From where I sit... 61/ Joe Marsh Want a Vacation from Marriage? Alvin Blake went south on his va cation, for ac me fishing, and left his M' a ; to enjoy a vacation from the co- cob pipe, clothes in a heap, and solos on the harmonica. First few days, Martha enjoyed It—house neat and quiet, top back on the toothpaste, no morning mess from Alvin's midnight snacks (Al’s partial to a bit of cheese and beer at bedtime). Come the end of the week, she began to fidget; couldn't even read the Clarion, it looked so unr-.ussed; didn't have any appetite with no body to cook for. She was about to wire At, when he barges home a week ahead of time, and she almost cries for gratitude. (“Felt the same way myself,” says Al.) From where I sit, those differ ences of habit and opinion — whether they have to do with corn cob pipes, a glass of beer, or play ing the harmonica, seem mighty trivial when you’re separated. And they are, too! Copyright, 1946, United States Brewers Foundation Thirty-six Colored Americans Win In Elections In the elections held last week throughout the United States 36 Negroes were elected to various offices: 22 Republicans and 14 Democrats. Congressmen A. Clay ton Powell (D) of New York and „ William L. Lawson (D) of Illinois retained their seats in a National Congress. The election by states was as follows: NEW YORK A. CLAYTON POWELL Jr., (D) Re-elected to Coneress. WILLIAM T. ANDREWS (D) State Assemblvman. WILLIAM PRINCE (D) State Assemblyman. HULAN JACK (D> State Assemblyman. HAROLD STEVENS (D) State Assemblyman. PENNSLYVANIA HOWARD HENRY 1 rop chilled cream or • vs ported L OifQl Set refrigerator control at coldest^ point Mix sweetened condensed milk, water, and vanilla. Chill. Add cream or evaporated milk. Mix well.] Freeze rapidly in freezing unit ot refrigerator until half frozen. Scrap* from freezing tray into chilled bowl. Beat until smooth but not melted. Replace in freezing unit. Befor* mixture is completely frozen, beat again until sgiooth. Finish freezing,1 Serves 5. f ~~~ ' N - — .Magic Coconut Doll*''. f X. Slice day old white bread, %-!ncb thick. Trim oft crusts. Cut into strips % inch by 2 Inches long. Or! cut with doll cookie cutter. Spread! strips or dolls on all sides with sweetened condensed milk, cover-: ing well. Then roll in dry shredded coconut, broken fine. Brown ander{ broiler at low heat, or toast on fork over coals. It'll tast* Ilka AngaiJ Food Cakfit coconut-frosted