The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 26, 1946, Image 1

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B iil •
Workers of the Community
Chest Campaign representing "H” ;
Division met at the Northside 1
YWCA Friday. Oct. 18th where
last minute plans and instruction
were outlined by Mrs. Morse Pal
mer. general chairman of the Wo
(Edited by VERNA P. HARRIS)
* * *
By Homer A. Jack. Ph. D.,
Executive Sec'y. Chicago Council
Against Racial and Religious
Peace begins on our street. Ar
bitrate the neighborhood wars be
tween Negroes and whites, Jews
and gentiles and we will have the
Internal health..and confidence to
lead the world to abolish war.
Brotherhood begins on our block.
Brotherhood is not easy. It is
doing the thing that hurts the
most if we crave neighborhood
approval. It's the thing that tou
ches our pride. It means living
next to a Jew. eating next to a
Negro, sitting next to an Ameri
can of Japanese descent, working
next to an American of Mexican
descent. Brotherhood is difficult,
since it’s easier by far to conform
to local prejudices.
Brotherhood is not passive. It
means speaking out when some
body turns a joke against a Ne
gro . speaking out whether or not j
the Negro is present. It means!
raising unpleasant issues. It means
calling the lie to bigotry. Brother
hood is active.
Brotherhood is not optional. Ki
ther we live as brothers or we per
ther we live as brothers or we
perish. White America suddenly
finds itself in a colored world: 1
colored humans for every white
man on this planet. And Christian
arrogance must be displayed by
black and white, Christian and non
Christian cooneration. Brother
hood is compulsory, .for survival.
Brotherhood is not fun. It does
not mean visiting Little Tokyos
or eating Italian food or slumm
ing at Negro nightclubs. It is re-d
ing pamphlets, distributing liter
ature organizing meetings, pro
testing to discriminatory institu
tions. voting bigots out of office
sunn rting those who oppose dis
crimination. Brotherhood is hard
Brotherhood is not theory. Ne
groes and whites can and do live
together, .without riots Jews and
Get ilea can and do work together
without friction. Americans of
Mexican an Itaian descent can
and do nlav together without ar
be l conflict. And that is the heart
en in • thing shout brotherhood. It
works. Trv it!
-A P A
.UK. \ I.O'ili I ITIZVN VOTK Nov. 5
T. H. Maenner
\»ur Power Company Board
M ill Need His experience
The people of Omaha will vote
for the first time on directors of
, v the Omaha Public Power District
at the election on November 5th.
f The candidates' names appear on
non-political ballot.
The District, created at the last
session of the State Legislature,
has seven members.. five from
Omaha and two from the territory
served by the Power Company
outside the city. At this election
two members are to be chosen
from the Omaha sub-division of
the District. •
T H Maenner, chairman of the
board of the Nebraska Power Co.,
and Gerald Collins. South Omaha
attorney and member of the
Board, are candidates for the of
fice Both Maenner and Collins
were appointed three years ag<*.
to ^serve on the Peoples' Power
Commission, and have since been
active in the transfer of the Ne
Jaraska Power Company to the
new District. ^ -
» While the Power Company is
still the property of tha Omaha
Electric Committee, negotiations
hSve been completed whereby the
«- District will acquire the property
of the Power Company in Nebras
Acceding to Maenner and Col
lins. this transfer should make
pose; hie a considerable reduction
in electric rates for the people of
the Omaha Public Power District.
men's Division and Mrs. Minnii
Dixon, chairman of H Division.
Workers shown in photo reading
from left to right are; Mmes.
Beckman; Roxie Anderson; Cap
tain Julia Galloway; Mary Fau
cett; Captain Greta Wade; C.
$798,587 FOR UPKEEP
Division quotas in the commun
ity chest campaign to raise $798,
587 for 30 Omaha health and wel
fare agencies were announced 'O
day by Harold D. LeMar, general
The ouotas are:
Initial Gifts division. $429,601;
Industrial division. $226,632; Na
tional Firms $38,650; Women's
division, $58,872; Business division
First reports of the campaign’s
progress were submitted early
Wednesday afternoon at a work
er’s meeting. Other reports will
be made on Thursday and Friday
and on Monday Oct. 28.
Chairman Lemar said it is ex
pected the seven day drive will
be completed on schedule October
29. Of some 4500 Omahans vol
unteering their services in the cam
paign, there are approximately
1800 who represent the Women’s
division whose solicitation is chief
ly in the residential areas.
An unusual gift to the Chest
was the donation of 15 inch ela
borately decorated cake with the
wording ‘Communitv Chest 1946’
The cake was the gift of the Pratt
School of Individual Instruction.
It was accompanied by the cash
contribution of $250 by the school.
The cake had been one of two
donated by the Jensen bakery to
the school for use as it saw fit.
The cake was turned over by the
Chest to the Hattie B. Munroe
Home for Convalescent Children
for their delight.
Education Is A
Sound Investment
Without good education our boys
and girls cannot get ahead in
life. Nothing we as parents give
them is as im-ortant as the kind
of edi'e^tinn thev get. We want
a beautiful Omaha: we al=
want our children to lead success
ful and happy lives.
November 5 is the day Omahan5
w'ill decide what will happen to
their public schools. Two choices
are provided for by the newly
adopted school budget. A school
term slashed from 36 to 30 weeks
providing for a loss of six weeks
of school in the spring; or two
full terras and a debt of $-155,000.
A dsrgerouslv small amount of
schooling would result from the
first nlan anil a crippling burden
of debt from the second.
A proposal will appear on the
November 5 ballot which, is pass
ed will enable the state to pro
vide about $40 for each pupil’s
ed-iration er»h year. With this
added income, Omaha schools
could keep on having a 36-week
school-year and perhaps even hire
a few additional teachers to re
lieve overcrowded classes and to
make it possible for teachers to
give our boys and girls a Kttle
of that personal attention that
means so much in keeping them
on the right path.
Action is urgent. November 5
is the day of decision. We hope
all our voting readers will vote
‘Yes” on the Stake Aid to Schools
Democratic Headquarters
The Northside Demacratic Head
quarters has just been opened at
24th and Lake Sts., Mrs. G. Aneita
Hayes in charge.
Will hold their Mens’ Day pro
gram Sunday, November 24th at
3 pm. at Zion Bapt. church.
Rev. F. C. Williams, pastor
P. H. Jenkins, president
« Phillips; Major Hazel Miller; Ri
ley; Chairman Minnie Dixon:
Mozee; Captain Mattie Taylor; F.
A. Lee and Beatrice Elliot. Mrs.
Aaron McMillan is also a major
in H Division.
As the Drive reached its half
way mark in H Division, Mrs.
Dixon said that members of her
division hoped to reach their full
quota before the deadline.
j March a 1R74. PT’BUSHING OFFICES AT 2420 GRANT ST.. Omaha, -Nebr.
i SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1946 Our 19th Year—No. 38
: New Bethel A ME. Pastor
Rev. H. W. Bletson
Rev. H. W. Bletson for six-years
pastor of the Allen Chapel church
of Cheyenne, Wyo.. under Bishop
Williams, has arrived in Omaha
j to assume the pastorate of the
Bethel AME church, 2426 Frank
lin Street.
Rev. Bletson who has been a
minister for 17 years, was pro
| minent in Cheyenne Civic and
Fraternal affairs having been pre
sident of the NAACP. Worshipful
Vlaster of Western Star No. 6,
_>rince Hall AFAM, Grand Lectur
er of the Grand Lodge of the Co
lorado Jurisdiction and a school
teacher in the Wyoming public
school., system.
Rev. Bletsoe preached his first
sermon in Omaha, Sunday, Oct.
20th at Allen Chapel.
Washington, D. C. Oct 16th—
Samuel R. Cassius, whose pro
tests against segregation and dis
crimination in the navy resulted
' in his being discharged as “unde
' sirabla'*, received word this week
' from the navy department that
the ‘ undesirable discharge given
you on August 25 1943, should be
changed to a certificate of dis
charge under honorable conditions’
The former sailor had been repre
sented before the Naval Board of
Review bby Leslie Perry, Wash
ington Bureau, NAACP.
tJassius, who was stationed at
Pearl Harbor and saw action when
the island was attacked December
7. 1941, had at various times while
in the navy written leters bo news
papers denouncing naval policy
I which confined Negroes to menial
assignments. After several such
letters were published in leading
Negro papers, his then Command
ing Officer wrote Washington, as
he (Cassius) would no doubt prove
undesirable on any ship, it ap
pears desirable to give him a spe
cial discharge with the specific
idea that he would enlist in the
army in a colored division in ac
cordance with his request. While
arx undesirable discharge would
rid the- navy of Cassius, it is not
considered the propter solution of
1 the ptroblem and it is therefore re
I commended that he be permitted
I to enlist in another branch of
South Side Man
Dies From
Stab Wounds
Ted Dalton 34. of 2610 Jefferson
Street was stabbed fatally Sun
day evening at 26th and Q Sts.
Otis Luster 34, of 1802 No. 18th
St., who is held on the stabbing
charge, claims Mr. Dalton was
attempting to break up his home
Inspector Franks said. Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Griffin of
5119 So. 26th. St. told police that
the assailant strolled Up to the
corner as they were talking to
Mr. Dalton and started a scuffle
with him. During the scuffle he
drew a knife and stabbed Mr.
Dalton several times. Mr. Dalton
fled, the couple related and the
knife weilder pursued him slash
ing him several times. The man
injured his leg in the fray, the
Griffins said, and started to limp
away. After Mr. Dalton collapsed
he died five hours after being
Joe Hartfield. Omaha profes
sional boxer was released on $100
bond to apnear as a state witness.
He allegedly drove Luster to the
scene of the stabbing, later car
ried him to the hospital for the
treatment of a slashed tendon.
Denutv County Attorney Phil
lip Kneifl also revealed that Ca
therine St. Cry, 19, of 1802 No.
18th St., sister-in-law of Luster,
is under a $100 bond as a state
witness. Mr. Kneifl said she ac
comnanied Hartfield and Luster
to the hospital. A preliminary
hearing in Municipal Court was
continued Tuesday at Luster s
request. He said he was unable
to reach his attorney.
the service”.
Cassius continued to protest and
a year later a new commander in
asking for the ‘ undesirable” dis
charge, justified his request on the
ground that Cassius had “openly
expressed dissatisfaction with the
naval services and policies. . torm
ented unrest, discontent and mal
content among the mess attend
The successful appeal now
makes the ex-sailor eligible for
educational, job and other G I
benefits. _
NEW YORK, Oct. 17th—Albert
Harris, Jr., and his father, Albert
Harris Sr.. are today safe in their
home in the midwest after a dra
matic return visit to Louisiana,
where on August 8th John Jones
was brutally murdered by a sad
istic mob and young Harris piti
lessly beaten before he made his
escape. The Harrisses are alive
today, however, because they made
the trip closely guarded by U. S.
marshalls, following a request ad
dressed to the NAACP by the Ju
stice Department that they be pre
sent when the Department pre
sented the evidence of their investi
gation to the Grand Jury in Mon
roe, Louisiana, last Saturday.
Since Monroe is notorious for its
Officials of American Legion, Roosevelt Post No. 30
Prepare For Armistice Day Observance
Officials of the American Le
gion, Roosevelt Post No. 30, who
met Tuesday at the Post Head
quarters, 24th and Parker Sts. to
outline plans for the Observance
of Armistice Day. Photo, left to
right: Porter Johnson, Chaplain;
William Pierson, Chairman of the
House Committee; John G. Flem
ing, Commander of Roosevelt Post
Ed Turner. Service Officer; Dr.
Flenoy L. James, Adjutant; Ralph
Underwood. Ex. Comftiittee anil
Frank D. Payne, Ex. Committee.
U. Supreme Court
Supports N.A.A.C.P. Action
NEW YORK, Oct. 17th—In an
appeal for a review, which the
registrars of voters in Macon Coun
ty, Ala., filed with the Supreme
Court in the case of Mitchell vs.
Wright, the Court supported the
NAACP’s position, and has denied
Mrs. George C. Wright and other
petitioners, the writ of certiorari
As was reported in the NAACP
press release of October ' 10th.
the denial of a review will result
in the case actually going to trial
upon the issues involved, .namely
whether as a matter of fact the
registrars in Macon County, Ala.,
had a policy, custom aeri usage
of preventing Negroes from re
gistering and voting in the county
and whether such practice is un
Urban League Outlines Future Program
Elks’ Ensemble
To Give Concert
•The Elks Ensemble is appearing
in concert for the first time in
their beautifully decorated hall at
2420 Lake Street Monday, Nov.
18th. Presenting some very fine
artists in music; anyone that cares
to hear this group of forty voices
and vocalists under the direction
of Mr. H. L. Preston, attend on
this date at 8:15 pm. No admis
sion will be charged. A very fine
program is to be arranged for
this occasion. All local artists in
spiritual gospel' and classics.
Ku Kluxism and mob violence,
Walter White told the Justice De
partment assume full responsibi
lity for the Harrises’ safety from
the minute they left the midwest
tern state where they are now liv
ing, under the care of the NAACP
until their return.
To do this, it was necessary for
the Harrises to place themselves
voluntarily in the protective cu
stody of the U. S. Government as
material witnesses. They, there
fore, were required to appear, at
a closed hearing, before a Federal
judge in the midwest, so that no
one would know about their plan
to go back to Louisiana. In that
State, they risked facing the mob
which the NAACP knew would
stop at nothing to close young Al
bert Harris’s mouth forever, as
he was an eye-witness to the
lynching and can positively iden
tify some members of the mob,
which included deputy sheriffs.
The Harrises traveled to Louis
iana in a drawing room, accom
panied by the Executive Secre- ,
tary of one of the NAACP bran
ches. and guarded by several U.
S. marshalls at all times.
They testified before the Grand
Jury on Monday, and left imme
diately afterward for their home
in the midwest. The announcement
that they had testified was with
held by the Justice Department
until their safe return was establ
NEW ORLEANS —Prominent
among the Crescent City’s offi
cial delegates to the sixty-fifth
annual convention of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor which
just ended in Chicago, was J
Harvey Netter. president of Local
1419 of the International Long
shoremen’s Association AFL, that
has a membership of more than
.3300 workers and is one of the
largest locale in America as well
as one of the largest longshore
men’s organizations in the world.
To Seek Enlarged Field
of Employment for Citizens
The Board of Directors of the
Omaha Urban League makes the
following announcement of the
League’s future program:
For over eleven years the Ur
ban League found it necessary to
work in the recreation, and com
munity center fields. The Board
believes with the coming of the
Near Northside YMCA-Commun
ity Center and the continued act
ivity of the Northside YWCA,
many of the recreation, and com
munity center activities of the
Urban League are now adequately
covered. The Board further belie
ves the League can be of more
value to the community by plac
ing greater emphasis on those so
cial, welfare, and community mat
ters which are the responsibility
of the Urban League and are not
being met by any other agency.
Listed, below is an outline of the
objectives of the Urban League
for the coming year.
A. Industrial Relations
The league's program in this
area will consist of the following:
1. Opening new areas of em
ployment for Negroes.
2. Aiding in the promotion of
industrial peace.
3. Acting in the consultative
capacity with industry, la
bor unions, and federal a
gencies where Negro labor
and employment is affected.
4. Making available testing
and training facilities for
Negro labor.
5. Carrying out a vocational
guidance and counselling
6. Aiding in the placing of
qualified skilled, semi-skill
ed. professional, clerical,
and technicallv trained Ne
groes into industry.
B. Housing
The League's Committee will
work towards obtaining the fol!’
1. Slum clearance,
2. Improvement of privately
owned and rented homes. ;;
3. Increased opportunities for
Green Book Issues
Tourist Guide
The Victor H. Green and Co., of
New York City has released its
1946 Green Book. The idea of the
Green Book is to give the motorist
and tourist a guide not only of the
hotels and tourist homes in all of
the large cities, but other classi
fications, that will be found useful
wherever he may be. Also facts
and information that the Negro
motorist can use and depend upon.
Drive On Bilbo Increases; Charged With Bribe Taking
WASHINGTON—The effort to
prevent Theodore Bilbo, senior
senator from Mississippi, from ta
king his seat in the Senate when
- it convenes in January is gaining
| steadily in momentum. The fight
| was started by Walter White of
the NAACP Immediately aided
and abetted by virtually the entire
Negro press of America,
j Sen. Bilbo will have no claim
upon the seat until after the elec
i tion in November; but since he has
won the democratic primary nom
ination without serious opposition
it is certain that he will be elec
ted to succeed himself.
Bilbo’s victory at the primaries
received immediate and serious
challenge from Ross Collins, 1 of
other candidates for the primary
nomination who ran closest to Bil
bo. Collins has received militant i
campaign that Bilbo had accepted
a $250,000 contribution from a
war contractor. In reply to this
charge, as well as to others equ
ally damaging. Bilbo has hereto
fore made only wisecracking re
joinders. But when Sen. Flanagan
(Ft. Mich.) recently reported "hat 1
inquiries were underway, presum- I
ably concerning the $25,000 con
tribution and other off-color trans
actions in ivhich Bilbo is said to
be involved, Bilbo reported at Jack
son. Miss., that he had "no com
Most powerful addition to the I
growing ranks of American citi-.
i zens determined to relieve the sen-1
I ate of Bilbo’s presence is News
Commentator Walter Winchell. On
last Sunday Walter Winchell at
tacked Bilbo on the ground of re
ceiving the $25,000 contribution
from a war contractor and went
further to mention other contri
butions of lesser amounts which
he had accepted.
Winchell frankly called them
“bribes”. Even more damaging
perhaps, was Winchell’s assertion
that Bilbo had made use of U. S.
Army personnel and material to
develop his private estate at Pop
larville. Miss.
So. long as these charges were
confined to his Mississippi con
stituency Bilbo could well afford
to answer them with his flippan
cies and references to Winchell as
a “kike.”
But the matter seems to be get
ting out of “The Man’s” hand and
he reports from his stronghold in
Jackson that he has “no comment'
During his campaign for the
I Senatorial nomination Bilbo gran
i ted a press interview in which he
i freely and brazenly admitted his
membership in the KKK.
But since that time the Klan
has run into deep water. With the
ceaseless hammering Governor.
NEW YORK (CNS)—Senator
Theodore Bilbo has been invited in
person to the “Unseat Bilbo” din
ner being sponsored here Thurs
day at the Hotel Roosevelt by the
Civil Rights Congress. So far he
hasn’t accepted. Guests certain to
appear are Rep. Gahagan and Paul
Ca holic Women Plan '
F. E. P. C. Campaign
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 12th—The
organization of campaign workers
who are leading Catholic parish
groups in support o fthe Califor
nia Fair Employment Practices
Act was outlined here today at
a public luncheon at the Mayfair
hotel. The luncheon was sponsor
ed by the Women's FEPC Com
mittee of the Catholic Interracial
Council of Los Angeles, which is
promoting support for the legisla
tion at the November 5 election.
Fr. George H. Dunne, S. J„ of
Loyola University, was the- prin
cipal speaker. His topic was “A
Catholic Looks at the Fair Em
ployment Practices Act”.
Negroes to buy and rent,
decent dwellings.
4. Cooperation with all groups
interested in better housing
C. Health
The League will work towards
improving the health conditions
of Negroes by sponsoring health
education programs, stimulating
the use of available services and
aiding in the obtaining of more
and better health facilities.
D. Welfare
The League assists in the devel
opment of self-help groups in the
community, in order that many
neighborhood problems can be
solved by the groups, or group ac
tion. Such problems as:
1. Sanitation,
2. Policy protection
3. Street lights,
4. Streets and alleys,
5. School, park, and play
ground facilities, are the
concern of the Urban Lea
D. Research and Statistics
The League will continue to ga
ther and maintain files on perti
nent facts concerning Negroes ir.
Omaha. These facts would be th«
basis for setting' up new welfare
services in the community.
F. Race Relations
The League's objectives Can be
attained only through the use of
a real and positive race relations
program. The League is working
towards improving racial under
standing and racial amity in the
The Urban League is a com
munity organization. Its purpose
“For Social Service Among Ne
groes’’ and its slogan. .“Not Alms
but Opportunity’’ expresses is
brief the scope and method by
which the League hopes to serve
the community.
The success of the League’s pro
gTam depends upon the ’coopera
tion of the community. We invite
and solicit your participation.
Signed May B. Taylor,
President. Board of Director*
Signed M. Leo Bohanon^
Executive Secretary
Camille Dunham in Piano Concert
bunday, Oct. 27, 1946 at 6:00
p. m sharp, Migs Camille Dun
ham will be presented in a riano
concert at the Northside Branch
YWCA to which the public is cor
dially invited. This recital will
last from 6:00 to 7:30. During in
termission. Miss Jackie Fisher will
render three vocal selections in
cluding one composition by Miss
The Artist for this occasion is
a recent graduate of Bennett col
lege having had experience With
orchestras, senior choir and ac
companist for groups.
At the present. Miss DUnham
is emnloyed by the local office of
the OPA. Her rich experience .with
music groups and the piano will
make the following program one
of interest to musie- lovers of the
Prelude and Fusrue . Back
Sonata Opera No. 0, 1st Move
ment .Beethoven
Polichinelle Rachmaninoff
Vocal Selections Miss Jackie
Prelude in G Minor - Rachmaninoff
Nocturne E Major. Chopin
Etude Opera 25 No. 12 Chopin.
Dewx Arabesques ... Ddmssy
None But the Lonely Feart J
. Tachaihovsky
Etude, D (Un Sospiro ^ Litx
To a Closed Casement Detl
(Tropic Winter Suite 1
Rhansodv in G Minor Brahmt
. - - *>.' s^£#5aLi ''-•f1ri^BHMtf xTiV'L.r.; . • J
$“mh i!th!: fi!0?eS',Wh?Sen,ed as a first lieutenant during World
Imp i'’Jhu filLst c°l°red air steward. He flies with the FlyWTW
Line. Jones has been acting as steward for Satchel P. ; ^e’s-Alf e/™*
nH hlc ‘^esro baseball team. The team has been flying with Boh Fp?w
ind hls team m a cross country tour. Pilot is SkiDDy Lane b F