The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 22, 1947, Image 1

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*■ . . .
★ ^ X. SATURDAY MARCH 22. 1947 Onr 20th Y<»ar_Nn 7 Entered as 2nd Class matter at Post-Office. Omaha, Nehraska, Under Act of
__ JrtliJlUJAl, MAncn ly-ft unr ^wn leaf HO./ March-8.,1874. PUBLISHING OFFICES AT 2420 uhANT ST., Omaha. Nebr.
Big Mass Meeting Called
For Monday, Mar. 24,8:30 P. M.
_ At CIO HALL, 1515V2 Capitol Ave.
1 ..Mitiimimniiiiiiiii ....
All Hotel &~~
Club Employees
Are Invited
To Be Present
The Membership drive is now on
"to organize the Hotel and Club
employees, waiters, cooks, barten
ders, maids and porters.
The CIO, that non-discriminat
ing labor organization which has
never lost a battle in Omaha, is
now on the job to organize all ho
tel and club employees. The next
big meeting will be at the CIO
Hall, 1515% Capitol Avenue. All
hotel employees are invited to be
This new organization has the
backing and the full cooperation of
the Packinghouse CIO Union, the
Street Railway CIO Union, the
Truck Drivers CIO Union and the
Retail Store Employees CIO Un
ion and the Taxicab CIO Union
The above organizations have sig
nified their willingness to fully co
operate in assisting Mr. O. C.
Blanton in his efforts to organize
hotel and club employees.
Not only will this young organ
ization have the moral support of
the above said CIO Unions, but
it will also get financial assistance
during the battle to improve work
ing conditions of these underpaid
group of employees.
So if you are a hotel or club em
ployee above all, you should attend
this call meeting being held at
1515% Capitol Avenue on Monday,
March 24th at 8:30 p. m.
Will Democracy
Stand the Test?
The American people were startl
ed to no small degree, when Brit
ain sent Uncle Sam a note concern
ing the situation in Greece and
Turkey, and the stand, which the
British government has directly
taken concerning the situation.
This Empire whose history has
figured so outstandingly among
both minor and major nations
throughout the world, is fast los
ing her influence as a dominant
factor among the peoples of Dem
ocratic spirit. This decline is
grave and it calls for our most
careful consideration.
The American people are placed
in a very difficult position. It is
more serious than we would like
to believe. The tottering of the
British government with her long
time glory as mistress of the sea3,
with her far flung lands, spread
over vast portions of the earth,
has become the question of the
day. It is, I’m sure, one of the
most delicate periods of democracy
among the English speaking peo
The avenues upon which civiliz
ation is now traveling is signific
ant and startling in every phase
of this dark and ghostly atmos
phere. These are times when the
powers of the earth have come
fac to face with outstanding and
unforeseen circumstances.
Will Democracy Stand the Test?
We are sure that with the in
roads of Communists, and the
Fascists propaganda in America,
and other lands where democratic
spirits are demonstrated, there is
at present, among both black and
white, a feeling of wonder, and
hesitation as to which way shall
we go and will democracy stand
the test?
Wtih the abundant assistance of
the Word of God, we are not left
in darkness concerning the speedy
decline of Gentiles all over the
globe. The war which has just
ended, wrought rapid changes on
the continent of Europe Over
there with so many inhabitants
and vast migration, makes the
condition most deplorable.
Every Gentile government must
fall. The times of the Gentiles,
(White race) are nearing the end
of their earthly journey, therefore
most atonishing upheavels will
take place among the democratic
powers not only in Europe, but al
so in America.
W*e do not think of Britain crum
bling within a few years, she is as
we know, a vast empire. But we
are informed that undesirable ele
ments are at the present time,
gnawing at the very foundations
of democracy in and throughout
the British empire.
It is not difficult to imagine the
fall of America even before the
fall of Britain. But whatever
might be the case .If Democ
racy should cease in these two
great English speaking nations,
we can look for the most deplor
able picture among the crumbling
governments all over the world.
New York City, (CNS) Fewer
than 50 Negroes have been grad
uated from the 5 medical schools
in New York in the last twenty
five years (1920-1945). These
startling facts were revealed by
Dr. Viola W. Bernard in a report
to a meeting of the New York
Chapter of Physicians Forum at
the New York Academy of Medi
cine. *
Added Dr. Bernard: “From the
United States’ annual output of
5,000 physicians, only 135 are Ne
groes—of whom all but ten arc
graduates from the two all-Negro
medical schools. The significance
is heightened by the fact that these
conditions existed at the same
time as organized medicine voiced
great alarm at the threatened post
war shortage of physiciana.
MAMIE CURRIE, of 2030 Mars
Street, Jacksonville, Florida, will
play the part of Juliet one of the
two nights, March 14 and 15, when
the immortal Shakespearean love
drama Romeo and Juliet will be
presented in Memorial Chapel by
the Fisk University Stagecrafters.
Ann Heard, of Nashville, will per
form the same role on the other
night. Miss Currie, a sophomore
at Fisk, portrayed Julie in the
Fisk, production last year of John
M. Ross’ Wanga Doll.
Drops 33%% In
This Community
According to police statistics,
the delinquency in this area has
dropped 33 1-3 percent in the last
Much of this credit can be given
to such organizations as the YMCA
and the City Recreation Center,
who have done much toward al
leviating delinquency among our
youth, by various recreational and
youth programs.
The adults too are helping by
backing up these activities and to
cite one example that this whole
community is going recreational
minded, the Boxing show staged at
the St. Benedict's gym last Thurs
day night, had in attendance over
500, both youths and adults.
The Charles Street Recreation
Center has Special activities evfery
week Teen age dances_mov
ing pictures and amateur boxing
The YMCA. is now busy plann
ing out its spring and summer
athletic program to further help
curb juvenile delinquency.
ai tne regular moniniy ineenng or
the Urban League Board of Directors
held last Tuesday evening in the Urb
an League building. 2213 Lake Street,
the following persons -were elected to
the Executive Committee: Rabbi Israel
Mowshowitz. Temple Israel. President
of Board: Atty Ralph Adams. Vice
President; Miss Margaret Fischer,
Treasurer: Mrs. Doreene Holliday, Sec
Other members of the board are Miss
Mae B. Taylor. County Assistance Bur
eau. Rev. j. B. Brooks. Allen Chapel.
Rev. John IV. Cyrus. First Unitarian
Church. Mr. J. C. Harris, Jr.. Mr. Al
fred C. Kennedy, realtor. Mr. Robert
Myers, Myers Funeral Home. Atty.
James M. Paxson, Rev. William II.
Phelps. Lowe Ave. Presbyterian church
Mr. Russell E. Reese, instructor of Por
ters. Mrs. Zell R. Sahn, Principal Ban
croft School, Mr. Eugene Skinner, in
structor Long School. Mr. Charles Stew
art. Mr. Ray Clark, WOW comment
Mr. I,eo Bohanon is Executive Secrc
tary of Omaha Urban League.
Hillside Church
To Be Rebuilt
The Hillside Presbyterian church
; at 30th and Corby streets, was
! completely destroyed by fire early
i last Sunday morning, March 16th.
The flames were first discovered
in the furnace room of the church
at about 5:45 a. m. by Mr. C. Cas
I tie, the janitor.
The flames quickly enveloped
; the whole building and by 8:30 a.
m.. the church edifice was trans
formed into a pile of charred rub
The building was partly covered
by insurance and will be rebuilt,
again, only on a more modem and
up-to-date basis.
In the meantime the congregat
ion will worship at Elder Fletcher
Bryant's Church. Sharon Seventh
Day Adventist, located at 2760
Lake Street.
The adjoining parsonage was
partly destroyed, the roof was
badly damaged and interior and
furniture watersoaked.
The congregation of Hillside had
just called the Rev. Charles E.
Tyler of Tuscaloosa, Ala., to pastor
the church. He was to arrive some
Omaha Racial and Religious Committee To Hold Two-Day Conference On Tolerance
Talmadge Ousted As Ga. Governor By Supreme Court
As part of a nation-wide effort
to combat prejudice, the Omaha
Comittee for Racial and Religious
Understanding will sponsor a two
day institute on tolerance March
31 and April 1 at Joslyn Memor
Speaker will be Dr. Clyde R. Mil
ler of Teachers College, Columbia
University. Dr. Miller, an author
ity on public opinion and educat
ion, founded the Institute for Pro
paganda Analysis and is consult
ant to the League for Fair Play.
He is also consultant to the Spring
field (Mass.) public schools in
their successful and much-public
ized campaign against intolerance.
The famous “Springfield Plan” has
*veen described in numerous book#
and articles in national magazines
and was dramatized in a motion
picture, “It Happened in Spring
Dr. Miller will lead discussions
at three sessions during the insti
tute. All are open to the public.
He will be guest of honor at
luncheons given by the Good Fel
lowship Committee of the^ Cham
ber of Commerce March 31~ and by
the Eelementary School Principals
Club April 1 at Central high school
Co-chairmen of the Institute are
Mrs. Herman Cohn and Capt.
Earle Conover, regional director of
the National Conference of Chris
tians and Jews.
Jackson, Tenn., (CNS) Lane Col
lege will award Dr. Channing H.
Tobias, a director of the Phelps
Stoke Fund and a member of Pres
ident Truman’s Committee on Civ
il Rights, an honorary degree this
Pastor Aid Of St. John Presents
Elks Ensemble Monday March 24
The Pastor Aid Club is bringing
to the music loving public on Mon
day evening, March 24, 1947 at 8
p. m. that now well-known out
standing musical group, the Elks’
Ensemble under the direction of
Mr. H. L- Preston. This chorus as
in the past will bring to St. John
members ant^ friends, another ev
ening of memorable music and
song. There will be a host of new
numbers along with regular num
bers to warm the hearts and set
the toes of those attending tapping
as each number is rendered. Spir
itual numbers will be the feature
of the program, and they will be
given as they have in the past,
with the same finish and present
ation as only the Elks Ensemble
can present them.
This night promises to be one of
those nights which you will long
remember, for the tunes rendered
will linger on. Don’t deprive your
self of this musical event.come
see, hear and enjoy this musical
The President of the Pastor Aid
Club, is Mrs. Mrs. Lula Washing
ton, Pastor of St. John is the Rev.
E. B. Childress.
El Paso, Texas, March 17. .Elizabeth
Coker did not know why she was "giv
en away.” When she was eight years
old, she knew, she had been left with a
white family, the P. R. Franklins in
El Paso. She scrubbed and mopped
and cleaned the house at 1114 East Rio
Grande Street all day. She never re
ceived any money. She wore canvass
shoes and the cheapest kind of cloth
ing. She was never inside a church,
she never saw any kind of entertain
ment whatsoever.
In 1938, when Elizabeth was ten
years old. Mrs. Franklin had her charg
ed in El Paso Court with insanity. Dr.
A. W. Branch of El Paso testified that
Mrs. Franklin had told him the girl
“would come walking across the floor
and suddenly turn around and say Let
me alone, get away from here,’ and no
one would be there." Obviously of un
sound mind, said the doctor.
Mrs. Franklin testified : “I goti her
through a colored preacher hen- in
town. She lived with a family in New
Mexico and they were so mean lie ask
ed if I would take her. We got attach
ed to the youngster and she was appar
ently so smart, but she gradually be
gan to fail. For three nights she laugh
ed and talked all night long. When
she would catch me looking at her she
would cry and last night she sang and
danced all" night, that is, moved her
body as if dancing.”
Elizabeth Coker was committed to the
insane asylum at Austin. Three years
later. Mrs. Franklin went to Austin,
brought the girl back to El Paso and
put her back to work.
When the Franklins built their home
on Buena Vista drive, Elizabeth was
forced to carry rock and dig ditches
for the foundation all day from 6 a. m.
At night she worked in the house to
10:30 or 11 p. m. She slept in the chic
ken roost. On Sundays Mrs. Franklin
took her to apartment houses wha< the
Franklins owned and she scrubbed-and
polished floors all day without lunch
unless the tenants gave her something
to eat.
Once Elizabeth carried an empty ce
ment sack into the house and a little
cement sifted to the floor. Mrs. Fran
klin tried to hit her with a stick, but
the girl dodged. Mrs. Franklin told
her husband about it when he came
home. He slapped the girl and he and
another man pushed her down the cel
lar stairs, hurting her back. They
kept her there until the police arrived.
The police took her to jail for six
weeks. Mrs. Franklin went to the jail
brought her home and put her back to
The first ray of light that had ever
penetrated into Elizabeth Coker’s mis
erable life came in January of this
year, when the girl was around nine
teen. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Thompson,
who lived in the Franklin's apartment
house at 3308 North Piedras Street,
learned from the girl that she had
never been paid for her work, had nev
er been to school or to town, and they
asked her if she would run away anil
live with them. She said she would.
Elizabeth had come out to the road a
bout a quarter of a mile from the
house. They picked her up and took
her with them.
Informed of the situation by the
Thompsons, the El Paso branch NAACI*
engaged the services of Attorney H. T.
Faulk, who gathered evidence and turn
ed it over to the Federal Bureau of In
vestigation. The FBI is now investi
time Thursday.
Mr. Ollie Lewis, trustee, estimat
ed the damage at $30,000 to the
church proper, and about $1,500 to
the manse. . '
New York City (CNS) Pretty
Carolyn Caruthers, personal secre
tary to bandleader Lionel Hamp
ton, underwent a terrific shock
last week when robbed and thrown
on the subway tracks by hoodlums
in uptown New York. It happened
It was 11 o’clock and Carolyn
was just finishing some special
work on Lionel’s income tax. She
left her office at Swing and Tem
po, Lionel’s music publishing com
pany, for home but couldn’t find a
cab. Taking the subway to 135th
Street station, she started through
the revolving doors when two teef.
agers grabbed her pocketbook.
Realizing the valuables it contain
ed, such as contracts, keys, confi
dential information in addition to
$94 cash, she grabbed for the boys
and they pushed her. She fell on
the subway tracks and screamed
for help. People on the platform,
amazed by the sudden incident,
jumped to the tracks to rescue her
while the boys made their get
away in the tunnel.
In a minute there were at least
50 policemen on the scene, finally
scorting Carolyn home at 2 a. m.
where sne was kept explaining ev
ery detail via phone to Lionel who
was appearing at the Earle Thea
tre in Philadelphia. He kept re
peating “You shouldn’t go home a
lone, you shouldn’t take the sub
way at night, you should be more
careful_” But what happened
to Carolyn Caruthers could happen
to any innocent New Yorker in the
t \
even.r.g. P. S. Her pocketbook
was returned the following day,
minus the $94, and she sighed with
great relief.
Barring of Negro
New York, March 17—The Na
tional Board of Directors of the
National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People to
day “urged all possible corrective
action" in the barring of Louis
Lautier, Washington Bureau chief
for the Negro Newspaper Publish
ers' Association and special cor
respondent for the Atlanta Daily
World, from the Senate press gal
lery. Walter White, NAACP exe
cutive secretary, in announcing
the Board’s action, declared that
the Association had already made
its stand known to members of the
Senate Rules Committee in stiffly
worded telegrams to each member
of the Committee. The NAACP
protests clearly indicated the be
lief that Mr. Lautier had been
barred from the press section
solely on the basis of race.
Griffing Bancroft, of the Chicago
Sun. who was the only member of
the Standing Committee of Corres
pondents to vote in favor of Mi.
Lautier, was warmly compliment
ed on his lone stand by the NAACP
executive. "We most warmly
thank and congratulate you on the
stand you took” with respect to the
admission of Louis Lautier to the
Senate Press Gallery. We greatly
admire you for your courage in
standing up against the inexcus
able position of the other members
of the committee’’, wrote White, in
a letter to the Chicago newsman.
The Washington Bureau this
week made a direct appeal to Jos
eph W. Martin Jr., Speaker of the
House of Representatives and Sen
I—■—...— ."-'*1
I Red Cross Campaign Fund f
I Not Finished—Schmidt
II As the Douglas County Red Cross 1
| Fund campaign nears completion 1
| this week, E. C. Schmidt, fund chair 1
| man sounded the warning that |
| though the goal was in sight the 1
1 work was not finished until every I
| volunteer has completed bis calls f
1 and every report turned in to Red I
| Cross headquarters at 1510 Harney, i
| Schmidt said that the headquar- 1
| ters at 1510 Harney will be continu- I
I ed through March to to allow every 1
| one an opportunity to contribute. |
ator C. Wayland Brooks (R . 111.)
Chairman of the Senate Committ
ee on Rules and Administration, to
admit Negro reporters to the Cap
itol Press Gallerips.
The NAACP urged that the ac
tion taken by the Standing Comm
itee of Correspondents rejecting
the application of Louis Lautier,
reporter for the Negro Newspaper
Publishing Assn., be overruled.
In telegrams to Speaker Martin
and Senator Brooks, Leslie Perry
of the NAACP said:
“It is unthinkable that you will
1 permit this prejudiced action to
stand unchallenged and uncorrect
ed. The Negro press performs an
important service to this nation.
Several million readers rely on it
for careful and responsible report
ing and interpretation of news.
The constitutional guarantee of
•freedom of the press’ is indeed a
hollow mockery if under the very
noses of the lawmakers newspa
per correspondents can be success
fully barred from covering debates
which take place on the floor of
Rockefeller Says
Negroes Are
New York City (CNS) Speaking
at a reception at the Waldorf As
toria Hotel for the United Negro
College Fund, Winthrop Rockefel
ler said that American Negroes
“particularly the veteran and the
young people are restless about
conditions in this country and
rightfully so.”
Mr. Rockefeller firmly believes
that America will ultimately solve
her race problem. “But it will not
be this year”, he added. “Mean
time we can cushion the nation for
the shock by doing everything in
our power to develop leaders. No
more important job than race rela
tions exists in this country today”.
Womans' Clothing
Found In Alley
The Police Department found
the clothing of an elderly woman
in the alley near 22nd and Lake
Street, with a letter therein from
her son who was in the army.
Through identification of cloth
ing found, the elderly woman’s
name was Mrs. Sarah Barnett.
To date the police department is
unable to find anyone who can tell
them the whereabouts of Mrs.
Sarah Barnett’s son, Mr. Chauncey
Barnett, who used to reside with
his mother at 2627 Charles street.
He has been discharged from the
army for better than a year, and
was seen in Omaha by former nei
ghbors about three weeks ago.
Anyone who may know the where
abouts of Mrs. Sarah Barnett or
Mr. Chauncey Barnett, please call
Detective Sgt U S. Matthews, at
JAckson 2345.
New York, aMrch 17— NAACP
atorneys, who recently instituted a
civil suit for damages in behalf of
Isaac Woodard, Negro veteran vic
tim of South Carolina storm troop
er, announced this week that al
though the first appeal for eye
witnesses to the brutal beating and
blinding of Woodard had produced
three men, their case would be con
siderably bolstered if other eye
witnesses would volunteer to testl
fy. All correspondence should be
addressed to the NAACP Legal
Department at 20 West 40th St.,
New York 18, New York.
• For Fine
CALL HA-0800 -
Your Dollar Will
Help This
Crippled Child
“Your dollars will help this crip
pled child and thousands of others
like him on his way to a healthy,
happy life,’’ said Mr. W. O. Swan
son, president, Nebraska Society
for Crippled Children today, ex
plaining the message of the 1947
Easter Seal.
“Help Crippled Children” is the
plea of the tiny boy pictured on the
1947 Easter Seal. With a crutch
under his arm he walks up a path
to a distant star. Frank Gross,
Janesville High School student,
Janesville, Wisconsin, designed this
seal in fuil colors. Frank received
the Michael J. Dowling Memorial
Award presented anually by the
National Society for Crippled Child
ren and Adults for the best Easter
Seal design.
The National Society, serving the
crippled for the last twenty six
years, distributed 22 million seals
during the first Easter time cam
paigning in 1934.
“Now distribution exceeds the
billion mark annually.a symbol
of the public’s confidence in the
work of the Society for the Crippl
ed,’’ according to Mr. Swanson.
“The Nebraska Society for Crip
pled Children and its 43 county
committees are proud to join 2000
state and local societies for the
crippled in the nation-wide Easter
Seal distribution.”
“The program for the crippled is
growing in direct proportion to the
public’s willingness to support it.
Funds raised in 1947 will mean
that more of the needs of the thou
sands of cripled children in Nebras
ka and in the nation will be fill
ed,” he concluded.
African Students
Arrive For
Enrollment In
New York—The American Coun
cil on African Education, 55 West
42nd Street, announced the week
arrival of the first nine of the 25
African students for enrollment
in American universities. Arriv
ing on the ship ‘'Hopeville" at
Philadelphia, Pa., were Ilisama
NDukwe, Ifekwunigwe Arch while
the following arrived at the same
port on the ship "Ferngulf”.
Chukwunvelu Iketuonye, J. Nna
bugwu Alonzie, J. Okechukwu
Anisiobi, Enyinnaya Nnochiri,
Chukwudebelu Odeluga, N. Nduk
we Obi, Chukwunanu Onyemeluk
Another student, Felix C. Ifed
iora, delayed for health reasons,
will soon arrive in the United Stat
es. All of these students are at
Lincoln University, Pa.
Thus, the American Council on
African Education which was in
corporated three years ago with a
distinguished directorial and adv
isory board under the leadership
of Prince A. A. Nwafor Orizu of
the reigning house of Nnwe, Nig
eria, and graduate of several Am
erican universities, is implement
ing its program for which several
dozen scholarships have already
been granted. Prince Arizu, who
returned to Nigeria in the fall of
1945, to publicize the work of the
Council and establish a headquav
ters at Port Harcourt, has had his
efforts atended with great success
The outstanding nobility, business
men, planters and public officials
of Nigeria have given their hearty
cooperation and over 4,000 young
Africans have applied for schol
arships and been properly screen
ed by a board of African educators
associated with the Council.
According to its secretary, Geor
ge S. Schuyler, the American Coun
-cil is now in process of raising ad
ditional funds to maintain future
students during their 4 year resi
dence in this country.
ATLANTA, GA.,—The State Su
preme Court of Georgia, Wednes
day, March 19, 1947, ruled that M.
E- Thompson is the legal Governor
of Georgia.
Twenty minutes later, Herman
Talmadge, the man who was de
nounced as a “pretender,” picked
up his hat and walked out of the
In a 5 to 2 decision, the State’s
highest tribunal rejected claims
of Mr. Talmadge and held that Mr.
Talmadge’s election by the Legis
lature was unconstitutional.
The State Supreme Court thus
moved to end nine weeks of polit
ical turmoil in which rival Gover
nors occupied the Capitol and con
tended for control of state agenc
ies and departments.
Mr. Talmadge operated from thj
executive suite, however, and a
great majority of the departments
recognized him as Governor.
Mr. Talmadge said he would not
ask the Supreme Court to recon
sider its decision.
Lieut. Governor Thompson, who
claimed recognition as “acting
Governor’’ after resignation of
Gov. Ellis Arnall, appealed to the
State Supreme Court when the
lower courts dismissed his suit to
t oust Mr. Talmadge.
Mr. Talmadge was elected by the
Legislature to the 4-year term of
his late father, Eugene Talmadge,
when the red-gallused champion of
“White Supremacy” died Decem
ber 21, 1946, just three weeks be
fore inauguration.
The State Supreme Court held
that the death of Eugene Talmadg
prevented him from qualifying at
the tim fixed by law thus creating
the necessity for Governor Arnall
to continue in office.
The Court further held that the
voluntary resignation of Mr. Arn
all January 18, 1947, “immeidiately
imposed upon the Lieut. Governo'
the duties of Governor, and added
“he is now entitled to perform all
duties and exercise all the author
ty whch by the Constitution and
laws are imposed upon the Gover
nor of this state.’’
Mr. Talmadge, announced that
he would vacate both the Execu
tive Office and the mansion “as
soon as we can get the files out
and our personal effects packed.”
Mr. Talmadge told newsmen that
he considered the people the court
of last resort in political questions
and said the question “will be car
ried to the court of last resort.’’
He did not elaborate further on
that statement.
“Wings Over
Jordan” At City
Aud., May 28
“Wings O’er Jordan” will be pre
sented at the City Auditorium in
downtown Omaha, Wednesday,
May 28 at 8:30 p. m., 1947. This
affair is being sponsored by the
Community Employment Associ
ation, Inc
! Ten million Americans have
heard Wings Over Jordan each
! Sunday over CBS and have thrilled
to the power and depth of the spir
ituals which are the heart of Am
erican Negro music.
Sunday Schools arrange their
schedules to hear this program,
and schools, hospitals and church
es have invited the group to make
personal appearances in 45 states.
They recently completed ten mon
ths overseas with USO Camp
Shows, Inc., playing before soldier
and civilian audiences in France,
Germany, Italy and Belgium. In
every place Wings Over Jordan
has appeared, the audience has
been given a deeper, clearer and
truer picture of the Negro through
the glorious spirituals of faith and
love which are his heritage.
1 Change of
| Subscription Rates
| the Mail.
1 l MONTH. 39o
1 3 MONTHS .*1.50
1 6 MONTHS . *2.50
I 1 l’GAK . *4.00
i 1 l'KAK (Out of Town) *4.50
I have been away for quite some
time and so far there has been
very little rest. Of course, I’ll ad
mit part of the fault was mine_
not keeping my G. I. insurance
when the officials wanted me to,
but so many were dropping
I dropped it like most of the other
You know how we used to talk
about how we were going to stick
together, look out for each other’s
interest. We didn't want another
war, and even if there was another
war we were not going to fight, no
we were finished with war, once
we got our civies on again. Seems
like a lot of nonsense now, Don’t
it? We’re still the little fellow,
not organized, not powerful, not
even able to help each other.
Not so good. Is it fellows?
Don’t think I am making a plea
for my case. No, not that. It is
the future happenings that I "km
thinking about. If we can t help
each other, we can’t help anybody
Joy, you know, my wife, is young
and strong. She’ll be able to make
it once the ordeal of having our
baby is over. I can’t thank the
people who helped her personally,
but I am sure they know how I
The other night, you know, Mon
day night- How many veterans
attended the Benefit dance for Joy
and Gwen? You let me down
there. That’s water over the dam,
but the next time it might hfeYpur
family, or John’s family next door.
That’s what I am thinking about
Nobody knows what day our last
day will be. I didn’t, you know
that. I didn't intend to leave my
wife in the condition that she has
been in, but you know the story.
The only way we can assure ade
quate help is by being organized
and being willing and able to help
each other.
we may be willing, out we’re not
able unless we are organized. That
is the point that I want to get
over. Organization that has the
veteran at heart. It can be done
and I am sure it will be done.
It is an impossibility to see that
everyone has food, -clothing and
shelter, because it is written,
“That the poor are with us al
ways’’. But during the trying tim
es when people are overburdened
by unfortunate incidents, such as
my family, immediate help can be
given to relieve some of their suf
fering and sorrow. <
I place this grave responsibility
mainly on the veterans,.veter
ans who are willing to take their
proper place in the shaping of the
affairs of our community, our city
our state, and our country.
Men may shirk on their respon
sibilities unless shown the reason
why they must assume them. It is
not to late, GET TOGETHER, give
the Community, our City, a Strong
Charitable and Worthwhile organ
You’ll do this? Fine I can rest
now. I just wanted to get it off
my chest. Thanks again for every
thing. Hello to all the fellows, and
God bless all of you.
_ _
! Omaha Public Power
Set New Record
In Power Demand
A new record in power demand |
was reached in Omaha on Wednes- 1
day. March 12. when the Omaha 1
Public Power District carried its |
largest maximum kilowatt hour |
load from 11:00 A. M.. to Noon. Dur |
-ing that period, the kilowatt hour |
output was 130 thousand as compar- 1
ed with a previous peak of 128 thou- f
sand, according to James E. David- 1
son. General Manager. The gloomy, 1
cloudy day was responsible for the 1
high consumption, said Mr. David- f
James E. Seay Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buford of the Electronic Sales & Ser
vice store, 2414 North 24th street, and Mr. and Mrs. Goldie
Davis, of 2213 Miami street, this week helped to bring the
James E. Seay, Jr., Fund to a toUd of $298.43. Thanks.
Contributions to date $285.43
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buford $10.00
Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Davis 3.00
TOTAL $298.43
Read The Greater Omaha Guide!
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