Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1946)
Hotel Manager Is Ardent “Y” Worker Walter W. Scott ^ NEW YORK CITY — (by Lou Swarz i Walter W. Scott, mana* ger of Harlem's best in hotels, is a most ardent YMCA worker here and shows it..having won first award plaque five years in a row in the annual membership drive. As Hotel Theresa manager, he stays oa the alert trying to see that the hundreds of guests com ing here weekly and those who ."•orla ’ call Hotel Theresa home.. are happy and satisfied. With over 100 employees under his supervi sion he is always planning, check' ing and keeping things in tip top shape as to service in the hotel rooms the dining room bar and grill, and also where telephone service is concerned. Only this month has a double switchboard been completed by the telephone company so that quicker and bet ter service could be given those at Hotel Thresa. Among his many competent assistants are Jack El liott, noted hotel personality from Cleveland, manager of bar and the dining room; Thelma Burgess, the asst, dining room manager; John Scott, his brother, asst, as night manager of the bar; Lela Summy, housekeeper and Roxie Sterrett, his private secretary and reserva tion clerk. With preparedness being the keynote for any successful mana ger. one will know why Walter W. Scott is that, .with his being a Morehouse (Atlanta. Ga„) Grad, and having a master’s degree from New York university. He has been a resident of NYC for over 20 years, and before ac cepting the position as hotel man ager of Thresa was with the Dept, of Welfare. Since being here Scott has made it known that the hotel serves the best to those who want to enjoy the best in the best way. He has the respect of all who meet, or personally know him. Altho his position keeps him very busy, Walter Scott does find time to participate in civic and Y work as well, and often enjoys the cultural programs and affairs with his charming wife. Gertrude and his lovely daughter, Gladys. The family lives here in the hotel and the Mrs. and daughter share honors with New York’s Walter W. Scott, who has made himself a moving figure in the YMCA here also. Admitted To California Bar Charles H. Blagburn Charles H. Blagburn, who pas sed the California bar examination was admitted to practice las an Attorney and Counsellor at Law in that State November 7, 1946, and is opening his office at 2006 Sutter Street, San Francisco. He is associated with Atty. J. C. Hen derson of Oakland. Calif. Atty. Blagburn received his AB degree from Lincoln University, Jeffer Phone JA. 0798 SOL LEE • EXPERT ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE REPAIRS Plumbing Drains Opened & Repairs 2022 North 24th St. Omaha, Nebraska I “Buy All The Christmas Seals You Can” i This year, Nebraska movie-go-1 ers will be asked by no less fam ous personages than Cary Grant' Shirley Temple and Myma Loy, to buy all the Christmas Seals1 they can to fight tuberculosis. Sixty-five movie trailers, fea turing these famous movie stars have been distributed to theatres throughout Nebraska, it has been announced by R. S. Nicholson. Health Education Secretary for the Nebraska Tuberculosis Assn. Through a program of alternating them in various theatres, they will actually be seen in well over one hundred Nebraska theatres, he added. The services of the three highly paid stars was donated free of charge in making the movie trail er which is further evidence of the interest shown by celebrities in the fieht against tuberculosis, financed by the sale of Christmas Seals. Nebraska’s Christmas Seal Sale opened on November 25, and will continue through Christmas. Sale of Christmas Seals is the only source of revenue for the Nebras ka Tuberculosis Association and local associations throughout the state in financing tuberculin skin testing and chest X-rays, as well as other phases in the never-end ing struggle to eradicate this pre ventable disease. Last year, said Mr. Nicholson, there were 446 new cases of tu berculosis in Nebraska, and 173 deaths. Up to November 2 of this vear. there are already 523 new cases, or 77 more than during all of last year. By buying Christmas Seals, people can help find e'arlv cases of tuberculosis before they can infect others. In other words, by buying Christmas Seals, folks help to protect themselves and their own families against this dread disease. son City. Missouri, and his LL. B degree from Lincoln University School of Law in St. Louis in 1945. He is also a member of the Miss ouri bar. Atty. Blagburn is a ve teran of World War II and the husband of the former Elsie Gear in. former teacher in the St. Louis school system ‘and now a teacher in the San Francisco Unified School System. MAN FORCED INTO ALLEY $20 IS STOLEN P. H. McGinnis, 47, of 4538 No. 36th Avenue, reported to police Sunday evening that a stranger robbed him of about $20 at 24th and Lake Streets. He said a burly man grabbed him by the necktie and forced him into an alley just after he stepped out of a bar. The man demanded a drink and money. Mr. McGinnis said. Mr- McGinnis wrenched free and ran to a taxicab on the corner and the man pursued him to the cab and again demanded money. McGinnis said he pulled out his billfold, hoping to get rid of his pursuer for a dollar. The man however, snatched the billfold and ran. The cabbie told police that he thought the men were only arguing. Theft from Teacher Charged to Two Boys Two youngsters from Kellom School were arrested Monday on charges of petit larceny. Accord ing to police they had stolen some money from a teacher at school. The boys are Anthony King, age 11, of 2316 Seward Plaza and Francis Moore, age 10 of 2310 Seward Plaza. Anthony’s father is Harold, a musician; Francis’ father is Walter, a packinghouse worker. They were turned over to ju venile authorities. READ The BEST OF WEEKLIES YOUR PAPER THE GUIDE! * * * Everybody’s talking about the news/ in time fcr Christmas For a limited time, you can walk righl into your G-E dealer’s in Omaha 01 Council Bluffs and actually buy an Automatic Blanket—the perfect answer to your Christmas gift problems. These soft, deep-napped blankets come in rose, blue, green, or cedar. They’re washable, completely automatic, and light as one ORDINARY blanket but warm as THREE. Just set the bedside control ONCE—the G-E Blanket ad justs automatically to temperature changes—prewarms chilly beds—gives even, sunshiny warmth—ALL over— ALL NIGHT LONG. Get these Automatic Blankets — now — for new sleep comfort! The Blanket with a Brain • The bedside control auto matically guards your com fort. ® Dial your own “just right” warmth and forget it. • You sleep all night in the same sunny comfort, whether it thaws or freezes. — Sleep Luxury You’ve Never Known Before ® Warmth without weight. • The warmth you choose. • Bed warm all over. • Prewarmed sheets. • Sleep all winter in summer-weight night clothes. SEE YOUR G-E DEALER NOW WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS Call the Omaha Public Power District for the names of these dealers. SHIRLEY TEMPLE CARY GRANT Pictured above are Cary Grant and Shirley Temple, who, together with Myrna Loy, are starred in this years’ movie “trailer” helping to sell Christmas Seals in Nebr aska. The film trailer, distributed by the Nebraska Tuberculosis in our State, will be seen in more than 100 Nebraska theatres._ SEGREGATION ELIMINATIOT JEWISH CONGRESS SEEKS IN CALIFORNIA SCHOOLS (Continued from page 1) arate bue equal facilities. It argu es that segregation, even when egual facilities are provided, trans forms a social, community sanc tioned ‘inferiority’ into a legally sanctioned ‘political inequality.’ Leaders in the fight against dis crimination believe that a favor able court decision on the consti tutional issue of the case would represent a long step toward the ultimate invalidation of all racial segregation laws. In addition to American Jewish Congress, the local Mexican community and the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People are active in the case. The American Jewish Congress’ briefs marshalls a variety of ar guments to support its case. Segregation is held inconsistent with federal policy as expressed in the ratification of the United Nations Charter and in the reso lution accompanying the Act of Chapultepec. The brief likewise declares the segregation of child ren of recent immigrants contrary to the Federal naturalization po licy which envisages the rapid as* similation of immigrant groups in to American life. The brief points out that segre gation against Negroes, Mexicans and other minorities is predicted upon assumptions of inferiority or superiority and cites numerous opinions by Southern courts which frankly declare Negroes to be so inferior to whites that a white person may recover damages for libel or slander if he is written or spoken of as a Negro. Southern courts view segregation laws as official recognition of this inferi ority. Where white persons have been compelled to ride in segrega t e d Negro coaches. Southern courts have considered the humi liation and mortification so great as to warrant an award of dama ges. Supporting its contentions with numerous references to sociologi cal and psychological literature, the brief demonstrates that an of ficial sanction of segregation “helps to perpetrate racial preju dice, .contributes to the degrada tion and humiliation of the min ority child” and has “crippling psychological effects” upon the in dividual personality. The American Jewish Congress urges the disregard of racial and religious differences “not for the sake of minorities alone” but be cause both the dominant and sub ordinate groups are adversely af fected by segregation. The point is made that while the United States Supreme Court up held segregation in the decision of Plessy vs. Ferguson, in 1896, it did so only upon the assumption that legal segregation did not im ply the inferiority of the Negro race. It is maintained, however, that, in the light of fifty years’ experience with legally enforced segregation, “the only meaning of the distinction between Negroes and whites. Mexicans and Anglo Saxons, is that of inferiority of one group to another,” and that the very doctrine of the Plessy case “calls for the outlawing of humiliation and discriminatory laws.” The argument concludes that while “all discrimination is bad.. none is so vicious as the..humili ation of innocent, trusting children American children full of faith in life. Their humiliation strikes at the very roots of the American Commonwealth.” The Westminister case is only one of a number of legal and leg islative actions against racial and religious discrimination in employ ment. education and housing un dertaken by the Commission on Law and Social Action of the A merican Jewish Congress. ADVERTISE In The Greater OMAHA GUIDE! 10c PER COPT and Worth It! ACREAGE FOR NEGRO SETTLEMENT ! DONATEO RY IRENE RICH Republic Actress Plans Negro Residential Tract • TED YATES PUBLICATIONS Irene Rich, lovely lady of the screen, soon to be seen in Republic's forthcoming John iWayne starrer, “Angel And The Outlaw,” and “Calendar Girl,” now in production. niiuniu"’nnnnmiHutnnmnnwunntiuwuntmmfuttminintwtmw«uninmmtmnww New York (IPS.) : — Prepara tions are being made for the for mal presentation of five acres of Irene Rich’s ranch lands in San Bernardino County to the negro settlement of Landon, to be used as a community center. _ With the development of the Fontana area as an industrial re gion there has been a great influx of workers for the Kaiser steel mills, and Miss Rich has donated! , the five acres through the North Fontana-Landon Chamber of Com merce, to be used for a Chamber of Commerce building, swimming pool, baseball park, club house and community center. Miss Rich, who can soon be seen" in Republic’s John Wayne starrer, “Angel And The Outlaw” and “Calendar Girl,” expects later to develop a negro residential tract,, with attractive small homes de signed for factory workers with; average-sized families. iiiimiimiiiiiHiiniiiinniiiiiiuiinimintiiiMimiiiimmiiiNimmiimitmnnmtmnnmMMNtiinHiM NEW PLAN FOR DISPOSAL OF GOV’T. SURPLUS HERE OMAHA—A new plan to speed up disposal of government-owned surplus automotive maintenance equipment was announced by the War Assets Administration today. Omaha WAA spokesmen said that very little of the hard to get equipment is available in the re gion of Omaha comprising Nebr., Iowa and Wyoming. However, un der the new plan orders filled from the huge inventory located at Lordstown, Ohio. Under the plan, a complete and accurate inventory will be availa ble in the regions. Orders filled at the regional offices will be sent to Lordstown. The sale at Lords town is a continuous sale on lo cation. Since February, 1946 near ly $8,000,000 worth of automotive equipment has been sold and deli vered. The equipment falling into this category comprises compressors and dry vacuum pumps with capa cities up to 31 cubic feet per min ute or rating up to 7% horsepower lubrication, tire repairing machin ery, automobile lifts, brake service headlight testing, portable wheel alignment, motor testing, all other automobile service station equip ment items, grinders, .bench, stan~ and snagging up to and including a six inch diameter (service sta tion types), tire molding and form ing rubber bags and garage type roller jacks. • Radio Programs SUNDAY RADIO PROGRAMS Dec. 8th, 1946 WOW (590 kc 508 2m) (CST) 6 30 Sunday Serenade 6 55 News 7 00 Revival Hour 8 00 Chapel in the Sky 8 15 Midwest Report 8 15 Chapel Service, Rev. R. R. Brown 9 30 STORY TO ORDER Labor 9 45 Cheer Up Time 10 00 WOW News Tower 10 15 Gems and Jottings 10 30 Furs on Parade 10 45 Solitaire Time, NBC 11 00 World Front, NBC II 30 House of Beauty 11 45 Canary Pet Show 12 00 WOW News Tower 12 15 Farm Magazine of the Air 12 30 Your University Speaks Democratic Committee 12 45 Life Time Favorites 1 00 RCA Victor Hour, NBC 1 30 Harvest of Stars, NBC 2 00 Carmen Cavellero, NBC 2 30 One Man’s Family, NBC 3 00 The Symphonette 3 30 Nebraska Iowa Quiz 4 00 Quiz Kids 4 30 Circle Arrow Show 5 00 Catholic Hour, NBC 5 30 Bob Burns 6 00 Jack Benny, NBC 6 30 Bandwagon, NBC 7 00 Edgar Bergen & Charley McCarthy, NBC 7 30 Fred Allen Show, NBC 8 00 Manhattan Merry Go Round, NBC 8 30 American Album of Fami liar Music, NBC 9 00 Don Ameche Show, NBC 9 30 Meet Me at Parkey's, NBC 10 00 WOW News Tower 10 15 Show Time 10 30 Pacific Story, NBC Foundation 10 45 To Be Announced 11 00 WOW News Tower 11 15 Music by Shredinik, NBC 11 30 America United 12 00 Midnight Melodies 12 15 Mary Ann Mercer, NBC 12 30 Symphony of Melody 12 55 News, NBC KOIL"”(1290 kc) 7 00 Paul Harvey, News, ABC 7 15 Tom Glazer’s Ballad Box, 7 30 Coffee Concerts, ABC 7 45 The Chosen People—Dr. ISEGRo1)6lLS r: Every home should have a Colored Doll. Give her a beautiful Brown skin Doll for Christmas. Three flashy numbers with Hair, Voice, Moving Eyes, Shoes, Stockings, nicely dressed. Prices: 19 inch, S5.50; 21-inch 6.49: 22-inch, $7.69. Order Now! If C.O.D. postage ex tra. (Wholesale and Retail). Write NATIONAL COMPANY 254 West 135th Street New York 30, N. Y. v Joseph Hoffman Cohn [' 8 00 Sunday Morning Melodies 8 15 Christian Science Pgm, ET 8 30 The Christians Hour, ET 9 00 Old Fashioned Revival ET 10 00 Church of the Air 10 30 News 10 45 A1 Williams Health Club 11 00 This Week Around the World, ABC 11 30 Melodies of the Southland j 12 00 News 12 15 Your Sports Question Box With Leo Durocher 12 30 ‘Your University Speaks 12 45 Vagabond Dreamer 1 00 For Sour Comfort, ET 1 30 Friendship Hour, ETS 1 45 Portraits of Music, ETS 2 00 Sammy Kaye’s Serenade 2 25 News 2 30 Geislers Canaries 2 45 Sam Pettengill, News ABC 3 00 Are These Our Crildren? Most Taverns Do More Than Within the Law Nebraska has one of the best liquor control laws in the nation. This law, together with rules adopted by the liquor control commission, clearly specifies the rights and duties of all beer licensees. , Too many licensees once seemed mainly interested in knowing, “How far can I go and not get in trouble?” The situation steadily im proves. Now most beer retail ers are well informed on the liquor control laws and rules. They seek to obey every one— not simply because they fear penalties but because they know careful law observance is the surest way to win and hold public good will. This improvement in tavern operations can be partly credited to the Nebraska Com- ; mittee’s program of Self-Reg ulation. Eight years of this program has helped build in Nebraska one of the beer in-' dustry’s most valued asssets— a eood name. r COMMITTEE Jnited. States Brewers • Foundation Charles E. Sandall, State Director 7io First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Lincoln I Tfcs TESTIMONYof THOUSANDS; ! ft’s thm HOTEL THERESA, When In NEW YORK t any season of Am year j 7th hr*, at 125th St. s**in ifiv fWwT or norierr IN spacious.' an outside rooms; Insurious suites. The beautiful Orchid Room for dining; cocktail lounge aad bar; the lovely Mes aaaiaa far rsimatioa. Ideal atmoa yhers tor rest, study, and comfort. Lards res ms vfl* yr/rafe toft' *2.00 Sh*-*2.5Q OHM Ml9 Without prbift toft <1J« 8tDl—*2^)0 MR * ^ WALTER W. OCOTT, Jfajiader f HOTEL THERESA 7Rhw.tU»«taR-T«f» Beauticians HAIR DRESSING BOOTHS —For Rent or Lease— DOT’S BEAUTY SALON :031 North 24th St. AT-0459 Consider Disney’s “Uncle Remus” Dangerous NEW YORK—Continued contro- i versy over the new Walt Disney j production ‘Song of the South' j touched off when TIME MAGA ZINE and other influential publi cations presented varying reviews seemed certain as liberal indivi duals and organizations requested an expression of opinion from Walter White, NAACP executive secretary, who has long been ac tively interested in influencing Hollywood away from the usual hackneyed stereotypes. Mr. White stated, “The National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples recognizes in 'Song of the South’ remarkable artistic merit in the music and in the combina tion of actors and the cartoon technique. It regrets however, that in ‘an effort not to offend the 3 30 Green Hornet 4 00 Darts for Dough, ABC 4 30 Counterspy, ABC 5 00 Sunday Eveniny Party, 5 30 Easy Aces, ET 5 45 Flight with Music, ET 6 00 Drew Pearson, ABC 6 15 News 6 30 Thanks for Thanksgiving 7 00 The Paul Whiteman Hour 7 30 The Clock. ABC 8 00 Waller Winchell, ABC 8 15 Louella Parsons, ABC 8 30 Jimmy Fidler, ABC 8 45 The Policewoman, ABC 9 00 Theatre Guild of the Air 10 00 News 10 15 Vera Massey, ABC 10 30 Music You Want, R 11 00 News, ABC 11 05 Ted Weem’s Orch., ABC 11 30 Jack Fina’s Orch. ABC 11 55 News, ABC 12 00 Sign Off. South, the production helps to per* petuate a dangerously glorified picture of slavery. Making use of the beautiful Uncle Remus folk lore, ‘Song of the South’ unfort unately gives the impression of an idyllic master slave relationship which is a distortion of the facts’. Gas on Stomach Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back WTien excess stomxch xcld exuses rainful. suffocst lng gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those In Bell-an# Tablets. No laxative. Bell-an* brings comfort in • jiffy or double your money back on return of boUla *o us. 25c at all druggists. va Designed to speedily relievo gjf simple headache and painful discomforts of neuralgia. B Measured doses — in powder form for quick assimilation. Proof of merit Same type for (*J mula over one-third century. pm Standard U S. P. ingredients. Lr Laboratory tested, controlled. pm In price range of everyone. 10c and 25c sizes Caution: Use only as directed. •mart women and men by the thoueandi know how quickly Palmer'* SKIN SUCCESS Otab ment work* to relieve the itching of many eater* •ally eeuaad pimplee, raahee, "«pote” enema tad ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer** SKIN 8TX1 CESS Ointment ha* been pro red /or over 100 ') ear*. Try It on the guarantee of' eatiafaction or money hack, 2Se (Economy 75c site contain* 4 time* *0 much). At aU *torw or from E.T. Browne Drug On, 127 Water St, New York City. Help complete complexion beauty with SK1H SUCCESS Soap (*e//ectirely medicated; We 'PxxJ&mesM ^For ACE HARRIS And His • Orchestra AFTER HOURS I No. 3007 L 30,5 ruble I • E&1S3SE5*HEA" 'Voc0' Q“",K" L«* ***&? Ltssajssssr RECORDS _ ,565?5th AVENUE/N*Y.\C»V