The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 28, 1946, Page 5, Image 5

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22nd and Willis Avenue
Reverend E. B. Childress, Pastor
Mason Devereaux, Reporter
And I saw heaven opened and
behold a white horse; and he that
sat upon him was called Faithful
and True; and in righteousness he
doth judge and make war: Revel
ation 19th Chapter and 11 verse
was taken as the text yb our min
ister for his Christian message
Sunday morning, September 22,
1946. Several interesting and in
spiring thoughts were as follows:
The Kingdom of God has been ad
vanced through men by God who
have clarity of vision. If God's
Church had lived up to its oblig
ations, the world would be a great
deal different today, and finally,
it is better to be loved by God
and hated by the people, rather
than hated by God and cherished
by the people, because in the fin
al analysis, one must answer for
^ his sins and kickedness.
Visitors Mr. and Mrs. John Fos
ter, guest of Reverend, Mrs. W.
Cunningham from Kansas City,
Mo., Mrs. Althea Vann, former
member of our church and now of
Oakland, California and Mr. John
son of Kansas City. Mo. *
As we come to the final week to
pay our Annual Conference claims
victory is assured if we all give an
extra push and pay our $3 by Sun
day September 29, 1946. The Ush
er Board rallied to this great cause
Sunday by giving $25.00. Let
each and everyone contribute his
share according to his God given
ability. We must keep the Christ
ian banner of St. Johns forever
flying that it might become a bea
con of one love for our church;
our desire that our children will
always remember that our church
has never faltered or failed in its!
Annual assessment and our desire |
that St. Johns will continue to lead
this end of the Nebraska and Kan
sas Conference, financially and as
well as spiritually.
Let us all be sure that we have
purchased our tickets for the King
Solomon Wedding, Monday Sept.
30. 1946. Mrs. R. C. Price, Presi- (
dent and members of the Ever
1 Ready Club solicit the attendance
of members and friends of St.
Johns to this Christian project in
the interest of our church. Come
out and spend an evening with this
/ group.Time 8 p. m.. . Place our
Church and date, Monday Septem
H ber 30, 1946.
, The Sunshine Charity Club and
its president Mrs. John Adams Sr.
urged all members and friends to
come out on Sunday evening Sept.
29th at 8 p. m. to their Special
Service ‘ Thy Kingdom Come.”
The Young People and Mrs. E.
B. Childress thank members and
friends of St. Johns for the sup
. port of their musical treat Sunday
September 15, at 8 p. m.
The Senior Choir under the ex
pert direction of Mrs. Pearl Gib
son rendered a beautiful and spir
itual-filled musical all Request
i Program Sunday September 22nd
in song. It was the last Request
Program of this conference year,
and one of the outstanding of the
year. The program was thorough
□ %’ enjoyed by all in attendance.
The Minute Men and Women’s
Auxiliary will hold their meeting
at the home of and Mr. and Mrs.
Mayo,, 2801 North 24th St. Sunday
September 29, 1946 at 4:30 p. m.
The President Mr. A. R. Goodlett
urges all members please be pres
ent, business of importance.
The Watchmen will hold their
meeting Friday September 27,
1946 at 8 p. m. with Mr. C. W. Tea
at the home of Mrs. Maude Ray,
2865 Miami St.
Mothers send your children to
Sunday School every Sunday morn
ing at 9:30 a. m. Attend our morn
ing services at 11 a. m. Evening
services at 7:30 p. m. Visitors and
friends are always welcome at St.
* John the friendly church at 22nd
and Willis Avenue. Come and
worship with us, won't you?
30th and Corby Streets
H. H. Schauland, Pastor
Sept. 29 is Sunday School Rally
Day at Hope Lutheran. The Sun
Iday School begins at 10 am. We
hope to see many new pupils en
roll in our Sunday School. In the
service at 11 a. m. the children
will present a short program and
the sermon by the pastor will deal
with the need of religious educa
tion. We beg both parents and chil
dren to be present. Visitors are
heartily weloome.
Wm. J. Bryan once made a state
ment that modern parents are apt
to forget: “It may be all right for
our children to study geology, but
it is far more important for them
to know about the Rock of Ages
Dthan about the ages of rocks”. To
all parents God says: “These words
which I command thee this day
shall be in thine heart: and thou
shalt teach them diligently unto
thy children and shalt talk of them
when the u sittest in thine hoiise,
lit a JJffif «
. __ _ J -op Money Beck
For quick relief from iMhzn* caused by eczema
*U4e»e's foot, scabies. mmpies and otter itcBmj
oonditipnai »se pure, cAilin* mydicated, liqiai
D. D. B. Prescription. A d& ws formula
Grease less and stainless. Soothes, comforts anc
quickly calms intense itching:. 35c trial botfk
provosijl0* money-boct. Don't suffer. Ask vow
druggist'today for D. D. D. PBzS<rtlllWI
Eczema Itching,
: -Burning- Distress
Gets Quick Ease and Comfort
Get a bottle of stainless, powerful,
penetrating lioone's Emerald Oil.
i The very nr.-t application should give
you comforting relief and a few short
treatments convince you that you
, have at last found the way to over
come the intense itching and dis
tress. Mnone's Emerald Oil is easy
and simple to us#—greaseless—stasn
. less—economical—promotes healing.
Ask for Moone's Emerald Oil. Satis
faction or money back—good drug
gists everywhere.
Gas on Stomach
Relieved m S minute* or
and when thou walkest by the way
and when thou liest down, and
when thou risest up".
Again He says: ‘Train up the
child in the way he should go; and
when he is old, he will not depart
from it”. Let us heed the Lord's
The last guest speaker on the
International Lutheran Hour is Dr.
Lawrence Meyer of St. Louis, Mo.
Hear him over KBON at 11:30 Sun
day morning. Sept. 29th.
Sunday October 6, will mark the1
official beginning of the 14th Lu- j
theran Hour, as Bringing Christ to
the Nations rounds out thirteen'
seasons of service to Christ and
country. The new series of pro- i
grams will be inaugurated in con- j
junction with a mass meeting held 1
in conjunction with a mass meeting
held in Constitution Hall in Wash
ington, D. C.
This date also marks the return
to the air of Dr. Walter A. Maier, !
Professor of Old Testament Inter-1
pretation and History at Concor
dia Theologicol Seminary, Saint
Louis Miss. Speaker on the Luther
an Hour since its very beginning,
Dr. Maier has seen the program
grow from a small broadcast over
two stations in the mid-west into
the world’s most wide-spread
broadcasting system.
At present the Lutheran Hour
is heard in English, Spanish and
Portuguese over 905 stations in
the United States, Canada and the
following territories and foreign
countries: Alaska, Argentina, Au
stralia, Brazil, British Guiana, Co
lumbia: Chile; Costa Rica; Cuba;
the Dominican Republic; Dutch
Guiana; El Salvador; Equador; Fiji
Islands: Panama; Paraquay; Peru;
the Phillippines; Hawaii; Haiti;
Mexico; Mozambique: Nicaragua;
etc. The Lutheran Hour is heard
locally over KBON on Sunday
mornings at 11 o’clock.
Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor
The oGspel is always new, al
ways powerful. It never grows
old nor loses its power, but stands
the rugged test of time.
Rev. F. P. Jones pastor of Cor
inthian Baptist Church of Detroit,
Michigan was present at the Sun
day school hour. At the morning
worship he delivered an encourag
ing and powerful message from
Corinthian 15:58. The subject _
"Keeping On.” The holy spirit
was present and our hearts re
(by Rev. William C. Kernan)
There is an unmistakable
trend in the air in favor of
the recognition and revival of
religious and democratic prin
ciples and the implications
which flow from them. Free
American society and all the
racial and religious groups
which compose it and have contri-J
buted to its growth stand to gain
thereby. Racial and religious bi
gots just as surely are being
thrown for a loss.
Speaking recently in New Yorks
Roman Catholic Cathedral, the
Rev. Robert E. Woods went all the
way in support of liberty and jus
tice for all when he said, “Com
plete universal love of neighbor is
the test of our love of God. Be he
atheist or believer, black or yellow,
Jew or Gentile, God commands us
to love him under pain of the loss
of heaven”.
On the very same same day in
the Cathedral of St John the Di
vine. Mr Spencer Miller ( consul
tant on industrial relations to the
national Council of the Episcopal
oiced within us.
At the evening worship service
the Pastor broke the bread of life
to us. St. John 15:58 was the text
for his sermon. “My Word has no
Place in You” was the subject.
This was a wonderful sermon and
we know that each and everyone
enjoyed this message.
Among the visitors present was
Rev. F. P. Jones of Detroit, Michi
gan who was formerly the Pastor
of Mt. Moriah.
Announcements for the week are
as follows:
Next Sunday evening the Choir
is given a request program. Ev
eryone is invited to come and en
joy this treat.
Friday evening all the men and
boys and women and girls also are
invited to be present at the church
at 7:30 p. m. Business of import
The sick of our number are as
follows: Sister Georgia De Carnot.
Sister Mamie Glass, Sister Mar
garet St. Clair, Sister Ida Willis,
Sister Josephine Boyd. Sister Ada
Stewart and Brother James Lind
say, St. Josephs, hospital.
Church was saying much the same
thing. “When the bell tolls in re
ligious and racial persecution, he
declared, “when it tolls for any
member of a minority, it tolls for
you and me To meet the challenge
of this period or reconstruction to
help create a lasting peace by com
batting the sense of racial bigotry
and religious tension, has become
today one of the great obligations
of our time”.
Within days of these pronounce
ments by spokesmen for the church
came the words of Mr John Steele
national commander of the Ameri
can Legion, “A united America
is and must be essential in our
progress toward enduring peace.. *
America has grown into the great
est nation on earth because in real
genuine Americanism, .the live and
let live philosophy of our American
way of life—has been found the
strength of progress. Jew and Gen
tile, Catholic and Protestant, Chri- <
stian and atheist, immigrant and ]
native-born colored and white have
found in real Americanism a com
mon bond of freedom, justice, tol
erancce and opportunity”
If the demagogues, race-haters,
and religious bigots think that they
can do here what Hitler did in
Germany they have not weighed
accurately the religious and patr
iotic powers which are arrayed
against them.
teachers should unite
(Continued from Page 1)
should ultimately fulminate in
the requirement that every teacher
graduate serve a period of at least
a years’ interneship and pass a ex
amination administered by a spe
cially appointed teacher approved
and staffed State Board of Teach
er-Examiners before being grant
ed a license to teach. Declaring
:hat the formation of public char
acter and habit through the school
s like the practice of medicine too
jreat an understanding for incom
petents, the secretary held that in
:reased qualifications are a corre
ary to better salaries.
I wish to thank all my friends for their acts of M
kindness and sympathy during the recent loss of M
my beloved husband, MR. EW ELL CARTER. J
Mrs. Emma Carter. ■
We wish to express our sincere thanks for all A
of the cards, flowers and kind expressions, during
the illness and death of our beloved husband and J
j uncle. «
Mrs. Geo. W. Watson and Family. m
Brightening meals i.
with fall produce *!■
Your favorite Autumn fruits |
h and vegetables are here now! 6
' Take full advantage of the bountiful harvest
of fresh produce that is reaching your Safe- |
way these days. Menus almost plan them- g
selves as you look at the large displays of $
tomatoes, green vegetables, apples, pears, I
grapes and other fruits that are in season.
There’s so much variety you can serve two or
tnree different fresh foods at every meal. And
you can be certain that every one will please,
when you make your selections at Safeway. ,
Now is the time to brush up on your
new hot-dish recipes using fall vege
tables. This beet soup may serve as
an all-in-one meal.
z lbs. cubed beet
stew meat
2J4 tsps. salt
y2 tsp. allspice
4 cups coarsely
grated raw beets
y* cup lemon
1 cup nneiy wcea
2 cups thinly
sliced celery
2 cups diced fresh
3 cups finely
shredded <
'/2 cup Tmeiy oiceu tauuuys
green pepper
Simmer meat, salt, and allspice in
water to cover 3 hours. Strain; meas
ure liquid, adding enough water to
make 4 cups broth. Combine grated
beets and lemon juice. Cook green
pepper, onion, celery, and tomatoes
slowly 15 minutes; add cabbage and
beets, took 15 minutes longer. Add
vegetables to broth; heat to boiling.
Serve with spoonful whipped or
plain sour cream floated on surface.
Sprinkle with parsley.' Steves 6, al
lowing 1 cup per serving.
When you have leftover squash,
dress it up and serve again in a new
sau.».sti PUFF
2 cups squash pulp Vi tsp. peeper
1 tbsp. melted Vz tsp. cinnamon
shontening Vz tsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt 1 egg
Mix squash pulp, melted shortening,
salt, pepper, cinnamon, sugar, and
slightly beaten §gg. Bake in welT
greased ipufTm tins in hot oven
(450° F.) 20 to 25 minutes.
v_ The Homemakers' Bureau,
An Extra Safi way Struct w
® Giving a Tarty?
Write for ear three leaflets; Adult
Hallowe'en Parties„ Children’s Hal
lone'en Par ties,end Hallowe'en Party
Refreshments and Decorations. Send
to Th« Homemakers' Bureau, Card
Brake, Director, Box 2110, Dept.
H., San Francisco 26, California.
x Spare Stamp 49 for
5 pounds of sugar
expires Monday,
September 29'
Bartlett Pears “r™
Tokay Grapes Large, juicy berries ....
Delicious; mildly-sweet;
fine eating variety....Hut
Bushel Basket $3.79; ^ ^
Jonathan, U. S. No. 1; fine, all-purpose . Lbs. JL Jh t
acorn-shaped .
Wa™,—or Sweet Potatoes;
I.CirfiS U. S. No. 1 graded .... Lb.
k-iuS^st Medium size .... Lb.
Yellow Onions no i .Lb. 3e j
Carrots firm, crisp . ; n..... Lb. 83 j
Cabbage Solid, green.-... Lb. is
Mrs- Wri&ht,s; ^ ' 18-°z- |
B?SSdy white or wheat.. Loaf i&w
Mil Graders Nabisco . . Pox 2 Vo
Peanui CaiEer St .... jS 28c
Gera Flakes ,eraey.^ 9c
SaB^JTlkg 8s.10ri£2lc
ai^SSstimtog-s VS Kc
Green Beans ST": 'S.f S4e
SjinEchSfMB*y:.. "Q«i i7o
g5a~e SuSai: Belle; No..2
■ 68a sweet variety . Can ■ « «*
lr Clapp’s; Vegetal ; Small «
til rr vUuS With Liver or ^eef. . Can
Geffee 3!c £Kn
PeanuSs fiTLe 13s Bag 25e
Household Items
; UJLtA^.43Slk
| ¥(>M\ Silver Brite>:.'jar IOC
U SX Qld English Btl. 39e
. ... 3£ -Sc.
Natdori&l Dog Week I
Frirties FUST.IS: 23c
RUfkBoife^lks 12c IS 32c
B.J Food for dogs Soz. 1.4*
raS'C! or cats .1.Pkg. «
Ntiirena A wholesome diet Pkg. 52c I
y'&jmeAL two ka/oh*$
map/. vvwy dcnt you se& i
WHy didn't you talk
f TO ME ? SET /OUR COAT... ■
Vm! ■
l SAVE. SAPEWA/ wonderful
wii.iii ii ii iimaujMpiMflMi lphaiB»wr-viNnni
Abvft jfcfow are «£«£t*s tlmi Sepi, 28,1©...
I Combination Screen & Storm Window Co. C
Prepare For Winter! 1
A Self-Storin0 I
Storm Window I
• Save Money by letting Us Convert Your Present Old-Style Storm
Windows and Screens into This Modern Storm Window.
• No Glass to Change—• No Screens to Store— • Change from Storm
Window to Screen and Back to Storm Window in ONE MINUTE.
• Scientific Ventilation— Rain or Shine.
» '
If you Do Not Have Your Old Storm Sash and Screen, New Ones Can Be
Provided at a Nominal Price.
• Our Representative will be Glad to Call at Your Convenience and Dem
onstrate This “Modern W indow1” in Your Home tvith No Obligation to
• We Guarantee from 1 to 2 Weeks Delivery. No Down Payment Necessary.
—Up to 36 months to pay. * f , . j ! i '*
for a Free Demonstration...^8
Call GL-446Q
In his first public appearance
after the 23rd successful defense
of his title Joe Louis championed
the cause of freedom and equality
at a “Stop Murder, Lynch Style”
rally held Thursday Sept. 19, at
12:30 in the heart of the garment
district on 38th St. between 7th
and 8th avenues, N. Y. City.
The rally officially opened the
“Lend-a-Hand-to-Dixieland” street
collection campaign of the South
ern Conference for Human Wel
fare which will continue through
Deluxe an e&LixxitiLeu aumexiee ui
15,000 people Mr. Louis, who is
co-chairman of the campaign sairl
Negroes and white people must go
together to fight all the way for
freedom for all the people. Descri
bing the Southern Conference for
Human Welfare, Mr. Louis decl
ared the Southern Conference for
■Human Welfare is a fighting or
ganization-; I’m 100 percent for it.
Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, pre
sident and founder of the Bethune
Cookman college, introduced Joe
Louis as a real fighter for the
cause of humanity. Speaking of
the growing unity between large
numbers of Negro and white peo
ple, Mrs. Bethune said, we cry now
as one voice from the Southland,
those of us clothed in black skin
and those in white skin who feel
keenly the sense of justice and
freedom for all Americans. We
are joined together in a determin
ed battle to stamp out lynching
and mob brutality she declared.
Other speakers who called for
mobilization of all progressive
forces to fight for federal anti
lynching legislation were Paul Ro
beson, famous artist; James Wa
terman Wise, director of the Coun
cil Against Intolerance and author
of the Springfield Plan; and Coun
cilman Michael Quill, president of
the Transport Workers Uunion.
Senator Claude Pepper who was
scheduled to appear wired his
‘deepest regrets’ and stated that
the death of Sen Andrews of Fla,
made it impossible for him to at
tend. The wire continued, "The
Southern Conference for Human
Welfare has been doing a great
iob in a great way. It is pledging
democracy. It is worthy of all pos
sible assistance from all those who
believe in the principles of our
Constitution, the dignity of all hu
man beings and a better nation
in a better world”.
Dr. Clark Foreman, president of
the Southern Conference for Hu
man Welfare, was chairman at the
rally. Describing the Southern
Conference as a Southern organi
zation that fights daily to help
“forge a more prosperous and de
mocratic South for all the people,”
Dr. Foreman declared that “we
heartily welcome the support of
all Northerners who realize that
the battle for a free South extends
above the Mason-Dixon line. Be
cause wwe know that thousands
of New Yorkers want to help us
get rid of ten percent democracy
with its Bilbos, Rakins and Mc
Kellars, we have organized this
lend a hand to Dixieland Cam
paign with a goal of $100,000.
Entertainers at the rally inclu
ded Kenneth Spencer, Betty Gar
rett, Larry Winters, George Hall,
Louis Jordan; Willie Bryant;
Thelma Carpenter and the Brown
Three folk singers from Texas,
Johnny Faulk, "Brownie” McNeil,
and Doe Reece introduced the
theme song of the ‘Lend a Hand
to Dixieland’ campaign called The
New Dixie’.
How women ana girBi
may get wanted relief
Cardut is a liquid medicine
which many women say has
brought relief from the cramf)
like agony and neryous strain
of functional periodic distress.
Here’s how it may help:
\ m Taken like a tonic, it
“ m should stimulate appe
tite, aid digestion,*
thus help build resist
ance for the “time” to
2 Started 3 days before
m “your time”, it should
help relieve pairr due
[ to purely functional
1 periodic causes.
Try Qardui. If it helps,
you’ll bo glad you did.
“Peter Pan is ' ' '
Midwestern Homemakers have long been recognized as “tops” among the nation’s
best cooks. And these women, whose job it is to prepare fnsty, nourishing meals for
their families, are proven authorities on fine food as well as judges of good bread.
Little wonder they agree that Peter Pan Fresh Bread is “first in flavor”.
that Peter Pan makes tastier meeds.