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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1947)
------ --- LOCAL AND NATIONAL NEWS 1 Per Copy /JUSTICE/EQUALITY HEW TO THE UNIX EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PHONE HA.0800 * = SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1947 Our 19th Year—No. 48 . off L,* x,fc. 'OUR 1 GUEST Column (Edited by VERNA P. HARRIS, THE COLUMBIANS By Ralph McGill, Editor, Atlanta Constitution NOTE TO READERS: A principal reason that the flatnbo.v ant Columbians have not achieved the position of power they obviously an ticipated is that Mr. McGill has vig orously fought this latest hate move ment in the columns of his paper. 'I he ATLANTA CONSTITUTION is one of the country's most influential dailies. * * * Rapists and wife deserters are the leaders of the exhibitionist punks who make up the visible body of the order called “The Columbians' This little gang of crackpots, men tally sick and sex-perverted yap pers in Atlanta cannot get far for the simple reason they are not smart enough. You take Homer Loomis, now. Homer is a card. All the poor, worried people who don’t like their neighborhood to be "invad. ed” by Negro families might like to know about Homer. Once a Park Avenue resident in New York, he eloped with a good de cent girl. She stayed one day. She said Homer was a queer fellow. On the honeymoon night he turned out all the lights but one and made her read aloud a horror story out of a murder story. There were other things, too, —unprintable. They’re not nice. She got the marriage annulled. Homer married another decent girl. But he deserted her and their two children and came South to trim suckers at $3 a pitch. Nice bov, Homer. He now has been joined by brother James Coursey who also wants to save the coun try. n seems, nowever, mat orotner Coursey will have to wait a while. The unfeeling law officers of Car roll County have been looking for him on a charge of criminal as. sault. He is wanted to answer for charges of assaulting a 19 year old girl in the county, de serting his wife after beating her soundly, presumably just to show what sort of a world leader he is. They will try him on that before they let him become our Fuehrer. Nazis are all alike, whether in Germany are parading in Musso lini’s Black Shirts. The Nazi-type mind is cracked and lends itself to all sorts of abberations, includ. ing sex abberations. You can count on Homer, though. He is going to save us from the Negro es and the Jews. Good old Homer. We need his sort of character and integrity to lead us to a good and cleaner life. The Columbians’ headquarters is frequented by sexually delin quent young girls. Their audien ces at meetings, however, are almost enti-ely good, plain per sons of little or no education, of little working skills, therefore in a very low income group. The spellbinders, their ringers itching | to get those S3 initiation fees, talk to them with a certain logic, about as follows: “You are interested in bread and meat and a living wage. That is what we are going to do ior you". That is the line, .not merely of the Columbians, but of all such groups who seek to create mass discontent. They talk to people whose lives are rather dreary at best. They work on peole in the poorest, most squalid slum areas and. to a person perhaps unable to read and write, or to one with no more than a third grade edu cation knowing no trade or skill the appeal has logic. No person ever liges to admit his own failure and this technique explains satis factorily to a failure, why he or she is a failure. It removes any personal responsibility. It places the blame on someone else. Some of the blame, assuredly, should be placed on our whole society. We have gone along with a large number of people whose , preparation for being a first-rate citizen is inadeguate. They are to be found in every city and com munitv, and as long as we do not do a better job they will provide material for the promoters of hates and prejudices who make a good thing financially for them- | selves out of the discontent of others. _ APA — Hire Negro Yellow Cab Drivers in Milwaukee MILWAUKEE. Wis.—'The Bcyn. j ton Cab Company here broke a precedent on November 27 when i four Negro drivers started work [ as regular drivers of the Yellow Cabs. This is the first time in the [ city'3 .history that Negro drivers ! have been used in this capacityj according to Miss Virginia Huer- j ner of the fair employment divi. I sio.n of the Wisconsin Industrial | commission. Originally, it was proposed that ' the colored drivers should operate j cabs with red tops, hut this sug- ] gestion was strongly oposed by | Negro leaders as being discrim inatory, John T. Wagner, president of the company..then submitted a list, of applicants for the jobs to* John J. Williams, editor of the 'STiltVau. kee Globe, a local Nefgrb newspa-.' per, with the, request* that* he' se lect the four men.* ■As'V •'< The men have mpt with no. re buffs from the public. < • ——__:_, ^ w Supreme Court Denies Tke Ppll jax.jiptfe^;*..: Washirtgthn:; fGNSl i WAA-'S a t-: tempt by DM jqf^frop'bf 'Grefhje1 County to hia>e the TfeYin^see pojit, tax declared, unconstitutional'was set back..l£st,»week,'when rtfe ’Su preme potrrt dem'efT • %isr. j fCppe^l and upheld a previous deCnsforuef * the S ^SuIif4tn»'.y.CouWi‘• ■ Zfco * Tennessee -151 ate-VYegtaStCtbre'. ■ ftealed the boll tax.-ip 1943 but the. Sister Tharpe Accused of Duplicity, Contract'Breaking Ten States Oppose Ku Klux Klan NO KLAN CHARTER RECORDED IN NEBRASKA Governors and Attorney-Gener als in ten states oppose the Ku Klux Klan and will take any nec essary le^al action to suppress it. a survey made by the commission on Law and Social Action of the American Jewish Congress reveal ed today. In fourteen states the Ku Klux Klan holds no charter State Supreme Court declared the Appeal, void Mr. Johnson paid the required ?2. poll tax under pro test and sued for the return of his money. His suir was dismis sed by a Circuit Court and this action was affirmed all the way up to the Supreme Court Talmadge Funeral Mocks His Life ATLANTA (CNS)—A quartet sang at the funeral of Governor elect Eugene Talmadge last week apd through the choice of his fa vorite hymns was revealed the stupidity of his life spent in agi tating for white supremacy. There were Negroes among those who stood outside the church to mourn j Talmadge while the quartet inside sang /'The Old Rugged Cross! “When They Ring Those Golden | Bells” and “Beautiful Isle of Some where”. They might have been the j choice of any humble Negro in j the crowd, who lived in deep spir itual love, and v.-ho recognized that it is one of God’s command- ■ ments to love our neighbors as | ourselves. In death, Talmadge dared admit the existence of a God he defied in attempting to j keep Negroes at the lowest human level. ROBESON SPEAKER AT “END LYNCHING” CONFERENCE Paul Robeson, singer and Negro , leader, wll be he principal speaker j at a two-day conference to be held in Washington January 2 and 3, 1 under the auspices of the Ameri- i can Crusade to End Lynching, it was annoimced today. Over 250 delegates representing , community, church, veteran, union j and social organizations will attend j the conference which was organiz- I »d the Crusade to deman effective Federal legislation against lynch ing. The conference will also de- j mand that Theodore G. Bilbo be denied a seat in the 80th Congress. The conference marks the end of the 10O day period during, which ! the American Crusade to End Lyn' ■. chipg-ha? beent.i active i^a earn-, j in.Parm the American peo'-J nle that'8.1aTTe segment of Ameri- ; cgns are still being denied the bar sid *»ghts of eitizenship- .guaran teed under the Constitution,. . • i Delegates representing the con ference jvill call oj. Congressmen afid'Senators jt^e iaorning. of.Jkn nahy 3r<f/ before Cbrrgreg cohyerfes ito,.’tirg(» them fo nake action on ’botti. ting . Federal AntLLjTiqhipg 'Biit- ar®. the rjgmov%|.' .of Bilbo.' , HeAd^ijarte^s for, the.-conference *wi7f*'-be*Lab6rer’»';Haft, Joj'klit' N^v^Jersey Ave> NW. Delegate cailje^isfer at heacTquar-' iters the afternoon Of Janu^r£.2*, ^ Aims.' and in ten additional states the Klan is reported to be inactive. These findings were based upon replies from 32 states to an in quiry addressed to the Governors and Attorney-Generals of 42 states from Rabbi Irving Miller, chair man of AJC’s Executive Commit tee. California, Georgia, Kentuc ky, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania were omitted from the usrvey since they have al ready instituted proceedings ag ainst the Klan. Rabbi Miller’s let ter emphasized the growing threat of the revived Klan and urged the law enforcement agencies of the state "take appropriate action to remove the cloak of legality un der which the Klan contiuues to function.” Two states, Oklahoma and Del aware, announced their intention of investigating Klan activities with a view toward instituting pre venattive action against any re surgence of the organization. Two other states, Indiana and Wiscon sin, have instituted action to re voke the Klan charter. James A. Emmert, Attorney-General of In diana, has announced that while no Klan activity is evident in In diana. action has begun to forfeit the defunct Klan’s charter for failure to file reports. On Decem ber 10. a circuit order was issued in Wisconsin revoking the Klan's charter in that state. Earlier in the year Klan charters were re voked following court action in California. Kentucky, New Jersey and New York. The usrvey indicates that a char ter for the KKK was refused in 1922 in Colorado. Illinois revoked their charter in 1937. In Maine the charter is dormant and can not be revived. Eleven other states declared that no Klan charter was on record. They are Nebraska Arkansas, Connecticut. Minnesota, Mississinoi. Missouri; Nevada, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont and Wyoming. States declaring the Klan to be inactive included Alabama; Ari zona; Montant; New Hampshire (where a charter was granted in 1924). North Carolina. Oregon. S. Dakota; Utah; and Virginia. Of ficials in a few of these states, where the American Jewish Con gress is investigating reports of Klan activities, may not be aware of the cross burnings and Klan actions reported in their state newspapers. Opposiion to the Klan was deT dared by officials in Arizona^ Connecticut, Delaware, Florida' Indiana. Maine. Minnesota; New Hampshire; South Dakota and !rr Virginia.; Florida’s Governor Millard F. Caldwell asserted that while ynder the authority to take any action to ward revoking the Klan’s charter he was “extfemei^ •> in^r^sted’tn preventing any. ■violation' . of -oijr state, laws by the Ku Klux Klan or 'apy other organization and you may' be 'assured ‘of my ctfopgmtion if such instarfcfeS arise.” - • f Attorney General Clair John Killoran of -Delaware.* jJecla/eiJ' ^at-“Vou may rest assifred. that •this, state, througif JJiis crfftse, Wflt utilize is full power to search out ■ .and. investigate $be Ku Kltrx Klan New York. N. Y. (Global) Ac cording to Mr. Foch P. Allen, for merly of Omaha, and now head of the Allen Artists Buerau of 307 Lenox Avenue, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, who is called America's greatest religious singer, jumped thirty-two religious concerts in Southern states to play nightclubs in Denver, Colorado, Mr. Allen, who is General Man ager of the Bureau, further ac cuses Sister Tharpe of refusing to heed the advice of President Jam es C. Petrillo, of the American Federation of Musicians, to abide by her contract and of using some o fher old songs—“Tall Skin ny Pappa and Trouble In Mind” during her appearances in Den ver's most exclusive nite spots. Charging that she is “fooling the American religious people,” Mr. Allen feels that the religious pub lic is beginning to wonder just what Sister Tharpe’s intentions are—since he claims that she “jumps from Church to bands.” $10000 DAMAGE SUIT THREATENED Mr. Allen, who feels that Sister Tharpe can’t get nightclub life out of her blood despite her pro mise some months ago to the A merican public that she had quit the stage, bands and nightclubs, declares that the noted singer will be sued for ten thousand dollar damages for contract breaking. He insists that her booking of fice has repeatedly advised her not to play nightclubs and thea tres and then double back to the religious role. activities in this state and that appropriate proceedings will be instituted to have the court;,'Re voke any charter or license that may be granted to said organi zation by any State authority.” ! Governor Ralph Gates of Indi ana stated that he stood “100 per cent against all un-American or ganizations" and “readv at all | times to take such action as is necessary fro ma state level to 1 defeat them.” He expressed his belief that “Communist groups” ; were the only ones he now knew ! of which “might become alarbing’. Governor William Tuck of Vir | ginia declared that “I am apposed I to such an organization” as the Ku Klux Klan, and “shall do my utmost to suppress it in every way ; and if you hear of any activities ; of the Klan in the Commonwealth of Virginia and have any evidence i thereof, will you not kindly sup | ply it to me.” Governor Frank J. Lausche of Ohio stated the matter “is receiv ing my deep consideration.” and I Governor Clarence W. Meadows of West Virginia advised that “we are keeping an eye on this mat ter.” ! Several officials expressed ap preciation for CLSA’s report on state action against the Klan and stated that it was “enligheninr”’ and “interesing.” Red Cross Increases Its Negro Staff In Germany WTESBABEN, Germany—Four additional American Red Cross Negro women workers have ar rived in Germany where they were assigned to Red Cross-staf fed clubs serving Negro' troops in Hersfeld. They are: Josephine Adams, Patterson, N. J., previously assigned to the Pa cific Area, who attended Howard University; Mercedier de Freitas, Chicago, who attended Lincoln U. Missouri; Amanda Garrison, of Brooklyn, N. Y., formerly in the Pacific Area; and Elizabeth Green of Pittsburgh, a graduate of Howard University. Powell Attacks Film Sliirs New York iCNS)—Abie’s Irish Rose and Walt Disney’s Uncle Tom Opus, Song of the South, will be withdrawn from circula tion in New York if the protest of Congressman Adam Clayton Powell is successful. Last week, Powell called upon License Com missioner Fielding to close down the showing of both films, now playing to fair audiences, on the ground that they are not only ’an insult to American minorities, but an insult to* everything that A merica as a whole stands for’. Bing Crosby produced Abie’s Irish Rose which ran a a success ful play in he 1920‘s. New York critics panned both films, and Jimmy Fiddler, Hollywood com mentator, called ■ the Abie picture a “black eye” on Hollywood. Po well Plans tc* fight, until both pic ’tur’eg a'fg'\Vifficfrawn‘' t > ROBINSON IN BIG BASEBALL jnWKE.jA iDgFINlTp 'ei'Jgine'Ere'S' p'lan ' . Whether Jackie Robinson, first in organized .baseall* makes gdocPwith the Brooklyn’’Dodgers or not. hiss “breaK” is not an acci fiept definite plan engineer ed by Branch Rickey, Brooklyn ’(bwn^r; '-’according - to ttfd current Sport Magazine. »*•»• RicH,ey_d£cldji* that |boJUJ*«^of Bar Association Moving To Lift Ban On Negroes CINCINNATI, O. (WDL)—Steps toward ending the Cincinnati’s Bar Association's ban on Negroes are being taken by the group headed by Paul W. Steer, who resigned as treasurer following the associa tions’ rejection of William A. Mc Clain, Negro lawyer. Answering a leter of congratu lations from the legal committee of the Workers Defense League, Steer said: “The decision to make a public protest to the bar association’s regretable action was difficult only in one respect, that being the resulting unfavorable publicity to the bar association, does many fine and good things both in and out of the profes sion. I took counsel with several ! persons and we concluded that un favorable comment against the association was not unjustified in view of the larger and lasting be- I nefits that could be achieved by ' highlighting the shortsightedness. “Several of us are now getting underway to do comething about it, and it seems to be already evi dent that the protest which gave the press and others a chance to show indignation is helping.” upholding Steer’s contention, the association's executive com mittee recently approved a spe cial committee’s recommendations for constitutional amendments that a majority of the five-man membership committee instead of four affirmative votes shall be sufficient for recommending an applicant and that a majority membership vote instead of 80% shall be sufficient for accepting an applicant. It was the 80% require ment which caused McClain to be rejected. The commended amend ments will be acted upon at the association’s February quarterly membership meeting. Seek To End Discrimination In New York Medical Schools Against Minority Groups and City College Grads NEW YORK. Dec. 23rd—Five major recommendations to end dis crimination in New York medical schools against members of min ority groups and graduates of City colleges were adopted today at a special meeting of the New I York City Council called to con sider a report by W’alter R. Hart, Chairman and counsel of the Council’s special investigating comrrtittee. This committee wa3 appointed last September to in vestigate charges of discrimina tion in professional schools made by the American Jewish Congress the New York Committee Against Discrimination in Education, and other organizations. The Committee's 84-page report substantiates these charges and makes the following recommenda tions: 1. That a bill embodyng the principles of the Austin-Mahoney bill be passed at the next session of the State Legislature. This ‘would forbid discrimination by schools and create a commission which, after hearings on com plaints. can issue judicially en forceable cease and desist orders. 2. That the City Council re quest Governor Dewey to include in his message to the Legislature a direct request that such legis | lation be enacted, so that in the ; words of Governor Dewey, we ; may reach the “goal where no | young man or woman shall be denied a higher education because of his race, religion or color.’’ i 3. That the Governor also in clude in his message a request to , the Legislature that a bill be en | acted into law providing for the I creation and jnaintenance of a I State university, which shall in clude medical and dental schools. 4. That the Board of Estimate of the City of New York be re I que’ted to embody in all future ! contracts with all schools which ; use the facilities of the City hos ! pitals for the instruction of their 1 students a provision providing for j the cancellation there of upon I proof that such institution is guil ty of racial or religious discrimin ation in the acceptance or rejec tion of students. 5. That a Local Law be passed providing for the appointment of a committee consisting of the Commissioner of Hospitals and the Presidents of the various City colleges, cm-lowering it, on its own motion or on motion of any per son aggrieved, to inquire into con ditions involving or charges of dis crimination against applicants for admission to colleges or institu tutions of higher learning which use the facilities of the hospitals of the Citv of New York and that the said Committee be empowered to subpoena witnesses, examine records of such institutions ana issue such order and have such other powers as may be necess ary to effectuate the purposes of such Local Law. In its report the Committee presents a thorough investigation of the' admission practices of Co lumbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons and Cor* nell University’s Medical College, based on private and public hear color- line in baseball was inevit able. according to Sport, so he sent three top scouts scouring the Negro leagues. When they came up witfi Robinson as potential big league timbre. Rickey assigned the Negro star to the Dodgers’ Mon treal farm team'in the' Interria i'. nal league for a final test. ■ What Robinson did. in. Montreal ! fn'ade baseball history. last season. He fed the.ieacue in batting-with a of highest peerage ever f con* dijed by a Montreal .player.-- He stoli pnly- lln errors' playing sown debase -and •fhortafeap; JHrhe« -won 1 'the .ViLfttle-WoUd . Caries’frpm Louisville, Monfcfeak*'crtfters oapriea •Robinsohv wjth teara streaming [ tfnwn, hie fact, arcup^ field in rjjibiatioir.1 <’ ’’ * j - iLe Negrq star. hasj.gv good 'Chance to beeo’nle-'a' Dodger regu lar,Igfljrrfldfcya. •< * n*#* v ’f. I - ings of leading members of the faculty and statistics presented by the schools and yy the Commis sion on Law and Social Action of the American Jewish Congress. Relevant statistical tables of ad missions to New York Medical College (Flower Hospital). New York University College of Medi j cine and Long Island College of Medicine are included. The evidence gathered by the Committee shows conclusively that the medical schools have a 1 quota directed against students of Jewish, Italian and Negro extrac ! tion. The existence of a quota a | gainst Jt'.’is at 'Cornell* was ad j mitted in a letter by the former dean of the Medical College. Dis crimination at the other schools J is shown by the statistical tables [ of admissions of graduates -from City-supported colleges. These col : leges have higher scholastic stan | dards than other schools, but a majority of the students stem from the minority groups which predominate in the City of New York. In the last six years CCNY ha3 been keeping a record of its grad uates who have attained the above average scholastic record of A or j better and who have applied for ad | mission to the five medical schools located in the City of New York. The tables show that the over whelming majority of these stu dents were rejected without per sonal interviews. At the Commit | tee’s hearings, however, it was ad mitted by faculty members that the medical schools had accepted | students from other colleges with an average of B or less. "In the absence of a personal interview", the Committee report .statr4, “The excuse that these ; applicants were rejected because of lack of emotional stability or personality cannot be accepted. I There was on evidence adduced that the records of these men, for warded by City College, showed them to be emotionally unstable or lacking in personality. The fact of the matter is that almost without exception, these students (Continued on Page 4) “ROTH IMPARTIAL”_I — • ^ ^| . f^jr r £ r LEADERS MAKE POLIO APPEAL NEW YORK, N. Y_In the wake of the worst epidemic of poliomyelitis in the history of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, many important nation al leaders have joined in appeal ing for support to the March of Dimes, January 15-30. Among the many endorsements received by the National Foundation are those from: Archie A. Alexander, ar chitect and pres, of Wilkie House, Des Moines, Iowa; George A Beavers, Jr., Chairman of the Board and Agency Director for , Golden State Mutual Life Insur ance Co; Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, (Chief, Office of Negro Health j Work, United States Public Heal Jth Service; Mrs. Mary W. Block er. former president. National ! Congress of Parents and Teachers Dr. George D. Cannon, secretary of the New York City Physicians Forum: Mrs. Mae Wright Down3, national president of Delta Sigma Theta sorority; Col. B. O. Davis. J . of the IT. S Air Corps: Karl Downs, president of Samuel Hou ston College; Dr William H. Gray, Jr., president of Florida A & M ! College; Mrs. Edna Over Gray, j national president of Alpha Kap ! pa Aloha sorority; Raymond E. j Jackson, Imperial Potentate of l the Shriners; Dr Charles S. John son, president of Fisk University; Attorney Poindexter A. Orr, pres ident of the National Bowling As ■sociation; Kelsey Pharr, president Greater Miami Negro Civic Lea gue; W. H. Pipes, president of A1 corn College. Also, Mrs. Fannye Ayer Pon der. past president. Florida State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs; Muriel Rahn, concert ar tist; E. Washington Rhodes, pu blisher of the Philadelphia Tribune Mrs. Gertrude Robinson, national president of National Sororitv of Phi Delta Kanpa; Jack»e Robin son, first Negro plaver in organi zed baseball club: H. C. Ruseel!. president of West Kentuck” Vo cational Training School; Frank L. Stanley, pre'-idc.nt. Negro Nevs paper Publishers Association; H. Councill Trenhol.n, executive se cretary of the American Teach ers Association; James B. Simm ons. Jr., City Councilman of To ledo. Ohio: j. Finley Wilson. The | Grand Exalted Ruler of the Elks; Dr. Walter A. Younge, president j of the National Medical Assn, j The infantile paralysis epidem i ic of 1946 was the worst in more than a quarter of a century, ex ceeded only by the great 1916 ey> lidemic. .worst in the recorded hi I story of the United States, accord | ing to figures released by the Na ; tional Foundation. To aid in the j fight against the crippling disea se, the National Foundation for ; Infantile Paralyses sent upwards of $4,500,000 of March of Dimes funds to 39 states where the epi demic depleted the treasuries of National Foundation chapters iir ; providing hospital and medical care to victims of the disease, without regard to age, race, creed or color. Need for funds has never been ! greater to enable the National Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis to lead, direct, and unify the ! unceasing fight against this di sease. The American people, al ways generous in supporting the March of Dimes, will be even more j generous this year they | know that this fight is their fight. Assumes Greater Importance i Dear Editor: I The March of Dimes campaign, January 15-30, 1947, assumes greater importance than eveir this 1 year since America has recently ■ suffered its greatest eoidemic of infantile paralysis in thirty years. Last spring and summer saw 24,000 people, mostly children, fall victim of the disease. In carrying out its pledge of providing care and treatment for every victim, regardless of age, race, creed or color, the resources of the National Foundation have been extremely strained. As a re sult of this financial drain, it be comes more imperative than ever 'that the coming March of Dimes ! campaign should be an unquali fied success. Aa you have learned through personal experience and from my | reports t ■ on, the National Foun dation's pledge, as it relates to , to Negro people, is upheld through i out the nation. The enclosed facts folders give you facts pertinent to the pledge. The National Foundation knows that the press has proven to be one of the most outstanding cour ces of support to the March of Dimes and we are again counting on your newspaper to join with us : in the fight against infantile pa ralysis. As in past years we shall jsend advance copy to your vari ous editors for, release during the i March of Dimes. We deeply appreciated your con j tinned interest and the support of your newspaper in this never end ing battle against a disease which eri pies so many children. ! Sincerely Charles H. Bynum, Xi States Launch Campaign T© Enact L©cal EEPC. Laws i ouuiig urives are under way I to enact FEPC legislation in a [ number of northern states when j legislatures convene this month. | Reports to the Commission on i Law and Social Action of the A ! merican Jewish Congress reveal ! that State campaign committees are already functioning in Conn ! ecticut, Illinois, Michigan and in | Pennsylvania, while Indiana, Ohio and Rhode Island are now organ izing and bills are being readied fee Maryland. Oregon, Colorado, Minnesota and West Virginia. The Connecticut Fair Employ ment Practices Committee has ! opened an office in Hartford and j has begun organizing on a state : wide basis. Henry R. Silberman, ; New England Regional Director of j the American Jewish Congress. [ has been acting as chief consultant | to the committee which includes | representatives of the AFL. CIO j NAACP. A VC. Connecticut Coun [ cil of Churches and local Jewish community groups. I Connecticut Democratic, raem i bprs of thg legislature are expec i ted to vote favorably fpr a strong I measure.' but both the Senate and j AsseinBMy Save ftepublcau ma jorities. The GOP has opposed strong enforcement provisions in • tlje -past. Chances of getting the j necessary votes of about . eight ! Republican Senators v8pcJ* 'seventy Republican Representatives , are considered gopd. Formation of..35 or 40 local committees will be necessary as' Connecticut’?' “rot ten . borough1’* system- allows only two representatives from .-any- g-i ven citron to^n._ ; Gilbeijt..CyrdQ*^ Jtfid&’est^jtegion al Director of the Commission on Law and Social Action of the AJC j has drafted a strong FEPC Bill for Illinois and has been appoin ted Legislative Director of the Illinois FEPC Council. Wide org anizations, the NAACP. the Cath olic Labor Alliance, the Church Federation of Greater Chicago, the CIO, and a number of large AFL unions. Legislators have al ready been circularized with a draft of the proposed bib and pu blicity is under way. Reports from Michigan indi cate that the drive for signatures on the FEPC initiative petition has gone over the top. Detroit a lone is reported to have secured more than the repaired number for that state feight percent of the last gubernatorial election void with one Ford local of UAW-CIO obtaining nearly 40.000 signatur es. While the success of the ini tiative campaign does not assure enactment, .as the recent Califor nia election has shown..the elec torate ■vvi’f-have ajv;opportunity to vote on the meastfre at trie "next' general election -if it. is .not. pas's-' cd intact in the forthcoming leg ists de session.' * ‘The Pennsylvania," Committee for FEPC. aftep •stu^Jyipgi a num ber of, bills, hps selected' a mea sure presented-American Jewish Cong’^ssXRe^ional Direc tor for introdyy.i'o’h .in’ tH^ sessftjn of the .QeneTnl ".‘As^rrljily ‘^gin ning J’affllftry ‘7. 'A detailed” of strategy was worked out at a state-wide .confer Afcjp' 'id Harris burg on December 7. and'end or se rrfents* fpr the measure ufre.. being, ' '' '.C V«A•' secured. In Rhode Island bills have fail ed of passage twice'in the past but the outlook this year is con sidered favorable, particularly in contrast to a number of other in dustrial states where nnal legis lators predominate. With a Demo cratic Governor and House (where a bill passed last year on a voice vote), the problem is primarily one of gaining six or eight votes in the Republican Senate. A n Administration approved FEPC measure for Minnesota was in the offing as those close to Gov ernor-elect Luther Youngdahl in dicated that the new Chief Execu tive would seek such legislation when the 1947 legislature conven es in January. The Governor's Interracial Com mission has gone on record for FEPC legislation. Ohio and. Indiana are also or ganizing statc-Y’ijg committees and readying legislation. In Ore gon a Committee Tor'5 a*' Fair, Em ployment Practices Act has been .formed to. press-for the enactment of 'legislation;Ip; that gUfe. In Co lorado the 4)cr.^*,jtjrited'Council is laying pljms., Toro, the introduc tion of a afatV FEuPC bill in the legislatureiibr*' nfcrrth "(January}. JdMnwhife gyur 'C6pr>misSipn> oft .W*and £«*oii #f-tljje A •fpewban Javvi^LpoVigri^so is , con tinuing to 'troKie -technical as sistance to all interested /orgarti zations on both leg£l (gicU.rgapri zational problems. In ,a<fSi'ffi>n to 'model bil^m mjnuaJPohmiIt" o¥ ghnizing a Stafe FEPC_OTn.pai is "availabTb cctrohuesicT’ Ivir'*'*: -.’MiMiv, iTh&