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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1946)
| SOCIAL Activities | HA-0800 BY JULIA AT-2680 - ^==^=1F=S=. . It=r-,;. n— ir=-n ANNOUNCES OPENING OF BEAUTY SALON Mrs. Margaret King announces the opening of the Cosmetique Omaha Ultra-Modern Beauty Sa lon Sunday. No*' * Hours 4-7. Refreshments. • • • MRS. BERTHA LAWRENCE a former Omahan who has been living in Witchita, Kansas for the past few years, has returned to Omaha where she plans to make her home. Mrs. Lawrence is the daughter of Mrs. Anna Herron of 2959 No. Twenty-fifth Stret. • • » ] > We wish to Announce 2 ]! THE OPENING OF THE G & J Smoke Shop I 2118 NORTH 24th Street Everything in the Line of l CIGARS. CIGARETTES, A 5 SOFT DRINKS |, Jackson A God bey, Props. £ * i Johnson Drug Co. | I 2:W Mi North 24th -FREE DELIVERY— WE 0998 * ii mm Crow Close Beauty Shoppe 2512 North 24th Wishes to Announce the Appointment of Two Additional Operators. Call AT. 3036 fcr Appointments Elite Turner, Prop. “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" — MAYO'S BARBER SHOP _ Ladies and Children's Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE STREET i Watson’s \ '» « School of !j SScautv i| Culture ; j! ENROLL NOW! !’ Terms Can Be Arrunged 2511 North 22nd Street ; —JA-3974— * OP* ^ Dental Worker Visits Mother MISS NADINE MARIE BYRD Miss Nadine Marie Byrd is vi siting in Omaha at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Jackson of 2230 Willis Avenue. Miss Byrd arrived in Omaha on Sunday evening from New York City where she was employed as a Dental assistant. She attended Howard University in Washing ton, D. C. and is a graduate of the Manhattan Dental Assistant’s School. At the moment, Miss Byrd's plans as to her length of stay in Omaha are incomplete. CHICAGO SCHOOL MISS VISITS RELATIVES Miss Edna M. Purifoy, a librar ian at Wendell Philips High school of Chicago, 111., was a visitor at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Ida F. Baker, 2723 No. 2th Ave. this week. Miss Purifoy took time out Arm istice Day and observed the acti vities carried on in the Tech high school library. The Librarian at Tech high and Miss Purifoy dis cussed procedure and problems arising in our high school libraries. Miss Purifoy returned home on Tuesday night, leaving at 8:45 for Chicago. « • * THE EUREKA ART CLUB Met last Wednesday, Nov. 9th at the home of Mrs. Winifred Gib son of 2811 Charles St. The meet ing opened with the vice president Mrs. George Fitzpatrick in charge A very interesting meeting was held. Discussions and plans were completed for a Christmas party which will be held at the home of Mrs. Mae Jackson of 2219 Ohio St. The date of the party has not yet been decided upon. At this meeting a complete Report was made by the sick committee of which Mrs. Jackson is chairman. The club was glad to hear that the members on the sick list are improving. Cards were sent to each of the members on the sick list. After the meeting the hostess served a delicious luncheon. Mrs. Alice Dudty, pres. Mrs. Earaestine Kerr, se’cy. • • • VISITS LOS ANGELES Mrs. E. M. Forrest of 2518 Lake St., left Sunday morning Novem ber for a two week visit In Los Angeles. Calif. She will be the houseguest of Mrs. George Cooper of that ci*y. Mrs. Cooper is a cousin of Mrs. Forrest. Accom panying Mrs Forrest to Los An geles was Mrs. James Crum who will attend the convention of the Church of God CWFF to be held in that city this week. NOW IS TKE TIMM TO GET YOUR SH4SES REBUILT._ Quality Material ft Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2467 Lake Street j FORBES FURNITURE CO ! ‘EVERYTHING for the HOME’ I uWe Appreciate Your Trade” 5012 SOUTH 24th STREET MA-5116 jj ^/umuuM^a^icfC/^" Children’s Chairs I Made of fine icalnut | or mahogany finish. IThe seats of these chairs are ready to be covered with needlepoint, tapestry or cretonne. Art ISeedle Section—Third Floor _; =:■-= s ggSSSgSggsgggg = = Brains As Well Beauty Ann Smitherman Anne Smitherman, one of the runner'ups for the former Mid City Queen contest, has passed the State Board examination and will soon operate a beauty shoppe in Lincoln, Nebraska. Miss Smith erman is a graduate of the Alt house Beauty School. _ Surprise Birthday Party Given For Mrs. Gertrude Robbins A lovely surprise Birthday par ty was given in the home of Mrs. Gertrude Robbins at her home, 2819 North 28th Avenue Tuesday evening. Hostesses were Mrs. Lil lie Thomas; Mrs. Tessie Spann; Mrs. Bernice Hudson. Guests were Mrs. Harry Garner; Mrs. Estelle Edwards; Mrs. S. A. Love; Mrs. Minnie Dixon; Mrs Veda Jowers; Miss Barbara Edwards and Miss Constance King. Mrs. Robbins received many lovely gifts; namely those of great surprise to her were receiv ed from her sister who is living in Washington, D. C. and a long distance telephone call from her other three sisters residing in De troit, Michigan. She also received many lovely birthday cards. Refreshments were served, and games such as Bingo and Chinese checkers were played. A lovely time was reported to be had by all who attended. * * MRS. W. C. EDSON And her daughter, Miss Helena Thomas are both confined to their beds at their home at 2877 Binney St. Friends are hoping for their speedy recovery. * * * PLANS XMAS PARTY The H. H. Ten club held its regular business meeting at the home of the president Mrs. Mar guerite Robinson of 2724 Maple St., on last Tuesday. Tentative plans for a Christmas party were made. . We are very sorry to report that the mascot of the club Little Jerry Robinson was ill and couldn’t perform his duties. One new member was added to the roll. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Hollis MacNared of 2517 Grant St. Mrs. M. Robinson, pres. Mrs. Helen Bell, sec’y. • • • MRS. MERRIWEATHER LEAVING FOR 0VER8EA DUTY Visiting with her mother, Mrs. Harry Gamer of 2215 No. 29th St., and her husband Angelo Mer riweather, is Mrs. Gertrude Merri weather who arrived last Friday from Tocoma, Washington. Mrs. Merriweather, who is on her way to Washington, D. C.. will remain in Omaha about a week. The vi sitor is a member of a special Service Club of Washongton, D. C. and will leave for overseas duty in a few weeks. • • • PATRICIA ANN FRASIER Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Frasier of 2728 Burdette St., who are the proud parents of a baby girl bom at University hospital have named their little daughter Patricia Ann. » * * PROUD PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sharron of 2216 North Twenty-second Street are the parents of a baby boy born recently at University hos pital. The Sharons are the parents of two other children, Joseph Jr., and Carlotta. • • • * RECUPERATING Mr. Aaron Glass of 2006 Miami Street, has returned from Doctor’s hospital and is recuperating at his home from his recent illness. • • * ROOSEVELT POST OBSERVES ARMISTICE DAY; PLANS SMOKER, NOVEMBER 21st Members of the Roosevelt Post No. 30 of the American Legion of which Mr. John Fleming of 2416 Maple St. is commander, partici patedwit h other service organiza tions in the Armistice Day parade in South Omaha Nov. 11. Mr. Fleming also announced that on Thursday the 21st of Nov. the American Legion Post No. 30 is holding a smoker. All service men and ex-service men are cord ially invited. • • • Mrs. H. A. Frazier of 2231 Mi ami St is recovering from a re cent illness. • Quality Job Printing JUST CALL HA-0800 LONG SCHOOL PARENT-TEACHER NOTES The Long School Parent-Teach dr ^Association meeting will be held Thursday, November 22, promptly at 2:45 p.m. at Long School. The program will nclude entertainment given by several of the talented pupils. First prize winners of the Gar den exhibit which was held at last month’s meeting were Margaret Gibson, a third grade pupil and Clifford Murray, a kindergarten pupil. All parents are urged to become members and attend these meet ings. Mrs. Della Scott, pres. Mrs. Dorothy Mason, secy. Mrs. Thelma Murray, publicity chairman * * # BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Richard “Dickie” Edmiston, son of Mrs. Myrle Edmiston of 2007 Hamilton Plaza, celebrated his eighth birthday on last Saturday Dickie, who attends the Day Nur sery, was given a party in his honor at the Nursery and he ce lebrated again with his family in the evening. Dickie received many lovely presents. Miss Shirley Jean Elliot, daught er of Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. El liot of 2212 Franklin Plaza cele brated her twelvth birthday last Monday. 7ITK • * * THE CLOVER LEAF CLUB Met Nov: 6th at the home of Mrs. Helen Union 2206 Seward Plaza. An enjoyable evening was spent by all. Plans for the annual Christmas party were discussed. Members present were: Beatrice Shackolford; Francis Miles; Zella Mae Manual; Margaret Penning ton; Oliva Hall; Viola Crumb; An nie McWilliams; Helen Unjpn; Beulah Bronson. Club adjourned to meet at the home of Mrs. Beulah Bronson, at 2710 Erskine St. Margaret Pennington, pres. Annie McWilliams, secy. Beulah Bronson, treas. m m * QUACK CLUB On Friday evening, Nov. 8th, the Quack club held its regular meeting in the club rooms of the YWCA. After taking care of the business on hand the meeting was turned over to the program chair man Mrs. Leona Jones who then brought to the club a very nice Dr. I. Q. program with the help of her co-chairman Mrs. Jessie Betts. The quesions asked caused the members to put on their think ing caps in order to win the cash pries awarded The Quacks are working hard for Mrs. Rose White who is their representative for Miss Northside The club wishes to extend a hearty welcome to Mrs. Hortense Chambers our new member. Mrs., Anna Mary Kennedy, president. Mrs. Edna Burrell, rep. • • * BOOK LOVERS CLUB At a meeting of the Book Lo vers Club to be held at the home of Mrs. Thelma Hancock of 2402 North Twenty-seventh Avenue on November 23. Mrs. Ida Roper will review “Lord Horn Blower” by C. S. Forester. • • * HOWARD U. GRADUATE ' GUEST OF OMAHANS Mr. and Mrs. Maurice B. Moore of Oklahoma City will spend Thanksgiving week-end in Omaha as guests of Mrs Elise Turner and Mr. and Mrs. William Davis of 2514 Corby Street. Mrs. Moore is a cousin of Mrs. Davis and the neice of Mrs. Turner Mrs. Moore will be remembered by Omahans for a number of re citals which she gave here when she was a student at Howard uni versity. She is a very accomplish ed violinist and has already made an appear ah ce in a student reci tal. She was also the only student to appear on the program at the Howard Womens’ Dinner held re cently. { Beauticians [ I HAIR DRESSING BOOTHS | 1 —For Rent or Lease I | DOT’S BEAUTY SALON I 12031 North 24th St. AT-0459| Miss Florence James, Queen Aurora Xlil. Is Bride of Donald Simmons | COUPLE TO RESIDE IN CLEVELAND, OHIO wedding ceremony ? wddlLyy, b In an evening ceremony at St. Thomas Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohioj Miss Florence M. James, daughter of Mrs. Gertrude James of 3112 Corby Street, Omaha was married to Mr. Donald Simmons. The six-thirty o’clock ceremony was performed by Father Wolfe of St. Thomas’. The bride was attired in pale blue and wore a gardenia corsage Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, brother and sister-in-law of the groom, attendants. Mrs. Simmons wore grey. Immediately following the cere mony, a reception was given for the couple by Mr. and Mrs. T. ! Brooks of Cleveland. •The bride is a graduate of Cen tral High School and before leav ing Omaha she was a teacher in Miss Pinkston’s School of Music. She was also assistant organist of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. Mrs. Simmons was crowned Queen Aurora XIII at St. Fhilip’s Annual Coronation in 1943. Mr. Simmons is a graduate of Boys Town and served 23 months overseas during the war. The couple will make their home in Cleveland where Mr. Simmons is employed at Kryle hospital. Mrs. James went to Cleveland for her daughter’s wedding. Entertains Des Moines Guests Miss Ruth Faulkner Miss Ruth Faulkner, popular Tech High Senior, had ao her house guests last week-end Miss Agnes Deering and Miss Lonny Weston, both students at East High School, Des Moines. Among the events attended by the visitors, was the “Sadie Haw kins Dance" given by the Y'Teens at the YWCA. Miss Faulkner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Faulkner of 2117 Maple Street, Omaha. TEXAS DOCTOR 16 VISITOR Dr. F. D. Leffall of Wichita Falls, Texas, is in Omaha visiting at the home of his brother and and his brother’s wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Leffall of 2877 Maple St. Dr. Leffall arrived in Omaha November 4, and planned to stay until Friday of this week. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baldwin of 2519 Corby Street have named their baby daughter bom at Un iversity hospital, Lyndia Lorraine. * • • Mrs. Myrtle Metcalf of 5201 California Street is very ill in a local hospital and Mrs. William Greer of 3331 Emmett Street is ill at her home. • • • TROJAN CLUB Is sponsoring a bridge, whist and bingo party on Friday, Nov ember 22nd at 2 p. m. Attractive prizes and refreshments. The pu blic is cordially invited. * • • MRS. DEBORAH FAIRCHILD of Los Angeles, who has been visiting with relatives and friends in Omaha, returned to her home on Monday, November 11th. The Californian was the house guest of Mrs. Mae Pankey of 3110 Cor by Street. • * * BIRTHDAY PARTY Sandra Su Williams, daughter of Atty. and Mrs. Ray Williams will celebrate her fifth birthday with a party at her home Sunday November 17th. 1946. • • • HARRY BUFORD HOME Police Lt. Harry Buford return ed to his home Monday, Novem ber 11th after a siege of four months illness. Lt. Buford reports that he is regaining his health satisfactorily. Elk’s Club Notes By Dt. Marianna McFadden Don’t forget the musical by the Elks Ensemble Monday. November 18th at 8 p m. at 2420 Lake St. At the Bingo game that will be held Saturday night, November 23 a complete beauty course will be given to the winner of a soecial game. The course will be with the Northside Beauty School. The Barster club held its regu" lar meeting Wednesday night Nov 5th at the home of Blanche Curry and Dt. M. Burns as hostess. Cherokee Temple 223 held their regular.' pneeting Tuesdav night Nov. 12 with Dt. Ruler Campbell presiding. Those on the sick list are Dt. Flora Thomas at St. Joseph hos pital. Those ill at home are Dts. Louise Henderson: Bennetta Cl eve land; Austin and Rowena Sud duth. Cherokee Temple 223 is having a social gathering Tuesday night Nov. 19 at 8:30 at the hall. All daughters be sure and come and bring your cover dish or what you have. The Temple is organizing a Women’s Chorus. Any daughter wishing to join be at rehearsal on Nov. 24th at 4 p. m. at 1801% No. 24th Et. Lillian Stevens, di rectress. The Style Show committee was appointed at Temple meeting on Tuesday night. Chairman, Helen Thomas; Mattie Caldwell; Doro thy Bryant; Edna Thomas Will iams; Dt. Green; Anna Johnson; Belle Love; Emma Hall; Anna Lee Ray and Lillian Stevens. Daught ers please give these women your full support and cooperation that our annual style show will be a huge success. Dt. Lillian Stevens’ foster mo ther is visiting with her a few weeks. Mr*. Ada Frazier of Kan sas City, Missouri. Mrs George King of Kansas City, Kansas is the house guest of Dt. Marrianna McFadden. Mrs. King is Dt. McFadden’s aunt. If you have any news, Elks, please leave it at the bar or call HA 0260. A correction in the news item of Elks Ensemble of last week’s paper which reads “no admission charge at the door". The officers and directors announce that at the door which opens at 8 p. m. Monday evening. November 18th, a door charge will be made. Adults will be fifty (50c); children will be twenty-five cents (25c). Good seats will be available. Advance sale of tickets is large and going fast. Come early! YWCA Notes WORLD FELLOWSHIP TO BE OBSERVED—MORGANS TO BE PRESENTED IN DRAMATIC RECITAI-“MISS” NORTHSIDE “Y” CONTEST BEGINS Sunday, November 17 at 5:00 p. m. the closing of World Week of Prayer and World Fellowship will be observed with a joint ‘con secration hour” under the auspi ces of the YMCA and YWCA at the Branch Building. This marks the first Vesper Service sponsored by the YM and YW. The joint committee consists of Rev. E. B. Childress; Mrs. John A. Williams; Rev. M C Williams; and Mrs. M. h. Dixon. This com mittee has worked diligently to make the Sunday Vesper service an event of interest to the spirit ually minded of the city. The Northside Branch YWCA presents Mrs. Beatrice Morgan with the assistance of her two children in a dramatic recital on Sunday, November 24 at 6:00 p. m. sharp at the Branch building. fVIrs. Morgan’s background of experience and training will make this a delightful hour for lovers of art. She has recently become a resident of Omaha having pre viously lived in Chicago where Engagement Announced Miss Lyda Fern Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Herschel C. Mont gomery of 2023 Ohio Street have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lyda Fern Montgomery to Mr. Warren Brown. The Wedding date has been set for Sunday, November Seventeenth at four o'clock. THANKSGIVING AT GRANDMA’S By COLLIE* _ n . ■ x.—— ■ - ■ " _ she attended the American School of Dramatic Art and Expression and taught dramatics in Chicago for the past ten years. She has had experience in radio work hav ing had numerous broadcasts over Station WGN in Chicago. For those who are interested and appreciate control of the voice in expressing the thoughts of man kind. This hour at the Branch building will be well spent. The public is cordially invited to attend this recital and there is no ad mission fee. Mrs. Thelma Hancock and her committee on World Fellowship has full charge of the presentation of Mrs. Morgan. The contest for Miss Northside ‘Y’ has started in high spirit and Th?Tontestant!^ar^^yinj^(^!e crowned queen. Already over one thousand votes are out. The con testants are working very hard. This contest will culminate with the crowning of the queen on Dec. 2, 1946 at 8:00 pm. at the YMCA. In support of its contestant, the membership committee is spon soring a "Chat and Nibble” at the home of Mrs. Lyda Hughes, 2413 Charles Street on November 24 from 4-7 p. m. There will be a silver offering. The committee is sponsoring Mrs. Ruth Gude. GOOD READING ★ The GREATER Omaha Guide Tire poles we need are coming along slowly i ! Telephone poles are only one of the serious \ shortages handicapping our efforts to catch up with service demands. ( Lack of lead, copper and cotton insulation is likewise slowing the factories that build tele phone switchboards, dial equipment, or furnish j us with cable and wire. Every bit of equipment we can lay our hands on has been pressed into ise in order to cope with the greatest demand for telephone service ever. But the need can only be really satisfied by more equipment—the first step in an expansion program calling for an outlay of well over 100 million dollars in the next five years. To attract the vast Amount of money needed for the expansion and improvement of telephone service, our earnings must be comparable with . the earnings of other businesses which are bor 111 rowing money from the investing public. MOBTHVtSlUKN IHl TILIPHONI COMPANY