The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 26, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    Springarn Medal Award Nomination Open
NEW ;YGRK. Oct. 17th—Nomin
aUooa for the fcpringarn Medal
are now o,en. Walter White an
nounced today. The award was in
• stituted- by the late J. E. Spring
arrt tthen chairman of the board
of directors of the NAACPj who
gave annually, until his death in
1U39 a g*id medal to the American
Negro »Ln had made the highest
or noMert achievement duri-g the
f>re reading year or years in any
honooMa fit Id of l.umaa endea
vor. The choice is not limited to
any one field whether of intellec
tual spirit ial. physical, scientific
artistic, commercial, educational,
or other endeavor, but Is presen
ted by the Committee of Award,
con tatm- •>' n‘.-e persons selec
ted by t’le-WAACP hoard of direc
tors, to t>e ; f r -on whose particu
lar act «r achievement deserves
■ ■! — !■ M ■ ■ I ■
*..e highest acclaim.
The award is usually presented
to the winner at the NAACP an
nual Conference, when a present
ation speech is delivered by a di
tinquished citizen. Springarn
MeJalist for 1946 was Thurgood
Marshall for his distinguished ser
1 vice as a lawyer before the Su
'recie Court of the United States
and inferior courts, particularly
• in the Texas Primary Case which
conceivably may have more far
’•caching influence than any other
i act :n the ending of disfranchise
me t based u-xm race or color in
he country: also in recognition of
’he unselfishness and courage that
he showed not only in this but in
it her cases for the right of Ne
groes to belong to trade unions,
n bis attack upon the Jim Crow
.ravel system and unequal educa
t: nal onportunities. and for ba
•< Political Advertisement)_
* C. O P. SLOGAN) ^
Yes WeVe E1 ad Enough
* —OF—
Reactionary Republican Senators and Congressmen. '
Enough Of
• # a
Do-Nothing Republican State and County Officials.
tou can remedy this on Nov. 5th by
Register Today—Right Now!
(Politioal Advertisement) POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT)
——-—■---—— — -,
v- ~ * mr —~ — v
JA. 4834 l|j
Margaret Smith j.
Beauty Salon jj
Expert Hair Styling ill
M. *
-(.nil for Appointments
2821 North 24th Street
M.4RC 4RET SMITH Omaha, Nebraska
.. rBEATRICE l. morgan
Dramatic Studio [
• attractive teaching methods.
' ' ' , • RECITALS.
2537 Patrrck JA-0559
— ■■ « . » —i.% —.» ■ ■ —
From where I sit Joe Marsh .
wf Who Gets Off Easiest—
f Men or Women?
Maybe, you saw that poll on who
the easiest life—men or wom
an? Of eyirse, the men voted that
the vom^n did, and the women «
tine versa.
' it would be the same in our town
faVr any family. Thad Phibbs
envifa bfs Missus spending the day
at 'home. With no hot office to at
tend ta. And 9We envies Thad his
luncheons ^-h the boys; and his
evening |3ps of beer with friends
(while Aa^cleans up the dishes in
the kit&ien).
Of course, none of it goes very
deep. Thad knows way deep down
that the Miaous has pienty of work
running a house; and Sue knows
Thad's f riendjf glass of beer is well
deserved rdaratiqn after a long
hard day’s work.
F rom whflfle £ dt, most husbands
* and wives may grUmhle now and
then — but they know in their
hearts it’s a case c4 live and let
'Iiv% give> and.take, that comes.out
■ ■ ■ i ~ •
Copyright, 1946, United States Qr ewers Foundation
*- nuiuaii ngnts and justice in
the courts.
Other previous winners of the
sward have included Paul Robe
on, Judge William H. Hastie;
Richard Wright: Charles R. Drew;
Mavian Anderson: James Weldon
Johnson and Walter White.
Recommendations for the aw
ard .should be submitted in writ
ing to He Secretary of the Com
mittee of Award, 20 West 40th
t. New York City by January 1.
Such cowmiinications should tell
in dr-tail the achivement of the
person recommended as meriting
the Springarn Medal.
Exhibition Of
Latin American
An exhibition entitled LATIN
an review at the Joslyn Memorial
Omaha, November 15th through
December 1st.
This exhibition has been organ
zed Ijv the Council for Inter
Vmerilan Cooperation under a
rant from the Department of
Rate. It consists of recent draw
aga by approximately forty ar
iats from the following countries:
Argentinia, Bolivia, Chile, Erazil,
Cu' a, Ecuador, Mexico and Vene
zuela. Among the artists repre are: Jose Clemente Groz
">' Alfredo Zalce, and Guillermo
f Mexico; Mario Carreno; Lois
Martinez Pedro, and Amelia Pela
sz of Cuba; Candido Portinari.
Lasar Segall, and Percy Lau of
3razil; Rodolfo Castagna of Ar
gentina; and many others.
The lenders include; Tha United
States Department of State; The
Library of Congress: The Museum
of Modern Art; The San Francisco
Museum of Art; Mr. and ivirs. Fre
derick W. Eeckman; Mr. Edgar J.
-aufmcnn, Jr., M. Knoedler and
Comoaxy: Peris Galleries: Klee
mann C-a’lcries; Hugo Gallery,
Pierre Matisse Gallery; Arnold
.’eiigmann; Rey and Company and
The exhibition is the first of its
in:, ever assembled for circula
tion throughout the United States
Most of the drawings have never
been shown before, and many were
made es ecially for inclusion in
the show—Roberto Berdecio’s Hec
tor Poleo’3. and Francisco Dosa
manies’ among them. No attempt
has been made to present a com
plete survey of contemporary La
tin American drawings. Instead,
the emphasis has been on a sum
mary presentation of the major
trends andstvles e'tisting in sev
eral of the lead-'ng art centers.
Preparatory sketches for mural
and oil paintings, studies from life
as well as finished drawings form
the exhibition. Pencil, pen and ink
charcoal, and crayon drawings are
The exhibition was assembled y
the Council at the request ot the
Museum of Cranbrook Academy
of Art, Broomfield Hills. Michigan
where it was on view during the
month of July. The itinerary also
includes the following museums:
William Rockhill. Nelson Gallery
of Art. Kansas City; San Fran
cisco Museum of Art; Cleveland
Museum of Art; Joslyn Memorial
Omaha; Wadsworth" Atheneum,
Hartford: and Institute of Modern
Art. Boston.
"rile Council for Inter-American
Cooperation conducts a program
of Latin American circulating un
der a grarf from the Department
of State, exhibitions now touring
the countrv include: Six Latin
American Painters and one-man
shows by Frederico Cantu an An
tonio Sotomayor and, of course,
Pedro Figari.
A “first" in the history of news
naper publishing in the United
States was achieved with the ini
tial publication this month by
mass circulation newspapers of a
weekly column bv an American
Negro leader, Walter White, secy,
of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo
Particioatihg in this trail-blaz
ing event were representativ news
papers with a combined total cir
culation in excess of 2.500 000
daily. Thev were the New York
the Chicago DAILY NEWS: the
Detroit FREE PRESS: the New
ark STAR-JOURNAL; the Tren
ton TIMES: and the Mansfield
The Walter White column is un
der consideration by a number of
other publishers who are awaiting
public reaction in its initial appear
ance. Originally projected as a
thrice-weely commentary on the
*ews of the day with especial em
phasis on the field of race rela
tions. the newsprint shortage,
which has caused many newspa
pers to throw out advertising and
severly curtailed the amount of
Space they were able to devote
to features, has made necessary
the change to once-a-week.
, In the current column, White
writes on “The Negro Vote” and
sees no perceptible drift back to
th$ GOP. He concludes that “the
present temper of Negro voters is
to ignore party labels completely
and to vote independly on the re'
cords of the candidates”.
Every home should haye a Colored
Doll. Give her a beautiful Brown
skin Doll for Christmas. Three
flashy numbers with Hair, Voice,
Moving Eyes. Shoes, Stockings,
nisei v dressed. Prices: 19 inch,
85.50; 21-inch 6.49; 22-inch, S7.69.
Order Now! If C.O.D. postage ex
tra. (Wholesale and Retail). Write
254 West 135th Street
New York 30. N. Y.
• Read The Greater
'Toward Bell, who is employed as
''’el’-Captain at the Skirvin hotel
f Oklahoma City presents Mrs.
Portia Washington Pittman, the
■’ ter of Fooker T. Washing
ton, with a check for $584.15 to
he used to helr> in the establish
ment of a National Industrial
Training School at the birthplace
of her illustrious father, as a
hart of the Memorial which will
commemorate his life and perpe
tuate his ideals and teachings. S.
J. Phillips, president of the Booker
T. Wa-hington Birthplace Memor
ial. looks on.
In answer to a recent appeal
sent to Mr. Dan W. James, mana
ger of the Skirvin hotel, Negro
employees contributed $334.15 and
‘he hotel S250 to total the check
•••hich Mr. Bell is presenting above
Mr. James is to be commended
| for his splendid spirit in eviden
| cing so much interest in the wel
fare of his Negro r>loyees and
- Pell and his fellow workers
are a shining example of what Ne
I gro workers can do when they
I pool their forces in a project for
racial betterment. Mr. S. J. Phil'
lips, president of the Memorial
movement, states that his organi
zation is both gratified and en
couraged by the splendid spirit
shown by the management and
staff of the Skirvin hotel.
The Skirvin hotel of Oklahoma
City is one of the country's large
hotels that employs a large staff
of Negro workers. Mr. Howard
Bell pictured above, is the Bell
1 Captain in charge of more than
200 of these workers. Being effi
j cient and progressive, each year
Mr. Bell makes a tour to study
! hotel plans. and centers where
Negroes axe being trained to meet
industry’^ needs. His present tour
is to include studies in Alabama,
Tennessee and Illinois.
* * *
“We have attempted for a num
ber of years to stop crime by
lynching, but there are some con
ditions which cannot be lynched
away. One cannot lynch disease,
• ignorance or ddleness; these con
I ditions can only be cured by edu
! cation, but they can be helped
I forward immensely by the best
i white people and the best colored
| people in every community con
J ferring frequently together con
I cerning their mutual interests”.
I —Booker T. Washington
City Improvement Plan
Is Progressive Movement
Omahans who have long turned
their noses up at the city’s dusty,
creaking auditorium will have a
chance to do something about it
at the November 5 election.
E. F. (Gene) Agee, general
chairman of the City-Wide Im
provement Plan today pointed out
that a bond issue of $3,540,000 for
a big and modern auditorium is
i a leading issue among the 14 im
provement projects to be voted
Objective of the improvement
program is to develop Omaha into
one of the nation's progressive ci
The City - Wide Improvement
Plan committee recommended that
the new auditorium should be an
all-purpose building,” said Mr.
Agee. ‘ It should be air condition
ed and there must be ample park
ing space available for use not
only while the auditorium itself
is in use but for public parking
day or ight, which would make it
possible to secure additional re
Mr. Agee said that the com
mittee believes that a properly
operated auditorium not only
would pay all of its operating ex
penses but it also would produce
a sufficient surplus to take care
of improvements and upkeep.
The proposed civic center, rough
ly governing the area between the
post office building and the Jos
lyn Memorial, has been deemed
the logical site for a new auditor
Voters must also decide by spe
cial ballot if they wish to have the
proposed auditorium governed by
a non-partisan commission to su
pervise the carrying out of the
A second improvement project
to be put to vote is the proposed
construction of an $185,000 naval
The proposal developed follow
ing an announcement of the navy
plan to train in this area a re
serve force adequate to man one
It is expected that the naval re
serve will produce for Omaha an
I annual payroll of from $250,000 to
j $300,000, representing the pay for
J permanent naval officers in charge
! and the salaries of an estimated
1000 local participants.
Mr. Agee declared that the type
of structure required to serve the
navy will be so designed and con
j structed as to include a drill hall
and gymnasium, shops, school
rooms, movie projection room, of
j fices, and lockers and gunnery
j facilities.
A site at Carter Lake Park I
has been recommended for the
building although an exact loca
tion has not been set.
Urging Omahans to keep in
mind the city-wide- improvement
plan’s slogan "Omaha Vision is
Your Decision”, Mr. Agee recom
mended that voters go to the polls
early in the day in view of the
great number of ballots to be
There will be a separate ballot
for each project in the improve
ment program.
In addition to the auditorium and
armory, other projects to be voted
upon include ci%'ic center; public
market; Airports; river-rail ter
minal and river transportation;
fire stations; police stations; grade
crossings and viaducts; streets,
boulevards, and traffic signals;'
parking; parks, playgrounds, and
recreation; municipal garages; and
dination Committee of the Con
ference of Progressives, meeting
here today to further plans for
progressive political action, esta
blished a Nomination Committee
to consider the affiliation of new
groups, planned a second meeting
in Washington on November 8th
and announced its intention to
hold a second major conference
sometime in mid-January.
CIO president Philip Murray, as
temporary chairman presiding
over the Coordination Committee
Voters To Choose
Between Mixed and
Pure Natural Cy|E
Vlanufacured Gas is not llmroived
n Election. MUD Offiolis Slate
In a statement released this
week officials of the Metropoli
tan Utilities District MaphaMavd
that Omaha citizens wlU NOT? be
Ieciding whether the Ss to
lave manufactured or Natural Obis
in the future. They point out Ihpt
regardless of the election ou|pome.
Omaha will be forced to ctmpgc
from 50 percent to 75 pwer.t
Natural Gas next summer, la or
der to meet the urgent demands
for more gas. The choir* la be
tween 75 percent Natural Gas or
straight Natural Gas.
The Utilities District bad to
curtail all new Installation of gas
heating this summer because the
present gas plant capacity had
been reached.
"Omaha is now using a 80 per
cent mixture of Natural Gas, and
this mixture must be inOBHMd to
75 percent if voters do not ap
prove full Natural Gas November
5th”, the statement says.
“Gas engineering authorities j
have advised the city that a 75
percent mixture would be only a
temporary measure and that with
in a few years Omaha would have
no choice but to go to full Natural
Gas service. Putting off the de
cision to go to full Natural Gas
would practically double the
changeover expense”.
The statement says that “Ap
proving full. 100 percent Natural
Gas now will assure abundant gas
at lowest cost, for all rurooses
in the future and will avoid fur
ther inconvenience, expense and
difficulty as Omaha’s gas demands
increase through the years’’.
District officials fear that the
small Natural Gas ballot mav be
’ost or ignored by voters among
the stack of ballots that will be
handed them at the polls Novem
ber. For this reason. We District
is publishing pictures of the bal
lot and its text in the various
newspapers oublished and circu
lated in Omaha, in an effort to
familiarize citizens with the ap
pearance of the Natural Gas pro
posal and its significance.
“we expect this movement to ex
pand t obecome the most power
ful liberal or progressive organi
ation ever brought together in the
history of this country”. He an
nounced that Jack Kroll, C. B.
Baldwin, Walter White, A. F.
Whitney. Jo Dividson, Clark Fore
man and James Patton, president
of the National Farmers Union
would comprise the Nomination
Committee with Kroll acting as
chairman. '
Omaha Guide Publishing Co.
2418 Grant Street
Omaha, Nebraska
I consider it a and duty
to the people of the community
to offer a recommendation in be
half of James J. Fitzgerald. De
m An vatic candidate for County
Mr. Fitzgerald is thirty-eight
years of age, married, and has
been practicing law since 1932.
He served seven years as Deputy
County Attorney under James T.
English, and shortly after he left
that office, entered into the mili
tary service. He served for four
years as a member of the Army
Air Force and was released from
the service about the first of this
year. He was born in Omaha and
has lived here all of his life. Dur
ing the time he was a member
of the County Attorney’s office,
he tried many cases, both civil
and criminal, and demonstrated
his ability to handle the affairs
of the office.
It is my opinion. that he will
if elected, conduct the office in a
fair and impartial manner and
to the credit of people of Douglas
County. I know he will make a
good public servant apd will be
a credit to the office. I recommend
most sincerely, for your considera
tion.. James J. Fitzgerald for
County Attorney and solicit for
him your most aggressive support
(Tea. smart woman man by the thousands
know-how quickly Palmer’s SKIN SUCCESS OinV
meat works to repave the itching o! many ester*
Bally oeuaed pimple*, rashes, "spote" ecieme end
ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer's SKIN SUC
CESS Ointment has bedn proved for over 100 years.
Try it on the guarantee of satisfaction or mom*
back, 25e (Economy 75c size contains 4 times a*
much). At all stores or from E.T. Browne Drug Os,
127 Water St, New York Oty.
I Http complete complexion beauty silk PafsscrS
SUN SUCCESS Soap (e//eccWy medlcorndj SSs
^ 'p/g£>mjesiA
Vote For
Joe C. Stolinski
• He has Saved yon from Paying More than your just
share of taxes. j
• He Has Kept His Promise of being Fair in Employment. |
• Since He has been County Assessor, He has employed the |
Joe C. Stolinski following people from this Community:—;
i Mrs. John Adams. Jr., Mrs. Alice B. Harris. Mrs. Mose Ransom,
E Miss Pamona Banks, Mrs. James C. Jewell, Mrs. Cleota Reynolds,
E Mrs. Paul Barnett, Mrs- Shirley Kennedy, Mrs. Adele Richards,
: Mrs. Eugenia Chue, Mrs. Harry Leland, Mrs. Mae Pankey.
E Mrs. Charles F. Davis, Mrs. Leona Lee. Mrs. JarreU T. Sdfcft,
[ Mrs. Olive Davis. • Mr. Arthur B. McCaw, Mrs. Malcolm Scott, ’ =
E Mrs. Chas. Dickerson, Mr. Herbert L. McCaw, Mr. Burns Scott, =
= Mrs. J. C. Donley, Mr. C. C. McDonald, Miss Eva Mae Stewart,
E Mrs. Lucille S. Edwards, Mrs. Maggie McGowan, Mr. Lonnie Thomas, ’ =
E Mrs. Francis Fountain, Mrs. I. S. McPherson, Mrs. Victoria Turner,
: Mrs. Bessie Gordon, Mr. J. Westbrook McPherson, Mrs. Earl Van Foote*.
1 111llilllilllllllllllllllllllllllUllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiitiitioiiiiiiiinimiMmi 1111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiMniniiii **•. .
"id ycur vote in the coming elec
S'g-icd very truly yours,
Charles F. Davis.
(Civil Service)
1. Laborers
Positions open for laborers,
munition handlers, car wash
ers and scran handlers.
a. Salary-76c to $1.01 per hr.
b. Place-Ft. Omaha, Nebr.,
Nebr. Ordinance Plant,
Wahoo. Nebr. and Ft
Crook, Nehraska.
Closing date: October 28, 1948
2. Coal Mine Inspectors
a. Salary-$3.397 to 15,905
b. Place-various coal mining
sections throughout the
United States.
Closing date: November 7, 1948
3. Fire Chief
a. Salary-$3,021 to $4,149
per annum.
b. Place of employment—
Army Air Fields. Kearney,
Nebr.. Grand Island. Nebr.
and Cornhusker Ordinance
Plant, Grand Island. Nebr.
Closing date: October 24, 1946.
Anlication forms mav be obtain
ed from the Omaha Post Office.
Persons wishing general informa
tion regarding examination are to
call in person at the Omaha Urban
League, 2213 Lake Street.
Signed-—Leo Bohanon.
Executive Secretary
PI '» <1 I V TsTv *
1 nere it vitamin protection ^
for you, neighbor! When ^
you aupplementthe food you W
••t a«di day with One-A- ^
Dat (brand) Multiple Vita- ^
min Capsules, you get all ^
the vitamins known to be |
necessary in human nutri- ^
tion. When it is so .easy and T
inexpensive to take One-A- W
Day (brand) Multiple Vita- L
min Capsules, can you afford W
to be without them? To L
assure minimum daily re- W
quirements, take just one ^
capsule each day. Af oD W
druggtM ^
L^uAL uyitce OF MEASURE TO LA Vo.—i L.wJJ
AN AMENDMENT to Section 6, Article VII, of
800 P-] YES tk® Constitution of Nebraska, relating to free instruc
I I tien In the common schools, so as to require that the
801 I I NO legislature shall raise revenue for the schools from
I—I sources other than real property tax In a sum of not
less than Forty Dollars ($40.00) per pupil In average
dally attendance, and to provide for the distribution thereof among
the school districts of the state.
That Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of Nebraska
be amended to read as follows:
“Education being essential to the rights and liberties of the
people and to the welfare of the state, the Legislature shall provide
for the free instruction in the common schools of this state of all
persons between the ages of five and twenty-one years, and shall raise
revenue from sources other than a tax on real property. In a sum of
not less than forty dollars ($40.00) per year per pupil attending the
common schools of this state, the number of pupils to be determined
as being the average daily school attendance for the previous school
year. The fund thus created shall be distributed annually among the
several school districts of the state by the Superintendent? of Public
Instruction. This sum shall be distributed as follows: (1) Twenty
five dollars ($25.00) for each pupil In average daily attendance in ths
schools, (2) two hundred dollars ($200.00) to each school district
whose tax levy in mills for the previous year Is the average or mors
for school districts of Us class as provided by law, but in no event
shall any portion of this two hundred dollars ($200.00) make the
aid provided by this Section greater than one-half the previous year’s
current operating costs, (3) the remainder of the sum shall be
distributed to school districts as the Legislature may direct to equal
ize educational opportunity In the state.”
Secretary of State
AMiCNDllENT to Cecutitution of Nebraska r*
202 YES lating to and prohibiting denial of employmen*. to
any person because of membership or nonmember
303 NO ship in or resignation or expulsion from a labor or
ganisation; prohibiting any contract to exclude per
sons from employment because of membership or
non-membership in a labor organisation; defining “labor organization"
as any organisation of any kind, or any agency or employee represen
tation eoumvlttee or plan, which exists for the purpose, In whole or In
part, of dealing with employers concerning grievances, labor dis
putes, wages, rates of pay, hours of eeunioyment. or conditions of
work; prorMThg that said amendment be self-executing.
That the Constitution of Nebraska be amended by the addition
of the fofltnfbg arfWe;
“No perosm shall be denied omptupTireat because of membership
In or affiliation with, or resignation or expulsion from a labor organ
ization or because of refusal to Join or affiliate with a labor organiza
tion; nor shall any Individual or corporation or association of any
kind enter into any eon tract, written or oral, to exclude persons from
employment because of membership In or non-membership In a labor
"The term "labor organization” mesne any organization of any
kind, or any agency or employee ropikacwtatlon committee or plan,
which exists for the purpose. In whole or In part, of dealing wltb
employers concerning grievances, labor dtsputea. wages, rates of pay,
hours of eaepToymeut, or conditions of woA."
"Thft arOkle Is self-executing and shall supersede all provisions
In conflict therewith; legislation may be enacted to facilitate its
operation but no law shall Merit er restrict the provisions hereof."
Secretary of State
... 1111 ■ «"t' ‘ —mmi0
Be ffM omffor from %m4 d baliftto skS.WSt kBflk
«M>ri by c*«~4i «f fli. bead? WRITS US N0W tor;
pro<4 «f At pood randt* ov idgli1 home fc
v*f ■cee.eigflthsd tar a gras* mnv pKyit. Mara ttaSF
R rape* bearing Sag ead bead nairat geaa. Ne*H«g
to —»- Saad today for prSol ead 3f dgyr***1»a#*
Ho obRpM1
WECOMPANY, CWpJ.Sl& 'f^tSavisJlp&finEW
rni’ianrrwrrnw^—- ,
Read The Greater Omaha Guide!