Dr. V alter A. Mairr . ■ — »■ I ■ »l— I • 1 Bringing Christ to the Nations c*~s THE INTERNATIONAL LUTHERAN HOUR “Orer Station KBOW Every Sunday morn’ 11:30P.M. —Publicity Department — 3.j.j8 South Jefferson Ave. Saint Louis, Missouri e*s» Saint I.ouis. Missouri (Special) December 22—As 4 liri-t < parents found no houw- or room in Betlilebem so lb*- 4 hri'tmas more Vmerican families are without homes than ever before. Dr. alter A. Maier declared today in a ilperial pre-Christmas broadcast. **VI e could mobilize our man anil money |»ower to kill millions of our enemies and win victories in two W orl946. Lucille Gordon filed a petition in said County Court, praying that her final admini stration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as Administratrix and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 6th day of January 1947, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 6th day of January 1947, at 9 o'clock A. M . and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally set tled and determined. _ ROBERT R TROVER County Judge Beginning 12-14-46 Ending 12-28 46 ITCH-"::"" I' jr Quick rriari from Ktcfcmg canard by farm ;4kicu'i foot, yabat. piaijiln and other itthiaf aubof. medicated. 1k|w ISM. A di Jf i formula ^■sssgyg'arS^ Hard Coughing Spells Resulting' Colds When your cold brings on a nasty troublesome cough, spend 45 cents at any drug store for a bottle of BUCK LET S CANADIOL MIXTURE — tHple acting—to reUtre ughlng fast. BUCK LKT S arts promptly to help looses up thick, sticky phlegm — soothe Irritated throat membranes and ease hard cough ing spells. So try It the eery next time § cold results la a star king stubborn rough Kind out for yourself just how good it Is for coughs due to colds. Get BUCKLEY'S CANADIOL MIXTURE — made in the U.S-A.***TQDkY ■ all drug gists. is touched by the supernatural power of God, and his eyes have been opened he cannot enjoy the fruits of the Kingdom of God; and finally, let us see God first In one another. Visitor: Mr. E. Williams of Vallejo, California. Our building fund drive is still on and the officers and pastor still urge all members to contri bute at least $1 a week to tills fund Let the work go onward and forward with each dollar contri buted. Let us keep in step with this great program by placing a dollar in the envelope or on the table each Sunday morning. Give now while you have yet to give for tomorrow may never come. Let us give back to God a portion of that which He has so freely given us in the form of a substantial contribution to our building fund according to our God-given abi lity. The Senior Choir directed by Mrs. Pearl Gibson is presenting the last All-Request program of the 1948 year Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m at the church. There will be a host of beautiful spiri tual songs on this Sunday even ing. This group plans to make this last presentation one of the finest of the year. Members and friends of St. Johns are requested and cordially invited to come out and avail yourselves of this ex cellent song service. Rember the day..Sunday December 22, at 8 p. m St. Johns 22nd and Willis Avenue. The Sunday School Christmas program under the direction of Mrs Childress. Bro. Harris supt. of the Sunday School, and his efficient staff of teachers will be held on Christmas Eve. Tuesday. Dec. 24 at 8 p. m They invite all mem bers. parents of the participants and friends t ocome out on this evening Orchids to Mrs Childress, Bro. Harris and his staff and the pa rents for the cooperation given in the preparation of these our chil dren for this night. Let us all come out on this night won’t you? Last rehearsal will be Saturday December 21st at 1:00 p. m. Mo thers be sure to let your children be there. Mrs Carrie Carter invites all members and friends of St. Johns to place something in that basket setting up front Sunday morning or night or Christmas Eve as a token of appreciation of the fine work our pastor and wife are do ing at St. Johns. Let us all place our contribution in this basket. Any food item is welcome. The Missionary Society will have their last service of this year on the fifth Sunday night of this month. December 29th. Bro. H. L. Preston will direct the Men’s Chorus with Mrs. Otis Jamerson at the piano. The Watchmen’s contribution to the trustees for the purchase of two sand tables for the Sunday School and a table for the memeo graph machine was another of those fine Christian jesters on the part of these wide-awake men of St. Johns. To them we say more power to you and may God bless you. To the brother who gave us 2 tons of coal to christen our new heating plant, the officers, astor, and members thank you and may God bless you for He knows that it was given by a cheerful giver from the depths of the heart from a member who is interested in the future of St. Johns. “Let us heed and do likewise as we march onward, forward and upward in our program for a bigger, better Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks and ap preciation to our many friends, who were so kind to us during our recent bereavement and also for the beautiful floral offerings at the death of Aaron (Shorty) Glass. ) Mrs. Aaron Glass, wife, John and Joe Glass, sons, Theotis Glass, brother, I Compton Wheeler, cousin. g £fjrist in JL Christmas 1 HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH, 30th & Corby / SERVICES 11 A. M. & 8 P. M.; S. S. 10 A. M. H. H. SCHAULAND, PASTOR W—|MWHIimmummmmHimHHUIHmilHtHBMn*HHnHHIHinMHHIWI—UMMMtlWmUtaUnmimnmUimnHHHHi.iTTImUHmUMmMHMMW Our Baby God The thing that fascinates us most about Christmas is the appearance of the Almighty God as a helpless baby, the sight of tiny hands which, we remind ourselves, hung up the moon and rolled the earth into space. And now He’s made Him self so helpless, out of love for us. He wasn’t really bom with a shock of flaxen hair as our Christmas cards represent Him. He was born just like any otherson of man, tiny and absolutely dependent on the love of His mother. He would be hungry if she did not feed Him; He would not be clean, did she not wash Him. Now He is elosef to everyone. He waits in His crib for our adoration. He has not yet assum ed the dignity of manhood, nor the majesty of His glorified body; for somehow after the resurrection, His words to Mary Magdalen—“Don’t touch Me”—rather put us in awe of Him. He could annihilate us with a glance 'if He would. Our pray ers at Easter are addressed in adoration,' but! at Christmas we want to wrap the Infant Jesus in'prayers of love and pity. We want to taek Him in our arms, and let? His poor little body draw the abundance of our warmth and vitality. But just think of Mary’s joy. This Baby is God. Think of how you would feel if you could havd Godf in your arms, sitting at your table, or asleep irf the next room. Mary real ized the dignity of her Son. She had been visited by an archangel; St. Joseph’s dream had reassured her knowledge, and St. Elizabeth’s greeting had sonfirmed it. She knew that she was the Mother of God—yet she did not become vain, nor did she try to use her Son’s power for her own ends. So let’s savor the spirit of Christmas to the fulL We can bnild a crib in our souls which need never be tom down. We can hug our Lord to ourselves and hold Hhn fast—so fast that, by His grace, we need never lose Him from our arms. and greater St. Johns in Omaha for our community, our city, our children spiritually and financial ly." _ *« * The Progressive 24 and its pre sident, Bro. W. P. Ervin, wish to announce that they are present ing our Senior Choir in a musical recital during the month of Feb ruary. Tickets may be purchased from officers and members of the club. Let us pray for the sick thru out the week, whoever they are, and wherever they may be. Mothers send your children to Sunday School every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Attend our morning services aot 11 and our evening services at 7:30 p. m. Visitors and friends are always welcome at St. Johns the friendly church at 22nd and Willis Ave. Come woship with us won’t you? HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 30th and Corby Streets H. H. Schauland, Pastor In Algebra “X" stands for the unknown quantity. And to many people Christmas is an unknown quantity. Such people are justi fied in spelling Christmas with an "X”—Xmas. But the Christ ians know the true meaning of Christmas. They know that there can be no Christmas without Christ. To them Christ comes first everything else is secondary. They do no ask “How shall we observe Christmas?” It is self -evident.. in God’s House. During this blessed season there will again be many opportunities to do just that. May the love of Christ constrain us all to do so. Hope Lutheran invites you to attend services Sunday, Dec. 22, at 11 a. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. On Dec. 24 the children’s service in song and recitation be gins at 11 a. m. Come, worship the Christ-Child with us. A very blessed and Christ-centered Christ i mas to all. CLAIR METHODIST CHURCH 22nd and Miami St. Rev. C. C. Reynolds, pastor. Services were well attended last Sunday both morning and night. The postor delivered the morning message from the theme: “A Finished Work” from the scrip ture John 17:4. A number of vi sitors were present in both ser vices. In the afternoon at 3 o’clock, the Rev. R. W. Johnson, his choir and members from Mt. Calvary Community church were with us. This was another great service. Following the pastor’s sermon j Sunday night, the Royal Jubilee Singers rendered a very fine pro gram of spiritual music. This coming Sunday morning, December 22 the pastor shall use as his semon theme: ’’Born To Crusade”. We urge all our mem bers and friends who are not o therwise engaged to hear this Christmas Sunday morning mes sage. The Sunday School will have its Christmas program and Tree on Christmas Eve at 8 o’clock. A special Christmas candlight ser vice will be held at Clair Church on Christmas Eve at 14:45 p. m. The pastor will use as his sermon theme for this service “The Ang el’s Message* The choir will ren der special music for this service. IMMANUEL COM. CHURCH 2320 North 28 Avonuo Bev. E. F. Ridley, Pastor - The text for last Sunday’s ser mon was from Hebrew 3:6. The subject “What are we to Christ?" High point: The house of Isreal meant more to Christ than it did to Moses. Moses was a servant in the house of Isreal while Christ is its Lord and heir. Moses was faithful to the house of Isreal but Christ was. He is and forever shall be faithful. Many of the Is raelites died in the wilderness be cause they were not faithful to Moses. The question now is this: Will we be faithful to Christ and inherit eternal life or be unfaith ful to Him and miss the eternal promised land? Next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock Rev. Ridley will deliver our Chris mas message. Monday night at eight o’clock the Sunday School will present a play entitled “The Judean Hills.’’ >, Watch meeting will begin at 11 p. m. New Year’s Eve. Every one is invited. Rev. Ridley delivered a sermon Sunday afternoon for Rev. C. A. Favors at Pilgrim Baptist church. His text was from II Corinthians 1:21 and 22 verses. His subject: “Four Privileges of the Believer”. The sermon was enjoyed by the congregation and as a whole was a spiritual and financial success. HAVE PATIENCE! By Ruth Taylor “Wait on the Lord and He will save the.” Patience is one of the most dif ficult of virtues to acquire, but once its lesson has been learned it is the most soul satisfying. To be patient is to have self control plus faith.. to know that in the last analysis, “all things work to good for them that love God.” Think of those whom you ad mire most, and you will see how this quality stands out. It was patience and the ability to wait that enabled Washington to hold out long after the more zealous and daring of his colleagues felt the game was up. It was patience and the ability to wait that car ried Lincoln through the darkest hours of the Civil War. And so has it been from time immeorial.. with little people as well as great.. with unsung heroes as well as with those renowned in song and story. But patience does not mean just sitting down to wait. To wait patiently requires constructive ac tion. It means careful considera tion of the end you wish, and the taking of every step to bring that end about with due regard for others. It means doing your duty day in and day out, working hon estly and sincerely at your daily tasks, and fittinf yourself bodily and mentally for the day when your ship comes in. When that has been done, it means waiting patiently and cheerfully and work ing while you wait. And this applies not only to the individual but to all groups with in the nation and to the nation itself. The changes the reforms we all want to see made require pa tience and waiting while we are actively trying to bring them a bout. There are many sincere reform ers who are vociferously advoca ting all sorts of panaceas. “De stroy the old,” they cry. "Any thing is better than what we now 1Improved » !Uniform r [International I SUNDAY S SCHOOL H- LESSON> i t , By HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST, D. D. t Of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. (Released by Western Newspaper Union. / t.___l Lesson for December 22 I _________ i lesson subjects end Scripture texts se ected and copyrighted by International -ouncil of Religious Education; used by permission. A MESSAGE OF LOVE (CHRISTMAS LESSON) i ! LESSON TEXT—John 3:16; Ephesians p: 14-21. MEMORY SELECTION — Thanks be .unto God for his unspeakable gift.—II •Corinthians 9:15. — When Jesus was bom in Bethle-« hem there were only a few men and| women of faith who could see in the. Babe of the manger the glory and| the power of Christ. It was a dark! ind unbelieving age into which he' was bom—and who will say that it is different in the day in which we celebrate Christmas, 1946. Indifferent, ignorant and sinful people are glad to try to capitalize on the spirit of Christmas, but they' ,still despise ar.d turn away from the| fvon of God, Jesus the Saviour. It behooves us, therefore, to pre sent once more the message of the Saviour who came at Christmas, that all men may hear of him. j Our lesson speaks of God’s great j gift of love and tells what manner' of men and women we should be be-; cause he did give his Son for us.} I. God’s Christmas Gift to Us’ (John 3:16). God loved—so God gave. Love prompts the heart to give. One may give without loving, it is true, but pne cannot love without giving. God’s love for man existed from ill eternity. It provided a way of redemption for man and in due sea son the Saviour came, to live, to love, to die for all mankind. It was no chance event, no acd-.' .lent in history; it was the heart of Rod speaking in his “unspeakable lift” (II Cor. 9:15) of his only be-' gotten Son. That leads us to our second Scrip-( ture and our second point We who receive gifts try to express our appreciation in a polite and proper 1 II. Our “Thank Tan" to Gad jf the Holy Spirit 2. Love (▼. 17). This is the strong* Foundation of all spiritual develop! -nent and usefulness. Roots are) out down deep (as we change the igure of speech) to hold the life steady, and to provide the nourish nent for spiritual living. This is all possible because Christ makes his home in the heart. Think pf the privilege of making such a Eest feel at home in our hearts! t us be grateful, and let us rec nize him and honor his presence. ! 3. Knowledge (w. 18, 19). The be Uiever has to know not only the (knowable, but also that which passes knowledge, namely, the love of (Christ. i We shall grow in grace as we grow in the knowledge of the