SOCIAL Activities ^.BY jDLIA AT-2680 agTSni==-icrii_»e==. „_ . »_—J? UL ' I HR WIEY IS BRIDE OF ELMER WOODS Miss Elena Marie Bradley, the daughter of Mrs. Marie Tassin and Mr Elmer Woods of Lawrence, Mass., were married Sunday, Sept! 22 at 10 o'clock in St Benedict's Catholic Church in Omaha. The j Er. Joseph Moylan S. J., perform ed the ceremony, assisted by the St. Benedict church choir. Mrs. Wiggins, organist. The altar was banked with gladiolias and ferns and white carnations. Mr. Pittman Foxall was best man, Mr. A. Brooks, usher. The bride wore a fitted bodice of white satin and a buffaint skirt of net with demitrain, which shim mered over white nylon silk. The long veil fell from a rhine-stone studded crown. She carried a white prayer book. Mrs. Kathryn Napier aunt of the bride, was matron of honor wearing pale pink organdy gown with fitted bodice and full length skirt. Rhine-stone jewelry added charm. She also wore a co ronet of aqua studded with silver ‘ sequins and carried pink carna- 1 tions. u j A reception was held at the home of the brides’ grandmother, Mrs. Ella V. Thompson, 2412 Wirt Street Out-of-town guests inclu ded Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Tassin and sons Mitchell and Gene of Scottsbluff, parents and brothers of the bride. Mrs. Woods graduated with honors both from the Crawford FORBES FURNITURE CO ‘EVERYTHING for the HOME’ [ UW e. Appreciate Your Trade” •*012 SOUTH 24th STREET MA-5116 ^. it=-- ■ lL- . -|L— ■ If=-. -n stop Folks Taikizi \jur ' * v XT % XX XX X X Ye* — people u ill talk about your gray, drab hair - about how much oiucr you look — how much prettier you u *d 'o he. Don't let gray hair rob you of die pleasures of youthful looks and pop t crity. Put rich, natural looking, beautitui color into your hair with Larieuse. Z*QGt\ ifuvwtffer HAVE BEAUTIFULLY COLORED NATURAL LOOKING HAIR Color Your Hair This tasy Way , To give your hiir new, rich, naiu ral looking color i black, brow n, j blonde) start using Godcfroy's a Larieusc Hair Coloring NOW... I acts quicklv— goes 00 eveniy ” — won’t ruo off or w ash out — unaffected bv heat —permits per n.audits ana sty lish hairdos ... known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give your money back If you're not 100',"c satisfied. fat kit RwtaiIH. SHAMPOO with latwnl Shampoo Sofpfp *«>'»•"« Hop# Coiooftg. GODEFROY’S JaxUute tlAIR COLORING CAUTION: Use Only os Directed on Label. Nw < tea't »n lwi~« UHYBKi seed $1.25, (ins 25 cents Fed. tax. direct tt. .. butter *_ It. 1511 line Stieet, St. Lees -.3 . He. high school and the Creighton U. in Omaha. She was an instructor in the schools in Leavenworth, Kan Mr. Woods, who was recently discharged from the Army Air Corps, is employed as a weaver in the textile mills in Lawrence, Mass where the young couple will make their home. * • * * FORMER OMAHANS VISIT FROM CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. Felton Price of Santa Barbara, Calif., are visiting relatives and friends in Omaha. Former Omahans, this is the first visit here in 25 years. Among the relatives: Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fletcher, A. Clare. A friend is Mr. Ed “Bear cat’ Wright of South Omaha. • • • RAYMOND R. BROWN ENTERTAINED Among the entertainments held for Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Brown was a dinner party Tues day night by Mr. and Mrs. Mal colm G. Scott, 1405 No 23rd St., other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Virgel Shobe and Mr. and Mrs. Ilarvey Carter with whom the Browns visited while here. Mrs. Robert Myers entertained for Mrs. Brown on Wednesday at a Pokeena Party while Mr. Brown was being entertained at a stag by his Alpha brothers at the home of Mr. Saybert Hanger. A lunch eon was held for Mr. Brown by the local chapter of the Frontiers of America. Members present were! Dr. Herbert Wiggins: Rev. M. C. Williams: Mr. John Butler; Mr. Ryland Melford; Mr. Duward R. j Grooms and Mr. Arthur B. Me- * Caw. The Browns asked the Oma ha Guide to say that they were sorry that they were unable to contact all of their many friends in Omaha during their short 3-day visit. * * * LEAVFS FOR NEW PASTORATE Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Reynolds of 2719 Corby St. left last week for the new home in Fort Scott, Kansas where Rev. Reynolds will take over the pastorate of the Methodist Church there. The Rey nolds' were accompanied by their two sons Abraham and Theon. * * * ANNIVERSARIES Tuesday, September 30th was the 12th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade of 2715 Binney Street. Also celebrating their anni versary on the same date were Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Sanford who celebrated their 29th anniversary. * » • RETURNS FROM PORTERS’ CONVENTION Mrs. G. M. Adams of 2602 No. 27th St., returned to her home on last Monday from her vacation. She visited for a week in Chicago as houseguest of Mrs. Luvinta Roberts. While there she attended the Convention of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and Au xiliary. Mrs. Adams also visited for a week in St. Louis as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mattie Pruitt, wife of Rev. G. H. Pruitt Grow Gloss Beauty Shoppe 2512 North 24th Wishes to Announce the Appointment of Two Additional Operators. Call AT. 3036 for Appointments Elise Turner, Prop. Maher-Kelleher Insurance Agency lea- Estate, Rentals, Insurance VOTARY PUBLIC 2424 BRISTOL ST. JA-6261* | We wish to Announce THE OPENING OF THE j: G & J Smoke Shop i: ;J 2118 NORTH 24th Street Everything in the Line of !| CIGARS, CIGARETTES, & !| SOFT DRINKS !| \'r Jackson & Godbey, Props. J Johnson Drug Co. I ! 2306 North 24th —FREE DELIVERY— % WE 0998 |j ■■•m I Says Mrs. D. M. Nowland —3032 Avenue "L” “Our Electric Renge Is Superior in Every Respect” “There are so many things I like about my Electric Range,” says Mrs. Now Ij-jJ. “that I couldn t even begin to name them all. I've cooked electrically now for over a year and found it the best method in every respect. It’s almost unbelievably clean . . . it's convenient, safe, fast, and thrifty, and results are certain. My family agrees that food cooked electrically makes tetter eating,’ too. Now what more could I ask? I have the cleanest, finest way in the world to cook—end my fam* ily likes the results. We’re REALLY SATISFIED with our Electric Range!” ***** An electric range in YOUR kitchen will bring you the same complete satisfac tion. You’ll discover for yourself all the advantages of this modern" cooking meth od, and you’ll agree that electric cooking is m a class by itself! £2ictuc Coo&Hf H ClIAN • FAST * SAFI * ECONOMICAL • MODERN and while in St. Louis she met the mother of Joe Louis, World’s Heavyweight champion. Many so cial courtesies were extended to the Omahan during her two week stay in Chicago and St. Louis. ♦ * » ENTERTAINS CALIF. VISITOR MR. AND MRS. REESE Mrs. Lillian Williams of Berkley California has been the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reese of Binney St. The occasion for her visit was Mrs. Reese’s birthday which she celebrated on the 22nd of September. After ten days in Omaha, Mrs. Williams left for a visit in New York City. On her return to the coast around the first of Nevember, Mrs. Reese will join her in Berkley. * * * WOMEN’S SOCIETY OF CLAIR CHAPEL Thursday evening, October 2nd, Mrs. Ivars Caldwell of 2725 Ma ple St. was hostess to the general meeting of the Women’s Society of Clair Church. 17 members en joyed Mrs. Caldwell's hospitality during the evening. Business was taken up in the general meeting and Rev. C. C. Reynolds gave a short but inspiring message to the ladies. A lovely luncheon was served by the hostess and every guest enjoyed the delicious repast. * • • VISITS SGT. DUDLEY & WIFE Mrs. Ida Brown of New Albany Miss., has been visiting for the past four weeks at the home of her daughter and son-in-law De tective Sgt. and Mrs. C. C. Dud ley of 2902 No. 25th St. Mrs. Brown will return to her home in New Albany on or around the fourteenth of October. » * * CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Jo Anne Galloway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd V. Galloway of 2814 No. 28th St., celebrated her seventh birthday Saturday, October 5th. * * * MRS. REYNOLDS HONORED A handkerchief shower for Mrs. A. L. Reynolds was given by the Womens’ Auxiliary of Clair church at the home of Mrs. Tenola Grey of 2524 Patrick on Tuesday, Sep tember 30. The shower was a com plete surprise to Mrs. Reynolds, and was given in her honor as a going away event. Many beauti ful handkerchiefs of every descrip tion were received by her. An im promptu program was given dur ing the evening, including group singing, two readings by Mrs. Reese, a solo by Mrs. C. C. Rey nolds, and numbers by a quartette made up of four ladies from the group. A delicious luncheon Was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Grey. • * * DETROIT ATTY. IS VISITOR Attorney Harold Bledsoe of De troit, Michigan was in the city on a two-day business trip this week. He stopped at the home of Atty. and Mrs. John Adams Sr. While here Atty. Bledsoe visited with two cousins, Mrs. Arthur B. Mo Caw and Mr. Chauncy McFarland. He also renewed friendship with a fellow Detroiter who is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Clar ence Singleton. * * ■ VISITS FROM ARKANSAS Mrs. Loretta Smith Douglas of Little Rock, Ark., will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Lee of 1620 Lake Street. She will arrive here Oct. 11. Mr. Douglas’s father Mr. H. W. Smith is on the staff of one of the greatest Nebraska news papers, the Omaha Guide. * * » MRS. CHESTER PULLUM ILL Mrs. Chester Pullum who has been ill at home for some time at 2608 Wirt St. is still confined to bed and would appreciate it if her friends would visit. HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Ada Stewart who has been confined to the hospital, is now at her home 2921 No. 25th St., and doing well. * * * VISITING Mrs. Ethel Bryant, formerly Ethel Cole is visiting at the home of her parents 2928 No. 25th St. Mrs. Bryant who makes in Los Angeles, Calif, will be in our city about two weeks. * * * RETURNS FROM BROTHERS’ FUNERAL Mrs. Vardia Corbin, 2011 North 28th returned from Denver, where she was called to attend the fun jral of her brother, Joseph Boyd * * * 3IVEN RECITAL Lester Corbin gave a song rec tal at Bethel Church So. Omaha. Mr. Corbin is a singer of great -eputation. * * * COMES TO BURY BROTHER Dr. Theodore Lowery of Kansas City, Mo., has been visiting his cousins Mr. and Mrs. John Murry, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Anderson and bis aunt, Mrs. Laura Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson. Mr. Lowery was called to Nebraska because of the death of his bro ther Ralph Lowery of Columbus, i a r— Dr. Lowery returned to his home on Thursday. • • * SPONSORS BANQUET Nebraska State Federation c Colored Women will sponsor it 41st anniversary banquet, wit program Thursday, Oct. 17 8 pm., Masonic Hall, 26th and B!c do Sts. $1 per plate. Mrs. Pinki Anderson, state president. * * * VISITING DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. John Rhone c Dallas, Texas are in the city visit ing their daughter and son ar grandchildren. The Rhones’ are th parents of Mrs. John Dotson an Mr. Arthur Simpson. They will \ in the city for two weeks. * * * RECORD SHOP Mr. Clark wishes aV his friends to drop into the Elec tronic shop and look over his cq> plete stock of records. • • * RECUPERATING Mr. Henry Black of 2919 Nort1 25th St., is recuperating at horm after being confined to hospital, having had an operation. * * * MARRIED Miss Dorothy H. Brown, 2403 I. 28th Ave., daughter of Mr. an Mrs. Frank F. Brown was marr ied to Vernon Brown, son of Mr Sara Brown of Marshalltown, la on Sunday, Oct. 6 1946. The bride wore an informal blut wool dress, trimmed in gold and a corsage of yellow tea roses. The bride’s mother was very becoming ! in black sequin dress and pink ! carnations in her hair. Mrs. Sara Brown, the groom’s mother wan very attractive in a gray tailored suit. Out-of-town guests were Mr. I James Brown and Thomas Spen- 1 cer of Marshalltown. i The bride and groom left Sun- » day night to make their home in larshalltown. * * * HAS BIRTHDAY Little James and Harold Jean Rose celebrated a double birthdc Oct. 9th at the home of their rro ther and aunt Mrs. Mary Eliza beth Rose 966 North 25th Avc Each were wished very many more happy birthdays. James and Har old are cousins. * * * HOME FROi’.1 HOSPITAL Mrs. Eldridge Irving, 2207 Char les St., is home after spending 2 weeks in St. Catherines hospital where she had been confined. * * » TO ATTEND SCHOOL IN K. C. Miss Mary Justice of Los Ange les has been the houseguest of hbr cousin Mrs. Mary Mason of 3115 Miami St. for the past week. Miss Justice left Omaha Tuesday Oct. 8 for Kansas City where she will attend school while staying with her aunt. * * * PLAN COMMUNITY CHEST CAMPAIGN Thursday afternoon, October 2, a meeting of the Women’s Divi sion of the Community Chest was held at the American Legion bldg, in downtown Omaha. Instructions were given for the forthcoming Community Chest Drive which be gins October 22. Attending the meeting from Division H of which Mrs. Minnie Dixon of 2852 Binney St. is chairman for the 1946 drive were Mrs. Wanasabee Fletcher; Mrs. Greta Wade; Mrs. Julia Gal loway and Mrs. Mattie Taylor. * * * OUT OF TOWN | Mr. and Mrs. Spears and family | of 2423 Wirt spent Sunday in ; Glenwood, la., visiting relatives. * * • SURPRISE BIRTHDAY Sunday evening Mrs. Spears was surprised to find a birthday party in her honor by her children upon her return fom Glenwood. * * * GARDINIA GARDEN CLUB The Gardenia Garden Club are giving their fall tea at the home of Mrs. Bertha Bell South, 2631 Binney Street Sunday Oct. 20th. Hours 4-7. Clara Dacus, pres. , * * * VISITING SISTER Mrs. Katie Modesty of Platte City Mo., is visiting her sister Mrs Susie Hill at her home, 2606 Wirt Street for two weeks. * * » VOLUNTEER WORKERS PLAN COMMUNITY CHEST DRIVE Interest was very high Tuesday October 8 when Captains. Majors, and workers of Division H in the forthcoming Community Chest Drive got together at the home of the Division Chairman Mrs. Minnie Dixon to discuss ways and means and make preliminary plans for their part in the Chest Drive which begins October 22. An extensive campaign will be carried on by the ladies who are enthusiastic and confident of rea ching their quota. Plans were made for a meeting to be held at the YWCA next week Maps were also given out to the captains at this week’s meeting. Afterwards tea was served to the ■ -■ i ■ i GUARD THAT PAY CHECK 1 You, and you alone know how hard you work for ^ every dollar you earn. And A you know that you can t spend each dollar only f once! Make sure you get full value for every dollar spent. Hmky-Drnky Food Stores offer maximum val ues for your food dollar! Jiinwwu»«innt. ; TT^——T-r^^— * &IJ Shop and Food Save at Stores Cinderella Silver Slipper Crowning by Sub-Debs ■ lacing sym Siinner on Florentine ~ d. Oueen Cinderella 1946. i.t . 'V' -tress of Ceremonies Na idcock. Back row: Wil Millicent Wheeler, Bar *• Vona Mae Robinson, Estrelda Horton, Eva Mae Cooper, Della Jones and Charlene Dudley. Front row on stage: Joan McCaw, shoe bearer: Ladies-in-waiting, Katherine Wilburn and Louise Per ] kins. Standing beoiw stage, 1st I kit i.atherine Watts, ; Jean Pierce, Eleanor Jone. , Petty Jeane Smith, Thelma Pruitt and Lea Mae McKinley. 2nd row: Jan is McCaw, Regina Simms, Barbara Waldron, Betty Wilburn, Matsal onia r-ruitt and Eleanor Brown. At Sub-Deb Party Lois Brown, Sub-Deb’s ‘‘Queen Melodie” of 1945, shown dancing with Earl Hunnigan at Sub Debs Cinderella party, held at YWCA., September 28th. * * * * group by Mrs. Dixon. 1946 Majors are Mrs. Aaron Mc Millan of 2864 Miami and Mrs. Ha zel Miller of 2420 Seward. Cap tains are Mmes. Mary Faucett; Greta Wade; Mattie Taylor; Julia Galloway; Beatrice Elliott; Em mett Avant and Thearis Wiley. * * * STATE FEDERATION GIVES BENEFIT TEA Sunday ofternoon, September 22 the Nebraska Federation of Wo men gave a benefit tea at the home of Mrs. George Fitzpatrick of 2509 Florence Blvd. The tea was given for the purpose of rais ing funds for the proposed culb home was very sucessful. Mrs. Fitzpatrick was chairman in chg. of the event. Guests enjoyed a pro gram during the afternoon which featured a song “Do I Think I’ll Be a Good Soldier”; a talk by Mrs. Sara Walker based on “What the Federation Means to the Commun ity which included plans and ideas for the future club home. Closing remarks were made by Mrs. Pin kie Anderson, state president. Assisting Mrs. Fitzpatrick at the tea were Mrs. Smith: Mrs. Ernestine Kerr and Mrs. Ander son. The club wishes to .thank all friends who helped make their tea such a grand success. * * * ATTENDS STATE CONFERENCE Mrs. Aaron McMillan of 2864 Miami St., has returned to Omaha after spending Wednesday and Thursday of last week in Albion Nebraska where she attended the State Conference of the Congrega tion Church which convened there October 1st and 2nd. “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" — MAYO’S BARBER SHOP — Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE STREET Watsons j School of 5 J5caut£ I Culture i ENROLL NOW! I Terms Can Be Arranged 2511 North 22nd Street —JA-W74— VISITING AUNT AND UNCLE Miss Myra Leffall of Los An geles is visiting her aund and un cle Mr. and Mrs. Carrnett Leffall. Miss Leffall won the beauty con test of the University of Southern California and plans to complete her studies at Howard University. Miss Leffall will enter Howard in February and is majoring in pre med. She will be in our city for three weeks. * * * VACATION IN CHICAGO Mrs. Hazel Dubard of 2512 Ein ney Street is leaving on the 15th of October for Chicago for a two week’s vacation. Mrs. Dubard will be the houseguest of Mrs. D. S. Smith. • * * HOME FROM COAST Mrs. Mable Lee, formerally of Omaha now of Los Angeles, is in the city visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Howard McDaniels. » » * ENTERTAINS COCKTAIL PARTY ^Mr^Carrie McDaniels entertain Members of the SubOeb c lub, of which Mrs. Clarence Davis is sponsor, gave their _n^ annual Formal Dance and Silver idipper Crovvning on Saturday, Septem ber 28th at the North ide ..ICA. This years’ dramatization . ta ken from the fairy tale, "Cinder e la”. The queen for 1913 was Miss Florentine Crawford, sixteen years old, and a very brilliant senior at Central high school. Miss Crawford is an honor student and - is graduating in 3 year :. Br ides being an outstanding stud mt the new queen has a very p1 posing personality and considerable ta lent in singing, dancing and dra matics. She is also an accompli shed pianist. Her aims and ambi tions are to be a lawyer, artist 'd pianist. "tress of Ceremonies for the evei. ig festivities was Mi3s Na line Hancock. Last years' queen ’’Melodie I” was Miss Lois Brown, vho crowned this years’ queen with the symbolic silver slipper. The ceremonial pagentrv inclu ded the Princesses, each bearing royal candles. The Princes, eo were Nona Mae Robinson; Fstrelda dnrton: Eva Mae Cooper; Bar bara Scott; Millicent Wheeler; -ella Mae Jones; Charlene Dud ley; and Wilene Brown. Dutchess 'S were: Eleanor Brown; Lia Mae McKinley; Thelma Pruitt; Matso lonia Pruitt; Betty Smith; and Betty Wilburn. Countesses were: Barbara Waldron; Eleanor Jones; Jean Pierce; Regina Simms; Jan ice McCaw and Katherine Watts. Ladies in Waiting were; Kathryn Wilburn and Louise Perkins. Sil ver Slipper Bearer was Joan Mc Caw. The QUEEN, Florentine Crawford. Members of the ROTC in dress uniform, escorted the girls at the formal dance following the cere monies. Many parents and friends wit nessed the pageantry. Officers of the Sub-Deb chib are Miss Nadine Hancock, president; Miss Estrelda Horton, vice-presi dent; Miss Nona Mae Robbins, secretary; Kathryn Watts, trea surer and Mrs. Clarence Davis, sponsor. Besides the Coronation, the Sub Debs have many other activities including picnics, hiking and ba zaars. ed with a cocktail party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hughes of Los Angeles. * * * ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniels entertained with a reception at their beautifully appointed home, for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hughs of Los Angeles. * • • Mrs. Milicent Williams has re turned to Kansas City, Mo. She has been with her aunt, Mrs. Wright. * * * NEW BABY Mrs..Bessie Simpson is the very proud mother of a baby boy born Sept. 23 at University hospital. Mrs. Simpson is at her parents home, 2918 No. 26th St. • * * • MORE SOCIAL NOTES (on Page 8 this issued Do 11 ou Suffer from ARTHRITIS Start Now Taking DE'A'TOL I together with VITRIMINS . A multiple vitamin and mineral com bination in exact recommended potenc ies for maximum effect. From America’s Foremost Vitamin] Processors, comes this improved vita-1 min treatment developed for over 101 years. Reliable sources chart in-£ AO stances of people with joints^ ■'k yjjjj hopelessly stiffened and ■ j swollen who were able to re sume normal movements COMBIN. I and work. i I MAIL ORDERS FILLED SAME DAY RECEIVED The Vitamin Store! 305 South 16th St. Omaha, Nebr. I — — — _ _ _ A