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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1946)
“Events and Happenings of Social and. Local Importance” g - ^ Social-Local News Just Call HA-0800 to publish your local nrn in your Newspaper—The Greater Omaha GLIDE. THEATRE PARTY The Protective Order of Din ing Car Waiters, Local 465 an nounced their annual Christmas Party for 200 children under 10 years old on December 23, 10:30 a. m. at the Ritz Theatre, 2031 North Twenty fourth Street. There will be appropriate mo rohnson Drug Co. 2306 North 24th St. — FREE DELIVERY— I WE 0998 I vies and Christmas candies, nuts and oranges for all children. Ad mission will be granted only by ticket. Tickets can be secured at | the Urban League, 2213 Lake St. The Near Northside YMCA, the Northside YWCA, the Urban Lea gue and the Ritz Theatre are co operating with Local 465 in spon soring this party. Mr. Boyd V. Galloway of the Omaha Guide is donating his ser j vices by operating the projecting machine. Leo Bohanan, executive secy. Urban League READ The BEST OF WEEKLIES YOUR PAPER THE GUIDE! Don’t let make you look older You feel as young as you ever did—you still love a good time—still enjoy the admiration of men. But gray, drab hair makes people think you’re old—a "has-been.” Win the look of youth and loveliness through the rich, beautiful color Larieuse will give your hair. LOOK YEARS YOUNGER COLOR YOUR HAIR THIS EASY WAY Te give your hair L new, rich, natural ' looking color black, brown, blonde) start us* mg Godcfroy’s Laneuse Hair Coloring NOW...acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily — won't rub off or wash out—un affected by heat—permits permanents and stylish hairdos... known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give your money back if you'te not 100% satisued. Have Beautifully Colored Natural Locking Hair F«r Be»t Results, SHAMPOO with lorieuse Shampoo Sefore Applying Larieuse Hu*r Coloring. GOOE F ROY’S HAIR COLORING || Caution: Use only as di <»cted on label M If i9*rr d*»?pr e?*r.- .,;,t r jrlecsc URRY*flSC) st.i< SI 25. list 2V Fwtofil Tu. !• **■■>■•»*» *' r.(MT«- ' « «»• -*—• .-W 1 V ~»r> THE JOLLY MATES I met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marcy Bryant, 2021 North Twenty - first Street Saturday, December 7th with all members present. Election of officers fol lowed the business meeting and plans were completed for the annual party to be held December 26th at the Masonic Hall. Officers of this club are: John T. Davis, pres.; Cleone Murrell, sec’y.; James C. Brown, treas.; Marcy Bryant, Sgt. arms; and Helen Brown, reporter. * * • PRINCESS OZIEL CHAPTER “11” ORDER OF EASTERN HOLD ELECTION O’ OFFICERS Princess Oziel Chaper No. 11. Order of the Eastern Star held their regular meeting December 6 at the Masonic Temple Twenty sixth and Blondo Streets. Election and installation of officers for the ensuing year, are as follows: Worthy Matron, Louise Adams; Worthy Patron, Rev. Charles Fa vors; Associate Matron, Vassie Herald; Secretary, Mable Bon ner; Treasurer, M. B. Gooden; Con ductress, Irene Moton; Associate Conductress, Willie White. Offi cers appointed: Warden, Jessie Moore; Sentinel, Anna Lee Hold er; Assistant Secretary, Ethel Killingsworth. Officers appointed on the Star: Ada Vaughn; Ada Perrine Ross; Ruth Gonzella Sa pho; Ester Mattie Carter; Martha Pinkie Anderson; Electa. Com mittees : Investigating Commit tee chr., Ada Woodson; Sick Com mittee chr,, Ada Vaughn: Pro gram Committee chr., Mattie Car ter; Pianist, Ada Woodson; Asst. Pianist, Geneive Gaston; Instruc BOW EM Appliance Co. NOW OPEN AT OUR NEW ' OCATION § New Unit9, & New and Rebuilt Refrigerators & Sweepers. “Guaranteed Repair Service— Quality "Workmanship—We Solicit Your Trade” 3024 LEAVENWORTH Rhone AT-2003 k - r 5 | Watson’s j School of I Bcautv | ! Culture 1 ENROLL NOW71 } Terms Can Be Arranged | | 2511 North 22nd Street [ — JA-3974 — r-jr " » w ar \ w m i I -ASCOVK-' KITCHEN . . . A NOTHIN "NEW FREEDOM GAS KITCHEN ‘ DESIGN Coaler . . . Ckaner! No unwanted cooking odors, grease or heat in this kitchen. A sjvventilating system whisks them away right at their source! And there’s new tri e, -.n in the three big kitchen jobs, too . . . thanks to a silent, trouble .. . e t Kefrigerator—the abundance of hot water from an economical auto r. I water heater—and the joy of cooking on an automatic Gas range. ' p -7| f),Fi / ( / */ faoks without o look! Modern automatic i. king reaches a new peak i-f ease and convenience on .. newr automatic Gas range. A:t ingenious c!ock control turns t!ie gas on . . . cooks a iAl ...'u» o.en meal ... turns gas off ... all while you’re miles awayl ns like o dream! .4 come out light ana lusc s...r i%ts shr.nk I ... m e s u ierfuliy tender. For a new C,as oven is uato riui c.' It nays at the exact temperature you set it for. And being Gas, it*s i entilated ... so that it browns evenly on any level . . . bakes per- i fecily in e. c. y corner. I ^ Clicks fo simmer in a second! Top-of-stove , >king is the fastest ever! Just flip the valves and these Gas burners instantly light to high-heat... another flip and they're automatically set on slow simmer. Yes, and there’s no was'eful afterheat, long after you turn them off. Non clog—so they’re cleaner, tool lams-bro's for flavor! S A smokeless Gas broiler really broilsWheth er it's golden rich chicken or lusty, crusty steak ... the flex ible flame does it up brown! So remember! For superb cooking performance flics every available automatic fea ture— a new Gas range is tops. How about choosing yours, today! THE WONDER FLAME THAT COOLS AS WELL AS HEATS tor, Viney Walker. Mrs. Louise Giles is home from the hospital and is improving. Mrs. Lucendia Davis and Mrs. Ella Wiley are also improving. Offi cers were installed by our past Worthy Patron, Mr. Floyd Buck ner. Rev. and Mrs. Bletson were visitors. Louise Adams, Worthy Matron Mable Bonner, Secretary Ethel Kinningsworth, asst. secy. * * * Leaves To Attend Funeral of Brother Mr. Horace Clark and Mr. Her bert R. Clark left Tuesday morn ing to attend the funeral of their brother. Prof. F. Leslie Clark, retired principal of Douglas School in Kansas City. Missouri, who passed away Sunday momine at Wadsworth, Leavenworth, Kan. * * * Cap and Gown Club To Give New Year Party A New Year Party to be given by the Cap and Gown Club of Cherokee Temple- No. 223 is to be Wednesday. January 1st. 1947 at 4 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Jessie Montgomery Brooks. * * * Mrs. Minnie Wright Returns from California Mrs. Minnie Wright of 2520 No 25th Street has returned from Lo? Angeles where she spent a month The first week she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Beck. The remain der of the time she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitney. Mrs. Wright met Mrs. Whitney in Indianapolis in 1938. Among, those she had the privilege of vi siting were Mr. and Mrs. J. D Lewis and Family, formerly of Omaha. I ALONG I | MY WAY |j CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY “I just don't see how the chil- | dren will have much of a Christ- | mas this year. Dad is sick in the hospital and what little we are making we use up before we get it in order for the children to re main alive. Tom needs shoes now. His feet are almost on the ground. It is almost an impossibility for the children to have much this year”, rthe mother said to he eldest daughter while standing before the coal stove early one morning. There were only ten-days be fore Christmas and things did look dark for the Adam’s family ' this year. The only one of the family that knew it was going to be a Merry Christmas was little Paul. Paul was only six years old but he had written his letter to Santa Claus and he believed that Santa would bring all the things he had asked for. “We’ll have to get Paul some thing”, the eldest daughter in formed her mother. “The older children might understand, but not Paul. He believes in Santa Claus and there is no way to make him understand differtrt.” Four days passed and then Paul was out of the first grade for a glorious week. Christmas vaca tion was here and Paul was hap py, because he could help with the Christmas tree. He had al ways wanted to help decorate the Christmas tree, but last year he was too small. This year mother said he could help and he had been looking forward to it for the past year. Paul would often go uptown with his older brothers, looking in the store windows at all of the beautiful, shining toys.- He would say to his older brothers: “I ask ed Santa Claus for that, and I told Santa Claus that you wanted that,” pointing all the same time in the window. “You still believe in Santa Claus,” the brother of ten asked Paul. “Of course,” Paul answered. “Say Mister,” P&ul shouted to a man towering over him, “There is a Santa Claus, ain't there?” “Don.t say ‘ain’t’.” the brother of ten shouted at Paul. “Young man let me tell you something and if anybody tells you different they are are wrong. There is a Santa Claus and he will visit your house as well as mine on Christmas Eve. You just believe there is a Santa Claus and he will bring you what you want for Christmas. What do you want for Christmas?” the elderly gen tleman asked Paul. Paul just remained silent look ing at all the toys m the window. “Tell me what you asked Santa Clau to bring you?” the man in quired further. Paul finally realized the gentle man was talking to him, “Oh, I asked Santa to bring skates for Jimmy; a sled for Elmer: and an iron for mother. I asked him to bring all of us something and he will bring them.” Paul said. “Sure he will bring them'’, the gentleman said as he walked away. When the boys finally arrived home from their window shopping the food was already on the ta ble. Combread and beans with plenty of onions. It was just what the boys liked. They washed hur riedly, ' rushing to the table, yell ing in unison, “Mama. I’rr. hun gry.” Before she could answer their plates were on their way to being emptied. A “Is daddy coming home for Christmas,” Paul asked him mo ther. ’ We all hope so, Paul.” the mo ther answered, wiping his mouth all the same time. “You children mustn’t stay out so late. All of you get ready to go to bed.” “Can’t we listen to Captain I *——nrt—nmnmn—— _ " White Christmas” Will Be Feature of YM-YWCA Program. \Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity ! Convention To Be Held in i Columbus, Ohio Dec. 21 All of Columbus is anxiously ' awaiting the 32nd Annual Con vention of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity starting December 27 and running through the 31. The biggest event planned for the en tire convention is the public meet ing, to be held on Sunday, Dec. 29 at Memorial Hall. The meet ing will be featured by the pre sence of such celebrities as Paul Robeson, famous actor and sing er; Dr. Channing Tobias of the Midnight before we go to bed?” the eldest son of twelve asked. “Oh, I guess so, but after that all of you must get ready for bed", answered the mother. “.. I've got enough money too buy Paul a scooter,’’ the eldest daughter told her mother just two days before Christmas. "I’m go ing to get it for him today. We can buy the other boys some toys later on if we have the money. If we don’t, we might be able to get ! some checkers or something that we can afford.” The children were all in bed and as the mother and daughter sat before the stove, huddled to gether, getting the last heat be fore the stove went out for the night, they were talking softly, almost silently. So much to think about and so little to do it with. Their bodies were tired from the jobs that consumed so much of their time. Minds mixed up, not knowing just where to turn. The eldest daughter was sombing her hair, letting it fall lazily over her shoulders. Her mother just remained silent, pushing her feet further under the stove while the fire slowly died out. A sharp knock sounded at the door. The eldest daughter arose slowly,/ almost half-asleep, and walked to the door. Opening the door part way and asking, “Who is it?” "..rm a tnend ot your son. May I come in?”, the-man asked. “Please do.” the daughter said as her mother hurriedly got up and walked into the other room. After making excuses for her appearance and the appearance of the house, she asked the gentle man to sit down on one of the good chairs. “I met your brother the other evening and we had quite a chat* about Santa Claus. I had planned on coming Christmas Eve but in order to be home with my family I must leave tonight. I brought a I do hope you will accept them.” the gentleman said. “It will make the children very happy. Oh mother, mother come here, come here!” the daughter cried excitedly. Her mother walked slowly out of the darkened room, half-shy and yet proud of herself and her children. She smiled at the tall, well-dressed gentleman, bidding few presents for the children and him good evening. He returned her smile and walked out of the door, talking to a man who had accompanied him. They began bringing in toys, candy, and fruit. Time after time j they walked in and out of the ; door. The mother and daughter just stood silently as if in a trance. The men finally finished bringing the many gifts and pre- | sents. The mother walked up to ' the men, tears forming in her eyes, and said brokenly, “If only dad could be here to see this. W ho shall I tell the children brought them these gifts?” The tall gentleman just smiled, saying, “Just say Santa Claus brought them. It was the greatest pleasure that Santa Claus has had this year. Both of you ladies just sit down and I’ll bring in your present. As the men came back through the door both of the women jump ed to their feet. It was dad. They ran to him, hugged him, kissed him almost overcome with emo tion’ “Oh dad, you’re home,” his wife sobbed. During all of this excitement the men had walked out. None of them came out of the trance until they heard a motor start up. They just remained grouped together until they heard the car pulling off. “..Dad what are we going to tell the children when they come downstairs tomorrow? They know that tomorrow is Christmas Eve. We cannot hide all of these gifts. There are just too many”, said the eldest daughter. Dad just smiled and said, 'They will understand. We'll just tell them that Christmas came early.” --— — lake shoe service A'oic Is The Time To Get Your Shoes Rebuilt! Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street BEAD THE GREATER GCIDE ROSE Beauty SaEcn Now located at 2219 Maple Street -PHONE: JAckson 7610 Open from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Each Week Day. Featuring AN INTRODUCTORY OFFERING,— A Series of Three Scalp Treatments Mrs. Rose Lucky Johnson formerly operated a Beauty Salon at 2408 Erskine Street OPERATORS: MRS. REBECCA EVANS, MRS. EDNA MCDONALD, MRS. ROSE LUCKY JOHNSON, Prop. Phelps-Stokes Fund and Dr. Ray mond Logan of Howard univer sity. An unusual fact is that this meeting will be open to the public and will be free of charge. Another big feature of the con vention will be the public meeting to be held on Friday, December 27 at East High School. Addres ses of welcome will be given by the Honorable James S. Rhodes, mayor of Columbus. Dr. Howard Bevis, President of Ohio State un iversity and Albertus B. Conn, as sistant Attorney General of the State of Ohio. The main addreso will be given by Dr. Charles H. Wesley, president of Wilberforce university and former general president of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. This meeting is like wise free of charge and will be followed by a public reception. It is planned to have the pres ident of the fraternity, Attorney Belford V. Lawson, of Washing ton. D. C. to speak on the “Tenth Man”.. a program of the Urban League and to be broadcast on Saturday, December 2Sth at 12:45 p. m. In attendance at the convention will be delegates from all over the United States, including manv college presidents and leading ci" tizens of the nation. While it is not definite at this time, it is expected that Congressman Wrn. Dawson and Congressman A. Clay ton Powell, both members of the Alpha Phi fraternity will be pre sent at the convention during some of the sessions. While the coal strike had the host chapters somewhat worried for awhile it is settled, plans are | going ahead as before to plan for | the largest number of delegates I that have ever attended an Alpha convention. In addition to the Alpha men making plans for the entertain ; ment of the wives of the visiting delegates and their calendar is ; well arranged and crammed full I of those who wish to participate, i T h e projects planned include I tours, luncheons, cocktail parties, | bridge and many other things too ! numerous to mention. The housing comipittee has its hands fullin making sure that every delegate and his wife will be accomodated. And Alphas from all over the country are being urged to make reservations at ho tels without delay. However Mr. Kenneth Morris, chairman of the housing committee says that all delegates will be taken care of, nevertheless if any person can ac comodate delegates, to contact him immediately at Convention Headquarters. 681 East Long St. or at the Spring Street YMCA. The General Chairman of the convention, Maceo Hill, says that a full program of the convention will be announced at a later date and that many good things are in store for the delegates and their many friends, not yet announced. i Here Is Your | Opportunity To Help \ A Homeless Boy_\ < \ou know what a tremendous job Father j Flanagan's Boys Town is doing to give ^ shelter to homeless bovs. I Now, more than ever, Boys Town is in I serious need of your gifts. The way must i be prepared for America's youngest war 1 casualties—boys orphaned by war, boys > disowned by war's broken families. Here is your chance. Your donations, large or small, go a long way towards saving youngsters from unhappiness and uncertainty. Your gifts help them feel wanted again . give them hope for the future. And giving to Boys Town brings satisfaction to vou. J —So open up your heart and help a home- j less boy. Give to Boys Town! I Boys Town deserves your support. Visit it. See for yourself the happiness and good your gifts are making. A Friend of Boys Town. \ SUNDAY. DEC. 22—5:00 P. M. YM-YWCA, Northside will pre sent its Christmas program of carols, the story of “The Other Wise Man” and the poem “The Night Before Christmas" on Sun day, December 22, 1946 at the YWCA Northside building. Bas kets of groceries are to be given to unfortunate families will also be a feature of this program. Mrs Addie Foxall Hinton and her group singers known as Club Sin ombre will sing the carols over the public address system to the community. Miss Frances Bell, who a member of this group, will be the narrator. The public is cor dially invited to this affair and it promises to be interesting as well as impressive. The Timekeepers held their re gular meeting December 11 when a very interesting book review was given by Mrs. C. C. Reynolds. She reviewed the well-known no vel “The Street”. Cleaves Temple Royal Matrons held a tea in the building Sunday December 15. Mrs. Lucy Mae Britt is the president of this club. The Quack Club held its annu al Chrismas Dance at the Amvets Club on Monday night, December 16. The members of the club were beautifully gowned and wore wrist corsages of violets, mums and baby breath. Mrs. Anna Mary Kennedy, president and Mrs. Mil dred Bailey, chairman of the So cial Committee, greeted the num erous guests as they entered the ballroom. The crystal ball at the Amvets Club lent the air of a festive ball to this party that was enjoyed by all who attended. CHRISTMAS DAY By H. W. Smith We are just four days from the greatest day of all days.. Christmas Day. This a very sacred o.nd joyful holiday and we all look forward to the true love of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all mankind. We should pause and close our eyes and earnestly thank God that we are living on earth that was made for all and let’s join in singing.. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind.. FOR THE BEST IN NEWS. ® Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE McGILL’S * BAlt & BLUE ROOM E. McGILL, Prop. £423 25 NORTH 24TH ST. FINE, LIQUORS & CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. lo 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7pm —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS Free Delivery from 8 a.m. to I a.m, JAokson 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Bonded Liquors We wish to Announce ]! THE OPENING OF THE ; G & J Smoke Shop |j 2118 NORTH 24th Street '! Everything in the Line of M; CIGARS, CIGARETTES, & { SOFT DRINKS ! J, Jackson & Godbey, Props. s i i THE SEASONED TRAVELER j GOES BY TRAIN \ ■ ' ‘ UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 1416 Dodge St. Omaha 2, Nebr. Enjoy every minute of your California trip —going and returning. Go by train—by Union Pacific. Restful sleep . . . delightful meals ... lounge car facilities ... plenty of move-around space . . . smooth riding comfort. You'll arrive cheerfully refreshed. Ask your nearest ticket agent about Union Pacific's outstanding passenger service. A wide variety of accommodations are available. For the finest in rail transportation to and from the West, may we suggest ... be Specific—say "Union Pacific." UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 9oad or 7Hi a no the --—r~rrrrnTlUlTmilDMWETiniwnwimiiiiniiinn nrinnnnnnnraiffTiinii mi.... --y —.. .-*■