The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 08, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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REV. H. W. BLETSON, Pastor
E SPENCER, Reporter.
HELLO FOLKS, this is Your
Reporter, E. L. Spencer bringing
you the latest news about Church.
YOU Know, a minister was invited
to a meeting to discuss certain
problems. So the minister get* up
and says, “I have a feeling that
the devil is present in this meeting
today.” “Amen.” cried an older
brother from a far corner. “You’ve
got him in close quarters. Lock
the doors, and give him where he
comes from! I guess we will get
down toj facts!"
The Christian Endeavor League
had a debate last Sunday and ev
erything worked out fine. The
League will meet Sunday February
9, 1947 at 5:00 p. m. to discuss
certain facts. We want all young
people to attend and we want you
to stay for the League which will
etart at 6:30 p. m. I think all
young Colored boys and girls
should come to League and learn
something about our race and try
to better it. You know you’ve got
to learn something about it before
you can better it. You know peo
ple have a bad habit of saying its
bad to go—But just let them want
t» go some place and its never tco
bad. So stop making excuses and
come on down. The League will
have a different program every
Sunday, so come on down. I prom
ise you that you will have a won
derful time. Well my friends, I
•don’t know what classes have the
most red stars but will find out
and let you know. I am sorry I
don’t have any more news on Sun
day School, other than the above
statement. I have enjoyed telling
you the news and I ohpe you en
joyed reading it. But in the mean
time, here’s a thought to think ov
er—“If matches were made in
Heaven, where did the Cigar-light
ers come from. ? ? ?’’
Humility was the subject of our
minister’s 11 a. m. message Sun
day February 2, 1943 and his text
was Genesis 4th chapter and 10th
verse. Thoughts from his timely
and thought provoking Christian
sermon were as follows: The Child
of God must be anchoraged to
Jesus Christ because of his weak
nesses. If God commands a man
to follow a certain program out
lined by Him (God), man ought
not to hesitate to follow that pro
gram regardless of the criticism
of his fellowmen. If a man’s
heart is right (achorage) to the
Father and the Son Jesus Christ
that man can and will be a service
to the Lord.
Visitors: Mr. F. Williams of O
maha, Nebraska, Mrs. L. Brock of
Memphis, Tenn., and Mr. C- L.
Watkins of Kansas City, Mo., bro
ther of Mrs. N. Byron’s.
The home ot Mr. and Mrs. K.
Moore, 2524 Blondo street, will be
the scene of a Pre-Valentine Tea,
February 9 ,1947 from 5 to 7 p. m.
The Cheerful Builders one of the
wide awake auxiliaries of our
church is giving this beautiful tea.
Mrs. Viney Walker, President of
this fine group of ladie3 of our
Church, informed this reporter
that this is to be one of the out
standing functions cf the season.
•She and the members of this aux
iliary urge all members and friends
of St- Johns to place this as a Red
Letter Day on your Christian cal
The Progressive 24 presentation
of our Choir under the expert dir
ection of Mrs. Pearl Gibson in a
Musical Recital, accompanied by a
full orchestra, February 17, 1947,
at 8 p. m. at St. Johns church is
fast drawing near. Tickets are
and have been available for some
time for this coming musical e
vent of the 1947 year in St. Johns
* * *
The Watchmen hold their re
hearsal with Mr. B. A. Howell,
2627 Binney St, on Friday Febr
uary 7, 1947 at 8 p. m. with Bro'
ther H. L- Preston in charge. Men
don’t forget the date and place.
On Sunday February 9th the
Watchmen will have charge of the
spiritual music at the 11 a. m. ser
vices. Our pastor Reverend Child
ress will bring us the message of
$3.00 C.O.D. plus postage
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BRAIDS (extra length) £4.50
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Musique Soiree Recital at St. Johns
Monday Eve., Febr. 17th~8:30 P. M.
St. Johns Recital activities nears completion and perfection and
promises to be a grand success. The repertoire includes a variety
of fine music and the Directress, Mrs. Pearl Gibson a former radio
artist will be the featured soloist. The choir will be ably supported
by its own fine orchestra. Patron tickets ore $1 and may be purch
ased through Sunday February 9th, after which reserve seats will be
availagle for the same price.
^ The Answer to Willie’s Prayer
miJUMT- ■■ I HI II■■ 1111 ■ III '' I "I I [I IHIM1—fl'T I
Willie Lee Williams, Jr., 7, is hospitalized at the Oliver General Hos 1
pital, Augusta, Ga., while his father, Pvt. W. L. Williams, Sr., serves
his country in ifniform. Recently Willie expressed a wish. What he
wanted most was a playmate to visit him—preferably a little girl. The
nearby USO, operated by the YWCA, was hopefully called upon. Now,
USO is well-equipped to supply hostesses to entertain veterans in hos
pitals and does so constantly, but to find a child hostess was another
matter. That it succeeded is evidenced by this picture of a happy
Willie and charming little Carolyne Lamar of Augusta. USO is in the
| last months of its $19,000,000 appeal to enable it to continue its ser
vices until the «nd of the year.
the day.
Mrs. H. Adams, Young Peoples
Department is sponsoring a Allen
Day celebration at 3:45 p. m. at
the Church Sunday February 9,
1947. A band from the City Mis
sion! will assist these young people
!n this Christian program. Let us
all who can plan to attend this pro
* * *
The Minute Men and Auxiliary
held their regular monthly meet
ing Sunday February 2nd, 1947 at
the home of Mrs. Mary Speese. A
interesting and enlightening meet
ing was held adjourning at 6 p. m.
A rising vote of thanks was ex
tended to Mrs. Soeese and her mo
ther for the excellent hospitality.
Let us pray for the sick through
out the week wherever they are or
whoever they may be.
It is good to see the progress
that is being made on our Temple
of Worship. Every members of
our church has much to rejoice
and give praises to the Almighty
God that has given us day to day
health and strength in order that
we might contribute each Sunday
in the Building Fund that the work
could move forward, onward and
upward without interruption. It
has been a long hard struggle for
many of us—full of disappoint
ments and heartaches at times,
but through faith and prayer are
greatest dream is slowly unfolding
before our very eyes. Some falter
some have gone on, and others
were on the verge of faltering at
one time, but with trust and pray
er, they too, regained their stren
gth through their prayers to the
Father and the Son Jesus Christ,
and are marching along with that
band of faithful Christians in this
great program.
To them and the other members
of St. Johns, there is no place for
slackers, no place for waivers and
no place do nothing for God’s
Temple, must and will move on to
completion. Victory is more than
in sight, and it has caused us to re
-joice and sing praise to the Great
Counsellor Jesus Christ.
Yes St. ohns can march on with
its head forward, its eyes on its
goal—a Bigger, Better, Greater St.
Tohns in Omaha for our children.
I our community, our Father and
Son, Jesus Christ.
Reverend E. B. Childress of St
Johns delivered an inspiring Chris
tian message at the Union services
at Zion Baptist Church on Febr
uary 2nd. His text was Mark 1st.
chapter 24, verse and his subject
“Preaching and the oMdern.’’ His
theme throughout the message,
‘Let Us Alone.” Thoughts from
the message were as follows:
hen you preach a doctrine that
touches a man’s income, he will
cry out, “Let me alone!” The
Treatest trouble or problem that
‘he lay-minister has to face is that
the people don’t all think alike,
thus many haven’t been sufficient
ly innoculated with the power of
God, and any man in this day that
can't find some good in his fellow
man—there is something wrong
with that man’s heart.
Union Services will be held at St.
Johns Sunday February 9th at 8
p. m. Reverend Raines of Cleaves
Temple and his Choir will be in
charge of the services.
The Youth Guild Valentine Tea
will be held at the parsonage Sun
day, February 17th from 5 to 7 p.
m. Members of St. Johns are
urged to support these our Young
People in this Christian effort.
At a brisk, lively and sniritual
filled Church conference Monday
evening, February 3rd of which
our pastor Reverend Childress was
in charge, business of importance
was transacted The membership
gave its approval by a resounding
vote of the lighting system as
drawn up by the Omaha Power
District and our electricians and
presented to them by the pastor
for final approval. The approval
and the initial payment was pres
ented to the Choir on a Hammond
Organ for our church Temple and
the pastor was given by common
consent, the power to proceed with
the designing of the altar.
Mothers send your children to
Sunday School every Sunday morn
ing at 9:30 a. m. Attend our morn
ing services at 11 a. m. Union
Services at 7:30 p. m. Visitors an
friends are always welcome at St.
Johds the friendly church at 22nd
and Willis avenue. Come and wor
ship with us, won’t you ?
REV. E. F. RIDLEY, Pastor
Immanuel Community Church
will begin having night services as
well as Morning Worship Services,
beginning February 9th, 1947, at
7:30 p. m„ when the women of the
church will present Mrs. Milton
Wilson of Woodson Community
Center, South Omaha as the prin
ciple speaker in the first of a ser
ies of night programs that should
be of interest to the community.
Sunday February 9th the women
of the church will give a Chicken
Dinner at the home of Mrs. Eva
Ray, 2615 North 22nd street from
1:00 p. m. until about 3:00 pm
Sunday, February 16th, at 7:30
p. m., the Young People of the
Church under the direction of Mrs.
Iola Holliday will render a very
significant program in observation
of Negro History Week at the
church and a free movie will be
shown in connection with this pro
gram which should be interesting
and beneficial to all who attend.
We are looking forward with in
terest and eagerness to Sunday,
February 23rd at 3:00 p. m. when
Rev. C. C. Reynolds of Clair Chap
el Methodist Church will be pres
ented by the Usher oard of Imman
To all of these services the public
is cordially invited and a Christian
welcome awaits you.
9:00 A. M. Sunday School
11:00 oMming Worship Service
7:00 Night Service
REV. R. P. RAINES, Pastor
The Sunday School is progress
ing fine under the leadership of
our Supt- Mrs. Elsie Lewis, with
the help of her fine staff of teach
ers. They stand ready to give
your children the best they have to
inspire them to become followers
of Christ. Come out and let us
all help to begin the day with Sun
day School. We are asking for
your children and we will give
them our best attention and we
will assure you we will train them
in the way of Christ. The Sunday
School is always ready to welcome
visitors. Mrs. Elsie Lewis Supt.
The morning services began at
11 a. m. with the Choir ready to
fill your Soul with the Gospel in
songs. The Stewardesses, Ushers,
and Usherettes wer at their posts,
ready to give you their best of
services. The pastor gave us a
very inspiring sermon. His theme
was “Old Age”. I am sure every
one enjoyed this great message
from God. It gives us strength to
fight on for the word of God. With
our great leader and God to guide
us I am sure we can do great
things for our Church in the fut
ure. Come out and help us. On
next Sunday our Presiding Elder
will be with us. He will hold his
quarterly conference on Friday
night, February 7, at 8 o’clock.
On Sunday night our Pastor
Rev. C. P- Raines and his choir
will have charge of the services at
St. oJhns AME. Church in the Un
ion Services. His theme “The
Question of the Hour”. Don’t for
get next Sunday afternoon at the
Cleaves Temple, the Loyal Matrons
are sponsoring an Interracial pro
gram at 4 o’clock. Remember the
sick in your prayers. Ask God to
give them strength to get out a
gain to work in this great cause.
God gives strength to do my com
mon chores, the drab and unexcit
ing work which I must do, to fill
my daily stint. It is so easy, God
to do dramatic things, so easy to
go out for adventuring or hurt my
self to meet new challenges, but it
is so hard to keep my restlessness
Spirit-bound within the pattern I
was made to serve. Give me the
patience God, to do the simple
i things that must be done by some
Hope Lutheran Church
Service 11 A. M. — SS. 10 A. M.
Rev. Chas. C. Tyler
Guest Minister
At Hillside
The Hillside Presbyterian Chur
ch had as its Guest Minister the
Reverend Charles C. Tyler. Rev.
Tyler is a native of Louisiana and
a graduate of Southern University
Baton Rouge, La., and a graduate
of the School of Theology, Oberlin,
Ohio- The members and friends
of Hillside are asked to come out
and hear Rev. Tyler next Sunday,
February 9th at 11 o’clock,
one on this earth, and with that
patience, give me sense to know
- j cask is lovely. If we' I
have it so that every chore, how
ever humble it may be, is noble if
it serves your plan of life. O’
Father, help me still my restless
ness for your dear Son, they say,
was restless too. Amen.
Our Pastor, Rev. Reynolds will
speak over radio station KFAB,
1110 kilocycles this coming Sun
day morning, February 9th.
Bishop E. W. Kelly, D. D. LLD.
will be the guest speaker at Clair
Church this Sunday morning at 11
o’clock. This is the day Clair
| Church has long looked forward
I to. We invite all our friends to
worship with us and to hear Bish
op Kelly. Come early to be sure
of a seat.
Deaths - Funerals
Mr. Robert B. Jones, 66 years,
died Monday, February 3, at his
residence, 2414 Franklin Street,
Mr. Jones was an interior decor- 1
ator and was a member of the
Trustee Board of Bethel AME.
Church before his health failed. He
had lived in Omaha thirty-eight
years. He is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Lula Jones. Funeral services
were held Friday afternoon from
Bethel AME. Church with Rev.
H. W. Bletson officiating. Pall
bearers were members and offic
' ers of the church. Burial was at
Forest Lawn Cemetery. Arrange
ments by the Thomas Mortuary.
• * *
I Sgt. Willard A. Shields, who was
stationed in Germany, and lived at
.'806 North 23rd Street, died from
I injuries received while doing occu
pation duties in Uuenberg, Germ
Sgt. Shields was assigned to the
92nd Division. He had reenlisted
for three years after serving in the
Armed Forces for four years. He
was injured and died from the in
juies received.
He attended school in South O
maha at the Westside and South
Sgt. Shields is survived by five
brothers and two sisters and a
host of relatives. His brothers and
sisters are Harold E. Shields, De
troit. Dorothy Shields, Edward R.
Shields, Nathaniel Shields. Jessie
Shields, Mrs. Lola Long, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Shields.
! Raymond Brown
Listed On White
Teaching Staff
Mr. Raymond R. Brown, former
Omaha Urban League Executive
Secretary, noy Executive Director
of the Akron. Ohio Urban League,
has been listed among the sixty
Negro persons on the teaching
staffs of White Universities in the
United States.
The list composed of those Ne
gro persons with the rank of In
structors or above, includes many
well known race leaders.
Mr. Brown, a former Akron Uni
versity staff member of his alma
mater, received his post graduate
training at Columbia University.
The former Omaha Executive, has
had many years of social work ex
perience and while in Omaha lec
tured extensively in the field of
race relations, before many white
and Negro organizations*
Recognized as a diplomat in soc
ial, Industrial Relationships. Ray
mond Brown developed, while in
' Omaha, many industrial opportun
ities for Negro employment and
laid the framework with the City's
Industrial leaders for greater em
ployment opportunities for local
Mr. Brown is married to Mrs
Edith Brown, an accomplished pi
anist. They have four children,
Delores, the oldest, is a brilliant
student attending high school in
Akron, Ohio.
Skid, not kidding. When foot
ing goes we use our heads. Turn
front wheels in same direction as
the rear skids. Approach a
smooth wet roadway under con
trol. Steady!
★ Fine Quality Printing
Call HA-0800
I .. . . I
hr* | SUNDAY 1
Ol The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, j
: Released by Western Newspaper Union.
Lesson for February 9 j
i -
Lesion subjects and Scripture texts seJ
'ected and copyrighted bv International
|Council of Religious Education; used by
oermission. 1
L !
FEEDING the five thousand
lesson TEXT—John 6:25-35. 56-58. ]
bread ot life.—John 6:48.
Bread! The cry of the hungry!
Peoples of the world for bread has
'reminded us anew that It is the
simple and elemental things of lifq
which are of most importance.
Bread, water, light—such things
man cannot do without. How signifi-J
cant then that our Lord declared
himself to be the bread of life
"John 6:35), the satisfying wateij
■ John 4:14), and the light of the
world (John 8:12).
Our lesson does not deal with the
feeding of the five thousand, but the
i’tory of that miracle of our Lord is
ithe background for the discourse on
the bread of life which is assigned
for our study. It is one of the most
ielightfully simple, yet unfathom-'
ably profound, portions of Scripture.
The story of how our Lord multi
plied the loaves and fishes of a
small boy’s lunch and fed the multi
tude presents him as the Creator
and Sustainer of all things. The
people having been fed, wanted to1
take Jesus and make him their
King (John 6:15), so he went over
the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum.
(But he could not get away from
(them, for they followed him thither.
'Meeting them he gave them the
instruction they so much needed as.
be effectively contrasted the tern-'
■poral and earthly with the eternal*
jand heavenly. '
; I. The Bread ef Earth and thet
(Bread of Heaven (w. 25-27). i
' They sought Jesus not that they;
might receive spiritual blessings,
put that their stomachs might be!
pilled (v. 26). It was not a hign
motive, but an understandable one*
Hunger, or the fear of hunger*
(threatens so many of the people
ithis earth that one does not find
Jit in his heart to condemn them todj
(severely. (
• Yet it was a low motive and
;one which caused them to entirely;
(miss the greatest and most blessed
[provision of God for their every
[need. The bread of this earth, bear
ing the imprint of a human maker,
Avould soon leave them hungry
'again, and eventually they would
* J,
t..e s^al of the t-v. z.’i,.
Aould fully satisfy them for all
Note the folly of those who labor
for the reward which this world
can give, but who neglect their eter
nal welfare (v. 27). How foolish,
too, is the Christian who spends his'
rhole life and his talents in the
pursuit of money and invests little1
<5r nothing of time or ability in the
service of God!
1 II. The Work of Men and the
Work of God <w. 28-33).
Entangled as they were in earth
ly things and desires, they seemed
for a moment to reach out toward1
the things of God. Jesus had been
talking about everlasting life and
Ithe bread from heaven; they want
ed to know what they could do to
merit and receive it.
It is quite typical of man even to
this day that he thinks there must
|be some way that he can come
through to eternal blessedness by
•way of his own works. We shall
see how effectively Jesus dealt with,
that folly!
me only worn mat man can ao 10
meet God's first demands and in-!
herit eternal life is to believe
in Christ (v. 29). Men want to add
up works of penance, works of char
ity, deeds of righteousness, char-'
acter development, the observance
of religious traditions and cere
monies, the offering of prayers, and'
so on without end. Jesus sweeps
aside all this with one brief word,
saying in effect, "It is not a ques
tion of do; it is a matter of believe.”}
Works is not the answer to any'
spiritual need, but faith in Christ.
We must trust God and believe inf
'the One whom he has sent; then*
,we are ready to go out and do^
ihis will! j
( They (yes, and we too) must
now face the alternative J
III. The Way of Death and the!
'Way of Life (vv. 34, 35. 56-58). j
One could wish that the request;
made in verse 34 could be taken atj
face value, but the fact that they!
jlater turned away and left the Lord
indicates that this was again a de
Isire for physical bread. There^was
(probably a vague desire for eter
nal life, too, but not enough to make
(them follow through with appropri
ate action. How much they were
.like folk today who want the bene
fits of Christianity, but who will not
take up the cross.
There is here a bold contrast be
tween the things of this earth,
which, as we use them, perish (and,.
| alas, we perish with them), and
the things of God which are of eter
nal value and power.
Which shall it be, reader, for you?
Are you willing to go on day after
I day on the way of death, or will
you today take Christ, who is the
! way of life?
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KKAD The Greater OMAHA till UK
Where to 30 to Church Sunday
Bethel Baptist. Church
30th and S Street
South Omaha
Rev. M. C. Williams, Pastor
Morning Worship 11 o’clock
BTU. 6 P. M.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Union Memorial—The
Methodist Church
3223 “U” Street, South Omaha
Rev. A. L. Hook, Pastor
Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship, 11 o’clock
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Allen Chapel AME. Church
25th and R Streets, So. Omaha
Rev. Fant, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Mt. Olive Baptist Church
3010 R St., South Omaha
Rev. W. M. Clayton, Pastor
Mrs. Jeannette Thompson, ,
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Church* oj God in Christ
2712 R St., South Omaha
Elder A. E. Johnson, Pastor
Sunday School 10 o’clock
YPWW, 6:30 p. m.
Prayer Band, Tuesday night
Bible Band, Wednesday night
Sewing Circle Thursday after
noon at 2 p. m.
Church of God in Christ
Elder G. P. Benson. Pastor
1710 North 25th St.
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
YPWW 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p. m.
Church of God in Christ
2318 North 26th St.
Elder V. M. Barker, Pastor
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Fellowship Baptist Church
1839 North 24th St.
Rev. D. A. Campbell, Pastor
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
* Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6:20 p. m.
Church of the Living God
2316 North 25th St.
Elder A. Washington, Pastor
Res. 3011 Miami St.,
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Morning Services 11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship 8:00 p.m.
Church of God in Christ
1207 South 13th St.
Elder D. M. Watson, Pastor
Iodell Watson, Reporter
YPWW. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p. m.
Paradise Baptist Church
1811 North 23rd St.
Rev. C. C. Adams, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
LKW. Mission Thurs. 8 p. m.
BYPU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Prayer Service Wed., 8 p. in.
Ml. Nebo Baptist Church
3211 Pinkney St.
Rev. J. P. Mosley, Pastor
Christine Phillips, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Sr. Mission Tuesday 8 p. m.
Prayer Service, Wed. 8 p. m.
Bethel AME. Church
2430 Franklin Street
Rev. Herbert W. Bletson, Pastor
Telephone JAckson 3561
Pilgrim Baptist Church
25th and Hamilton St.
Rev. Charles Favors. Pastor
Mrs. Ed. Dortch, Reporter
Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 10:45 a. m.
BTU 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p. m.
Allen Christian Endeavor
6:30 p. m.
St. Philips Episcopal Church
1119 North 21st St.
Rev. S. G. Sachez, Pastor
Mass 7:30—9:00 a. m.
Church School—9:45
Salem Baptist Church
28th and Decatur Sts.
Rev. J. C. Wade, Pastor
L. A. Henderson, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m,
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Hillside Presbyterian Church
30th and Ohio Sts.
Rev. E. W. Gordon, Pastor
Mr3. T. Newte, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Service 11 a. m.
Visitors are always welcome
Church of God
2025 North 24th St.
Elder S. S. Spaght, Pastor
• Alice Britt, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 •» m.
Morning Worship 11 a m.
Evening Service 8 p.m.
first Church of Deliverance ^
Rev. A. J. Thomas, Pastor
Miss Bernice Ellis, Recor.'ei
I reaching Tuesday aiul Thurs
days 8:00 p. m.
Sunday School 10:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. in.
Christ Temple Church
of Christ (Holiness)
2124 North 26th St.
Res. 2122 North 26th St
Rev. O. A. Askerneese, Pastor
Velma Shearron, Clerk
Freestone Primitive Baptist
26th and Hamilton Sts.
Rev. Dan Thomas. Pastor
Mrs. Piiikie Oliver, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Service 11 a. m.
YPVW 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p.m.
Zion Baptist Church
2215 Ci ant Street
Rev. K. C. Williams, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Junior Church 10:45 a. m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:15 p. m.
Pleasant Green Baptist
27th and Franklin Sts.
Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
I>TU. 5:30 p. m.
Evening Worship 7.30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday nite
i .30 p. m.
Cleaves Temple CME.
25th and Decatur Sts.
Rev. C. P Raines, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a, m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Epworth League 6:30 p. m.
Evening Service 8 p, m.
Allen Chapel AME. Church
5233 South 25th St., So. Omaha
Rev. Y. B. Brooks, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 1J a. m.
Morning Star Baptist Church
26th and Franklin Street
Rev. Z. W. Williams, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:30 p. m.
tnterdenommation Church
1710 North 27th St.
Rev. W. S. Farmer, Pastor
Sunday School, 10:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11:30 a. m.
Prayer Services Thursday 8 pm.
Church of the Living God
2412 Parker St.
Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor
Rose Oliver, Reporter
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Morning Service 11:30 a. m.
YPPU. 5 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:30 p. m.
Ml. Calvary Community
Grant at 25th Street
Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor
R. Hatter, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
St. John AME. Church
22nd and Willis Avenue
‘The Friendly Churh”
Rev. E. B. Childress, Pastor
Mason Devereaux, Jr, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a> m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Union 6:30 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Church of God in Christ
2230 Ohio St.
Rev. J. C. Crawford, Pastor
Worship 3 p. m. each Sunday
Tues., Thurs.. nights
David Spiritual Temple in
Council Bluffs, Iowa
1720 Avenue A
Circle Meeting Every Monday
Evening 8:30 p. m.
Prophecy and Healing
Seven Day Adventist Church
2760 Lake Street
Elder P. W. McDaniels, Pastor
Sabbath School Saturday
9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Vesper Service Friday even
ing 7:45 p. m.
Wednesday Prayer meeting
7:30 p. m.
Calvary Baptist Church of
Red Oak, la.
603 Grimes St.
Rev. Goldsmith, Pastor
Julia Keene, Reporter
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BYPU. 6:30 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday
First Church of Deliverance
2621 Blondo St
Rev. A. J. Thomas, Pastor
Rev. Frank Johnson. Asst.
Rt Rev. William Taylor, Bishop
Ml. Moriah Baptist Church
24th and Ohio Sts.
Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor
F. Burroughs. Reporter
, Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Service 11 a. m.
St. Benedict Catholic Church
2423 Grant St.
Father Moylan, Pastor
Low Mass 7 a. m.
Children’s Mass 8:30 a. m.
High Mass 10 a. m.
Clair Chapel Methodist
22nd and Miami Sts.
Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor
MMrs. Viola Buford, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship Ham.
Evening Worship 8 p.m.
New Hope Baptist Church
26th and Seward Sts.
Rev. L. R. Bragg, Pastor
Mr*. Ada J. Fields, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a a.
BTU 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday at
8 p. m.
Junior Church 3 p. m.
Visitors are always welcome.
First Mission of the God
Sent Light
Prophet Hess, Offidator
Ora Robinson, Reporter
Services Sundays, Tuesdays and
Thursday nights at 8 p. m.
Private Reading Daily at 2310
North 23rd St.
Hope Lutheran Church
30th and Corby Sts.
H. H. Schauland, Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
Morning Service 11:00 A. M.
Apolostic Church of Christ
2518 Cuming St.
Elder Milton T. Wilson, Pastor
Order of Service—
Sunday Morning Worship 11
a. m.
Sunday Evening Worship 8 pm.
Prayer and Preaching Tuesday
evening 8 p. m.
Bible Class, Friday evening at
8 p. m.
All are welcome.
Independent Community
2320 North 28th Avenue,
Rev. E. F. Ridley, Pastor
First Spiritual Army Church
of Christ
1201 North 24th Street,
Rev. Alfred J. Thomas, Pastor
ATlantic 5932.
Church Services each Sunday,
11 and 8 p.m.; Wednesday and
Friday 8 p. m.
All are Welcome.
First Baptist Church
South Sioux City, Nebr.
500 West 10th Street
Rev. D. A. Campbell, Minister
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p. m.
It’s surprising how many inters
esting things one runs across
While shopping, isn't it? I’ve been
re-decorating my home, and last
week I visited our leading depart
ment store in search of just the
I | right Venetian
. Dimas 10 comple
ment my new col
or scheme. With
the help of the
‘.X store’s Home
Furnishings Ad4
<f) visor — a very
■’/ good friend of
CJ mine — 1 found
A just the shade l
* wanted in a
wooden blind wmcn i preier. men
my friend took me into her little
oifiee and showed me some of the
pictures she had borrowed from
Bettman Archive. The first was a
photo taken from an Old German
a window covered
by a simple piece
of clcth hung
over a rod — cer
tainly a far cry
from our hand
some \v i n d o w
dressings of to
It was the sec
.. i . .. ...i.:. u
UI1U »vi»»v«*
really amazed me, however! Did
you know that Venetian blinds
werp invented a?, lone ago as 1812?
fiVell, they were — by a carpenter
named “Cocoht” in Paris and this
picture showed one of the first
blinds used, a haphazard arrange
ment of split wood slats.
Back in those days, Venetian
blinds were strictly luxury items
but now they’re practically a
household necessity. And small!
wonder, too, when we tan choose
between metal, plastic, and wood
— all moderately priced . . . almost
lany color is available . . . they’re
easy to clean, smart looking and
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