Classified Ads Get Results! Would Like to Buy 39 to 42 model FREE ROOM A free room to an elderly lady in exchange for her services caring for small children maybe 2 or 3 times each week. Preferrably someone that is on the Old Age Pension. Call WEbster 5678. Spaulding Furniture Co. 3823 North 24th Street FOR SALE— Chest of Drawers, Sectional Book Cases, Matched End Tables, sev eral kinds of Dinette and Dining room sets. Bedroom Suites and New Living Room Suites and etc. “Come In and See Us" BUY A LOT In Bedford Park, beauty spot of our community. Call JA-7718. I • McBradv Products Orders Taken at 2506 Burdette St.. Telephone JAckson 7284. —Mr». C. M. Elder. • AVTOS WANTED7~ SELL VS YOVR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Farnarn NEIGHBORHOOD FCRNTTl/RB A CLOTHING SHOP BIO SALE—OvercoaiS all fenoe^. Ne Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Bede, Gas Stoves and Ot 9toves. ■VTe Buy ano Sell" — TEI- AT. 1154 1718 N. Z6th ST. c—r - - ~ ■ ■■ Piano, bed, misc. furniture. 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. ROOM for RENT-ADULTS ONLY AT-1330 _ FOR RENT—An Apartment for rent. Call AT 2983 week days Sun day or Monday caH HA 6493. ROOM FOR RENT to settle couple or railroad man 2509 Maple car from private party. WA-8289 ROOM FOR RENT for a lady only —2764 GRANT ST. j • Room to Rent—Single man or Woman. No cooking. Call JA. 0699 Painting, Paper Hanging and Plastering — Call MA. 54-62 (in the evening) ROOM FOR RENT-JA. 3315 O Ladies Fur Trimmed Tuxecio Good shape. Size 20. Inquire Sharp Inn Cafe after Friday. _ FOR SALE—8 Room House, 2622 Caldwell Street. ROOM FOR RENT, man JA~2795 GARAGE FOR RENT, Suitable for Repair Shop, 2517 Grant St., ATIantic 0604. WANTED! Wanted to rent a 3 room apart ment furnished. Man and wife, no children, Call WE. 2235. CHICKEN DINNERS MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 N. 30th SL, JA. 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are Something to Crow A bout. Robt. Jones, Propr. DAY NURSERY Mother’s Care 2537 Patrick, JAckson 0559. I.AIXORIRS A C1.EAXERS EDIIOLM A SHERMIX mil North 24th St WE. 80SS JSetc & Used Furniture Complete Line—Point HnrHtrare We Buy. Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART !M 1 -13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— . "Everything For The Home" GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO *ot*, e«rnrr and adjoining, on «nutbw«‘Mt corner 21M and !:r*c€ KxieiHlvf Oex:«icc on both 21**t an* «.rsM*c. (dm! for 2 or more home* •r *»p|*c«*»nl! y «uttcd as Churcl gromid'i. %1«kc r^nxitnablr offet iHNF.1>IATKbV. AmlrrM BO\ AM* -r Cnll HA-H.NO# uw—iHMMmuwimwwmwtwinwmtwtwummuiiiRimniimiiim'HwiHitnftX CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT | BEDFOSD PARK—One New Home for immediate occu pancy. 2 more for May 1st. Small down payment—F.H.A. and G. I. Loans. Phone Hiram D. Dee, JA. 7718, JA. 1620. Nice Room for rent for settled couple or railroad man. Modern conveniences. 2d09 Maple Street. . .ml,.-..-,.. I. -mm.— — SPECIAL GET ACQUAINTED OFFER— 3 Beautiful 5x7 LIFE-LIKE PORTRAITS (in Folders) *2.50 PHOTOGRAPHIC GREETING CARDS From Your Negative $1.50 We Make Negative $2.00 —STUDIO OPEN— Evenings 7:30 - 9:30 Sundays 10 a. m.-3:30 p. m. TRIANGLE PHOTO SHOP 1608 N. 24th St. Cooperation Jan. 21, 1947 Dear Editor Omaha Guide 2418 Grant Street Omaha, Nebraska Gentlemen: I would like to express my ap preciation for the cooperation your paper furnished us during the year 1946 by publishing our articles on current fraudulent practices. It is indeed a pleasure to have such cooperation shown on your BOWEIS Appliance^Co! NOW OPEN AT OUR NEW ' OCATION # New Units, #New and Rebuilt Refrigerators & Sweepers. "Guaranteed Repair Service— Quality Workmanship—We Solicit Your Trade” 3024 LEAVENWORTH Phone AT-2003 I Bowl Tour Cares Away. ! “LAKE STREET’ BOWLING ALLEY ] 2410 Lake St. JA. 9303 I OPEN FROM 5 to 1 Week Days 1 " ” 3 to 1 Sundays I ROSCOE KNIGHT, Manager. I Prizes Given Away each Saturday Night for Highest | Scores of the Week. THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE .• WINESt BEER, LIQUORS “We Appreciate Your Trade” *4th & LAKE AT. 4248 a TRIANGLE SHOE REPAIR a • QUALITY MATERIALS, • GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP, • CLEANING & PRESSING, • HATS CLEANED & BLOCKED. 1608 NORTH 24th ST. JA. 0858 BUD’S 7 exaco Service • GAS and OIL I “We Appreciate Your Trade” 30th & Wirt Sts. 'AT-9760 JAckson 4411 1833-35 North 24th St. Chicago furniture Co. • LARGE SELECTIONS of STOVES and LAMPS Our Fall Special LOW PRICED CHILDREN’S DESKS --- ■ DO’S AND DON‘TS Do Help Those Agencies That Help Us Combat Infantile Paralysis untl Other Diseases. -——^ *■—^mmSfSmBmKSSSKTT' ; m uiTiTlir taTiiv JIM STEELE '*P MELVIN TAPLET ~ _ — • —_--- ■■ -- ■■ ■ ■■■■! — UF _ '_ I i # I \ I ! t 1. 1 f i l i PUT AVo»«E \tIME. 1 «tme err yES 1' 3oc/*Bi.e *»A>y8E \ r»fvW rivel *T5 £r§ffi^v£t> I To at nor , / 1 UP rw % V-J-3, \£/* * *W I !• ; 'TSi ^ - v f <£v li 1 '■■ / i _' ^ ^ I QUOTES OF THE WEEK “There’s nothing worse than a man with a paunch!” — Mrs. E. Barnes, Los Angeles lin gerie manufacturer, recommend ing men wear girdles. “Men really would look neater in corsets.”—\ctor James Stew art. Hollywood. _____ “All the elements essential to continued prosperity are here, if we have the wisdom and the skill to make full use of them.” — Harvey S. Firestone. “The demand for higher wages based on the employers’ profits in an industry rests on thor oughly radical and unsound eco nomics.” — Prof, of Economics Lewis Haney, New York llniv. “I did it because I don’t like women!”—William Pyle, ar rested in Iws Angeles for snip ping off feminine tresses. “It’s because they are so darned stubborn.” — Police Capt. Tim othy Lynne, Chicago, declaring policewomen superior to men oops. We Are Once More LAUNDERING CURTAINS • SEND OR BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS 2401 North 24th St. Phone WE-6055 * '” .. "" - 111 r -MARY’S CHICKEN HUT • BARBECUED RIBS & SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN “OUR Chicken Dinners Are Something to Crotv About.” .__ nuDcn I JUNtS, PROPRIETOR ! | JA. 8946 2722 North 30th St.1 , -~TT ' Neighborhood Furnace Co. 2511 Charles Street -GUTTERING SPOUTING & REPAIRS_ INSTALLATION OF OIL, GAS, COAL, also STOKERS ESTIMATES FREE A m_^r-jQ * TERMS ARRANGED *\. 1 I D10 -r— - I THIS IS AMERICA , _ __ - - Bv JOHN RANCft . I HSom In America I j WAR OPPORTUNITY JIMand '* TOM YOU FLANAGAN &N[> | * OF Hartford, Conn./ DETERMINED 1 INTO0 \ f^?cER£D 7RADE HIRING OTHER «ls,~ 'N7° , ' \\ learned in high SCHOOL, ^ , , u IN a MOS. GROSSING i TOR \ \ 2AK1NG COPPER TRAYS AND BOWLS. HE AND $ 1,000 WEEK SELLING TO j THCMSCUfES... ] ^TON SET UP BUSINESS IH MOTHERS BASEMENT..j DEPT. STORES ALL OVER U.S... Next Door” By ted shearei r_-—-n j Continent j “Maybe He’s Looking For A Couple Of Good Errand Boys.V.’ The Waiters Column By H. W. Smith • * * Matridee Ward'made a very en couraging lecture to the waiters at the OAC on January 24 and all de partments are on the improve on j service • • • Captain Vaughn, fashion plate J Captain Mitchell, Captain Glover Scott and the UocKtau lounge ana the Captain from the Lone Star State all going good. * m a Are you a member of the Naa cp?—If not, why not? * * * RR boys serving with a smile on the rolling wheels. • • • Blackstone waiters on the up & go. Regis Hotel and Whitehorse Inn "TAN TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN r — i | JTlM?' \Tx >vr c_C-ubS, 1+ Lt-^ll % t “/r She Kicks Over The Milk Today, Pa, Vll Give Her A Good Licking!” -- - _ ± [ waiters very much out in front. • • » Fontenelle hotel waiters on i quick stepping routine. • • • All waiters should read theii menus and keep themselves postec and explain to the guests how th< untries are prepared. l For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE in the Guide ■ * Fine Quality Printing Call HA-0800 I