-“TRY HOME FIRST” —* NORTH 24TH STREET BUSINESS DIRECTORY [~ You Save! Checks, BV a 'Peep-in* on this Alphabetically w vu wwtw) and Lots of Time Uassiried Business Directory. You May Find Just What You are Looking for “Right at Your Door, or at Your Neighborhood Store”. You Can also SAVE that Car Check and Lots, and Lots of Time! This North 24th Street Classified Business Directory Page is Your “Best Money-Back Guarantee”. .. ......_ /■ . You Can ftow Buy Your Fresh Fish OF ALL KINDS —AT T1JL— Nebraska Produce • Poultry I>re*»ed FRESH FARM While ‘IP Wail EGGS 2206 North 24th St. WE. 4137 Quality and Service > -.. ^ Cozy Grill —“Where Friends Meet and Eat”— Starting Sept. 1st Sea Food - Lobsters, Shrimps Oysters & Fillet of Fish 2615 North 24th PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS— JA. 4336 Geraldine Craig, Proprietor. jWkaon I4li 1833-35 North 24th St. Chicago Furniture Co. • LARGE SELECTIONS of STOVES and LAMPS Our Fall Special LOW PRICED CHILDREN’S DESKS k .. .. . ' BUD’S 7 exaco Service • GAS and OIL “ITe Appreciate Your Trade” 30th & Wirt Sts. AT-9760 k --- -- -* fine Quality [Personalized PRINTING -JUST CALL BAmey 0800 _ ■ / Buyers’ Guide • Services, Foods, Accessories, House hold Needs, etc., which may be bad « at these 24th Street Places of Business. ; EDITORIAL •BY GEORGE H. McDAVIS, Advertising Manager “ANOTHER FIRST* IN keeping with our policy of giving our READERS and ADVERTISERS the Best pos sible SERVICE. The OMAHA GUIDE is FIRST again with a new FEATURE which to our way of thinking, will be of IMMEASURABLE VALUE to all CONCERNED. WE are striving to keep a-1 breast of the times, with NEWS, ARTICLES & FEA TURES. KEEP your eye on this PAGE each week,— here you will find the answer to all your household NEEDS; and s Now that fall is here once mon and school has started. I’ve beei taking advantage of the coolei weather to have a real session o1 baking! My family is especiallj I fond of home'made cookies, and 1 try to keep my cookie jar wet filled for the children’s after-school snacks. Applesauce cookies art particular favorites at our house and my recipe is so simple thaj even amateur bakers have surpris ingly good results with it. Perhapt you might like to try it > APPLESAUCE COOKIES t *4 teaspoon cloves J - • cup shortening "" —* ' 1 eup sugar , t egg. beaten ' S cup thick unsweetened applesauce eup raisins . cup chopped nuts r'®ift together flour, baking powder. ' •oda. salt and spires. Cream together shortening and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg. Beat well. Add flour mixture alternately with apple-, sauce to creamed mixture. Add raisins apd nuts. Drop from spoon an ] greased cookie sheets about two j Inches apart. Bake in moderately hot 1 •*tn (400* F.) ten to fifteen minutea. , f Yield: Five dozen cookies. . / I’ve found this recipe especially good! And I feel right at home baking with white flour again, jThere’s nothing like fine-textured jwhite flour to make fluffy smooth, cakes, cookies or any kind of bakery goods. And I know if your family is like mine, they 4 will shower praises on Mom for hei1 .^fkijig 3 prowess after - the firsl ;*pbb!e on & homemade applesauce! SSSXkJ - ‘ PATRONIZE THESE AD VERTISERS. “Be Wise and Advertise in The Guide— The Midwest’s * Largest Weekly.” \ e A Crocheted Tablecloth for the Highly Discriminating f Ie"d * stamped, self-addressed envelope to this paper and receive comjjlete instructions on how to mak* ==![= m • For Fine Quality Printing CALL HA-0800 I •.-—i I m SNA CK Slop • HOT DOGS-A FOOT LONG—# HAMBURGERS • CANDY—# ICE CREAM—# MALTED MILK • REFRESHMENTS—# FOODS Open 24 Hours A Day 2108-10 NORTH 24TH Phone. JA. 9434 - ^ We Are Once More LAUNDERING CURTAINS • SEND OR BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS— „ 2401 North 24th St. Phone WE-6055 Cleo’s Nite & Day Bar-R-Q 2042 North 21st Street • ALL KINDS OF DELICIOUS SANDWICHES —Open 24 Honrs A Day— Deliveries Made—Small Fee Charge the same. CALL ATlantic 9541 _ _ PINEAPPLE DESIGN MOST POPULAR IN AMERICA, VERY EASY TO MAKE There is certainly no need to take a poll to determine which de sign is America’s most popular one..this is absolutely true when it comes to crocheting. Never a day goes by but that requests come pouring in to needlework ex perts from crochet fanciers seek ing information concerning the latest pineapple motif. They are swamped with such statements as these: “I have had so many com pliments on my pineapple table cloth I would like to make another won’t you please send me some more pineapple designs”. Watch this paper every week for one of the new highly attrac tive pineapple designs and you will learn how to save money for other needed purposes and beau tify your home at the same time. The pineapple motif will be pre sented in many lovely variations and you must get your crochet hook whirring through the thread and learn to make yourself an aron, a chair set. several types of tablecloths, bedspreads; doilies, runners and other household fur nishings that are really created : just for your approval. I NEGROES HAVE LESS * SUICIDES, Says Britannica NEW YORK CITY (CNS)—Ac cording to the Encyclopedia Bri tannica, 1946 Book of the Year, there are less suicdes among Ne groes than among white people in the United States. The suicide rate among Negroes is reported as 4.8 per 100,000, whereas among white males it is 16.4. Similarly there is a sharp differences among the women of the two races. Percent age of white women is 5.9 but Ne gro women total 1.3 for the same per 100,000 population. r JOE LOUIS’ HANDS UNVEILED AT RECEPTION NEW YORK CITY (CNS)—Ray Shaw, the only artist who sculp tures hands exclusively, has done a beautiful cast of Joe Louis, “for tune”, the hands which made him famous. At the reception held in his honor at her 55th Street Stu dio, Miss Shaw, who has done the hands of many celebrities, inclu ding FDR, Irving Berlin, Einstein, Jack Dempsey and Guy Lombardo, entertained guests of sports and theatrical worlds and many friends of the bomber himself. And when Miss Shaw unveiled her portrait, Joe broke out into a big smile. —. I .. " Neighborhood Furnace Co. 2111 NORTH 30th ST. -GUTTERING SPOUTING & REPAIRS INSTALLATION OF OIL, GAS, COAL, also STOKERS ESTIMATES FREE A m—^r| A & TERMS ARRANGED ID 10 ✓ ~ 11 " — ACROSS 1 A river duck 8 Rever berated 10 Deserve 11 Motherless calf 13 Entertrin 14 Elevated train (shortened) 15 Greek letter 16 Jumbled type 17 Part of “to be” 18 Varying weight (Ind.) 19 Narrow, connecting waterway 23 Foundation 24 Particle of addition 25 Muscular spasm 26 Web-like 28 Simian 31 Native metal 32 American moth 33 International language 34 Bone (anat.) 35 At home 36 Courage 39 Middle (Law) 41 Rub out 42 Reticent 44 Negative pole of electrolytic cell DOWN 1 So. Am. republic 2 Egyptian goddess 3 Memorandum 4 Thulium (sym.) 5 Mountains (So. Am.) |, Solution la Next Uaae. ' 11—n—T3—r:—rr—r: I -1- I 1 I No. 17 8 Heathen image 7 Support ~~ 8 Pay, as a bill 9 Ten cent pieces 10 Charts 12 River (Eur.) 17 Neuter pronoun 18 Bag 20 Contest of speed 21 Some 22 Fish ' 23 Storage place ! 25 Sign of infinitive 26 Weaving instrument 27 Accented syllables (pros.) 28 Molybde num (sym.) 29 Appearing as if eaten 30 Time long past 32 Lifeless 35 Peruvian f Indian 36 Interdiction 37 Dry 38 Wash 40 Dry, as wine 43 Expression Answer to Port!# Number 18 r-1 S«rl»» 0-4* 1 THEY’LL NEVER DIE * gfe* n—— -— -111 n 1 ---- I- THIS BRAVE MAN - BORN I FREE IN WL, 1615- BECAME ONE OF 70HN BROWNS MOST . TRUSTED AIDES AND FRIENDS AS PART OWNER OF A PLOT OF LAND AT LOON LAKE. N.V. "OLD SPECS" HARBORED ESCAPING- SLAVES ON A SITE KNOWN TO THIS DAV AS -HODOE HILL". HE FOUNDED A NEWSPAPER. "THE RAM'S HORN"-ESTABLISHED THE FIRST DAV SCHOOL FOR COLOREB CHILDREN IN BROOKL'iN, N.V. AND WAS THE FIRST COLORED U.S. CUSTOMS INSPECTOR FOR THE STATE OF VA./ THANKS TO MRS. LOLITA > HODGES WILLIAMS OF _ _ BRCOKLmN.Y. VJSLUS A. (OLD SPECS') -#rr EDITOR, STATESMAN, €, EDUCATOR v iL ~ r woo at. mu* I Continental Feature Read The Greater Omaha Guide! .——— ■■■ ■■■ ——— % -MARY’S CHICKEN HUT • BARBECUED RIBS & SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN “Ol/fi Chicken Dinners Are Something to Crow About.” ROBERT JONES, PROPRIETOR JA. 8946_ 2722 North 30th St. . - - . - Gabby’s Service Station; 24th & Ohio Streets Appreciated. ★ To All Our Friends—Your Business Will Be Complete Line of Lubrication & Accessories JA 8848 GABBY WATSON, PROPRIETOR *■■■’ i , / FINLAY '^COMPANY] | ' -ICE % —24 Hour Service— * SCORED ICE AND CUBES (Open Sundays) WE. 0232 24TH & SEWARD v -. . ■ - -