Page 6 The Greater OMAHA GUIDE Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, November 30, 1946 Classified Ads 6et Results} * | * + * ** ~ ^ m - ~ ~ w ~ w ~ Would Like to Buy 39 to 42 model FOR SALE—Nice 5 Room House on Emmett. Information at 2509 Maple St. _ Plain Sewing of all kinds, 2813 Parker Street._ Men’s full dress suit with tails three vests, white shirt and tie, finest quality, worn once, waist 41 inches, trousers 31 inches. $30.00 GL. 4065._ ROOSTER AND HENS for SALE REASONABLE. 2509 Maple St. BUY A LOT in Bedford Park, beauty spot of our community. Call JA-7718. • MrBrudy Products Orders j Taken at 2506 Burdette St.. Telephone JAekson 7204. —\lr». C. M. Elder. HOME LAUNDRY WANTED! We Specialize in Flat Work and Ruff-Dryed Bundles. We Mend and Sew on Buttons. • PERRY HOME LAUNDRY 1110 North 23rd St. AT-5623 • AUTOS WANTED! SELL IS YOIR CAI1 FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Farnam NEIGHBORHOOD HKXTTl RE A CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes. Ne Stamps: Ladles Dresses Rugs, Be do. Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. "We Buy and Sell" — TK1_ *T. Il5t 171$ N. 211th ST. . car from private party. WA-8289 HOUSE FOR SALE, 2632 WIRT ST. ATIantic 4827,__ ROOM FOR RENT, man JAT2795 GARAGE FOR RENT, Suitable for Repair Shop, 2517 Grant St„ ATIantic 0604.__ ROOM for Widow or Man and Wife—Call JA. 3315._ WANTED RENT One or two Rooms for two ladies. MArket 5509._ A Life size Boy Doll for Sale, Call WEbster 3732.__ WANTED! Wanted to rent a 3 room apart ment furnished. Man and wife, no children, Call WE. 2235._ Seeks Witnesses Would Parties whom saw accident of Alberta Norman on Crosstow n car at twenty-fourth & Lake Sts., on Sept. 29, please call WE. 2754. CHICKEN DINNERS MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 N. 30th St., JA. 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are Something to Crow A bout. Robt. Jones, Propr. DAY NURSERY Mother’s Care— 2537 Patrick. JAckson 0559, t.ALiNDRIES A CLEANERS EDHOLM A SHERMAN '4401 North 24th *t WE. BOS* Piano, bed, misc. furniture. 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. i\ew & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 8511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home" .._....„ » ■"■I ■wdl—ly when roar mind in weighted down with worry tbs need ar guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend Your problem will oe analysed in the paper free just include a .... 7our ,etter- F°r » "private reply" send 25c for _ *** IRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will receive personal letter of sound and eons tractive advice analysing three qo«w rlaair send a stamped (Sc) envelope for your confidential reply, and iigt address and birthdate to all letters. Expiasn your case fully wed problems within the realm of reason. Write to THE ABBE' WAU-ACE SERVICE P. 0. Box II. Atlanta 1, Georgia ABBE'S Inspirational Reading is Off the Press J. D. R.—I am a vet of war two 38 years of age and I am not sat isfied at home at all. I am not able to do any work, get a pen sion of fifty dollars a month. My mother insists that I obey her like a child and you know that no grown person likes to take orders as a six year old has to do. I try to be kind and humble but mo ther is quick to lose her temper and it makes me feel bad. I have not said anything. Tell me if I should leave. Ans: Stick on there with mo ther for a while longer. Her at titude is not antagonistic, she is concerned about your health and is determined to make you take the best possible care of your self while you are a convalescent. The cost of living has advanced tremendously and it would be quite difficult for you to live away from home and be comfortable on your present income. Until you are able to return to work, it would help you to take up some hobby or even a course of study 2 ltli & I.ake St-. 2> PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery —IJE-0609— Duffy Pharmacy Ever notice how small troubles look big to you and greater troubles teem crushing when nervous tension keeps you awake at night? You can't be at your best mentally or phys ically unless you get sufficient sleep. Milet Diervlne has be'oed thousands to more restful nights and more peaceful days. Ask your druggist for Miles Nervine. CAU TION—use only as di rected Effervescent tablets. 35c and 75c -Liquid, 25c and $1.00. Miles Laboratories. Inc., Elkhart. Indiana. AT ALL DRUG STORM mr i to occupy your mind. If you did so, you wouldn’t have the time to brood over your mother’s ways. S. E. G_Not so long ago I met a nice young lady and I am very fond of her. She has a boyfriend and she doesn’t want to hurt his feelings by giving him the brush off, even though she tells me she would like to quit going with him. What do you think? Ans: She won’t brush him off her list to please you until you can prove more than a fond feel ing for her. Now if you are ready to talk turkey and get down to serious business with the young lady, you will get your desire. But not before. E. R. H—I am 23 years old and never had a boy friend. My par ents have always been very strict. If a young man asks to come and visit me, my father always says no. In fact they always ask him not me. Now here is my problem. When I was only six years old an incident happened in my life and this relative concerned told me never to tell my parents I was ti mid and shy and did not tell, but since then I have had a terrible fear of all men. I have been sick recently and mother wanted me to see a doctor but I couldn’t make myself see one because of this old thing that happened to me years ago. I am just frightened. What must I do? • Ans: My child there is abso lutely no need for you to continue on in this frustrated state of mind when these fears and doubts could so easily be wiped away. Your family physician is definitely the one for you to place your confi dence in and explain your worry. He can put your mind at ease. You should not feel any hesitancy in talking with him, as a problem of this kind is just a part of his daily routine. He will be very sympathetic. M. A. P—I have two children, one eleven and one four I am not married. I live with mother and have quite a hard time caring for her and the children and trying to hold down my job Mother is sick at the present and is bedrid den. My youngest child's father does send money for her support. He writes me that he would like to help me and asked that I send my two children to him in Detroit and he will care for them both. Would this solve my problem? I feel that if my brother and his wife were to move in with us and do their share, the burden would not be so heavy on me. What must I do? Ans: The baby’s father is most generous in helping you financial ly assistance while your mother is sick. You and his* wife have never been able to get along and it would only add to your unhap piness for him to move in with you at this time. He could help you more by employing a practi GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO lot«, earner and adjoining, on southwest corner Slat and Grace. Extensive frontage on both 21st auj Grace. Ideal for 2 or more homed, or especially anlted as Church grounds, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A3M or Call HA-OSO*. . The LATE NILE , Kinnick helped . BRING THE ALMOST / LOST ART OF DROP KICKING BACK By BOOTING IOWA'S POINTS I AFTER TOUCHDOWN IN I THIS FASHION A FEW YEARS A GO^~ \ HOLY CROSS IS ONE TEAM THAT KNOWS \ THE FOOT STILL PLAVS A BIG ROLE I \ IN FOOTBALL-THEV LOST THEIR , , \ OPENER TO DARTMOUTH BY THE / V MARGIN OF A FIELD GOAL AND / %. WON their 2nd GAME / Xy^THE Same way [ WARD fcCUFF W LONG PRO FOOT | BALL'S ! LEADING EXPONENT OF THE PLACE KICK, BOOTED 7 FOR THH my Giants i in 1939 - A YEAR THAT 5AW AT LEAST | 73 GAMES J , DECIDED BY FIELD 60A.S * « i I I I I JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPLEY CONTTMeNTM. P=e*TU&ii Believing-that THEIR NBVMKSION ID STOP THE VICTIM* IZIN&OF CHIEF SPOTS' HOMELAND 5Y THE MYSTERIOUS PYTHON IS MUCH IDO DANGEROUS FOR THE GIRLS, JIM AND SFARRY AND THEIR FRJ&NDS HEAD TOR A NEAP8V AIRPORT WITHOUT THEM. HOW* EVER,ON ARRIVAL yiAMVERY 'SORRY, JHfiir£ I Frrhk *yw,tS SQR A)rr/)'/ TH' A-pteet ~FAo ( 5t*}Pted To rviA&H hex>c_ — JTS AVO TROUBLE Thoiaoh To Hf)VE THE. 1 TH,& AH»*a6'W Sa/c T3EC>99R \ ^S‘D}0, SERv^Aif^ <\ *x)TS ah th \SHEZ> CaChhaa ST/)V J - '--A | House. ST — r" HUCKLEBERRY FINN IBIU3 MOTHER SEMD5 HIM HURRAHS -fo THE. » a 3 , a BPiKER'/ Ar_CAHE._v ' ^“f'rtcsu F,M0S f *e8wcV 0£Wu«t,mS ........ ™;!srioe .* ^"Vs v**!^ poos .-" ' 0. '~~~ l ; c«e3 .', iw\sea ^w| .>' v.. gets soa^g » I •■ Vv n » v*.* jxvld^y:^^'^ v coe'flffis *' m 111a lS-;- #/*aqB5SS* -—,.^gs.i^l!b;R| who has retired once or twice, and who is considered to be as ancient is the pyramids, but he does give a good account of himself. When it comes to the Champ, Louis could lick Walcott and Ray in the same ring at the same time. Jackson Stars as A & T Wins NEW YORK—Stonewall Jack son’s brilliant playing, and the warm sportsmanship of the crowd of predominately Negro fans were the featurdes of the interracial football classic between the teams of A and T College and the Navy's Undersea Raiders. Approximately fifteen thousand fans sat through a steady drizzle to watch the one sided contest that found A and T pulling up 49 points against their opponents’ 13. Jackson, one of the hardest run ning fullbacks in these parts for a long time showed marked abi lity to work out of a T or single wing attack. He gained sixty-four yards, and carried the ball sixteen times. Three of his teams’ touch downs were accounted for by him who was only in the game for a short while on orders of Coach By CHARLES ALLEN t'- CONT'xe^i-f=6A-maEg _, Working late again, Mr. Pinch penny?” Bell of the Aggies. The enthusiasm of the crowd gave the game a classic air des pite the fact that the Raiders were outclassed from the start. They cheered the Aggies madly for each advance and with a remarkable show of sportsmanship, greeted the Raiders scoring flashes with thunderous acclaim. Both the Raiders’ touchdowns resulted from fumblies by the Ag gies and they made them count in a hurry. A third touchdown that resulted from a thirty yard pass was not allowed because of an offsider. This third annual playing of the interracial was sponsored by the Associated Football Charities of which Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt is an, .official. It serves the dual purpose of building interracial sports relationship and making money for worthy charity. A Guide For Travelers A pocket-sized guide book is being prepared for release early in 1947 by the Travelguide Com pany which will contain alphabe tically arranged listings of selec ted business enterprises through out the forty-eight states that are essential to those of our group who travel. Hotels, rooming hou ses, beauty parlors and summer resorts are only a few of the items to be covered in each locality. All enterprises listed must first have been recommended by a member of the TRAVELGUIDE advisory staff (now numbering over 500) who are reputable persons residing in various parts of the country, j The Company, headed by Billy | Butler, is being assisted in its I survey by W. C. Handy; Andy Kirk; Harold Jackman; Mrs. A. P. Randolph; the Urban League; and many others. Published an , nually. Travelguide, the first com plete compilation of its kind, will prove to be of tremendous assist ance to both Negro and inter-ra cial business. The offices are lo cated at 1650 Broadway, N. Y. • WATCH for The GUIDE’S Cameraman! FOR THE LATEST PICTURES • READ THE OMAHA GUIDE "Next Door” by ted shearer I—' -- ' -....;> -s 4 Continental Featnw ^ «*.... Gee,.... won’* Mom lore her sectional sofa. . Ill** V - ' i , KEEP UP WITH THE TIMES! BY READING THE GREATER OMAHA GUIDE -EVERY WEEK! DO’S AND DON‘TS: |_6mn4*«rn*. P«*rv«5£ - ^ ^ A- I. _| Clothing reeking with “Pork Chop-perfume” isn’t accept able in spite of the meat shortage. Do avoid hanging clothes where odors of cooking can reach them.