... Improved Uniform International LESSON Lesson for September 22 ■ V5?™ •ublecta and Scripture testa ae lected and copyrighted by International •jounell of Religious Education; used by permission. IESLS AND THE LAW OF THI STRANGER LESSON TEXT—Exodus 22 21-23: Deu teronomy 24 14. 15: Matthew 25 34-41 MEMORY SELECTION - The Km j ■ball answer and say unto them. Veri. I say unto you. Inasmuch as ye hav tlone It unto one of the least of the* my brethren, ye have done It unto me. - Matthew 2S 40. • There is as much need toda’ for the words of counsel and at monition regarding strangers whic we find in our lesson, as there w in the days of Moses, for thei seems to be an almost comolc breakdown of neighborlmess bo between nations and mdivid'ials I. The Law Required Ne ;bho.-’ ness tExod. 22 21-23; D-ut 24 15). Our heavenlv Fa'*'-r at revea - to us in his W .rd is a Fa •her i deed, one greatly t . r td v bis many children, but t-s t ■ does he care for those who are » and needy. The laws of ancient Israel m > provision for the feed ng of tho who had no fields 3 ne corners the field were left urrui a' harve time, some of the grapes were be left on the vine, eic . I y the ***•■ of sen respect as they p-cked p- then selves what God had orov.de-* i . Lev I9 9. 10: 23 22; Ltut. 24:19 2. and other passages). The po r man who fourd wor' was to receive his pay when n* eo ed. For the one who hired him t. do otherwise was to bring up* himself the judgment of God 1 listens to the cry of the hungr worker and his family incut 24 15 Strangers were in a peculiar w-i subject to the possibility of extn tion. They are even today the eas mark of the one who lives by hir wits, the "confidence'' man am sneak thief. If any such person reads th*« notes let me warn him solemnly to keep his tricky hands off the stran ger. for God is watching and will hear their cry (Exod. 22 231 The same is true of widows anr orphans. God is their keeper ant their defender. Some '*’» may say that all this • Old 1 it in its barter tit •nd principle What about the f lower of Christ in our day? The an ewer is that II. Christ Expects Neighborli ness (Matt. 25:34-41). This is a prophetic picture of t great judgment scene. It is not. a' many suppose, the same as t! judgment of the Great Whit Throne of Revelation 20. The scene here is not in heaven but upon the earth. It is not individ uals who are being judged, but th. nations of the earth. Thev are nt. being judged regarding per sonal salvation, but for their trea; ment of Christ's brethren. Who are his brethren? First w • think of his brethren, after the fles the people of the Jewish race. Seri ture reveals again and again th God is watching over his chose people, even though they are no scattered in judgment for their u; belief He will not hold any guiltle* who harm his people (Gen 12:1-3' The word "brethren" is also us< in such a passage as Matthew 13 46-50 lo include all who do the u of God. That suggests a broader ap plication of these words. Our attitude toward God e presses itself in our attitude iowa:> our fellow man. That which we o toward those about us is not a tna: ter of indtflerence. but is the bas: lor God's judgment of our live* Each of 'is must answer for th. deeds done in the flesh whether they be good or evil. That ;» true ever of the believer (II Cor. 5:10). whose salvation has already been deter mined by his faith in Christ. Here in our lesson, however, the failure to do that which shows forth (rods law oi love is made the ground of eternal judgment. This is not because an act of kindness itself can be regarded as the ground of division, but because the failure to give it or do it reflects an attitude of heart toward our God and bis Christ which is in reality s rejection of his way of salvation. Judgment is thus a revelation ct the attitude of the heart, which marks a man or woman as being either saved or lost. It may be pos sible to so becloud the thinking ol cur friends and neighbors that we may go through life looking some thing like a Christian, but when Christ judges, it will all be revealed Notice the Importance oi a proper attitude toward those who need our kindness and help. All too often the only concern of men and women is to look out for "number one” an let the rest of the world shift for is sell Observe also that the Lord identi fles himself with his brethren what is done to and for them is counted as done to and for him. Compare the experience of Samuel <1 Sam. 8:7) and of Paul (Acts 9:5) Touch God's people and you toucl him. Fail them and you fail him Serve them and you serve him. Gas on Stomach Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back W en nnu stomach acid causes painful, auff jrat fng gas. amir stomach and heartburn, doctors usually .,rr* he the far tret arting medicine* known for it*r relief—medicine* like those in Bell-ana Tai>-«« Ni hmhf Bell ans brings comfort in a or j.Mi * »ei- uuMtuey back oa return of bottle «.» us .'V as ah druggist* gi Fur Greater Coverage Religious News To Conference R-V. E. V. WADE Pastor of Cleaves CME. Church. CLEAVES TEMPLE C. M. E. CHURCH Rev. E. Wade, Pastor Notes and Personals: The Sunday School was well at tended last Sunday and all dep artments were represented. Our Sunday school is doing well and the teachers are giving your chil- I dren the best to inspire them to become followers of Christ. Send your children to Sunday School every Sunday. H. L. Cribbs. supt, Rev G. Bivens department supt. The morning services oper^d on the hour 11 am. with a full choir ready to give you the best they have in gospel songs. The Stew ardess, Ushers, and Usherettes at their posts to give you their best services. The pastor was at his best His text was the Eagle Stir red Her Nest which set our souls on hallowed fire. I am sure some one was uplifted by this great ser mon. It was the closing of our 15 day revival in which 8 members were added. On Sunday evening, our souls were stirred with ano ther great message from God. The Rev. Favors from Pilgrim Bapt. church and his choir was in charge of the services as Cleaves Temple is closing their conference year Rev. Wade will leave for confer ence on the 18th of this month. We are praying for his return. He has done great work here. He is the kind of man that is needed in Cleaves Temnle also for the city. Under his administration the chur ch has made wonderful progress. Tbe church has raised around $6,000 and purchased a very nice parsonage. H ehas taken in 59 members and has beautified the church inside and out. He came to Omaha the first Sunday in Dec. 19t5. He has did a wonderful job to encourage young people of our church. We have a very fine Jr. choir. The young people are very anxious to come to church now on every Sunday for thev have a job to do. So let’s nrav that he gets back to inspire more people to come to church and move more to be saved. Don t forget to send your child ren out to the church for trianing in the youth movement on each Friday evening and also Junior choir rehearsal. Rev. G. Bivens is to be in charge of the service on next Sunday. Marie Hudgens, reporter APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF CHRIST 2518 Cuming Street Elder Milton T. Wilson, Pastor ORDER OF SERVICE: Sun. Morn. Worship 11 am. Sun. Eve. service 8 pm. Tues. Eve. service and preaching 8 pm Fri. Eve. Bible Class 8 pm. All are welcome! ~ r~ . CHECKED in a Jiff if * -or Money Back For quick relief from itching caused by eczema athlete’s foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. A d ;ends of St. Johns at their last / ’’ ’“’equest program ef +Hs cos' or year Sunday even?n~ at 8 rv~> Let us not fail to fill the chmr’- -uditor ium to the raftpre on f'!’ night. For downright c’-ristinn mu sic e-’d songq you M’-p to he°r come to St. Johns on this even’- ■>'» and hear your favorite choir them for you. Won’t you come and bring a friend. The Watchmen extends their sin cere thanks to the congregation and friends for the excellent sup port on Howell Sunday. They send a special thanks to the Usher board and its president Mr. R. Brown for the special $21 contribution. . I The Allen Christian Endeavor League will hold a snecial service Sunday, September 22 from 5 to 6:30 pm. They have chosen as their theme for this service The Onen Door. Let us plan to attend this service. The Minute Men and Womens au xilary were entertained by their host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniels at their home, 2620' Bristol St. After their regular bus iness meeting. Business consisted of the birth-dated calendar with emphasis put on closing the drive the last of this month. Members and friends of St. Johns are urged to hurrv and turn in your name and birth dates now. During the social hour ice cream and cake was served by the host and hostess. All those in attend ance expressed thanks to the gra cious host and hostess for their hospitality. Watch this column for further anouncement as to the special ser vice on the 29th of September to be given by our Sunshine Charity club. Mrs. Hattie Adams president Everything is in readiness for the Eveready club’s King Solomon Wedding on Monday evening Sept. 30 .Mrs. R. C. Price president of this hardworking auxiliary of our church and its membership urges members and friends to hurry and purchase your ticket now. The Watchmen held a very inter esting and lively Christian meeting at the home of Bro Fredericks, of 2220 Lake St. This Friday night at 8 pm. they will meet at the home of Bro. W. P. Ervin 3001 N 30th St. September 20. Mothers send your children to Sunday School every Sunday at 9:30. Attend 11 o’clock service and 7:30 evening service. Visitorh apd friends are always welcome at St. Johns tve friendly church at 22nd I and Willi.s Ave. Come worship with I us won’t you? MORNING STAR BAP. CHURCH Rev. 2. W. Williams pastor Sunday was a high day beginning in Sunday school thru out the day. At 11 am. the pastor was in chg. of the pulpit. After reading these two scriptures 12th vs. of 92nd chap. Numbers. 28 vs. 11 shap of Prov. reading: He that trust in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch. Si*.: V law against Covetiveness. The brotherhood furnished some very fine music for the day. At 8 pm. the pastor brought to us another fine message. Sub. was taken from these scriptures 7th chap of Rev. 9-14 vs. Reading: And I said unto him. sir: thou knowest and he said to me, these are they which came out of great tribulations and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. 5 members were added to the chu ~ch. three of them candidates for baptism. The rally was a great uccess and services were well at tended. After finding out at the last moment about the pastor’s birthday, a few members got to gether with a surprise birthday shower at his home Saturday nite Some very lovely gifts were rece ived. You are alwoys wecome to come A . % m ,,j» _jrr .. 1 .—. Bringing Christ j to the Nations ; C+3 THE INTERNATIONAL LUTHERAN HOUR “Over Station KBOIS every Sunday morn’ 11:30 c+~s j —Publicity Department — 3558 South Jefferson Ave., Saint Louis, Missouri Saint Louis. Missouri. Sepl 22, (Special) The divint answer to the problem of hu. man sorrow was given toda> by the Reverend Doctor Law rence Meyer, Director of Mis sionary Education and Pub licity for the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church and sum mer guest speaker on the In ternational Lutheran Hour Speaking over the Mutual Broadcasting System and af' filiated stations, Dr. Meyer declared: ‘Human suffering is not something impersonal that we discuss objectively as pw we do the component parts of the atomic bomb, or some abstract mathematical problem. Pain and sorrow are intimately wrapped up with the very ex istence of every human being. They are a part of life. Four thousand years ago Job's experience was that ‘man is j born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward,’ and Moses, in the Ninetieth Psalm sveaks of life in the mournful words: | ‘The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if j by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their . strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly ! away?’ ” j Dr. Meyer continued: “A9 my voice goes out today to A merica and Europe and Asia anti Africa and Australia, into the teeming cities of the world, to small hamlets and villages and great open spaces, into the hearts of lonely, troubled men and women the world over, I cry out, as God's messeng er. that the comfort and solace of this Gospel is for you. All human suffering is the result of man's separation from God. But God was in Christ reconciling all men to Himself. ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have ever [ lasting life.T ‘Come now and let us reason together, said the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow; though they be like crimson they shall be as wool.’ ‘Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.’ ‘Ho. everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money, buy and eat; yea, come huv wine and milk without nionevand without price.’ If you will believe on the Lord Jesus, then, no matter what days of trouble and tribulation you are passing through, the great day when you will he brought into the granary of God is still before you. You will see God face to face and live with Him in everlasting righteousness and innocence and blessedness.” I-- AIRTEX-™-ra Combination Screen & Storm Window Co. Prepare For Winter! A Self-St or in0 . Storm Window “ONCE UP-ALWAYS UP” • Save Money by Letting LTs Convert Your Present Old-Style Storm ^ indows and Screens into This Modern Storm Window. • No Glass to Change—• No Scre» ns to Store— • Change from Storm (Window to Screen and Back to Storm Window in ONE MINUTE. • Scientific Ventilation— Rain or Shine. If You Do Not Hve Your Old Storm Sash and Screen, New Ones Can Be Provided at a Nominal Price. • Our Representative will be Glad to Call at Your Convenience and Dem onstrate This “Modern W indow” in Your Home with No Obligation to You. • W e Guarantee from 1 to 2 Weeks Delivery. No Down Payment Necessary. —Up to 36 months to pay. for a Free Demonstration... | Cal* GL-446Q |AIR-TEX WINDOW CO. Odam, 42, was held on bail of $1000 for allegedly stealing 65 bed sheets and 69 pillow cases from a Pull 'ian car, stationed in the N. Y. 1 Central yards at 161st and Morris i Ave. COUNTRY WIDE DONATIONS SWELL WOODARD FUND NEW YORK—The Trust Fund | set up by the NAACP National I »— n,.nn|,ernpTtt with T«aac -■ -,J".- ■ ■ ■ THE COMMON DEFENSE | (by Rev. Williara C. Kernan) MISTAKES OF A CANDIDATE In a congressional district in la. one of the candidates for the na tional legislature has gladly accep ted the support of a known pro fascist what makes religious and racial prejudice his stock in trade. In explanation of his act the carr didate said that this pro-fascist is a Christian who is against com munism and that that was good enough for him. A local newspaper editor, res pected in the district and himself an opponent of both fascism and communism, made the pertinent ob servation that, although all Christ ians may be against communism, not all who are against commun ism are Christians. This is the fact that the candi date overlooked when he aligned i himself with the pro-fascist in ques tion who calls himself a Christian. And he might have discovered his error merely bv asking himself what kind of Christianity it was that the anti-communists Hitler, Goebbels, Goering, and Kuhn ex emplified. That they were anti communist is certain enough. That they acted in accordance with the j principles of the Christian religion I is not true. It may be that the pro-fascist under consideration is anti-commu nist. But that he is preaching the Christian gosplel" is patently not i so. He has cooperated with people who in speech and print spread scurrilous and false charges again st Roman Catholics. He has en dorsed a book called THE OCTO PUS, one of the-most virulent anti Semitic diatribes ever printed. He has sought by the use of many means to scatter abroad over these United States the same propagan da lies against the Jews as those with which the Nazis deluged Ger many. This is not Christianity. We have had more than is good for us of people going about the country shouting fascist racial the ories and stirring up religious an tagonisms and posing as exponents of Christianity on the excuse that they are against communism. For fascism, like communism,, is I the enemy of Christianity as it is j of American democracy_and the ■ Christians who know their religion I and their America wilt be as much I opposed to the one as to the other. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 30th and Corby Streets H. H. Schauland, Pastor Arthur Brisbane- onse said: “The fence around a cemetery £s foolish for those inside can’t get out and those outside don't want to get in”. Nevertheless t is true, as Jo seph Parker WTote: “Man must go. It is . not a question whether he j will go or not go; that is determin ed for us. We must go; the only question is HOW? Man mav go WITH God or WITHOUT Him". Therefore, “Prepare to meet thy God”. For “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement". Friend, are you ready to go? “If thou shalt con fess with thy mouth the Lord Je sus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead; thou shalt be sa ved". Only when you have those qualifications are you ready to [ meet your God. Hope Lutheran, the church of the Lutheran Hour, invites you to its services beginning at 11 am. We welcome you because we have a message that you need. This message is from God and it is FREE. Sunday School begins at 10 am. Dr. Lawrence Meyer who has re cent traveled extensively in the war-torn countries of Europe will be the speaker on the Lutheran Hour September 22 and 29. The Lutheran Hour comes to you over V tjr>xr -1 - - - . - ,v,'a*;v ... . / UNSUCCESSFUL IN RELIEVING SHEET SHORTAGE NTTIW YORK (Crlobpl\_Norman '>■»«»» .■— —*»—****»*» ..... ■ ■ ■ CROSSWORD PUZZLE •) i m m m m m m ■ ■ t r» t » rrr i i i t m n mi i i n mu i i i | ACROSS 1 Mineral spring 4 Astern 7 Twirl, as a top 8 Ornamental clasp 10 Gentle 11 Girl’s name 13 Forest warden 15 Root of the taro 16 Super natural (Am. Ind.) 17 Place where salt is made 19 Obnoxious plant 21 Hawaiian food 22 Omissions excepted ”■ (•abbr.) 23 Ignited 25 Particle of addition ? 27; Land measure 29 Droop in the middle & Money (Humorous) 34 Italian inventor 37 Large snake 38 Exchange premium ; 39 Disengage f from a hook, 41 To pant i : 43 Cover with / ; alloy of tin, J and lead 4 44 Boil slowly ? 45 Epochs 5 46. Part of / “to be’’ 47 A cheer Sotntton in Next bene. £ DOWN 1 Kind of dog 2 Sound of a bullet 3 Mountains (So. Am.) 4 Tree (Indian) 5 Not lasting 6 Mark over Spanish n 7 Lessen tension of 9 Spanish card game 10 Forehead 12 Not any 14 Light tap 18 Larva of eye-thread worm 20 Find 24 Philippine peasant ' 26 Girl’s name 27 Nurse (India) 28 Storms 30 Animal (Afr.) 32 Birds 33 To seize 35 A lariat 36 Bury 40 Olympian goddess 42 Female sheep Answer to Puzzle Number 13 r xrnn iiili Series Q-M To Help You Reduce t/cut Jtyute i Tasteless Capsules Pleasant to Take— Easy to Carry in Your Purse! Dietrim Consists Only of Nutritive Vitamin Elements and Contains No Dangerous Drugs or Chemicals. Dietrim capsules are accompanied by a carefully worked out and test reducing diet together with a scientific calorie chart. •§? $249 1 The VITAMIN STORE 305 South 1 fith St Woodard, and in his name, weekly continues to grow larger. All con tributions sent in specifically for the Fund are kept separate, for Woodard’s personal use in the fu ture. All costs incurred by the Na tional Office in efforts to bring the assailant of Woodard to justice or for any other matters in Wood ard’s behalf are paid for by the National Office, which holds it self respomible only for money which is contributed directly to it and not to anyone else. Donations have come in from all over the country. At present, the amount of the Fund is $3,912.57. ” TO MAKE AIR CONDITIONERS AND FORCED WARM AIR Q FURNACES M0RE EFFIC,ENT’ ,rs ms • FURNACES, • REPAIRS, • Quality Materials, • Guaranteed Work manship. DONOVAN BROS. FURNACES 1114 NORTH 24th ST. AT-3700 1 ■ tenant fo loo6 qattn fat!’ NATURAL HAIR AnACHMEWTS OH A9A!Mmm0FF AGAIN fclr Do*$—to w—t < ocadcw PAG! BOY $3.00 i r NATUfa $4J0 ] YOU CAH HAVE YOU* **/t PERFECTLY MATCHER latest Creation Casily Attached Human Hair— CHIGNON All Shades $5.50 SEND NO MONET JUST SEND SAMPLE OF YOUR KAtt OR STATE THE COLOR fay Postman Full Amount an DsHnsy JESSIE KARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS 507 FIFTH AVE. (Room 905) NEW YORK 17, N. Y., Dept k St yta tailor from bard a# baariag cad' head mQ tatted by catarrh at the bead? WRITS US NOW ter arc at at the goad rawftt tar dnpb boom traatmaat baa aacawplirbrd far a great array pec pie. Maty pad M npart baariag bad.tad bead aorta* gone. Nothing ta tear. Saad today far proof aad 30 d«yc trial oCaa