The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 09, 1946, 'ARMISTICE DAY EDITION', Image 1

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    r .S V
Research Director Visits Ofriaha
Mr. Leo Bohanon, Executive Secretary of Omaha Urban
League, greets Mr. Edgar A. Steele, Research. Director. >.
Mr. Edgar A. Steele, Director
of Research for the Research Com
pany of America who is conduc
ting a survey of the wants, needs
and brand preference of the four
teen million Negroes in the Uni
ted States, visited Omaha Friday
November 1st. While here Mr.
Steele contacted local newspapers
affiliated with the Interstate Uni
ted Newspapers Inc., and made ar
rangements to conduct a test sur
vey, preliminary to a general tim
ers survey to be conducted at a
later date.
Omahans secured by Mr. Bohan,
on to make interview? for Mr.
Steele were: Miss Alice Bowman,
1846'i N. 20th St.: Miss Virginia
McRaven, 4308 Patrick Ove: Mrs.
Nettie Rose. 1848H N. 20th; Mrs.
Thomas Scott and Mrs. Rudolph
Mr. Steele said the purpose of
the survey is to ascertain the
wants and purchases of Negro
families in a cross-section study
of the United States. The study
is expected to bring to light much
valuable information on the eco
nomic status that will enable ad
vertisers to betted understand the
brand preferences and the shop
ping habits of Negro families.
Mr Steele who is on leave fron
the University of New York Tea
ching Staff left New York on Au
gust 17th and is making surveys
in 33 principal cities throughout
the country. He said the purchas
ing power of the American Negro
exceeded that of Canada’s popu
The Membership committee ot
the NAACP has been untiring in
its efforts to increase the mem
bership of the £>maha Branch. We
are grateful to the citizens of
Omaha for participating in such
a fine organization, and do hope
you will help us to do better an
other year. The following persons
are those who have brought these
memberships in and the number
they have brought in throughout
the year. Will yyou help them to
continue for another year by giv
ing they yyour membership for
another yeyar and getting others
to join ?
Marie Tucker, 1: R. I.. l ewis, 1;
G. A. Hayes 1; H. W. Smith 3;
Wm. Stallworth 2: Lucinda Will
iams 3; Herman Smith 3: Henry
A Hughson 3; Mable R. Glen 2:
Hattie Moore 4: P L. Adkins 6:
J. S. Snell 5: Guy Wiley 5: Perry
Tnvlor 5: Earre«t Rich'e 9: Lucy
aiae s. tsmt ru; Marne rnomas
14: Anna Johnson 13; H. J. Pink
ett 14; Albert Wright 11; Ike
Curtis 13: Lucille Gordon 20: Jas.
Collons 21; James Fellows 28:
Mrs. Z. E. Pearl 35; Robert Har
ris 43; Ralph Underwood 37: Ro
bert A. Thomas 40; E. A. Loftis
57; L. F. McIntosh 84 and Edward
R. Fletcher 127. Total by Members
627. Other sources 113. Member
ship in Sept. 70. Paid members
previous to drive 227. Total mem
bership 1.037.
The above namer persons serv
ing on the Membership Committee
of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo
ple are grateful and are asking
for your continued cooperation
for the next year.
Sincerely yours,
Edward R. Fletcher, Chm.
Lucy Mae S. Britt secy.
"MISS FISK" for 1946-47
-MISS FISK’ for 1946-47—FLORENCE BRASHEAR. of 1904 South
Edgewood Terrace Fort Worth. Texas, was crowned Sunday. Novem
ber 3, in an impressive ceremony in Fisk University’s Memorial Chap
el. A senior and biology major, she is a leader in campus life, and
plans to marry Dr. Andrew M. Morton, of Paducah. Kentucky, soon
after her graduation in June. (Nashville, Tennessee, Nov. 4, 1946)
Mrs. Doiothy Rogers, 2614 Se
ward Str., opened a beauty salon
at 2031 N. 24tn St. known as Dot's
Beauty Salon. A graduate of the
Althouse Beauty School. Mrs. Ro
gers has been a practicing beau
tician for the past year. She is
associated with Mrs. Ollie Neal,
2430 Lake St. who is a graduate
of the Northside Beauty School.
\ f ' i
Roosevelt Post
No. 30
Commander of Roosevelt Post No.
30, American Legion and veteran
of World War I.
by H. W. Smith
We are on the eve of another
Armistice Day and may we lend
a sacred thought as our minds and
memory drift back to the day it I
was signed. Back to the night the
whistles blew and the bells rang:
when happy boys that were head
ed for the front lines, stopped and
gave a solemn player of thanks.
We remember the letters that
came uncensored telling of our
sons, husbands and fathers coming
home for good. We now mention
a conflict with the U. S. and Rus
sia. Do we hope peace is just
around the corner? If so the peace
and goodwill conference can take
time out and adjourn for al! times.
We should let every day be an
Armistice Day in our hearts.
NEW YORK. Oct. 31—Speaking
before a capacity audience at the
i opening session of the New York
Herald Tribune’s Fifteenth An
| nual Forum on current problems
at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel,
Oliver Harrington, NAACP Pu
blic Relations Director, clashed
with Attorney General Tom Clark
charging that for the crime of race
hate and lynching there has hard
ly ever been a conviction in the
history of the United States.
The Forum, which considered the
most significant sounding board
for current national and interna
tional opinion brought together
I speakers who covered India, the
I colonial policy of Great Britain in
| general and British West Africa
I in particular and finally the Ne
| gro problem in the south under
ithe title “Frontiers of Justice”,
i The keynote address was made
by William O. Douglas, Associate
Justice of the United States Su
preme Court who said, “American
ideals put into action can bring
about the birth of a great common
wealth of justice for all the peo
ples of the world”.
Opening the panel devoted to
j problems of justice in the United
I States, Mr. Harrington charged:
“When most Americans say jus
tice they mean justice for whites
only. .The Department of Justice
tracked down every foregn spy
during the war but was unable to
find a single clue to the criminals
responsible for wholesale vanda
lism against the Negro community
of Columbia, Tenn.”
“An Agency committed to de
fend the lives of its citizens should
spend less time finding legal rea
sons for not acting and more time
acting on behalf of human justice,’
continued Harrington.
Citing the Negroes’ part in the
war the NAACP representative
continued, “you fought if you are
a Negro veteran, to tear down the
sign ’No Jews Allowed’ in Germ
any to find in America a sign ‘No
Negroes Allowed’. You fought to
wipe out the noose and whip in
Germany and Japan to find the
noose and whip in Georgia and
tfiiiiiiiiuiititw-mii) laaMiflaaaNMnimiiMBaMMamMaaMaMHiMHMMNMwiiinfNnmttiiMhaaHndlMiwiuiiiiiMfiimiMnMMMiiaMHHflMMiMiiwaiiiiitMMfiMM*
10c Per Copy “and Worth It”
Entered as 2m
March S, 187-1.
5 '• • • |
rnwentv-eight years ago a group of tired, but gallant soldiers
of War gathered in a little railway coach just outside of
Heims, France to enact an agreement which they reverently
hoped would bring peace to the World and good will among
men. But in less than a quarter of a century thereafter
Thousands of the children and babies of November 11, 1918
■were giving their lives in a bloodier and more costly war. It
is again unconceivable that our little ones who today romp
and play in their youthful innocence, Mill in the near future
be called upon to bear arms in an even more destructive
atomic war.
We are starting over again Mhere we were 28 years a
go, When hopes Mere high as the World got off to a neM
start. With Peace within its grasp, The Peace that millions
of hearts had yearned for throughout those aMful years of
Mar. The Peace that Mas not to last. The World, it is now
evident. Mas not yet ready for what we now know to be our
most precious heritage. Treaties were made among nations,
hut with strained reservations. Each Nation was afraid of
giving too much of itself. Each held on to its own intoler
ances and prejudices. As the years passed these weaknesses
grew. Each Nation was wrapped in its own concern. In
tolerance grew and was ignored. A few nations coveted
what other nations had; and were ignored by the rest until
at last we Mere plunged into another bloody" and cruel con
flict, once more a Nation’s sons were engaged in battle Math
those of other nations and once again that battle has drawn
to a close. This time Mill it be different? Thisi time will
Me profit by past mistakes? This time Mall each Nation de
cide that the time is past Mhen it can consider its needs alone?
The People whose sons have been sacrificed to the Gods
of intolerance, greed and selfishness, must decide the future.
There must be an honest effort to eradicate the fruits of hate
and greed. As a Nation’s homes Think, So thinks the Na
tion. In each home an awareness of other people and other
peoples’ rights must be taught. For only from such a foun
dation can absolute freedom be spread.
If we value the lives of our children, every child, in
each Nation, should and must bt taught the principles on
which freedom is built. The Fatherhood of God and the
Brotherhood of Man. From such a foundation the safety of
our children and thus the World will be assured.
Louisianna. . and in all the Ameri
can history there has never been
a Negro traitor”.
Atty. General Clark, taking up
the challenge, devoted much of
his talk to the struggle for justice
for women. ‘‘Justice for women
will be complete only when they
have an equal share with men in
the rights and responsibilities of
Answering other charges Mr.
Clark stated, ‘‘Several months ago
there was a disturbance at Colum
bia, Tenn. I immediately ordered
an investigation and later a grand
jury presentation. In a personal
appeal I publicity invited all per
sons having information to for
ward it to me or to the grand
jury.. the grand jury found no
evidence on which to base an in
dictment”. Later Clark announced
that he had ordered a grand jury
to sift evidence gathered by FBI
agents in Monroe, Ga.
Clark, continued “A town mar
shall, a man named Crews got the
maximum sentence for the death
of Puddin McFadden, a Negro who
was beaten and forced into a Flor
ida river to drown”. (Maximum
penalty in this case was one years
The New England Telephone &
Telegraph Company and the Mich
igan Bell Telephone Company
have issued instructions that work
ers will be employed strictly on
the basis of their qualifications
without regard to race, officials
of the National Urban League
announced this week. The imme
diate results of the action of these
two companies was the employ
ment of Negro switchboard op
erators in Detroit exchanges and
the recruitment of trainees for
positions as clerks, stenographers
and operators in Boston and Pro
vidence, R. I. In Minnesota, the
first two Negro trainees in the
history of the Bell Telephone Co
there have been included among
a group of high school graduates
selected for employment.
Employment policies in this in
dustry have been under close ob
servation for the past year Julius
A. Thomas the League's Director
of Industrial Relations said. Like
so many large enterprises, the
telephone company had not given
serious thought to its racial em
ployment policies until the Ur
ban League made a study of its
policies in 44 cities, which reveal
ed that the employment of Ne
groes Was generally limited to
service and unskilled labor in the
majority of cities. New policies
now in force will open opportun
ities for the employment of a
larger number of Negroes as in
stallers, repairmen, and other op
erating jobs Thomas declared.
Veterans with army training in
communication work should be
able to qualify for employment
with local units of the telephone
company he added, and they really
should be encouraged to apply for
these positions.
period of reacton that will last
for eight to twleve years was pre
dicted for Georgia by Governor
Eliss Arnall who will be succeeded
by white-supremacy exponent Eu
gene Talmadge on January 14th.
Arnall made his prediction at a
press conference in Chicago last
week, and at the same time he
held out the hope that the forces
of liberalism will follow reaction
in his state.
The Supreme Court refused to
consider an action that might have
resulted in the Talmadge election
being set aside. Arnall asserted
that the only way to beat the
unit system was to win an elec
tion under it.__
of 14 Neighborhood g | g ^ g jI|| ||Kl||g |
Precincts | I 1 1 I I = l||<2|5gg<^g<I
o 2 2 - -xScrP^ h^1
a a a alg'a a a a a a a a I ii a a a al
zzxs£ii,\£tjst*z a s a g a g i « | f f 1 « £ f § i s a i
2201 Clark Street HI HI Ha “I VA i4° 146 145 201 103 211 93 ^7 116 154 158 154 150 180 183 I
Lake Street sSSl- 141 101 150 9^ SI HI HI 459 HI Ha 12 *2 12 HI 93 195_ 98 195 128 164 I
St. Benedict's school 147 4Q i4i 5? ii’< in% 92 44< <4 443 88 439 18 444 4®5 108 106 134 79 1
3115 N. 24th St. -1S1 i?S 21 oo 11? , ‘4 19? 62 131 36 132 31 113 55 100 67 108 60 118 49 I
Kellom School 99 If *£? H 71 2? 4~ 108 179 84 201 66 163 105 125 143 151 110 160 102 I
2422 Outline St...... i2 199 ?u £ A1. 7? 72 94 48 99 46 93 55 61 87 71 77 82 67 I
Logan Fontenelle Homes- 121 123 ill III 90 HA aH A HAL HI 12 93 107 120 84 437 444 443 118 111 |
Howard Kennedy school south ent 108 87 120 74 97 93 97 7! 12 HI 115 2 Hq Hq a? HA° 9I 115 99 116 1
Franklin Street _ 197 100 207 q« iaq 100 7® ^ 99 <9 34 94 163 71 89 85 =
TOTAL 9141 1079 99J0 -5SL }S2+ „i38 144 114 167 103 176 99 166 104 131 147 156 115 142 136 1
. . ...- 2U1 13 ^2 -i8. .1302 1<64 4734 1587 1353 2049 1159 2190 1050 1934 1309 1511 1738 1796 1500 1861 1426 I
Aaron Brown
Post, No. 190
To Hold Joint
Vesper Services
; The Spiritual Emphasis Com
■ mittee of the Near-Northside
| Branch YMCA and the World
I Fellowship Committee of the
I Northside Branch YWCA are an
i nouncing a joint. Vesper service
] which is to he held at the North
side YWCA Sunday, November 17
i from 5 to 6 p. m. Father S. J
j Sanchez of the St. Philip’s Epis
, copal Church is to be the speaker,
i The program comes as the cli
max of the YWCA and YMCA’s
observance of World Fellowship
week and World Week of Prayer.
Everyone is cordially invited to
Committee in Charge: Mrs. John
A. Williams: Mrs. Minnie Dixon;
Mrs. Herbert Wiggins; Rev. E. B.
Childress and Rev. M. C. Williams
The World’s alliance of Young
Men’s Christian Associations and
the World’s Young Women’s Chri
stian Association have announced
the dates of November 10-16 as
the Week of Prayer and World
The theme for this year’s ob
servance is ’’One Lord For One
World”. Throughout the world on
each of these days members of the
affiliating agences, namely YMCA
YWCA, the World Student Christ
ian Federation and the World
Council of Churches will pause to
reflect on the meaning of world
fellowship and to pray for the
peoples of all lands.
Plans have been made by the
Omaha Associations to observe
The World Week of Prayer by
having services in the chapel of
the Central YMCA. 17th and Har
ney Streets from 12:10 to 12:30
each day. The public is urged to
attend these meetings. Rev. E. B.
Childress is scheduled to speak on
Tuesday, November 12. If you
happen to be shopping on this day
or other days, stop in and enjoy
i a beautiful service.
J Senator Hugh Butler . . . re
\ turn to Senate assured.
mm.* mmmm msmmm m
Val Peterson ... Nebraska's
next Governor. (
Representative Howard Buf
fett . . . victorious in Ceoond
i BMUft __J
*. . ' . .;•* • -a
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'Election Results at a Glance!
_.___ a.
Nebraska Returns
The following are the latest
totals compiled by the Associat
ed Press election bureau. Pre
cincts missing have not completed
their counts or are not accessible.
United States Senator
1.557 of 2.035 precincts.
R—Hugh Butler .208,909
D—John E. Mekota. 92,693
1.552 of 2.035 precinct*.
R—Val Peterson .194,189
D—Frank Sorrell ..106,229
Lieutenant Governor
1.563 ot 2.035 precincts.
R—Robert B. Crosby ....177,136
D—Robert J. Swanson... .106,937
Secretary of State
[ 1.563 of 2.035 precincts.
\R—Frank Marsh .207,245
D—Mrs. J. P. Jensen.98,317
State Auditor
1.563 of 2,035 precinct*.
R—Ray C. Johnson .195,332
D—J. R. Farris. 85,760
State Treasurer
1,563 of 2,035 precinct*.
R—Edward Gillette.172,294
D—W. T. Thompson.102,017
Attorney General
| 1,563 of 2.035 precincts.
; R—Walter R. Johnson .... 183,754
D—Michael T. McLaughlin 96,577
Railway Commissioner
1,598 of 2,035 Precinct*
R—Walter F. Roberts-183,290
D—J. C. McReynolds. 97,061
State Superintendent
1,537 of 2.035 precincts.
Wayne O. Reed .162,903
A. A. Reed . 86,822
Supreme Court Justice
Second District
199 of 237 precincts.
John W. Yeager .37,755
‘Leslie Douglas Carter.16,345
First District
49J»of 621 precincts.
R—Carl T. Curtis.55,727
D—William H. Meier.29,653
Second District
278 of 283 precincts
, R—Howard Buffet .51,507
D—Frank A. Jelen.36,892
Third District
426 of 498 precincts.
R—Karl Stefan .53,867
D—Hans O. Jensen .17,287
I—Paul Burke . 3,705
Fourth District
383 of 633 precincts.
R—A. L. Miller.36,782
|D—Stanley D. Long .13,626
I School Aid Amendment
1.584 of 2.305 precincts
No .208,654
Anti-Closed Shop Amendment
1,589 of 2,035 precincts
i Yes.169,054
kNo .118,442
NEW YORK (CNS) —Eighty
year old Fisk University at Nash
ville, Tenn., will be headed by a
Negro Dr. Charles Spurgeon John
son international known sociolo
gist, who was elected by the trus
tees last week for the first time
in its history.
Dr. Johnson, who lives in Nash
ville was recently appointed by
President Truman to be a dele
gate to the United Nations Ed
ucational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization which will meet in
Paris next month. He is a trustee
of the Julius Rosenwald Fund,
and a director of the Race Re
lations Forum of the American
Missionary Assn.
Dr. Johnson was one of the
committee of 26 educators sent to
Japan at General MacArthurs
request to set up a new educa
tional system for that country.
At a meeting of the Nebraska
Iowa Electrical Council, A. V.
Sorenson was elected president to
serve for the 1946-47 term. Other |
officers elected were Jack R. Ward !
first vice-president; Sam C. Dod- '
son, second vice-president; Frank
N. Wolf, secretary and C. R. Hel
gesen, treasurer.
The election of the following men
was certified for service on the
Board of Directors for the new
Claude Howell; George Carter; I
M. L. Burgess; V. T. Beats; Ed 1
Bradley; Day L. Harper; M. C. <
Roy; John Kresl; John. J. Goebel; I
F. E. Smith.
These men represent all branch
es of the electrical industry retail
ers, contractors, manufacturers,
distributors and utility.
County Returns J
United States Senator i
198 of 201 Prdtincta
R—Hugh Butler.49,950f
D—John Mekota.27,362|
198 of 201 Precinct*
R—Val Peterson .46,789
D—Frank Sorrell 26,362
Lieutenant Governor
198 of 201 Precincts
R—Robert B. Crosby.41,976!
D—Robert J. Swanson.29,033)
Secretary of State
188 of 201 Precinct*
R—Frank Marsh .48,939
D—Mrs. J. P. Jensen.......37,022
State Auditor
198 of 201 Precinct*
R—Ray C. Johnson. 44,671
D—J. R. Farris.24,791
State Treasurer
198 of 201 Precinct!
R.—Edward Gillette.40,70S
D—W. T. Thompson.28,514|
Attorney General
198 of 201 ProclncU «
Walter R. Johnson.42.487
D—Michael T. McLaughlin. .23,565
Railway Commissioner
198 of 201 Precinct!
R—Walter R. Roberts. 40,2981
D—J. C. McReynolds. 27,798;
State Superintendent ^
165 of 201 rrrcincU
Wayne 0. Reed.38,055,
R. A. Reed. 38,055'
Supreme Court Justice
Second District
198 of 201 Products I
John W. Yeager.45.487*
Leslie Douglas Carter.18,751r
Second District
R—Howard Buffi*. .48,264
D—Frank A. Jplen. 35,373,
School Aid Amendment
165 of 291 precincts
Yes .19,000
No .35,100
Anti-Closed Shop Amendment
165 of 201 precincts
Yee .23,79Ct
No .28,9731
County Superintendent
198 of 201 Pr&cincts
W. J. Hauser.^3,089
District Court Clerk
IDS of 201 Precincts
R~-Robert Smith.43,6421
D—Daniel Horrician .23,698)
County Treasurer
198 ol 201 Precincts ,
P—Ernest A. Adams.47,91*
D—Thornes J.C ronin.19,93*
County Sheriff
1S8 of 201 Precincts
R—W. H. (Bill) Dorrance. .41,745)
D—M. Melchiorsen .27,633
County Attorney
) 198 of 201 Precincts
'D—James J. Fitzgerald.... 36,629,
R—Kelso Morgan.32,00£r(
County Surveyor
198 of 201 Precincts
RLouis E. Adams.38,461)
D—William (Bill) Green.. .28,157]
County Assessor
198 of 201 Precincts
R—Joe C. Stolinski.38,391)
D—William E. Kavan.29,913,
i County Commissioners
198 of 281 Precincts
First District
R—Frank C. Best.39,171
D—J. M. Roncka.25,541,
Second District
R—Roman L. Hruska.33,022
D—Fred E. Krajicek.20,084
fl—Richard R. Larsen.11,183
Fourth District
R—H. B. Bergquist.36,466]
D—Thomas J. O’Connor. ..28,199/
Utilities District Director*
165 of 180 Precincts
One of each party to be elected \
R—Frank L. Frost.39,32*
R—John S. Samson.15,9981
P—Eugene D. O’Sullivan.. .24,0204
D—William J. (Pete) Frenz
School Board
Non-PoliUcal $
ISO of 182 Precincts ,
Glenn Cunningham 37,263
Peter Mehrens...33,872
Richard E. Collins.32,610 i
Clarence L. Kirkland.......31,503
Mrs. Sidney Smith.30,£48
Earle C. Reynolds.29,563
John M. Thomas.. ..27,842
Charles F. Stepanek....26,842
Mrs. Ruth E. Thotonm.26,536
Leo J. Dworak.26,536
Helen Holm Jensen.23,914
ftichard C. Buell.25,316
Directors Power District .
IS Kon-PoIIUcal _ \ ^
Omaha Subdivision ’
165 of 182 Precincts ■ ■ -
Carl A. Swanson.30,268
Gerald E. Collins .........26,380
T. H. Maenner .......#..23,977
Pavld Goldman t,ttt|t,t,JQ,27Qi
Clork of Did. Court
C»wn|y Comxiiiiionar
County Treosuror
County Surveyor
, CivNj C«wnif^»n«r
ssmm a a
Douglas County ShoriH
County Astessoi