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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1947)
The Omaha Guide + A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ^ Published Every Saturday at 2420 Grant Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA—PHONE HA- 0*00 Entered as Second Class Matter March 15. 1927 at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under ! Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 j C- C» Gnllowty,_ Publisher and Acting Editor Ail News Copy of Churches and all orgaaii ations must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy on Paid Articles, not later than Wednesday noon, proceeding date of issue, to insure public ation. _ SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA ONE YEAR _ $4.00 SIX MONTHS . $2.50 THREE MONTHS.. $1.50 ONE MONTH _ 50c SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN ONE YEAR_ $4.50 National Advertising Representatives— INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, Inc 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone:— MUrray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck. Manager J CL.. •__. BARNEY GOOGLE This is the story of Barney Goo gle, who lived in potatoe row on Ruth McGlee’s farm Route 4 South Omaha. Mrs. McGlee, who is Secretary to Earl Frederiksen Safety Engineer of the Metropolitan Utilities Dist rict said that she grew a personal ity potatoe patch. Barney is the boss of the garden This picture shows Barney Google exactly as he was dresses, when a brisk tug of Mrs. McGlee’s wrists permitted him to extract himself from entangling roots in potatoe row so that he could travel out and see the world. "Barney is a wee bit bald and he looks like a tough potatoe.” Said Mrs. McGlee “He reallyy and truly is’nt. “He is always kind and thoughtful.” Should you wish to pick your hoss in any AKSARBEN race, all you need do is rub Bar ney’s head three times with the three fingers of your right hand, if Barney takes a fancy to you: You are in on the money- “Should carney feel that you are not a con vival spirit and not kind to Bull Frogs and Angle Worms, feller you are not just outside looking in and a cold potatoe. In case you want an Ernest Goo gle in your home or his little sister Gretchen. write or phone Mrs. Me Glee and she will gid around in potatoe row to see if they are at home. Barney sez, it is O. K. by him if you want to play the ponies. Just rub his head in the picture and when you are fast asleep, you will see your dream horse coming in at the post first by a head- Be sure to take a peek at the jockey,s number in case you don’t quite remember what your dream horse looks like, otherwise when you go your bookie you are just outa luck and your pot of gold has gone with the rain bow. Brother and Sister there is just one little more hint. Be sure not to snore, since nothing scares a dream horse so much as a little good loud snorting snore. I Seeing Stars WITH DOLORES CALVIN New York, New York.—(Calvin News Service)—The Broadway Harlem saying is no longer “Open The Door” but Have you been vaccinated?” . .And most would like to have murdered the export man who stated the smallpox dan ger in the first place.....Result: many of our important business people are bedded with cowpox.... Lena Home didn’t say what her plans were and she didn’t stay too long with us New Yorkers after Eastertime. She rushed right out tb open at the Chez Paree in Chicago. And while there will be guest at Hotel Steiens for Photo graphers Ball.,,,, Lionel Hampton celebrated his ? birthday (He’s getting younger & younger) in Louisville after brav ing changed schedules due to the floods. And Hamp received birth day cards from Tempo, Muchaho and Re-Bop. his dogs. . . Incident, ly, Astor Pictures is trying to interest the Hamptons in a super duper picture in connection with a big buildup in films, a la Louis Jordan. ..... Arthur Lee Simkins has moved over at the Latin Quarters to make plenty room for Sophie Tucker, the buxom queen of showbusiness who made a gala return last week. And it was Sophie who sent that bas ket of flowers Up to Sydenham Hospitial. More arguments and fist fights resulting from Jackie Robinson’s debut on the scene of baseball. And more bets on his yearly salary, his hobbies and even as to whether lil’ Jackie, Jr. will be a Dodger star in about 20 years. Wonder what the prejudiced but needy Texas City victims will say when they see Jack Benny and Phil Harris bringing Rochester to cheer them up as requested by the Texas Governor ? ? ? The unit will be the first to attempt to help the fire-ridden city. . . . Publicity guys have done so much advance work on “The Egg and I”, “Duel In the Sim” and “Carnegie Hall” without one ad vance showing until Broadway is tired of waiting. .Benny Leonard, the former champ who died in the ring last week while refereeing, was a Harlem kid from Lenox Ave. In the old days whenever he fought the whole neighborhood came to watch. . . . Congressman Adam Powell will have fun driving the $4,000 stat ion wagon on weekends at their Westchester home. It was an East er gift from Hazel. .. She’s head lining the Roxy Theatre stage TALMADGE & THOMPSON ARE STILL FEUDIN’ Atlanta.Ga.—Herman Talmadge, the disposed Governor of Georgia and Governor M. E- Thompson are still at it. This time Herman has accused Thompson of trying to or ganize a white and black zebra Democratic party in the peach state. Herman’s verbal attack came after Thompson’s call for a State Democratic party convention in Macon on April 30, for the pur pose of ousting all Talmadgites from key posts. A stannch Tal madge supporter, James S. Peters asserts that the Governor’s move is to entice Negro votes. Herman without authority to recognize the party and therefore might be re garded as setting up a ‘ rival par ty group." “There can be but one Democratic party in Georgia,’’ Herman declares binkman’shoe**' SERVICE 319 So. 15th St. Marsh Caster In Charge m0»0&B0*0mam AH Good Radio Service SALES & SERVICE Guarantee Repairs on all Makes of Radios UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT R. L Richman, Mgr.—JA 4365 2217 CUMING ST. .pr.fREDNmerV LIGHTENSdSSKIN Loosens BLACKHEADS wm only m directed BOaflCHPEBBI i n i n iJ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 MONTH. 50c | 3 MONTHS.*1.50 1 6 MONTHS . *3.50 f 1 YEAR . *4.00 1 o o o 1 YEAR (Ont of Town) *4.50 | — V LAKE SHOE SERVICE Now Is The Time To Get Your Shoes Rebuilt! Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street -1 Kleenway Cleaning Chemicals Waterless hand cleaner Dishwashing Powders KLEEN-WAY Laboratories Ltd. 2208 CUMING SY Phone-JA 7522—8451 Hard Coughing Spells Resulting From'Colds When your cold brings on a nasty troublesome cough, spend 45 cents at any drug store for a bottle of BUCK LEY’S CANADIOL MIXTURE — triple acting—to relieve coughing fast. BUCK LEY'S acts promptly to help loosen up thick, stScky phlegm — soothe irritated throat membranes and ease hard cough ing spells. So try it the very next time a cold results in, a wracking, stubborn cough. Find out for yourself just how good it is for coughs due to colds. Get BUCKLEY’S CANADIOL MIXTURE — made in the U.S.A.—TODAY—all drug gists. r ... ■■ “Zi Pays To Look Weir MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street ■ ■» -- CHANGES IN TRAIN SCHEDULES Effective May 14th * % * f Beginning May 14, the schedules of certain Union Pacific trains operat ing between Chicago and the West Coast, will be changed. For informa tion regarding new arrival and depart ^ ure times—and for reservations— see your local ticket agent. iUNION PACIFIC RAILROAD PROBLEMS i humanity] Editor’s Note:- Submit your problems for publication to ABBE* WALLACE, in care of this newspaper. Give your full name, ad dress and birthdate. For a "private reply” send Abbe ' a stamped envelope and twenty-five cents for one of his new and inspiring ■LESSONS FOR HAPPIER LIVING." Your letter will be treated confidentially. Send 25 cents in coin, stamps or money order. Address your letter to: The ABBE’ WALLACE Service, in care of. iv. i.—i have been inspired by the way you answer other people’s problems. I find it necessary to call on you with mine. I am 18, have 2 children, a girl 18 months and a boy 2 months. The boy’s father has taken care of us for the past year and he wants very much tj marry me and be a father to these children- We love each other. Here i the drawback. He has a widowed mother to support and I don’t want him to mistreat her for us. His mother is fond of us and thinks it will be all right. What should I do Ans: Marry the man. Your child ren need a father and you need a husband. It isn't necessary that you inconvenience his mother at all by joining him in marriage- You understand his position and should insist that he continue to provide for her. His mother realizes his love for you and knows he will never be happy without you. She is perfectly willing to share her home with you as her son’s wife. P. L.—I’ve been in the city a month visiting my in-laws- They are trying to coax me to open a place of business here. I have oper ated a very successful tea room business for years and sold out recently. I can see the possibilities in this new location. Advise me Ans: Choose a likely sight for your tea room and go back in bus iness. You have reached the point where the life of leisure you are now living is growing monotonus and going back in business is the oly thing that will satisfy your pres ent state of restlessness. There's money to be made—you know how to make it, too. C- B.—For the past month I have been worried to death. My first and second husband both are pes tering me to return to them and I can’t make up my mind if I want either one? Ans: Leave well enough alone. Neither one of them had what it took to make you contented—it won’t be any different now. Contin ue your search for Mr. Right—he’ll be along before long. P. N. C.—I have been home six weeks and my wife acts strange. She received my allotment for 3 years and worked regular and she lived well- I saved my money and brought it home with me. I want to build a nice house on part of my property but she says she is n’t interested in a home or any thing I have. Now I have made up my mind to build the home and move in regardless- She can come if she likes or stay as she is. Ans: The new home will prove a show . . Aside to Brooklyn Dod gers: Give us abreak, fellas and don’t snub our Jackie anymore. . . Joe Louis, in the middle of the heated discussion of who he will fight this June 26th, comes up with the bright idea that fans won’t pay to see any opponent they are now considering. .Joe, loaded with South American loot, prefers to wait until Fall. . . Channing Tobias and wife are staying the few days at Hotel The resa while their Central Park view home has its elevator repair ed- . And Tobias will soon be a new member of the exclusive Lee Haven Beach Club of Conn, of which Walter Scott, Theresa man ager, is President . . . Riverdale Children’s Association is angling for the premiere proceeds of “Reet, Petite and Gone”, Louis Jordan’s latest film. . . . Just as we were settled with the sad news that Stan Kenton was disbanded due to ill health, a report comes that the 6ft. blond and handsome leader will go on as long as his health remains fairly good. . . Flo Hawkins has really gone south with the keys to the Hill apartment which she and Er skine shared for so many years Divorce proceedings have already begun. . . And it seems to be a little matter of a $60,000 settle ment. . . Paul Denis, Radio Editor of the New YorkPost wrote quite an al arming column last week downing Jack Benny for inserting the Ro chester voiced joke: “This is your favorite brunet.” Denis thought the gag in bad taste because the humor was based on a man’s col or. . an wrote him: “I take excep tion to your item In Bad Taste. I heard the broadcast along with several other Negroes, and not one of them took exception to that com ment- In fact, we enjoyed it and thought it quite clever.” We must add that Rochester’s gag was mild compared to some we’ve heard and therefore barely passes the O. K. line. hr--11 good investment. Go right ahead with ahead with your plans- How ever, don’t overlook the necessity of reaching a favorable under standing with your wife. The pre sent state of indifference is poison to your marriage. Urge her to go away with you on a trip—a second “honeymoon”—thestrive to kindle the flame of love in her heart all over again. W. R.DI am home now after several years- When I went in the service I lacked one year of fin ishing high school. I am very anx ious to go back to school and finish up as well as go to college but I just hate the idea of going back to school with a bunch of kids. Ans: Don’t worry about that score your interest in a high school dip loma so let nothing whatever stand in your way of obtaining it Once you get back in school, you’ll find some of the kids to be easy on the eyes and very delightful company. C. M- F.—Now you see, I have never wanted to be anyone import ant, just wanted to get married, have a home and kids. I never ran around or drank like some of our friends did- I worked and helped out when things were tough. But what credit did I get, none. My husband throws all that he and I Ah make away, hangs out and he Hot, blistering summer lays aren’t far away. Get j'eady for them now. Take your fan out of the attic —have it cleaned—oiled— and if necessary, repaired. If you don’t own a fan, see your dealer today. Be pre pared for hot weather! WOW BUILDING OMAHA 2, NEBRASKA ■" ■» I 1 *' V Si?? -^t ^l| VJ H jm * V W WwlS^lww I i! ^mHemhS r - /*V f*CcT -vf:/ ;?< ^/C^iP2 s" X i YR. OLD RAPE-KILLER TO £T 20 YEARS New York, N. Y_15 year old jhn Grate was convicted here by .cond degree murder in the rape illing of a four year old child ept. 23. He was sentenced to 20 ears of life by General Sessions udge Francis L. Valentin. The ourt explained why the boy is be ig sent to prison instead of War. nek State School as the children :ommitteed to the school are gran .•d paroles on short time 3R00KLYN STUDENTS PRE SENT ROBESON WITH PLAQUE Brooklyn, N. Y_Paul Robeson, following Frank Sinatra, was pre sented the annual Franklin D. Roosevelt plaque by students of Midwood High School for being most active in improving better relations among the various rac ial and religious groups. Robeson, being away on the coast, his pla ; Judge Hubert T. Delany of the Domestic Relations Court. HEAD OF NEW YORK’S LITTLE F.E.P.C RESIGNS POST New York.,N. Y_Henry C- Tur. ner, Chairman of the State Com mission against Discrimination re signed this week to return to his law practice. Governor Dewey has accepted the resignation “with profound regret.” Recently recovered from a severe illness, Turner claimed claimed he could no longer carry on both his commission activities and his pri vate practice. “In relinquishing my position as a member of the State Commission Against Discrimination,” he wrote to Governor Dewey, “I desire to express to you my appreciation of the opportunity which you gave me to assist with my colleagues in the pioneer work which the commiss ion was called upon to perform. We have keenly conscious of the great responsibility which was en trusted to us not only to carry out the mandate of the statute but to administed the law in such a man ner as would gain confidence and support of all groups which make up the population of the state.” Governor Dewey told the retiring chairman that “Few men in our time have given so generously of themselves to the public service as you when our New York law a gainst discrimination in employ ment was enacted in 1945.” acts like an adolescent- Is it worth the effort to try to hold the home together ? Ans: Make any sacrifice necess ary to hold your home together. Life without your husband would be more complex than it is now as you could not provide properly for the children alone. You can, turn his interest toward you and the home again if you will rom ance and play along with him- He wants a sweetheart as well as a practical wife and mother. I would like to have you send for Happier Living Lesson No. 2—“Ho w to Hold Your Mate ” The price is 25c Lesson 1 1947 Inspirational Read ing, price 25c (give birthdate) Lesson 2 How to. Hold Your Mate 25c Lesson 3 The Way to Happiness, 25c Lesson 4 How to Win A Man, 25c. 25c Lesson 5 How to Gain & Hold Mon ey, 25c. Sports STRANGE THINGS MAY HAP PEN IN THE LAND By Ray Lawrence —For Global News Syndicate— New York, N. Y. —Now that the Brooklyn Dodgers have broken the jim crow ice in the major leagues by hiring Jackie Robinson, some thing strange seems to be looming on the baseball horizon. Rumor has it that some of the western clubs are planing to come up with a Negro player. Some credence letting the East get ahead of them in doing things, not even when it gets under their jimcrow pride So look for anything to happen now that the major league color bar has been broken down. This writer predicted half a doz en years ago that if and when a Negro entered the majors it would be by way of the Brooklyn Dod gers. Watch for the next Negro play er to enter the big leagues via the Cincinnati Reds or the St. Louis Cardinals. —HAWKINS TALKING BALL GAMES Hello Sport Fans! It looks as if Softball and Hardball will take over the spotlight in a few more days. Activity may be seen on all playing fields as players work themselves into condition for fut ure competition. Managers and sponsors are getting Necessary equipment together in order to field not only the best teams but | the best looking team. So prepare yourselves to see some of the best ball playing that you have seen in a long time BADMINTON The Northside Y badminton team can be seen working out at the Urban League every Tuesday and Thursday nights so if you care to see a fast game played by those that know how Come on out There is plenty of room CHECKERS The Northside Y will set aside one time, two nights a week in order for you checker players to get together. George Dixon former Pug and “The Hawk” also a for mer Pug has been takeing on all comers. So come on out and grab up a chair and lets see what you know. RECOUPERATING Mr. John R. Butler of the near Northside Y is at home to all of his many friends. Mr. Butler recently left a local hospital where he had undergone a minor operation Right now his brand new plat form rocker has got him, but not for long. BOXING Coach Buddy McCrae is out at ' Charles St. Recreation Center for reasons unknown. Mr. Travis Dix on will be takeing over shortly. The boys will miss Buddy at the Center because it was there that he has coached some well known Golden Gloves boxers. The Near Northside Y Boxers are preparing themselves for a boxing tournament to be held at Legion Post 1 May 19. The boys . -i l. IL-. II . —it ■ ■■ -..1 1 ' ‘ ' Q -BEATRICE L. MORGAN i Dramatic Studio • ATTRACTIVE TEACHING METHODS. • RECITALS. STUDENTS ALL AGES. n 2537 Patrick JA-0559 ni".-- =ii - ir——===ii. ■■■■■■■■WMMMMHIlMiUNrauHiiiMtMiiWiiHiiimiitiiiiiiMimmiimimMiMiiiiiiniiiiiimitiiuiimiiMiiiiiiiiilUMiiiKiiiiiiiiiiniimhiiiimiiinimiiiiiiiMiuiiiiiiiiimiimiiMWiiiiitMiiiMi I ROSE Beauty Saicn Now located at 2219 Maple Street I -PHONE: JAckson 7610 Open from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Each Week Day. Featuring AN INTRODUCTORY OFFERING,— A Series of Three Scalp Treatments 1 Mrs. Rose Lucky Johnson formerly operated a Beauty j Salon at 2408 Erskine Street I OPERATORS: I MRS. REBECCA EVANS, 1 MRS. EDNA McDonald, I MRS. ROSE LUCKY JOHNSON, Prop. IS THERE SUCH A THING AS PERFECT j WOMANHOOD ?' "No”—claim medical authorities, who ought to know! Nature has so constructed and physi cally endowed woman that in many cases she’s apt to suffer certain distressing symptoms > during her life. For instance, when she enters womanhood—or during the menopause, the period when fertility ebbs away. Now if on ‘certain days’ of the month—fe male functional monthly disturbances are causing you to suffer irom pain, nervous dis tress and feel so tired, cranky, you snap at your children and husband—then do try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to relieve Such symptoms. It’s famous for this purpose. Made ESPECIALLY For Girls and Women j Pinkham’s Compound does more than relieve such monthly pain. It also relieves accom panying nervous tension, irritability and weak, nighstrung feelings—when due to this cause. i Taken regularly thrucut the month — this great medicine helps build up resistance against such distress. A thing any sensible woman should want to do! . v Lydia Pinkham’s Compound is also very effective to relieve hot flashes and those funny, embarrassing feelings during the years 38 to 4 52—when due to the functional ‘middle-age’ period peculiar to women. Pinkham’s Compound is worth trying! ofycUa t. WinJk/uvtu) |, are Herbert Clay, James Grec ory, Reggie Hughes, Rawlin Jakes and Kippy Triggs- These boys are » favorite to sweep four champion, ships. Another boy will be James Womack, a flashy little 118 pound, er. James Watson is preparing to win his second straight pro-fight. atson faught a beautiful fight last week, and the fans like the stuff that he uses. by Leonard "Hawk” Hawkins * * I You don’t appreciate howi wonderful Bleep is until you. have had one or two wakeful' nights. When occasionally ner vous tension keeps you awake I half the night, or when you are I nervous, keyed up, jittery. | Try Mites NERVINE I It has been making good for| more than sixty years. CAU-j TION—use only as directed.. Get Miles Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent tablets, 35c* and 75c—Liquid, 25c and $x.00.1 Miles Laboratories, Inc.,I Elkhart, Indiana. <- / ^__ ✓ The TESTIMONYofTHOUSANDS: " It’s the HOTEL THERESA, When In NEW YORK any aaasoa •I the year , 7th Amt. at 125tfa St the Heart of Harfent JOO spacious,' all outside rooms i luxurious suites. The beautiful Orchid Room for dining; cocktail lounge and bar; the lovely Mea se nine for relaxation. Ideal atmos phere for rest, study, and cohort. tv#* room* with pehrlio ht* •2.00 l>Uh-»2.50 DnM ad * Without pr/rafe hath •ixo sam —*2.oo Doan mt w WALTS* W. SCOTT. tfiuAir HOTEL THERESA I* Am. a US* St. Mm Tart C*f ■i ■A Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHONE JA-4635 formerly at 24th & F.rskine St. NEW LOCATION 516 North 16th $3.00 C.OU. ptut postage ALSO CHIGNONS BARGAIN SPECIALS ALL AROUND ROLLS, extra heavy, extra tong *7.50 VICTORY ROLLS „*4 0O CHIGNONS_*4.00 BRAIDS (extra length) *4.50 Scad for Free Catalogue Write to HAIRCRAFT 547 St. Pauls Place' Bronx, New York Dept.