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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1946)
Let’s Go Over the Top In Our Christmas Seal Sales Will Nebraska’s Christmas Seal Sale set a new wrecord, or will it fail to provide the greatly-needed funds with which to carry on an /■---’A “// Pay g To hook WelT’ MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2A22 I^ake Street - LOANS $10 TO $1,000 You can obtain a loan from us for almo-t any and repay in •mall monthly payments. Salary loans on your signature only. We also make auto and furniture loans. We will gladly make you a small loan or a large one. Phone AT-2300. tell us what you need, then come in and pick up the money. Prompt Service COMMERCE LOAN COMP AX Y 1901 Farnam St Cround Floor Corner. Larry Flinn, Manager. accelerated program for fighting tuberculosis in the state next year. With the sale of Christmas Seals past the half-way mark, that was the “sixty four dollar question” pondered by officials of the Nebraska Tuberculosis Assn, the past week. Preliminary returns which have come in, they reported, are en couraging. But the vast majority of Seal Sales Chairmen have not yet sent in their preliminary re ports, so it is difficult to estimate progress of the sale on a state wide scale. In Omaha, the sale is running slightly ahead of last year’s fi gure at this time. Omaha’s “Ban I HIGHEST PRICES PAID § | for FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES I “Call Us First” l ! NATIONAL RIRRITURE | Company 1 1 —AT-1725— 1 9 .mi.. “BEATRICE L. MORGAN” Dramatic Studio • ATTRACTIVE TEACHING METHODS. • RECITALS. STU DENTS ALL AGES. 2537 Patrick JA-0559 jflMVETS ClubCafeteria\ [Now Open All Day 'Specializing In... HOME COOKING !J • SHORT ORDERS • SANDWICHES “We Appreciate Your Patronagef* I CATERING TO CLUBS and PRIVATE PARTIES -PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS 24th & Miami Phone: JA. 9256 go to bed ? between i warm sheets \ NOW AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY AUTOMATIC BLANKETS i The Ideal A few minute* before retiring, switch on the Automatic Blanket. Then slip into a cozy, prewarmed bed—under a •oft, deeply-napped, lightweight covering. These washable, completely automatic blankets come in blue, rose, green, or cedar. The Blanket With a Brain • The bedside control automatically guards your comfort. • Dial your own “just right” warmth and forget it. • You sleep all night in the tame sunny comfort, whether it thaws or freezes. Sleep Luxury You’ve Never Known Before • Warmth without weight. • The warmth .< you chooae. • Bed warm all over. • Pre- ^ • armed sheet*. • Sleep all winter in summer- - weight night dothts. SEE YOUR G-E DEALER NOW WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS! Coll Mm Oaabo Pabllc Power District tor Mm Nooms of Tboso Dealers , gto Day Sale” daring which Ugh school and college girls sell small celluloid double-barred crosses on downtown streets, realized less than $700 last year. This year, the total was over $1400. .or more than twice last year’s figure, the best previous sale. Last year, according to the of ficials, Nebraskan’s bought $131, 273.45 worth of Christmas Seals. In view of the large number of new cases of active tuberculosis reported in Nebraska during 1946 523 up to November 2. .this year’s goal has been set at $135,000. Will that goal be met? Will those active cases of tuberculosis be discovered and treated before they can infect others ? These questions, said the officials of the Nebraska Tuberculosis Associa will be answered by Nebraska’s business and professional men and women, the farmers, the clerks and the housewives who are eing asked to buy Christmas Seals. They are sure that Nebra skans won’t fail them in this wor thy effort. RANDOLPH CALLS ON PRESIDENT TO GRANT AMNESTY FOR PRISONERS NEW YORK—In the Interna tional Headquarters of the Broth erhood of Sleeping Car Porters in New York City, A. Philip Ran dolph made known a communi oatton Which he has addressed to President Truman calling upon him to issue a broad amnesty to all political prisoners including conscientious objectors and Jeho vah’s Witnesses who have been convicted since 1940 as a result of their religions and have lost their civil rights. “Honorable Harry S. Truman, _ President, United States of America White House Washington, D. C. My Dear Mr. President: Since we are approaching Chri stmas, a holiday which commem orates the birth of Christ, the Prince of Peace, whose life, spirit and mission were consecrated to the cause of peace and the salva tion of all mankind, I, in the name of the officers and members of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por ters herewith request and urge that you, as the head of this na tion, issue a general amnesty to all political prisoners including conscientious objectors and Jeho vah's Witnesses who have been convicted since 1940 and have as a Christmas gift of our great country to these persons whose 1 convictions concerning war ought to be respected. I believe that the big heart of America throbs with the spirit of fair play not only to those who agree with us with respect to war and peace but also to those who disagree with our government. This is of the essence of the Bill of Rights which protects American citizens in their right to private Judgement and free speech. I am sure that a proclamation from you giving blanket amnesty to all po litical prisoners will meet with a response of general approbation among Americans everywhere end especially since we have ex tended amnesty to thousands of German and Japanese soldiers. Very truly yours, A. Philip Randolph International President” SAN MATEO NAACP BRANCH PROTESTS BURNING OF VET’S HOUSE San Mateo, Calif., Dec. 9th.. Outraged at the failure of local officials to investigate the burn ing down of a new house owned by a young Negro veteran, John T. Walker, on December 6th, the San Mateo branch of the NAACP raised the sum of $104 at its re gular business meeting last night (Dec. 13) toward a reward for information leading to the appre hension and arrest of the arson ist. The branch also appointed a committee to see the City Coun cil to present a letter protesting the indifference of its enforce ment officers and the general at titude of officials, who dub the arson “a boy’s prank”, not to be taken too seriously. Mr. Walker had been receiving threats and warnings from some white people in the neighborhood ever since August, when it was learned a Negro was building a ^new home there. Although the letters were taken to the postal authorities. Walker was told by the County Attorney and the Sheriff of the County that they Ear! Bunting, president of the O'Sullivan Rubber Corporation of Winchester, Va, was elected president of the National Association of Manufacturers for 1947 at its recent annual convention in New York. Mr. Bunting brings to his new task of heading the NAM more than SO rears of business experience. He was ben in Berrrville, M, on July 29, 1893 and was educated in public and private schools. “The Public Welfare Must Come First” Says New President could no nothing until some cri minal act tad taken place. The house was burned before its com pletion, and the State Attorney has been contacted by N. W. Grif fin, NAACP Regional Secretary, who states that branches in Palo Alto, as well as San Mateo, are most concerned about this occur rence. GIFT OF HIS EYES OFFERED WOODARD BY MAN FACING DEATH New York, Dec. 12th. .The gift of his eyes was last week offered Isaac Woodard by a man condem ned to death in Washington, who hoped that Woodard, at least, might somehow be made to see again. To this touching and in spiring offer, the Wills Eye Clinic in Philadelphia, reputed to have been the most successful in the country in the transplantation of the cornea, expressed its willing ness to perform the operation free if it would be possible to re store the Minded veteran's eye sight. Tragically enough, Woodard’s eyes were so completely destroyed by his brutal beating in Bates burg, S. C„ last Feruary that they are beyond saving. Isaac Woodard is doomed to go through life with out his sight.. the victim of a man who still goes free. . RIGHTS OF ALABAMA VOTERS TO BE DEFENDED BY NAACP NEW YORK, Dec. 12th. .The case of Mitchell vs. Wright, in volving the right of Negroes in Alabama to register and vote in the Democratic primaries, finally came to trial on December 18. This case was sent back to the District Court for trial when the U. S. Supreme Court, on October 14, 1946, denied the registrars’ petition for writ of certiorari to review the decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals, which reversed the District Court’s dismissal of Mjitchell's original complaint a gainst the registrars. The trial date was set at a preliminary hearing held Dec. 6 1946, in the District, where Asst. Special Counsel Robert L. Carter and Atty. Arthur D. Shores of Birmingham, represented the plaintiff. This case is considered particu larly significant in view of the fact that Alabama has recently enacted the Boswell Amendment in an attempt to defeat the possi ble outcome of this case. It is the contention of the NAACP coun sel however, that the Boswell Amendment is unconstitutional. w Yes, parking is a baffling problem. There are only 3,600 parking spaces in downtown Omaha, and 28,000 motorists seek them every day. But unless you need your car for business purposes, the parking problem needn’t bother you. Ride the Street Cars and Buses to and from work and on shop ping trips. It’s EASIER on your nervous system, KINDER on your pocketbook, and QUICKER if you consider the usual “block after-block” hunt for parking space. “It would have been easy, and perhaps understandable for the NAM to have tried to capitalize on the current wave of public in dignation against the excesses of certain labor union leaders. “It would have been easy, and perhaps understandable, fo these manufactuers to have made a short-sighted attempt to ride the trend shown in the election last month. But, fortunately, neither of these attitudes was taken. “Instead, problems were exam ined carefully and conscientiously and a major contribution was made toward suggesting solutions on which the whole nation can unite.” 800 Employees This summation of the National Association o f Manufacturers’ 51st Congress of American Indu stry in New York last week waa made by Earl Bunting, the self described "little fellow” manufac turer (his O’Sullivan Rubber Corp. of Winchester, Va., has 800 em ployees), after his election aa NAM's 1947 president. "Current difficulties,” Mr. Bunt ing said, “are in many respects due to a stiff-necked attitude on the part of both labor leaders and management, as a result of which stockholders and workers are caught in the middle. "Neither labor nor management exist in a vacuum; they co-exist in a society. And never must we in business, or they in labor, forget that the public welfare must come first.” Asked by a reporter "on which side of the road, right or left,” he walked “back in Berryville, 111.,” his home town, Mr. Bunting said: "We always walked in the mid dle of the road in Berryville. And I’d say I am right square in the middle of the road still, politically and economically—with the rest of the folks!” and has no application to this case. % NAACP OBTAINS REDUCTION OF Gl’s 20 YEAR SENTENCE New York, Dec. 12th. .The original sentence of twenty years confinement which was levied on a Negro former serviceman, Zack C. Taylor, has been reduced to nine years, the legal department of the NAACP has just been in formed, and there is a chance of a further reduction in his term. Taylor had been found guilty of the 61st and 93rd Articles of War by a court-martial sitting in France on November 21, 1944. A petition for clemency was sub mitted to the Secretary of War in his behalf by the NAACP’s le gal department, on October 17, 1946, pointing out that the pro secution failed to sustain its bur den of proof and that the identi fication of the defendant as the attacker had not been clearly es tablished. Bud Williams WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Sales & Service YOUNGSTOWN’S KITCHENAIDERS (All Electric) MArket 0566 5019 SOUTH 24th ST. Omaha, Nebraska The Omaha Guide + A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ^ I I Published Every Saturday at ZJ&O Grant Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA—PHONE HA. 0-00 Entered as Second Class Matter March 15. 1927 at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of Mardi 3, 1879. C* C- Gallow ty,-Publisher and Acting Editor All News Copy of Churches and all organiz ations must be in our oifice not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy on Paid Articles, not later than Wednesday noon, preceeding date of issue, to insure public ation. SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA \ ONE YEAR . t, oo !: SIX MONTHS .. j; THREE MONTHS .!$i^ SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN i ONE YEAR . $3 50 SIX MONTHS .$2.oo< National Advertising Representatives— | INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, Inti 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone:— MUrray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager. 1 ' NEW YORK, Dec. 12th. .In a new attack on segregation in ed ucation, developed by the NAACP a brief has been filed on behalf of Ada Lois Sipuel, in the Su preme Court of Oklahoma, ex posing the fallacious theory that “separate but equal” meets the requirements of the Fourteenth Amendment. The rights of Miss Sipuel, an honor graduate of the Langston university, eminently qualified to study law, who was admittedly refused admission to the University of Oklahoma Law School solely on account of her race and color, are being defended by NAACP counsel and Attorney Amos T. Hall of Tulsa, Okla. A brief was filed on her behalf on December 8th, 1946, in an appeal to the Supreme Court of Oklaho ma from the refusal of the District Court of Cleveland County, Ok lahoma to compel the Board of Regents of the University of Ok lahoma to admit Miss Sipuel to the School of Law. Pointing out the inequalities which have actually resulted from the “separate but equal” system as revealed by the statistical da ta gathered by experts in the field of education, the brief’s ar gument reads in part: “Segregation constitutes a de nial of the equal protection of the laws and is violative of the Constitution and the laws of the United States. Despite the line of cases in support of th6 ‘separate but equal’ theory, this Court is under an obligation to re-exam ine the rule and the reasons on which it is based in the light of present day circumstances and to adopt and apply a rule which con forms with the requirements of our fundamental law." This approach to breaking down the ‘separte but equal’ system will be used in two other current NAACP cases.. that of Viola M. Johnson vs. Louisianna Universi ty for admission to medical school and Charles J. Hatfield vs. Louis ianna State University for admis sion to the law school. Hearing on these petitions for writ of man damus were held on December 16 with Assistant Special Coun sel Robert L. Carter and Attorn ey A. P. Tureaud of Louisiana, representing the relators. NATIONAL NEGRO CONGRESS RE-AFFIRMS SUPPORT OF QO NEW YO«^I—The national of ficers of the National Negro Con gress, at a meeting held today to plan for organizational expansion took cognizance in a letter from Mr. John Brophy, director of In dustrial Union Councils of the CIO dated November 26 to the Los Angeles Industrial Union Council on the relationship between the national office of the CIO and the National Negro Congress. The communication states that the National CIO Committee to Abo listty jn>iscrimination has advised Mr. Brophy that the national of fice of the CIO has never endor sed the National Negro Congress and that from time to time the policies of the National Negro Con gress are at variance and in op position to the policies of the CIO. In response to the many inqui ries to our office on this matter, we make the following statement: 1. The position of the National Negro Congress since its organi zation in 1936 has been one of support to the policies of the CIO and progressive labor generally. We have fought, consistently, to bring the Negro workers and the Negro people into the trade union movement. We believe that the es sential for the progress of Negro as well as white Americans. The fundamental conviction of the Na tional Negro Congress is that the highest interests of the Negro people and the forces of organi zed labor are interdependent. This is especially true today when there is evidence of the strongest possible effort to smash organized labor. 2. The Congress has conduc ted a militant fight against lynch ing, and all other forms of op pression inflicted upon Negroes, and has campaigned for adequate housing, price and rent control, for decent hours and living wages against colonialism and now for world peace. In the light of the above declared pofjcy and pro gram, we are forced to ask in what respects the policies of the National Negro Congress are at variance, and in opposition to those of the CIO. We have to con clude, therefore, that Mr. Bro ph^s reference to non-recognition of the National Negro Congress by the CIO is vased on a misun derstanding of the National Negro Congress. This misunderstanding, the National Negro Congress is taking immediate steps to discuss and clear up. j The National Negro Con | gress takes note of the endorse I ment of the National CIO of the I National Association for the Ad I vancement of Colored People and : expresses its view that this en dorsement is in accord with our fundamental conviction that the interests of the Negro people and labor are being served through the development of the closest {possible collaboration between labor and the Negro people. Max Yergar., President National Negro Congress Revels Cayton, ex. secy. RURAL HEALTH NEEDS EMPHASIZED BY DR. BROWN “We take home remedies, we pray, and we die in many rural areas for sheer lack of adequate medical care”, said Dr. Roscoe C. Brown of the U. S. Public Health Service at a recent meeting of colored Extension Service super visors at Southern University, Baton Rouge, La. Dr. Brown discussed the sub ject: “How can Extension Ser vice cooperate with local health agencies in furthering health pro grams. Pointing out the inequal ities of health facilities between white and colored groups and the lower resistance of Negro Amer icans to some diseases, Dr. Brown said that the Negro’s life expec tancy is 12 years less than that of the majority group. “In terms of facilities, we are a minority that needs more, but has less”, said the Public Health official. “Because of the shortage of doc tors, hospitals, and clinics avail able to rural people, there is not much that most of us can do to wards providing curative facili ties for the sick who live on the back roads,’’ declared Dr. Brown “but Extension personnell can do a great deal to help keep rural people well.” Information about prevention of diseases ought to be made avail able to as many rural people as possible, the doctor said. And he called on the supervisors to get acquainted with such local sour ces of health assistance as the County Public Health Unit, Am erican Red Cross, American So cial Hygiene Assn., American Can cer Society, the National Tuber culosis Assn., National Federa tion for Infantile Paralysis and State and local medical and dental associations. Dr. Brown suggested that Ex tension agents might get a health education program started in their counties by organizing a health discussion group. He point ed out that often out of discus sion groups come the establish ment of clinics and other facili ties. 15,000 Nebraska Veterans Receiving Pension Checks Almost 15,000 Nebraska war veterans, .about 300 more than a month ago..are now receiving monthly compensation or pension checks as the result of servioe in the armed forces, Ashley West moreland, Veterans Administra tion Regional manager, reported today. The overwhelming majority.. about 11,500..are World War II veterans with service connected disabilities, Westmoreland said. Their checks average a little more than $40 per month, but vary from $13.80 to more than $300, depending upon the degree and type of disability. Westmoreland also reported that the number of Nebraska World War II veterans enrolling for education under the GI Bill in established institutions, such as colleges, business and flight schools, is still on the increase. Such enrollments increased to 12,322 as of Decembebr 1, a gain of 510 over the preceding month. The number of World War II on the job trainees, however, drop ped almost a thousand during the same period from 9.797 to ,8852. In addition to those getting ed ucation or job training under the GI Bill, Nebraska has 1170 dis abled World War II enrolled in colleges and training establish ments under the Public Law 16. During the past month, the num ber of disabled veterans in school and training increased by 128. Meanwhile Dr. H. A. Scott, manager of the Lincoln Veterans hospital, reported 288 veterans were receiving treatment at the Lincoln institution on December 1. The hospital has a waiting list of 389 all of whom seek treatment for non service connected disabi lities. Heavy Penalties For Vets Defrauding The Government A warning that heavy penalties face ex-servicemen wno attempt to defraud the Government by misrepresenting their leave cre dits under the Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946 was issued re cently by Major General W. H. Hasten, Army Chief of Finance. While there have been only a few instances of false statements a mong the 3,900,000 applications already filed, prosecution faces those who have knowingly at tempted to collect larger pay ments than are legally due them, the General said. According to General Hasten, claims for payment are scrutini zed carefully and, where fraud is suspected, such cases are trans mitted to the Department of Jus tice for necessary legal action. In one recent case, an individual made a claim for unused leave pay covering a period during which he was actually AWOL or in confinement. Investigation re vealed that the AWOL time had been erased from the discharge certificate submitted by the vet eran. Advisory Centers and other a gencies or persons assisting vet erans claiming unsued leave pay may do a real service to claim ants by reminding them of the consequences of deliberate mis representation. DUKE ELLINGTON S MANAGER CONSIDERS WAZIRRA SHAOREGUED DANCERS AFTER SHOWING By Lou Swarz New York City..Samuel Burke manager of Cab Calloway and Duke Ellington, is showing keen interest in the Wazirra Shoare gued Dancers since that private showing last week at a Broadway Studio. Appearing before a few interested friends and Mr. Burke La Shoaregued and her Dancers presented three groupings: Dal nese, Cuban and African. The Dalnese Dance was a story of a lad flirting with a native beauty; the Cuban was a festival dance known as the Sambralebra and the African grouping was known as the African Zimballa. Most spectacular was the Cuban number with those sylized Rumba movements, shimmying of the shoulders and the many beautiful ballet whirls. And indeed striking as well as exciting was the Afri can Zimbablla which showed the high priestess displaying the po wer of voodooism thru the dance. Beautiful, talented and trained were they who made the Wizira Shoaregued Dancers most out standing: Donald Curtis, featured male dancer; Carmen Butler, spe cialty dancer; Geraldine Mercer, Ruby Moye and the native drum mers; William Sol, Walter Ens ley and Dean Sheldon. IS THERE SUCH A THING AS PERFECT WOMANHOOD ? "No"—claim medical authorities, who ought to know! Nature has so constructed and physi cally endowed woman that in many cases she’s apt to suffer certain distressing symptoms during her life. For instance, when she enters ' womanhood—or during the menopause, the period when fertility ebbs away. Now if on ‘certain days’ of the month—fe male functional monthly disturbances are causing you to suffer from pain, nervous dis tress and feel so tired, cranky, you snap at your children and husband—then do try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It’s famous for this purpose. Made ESPECIALLY For Girls and Women Pinkham’s Compound does more than relieve such monthly pain. It also relieves accom panying nervous tension, irritability and weak, highstrung feelings—when due to this cause. Taken regularly thruout the month —this great medicine helps build up resistance against such distress. A thing any sensible woman should want to do! Lydia Pinkham’s Compound is also very effective to relieve hot Hashes and those funny, embarrassing feelings during the years 38 to 52—when due to the functional ‘middle-age’ period peculiar to women. Pinkham’s Compound is worth trying! ofyda e. (ftMatt* IVZXSll