“Events and Happenings of Social and Local Importance?* □ ^ . n Social-Local News! Just Call HA-0800 to publish your local news iz: your Newspaper—The Greater Omaha GUIDE. -- — .. -- ..— B MRS. HAZEL HENDERSON HOSTESS TO BUSY BEE’S CLUB ON ST. PATRICK’S DAY The Busy Bee’s Club met at the home of Mrs. Hazel Henderson, 2037 North 19th street, on St. Pat rick’s Day. The reading of articles LOANS $10 TO $1,000 Ynu can obtain a loan from us for almost any purpose and repay in small monthly payments. Salary loans on your signature only. We also make auto and furniture loans. We will gladly make you a small loan or a large one. Phone AT-2300, tell us what you need, then come in and pick up the money. Prompt Service. COMMERCE LOAN COMPANY 1901 Farnam St. Ground Floor Comer. Istrrv Flinn, Manager, on and the discussion of China was very enlightening, interesting and was enjoyed by all. The Busy Bee members wish to thank their friends and Clair Church for the wonderful support given them in making their anual Bazaar a suc cess. The luncheon was a colorful one as well as tasty. The dessert was beautifully decorated with col ors of white and two tones of green, and with beautiful designs of Shamrock sprigs. The next The BRIEF Coat TOPS IN TOPPERS ( Saddle shoulders and exag j gerated cuff on a longer i version of the brief coat in 100% Wool Suede cloth. 4995 BETTER COATS SECOND FLOOR meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ruby Henry, 963 North 28th Ave. Margaret Yancy. Chairman, Ruby Henry, Sec’y, Ruthe Towles, Reporter 20-40 CLUB ENTERTAINS DR. AND MRS McMILLAN AT FORMAL DINNER PARTY The 20-40 Club began its spring activities by entertaining Dr. and Mrs. Aaron McMillan at a formal dinner party given Friday, March 21, 1947, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Biddiex, Sr., 2218 North 27th Avenue. The tables were beautifully dec orated, carrying out the spring motif by the use of yellow daffo dils and baby’s breath in the cen ter pieces, and yellow and white tapers on the tables. Mrs. McMillan was presented with a lovely gift by the women of the club- Mr. McMillan later re ceived a gift from the men of the Club. The gue3t list included the fol lowing: Rev. and Mrs. David St. Clair, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Hawk ins, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Myers, Mr. and Mrs- Leo Bohanon, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Pinkett, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Flannigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hayes; the Mrs. Maude Jefferson, Elmer Crumbley, and J. L. Betts; and Miss Ethei Brewer. Club members are as follows: the Mr. and Mrs- H. Speese. M. Speese, J. Sanders, L. Lewis, W. M. Rogers and H. E. Biddiex; the Mrs. Min nie Griffin, Viola Wright, Perry Taylor, Emma Hill, Harriet Smith and Mae Lee; Ed Beasley; and Miss Nina Cox. *** REV. L. BODDIE VISITS HERE The Honorable Rev. L. Boddie, pastor of Greater Harvest Baptist Church, 4546 Dearborn St., Chic ago, 111., one of the great human itarians of the race, whose weekly broadcast over station WAAF on each Sunday afternoon from 3 to YOU-Not the Beer Industry— Select Your Licensees Neither the beer industry nor this Committee has anything to do with issuing the tavern li censes in your town. It is YOU, and the other citizens of your town who do that, with and through local and state governing bodies. You are thus offered an oppor tunity to serve your community by acting to see that only good tavern-keepers are selected. The taverns in your commun ity can be as good as a majority of the citizens want them. It is your privilege and duty as a good citizen to report any violations that have been made, any conditions that should be corrected. Make your complaint to the local governing body that is sues licenses. They must be guided by any such findings be fore acting. Do this important civic duty now. ) NEBRASKA COMMITTEE n United States Brewers \ Foundation Charles E. Sandall, State Director \ 7» Fir* Ntt'l Buk Bldg , Llocol* Lovely Lace Panel Curtains 52x81 Lace Panel, A AC border design, each. MmmW 45x90 Lace Panel 9 1Q all-over design, each. 45x90 Lace Panel, border design with figured 9 10 center, each .fcaiw 50x90 Lace Panel, border design with figured 1 CQ center, each. laVw 45x90 Lace Panel, border design and shadow lace center, A ^ A sheer quality, each . ”• ■ STREET FLOOR t i Orchard & Wilhelm Co. i The Kitchen Is the Heait Of The Home Food is a manufactured product. The kitchen is the assembly line where the different ingredients are put together to produce the family meal. The more complete the as sembly line the more easily can the house wife complete her task. Why not make the kitchen where so much time is spent, bright, cheerie and efficient The Home Service Department of The Metropolitan Utilities District have placed on their show room floor a life sized model of a per fect kitchen. This was done so that any Oma ha family, who wish to build or re model can have the advantage of scientific research in kitchen plann ing by the countries best home service specialists. These plans are yours for the asking without any charge. Here are the reasons why the range is placed in the center of the kitchen, the refrigerator on the left and the sink on the right in our display kitchen. The number of steps between each appliance in the preparation of 28 panned meals and the time consumed were taken with a stop watch before the kitchen was de signed. Here are the results of that study: 74.2 minutes were spent at the refrigerator, 68.9 minutes were spent at the sink, 35.5 minutes were spent at the 1 range. Now as to the steps taken. The study shows the following: 57 % of the steps taken were be tween the refrigerator and the range, 32% of the steps taken were be tween the sink and the refrig erator, 25% of the steps taken were be tween the range and the refrig erator. Now examine our kitchen aides when you look at the model kitch en. The air controlled cabinet a bove the range filters the air and removes all smoke and cooking odors from seeping through tne house. The dry storage cabinet above the refrigerator captures the warm air fro-n the back and removes it from a vent in the top. This makes an ideal storage space for salt, sugar, crackers, etc. A small curved door at the base of each hanging cabinet pulls down to form's handy shelf for spices, seasoning, etc. This keeps your working space uncluttered. Cub bard shelves for extra equipment, snack bars and comfortable up holstered benches may be added. You may select any color from the rainbow to personalize your kitch en and make it completely your own. All these time savers are incor porated in the Utiities Home Serv ice Kitchen. The plans are yours for the asking. 4 pm. is something short of a sen sation in the religious world of to day. Rev. Boddie and his wife were guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gregga Wil liams 2122 Burdette street for the week end of March 22. Mrs. Bod die is a sister of Mrs. Williams. We look forward to another vis it from them in the near future. Welcome to our city, Rev. and Mrs. Boddie. *** T-SGT. GEORGE CRUMBLY TO REPORT FOR NEW ASSIGNMENT Ft. Dix, N. J., March 22—T-Sgt. George A. Crumbly, husband of Mrs. Helen Crumbly, of 1002 12th Street, Lafayette, La., has left the Replacement Training Center here and will rport to Columbus Ohio, for his new assignment. Prior to entering the service on March 15, 1941, T-Sgt. Crumbly who attended the Technical High School, of Omaha, Nebraska, for two years, was employed by the Federal Music Company, Omaha, Nebraska. Formerly attached to the 449th Army Ground Forces Band, here at Fort Dix, he reen listed in the Army on October 2, 1945- His former home was 2846 Binney Street, Omaha, Nebraska. THE FRIENDLY SIXTEEN BRIDGE CLUB Met Monday night March 24th at the home of Otto Priutt 2436 Grant Street. The meeting was opened by the president, bussines of importance was dicussed we also completed plans for a Bridge Tour nament on April 25th at the Elks Club four changes of bridge was played,James Grizzard won high score. Next meeting will be at the house of L. R. Turner 2724 Blondo. E. Avant, president Otto Pruitt, reporter VISITS IN DENVER Mrs. Zenobia Hickman returned Monday from Denver, Colo., after visiting two weeks with her niece Mrs. Cora Peters and family also Mrs. Gloyd Mitchell. Mrs. Hickman had formerly liv ed in Denver and she was glad to meet so many old friends. There were many courtesies extended to her. GIRL SCOUT NEWS The Girl Scout Troop met at Mrs. Cleone Murrell. We gave our re port about the cookies and the 3 highest girls are Cleone Harmon 124 boxes. Lois Artison 49 boxes, Janice Hall 47 boxes, altogether we need 369 boxes. We opened with Girl Scouts together and the Girl Scout pledge. Cleone Harmon from our troop is running for “Cookie Queen”. We are having First Aid today. Pres , Betty K. Reporter, Florence Bridges, Leader, Mrs. Cleone Murrell. *** YNews NEAR NORTHSIDE BRANCH •• GAME ROOM ACTIVITIES John “Quincy” Taylor former HSS football, basketball, track and ping pong great, defeated Lloyd Mclwyer, 21-6, 21-9. 21-12, 21-19 in a spirited ping pong match at the Near Northside Branch YMCA Tuesday afternoon. The match a grudge affair settled the question of supremacy of the old regime or new, A gallery of Milt Moore, Ap pollo Faison, Spencer Jacobs, Tay lor Grant, and Walter Graves lent spirited backing to the contest ants. PING PONG Theotus Allen lea der of the senior division for the past several weeks in Ladder Tour ney play met a tartar in Nathan iel Station. “Duck’s” kills moved him into first place in two straight games. Others to move into com manding spots in the tourney were Leonard Hawkins, Clifton Gordon, Lorenzo Beene and Bill Gray. In the Junior circuit Denny King and Sam Holcomb moved into first and second places replacing Fred Lawson and Charles Watkins as ' | leaders continued to fall. Mosley I Station and Daryl Whightman ad-1 vanced to challenging position Ed | Anderson and A1 Hall continued to i i lead the Gra-Y division by virtue of consecutive wins over Charles Green and James Hayes followed in order. GRAY-Y PING PING TOURN EY—Gray-Yers will sponsor a team ping pong league to be play ed during the spring vacation. Teams entered are Long, Howard Kennedy, Kellom and Lake Gra-Y Teams will be composed of Yive “If Pays To Look WelT’ MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies ar.d Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street ’ -* -BEATRICE L. MORGAN Dramatic Studio • ATTRACTIVE TEACHING METHODS. • RECITALS. STUDENTS ALL AGES. 2537 Patrick JA-0559 — II - ir II II II r . ,*,>m"”,1"",,,,***"l>*twul"w",,WM,Hwn|M»Muiiittit,lini||iMiM»uunni»niiinmmumnnminiuiiiutiiiiumuiinnniumnmmiinitniinn«»»«"niittm' ROSE Beauty Saion Now located at 2219 Maple Street -PHONE: JAckson 7610— Open from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Each Week Day. Featuring AN INTRODUCTORY OFFERING,— A Series of Three Scalp Treatments Mrs. Rose Lucky Johnson formerly operated a Beauty Salon at 2408 Erskine Street I OPERATORS: I MRS. REBECCA EVANS, ! MRS. EDNA MCDONALD, I MRS. ROSE LUCKY JOHNSON Prop. ! The Omaha Guide i A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER JL * l.Published Every Saturday at 2420 Grant Street < ) OMAHA, NEBRASXA—PHONE HA. 0*K) i Entered as Second Class Matter March 15. 1927 'at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under } >Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 )C- C- Gallovety,—. Publisher and Acting Editor | ) All News Copy of Churches and all orgaais- j l at ions must be in our office not later than 1:00 j ‘p- m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising < l Copy on Paid Articles, not later than Wednesday j r noon, proceeding date of issue, to insure public- 1 Ration. SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA \ ONE YEAR . _ 54 00 SIX MONTHS. 52 50' THREE MONTHS ... ' 5150 ONE MONTH ...50c' SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN { ONE YEAR . 54 50| National Advertising Representatives— INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, lnc\ 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone:— MUrray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager. ^ boys and matches will consist of four sigle matches and two double matches. GROUP MEMBERSHIP The Midwest Athetic Club, of which Herman Franklin is presi dent, is the first club in the city to take out a group membership in the Near Northside Branch YMCA. At their meeting on Sunday Mar. 23rd all thirty members of the club took out memberships SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES FOR SPRING VACATION Monday, March Hist 9:00 to 12:00 am. Gra-Y Basketball Tournament, Cen tral YMCA. Gra-Y Png Pong Tournament 3:00 to 6:00 pm. Near Northside “Y”. Midget Basketball 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Urban League gymnasium. Tuesday, April 1st Gra-Y Basketball Tournament Finals 10:00 to 12:00 ain. Central YMCA. 2:00 P. M. Educational Tour -Start from Near Northside “Y”. Midget Basketball Tournament semi finals 4:00 to 6:00 pm., Urban League. Wednesday, April 2nd 8;00 pm. Midget Basketball Tourna ment Finals, Urban League. 3:15 P. M. Checker Tournament at the Near Northside “Y”. 3:00 to 6:00 P. M. Gra-Y Ping PoDg Tournament. Thursday, April 3rd 1:00 P. M. Ping Pong Tournament. 9:00 A. M. Soft Ball Practice, at Bur dette Field. Friday, April 4th 9:00 to 11:00 A. M. Soft Ball Prac tice. Burdette Field. 3:00 P. M. Gra-Y Ping Pong Tourna ment Finals. 4:00 P. M. Kite Flying Contest. Basketball Free Throw Contest. Urban League gymnasium. 3:30 pm. to 6;00 pm. Group I. 12 years and under. Group II. 13 years to 17 years. Group III. 17 years and over. Saturday, April 5th. 2:00 P. M. Religious Movie at Near Northside “Y”. Audience Held Enthralled By Edrose Willis Graham’s Presentations At The Organ DEDICATE NEW ORGAN AT ST. PHILIPS CHURCH Members and friends of the Church of St. Philips the Deacon, gathered on Sunday afternoon on March 21st, at 5 p. m- to hear O maha's own and a member of St. Philips Church, Mrs. Edrose Willis Graham in an Organ Recital. The appreciative audience was thrilled and carried away into the land of musical fantasy by Mrs. Graham’s playing. Mrs. Graham in the presentation of each select ion, showed indication of a master touch with all the finish and com pleteness thereof. Mrs. Graham having taken les sons on the organ less than a year of playing, was a credit to her tea cher and her skill in mastering the organ in such a short time. Her playing of “Finlandia” by Sibelius and “A Cloister Scence” were ex cellent examples of her finish due to long and tedious study for this successful and remarkable pres entation. Mrs. Dolores Blackwell sang “O Divine Redeemer'’ by Gounod, ac companied at the organ by Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Ruth V. Wheeler sang “Come Unto Me" by Coenen, ac companied at the organ by Mrs. Graham, Other numbers played well by Mrs. Edrose Willis Graham, which were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience were as follows: Prelude and Fugue in D Minor by Bach Sonato for Organ by Browski, and Berceuse and Priere by Guilmant. Mrs. Edrose Willis Graham’s skill in mastering the organ shows promise of becoming one of the finest organists in the city as well : as one of the finest pianists. If she chooses to continue her study 1 HAWKIHS Talking | THE AUU BOXING MEET Time, almost midnight, Monday, March 24th a very important date to remember. By tyie time that this paper reaches you, the people, a lots of water shall pass under the bridge. My deadline is, or was on Tuesday, March 25th at high noon. James Gregory will have arriv ed in Kansas City on Wednesday, March 26 in his quest for National fame- The Jr. National AAU Box ing Tournament is being held there March 26-28. Gregory, local fea therweight, is favorite to sweep the tournament in that class. Time will tell all. When this paper reaches you, the People, Gregory will either be eliminated or stand ing in the hall of fame, of Nation al acclaim. The Team for the Regional AAU Boxing meet will be held here Apr. 2, has been chosen. They are Her bert (Baby June) Gray, 112; Joe Glass, 118; Harold McDonald 126; James Jlovak, 135; Sam Williams, 147; Clarence Adams, 160; George Barbara 175; and Motely, heavy weight. Harold McDonald is the only Golden Gloves Champion on the team. Sam Williams is a left over from last year's AAU. The same as James Novak, Clarence Adams, George Barbara and Mot ely were chosen by AAU. officials. Joe Glass and Herbert Gray were in this field, it will be one full of success. The Rev. S. G. Sanchefc, is Rector of the Parish, Calvin Philips Holds Audiences Spellbound At Elks Ensemble Recital At St. John’s Monday evening, March 24, 1947 at St. Johns, Calvin Philips rendi tion of "My Desire” and "Precious Lord” at the Elks Ensemble Recit al held his audience spellbound. The warm feeling and sincerity of the rendition of these two num bers was very pronounced. The Ensemble as a whole was up to its usual par in the presentation Df this recital. Numbers that thrill ed the audience to no end and pre sented as no one but the Ensemble could or can present them, were as follows: “Onward Christian Sold iers”. “God Leads His Children,” Octette singing, "Bowed on My Knees and “Cried Holy” and the closing hymn “W henl Can Read My Title Clear”. Mrs. Lillian Stevens soloed “In the Garden”, won for her many warm handclaps from the audience Added attractions were Miss Jac queline Johnson singing "When I Have Sung My Song”. This young lady has one of the coming voices of the day, and with diligent study and constant practice, she will de velop and become one of the out standing singers of the day. Our own little George Wheeler who is making a name for himself | in the musical world, played two piano solos "Gay Butterfly" and “Magnolia”. Mr. H. L. Preston directed the Ensemble in this Recital and Mrs. Dtis Jamerson was at the piano. Mrs. Lula Washington, President md members of the Pastors’ Aid Society of St. Johns presented this •ecital. __ ■ - ' _■ 1 DON'T LET 5 ! ( SAY YOU RE OLD It’s easy for gray, drab hair to give people the impression that you're older than you really ^ are, but even if your hair is turning prematurely gray, you can still attract new friends—win l romance —»by giving your hair rich, natural looking color and beauty with Larieuse. look years younger Color Your Hair This Easy Way 1 To give your hair | new, rich, natural- I lookingcolor(black, | brown, btor>de)start using Godefroy's LarieuseHairColor- | Ing NOW ... acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily — won t rub off or wash out—unaffected by heat — permits permanents and stylish hairdos . .. known and used for over 50 years. Your dealer will give your money back if you're not 100% satisfied. Have an easy, professional application at your favorite beauty shop or buy Larieusc at any * cosmetic department or drugstore. chosen by the “Hawk”, last years AAU boxing coach and chosen this year to act in the same capacity. *** ANOTHER CHANCE FOR TEX Next Monday night, March 31st, Tex Boddie, Omaha’s heavyweight [ will get another chance to redeem i himself when he climbs into the \ ring against Kid Rivera of St. Lou is. If Tex is right he should win this one by a knockout if he is not, watchout Tex! *** WATSON WINS IN KANSAS Larry Watson won a ten round fight in Topeka, Kansas, March 21. He is now preparing for a fight with Ray Augusta No. 10 in light heavyweight ranking. Watson has defeated Augusta twice. This shall be the third meeting. STILL HOT!!! The Roosevelt Post No. 30 Basket ball team is still hot. They defeat ed a team of picked high school stars, Melvin (Sonny) Keys was high man with 10 pta • ** SPRING SOCCER Spring Soccer practice was in t session last Sunday when the Near Northside Y City Champions took to the field in the projects The team is preparing to defend its laurels won last fall. The Spring Soccer league will get un der way shortly. • •• LAST DAYS OF Y PING PONG TOURNAMENT TO BE FAST AND FURIOUS! The Y Ping Pong ladder tourna ment went through a sudden change this week. Lorenzo Been is in first, Theotus Allen is second, “Hawk’’ fell from second to fifth’ Duck Stations is third, Clifton Gor -don came from eighth to fourth. There is going to be a hot time at the Y in the last few days of this tournament. by— LEONARD HAWKINS Jr -.B-rlrnj-irutjlJajJ Johnson Drug Co. 2306 North 24th St. , —FREE DELIVERY— WE 0998 Now women aW girls may get wanted relief; from functional periodic pain j Cardui is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp like agony and nervous strain of functional periodic distress. Here’s how it may help: % m Taken like a tonic, it “ should stimulate appe tite, aid digestion,* thus help build resist ance for the “time” to come. 2 „ Started 3 days before _ “your time”, it should /TooiX help relieve pain due ' INTO \ to purely functional th>iheip*y) P^iodic causes. 'Try Cardui. If it helpst you’ll be glad you did. QARPUI V_$ «tt Util OIWCCTIOW_ • * $3.00 C.OD. ptua pottage ALSO CHIGNONS BARGAIN SPECIALS ALL AROUND ROLLS, extra heavy, extra long *7 JO VICTORY ROLLS _ *4.00 CHIGNONS_*4.00 BRAIDS (extra length) *4.50 Scad for Free Catalogue Write to HAIRCRAFT 547 St. Paula Place' Bronx, New York Dept. Gas on Stomach Relieved in S minutes or double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful suffocat ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, dcxhors usually preecribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like tboe* In Ben-ana Tablets. No iaxatire. Bell-ans brings comfort in s jiffy or double your money back on retain of tx*u< »o ub. 25c at ftll druggists.