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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1947)
vv'.'-vvvvr* McGILL’S ft BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGILL, Prop. 1423 25 NORTH 24TH ST. WINE, LIQUORS & CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. lo 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7p» —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS Free Delivery from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m JAckson 9411 WEcAnKi'A FULL LINE OF Bonded Liquors Watson’s School of Beauty Culture ENROLL NOWl Terms Can Be Arranged 2511 North 22nd Street — JA-3974 — ___ ^ ^ ^ ^ I r SPECIAL GET ACQUAINTED OFFER— 3 Beautiful 5x7 LIFELIKE PORTRAITS (in Folders) S2.5Q PHOTOGRAPHIC GREETING CARDS From Your Negative $1-50 We Make Negative $2.00 _STUDIO OPEN— I Evenings 7:30 - 9:30 Sundays 10 a. m.-3:30 p. m. | | TRIANGLE PHOTO SHOP 1608 N. 24th St. 1 j f wtor rue AnemcAN a “ BEFORE IT STRIKES, '\d GIVE TO THE * •?? AMERICAN CANCER 50CIEF5 DRIYE FOR FUNDS Mot No. C-8 , ---->1 We Are Once More LAUNDERING CURTAINS • SEND OR BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS 2401 North 24th St. Phone WE-6055 _ _^ i -MARY’S- T CHICKEN HUT • BARBECUED RIBS & SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN ( “OUR Chicken Dinners Are Something to Crow About.** ROBERT JONES, PROPRIETOR JA. 8946 2722 North 30th St..1 Neighborhood Furnace Co.) 2511 Charles Street -GUTTERING SPOUTING & REPAIRS- , JINSTALLATION OF OIL, GAS, COAL, also STOKERS ESTIMATES FREE A T1—7 Cl ft & TERMS ARRANGEDllllW Bowl Your Cares “LAKE STREET” BOWLING ALLEY S. 2410 Lake St. JA. 9303 ^ OPEN FROM 5 to 1 Week Days ” ” 3 to 1 Sundays ° ROSCOE KNIGHT, Manager. Prises Given Aicay each Saturday Night for Highest Scores of the Week. THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE .• WINES, BEER, LIQUORS “We Appreciate Your Trade” 24 th & LAKE AT. 4248 V--' J ■ ..1 .1-1— a TRIANGLE SHOE REPAIR a • QUALITY MATERIALS, • GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP, • CLEANING & PRESSING, • HATS CLEANED & BLOCKED. 1608 NORTH 24th ST. JA. 0858 - j BUD'S 7 exaco Service • GAS and OIL “Wc Appreciate Your Trade” 30th & Wirt Sts. AT-9760 - ---— J |» PRLSCRlPTIOMS Free Delivery Duffy Pharmacy —WE-0609— 24th & Lake Sts. Gas on Stomach £, Relieved in 5 minutes or ^ double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat lng gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usu&ll prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known fc symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-an Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ana brings comfort in jiffy or double your money back on return of bottl to us. 25c at all druggists. l!l» (JZ-TS COofc a>. 1 ANdm&z nr -1 ;i MAY&ir SPMB CAN bs CUT WITHOUT | CUfnNe. WASES| L -^ r -- ]' If anybody can afford to raisd Wages of his workers 25 per cent without raising the retail price of his product, I have a counter sug- i gestion. Everybody forgets about me — Jir. Don Consumer. How about giving poor little me Borne of that 25 per cent? Every time some economic for tune teller or tea-leaves-reader says that industry can raise wages with out raising prices, some union lead ers start grabbing. If there are any loose 25 per cents lying around, how about remember ing us consumers for a change^. 2901 Cuming S»„ Omaha. Neb.. Phone Homy 2226 BOWEN Appliance Co. NOW OPEN AT OUR NEW LOCATION # New Units, # New and Rebuilt Refrigerators & Sweepers. “Guaranteed Repair Service— I Quality Workmanship—We Solicit Your Trade” 3024 LEAVENWORTH Pbone AT-2003 3 “Through a pious life and by a rational use of fhe Psalms, you may ob tain the grace of God, 'be favor of Princes, and the love of your fellow man,” says the author. £ Here are some of the I amazing things he tells H yon about: p«iom celve Instruction or In PsiTm' tnnAthr0U®f a Dream or Vision, 1 salrn to escape danger. Psalm to be come safe from Enemies. Psalm to receive GOOD after committing a Sln' Psalm to make you fortun ate In everything you try to do. I slam to free yourself from Evil Spir Man and Wife° “ake peace between MIDGET BIBLE FREE Vow you can carry the Bible with you at all times. {.Smallest Bible in ‘the World i. Many people feel that this is of great value in obtaining things vou desire. Send No Money dress Today and pay postman only $1 * plus postage on delivery. I positively GUARANTEE that you will be more than delighted within 5 days or your money will be returned promptly' on request and no questions asked. Order at once. NATIONAL PRODUCTS 1472 Broadway. Dept. 122-A, X.Y. 18, r.*■ s 'rsjrr rsjjV w ^ ^ ^ s | We wish to Announce r || THE OPENING OF THE l G & J Smoke Shop l ]; 2118 NORTH 24th Street l Everything in the Line of ( '! -CIGARS, CIGARETTES, & r ji SOFT DRINKS ), ^ \'t Jackson & Godbey, Props. ( f 3|JREEZT<_ ---Byf. MrtVift I pI^OKlLILTIAN/THERE#! I ££'60 WHAT?'^ He's] feostf'DON'T YOU [7/1 |6vl0 FCOUN&ftelNCe thisIj PCX 6£^Y^RY' S^^^OWNSA^j ^NCW THAT A GtY ! ^clwHENj/MORN (NCr AA/Cj f v*v-XNEW5PAPER.OI WHOOVW5A NEW=;- J-7 if ONLY cc&ri . p4S5Z?T7t^^l PAP£^l]tIM^r^ I (1 ^ I ?*REAuy?tw&n A. ^ Tj^Tj \ V^^A'T I MY PAP 1*9 IMPORTANT7} JjffiXl | J I #''9k I H£OWN4 A NEWSPAPER} r®**? ^ r 5' 1 EL 1 raS&fcr ^ri wm j JIM tSTEElE' ■ Bl . ' || ^ ^ I 1 By MELVIN TAPLET ixww.nwt 4 irmeBcr/, IZHOO; gRoa&tfT J/M^TBEt5AM07E PM eix todosam mm HtzpA&y, J CMF'&d&AW JUDO JOE HAD awe to tea/rue me $AIP 0£££B| WAi , H&U) pRzmep.1 & 1 HCO TOOK THEM TH02e.JJMc'CHiep THeiat^oH REKcff... I ABE MET ev..h rWH;WHY..lT£ JIM JIM AND CHIEF Spore DIVE BEHIND STEELE// THANK l$OME BOXE^JLgTA^... PwhatarevSuptd' feS rxPPR, I P0WN HERE/Y0U ^ Skfoum^^FifnMp:/ ■ DEVIL? I KNOW I —^^m^AWEIXnMP/ ^ HEARD‘SOMETHINGr. Hollywood stars color THEIR HAIR...whynot YOU? No need to let gray, drab hair make you unattractive. Hollywood stars have paved the way ... shown that hair coloring is as important a cosmetic as rouge, lipstick, etc. Your friends will approve when you give your hair rich, natural-looking color and beauty with Larieuse. look years younger Color Your, Hair This Easy Way H To give your hair new, rich, natural V lookingcolor(black, ■ brown, blonde)start fl using Godefroy’j ’ Lari euse Hair Color i Ing NOW ... acts \ quickly—goes on .. evenly, easily — U won’t rub off or wash out—unaffected by heat — permits permanents and stylish hairdos . .. known and used for over 50 years. Your dealer will sive your money back If you’re not 100% satisfied. Have an easy, professional application at your favorite beauty shop or buy Laricuse at any mm cosmetic department or drugstore. M yew dealer dee* nel have LarieuM, lead $1.23 plus 25f Fed. la* direct le COLORING at directed •«lob‘1- ©ODEFROY MFO. CO.» 3510 OLIVE ST.*ST.LOUIS S7M0, i f I __- —_ ___ - ___ ! j'„ ill L i H*amt i it! ■ fe-i.l 5 9 *»* ( "So SAFE"... . . . Says Mrs. J. P. Devaney \30$ So. 50th Av», i Me. DAY IS COMING BY ERIC HASS FOR CALVIN NEWS What is this country going to de fend in Greece, democracy or cap italism? President Truman says it’s dem ocracy. But, if by “democracy” is meant a government, of, by and for the people, then there just isn't any democracy in Greece to de fend- The Greek government is a government of frowsy monarchists and venal capitalist politicians, with a sprinkling of “liberals” to give it a “popular” flavor. It was established by British arms and a phony, fraudulent election—and with the blessing of the U. S. A. ! And even a blind man can see that it operates for a greedy capitalist class and its American and Brit j ish imperialist partners There isn’t any democracy in Greece to defend. But there is a broken-down system of capitalist exploration. And that, me thinks, is why this country is about to make a $250,000,000 ’loan’ to Greece, President Truman's announcement of the new policy was accepted by the Greek reactionaries as a signal | to unleash a ferocious police ter ror. At this very moment, Greek thugs, in and out of “Security Pol ice” uniforma’s are hunting down thousands of little people who are suspected of harboring the wicked throught that they are being robb-1 ed and held in subjugation by a vicious ruling class and a moth- / eaten monarchy. The so-called “Truman Doctrine’, > is far too large a subject, and its i portents and implications are too numerous and too grave to be dis posed of in a single column. There fore, this writer will lay over to future columns such questions as the role of “Middle East” oil in the Greco-Turkish ‘loan’ and what Mr. Henry Wallace’s opposition to the "Truman Doctrine” means, etc. Here let it suffice to spell out the larger implications of this fateful turn in American foreign policy. We must all of us understand that the “Truman Doctrine” insn’t “just another foreign policy.” It and yawn over, after which w^e Beer Retailers Approve Self-Regulation * The beer retailers of Nebraska, generally, are sincere advocates of Self-Regulation in the beer industry. The law-abiding beer dealers welcome suggestions from this office for improving conditions in their places. And they co operate gladly and promptly. rAs good business men and re spected citizens, they wdsh to' conduct their places in a clean, wholesome and law-abiding manner. When one fails to cooperate, this Committee promptly pre sents the facts to legal author ities. The number is small. I* [You can help keep beer retail ing on a high plane by confin ing your patronage to reputable dealer*. A word of commen dation to those who run excep tionally clean and orderly ; places encourages them to do still better. NEBRASKA COMMITTEE i •* United States Brewers Foundation Charles E. Sand all, State Director 710 Pint Nat’l Baak Bid*., Uacola , j 18-N-47 can go oacK to the comics. It has been described as a policy to stop Soviet Russian expansion, but it is far more than that. Bluntly and plainly, it is a declaration of war against the rising rebeliousness of the working class. In effect, the head of the American capitalist State has put American money, material resources and military might at the disposal of every ruling class threatened with re volt from the masses below, politicians who run the Chinese Nationalist ggovemment reacted to President Truman’s March 12th talk? They abandoned, Francisco Franco. Did you notice how cocky he is these days ? A year or sa ago he had the shakes He was think ing of the fate of his pals, Adolph and Benito. Now, thanks to the implications of the “Truman Doc trine,’’ he feels he is top of the world again. We ve already seen how the Greek plunderbund reacted. Even the New York Times, which gives 1 eager plutocratic sanction to the ‘Truman Doctrine”, has had to admit that the Greek authorism “which we cannot condone.” Must we also spell out the port ents of the “Truman Doctrine” as they relate to developments at home? Aye, we must. We must show for example, that by heading reaction abroad, the U. S- gives isn't just something to read about an atmosphere charged with the fears and malignant hatreds of a ruling class? 1947 SERVE GAS Refrigerato? J^foodS —————— - - V Come see! The famous silent Servel Gas Refrigerator now brings you a bushel-size Frozen Food Locker—(big enough to hold up to 60 standard-size packages) . . . plus moist-cold and dry-cold storage for fresh meats, fruits and vegetable* . . . plus Servel's different, simpler freezing system that more than 2,000,000 owner* know can’t wear or get noisy. Stop in and see the new 1947 Servels now on display! Crosstown Cleaners furriers Telephone—WE. 0989 • • • —Cleaners-Dyers—Tailors_ —Pressers_ ONE HOUR SPECIAL SERVICE 2101 No. 24th St. Omaha 2, Neb. FAMOUS ARTIST PAINTS JANE FRAZEE FOR REPUBLIC'S “CALENDAR GIRL”! I, TED YATES PUBLICATIONS Famous artist Zoe Mozert puts the finishing touches to her beautiful painting of Jane Frazee which figures prominently in Republic’s musi cal hit, “Calendar Girl.” Miss Frazee, William Marshall, Gail Patrick and Kenny Baker are co-starred, with Victor McLaglen, James Ellison knd Irena TMrh In miT^rtingrnW._ __IL _ t JtHEY’LL NEVER DIE * Sit™ \ : n -■■■■— ' -:-n BORN 1856 IN BARDSTOWN. gft KY, ALEX WALTERS RECEIVED A SCANT EDUCATION AND WENT TO ^ WORK AS A PRIVATE AND PUBLIC j v? WAITER AT THE TENDER ASE. T OF 13/ WITH HIS EARNINGS HE £• PROCEEDEDONTD INDIANATO ? STUDY THEOLOGY AT 19 HE WAS LICENSED TO ", PREACH AND Z YEARS LATER i.* BECAME AN ORDAINED DEACON* REV, WALTERS WAS SENT TO SAN FRANCISCO WHERE,THRU - EXCELLENT MANAGEMENT, HE 1 BUI LT AN * SO.OOO CHURCH / HE BECAME THE ONLY COLORED MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE. BOARD OF THE MINISTERIAL. "N UNION OF SAN FRANCISCO* HIS LATER WORK WAS „ CARRIED ON THRU THE WELL KNOWN TEKN. CONFERENCE/ *6SSftBS - SUCCESSFUL AMS. CLERGYMAN OF CALIFORNIA _.. ..4 »* _ Continental Peatpr»g | /