Classified Ads Get Results! Would Like to Buy 39 to 42 mode FREE ROOM A free room to an elderly lady in exchange for her services caring for small children maybe 2 or 3 times each week. Preferrably someone that is on the Old Age Pension. Call WEbster 5678. Spaulding Furniture Co. 3823 North 24th Street FOR SALE— Chest of Drawers, Sectional Book Cases. Matched End Tables, sev eral kinds c4 Dinette and Dining room sets. Bedroom Suites and New Living Room Suites and etc. “Come In and See Us" BUY A LOT in Bedford Park, beauty spot of our community. Call JA-7718. • McBrady Products Orders Taken at 2306 Burdette St.. Telephone JAckson 7284. —Mrs. C. M. Elder. • AUTOS WANTED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT 9463 2056 Farnain NEIGHBORHOOD FURTOTURB & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Bfi-ies. Ne Stamps; Ladies Dresses Ruks, B--'do. Gas Stoves and Ol Btoves. tVe Buy and Sell" — TKL AT. 1154 1715 N. 2«lh ST, Piano, bed, misc. furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. ROOM for RENT-ADULTS ONLY AT-1330 _ FOR RENT—An Apartment for rent. Call AT 2983 week days Sun day or Monday call HA 6493.^ ROOM FOR RENT to settle couple or railroad man 2509 Maple .- ... I car from private party. WA-828I ROOM FOR RFNT for a lady onb —2764 GRANT ST, • Room to Rent—Single man or Woman. No cooking. Call JA. 0699 Painting, Paper Hanging and Plastering — Call MA. 5462 (in the evening) ROOM FOR RENT-JA. 3315 • Ladies Fvr Trimmed Tuxedo Good shape. Size 20. Inquire Sharp Inn Cafe after Friday._ FOR SALE—8 Room House, 2622 Caldwell Street. I [ ROOM FOR RENT, man JA~2795 GARAGE FOR RENT. Suitable for Repair Shop, 2517 Grant St.» ATIantic 0604.__ WANTED! Wanted to rent a 3 room apart ment furnished. Man and wife, no children, Call WE. 2235. CHICKEN DINNERS MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 N. 30th St., JA. 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are Something to Crow A bout. Robt. Jones, Propr. DAY NURSERY Mother’s Care 2537 Patrick, JAckson 0559. LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS EDHOLM A SHERMAN !401 North 24th St WE. BOSS New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buyk Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART *511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home“ GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO 'of*, earner and adjoining, on 4oiifhwe*i corner 21*1 and Grace Extensive frentage on both L’lst nn/ Grace. Ideal for 2 or more home* or especially nulled an Church ground*, Make reanonnble offer IMMEDIATELY. Addrc** BOX A33I or Call 114-0*0* CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT BEDFOSD PARK—One New Home for immediate occu pancy. 2 more for May 1st. Small down payment—F.H.A. and G. I. Loans. Phone Hiram D. Dee, JA. 7718, JA. 1620. Nice Room for rent for settled couple or railroad man. Modern conveniences. 2509 Maple Street. .. SPECIAL GET ACQUAINTED OFFER— 3 Beautiful 5x7 LIFEilKE PORTRAITS (in Folders) *2.50 PHOTOGRAPHIC GREETING CARDS From Your Negative $1.50 We Make Negative $2.00 —STUDIO OPEN— Evenings 7:30 - 9:30 Sundays 10 a. m.-3:30 p. m. TRIANGLE PHOTO SHOP 1608 N. 24th St. _4 I BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU Warns Against i Unlicensed Secur ities Salesmen The up-to-date stock swindling salesmen has a new line of ap proach, the Omaha Better Busin ess Bureau warns. His latest pitch, warns the Bur eau is to approach holders of good securities with offers to purchase ^ 1 ■- —. BOWEN Appliance Co. NOW OPEN AT OUR NEW ’ ' OCATION • New Units, #New and Rebuilt Refrigerators & Sweepers. "Guaranteed Repair Service— Quality Workmanship—We Solicit Your Trade” 3024 LEAVENWORTH Phone AT-2003 Bowl lour Cares Away. _ —AT THE— ^ "LAKE STREET’ . .v BOWLING ALLEY /Tf 2410 Lake St. JA. 9303 /**;/ ^ OPEN FROM 5 to 1 Week Days ” ” 3 to 1 Sundays ROSCOE KNIGHT, Manager. Prizes Given, Away each Saturday Night for Highest Scores of the Week. i_ — * THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE .• WINES, BEER, LIQUORS “We Appreciate Your Trade” *4th & LAKE AT. 4248 a TRIANGLE SHOE REPAIR a • QUALITY MATERIALS, • GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP, • CLEANING & PRESSING, • HATS CLEANED & BLOCKED. 1808 NORTH 24th ST. JA. 0858 ■ - -- -■ ■ J BUD’S 7 exaco Service • GAS and OIL uWe Appreciate Your Trade” 30th & Wirt Sts. AT-9760 • - :-—' ^ • •; ~ . r v'~“ ? ~ p .. : . ;•■ jpr DO’S AND DON TS’ £0HTI MENTAL *&rroue£ You re Soup-posed to Fill Your Spoon Away from You When Eating Soup. JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPLEY J'JSTASTUS MYSTERIOUS GUNMEN OPENtf) FIRE ON JIM AMD ^PARKV} JUDD-JOG ANDCHIbF'SPTS' A$TtfEYOTP PSP P3CM THE PLANE, £ULTPFE PH2EOE>Tiie BEAM FROM THE PDfZTAglB PAfiAlY ££ KAY MARINE ONTUEAJTAOEK/ /RIGHT? HA/THESE l_ -AND LENAtfl 'GUVS ARE STILLER THAN WAG THE ONE THE DUMMIE9 IN MACV'S J WHO THOUGHT BREEZY P'LO, ££E EZY/j^- TH15 J 16 EDNA ...HOW DID YOU, * LIKE OUR COSTUME PARTY?. 1 QUOTES I OF THE WEEK " ‘1 cannot be drafted for any State. “I can make twice as much as by teaching school.” — Erskine Richmond, Beckley, W. Va., quit ting school principalship to mine coal. “Let your husband know that he’s the boss!”—Mrs. Daniel Sut ton, Rochelle, Ga., on how to be happy though wed 71 years. * ‘Industry-wide bargaining is death to free enterprise.”—Clar ence B. Randall, vice-pres.. In land Steel Co. “Big business makes the head lines, but small business makes the nation.”—H. E. Humphreys, Jr., chairman finance comm., U. S. Rubber Co. ‘It’s much *1 Do’ about noth ing.” — Peter Donald, humorist, n. Hollywood icedding. them at a price in excess of their market value- The owner then is induced to endorse his certificates and mail them in negotiable form to the operator’s office. The secur ities are dispossed of, and when the swindler has worked his terri tory “dry" he decamps with the proceeds. The most effective way to com bat this type of swindle is to deal only with licensed brokers and dealers, or their salesmen, and if \ a salesman cannot produce a cred ential of license, refuse to have any dealings with him and notify the Bureau of Securities at Lincoln at once so that an investigation may be made. This is the only way the stock swindlers can be kept out of the state, which in turn is of great1 value to Nebraska citizens. The Blue Sky Law of Nebraska provides that securities (being stocks, bonds, debentures, oil in terests, mining interests, etc.) can be sold in Nebraska ONLY by brokers or dealers, and their sales men, who are licensed by the Bur eau of Securities, State of Nebras ka, State House, Lincoln, Nebras ka, and which, incidentally, is one of the most effective in the coun try.^_ “Double Duty” Ahead For Chest Budget Committee In carrying out its precise as signment to equitably allocate op erating funds to the member ag encies of the Omaha Community Chest, the newly appointed budget committee last week saw almost i “double duty’’ ahead. The nine-member committee com I posed of volunteers under the chairmanship of James L. Paxton ! Jr;, is viewing the increased oper ating costs being experienced a mong the agencies as well as mak ing room to provide for one new a- i gency. Out of funds allocated for oper- i ating expenses last fall’s camp- : aign, it is the job bf the budget committee to review monthly the ! income and expenditures of each agency together with requests for j the month to come. A budget al lowance is paid only as evidence * substantiates the need, according to the chairman ) < I I _ The budget committee does not handle the requests for • building repairs and remodelling for which a separate fund was set in the last campaign, Mr. Paxton said. Since the budget for the chest a gencies for 1947 was approved, a thirty first agency was added. It is the Carter Lake Community Cen ter, accepted into Chest member ship because of its filling a need for residents of the Carter Lake area who have been without re creation facilities- The residents have contributed annually to the Omaha Chest. Appointed by Mr. Paxton to serve on the committee are: Sam Beber, James J. Fitzgerald, R. A. Hayes, Edward Lyman, John F. j Merriam, Edgar Morsman IH, Mrs Drexel J. Sibbemsen, and W. Dean Vogel. Mr. Morsman former chair man of the commitee, is the new president of the Chest. We Are Once More LAUNDERING CURTAINS • SEND OR BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS 2401 North 24th St. Phone WE-8055 . 1 ■■ ■ «■ ■ ■ » ■■ ' -MARY’S CHICKEN HUT • BARBECUED RIBS & SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN “OUR Chicken Dinners Are Somethin# to Crotv About.” j nwotni *j i'i co, rnurmt lUn § 1 JA= 89462722 North 30th St.1 Neighborhood Furnace Co. ] 2511 Charles Street -GUTTERING SPOUTING & REPAIRS INSTALLATION OF OIL, GAS, COAL, oho STOKERS ESTIMATES FREE Arp—7 CIO i & TERMS ARRANGED lOlO --- HUCKLEBERRY FINN --——1 Hucklederry, | ■You VOOR HEART VS \ oesiRE, eecAuse 'You ' helped that Poor old y/owAM carry her 0ASKET OF GROCERIES J HOME THIS /'rtORnirt6' ’ ( yWAT Do >00 \VUSH FOR? ®£r SQUIRE EDGEGATE-Those Were Real Tear« _ ^ _BT LOUIS RICHARD * M AAOTICEO VOU A A [qu tja<» < ^ < 5088/m 6. ^ ' - t^D'*T /■ -) TH-C>'p!c7UI?E f Ja SJf^M&Er FUANV SQOiRt -&ECQUSE 7H Lt)Dv /*/ ) \ VtetJ/? WIFE E/Owv *C,'V Trt M0jfiE - /*y yviFE -F--^ ENTERPRISE A j/Z How HEADS 1 ,y PLANT WHICH MAKES MANY 'Z'' THOUSANDS, SUPPLIES 3S COUNTRIES... _I ■ ^ ^ - -^ "Next Door” By ted shearer j^Coatinental Fmtnrm ■. “Aw, Come on, Let’s Talk Mom into raising Our Allowance!” mm - ...r m —- 11 TAN TOPICS •By CHARLES ALLEN i,.. ' . ' 1"" . —.■■i,n COMTtMENTAL PEATUBES © i?47 CMA.S ALLEKt “WOW!!” Silence Endangers Nebr. Vets Receivin g Medical Treatment at VA Expense Smooth operation of a progran to permit Nebraska veterans t< obtain treatment at VA expense from their own physicians for ser vice-connected disabilities is being endangered by silence. Ashley Westmoreland, Lincolr Regional manager for the Veterans Administration, explained that toe many veterans are failing to tel’ their doctors promptly that they expect the VA to pay for the treat ment they seek. / w u gatiucm i ' > i » ■ 'vice-connected disability by a n 'vate physician may be author z and paid for by the VA prov ; the VA receives notice within days from the date the treatrr.e begins, Westmoreland said, In emergency cases where 1m mediate hospitalization is nroe.— sary, the VA’s med'cai the Lincoln Regional or tbo ha Sub-Regional ofri^« - notice within 72 hours after the veteran has been admitted to the I hospital in order to authorize and I pay for hospitalization and treat ment. “More and more cases are com ing to light in which the veteran waited until long after the treat ment was completed to tell the doc tor to bill the VA for his services” Westmoreland said. “Such delays may keep the physician from gett ing his fee and in the long run may cause the whole program to bog aown. He urged veterans, if at all pos sible. to clear with the VA before seeking treatment and. in any e vent, to tell their physicians in ad vance if the treatment is expected to be at VA expense. Westmoreland warned too that non service-connected disabilities are not eligible for treatment at VA expense under this program. READ THE GREATER GUIDE!