modeling. He hopes to be
i come a pilot one of these days which
[he hopes is not too far in the dis
j tant future.
This is the third consecutive year
that Company A has won the flag
from the other three competing com
J panies.
Soloists for the Metropolitan Utili
ties District Chorus will be Marilyn
Anderson, soprano; Maxine Wilkins,
soprano; and Doyle Phillips, tenor.
This chorus of 40 voices is to be pre
sented with the above soloist at the
Joslyn Memorial auditorium Sunday,
May 25 at 2:15 p.m.
The chorus is under the direction of
Dr. N. J. Logan.
Paul Nelson, Franch bom soloist
! will play "The Lost Chord” and Titl’s
Serenade with Evelyn Caskey as
piano accompanist.
The program will include sacred,
classical and popular choral numbers,
including an arrangement by Fred
'i Waring of "Onward Christian Sol
11 diers”; Sergei’s “My God and I." EI
t gar’s “As Torrents in Summer.”