The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 02, 1946, Page 6, Image 6
MURIEl RAHN TO SING HERE IN OMAHA NEW YORK City— Muriel Rahn distinguished concert soprano, is to appear at Town Hall Saturday evening as the headline attrac tion in a unique concert presenta tion titled “Stars at Midnight", in augurating a new idea at Town Hall wherein the program will be gin at eleven thirty o'clock. The innovation was designed to pro vide opportunity for many music lovers to attend, who otherwise could not be present at an earlier hour. Other stars appearing bn the program are John Raitt, of “Car ousel"; Eddie Manson, the "Hei ftlllllMIIIIIIIUMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIMlilU I HIGHEST PRICES PAID I I for FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES “Call Us First” | NATIONAL fuRNITURE } Company | —AT 1725— fetz of the Harmonica”, Pete Johnson, famed Cafe Society boo gie-woogie pianisti Edith Allere. folk singer, and Irwin Corey of the Blue Angel. Following this appearance at Town Hall Miss Rahn leaves New ! York on an extended concert tour beginning at Columbia, S. C. Oth er cities listed in the Rahn itin erary are Fort Worth; Dallas, Corpus Christi; San Antonio; St. Louis; Oklahoma City; Indiana polis; Jefferson City; Kansas City Topeka; Cincinnati; Dayton: Port larj | Omaha; Seattle and Los Angeles. I Th* SPORTSCOPE By Jocko Maxwell NEWr YORK, (Global) — The past week-end featuring the play ing of several traditional games by the college football teams, found the money taking quite a licking. Army’s 48 to 14 rout of a supposedly strong Columbia 11 was the biggest stumbling block. Others will follow in this topsy turvy gridiron season. Our advice is to keep your government let tuce in your wallet. We were glad to see Buddy Young score in one of the six pointers that aided Illinois to bowl ; over Wisconsin 27 to 21. Young has beben hampered of late by a shoulder and leg injury and to date he is a far cry from his 1945 gait at Fleet City, when he ri valed Glen Davis as the best ball carrier in the land. .New York University’s football team pulled a mild surprise last week defeat ing favored Rochester U 6 to 0. Freddy Burgess, burley Negro back, played great ball and set up the winning score for the not too violent Violets. .Levi Jackson Win A Beauty Course Free! • 1st Prize—Free Course in Beauty Culture. • 2nd Prize1— Three Prizes $50 Towards Complete Beauty Course. • 3rd Prize— Four Prizes $25 Towards Complete Beauty Course. -For Information Call or Write ALTHOUSE BEAUTY SCHOOL Telephone ATlantic 1675 2715-2717 North 24th Street Omaha 10, Nebraska Keep Kelso Morgan REPUBLICAN COUNTY ATTORNEY HE HAS BEEN FAIR and I KEPT HIS PROMISES. . .•••••••••••»• ••••••••••iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii ii 1111 ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .in.. (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) - CHILDREN R 5 •—.Trr . CblSL &kL WORKMEN WITH POOR % TOOLS ALL CHILDREN are entitled to a good edu cation. Are YOU going to let the ENEMIES of free public schools deprive YOUR CHILDREN of their chance? Voting “YES” on the SCHOOL AMENDMENT is Y'OUR chance to do something for your boys and girb. The BEST FRIENDS of the boys and girls of Omaha are their PARENTS and their TEACHERS, j The Omaha Council of Parent-Teacher Associations, made up of parents and teachers, endorses the AMENDMENT. They are the people who know and j care about children. Follow their lead and vote “YTES.” —...— - tstw — .■ ' (Political Advertisement) - -- -- King Cole Trio Time Ill—I nil HIM.. III .. Nat Cole, the ol’ King himself, gets a kick out of a new song he -loes weekly on his own show every Saturday (5:4a fcSI, NBU. oin'inr to the words is J. V '.rd Maurer, advertising manager of the Wildroot Com -an . the Kir.g’s new snonsor. The song? Why , “Wildroot Creaii) 0!1!.” of course. Yale’s sensational freshman full back is still a marked man. Last week Howie Odell used him as a decoy in the disputed 6 to 6 dead lock with Cornell. However, it was Jalckson’s potent 11 yard plunge through the Big Red’s line that gave Ole Eli it’s only score. We believe that Jackson will blossom into one of collegi ate football's greatest fullbacks before he receives his sheepskin from the Connecticut college. He travels with the power of a Sher man tank! Kenny Washington, yesterday’s great forward passin’ ace while at UCLA is having a particularly tough season with the Los Ange les Rams. It seems as if Adam Walsh, the Ram's coach, is using the famous T formation system. The system as you know calls for a signal caller who can handle the ball flawlessly and has good legs. Washington is not exactly a stranger when it comes to caressing a pigskin. However a recent operation on Kenny’s knee has slowed him down to a cake walk. The former UCLA sensation is finding the opposition plenty rough on a gridded who can’t maneuver his legs to suit the var ious situations. Father Time holds the answer to Washington’s pre dictament. Meanwhile he contin testinal fortitude. Jersey City’s ues to employ the collegiate in entrant in the American Football League is clickin’! Archie Harris former All American wingman at Indiana is playing a major part in the success of Bill Owen’s club thanks to his knack of catching passes. We believe that the majority of Colored-American sports enterpri ses are missing the best, in pub licizing their events, by not using the radio in its advertising cam paigns. Tis a known fact that a steady radio advertising program plus the broadcasting of the games will bring results. When will the Negro sport moguls see the light. In these days of close copetition they are certainly mis sing a good bet. One need but to look at the success the Brooklyn Dodgers attained at the turnstiles to realize that the use of the mi crophone brings good results. We assure you that it was not alone the unpredictable wizardly that aided Branch Rickey’s amazing ball club. Radio played a major part in the success, with Red Barber and Desmond’s clever mike work attracting the doubt ful baseball bobbies to Ebbets’ Field, where anything is liable to happen and usually does.. Now it’s time to cease hitting this trusty typewriter and forecast next satdee’s football games. Gee1 I wish I knew which way that leather will bounce. See you next week and hope your alma mater wins.. LINCOLN U. (MO.) READY FOR HOMECOMING, Nov. 2 JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Oct. 22—“Victory on the home ’front’ is the theme for Lincoln univer sity’s 1946 Homecoming Novem ber 2. The game between the Wilberforce Green Waves and the Tigers at 2 pm. will climax the three-day activity period. The University anticipates the largest attendance in the history of Lincoln Homecomings, as well as the most memorable celebra tion. A radio program originating in Page auditorium at 11:30 am. Oc tober 31 will be heard over Sta tion KWOS as the starter acti vity. A pep meeting at 7 pm. will be held on Young hall quad rangle. The crowning of Miss Home coming, the title this year going to Jeretha Fields, ’47, Okmulgee, Okla., will feature the 8:15 p. m. vagg^show, Nov, l in Page. A bonfire and pep meeting will pre* cede by two hours on Lincoln field. The Lampados club’s tra ditional invitational dance will be the final Homecoming Eve event. J Lake Street I BOWLING I = r Alley News K 5 By Mildred Martin Again we visit the bowling alleys where activities today are at its highest peak. Why? Be cause the bowling season is at full force at this time of year. Its in the air, in the bloo and boy oh, boy, you should see the fun and sportsmanship and friendlin ess that takes place in this build ing. Hard feelings, grudges, and chips on the shoulders are tossed aside and everyone swings into full force to get the most out of their evenings before one o’clock rolls around and the alleys close for another day. Last week was really a whirl wind. Tuesday the first league nite of the week found the Lake Street Wonders under the leader ship of Capt. Bertha Dodd, tang ling with the Trojans under Capt. i'George Jackson. The Lake St. Wonders won 2 out of 3 games. Wednesday’s game between the mens’ Lefties, and the Elks was ; cancelled, Thursday found the Lions, under the leadership of S Sgt. T. Mosley, fighting it out with the Bacchanites captained by Wm. Greer. The Lions won 2 out of 3 games. Sunday night the Junior Hellcat’s under supervision of Capt. Hopie Bronson, Jr., met the Lions. Again the Lions won 2 out of 3. Prizes for the week were won by Zack Abrams and Clara Tur ner. Zack Abram’s score was 215 and he received a beautiful Schick razor. Clara Turner’s score was 186 and she received a Hope house Re-Elect W. H, “BILL” DORRANCE <»' SHERIFF A Successful Business Man and Taxpayer for 48 Years in Douglas County A Record of Law Enforcement, Business Organization and Ad ministration That Recommends His Re-election. HE HAS KEPT HIS PROMISES^ i (Political Advertisement) - —-in AMVETS Club Cafeteria Now Open All Day Specializing In... HOME COOKING , • SHORT ORDERS [] • SANDWICHES “W e Appreciate Your Patronage1* CATERING TO CLVBS and PRIVATE PARTIES -PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS_ 24th & Miami Phone JA. 9526 that you build yourself so she can build her dream house at will. You should have been near to have seen the expression of surprise on her face when she saw her prize. She exclaimed, “It must be a joke! I have no babies or small child ren! What will I do with a doll house!” But later we were inform ed that someone offered to buy it from her at the Elks club and she refused to sell. So Clara must like her hope house after all. Well folks, so long until next week when we ll again bring you news from the alleys. Roscoe Knight, Mgr. AREYOU APART TIME CITIZEN By Ruth Taylor Being a citizen in a democracy is a full time job. In other forms of government, the citizenry make up the background. appearing only in mob scenes to “yes” the rulers of the nation. But there is no room for part time citizens in our form of gov ernment. Our government is us . . what we make it. Ours is the fault if the wheels of government do not run smoothly, for the laws we make are the roadbed and the men we elect are the machine. Are you a part time citizen ? Do you fulfill all your dutes as a voter.. do you just show up at election time to cast your vote j without due consideration of the full qualifications, record and prin ciples of all candidates.. or do you help to select proper candidates at the primaries? « Are you a part time citizen ? Do you obey the laws you have LOANS $10 TO $1,000 You can obtain a loan from us for almost any purpose and repay in small monthly payments. Salary loans on your signature only. We also make auto and furniture loans. J We will gladly make you a small loan or a large one. Phone AT-2300. tell us what you need, then come in and pick up the money. Prompt Service COMMERCE LOAN COMPANY 1901 Farnam St. Ground Floor Comer. Larry Flinn, Manager had a hand in making; or is it your only thought when you do break what seems like an incon sequential little law, how you can get away with it? Are you a part time citizen? Do you evince interest in all is sues or only in those problems which directly concern you.. and then object when other groups do the same and infringe on your prerogatives ? Only as citizens work for the common good of all can democracy progress. Are you a part time citizen ? Do you lend an ear to alien sub versive elements who tell you how much better conditions are or would be for you were there a different form of government ? Do you thoughtlessly pass on these tales without checking on their accuracy or considering their source? Are you a part time citizen ? Do you stand up for democracy or do you condemn its mistakes without consideration for the good it has to offer? Do you see only Its Ihortcomings and never its long range program which slowly but surely and in spite of stum blings, discriminations and de i tours has made this country of ours the best in which we live. I Now as never before the United I States needs the full time alle i giance of all its people. Peace can be established only by the con certed effort of ALL citizens. So don’t be a part time citizen! ----- AIR SERVICE TO HAVANA NEW ORLEANS, La.-(Global) A preview of the new air passen ger service between New Orleans and Havana by Chicago and Sou thern was flown two weeks ago and beginning November 1, the line will start regular service be tween the two points. Douglas DC-4s will be used in the service and the flying time will be three hours and fifteen minutes. (Political Advertisement) Adhtrtiaeme* I From where I sit... Jy Joe Marsh Are Returning Veterans "Different"? During the war you heard a lot 'about how hard it was going to be for returning veterans to get ad justed to civilian life , , . how they’d be “different.” Well, plenty of them have re turned to our town, and a finer, steadier bunch you couldn’t ask for. Most of them are back at the same jobs . . . going with the same nice home-town girls (get ting married, some of them, and setting up families) ... renewing the same old friendships. Even their amusements are the same. Nothing more exciting thai fishing Seward’s creek or pitch ing horseshoes ... enjoying ai outdoor barbecue with friendl; wholesome beer and pleasant talk If they’ve changed at all it’s ii the direction of maturity and tol erance ... tolerance, for everythin) except dictators, and those wh< would destroy our democrats principles of live and let live. Ant from where I sit, that’s anothei reason to be proud of them. 9ti<vu£ Copyright, 1946, United States Brewers tounoadoi Our petroleum and other supply lines in the war with Germany ex tended some 4,000 miles; in the Pacific they lengthened to 14,000 miles. cSoD^PplSTTOn? TWO »ot», earner nnd adjoining, on southwest corner 21st nnd Grace. Extensive frontage on both 21st and Grace. Ideal for 2 or more homes, or especially sailed ns Church grounds, Make reasonable offer IIHHEDIATELT. Address BOX A33I or Call HA-OMOd. WOMEN IN THEIR 40 s Were Never Meant To Suffer Like This! Here’s a tip for women troubled by C|| Nervous Tension, %£ Irritability and > Weak, Tired, Cranky i f Feelings —due to \ ‘middle-age’ “ i If the functional “middle-age” period peculiar to women makes you suffer from hot flashes, touchy, high strung, weak, nervous feelings, try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly — this great medi cine helps build up resistance against such “middle-age” distress. Thousands Upon Thousands Helped! Pinkham’s Compound is one of thff best known medicines you can buy for this purpose. It has proved some of the happiest days of some wom en’s lives can often be during their 40’s. We urge you to give Pinkham's t Compound a fair and hon est trial. Just see if it doesn’t help you, too. It’s also a great stomachic tonic! # cCqdia, £ (POnkhcvmb VEGETABLE COMPOUND --■ This is one of the most important elec ttions in Omaha’s history. The issues are many, the ballots long. Give yourself time to vote carefully. Everyone is vitally concerned with the questions to be decided on November 5 rh, including the Special Commissions. The polls are apt to be crowded and the lines may be long. Why Special Commissions? The Special Commissions which voters are asked to approve will supervise the development and completion of the recommendations of the City-Wide ^ Planning Committee as provided by the Bond Issues.They will be non-partisan and non-political, regardless of any changes in the City Administration, and will serve without payi - . Avoid Rush Hour; Vote as early in the day ’as possible. Early vot ing means leisurely voting. If you can, vote before g f the evening rush hours—but above all, early or late, i - - GO TO THE POLLS AND VOTE! __ ( November% { POLLS OPEN 8:00 AM. fo 8:oop.m. } i 6 ' V v Omaha's vision } is YOUR decision VOTE E^fe/ FOR THE THINGS YOU WANT! 1 CIVK aNTK « AIRPQRT 1 VIADUCTS | AUDfTORKJM | PUBLIC MARKET ORE PROTECTION PARKING AREAS I L MWIOPAI6ARAGB | POUg WtQTKTWN \ BVH> TTOWAl \ WfOOVt STUgn j HBOCD StWBS I NAVAl AHOUT 1 IaBWuTgMMNPT I A PROGRAM OF THE PEOPLE • DEVELOPED BY THE PEOPLE • FOR THE PEOPLE (Political Advertisement) ~ (Political Advertisement) ' '