Classified Ads Get Resuits! Would L»Ve to Buy 39 to 42 model cap from private party. WA-8289 Spaulding furniture Co. 3823 North 2 till Street FOR SALE— Chest of Drawers, Sectional Book Cases. Matched End Tables, sev" era] kinds of Dinette and Dining room sets. Bedroom Suites and New Living Room Suites and etc. USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS "Come In and See Us” BUY A LOT in Bedford Park, J beauty spot of our community. Call JA-7718. • McBradjr Products Orders Taken at 2306 Burdette St.. Telephone JAckson 7284. — Wrs. C. W. Elder. • AUTOS WAITED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT 9463 2056 Farnain NEIGHBORHOOD FlUMTURR * CLOTHING SHOP BIO SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes. Ne Stamps: Ladies Dresses Rurs, B«-dn. Gas Stoves and Ot Stoves. "We Buy and Bell" — TEL. AT. I1S4 1715 N. l«th ST. Piano, bed. misc. furniture, 8704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. rOR SALE—8 Room House, Z62Z Caldwell Street. ROOM FOR RENT, man JA~2795 GARAGE FOR RENT, Suitable for Repair Shop, 2517 Grant St., ATIantic 0604. WANTED! Wanted to rent a 3 room apart ment furnished. Man and wife, no children, Call WE. 2235. CHICKEN DINNERS MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 N. 30th St., JA. 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are Something to Crow A bout. Robt. Jones, Propr. DAY NURSERY Mother’s Care— 2537 Patrick, JAckson 0559. LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS EllHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St WE. MH Neu> & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART ' 8511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home" GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO »ot», earner and adjoining, oa ■outhwest corner 21at and Grace Extensive frontage on both 21st and Grace. Idenl for 2 or more home* or especially stilted as Charch grounds, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Addreas BOX ASM or Call HA-080*. ",orrT f*1!—1». • wfc~ iw Bind h vnMitad th* need at gnidanc* and Lbe tTow problem win be analysed ^ tbe eoium with yoor tetter 1M4 INSPIRATIONAL READING JCTBnnlkrttB of Bond and eonatmotlT. 2*“* • etnBped lie) envelop. * —bo. addreaa and birthiUt* to all Mm* mUxu Within the mala of reaaon. THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE f 0. Box II. Atlanta I, Georgia ABBE’S new 1947 Inspirational Readings are ready M. M. C...I have been married 17 years and adore my husband. Up until about four years ago he was all I could ask in a mate. We went out together and had lots of fun. His niece died and left a baby girl. We took the baby and I am raising her as though she were my own. The responsibility seems to be all my own as my husband never wants to stay at home with her and let me get and he has be gun going out alone. Now do you think I would be happy to let some of his folks have the child and would he change? Ans: You would be very un happy if you gave the child to his people being as attached to it as you are The baby fills a niche in your family life, but you must guard against lavishing too much affection on the child and taking it aWay from your husband. Let your husband share in the respon sibility of being a parent and the child will be a bond between you. You are going to have to be more demonstrative in your affection toward your husband and let him know th’at he means more to you than anyone else in the world. C. L. J...I am twenty and am going with a girl a few years my junior. I am very much in love with her and she seemed to care for me up until a short time ago. 24th & Lake Sts. ]> PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery —WE-0609-— Duffy Pharmacy (■■■SWHamnmManiNiiiiimnHtnMNNMMaSMSmMHMMMMMIMI W Mile a Ae/dne tends to refcu nervous tension, to permit refreshing sleep. It has helped thousands. Why not give it a chance to help you? * Try MHes NERVINE when nervous tension makes you Jumpy, esanky. sleepless, or gives you nervous heed ache. Your druggist has Miles Nervine — liquid and effer vescent tablets. Try them. Your money hack if you are not sat frfied. CAUTION—use only as directed. Effer vescent tablets. 35c and 75c — Liquid. 35c and $1.00. Miks Laborator ies. Inc. Elkhart. Ind. AT All MMM STOCCS Everytime I ask her for a date, she always is going out to a dance or some place with someone else. If I tell her I am not going to ask her to go out anymore, she tells me that she wants to go with me. What must I do? Ans: Look Mac, you taking the wrong attitude. Don’t swell up like a toadfrog ‘and sit at home sulking, just because the little girl likes to date other boys. Do like wise, my boy. Date some of the other little chicks and make it a point to let the little lady see you enjoying yourself. It will vex her a little to be sure, but it will sti mulate new interest. i | M. A. D...I read your column i just as regular as the clock ticks. And I have benefited so much from your wonderful answers. My problem is as follows: I am very happily married have two cute little girls and I love my family very much. I want a little boy but the doctor told me not to get that way again and I want to know if he is scaring me? Ans: Doctors do not scare their patients just to be funny. He had a specific reason for giving you those instructions else he would not have told you to refrain from getting pregnant again. He had your best interest at he'art and you should take his advice. If you want to have another child, go to him for a physical examination and let him tell you what he now thinks about your plans to in’ crease your family. He may find your condition entirely different than it was a couple of years ago. B. M.. .The first of this year I met a young man who had just been discharged from the service. We kept company for about seven months and I never was allowed to go out very much with him so he started going with another girl and they married. Now he wants to begin going with me. I don’t know what to tell him. He wants to marry me. Ans: Insist upon his getting legally free from the woman he married before you allow him to come back and date you. If he proceeds with his divorcee and gets his freedom, then you will have absolute proof that the girl he married means nothing to him and also th’at he is quite sincere with you if he will get his freedom $3.00 COD. plus postage ALSO CHIGNONS BARGAIN SPECIALS ALL AROUND ROLLS, extra heavy, extra long £7.50 VICTORY ROLLS _ *4.00 CHIGNONS_*4.00 BRAIDS (extra length) >4.*0 Semi for Free Catalogue Write to HAIXCRAFT 547 Sc. Pauls Place Bronx, .New York . Dept. . TAN TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN f,-!-=*»----* 1 | co»jn«qaNTjM pg*Tutttfe ^ j! “They’ll go for anything in uniform!” BRfEZT__ ~ By T. MELVINl mkc'MON,CONNIE - iMk (HAVE YOU L / MONEY? /J fCOSH, BREEZY'ISN'T Jfflf i TOR6ET THAT JIVIN' f GOTMONEyV HA/ /'VEJU^Vh AT A LOTOFMONEY] CARL LAWRENCE /LET ] BREEZY?/) COT BETWEEN (JO CARRY ABOUND ? J wA REAL 6UY TREAT \OU# (98ANTOO^Ir^f ‘ jwthmeTnaw.'-A 1111111 'okay, breezyylllMrlr * r^^AiLjj'j JH* STMlg _ MELVIN TAPLEY £l [&%HEMiN&piyaAm£T3w!:) THE ONLY PLANE (£3DPS THE ARPORT MANAGER '' AT THE LITTLE 'jOf x'n oFF'czr* ' f //or c* yen x>fe I • r --» ;o?t copies 'rw 'i \ My H^rs Slowed off > 1 -K,OLj jts' w/jir "P'S is TH ■iSTF)BlT toll'* ^ J toi^t \tHERE >9*' I'LL. Go EASIEST (SET SohER~ I'LL Hl)S7L€ j XZdnZZp lcsvrir- /'*• WOT I'VE H4o /a/ Aoiy 02 TO TH C.CURT ^yo _Z]El C g_?'^gV J / TL)M/WO WO CH^cEsl WHOLE CT^/?EE»?~ i?£^DV TO To?y l XivE. Th^T y-J y-/E tf'W HEEV TH HE 9S SauvEMR HUCKLEBERRY FIN!V <-.Li i- - - — ■■ ■ . -► ^ -■— . —•. . m.n—L ■ **' ~ **"- * "— I,.. I YUSH I WAS A little ROCK \ £E) A SETTirY 00 A HILL, "YU NOT DOIN' MoTHtri' ALL DAT Uttfi '^'0. 4 BUT JUST A SETTIH' STILL. — \ YOOLO N'T EAT, l YfcOLD n-T 'H^Ctk , ' . \ V/oOLO N-T even Vtf\SH . . r BUT JUST SET STILL THE WHOUf. C*M LOfC i AND REST MYSELF , D'COSH. { V . v-vC . _ _ £ 3 ! LIFE = § at A Glance i | BY DAVID BETHE What with the coal strike, the dim-outs over several States. Look out you innocent doves who be leive everybody else is more hon est than yourselves. .Keep your hands clamped on the old money book. Plenty of those “Food for Nothingers” out looking for some thing. Just in case you don’t know.. Those fellows have their fingers touched up with a bit of molasses or glue.. and my, how money, wat* ches and jewelry stick to their hands when you are not careful. But a word to these same nim ble fingers (better known as pick pockets). .There’re more police men and detectives beating around the street and down the highways than before.. so don’t start any funny busisess. Just in case you you are one of those good for noth ingers” who are strolling about looking for something.. Did you ever stop to think that there are only two classes of folk in the world? Those looking for nothing and those looking for something, .asd there are a great many more of those looking for something. They are taking up some perfectly good time here. I suppose that we might have a very difficult time proving that the word truth means right, where wrong doing is concerned.. espe cially when the pick pocket gets busy. A very charming woman mounted a bus the other day and to her surprise she almost lost her coin purse out of her pocket book when a dapper young man stepped up suavely and slipped his glued fingers down into her pocketbook. .Only the alertness of tjhe young woman stopped the pick. Be careful, my dears, the holi days are right around the comer and money is not bouncing up and down as freely as it was when all these war plants were in op eration. .Better keep your eyes on that cute little dainty purse swing ing on your shoulder.. Thanksgiving is over and every body had a good time enjoying the old and young gobblers. For tunately they all sold at a price within the reach of the average man; but just think if something had not happened those same old birds would have been flying so high it would have taken an Anti aircraft gun to have brought one of them down.. Remember a few months back I predicted in this column the old heaters and burners might suffer a bit this winter. .There is no le gislation enacted yet which might prevent folk from striking in the coal fields..or the oil fields for THIS IS AMERICA By JOHN RANcKl f\6uTHPUL ENTERPRISER BsLLY KEPLER, 13, Durham,N.Cy mas built up his own LOCAL SEED INDUSTRY... ** o Uy TAKING FftUlT^ REDUCING IT TO SEED... / . " "■"" ~— PILLY SELLS TO GROWERS AND > SEEDSMEN IN 35 STATES. Cleared*50o FIRST YEAR...'/ Has SENT TOMAICj, PEPPER AND. \ WATERMELON SEEDS EVEN TO.CMWA-a*« '* ' ■ IN AMHTIOM RAISES OVER tOO BABaTTT VEARLY... J [&• EARNINGS ~ 1 HAVE NETTED BtUS $1,400 SOFAR TOWARDS A ' COLLEGE EDOC. IN OUR FREE ; "Next Door” Gy tso sneaker ! Gxuirtgntai FWtmwt_tf'btcJ - & -» f “. .. .You’d better hurry Father. .The grandstands and bleachers are full. , DO’S AND DON‘TS: M' m . x ! . _ “Wait, Pal! Maybe it is torture, but you are discourteous if you leave before the end of the number. that matter. I know you read the papers everyday—The strike is on. I also predicted that your next Congress would be a coalition of Republicans and Southern demo crats. .You see what happened in this last election. Might hang out my sign for foretelling. I shall make some more predictions, so stay tuned In for next week. Oh, by the way. .Thurgood Mar shall. NJLACP leg* advisor, told » group £>f young New Orleaner to be careful not to act too mili tant in their fight for better race re’ations. Its so funny and strange too, but I’m afraid Mr. Marshall doesn’t know his youth builders.. Politics, strikes, youth, church es and every thing else you can mention seem to be in the strife period. .They throw out politicians and even an idea was advanced that the Presideat resign, so we shouldn’t be alarmed em what shappened to Bishop Sims. .We ttre and learn thru "Life at a Glance’. DUROCHER SIGNS AGAIN; DODGERS GO TO HAVANA BROOKLYN, (CNS)..Leo (The Lip) Durocher, colorful manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, who re portedly pl’ana to call Jackie Ro binson up from the minors early next ■—on. signed a contract with “Dem Bans", recently tor a. figure that is reported to be $70, 000 each and every year. No in formation as to the length of the contract is available, but from the palsy-walsy attitude of Durocher and Branch Rickey, club presi dent, it is reasonable to assure that it will run as long as Duro cher is re‘ady, willing and able to discharge his duties. The Dodgers plan to leave for Spring training In Havana on February 20th,