FOR GALA HOME-COMING WILBERFORCE UNI. SET On Saturday, October, 26, 1946, Wilberforce University expects to play host to the largest number of alumni, former students and friends ever to return to the in stitution for the annual homecom ing season. The main attraction will be the homecoming football game which brings together a thus far unde ‘ feated Tennessee State College | HIGHEST TRICES PAID | | for FURNITURE, f RUGS, STOVES “Call Fs First” • i | NATIONAL RIRNITUBE f Company —AT 1725— VikllllMUIIMIIHIIIiMilllUIIIIIIIMIIli team coached by Henry A. Kean and the Wilberforce University Green Wave under the tutelage of Coach Gaston F. “Country” Lewis. The kick-off is scheduled at 2:30 Pm. Saturday, October 26 1946. The entire week-end will be fil led with a program of homecom ing festivities. On Friday night preceeding the game the Wilber force students will hold a gigantic bon-fire football rally on the old athletic field after which a stu dent dance will be held in the gym nasium. Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, ex hausted solely because body lacks iron. 'For new vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets, Contains iron you, too, may need for pep; also vitamin Bj. Get regular $1.00 size now only 89c! At all drug stores everywhere — in >maha. at WALGREEN S and SMITH .STOKES. Stop Folks Talking About Your g&svh/ur Yes — people will talk about your gray, drab hair — about how much older you look — how much prettier you used to be. Don’t let gray hair rob you of the pleasures of youthful looks and pop ularity. Put rich, natural looking, beautiful color into your hair with Larieuse. loot years yoaayer HAVE BEAUTIFULLY COLORED NATURAL LOOKING HAIR Color Your Hair This Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, natu ral looking color (black, brown, blonde) start using Godefroy's Laricusc Hair Coloring NOW ... acts quickly — goes on evenly — won't rcb off or wash out — unaffected by heat—permits per manents and stylish hairdos . . • known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give your money back If you're not 100% satisfied. For Seat Retain, SHAMPOO with Lorieotl Shampoo Before Applying Loriovee Hair Cotaring. GODEFP.OY’S HAIR COLORING CAUTION i Use Only as Directed on Label. H nr till* inis't lists Larltsss (USB” USE serf SI.25, ties 25 cents Fei tai, direct to. .. S.i.tiu Ht(. Is. 1511 Blue Km, St. reels (1;. It. Win A Beauty Course Free! • 1st Prize—Free Course in Beauty Culture. • 2nd Prize— Three Prizes $30 Towards Complete Beauty Course. • 3rd Prize— Four Prizes $25 Towards Complete Beauty Course. -For Information Call or Write ALTHOUSE BEAUTY SCHOOL Telephone ATlantic 1675 2715-2717 North 24th Street Omaha 10, Nebraska IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM Keep— Kelso Morgan REPUBLICAN COUNTY ATTORNEY HE HAS BEEN FAIR and KEPT HIS PROMISES. • iimiiinuiiHmitiiminmtfmmiNiiimiiiniimimniiiini vuiuHnmimimimMnimHimmmMiMimimimmimumiHnmniimiimiuinimmmniiimiiiminMnmiiiuft (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) The Regular Army has GOOD JOBS for specially qualified men Any man from 18 to 34 inclusive who has served at least six months in certain occupational specialties in the Army, Navy, 'Marines or Coast Guard, and was discharged on or after May 12, 1945, may enlist in tile Reg ular Army in a grade not higher than held aVtimo of discharge. Non-commrssk>rvod grades are MOS 059 Foremen C«w»erti»e 114 Machinist 229 Modical Equipment Maintenance Technician 304 Electric Malar Repairman 341 Parts Clerk 314 Radar Crewman (Designated Sot) *23 Finance Tfpist-Ctofc M3 6ombsigttt Mechanic 740 Radio Operator, • Intermediate Spaed 754 Radio Mechanic, AAJ 661 Surgical Technician 941 Camara Technician — jpen now m many Military Oc cupational Specialties in addi tion to those listed below. Call at your nearest Army Recruit ng Station for hill details. In*e balk your dhcbarga caHtihala end M.D.A.G.O. Fern KM. 1516 Douglas Street Omaha 2, Nebraska So. Omaha tT.S. Postoffice 24th and ”VT Sts. Coach Rains’ Football Hopes for Lincoln U. j ___— :—_ __ JEFFERSON CITY. MO—Ma terial for what Coach David Rains 1 in~oH U. (Mo) hopes will be a winninq team han b^n *-ele'f'!■ hrt-Htr'r ( overage ADVERTISE in the Guide k **~JjELF Don't overload y^ur wI build or modernize pro NEBRASKA-IOWA E (LINCOLN UNIVERSITY (MO.) TIGERS ' IS 14 6 UPSET OVER LANGSTON UNIVERSITY JEFFERSON CITY Oct 19— Lincoln university’s surprise num ber one of the football season was the Tigers defeat of the favored Langston university Lions, 14-6, in Oklahoma City Saturday even ing Cct. 12. Led by the brilliant defensive work of Lewis Polk, substitute center, who intercepted two pass es and ran SO and 85 yards for touchdowns, the Tigers played ttheir best game of the early sea "son. Both teams confined their scor ing to a hectic fourth neriod. Nei ther team in the earlv stages of the game could get their offen sives to click for scores. Three plays after the beginning of the fourth period, Langston [ suddenly opened up with a pass ) ing attack that carried deep into I Tiger territory where Polk, pluck ing the ball out of the air on hi3 | own 20 yard line, flashed 80 yard3 I in a broken field to give the Tigers a 6 to 0 lead, upped to 7-0 on Edgar Dunlap’s conversion. Returning five plays later to break up another Lion passing at tack, Polk intercepted his second successive pass and running 85 yards he made his second score of the evening. Dunlap’s conversion made it 14-0. The Langston eleven in a last minute struggle managed to score with p last minute pass. Inability to make the conversion left the scores' Lincoln, 14; Langston, 6. SHORT SPORTS BY JOHN M. LEE It’s Either one Thing Or Another for Sugar DETROIT—(CNS)—Ray Sugar Robinson, who is a clear-thinking young athlete, not given to super stitions and hunches, may break down any day now and get him self a first class rabbit’s foot or some similar charm to knock over the jinx that seems to dog his foot-steps. While the little grem lins have -pot teen able to take anything away from Ray’s lethal wallop and his —winning streak, they have succeed in making a nuisance of themselves. Just re cently, Sugar had to postpone a scheduled bout with Cecil Hudson because of a heavy cold. The match was moved up one week bringng the date closer to Hallo ween, when not only will there be jinxes and gremlins to worry about, but witches ard goblins too. Our money is on Robinson, tho, to beat the jinx ar.d Hudson too. No Armistice for Polo Grounds Th's November Eleventh NEW YORK CITY—The date on which we mark the ending of hos tilities of World War I will be anything but Armistice Day for the gridders from A and T college of Greensboro, and the Underseas Raiders, a Negro and white team from the navy base at New Lon don, Conn. These two teams will .v ^ s.r-_s. r . Re-Elect W. H. “BILL” DORRAKOE for SHERIFF A Successful Business Man and Taxpayer for 48 Years in Douglas County A Record of Law Enforcement, Business Organization and Ad ministration That Recommends His Re-election. HE HAS KEPT HIS PROMISES (Political Advertisement) ring system. When you vide ADEQUATE WIRING. .ECTRICAL COUNCIL i meet in a determined contest at the Polo Crounds, snonso^ed by the As'-osi-t^d Football Charities headed bv Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and New York’s Mayor O’Dwyer. Jackson Can 85 Yards But Yale Lost The Game NEW HAVEN, Conn—Levi Jack son, sensational fullback at Yale plav d enough football in the game against Columbia to win single handedly and to break the morale of tbe toughest opponents but Yale lost tbe game. -Tackson ouened in the assault against the lions with a breath-taking 85 verd run in the third period, but. his hrilkant plaving had made the other two touchdowns possible. Jackson rn tbmv’.gh the entire Columbia team to srov'ds one of the greatest thrills ever witnessed in a foot ball stPd:”m. He o’-ifteft chsne-ed nnee shook off Col umbia *ocki<-rs like thev were so man" flies, but Columbia won 28 to 20. Joe Louis Autobiography To Re Published Soot NEW YORK CITY—Joe Louis’ autohio°raphy is soon *o be nub i lished by Duell Sloan & Pearce. ! Contracts were signed bv Joe be fore his one round battering of I Tami Maurlelli at Pompton Lakes. Adequate publication date has not been set yet though it is hoped it will be ready for spring, 1947. The Week By H. W. Smith V. Newton of Redland, Calif., hanged himself in the county jail. He was being tried for the mur der of his two young dauehters and also an attempt to kill his wife. Mrs. Mary Anderson of Chicago disappeared from Silver Cross ; hospital Sept. 7 and was found on Oct. 8 sitting on the bank of Sprink Creek four blocks away. Tokyo Janan reports a shortage of coal. A young men’s associ ation expects to mine 10,000 tons and another group 30,000 tons to relieve the shortage. The shortage of oxygen has been solved and many patients lives will be saved. A city official said o::ygen tanks would be shipped from Nor til Bergen, N. J. to the New 1 u.a hospitals. Two Bulgarians have registered in the US as alien agents at our nation’s capitol. Baltimore, Maryland, celebrated the end of the OPA with m°at at OPA prices Oct. 15. US Price Administrator said in Washington, D. C. on Oct. he is sued a long list of items that would remain under OPA juris 'i LOANS $10 TO $1,000 You can obtain a loan fr»m us for almost any purpose and repay in small monthly payments. Salary loans on your signature only. We also make auto and furniture loans. We will gladly make you a small loan or a large one. Phone AT-2300, tell us what you need, then come in and pick up the money. Prompt Service COMMERCE LOAN COMPANY 190] Faraam St. Ground Floor Corner Larry Flinru Mann err GOOD READING ★ The GREATER Omaha Guide —__ __IM|, ! k From wnere I sit... Jcz Mzrcb #/ r '-— --- A: ~ 1 “Sura*ng Vo: 2: r r. 3 #/ID2'??Sr33!ii,‘'0/ Daring the war you heard a let shout hav «tM ii was going x 3 /cr reiurstiag r^ierer.s to jet cc icotsd k* .he . . . .:ow •*x>7’^ j6 “d.vO»ati„ ’ "V/oB* :,**«**<* «£ them “ir.vs re x our xwn. and r. liner, steam* toaji. you roaldr.’t as.e lor. hSasfe «1 3to are had: at the same . . . going with the same nice home-town girls (get ting mamhou, seme of them, and setting up families) . .. renewing the same aid friendships. Evoa isfcair asKisements arc the same. Nothing more errciti-.g Ih -1 fishing Seward’s cree.: cr site, ing horseshoes . . . enjoying ■ outdoor barbecue witn Trier._ < wholesome oe :r ar.d pleasant -a... If they’ve enangec at &JI it’s 1: the direction of maturity end toi erance... tolerance for oves-ptir.' except dictators, and thopj tre: would destroy our aemocrati: principles of live arc .e* _ive. An; from where I sit, that’s anothe; reason to oe prone of -hem. '^opyng.ct* 2Mot Lruieu ^reicen - _ diction. US senator Connally of Texas, blames the war on the American people. He said a US Congression al group supported the British at the expense of American interest. Attorney Megan of Chicago has initiated a new pardon for Roger Toahy the kidnapper who tried to break cut of prison. The attorney contends the case should be reopened. Gen. Eisenhower told the army to comb out the old officers who are unfit for service. cut with this mateo8806l- • WALTER H. HOLLINS, assistant professor, Lincoln University of Journalism, came to Lincoln thi} fall after teaching printing al Florida A & M college, Tallahas see, 17 years. A master of arts from the Uni versity of Minnesota, he was elec ted into rremfcershiD of that school’s chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national and professional journalism fraternity, last year while studying there. He is' the second Negro to gain membership. HELPS BUILD UP RESISTANCE against MONTHLY When Taken Thruout The Month \ . M'. £^ ^>. Also A Fine Stomachic Tonic! Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Com pound tors more than Just relievo monthly nain when caused by female functional monthly disturbances. It also relieves weak, tired, nervous, cranky feelings—of such days—when due to this cause. Pinkham’s Com pound has a soothing effect on one of woman's most Important organs. Taken thiuout the month — Pink ham's Compound helps build up resis tance against such distress. It’s also a very effective stomachic tonic. Thousands ilpcr, Thousands of Cirls and Women Helped— There tre no opiates In Pinkham’s Compound. I. ’s made from Mother Na ture's own wholesome roots and herbs plus Vitamin Bt. It helps nature. Thousands upon thousands of women. J- have reported remarkable bene J fits. If you suffer like this—we ./ urge you to give Pinkham’s i Compound a fair and honest al trial. At all drugstores. Jjfdta, & (Pvnkh&mb VEGETABLE COMPOUND MB* ., Metropolitan Utilities District of Omahp SPECIAL ELECTION November 5, 1946 NATURAL GAS PROPOSAL SHALL THE METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT OF OMAHA, AS PROVIDED BY THE LAW Of THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, BE AUTHORIZED TO USE AND SUPPLY STRAIGHT -NATURAL GAS? YES NO ■ This is the NATURAL GAS BALLOT Look for B November 9t ;%• JWTOAL GAS PROPOSAL appears at the bofb»m of the regular Metropolitan Utilities District ballot La (he Board oi Directors. The above photograph wiu enable you to identify the NATURAL GAS BALLOT, and read the proposal as it will be printed on the official ballot handed to you at the polls* Qroqhcr urgently neecfc -*■ yonr approval oi straight Natpral Oas . * . to insure economical, abundant gas ..seryfcia. ](pr f&e city—now and for the future* BOARD OF DIRECTORS Eugene D. O'Sullivan, Chairmen W. 0. Larson, Vice-Chairman Willard H. Quigley, M. L». Prank L Froit Allan A. Tukey C. Con Healey Walter S. Byrne, General Manager If you wantNATURAL GAS VOTE 0 YES (Folifciae* afljfcsertiaement )