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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1947)
What*s On Labors Mind ! There is a flood of bills in Congress propos ing to pass laws against labor unions THE ENACTMENT OF THESE PENDING BILLS COMPREHENDS THE COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF ALL FORMS OF UNION SECURITY. THEY SEEK ABANDONMENT OF TB E CLOSED SHOP, MAINTENANCE OF MEMBERSHIP AND OTHER FORMS OF UNION SECURITY THAT HAVE PREVAI LED IN THE U- S. A SINCE THE BEGINING OF TRADE UNIONISM. THE ENEMIES OF ORGANIZED LABOR ARE BENT U PON THE ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION OF THE LABOR MOVE MENT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THE HARTLEY, BALL, RAFT BILLS ARE DEFINITELY DESIGNED TO COMPLETELY CRIPPLE LAEOR. THERE CAN BE NO QUES TION ABOUT THAT. THE FATE OF PEACE, THE FATE OF WORLD COOPERATION AND WORLD ECONOMIC SECURITY LIES IT THE LAPS OF THE AMERICAN INDUSTRIALISTS. HISTORY HAS PROVEN THAT WITHOUT A STRONG TRADES UNION MOVMENT, INDUSTRY WOULD NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THE ATTAINMENT OF WORLD PEACE AND SECURITY DE MANDED BY THE COMMON PEOPLE THE WORLD OVER. IF THE ANTI-UNION DRIVE SUCCEEDS IN CONGRESS, IT WILL HURT EVERY WORKER’S POCKETBOOK AND EVERY HOUSEWIFE’S SHOPPING BAG. IT WILL MAKE E ACH ONE OF US LESS SECURE IN HIS JOB AND HIS FUT URE. THE TIME TO ACT IS RIGHT NOW—TODAY—WRITE OR WIRE YOUR SENATORS CONGRESSMEN AND PRES IDENT TRUMAN. DEMANDING THAT THE LEGISLATIVE ATTACK UPON THE VERY ’EXISTANCE OF ALL LABOR ING PEOPLE CEASE. —NEBRASKA C. I. O LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE OF THE OMAHA-COUNCIL BLUFFS CITY INDUSTRIAL UNION r.mjNCii_ « . — NO THAT THE TELEPHONE ST ME ENDED May we first of all thank you sincerely for your tolerance and understanding during the trying period just ended. We deeply re gret any inconvenience you may have been caused. Honest differences of opinion existed between the Union and the Company. In fairness to its customers, the Company insisted from the outset that the dispute be resolved here in our territory. The agreement just reached through collective bargaining negotia tions and conciliation came after assurances by the Union that it was a free and independent bargaining agent. Now that the strike is over, telephone men and women every where throughout our territory are being welcomed back to their jobs. We assure you that we will work as hard as we can to get back to regular day-to-day operations as quickly as possible . . . and to carry forward our plans for constantly improving and expanding your service. The overall cost to the Company resulting from the wage settle ment amounts to about $4,500,000 annually, of which some $720,000 will be incurred here in Nebraska. In reaching this agreement, we did everything- we could to see that the wages we pay are fair to all concerned and not unreasonable in their effect on the rates you pay for telephone service. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Get Pep Feel Years Younger, Full of Vim Don t always blame exhausted, worn-out run-down feeling on your age Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with Ostrex will do Contains tonic often needed after 40 - when body la weak, old lust because lacking iron also supplements of calcium, phosphorus. Vitamin A middle-aged doctoi writes **1 took it myself Results were nne Get 35c introductory size Ostrex Tonic Tablets today, only ‘29c Why feel old? Try Ostrex to feel peppier get new vim and feel years younger, thia very day At all Drug Stores Everywhere— In Omaha, at Walgreen's & Smith Stores Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, ex hausted solely because body lacks iron. For new vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contains iron you, too, may need for pep; also vitamin Bj. Get regular *1.00 size now only 89c' At all drug stores everywhere.. Ir Omaha, at WALGREEN and SMITH STORES. | CLEO’s Nite & Day BARBn 2042 North 21st St. ALL KINDS OF DELICIOUS SANDWICHES ■OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY” Deliveries Made—Small Fe« Charge for the same. 1 Call ATlantic 9541 Badly Needed 3 or 4 Room Apt or House FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. COUPLE AND ONE CHILD WE. 7005 i There's nothing like drawing straws for a hula dancer. • 9 • MEET YOUR FRIENDS ENJOY A GOOD GAME OF BILLIARDS OR POCKET BILLIARDS AT R. UNDERWOOD Billiard Parlor - CIGARS - SOFT DRINKS - 1522 North 24th Street Omaha, Nebraska —Telephone—JA 9082— _• •_ •_ / REASONS WHYX increasing millions i) ■»» Designed to speedily relieve Rflr simple headache and painful discomforts of neuralgia. K\ Measured doses — In powder fj form for quick assimilation. E\ Proof of merit Same type for mula over one-third century. ■m Standard U S. P. Ingredients. h!* Laboratory tested, controlled. Bln price range of everyone. 10c and 25c sizes Caution: Use only as directed. WORLD WAR VET APPOINTED LEGION FINANCE OFFICER In a special Executive Committee meeting, Sunday April 27, Jarvis C. Green of 2302 Seward Plaza Was appointed Finance Officer of American. Legion Post No. 30. Mr. Green replaces Mr. William Vann, Jr. who has left the city to reside in Oklahoma. Mr. Green is a veteran of over four years service in the recent war He served in several branches ■ . IT-. -.IT— —— of the Service, including the Quar termaster, Field Artillery, and he played in the 4th Regiment Band at ft. Warren, Wyo. He also drum majored the 384th Army Band at New Orleans, La., and Staten Is land, N. Y. The son of the deceased Dr. J. L. Oreen, and has been a resident of Omaha for 28 years. Mr. Green is 32 years of age, he is married and has three children. I Now 9s The Time For Good Gardeners To Join Together Over A Sociable Cup WHEN spring’s in the air, it’s high time for good gardeners to get together for a sociable eve ning and compare notes on favorite theories on seeds an<f exposures. You’ll bountifully fulfill your host ess duties if you provide sweets and ample beverage supplies to spice the conversation. A treat that’s sure to appeal to spring-time appetites is a plateful of tiny open face cookies filled with varied sweets. A light crisp confection is best to co-star with jelly and fillings. It’s a good idea to serve decaffeinated coffee so your enthusiastic gardeners can spice their conversation with extra cups without losing sleep later on. Sec ond cups are no trouble, if you use the new instant decaffeinated cof fee. Just add hot water, if the tem perature's right for a piping hot beverage. Or if the evening’s sud denly warm, just dissolve the in stant decaffeinated coffee with wa ter from the tap and add ice. In a minute you’ll be assured of a tink ling glass of rich, full-bodied coffee. A fluff of whipped cream adds ap peal to the iced glass. As a festive touch try mixing the decaffeinated coffee with chocolate drinks. A rolled pastry cookie is best for the jelly filling. Stamp circles with a biscuit cutter. Use a thimble dip ped in flour to cut out the centers from half of the disks. Place a small spoonful of jam or preserves on the lower circles, top with the cut out circles, and bake until they are lightly brown. Serve either hot or cold. ' Gardener s conoiate * 2 squares unsweetened chocolate 5 teaspoons instant decaffeinated coffee 1 cup hot water 4 tablespoons sugar Dash of salt_ 3 cups milk Combine chocolate. Instant de caffeinated £offee, and hot water in top of double boiler and place over low flame, stirring until chocolate is melted and well blended. Add sugar and salt and boil 4 minutes, stirring constantly. Then place over boiling water. Add milk gradually, stirring constantly, and heat. When hot, beat with rotary egg beater until light and frothy. Cool. Pour over cracked^ice in tali glasses. Or serve hot, if desired. Top with whipped cream. Makes 4 servings. Open-Face Jam Cookies 3-1/2 cups sifted cake flour 3 teaspoons double-acting baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup butter or other shortening 1/2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed 1 egg, well beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/3 cup milk Jam Sift flour once, measure, add bak ing powder and salt, and sift again. Cream shortening, add sugar gradu ally, and cream together until light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla, then add flour, alternately with milk, mixing well after each addi tion. Chill until firm enough to roll. Roll 1/8 inch thick on lightly flour ed board. Cut with floured 2-1/2- ■ inch cutter. Place 1 teaspoon jam on a circle; place another circle, from which the center has been cut, on top and press edges to gether. Bake on ungreased baking sheet in hot oven (425°F.) 8 min utes, or until done. Makes about 2Vi dozen cookies. I Beauticians j (HAIR DRESSING BOOTHS I For Rent or Lease— 1 DOT’S BEAUTY SALON f 2031 North 24th St. AT-0459 | .-■> ----— j tenant fry loo& yowi fettf* ' «tt6 NATURAL HAIR ATTACHMENTS j OH AQA/N—OFF AGAIN ■air Do'*—to meet afl occasiwl f AOf BOY $3.00 NATUfal BRAID $4.50 YOU CAN HAVE YOUR HAIR PERFECTLY MATCHED Latest Creations Easily Attached Human Half— chignon All Shades $5JO, SEND NO MONZT MJSt SEND SAMPLE OF YOUK HAM O* STATE THE COLO* Pay Poitiaaa Fvfl AoMaat aa DMay JESSIE RARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS ( SO7 RFTH AVL (Room 905) NEW YORK 17. N. D^fcT' CHICAGO FURNITURE CO. •SPECIAL SALE • LINOLEUM, • STOVES, • ICE BOXES, • LAMPS. "WE SELL FOR LESS” JA 4411 1833-35 NORTH 24th ST. — .. - ii mi* BROTHERLY BEHAVIOR' -BY—— CAPT. EARLE CONOVER “THEIR HERE’' On a huge sign displayed across the front of a store in my neigh borhood may be seen the words, “Their Here’’. Listed below are some of the articles for the sale, the badly-needed, post war, home appliances. Every time that I’ve seen that sign I’ve asked myself, “Whose ‘Here’ is this, after all? Does it belong to one group?” Ellis Amell, Former Governor of Georgia, recently lectured in our city, using the thought-provoking subject, “Whose America Is this Anyway?” Let’s think about it! ’ While America was discovered and colonized early by certain nat lonal and religious groups, through out its entire history immigrants p|£^P^^ticallj^n^ections^o£Uie^ globe have settled in it. So, from the very first, America was some thing more than a one-group, one culture Country. Yet in many places and in many times some of our fellow citizens have lived so selfishly and so blindly that they have deprived others of their own birthrights. "WE THE PEOPLE” The Preamble of our constitution may well be a "must” reading for our citizenry: “WE, the PEOPLE of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, estab lish justice, insure domestic tran quility, provide for the common defense, promote the general wel fare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our pos terity, do ordain and establish this (Continued on Page 4) CARD OF THANKS THAnTI IToH ATp°pnK;AETN,SN0^RHTEi6RT^S BEA5lT^ULSSt.o^AGES °F SVMPATHY AND BEAUTIFUL FLORAL OFFERINGS RECEIVED FROM OUR MANY FRIENDS IN OMAHA AnS OTHER CITIES IN OUR RECENT BEREAVEMENT IN THE LOSS OF OUR BELOVED FATHER MR. THANK RFVM oS ®HAW WHO DEPARTED THIS THANK REV. O. J. BURCKHARDT REV. C E REV- E F■ RIDLEY AND ALL WHO EN DEAVORED TO LIGHTEN OUR BURDEN IN OUR OUR SAD HOUR DAUGHTERS—MRS. LOVIE M. DANIELS, MRS LILLIE M. ANDERSON, MRS WAVE SHAW MADISON, MRS. DELL R MOORE, MRS. MARION J. HOWARD SONS—MR. CURTIS H. SHAW, MR. JOHN E SHAWj MR. JEWELL R. SHAW, MR. LLOYD M. SHAW MR. JULIAN C. SHAW. Classified Ads Get Resuits A nice Room for a neat clean man_WE_4883 Spaulding Furniture Co. 3823 North 24th Street FOR SALE— Chest of Drawers, Sectional Book Cases, Matched 'Snd Tables, ^ev eral kinds of Dinette and Dining room sets. Bedroom Suites and Mew Living Room Suites and etc. '“Come In and See Us” BUY A LOT in Bedford Pari^ beauty spot cf our community. Call JA-7718. • McBrady Products Orders Taken at 2506 Burdette St.. Telephone JAckson 7284. —Mrs. C. M. Elder. • AUTOS WANTED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors VT-9463 2056 Farnain diuiiiiiR’iiMitmimiiiiiiinimiiMMiimiitiHiiiiiiMMiiiimmiiiiiiMiMiiiiiiiiitiiuKitiMniimiiMr MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 N. CHIOKEN DINNERS 30th St., JA. 89f8. Our Chicken Dinners are Something to Crow A bout. Robt. Jones, Propr. I.AL N DRIES A CLEANERS EDHOLH A SHERMAN 4401 North 24th St WE, SOSI New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Faint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 8511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEhster 2224— "Everything For The Home'' NEIGHBORHOOD rilRNTTUKk Si CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE;—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Beds. Gas Stoves and Ol Itb’^es. •We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST. BEDFORD PARK—One New Home for immediate occu pancy. 2 more for May 1st. Small down payment—F.H.A. and G. I. Loans. Phone Hiram D. Dee, JA. 7718, JA. 1620, iliimiilliillllllllllllilliiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin uMiimmuimiiimmimmimmuimimiiimiiimiimmii FOREIGN JOBS Men Women gov. and private listings, hundreds skill de classifications. 16-pages accur.. ate information $1.00, postpaid. .. Satisfaction guaranteed.FOREIGN •JOBS, INC., Baltimore 1, Maryld. 1426 North 19 th Street Six Rooms Modem with Stoker Heat, $30.00 per month income, besides Owner’s living quarters. Automatic Water with heat, combination storm door and storm Windows. Price $4,750. MR. WALTER J. ZINC 457 Omaha National Bank Bldg. City—JAckson 0152 * ■HCTlTO'TQ Yw. (mart women and men by the thooean* how quickly Palmer’* SKIN SUCCESS Ola* _work* to relieve the itching o< many eafee* ■ally eeuaed pimple*, ruin "«poU" ec*em**ad ringworm. Original, genuine P aimer*• SKIN SUC CESS Ointment ha* been proved for ever 100 year* Try it o» the guarantee oT *ati*f actio* er teak, 29* (Economy 75c «U* contain. <"*»«i* Nmuch). Hi ah .tore* or from E.T. Brown* Dr** Ch, » 127 Wafer St, New York City I f »».dinefeO US* \ 'Ps&£meA%-_ See Bailey First j f SPECIALIZING IN PATCH WORK, PLASTERING ] r • BRICKLAYING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETEING# ) V 9 RETAINING WALLS • ( OFFICE—2209 NO. 22ND ST | f —PHONE—AT1154— )