* * * m A * 1 • L A £s* ^ srLjriwTiid.Bt. \t? ^ -imi ,*■ ■**« <*•>»» *» w^ 1—■ "BU To«T^K„^*jf “.*?f-J*|* 1 ot •■ oode.eUndiBt friend mm. riwc MM . ,tu,Lr(A, “^“"T* *dT'« «B«ly*in« three it) goee !T f»B —*• -fdr™. e^h ihd.” ^Tu ^tu™rFeOD,*d*Dt“' reP"' *Dd *« “• •—— *»i- «W ~>- S SJST'SrrlW1* — THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE f. 0. Box 11. Atlanta 1, Georgia N. H.—I have been married ever since 1940 and I have 5 babies. My husband was in the army for three years and has gone back for three more. Everytime I want something for myself he always tells me to wait a little longer. I wait and I only get babies.. I am fed up with my way of living. Now I love my babies and w'ant them but I have a mind to leave. What shall I do? Ans. Give up any idea you may have of leaving your husband. It for you to manage without his is a full time job for any mother and father, much less for a mo help Five little babies under six th«-r alone. Your husband is back in the army now and your income will bbe substantially increased. You need to begin operating on a budget and learn to handle your money wisely so that you can have a few more luxuries which will make life easier for you and the children. d C. M B.—My sister and her hu.~ my sister and I work ed r- < bought the house where we a lived. They moved out of the s • right years ago. Now t' ev j*--* v >• and I hear that my brother n ».. . !s going to sell the hour* r.iv s; t -r a-d I bought to gether. V*bat c r. I d:' about it? Ans: E.v»ri-’c the dr-'d to the place. It yoi: r~<1 \ ” si-ter are Joint owners t. t’ place, then it D Designed to speedily relieve simple headache and painful discomforts of neuralgia. B Measured doses — to powder fora for quick assimilation. B Proof of merit Same type for mula over one-third century. wt Standard U S P. ingredients Laboratory tested, controlled. ■-a In price range of everyone. jjj 10c and 3Sc sizes Caution: Use only as directed. cannot be sold without the con sent of both of you. Should you find that your name does not ap pear on the deedt you would have no legal claim to the property. Do not let this matter upset you. They bore the whole responsibility of rearing you and you are indebted to them for their generosity. Dont allow the incident to embitter you toward your foster parents' T. P.—The man I love wants I me to come to Langly Field to | spend a few days with him. I have plHanned to go. He loves me and I love him very much. Both of us are married but our life is unhap py. Should I make the trip to prove to myself if the feeling I have for him is real or infatuation Ans: Its infatuation arvi there is no need of your making the trip to find it out. You are flat tered and carried away with the thought of new adventure and of taking a long trip. A few stolen hours with another woman’s hus band is not going to help your pre sent situation at all. Any efforts toward proving your love should be directed toward your husband. Your marriage isn’t on the rocks yet and you could save it If you would quit acting like a high sc hool girl anl play the part of a married woman. E. L.—My boyfriend goes with other women right in front of my face. When he gets to drinking he doesn’t know what he is doing and he tells me maybe he will marry ir. ' and maybe he wont’ Now we r.-ere supposed to marry last Jan uary. Io do everything possible to please him. What am I to do? Ans: Quit being to anxious to please him. He is shoving you around and has no serious inten tions at all. If you car.'t keep him away from has liquo’ and women long enough to woo him, how could you expect t hold him if you suc ceeded in mr—in" him? Show him that you too h"ve a little • fun. Pate the oth — fellows an \ : let him do a little worrying. B. J.—1 worked at a ccfo an ! I had to quit They got mad about it. Now they are asking me to j come back an i work for them. Tell me what to do? Ans: Take yeut old job back as it pays well and you throughly enjoyed working for t’-ese folks. True, they were upset because you left without any notice b ’t they did not understand that it was sickness in your family that call ed you away. X. M. C.—Your column is won derful. I read every issue. Tell me please if I should expressed my Classified Ads Get Resuits* Would Like to Buy 39 to 42 model car from private party. WA-8289 RUMMAGE SALE Clean & above average clothes 20th Paul St. Fri. A Sat.. October 4th and 5th. WANTED! Want* the rent of email Apt., for man and wife, no child ren. Call JA. 9532. CHICKEN DINNERS MARY'S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 N. 30th St., JA. 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are Something tc Crow A bout. Robt. Jones, Propr. HOME LAUNDRY WANTED! We Specialize in Flat Work and Ruff-Dryed Bundles. We Mend and Sew on Buttons. • PERRY HOME LAUNDRY 1110 North 23rd St.AT-5623 • FOR SALE A Coal Circulating Heating Stove, Practically New—Used only two mo. Price <40.00. Call JA-3274. • For Reni 1 -room in modern home at 2764 Grant St., Call AT-2330 ROOM FOR RENT: for young lady. JA 6283. Mrs 11. Johnson. FOR SALE—Seven room House, 1914 No. 40th St. Needs repairs. Make offer. Call HA-0978. • FOR RENT— Two rooms to two Young Ladies. Phone JA 6283 House for Sale. 2515 N. 17th St 54.500, 5-r’m bungalow 1-wk pos ' # Al'TOS lFAX I tv: SELL IS YOVR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Farnam • MeBrady Products Orders Taken at 2506 Burdette St., Telephone J Ark so a 7284. —Mrt. C. M. Eider. ■ KB1G A PLATtflNO 8MT BIG SALE—Oraaeoata, all sixes Shoes. Ne Siam pa; LaAlas Dresses Rup. Beta. Gas Stores and Ol Stores. “We Buy aad Sell" — TEL AT. hm mi N. *th ST, WANTS APARTMENT Wanted Apartment at Once! Call ATlantic 2115. DAY NURSERY Mother’s Care 2537 Patrick, JAckson 0559. • $50.00 REWARD For unfurnished Apartment or five room House— Rent or lease. Call' WE. 4312. FOR RENT—1 Large Front Room Furnished—WEbster 6470 FOR SALE CHEAP One ladies, cony dyed Seal Fur Coat, size 1 4. Worn only two months. Apply at 701*0 South 17th Ave. • Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT. Small apart ment. Call ATlantic 9780. Ask for Mr. Jones. FURNISHED RODM Downstair* for man and wife, 2507 Hamilton AT-0992. HELP WANTED Couple for Cook and Caretaker— Good Salary. Colored Old Folks Home, 933 North 25th St. JA-0704 Piano, bed, raise, furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. iW & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Bay, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART •511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEhster 2224— "Everything For The Homeu ; • SLEEPING ROOM tor Single man or couple. HArney 7059. HOUSE FOR SALE ^ acant, ready to more into, eight rooms, all modern, full basement, double garage, large lot. Phone the owner at AT-7783. 53,750. Beautiful Drape Suits all sizes Oxford Go. Co. 1101 Farnam LAINUBIBS * CLEANERS EDHOI.M A SHERMAN MOl North 24th St WE. S05S EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North »tth $t. WE. 103* DRESSES AND COATS, Size 44 and Children’s Clothes CALL GLen. 4065. DO’S AND DON‘TS: Smokers—Lay your smoke screen where it does not offend non-smokers. Be considerate of others. ... .. .-. .-... thoughts to my husband? My pro blem is my step daughter. Some times I think that either she or I will have to go. Ans: Remain mute as this sub ject is one that is best not dis cussed. You can improve the sit uation by winning the love end fondidence of the girl. You pos sess the qualities required to helo change this girl5s attitude toward you. Your love and persuasion would do much more for her than cringing her father into the pic ture. He loves you both and it would hurt him to have to choose cetween you. Versatile Twosome — JAME rayon fabric—two contrast* 3 ing colors. You can wear the iqua rayon crepe blouse with your rnits, and the black crepe skirt with nany other blouses. You’ll get lots )f wear from this outfit—and it will >e extremely serviceable. The rayon abric has passed laboratory tests or good wear. To get good service Tom rayons, learn how to care for Jiem properly. We’ll be glad to send rou a free copy of a new leaflet. ‘How To Iron Rayons,” if ypu will lend a stamped, self-addressed enve ope to the Women’s Department of ■his newspaper. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT.... Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimniimimiiimiiiii ,24th & Lake Sts. T> PRESCRIPTIONS ' Free Delivery —WE-0609— Duffy Pharmacy MUniiiiiimiimiiHiiiiiinniniiimtiHi LARGE LOAD PREFERRED Kindling per load $5 00 BLACKSTONE LUMP COAL $1160 per ton JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT 5631 GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO lot*, earner and adjoining, on souther eat corner 21st and Grace. Extensive frontage on both 21st and Grace. Ideal for 3 or more homes, or especially antted as Church grounds. Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A3W or Call HA-080#, GOOD READING ★ The GREATER Omaha Guide r* 3404 Bedford Ave. Is located on a double corner lot, 100x128. 6 rooms, all modern, and with a downstairs bedroom, kitch en cabinets, oak floors throughout automatic water heater, garage. Price $4000. Mr. Beckman AT-4976. AMOS GRANT CO. I Realtors AT. 8380 ! f • For Fine Quality Printing CALL HA-0800 PEKFBCTI r JIM‘STEELE'_" ./By MELVIN TAPLEY MAkSO TOPPLED OVER, Apw©my ufELB&My THEHU6EFEUQWH#? , flMiyCUTAWWBOPK/ |BW^3S7m?El ■m^AXU6ED.jV\U5T ■l£ |f«gET RIPOF H6j BREEZY By T. MELVIN "*"*** 40U>J6;/UARIE/1 L&N, YOU CERTAINLY p4/'UU gET YOU- fe£r- 0ESIPES^HEEET4ME YAJOMORRCW/ KNOW HOW TO PICK'EM/ rrHINK 4^4 PRETTY Bf^FY HER. O'OSrRAPHYl ^H€y4 CUJE/ j ^WELL/ Pv^HCW&W0|^/• rms IS AMERICA ---- ‘ . I _ __ — Br JOHN RANX3 Indiana f MANUFACTURER 4 MAINTAINS 'HUMAN , i RELATIONS' COUNSEL* AS AID TO // \ employees... . 5 .• - //: ■ // Counsel helps J ( FIND BABY SETTERS. ---- .Investing in HUMAN RELA TIONS erxomal Pays off • • "PROBLEM$, W,TH WCREAS M FINANCIAL AND INC RETURNS )V FAMILY MATTERS T0 empl-°yee RECEIVE UNDERSTANDING T?D1 HELP... I EMPLOYER. -"L l-ll---V ^ huckleberry: finn \ • \W/mT a AMMUTe.. SPlT UMOERI ^ y \ . OKA"/- \T ISN'T The TvArmecPiFM ' \ GoTTA HFARTRUPH A STOPAE^ I (VA\ SoTrtlRSTV ) / HERES A GRASSHOPPER. SHM.. EXPECTE>RaTion\" iCWjKICT; I WI ntntsi ovr.n -- V c spiT J I sptT poRVoy VM AU VAUCK, THAT _^ t "-- \. V VT*3 JOST AS SooO— PiOKT (NoW ^pa’ItRURN* i'll I ^rrrr ' DON£ ,r -—w fljesfsesjw / / w---- v posters< > I i iwj, - u —/ SQUIRE EDGEG A IK-Why Use Your Fists When Your Wits Arc OX. „„. ... bm—M—^. . ii . ii I. i ■ n trrrnnni . The Week By H. W. Smith A nine-year-old boy of Sundard Alta Canada helped save a bus load of school children when the bus threatened to overturn on Sept. 18. The bus drived was in jured. Sydney, Nebr. had 2 hours of snow flurries Sept. 19 but the ground showed no white. Seven slot machines were sto len from the Veterans of Foreign Wars Country club Sept. 19. Four persons were killed in a bomber crash Sept 20 in National Park, Washington D. C. Twenty dollar bills fluttered from a Louisville and Nashville RR train Friday Sept. 20. School girls and boys ran after the mon ey. The currency sack busted when it struck the wheels as it was be ing thrown from the train. US Senator Barkley of Kentuc ky saj$s the OPA is hard to kiH. Two large trees planted by Bri gahm Young when the Mormons wintered in Florence of Omaha will be cut down. Joe Louis pitched the first ball at a basebabll game in Newark, N. J. on Sunday Sept. 22 and was given a big hand by the large crowd. Mrs. Marie Murphy fell from the third floor of a downtewn ho tel in Omaha Sunday morning Sept 22. She died from the injur- - ies. A blind golfer shot a M in 9 holes Sunday Sept. 22. He won the American Rex Bucks Trophy at Birmingham, Mich. Cornerstone laying for the Chil dren's hospital was held Saturday,{ Sept. 28 at 2pm. Judge Kent Martin of Atlantic, "Next Door” By ted shearer. TAN TOPICS * c»«.« Continental Tlftn ‘‘Please. . . .I’m fishing for Mackerel, Not for Sucker* !” | thanks roF-^sn r-—s CP |f V VM1 - . _‘’Do I get that raise, Mr. Pinchpenm ?” Iowa shuttled between two coun ties holding court on Friday Sept 20 at Glenwood and Red Oak. He had a drunken driving case and a special court session. One million housewives will vote on the OPA as the meat dealers union are seeking the public view on conditions in Chicago. Ballots will be issued to every indepen dent food dealer and they are hoping for a change. Related Industrial Classes Classes will begin Tuesday, Oc tober 8, 1046, at 7:30 pm-9:30 pm in Blueprint Reading for the Build and Blueprint Reading for the Machine Trades at the Adult Even inf School, Omaha Technical high school, according to E. H. Parrish ' Supervisor of Trade and Industrial Education, Omaha Public Schools. These classes will be held on 1 Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30 pm-9:30 pm with enroll ment open to those persons whose regular employment requires in formation related to blueprint •eading and shop mathematics. Additional Information mav be )btained by calling the Adult Evening School, HArney 1964 * Day) and HArney 3712' (Even ngs). Jtcnd YOUR Neipspaper ror the BEST in News ★ Read The Omaha Guide