The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 07, 1946, Page 5, Image 5
“Events and Happenings of Social and Local Importancei” SociaLLocal News Jiusl Uuii II V-0800 to publish your local news in your Newspaper—The Greater Omaha GUIDE. , —^=3^==^-II-1 i‘. ' =ii . -B Miss Aria Ellis-Mr. Hollowell; Wed miss Ana tuns, sister of Mrs. Richard Nared, was married to Mr Hollowell. Wednesday, November 28th. The ceremony was performed by Rev. David St. Clair at the parsonage of the Mount Moriah Baptist Church. After the cere mony, the wedding party went to the home of Mrs. Nared and there a reception was held for relatives and friends in honor of the newly weds. * * • * Former Spellmanite Weds At High-noon in Double-Ring Ceremony On Thanksgiving Day I he marriage of Miss Mattie Mary Beck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bevk Jr., and John Howard Booth, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs John Howard Booth Sr., was solemnized at high noon in the bride's home with Rev. F. C. Williams officiating. The young bride was radiant in a white satin dress with a mar cuette yoke and lace and a two and a half yard train, which was , designed and made by her mother. Her veil was the bonnet style with a beaded braid and a two and a half yard train. Her bouquet was made of white carnations. Attractive Attendents Miss Evelyn Rose Beck, sister of the bride was made of honor, wore yellow satin and net. and carried yellow chrysanthemums tied with pink ribbon. Mrs. Alber ta Avant sister of the groom wa3 matron of honor wore pink satin and net; carried pink chysanthe mums tied with orchid ribbon. Mias Marjorie Marshall, brides maid wore blue-green net, and carried pink chrysanthemums tied with blue green ribbon Marshall Matthews was best man. Groomsmen were Thomas Beck II and Harold Matthews. Cornelius Henderson, nephew of the groom, was ring bearer. The bride’s mother wore a fus chia dress, wearing a corsage of white carnations. The groom.s mother wore a grey suit with black accessories, wearing a cor sage of pink carnations. The pian ist was Miss Jewell Miller. The bride attended Spellman College in Atlanta, Ga., Lincoln university in Jefferson City, Mo., and Omaha University. The groom attended Omaha Technical High and is a former member of the U. S. Navy. _ GUESTS OF MR. AND MRS. JAMES J. EUBANKS Mrs. G. L. Carter, Mrs. L. L. William* and Mrs Cora Buckner, were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Eubanks, 2614 Cuming Street for Thanks giving dinner Mr. Eubank's is the son of Mrs. Carter and a nephew of Mrs. Buckner of Council Bluffs. • • • MR. AND MRS. L. JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Luther Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Dennis entertained with a family dinner Thanksgiving for Mr. and Mrs. Homer Crossley; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Blackburn; Mrs. Laura Rey nolds; Emmett Dennis Jr.; Violet Dora and Lithera Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. Payton Crossley; Mr. and Mrs. Smiggie Price; Shirley and Catherine Crossley; Mr. Al bert Crossley and company. There was turkey and goose and all the trimmings. This was the first time the family were together for many years for Thanksgiving. • • • AUNTIE NOW Mrs. Esther Woods, of 2115 Ma ple street, was overjoyed Tuesday morning when she heard the good news that a bouncing baby girl _ ^■— had blessed the home of her bro ther and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. William Luster of Cleveland, Ohio • • • Spends Thanksgiving Visiting in Kansas City, Kansas Mrs Theodore Thomas of 2713 Wirt Street, spent Thanksgiving and the week end in Kansas City, Kansas visiting with her neice and nephew, Mr- and Mrs Lumford Howard. She returned home Sun day and reported as having had an wonderful trip and enoyed herself immensely. * » * GIRL SCOUT TROOP NO. 63 Of Lothrop School had a very splendid cooking class last Tues day. The girls learned to make ice box cookies, and we served refreshments which helped make the cooking class more enjoyable. Next week we are going to have a sewing class. Our troop really enjoy ourselves very much. We elected new officers: pres. Phyllis Sims; vice pres., Vivian Gregory; Sec’y, Constance Morrow; asst, sec’y. Joyce Blaine; treas. Eureka Faulkner. , Reporter, Marlene James asst, reporter, Mary Booeer • • • SURPRISE PARTY A surprise party was given for Mrs. S. G. Matthews at 2403 No. Twenty-ninth S treet. Saturday, Novembebr 30th. Many * lovely gifts were received. Guests at the party were: Mrs. Veda Jowers: Mrs. Estella Edwards; Mrs. Cath erine Smith; Mrs. M. L. Dixon; Mrs. Martha Taylor; Mrs. Ger trude Robbins; Mrs. Daisy Love; Mrs. Tessie Spann; Mrs. Lillian Thomas; Mrs. Essie Carter; Miss Barbara Jean Edwards; Mrs. Ver mont Thompson, Mrs. Alma Taylor and little Miss Constance King. They played games and Bingo. Refreshments were served. Bar bara Jean held high score for the night in Bingo. • • • (FORMER OMAHAN VISITS Mrs. Charlotte Crawford Center former Omahan, arrived recently from Los Angeles, Califonia. • • * MRS. ROSAMOND JUSTICE Of 2512 Ohio Street, spent her Thanksgiving in Des Moines with her folks. * • * . MRS. ELIZABETH HOLMES Of Topeka Kansas spent Thanks giving with her son. Archie Holm- ] es and daughter Marion Marshall | of 2512 Ohio Street. CALLED OUT OF THE CITY Mr. John R. Butler, Executive Secretary of the Near Northside Branch YMCA, was called out of the city Wednesday because of the death of his mother-in-law, M^s. Viola Daniels, of Springfield, Ohio. Mr. Butler is expected to be gone about a week. • • • MRS. MATTIE JOHNSON And daughter, Flossie Brown, entertained Mrs. Elizabeth Holm es and daughter, Marion Marshall at Thanksgiving dinner. The table was beautifully decorated and set for six. • • * MRS. R. L. EDMONSON 2722 Ohio Street entertained at a lovely breakfast at her home Saturday morning November 30 for Mrs. Ardesay Cole of Wayner Oklahoma and Mrs. Helen Daugh ty of Oklahoma City. Guests were Mrs. Alberta Binder; Mrs. Ida Mae Bythwood; Mrs Georgia Bor-, ders. Mrs. Ardesay Cole is the cousin of Mrs. Alberta Binder who is visiting at her home. Mrs. Helen Daughty spent the week end with Mrs. Georgia Borders. YNcws NEAR NORTHSIDE BRANCH Y Revue and Variety Show Flash! Remember the date of the Y Revue and Variety Show which is to be staged on Monday December 9th at the Near North side Brpnch YMCA. The show is to start at 8:30 p. m. and contin ue for one hour. After this fine production which is being directed by Bernard Butler you may dance to the music of the Cats of Rhy thm orchestra. Admission is 35c so come early to get a good reser vation. Gra'Y Clubs The advisors of the Gra-Y clubs met on Tuesday afternoon to plan a Gra-Y Basketball League which is to begin on December 15th at the Urban League. Plans were also laid for a Christmas party for the Clubs. The members of the Gra-Y Club will assist in ga thering toys for the firemen to repair and thus aid them in their project. The advisors of the four Gra-Y Clubs are: Long School, Eugene Skinner; Howard Kenne | dy, Joseph P. Mosley; Kellom | School, Tom Scott; and Lake I School, Travis Dixon. i An Important Announcement to Every User of ELECTRIC SERVICE THE Nebraska Power Company is now a publicly owned util ity to be know,i as the Omaha Pub lic Power District. The Omaha Public Power District was created by the last Nebraska State Legislature to acquire and control the Nebraska Power Com pany. All Nebraska territory served by the former Nebraska Power Company is included in the Dis trict. SERVICE AND COURTESY TO BE CONTINUED We will strive to continue, undet public ownership, the dependable iservice, the courtesy, the efficiency (of operation for which the Nebras ka Power Company has long been recognized nationally. / " 1 DISTRICT IS NON-POLITICAL ; The Omaha Public Power District will be operated by businessmen on a businesslike basis. As a non political organization, the Omaha Public Power District will function only for the benefit of all the pec pie and its customers. MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL RETAINED The operating management and the entire personnel of the former Nebraska Power Company will be retained intact. They have pledged themselves to maintain the same degree of efficient operation as in the past During the period of ne gotiation, they have been most helpful to us and we wish, again, to express our appreciation of their attitude. INDUSTRY, IRRIGATION AND RECLAMATION WILL BENEFIT The statewide development of in dustry, irrigation and reclamation will be greatly benefited through the co operation of the Omaha Public Power District with the hydro-electric districts already es tablished. COOPERATION IS ESSENTIAL TO SUCCESS The Board of Directors of the Omaha Public Power District as sume their duties with full knowl edge of the responsibilities that lie ahead. They realize that the suc cess of the District is dependent upon teamwork and co-operation between the DIRECTORS, OP ERATING MANAGEMENT, and the PUBLIC OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT {Formerly Nebraska Power Company) Board of Director! Roy E. Bolt Samuel L Cooper J. M. Harding Carl A. Swanson , A ICiil C. Brown David Goldman Charles D. Saunders Gerald Collins (Director Elect) r j '* A • —* _ APT'STS SIGN UP WITH APOLLO RECORDS NEW YORK. (IPS)—Mahalia Jackson, celebrated artist and official soloist of the Na tional Baptist convention and her manager. Johnny Meyers, are shown above inking , their contract with Apollo Records. Hy Siegel. President of Apollo Records is the suave gentleman seated at the right. I Miss Agnes Nelson To Wed Mr. ArLander Payne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson, 2867 Binney St., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Agnes, to Mr- Ar Lander Payne Jr. The wedding is to be Sunday, December 15th. MRS. ETHEL SADLER Was called to the bed side of her mother, Mrs. Hattie Owens, who is very ill in the hospital in Chicago. * * * BW——gPWM—W I III 'WIH Deaths - Funerals Mr. Ben Franklin Green, 79, of 2504 Lake Street, died Wednesday i November 27th at the above add- j ress after an extended illness. Mr Green was a retired hotel waiter and had been a resident of Omaha fifty years and a member of the Christ Temple Church. He is sur vived by four sisters, Mrs. Sarah Boyd, Keokuk, la.; Mrs. M. K. Burton, Topeka, Kan; Mrs Etta Hudson, Mrs Margaret Woodsen, both of St. Louis. Mo.; nephew Mr. Arthur Burton of St. Louis and other relatives. The body lay in state at Thomas Mortuary un til the funeral hour. Services were held at two o’clock Tuesday after noon from Christ Temple Church with Rev. C. L. Carhee officiating assisted by Reverends O J Burck hardt; J. W. Goodwin. Pallbearers were Misters J H McCrea; J. H. Jones; Welton Hogan; Welton ALAN’S Jewelry —Store— “Alan’s Always Best” WATCHES, DIAMONDS. RINGS, SILVERWARE, RADIOS, PENS, CLOCKS, APPLIANCES 514 South 16lh Street s"ft-ron: D. K. West and William Stallsworth. Burial at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Mr. Shelton Pearl, 64, 2629 Parker Street, died Wednesday, November 27th at a local hospital. Mr. Pearl was a Deacon of Plea sant Green Baptist Church and had been a resident of this com munity twenty-your years. He is survived by his wife. Mrs. Z. E. Pearl, Omaha; two sons, Mr. Ver non Pearl, Council Bluffs, Bobby Pearl. Omaha; two daughters, Mrs Julia Abram, Omaha, Mrs. Flor ence Brown, Chicago; four broth ers, Misters Jess Pearl. Maryland Pearl, Quincy, Illinois, Green Pearl Bishop Pearl, Omaha; sister, Mrs. Malinda Warren, Omaha; nine grandchildren and other relatives. Funeral services were held Mon day afternoon from Pleasant Green Baptist Church with Rev. J. H. Reynolds officiating assisted by the Reverends H. St. Clair; Chas. Favors; E. Ford; Edgar Johnson; Roy Johnson; C. Adams; J. C. Wade; Cooper: Pruitt; Smith; E. Green; John Williams; B. Jones; O. Caldwell. Pallbearers were of ficers and members of the church: Misters Charles Duffy; Doc Bo wen; L. N. Williams; Larry Nel son; John Upshire. Burial was in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Arrange ments by Thomas Morturary. Mr. George W. Clay, died Thurs day, November 28th at his home 3402 Bedford Street after an ex tended illness. Mr. Clay was 67 years old and had lived in Omaha forty-five years and was a cement contractor. He is survived by his wife. Mrs. Bernice Clay, Omaha; Suede Elastic j {„ HICKOK I Elastic Braces with luxurious suede-like finish . . . very smart Men's Department jjj Herzbergs | son, Mr. Vernon Clay, Kansas City Mo.; three sisters, Mrs. Hattie 3amett, Bloomington. HI.; Mrs. [da Morris, Muskegon Heights, Michigan; Mrs. Fannie Matthews Kansas City, Mo., and other rela tives. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning from Thomas Mortuary with Rev. T. T. McWil liams officiating. Pallbearers were Mr. Porter Johnson; Emanuel Cook; James Greer; Roy Smith; Charles Hawkins; Stephan Mann. Burial was at Forest Lawn Ce metery. ig-S(S«S€€*S-g«S*S!S*S • /•* for all the \JflTlS Family . BRAINS Store 1415 Harney Street SiSiSiSi55iS-S-2i§i52i 1 Johnson Drug Co. 2306 Nertk 24th St. —FREE DELIVERY— WE 0998 LAKE SHOE SERVICE Vow Is The Time To Get Your Shoes Rebuilt! Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street k ——— i * % WATCH for The GLIDE’S Cameraman! FOR THE LATEST PICTURES READ THE OMAHA GUIDE Bejewelled Black BE glamorous in the afternoon in this black rayon crepe dress with jewelled belt and neckline. Rayon crepe is especially suitable to this type of dress because of its ex cellent draping quality and rich, dull texture. A new leaflet, "Planning Your Wardrobe,” contains mcny hints that will help you in ycur shopping. To obtain this, send a •tamped, self-addressed envelope to the Woman’s Department of thisj newspaper The Greater OMAHA GUIDE •* rtji i.rriittr tuverage Millinery Magic Pretty Ruby Lawton displays he* millinery magic by fashioning he* own hat for the big football game, Her simple formula can be dupli cated in a few minutes. Here’s how: Attach hat elastic to each end of a grosgrain ribbon (one inch wide and twelve inches long). Then take another grosgrain rib bon five inches wide and eighteen inches long and fold into bow. Take four large mums and seven baby mums from waxed paper and ar< range in interesting fashion and attach to bow with corsage pins, Then fasten entire arrangement onto the one-inch ribbon and slip \ on over head. To insure maximum * beauty and freshness keep mums in waxed p-'- r until last minute. ROSE Beauty Sa(on Now located at 2219 Maple Street ■ PHONE: JAckson 7610 Open from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Each Week Day. Featuring AN INTRODUCTORY OFFERING,— A Series of Three Scalp Treatments Mrs. Rose Lucky Johnson formerly operated a Beaaty Salon at 2408 Erskine Street OPERATORS: I MRS. REBECCA EVANS, MRS. EDNA MCDONALD, MRS. ROSE LUCKY JOHNSON, Prop. I Dea’t let • GRAY HAIR make yoo leek older You feel u young m yon Mr did—you still lore a good tuna—mill enjoy ike admiration of men. Rut gay, dcah hair mskee people tkiuk you're old—a **—*-nn ** Win tke look of youth and lovelineec thaough the rich, beautiful color Indian wtti giro your hair. LOOK YEARS YOUNGER COLO* YOU* HAL* TWS tAST WAY To give your hair new, rich, natural looking color (black, brown, blonde) start us tag Godetroy s Laneuse Hair Coloring NOW...acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily—won’t rub off or wash out—un affected by heat—permits permanents and stylish hairdos... known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give your money back if you’re not 100%.satisfied. Have Beautifully Colored Natural Looking Hair Far Best Result., SHAMPOO with Icrieuse Shampoo Before Applying lorietiie Hair Coloring. GODEFROY’S ^Jcgiiuite, hair coloring 1 Caution: Use only as directed on label jgf <•>*■ *»a’l tan Lsriasi OMW-Kt) itta JU5, pits J* fetor* III, totem tatatnr tat Cwtnt, *H Win Saw. ve LtoU (I). IM j