The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 14, 1946, CONTEST EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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££^w i SCHOOL
-:• LESSON ••
Of Tr.e M •<!« B b.# Institute at ChicsKO
fcrv H'e» e:n Xewvt-Mr Union.
Lesson for September 15
Lesion luh'rrt* and Scripture text# xe
ler « 1 and copvnghted bx Internationa.
Co1- ill <>( Religious Education, used bj
LESSON TEXT—Exodus JO. 17; H:ov
erbi II ?x 24 Luke 13 1341.
eth in bis ric t shall tall: but the
rutnieous shun Sourish as a brancb.
Proverbs II 22
The Ten Commandments. U.e
study of which we conclude today
(the rrma;r.inj irsionj of the quar
ter deal with other laws), have beet
reveait-d to us ss bemg{ character
ized by their brevity, their
hers ve touch with all of life, and
fidelity to the right But they are
also unique and different froir.
all oth.r laws in that they reach
into the inner recesses uf a man's
heart, a realm where only Gcd
can judge at.d act
This I. t commandment (against
covetous;. > emphasizes point,
for it dec > i.vt expressly require
or forbid . y art. but deals with the
motive of s action. Man can
Juuke an man's acts, but he
cannot jua^e jus motives, desires or
thoughts. Ccd must do that.
But rren Cun. by the grace of
God. c ..Mol his motives; and hence
we have tii.s commandment and its
I. Covetousness — What It is
(Exod. 20:17).
To covet does not mean Just to
desire, tut to have an unrestrained
desire lor that which we ought not
to have or which by right belongs
to another.
It si- as itself in our day in a
more gt-r.cral way — an inordinate
desire for pos<essions in general.
There too man loses himself. Jt
may be a surprise to many to learn
that cavitir-g. or desiring what be
longs to another, is a sin. It has be
come one of the “respectable sms"
accepted in the best circles and
practiced by many church people.
As a matter of fact, this sin under
lies all the other a ns against which,
the commandments speak. He who
has a love for money and an evil
desire to have his neighbor's pos
sessions will bate. lie. steal, cheat,
kill. In fact, as Or. G. Campbell
Morgan says, “The whole realm o>
human interrelations is disorgan-,
lzed and broken up -by the 'dishonor
ing t* the tenth commandment."
3 |
f —
II. Covetousness — What It Does
IProv 11 23. 24; Luke 12 13-21).
1. It Makes a Man Stingy tProv.
11:23 24) The righteous man seeks
|hat which is gi* d and he knows
tii *■« ii. • C* --fisted stinginess i
Kh.cti wiinn id' : m God and man. .
Son «.i me* to »t ire is to lose,
anc to te lie .ai is to gain—
especially in t e Dungs of God.
God gives ii -ally (James 1:5),
and th- man w o knows God scat
ters r.->t <• ly Lis money, but his
r » . i. . u ai.e. service for God's
*1 .r>
in sad contrast is the man who
kc t« hit ions for himself
ai r *ps or v ,,e barrenness oi
soul and leamv.-ss of life.
2. Ii Makes a Man Envious
(Luke 12:13-1S>. Noting the ability
of Jesus in dealing with others, thi
man thought to divert the Lord froi.
his real r. i -istry to the souls of men
to the settling of social problems—
all bee. is« he was greedy.
S n e church leaders think that is
our business now — to preach
and promote a social gospel. They
bad better reread verse 14.
3 It Makes a Man Selfish (Luke
12:16. 17) The one who was known
to his friends as the “rich man"
tv. 16) w.s known to God as a
"fool** (v. 20). because having more
than he could use he hoarded it for
huns f. One wonders what he had
to say for himself when that very
night he was called into the pres
ence of G d to give an account of
h.s stewardship (v. 20). If you are
sinuUily situated and have the
same attitude, what will you say to
that day?
4. It Makes a Man Proud tLi:'*e
12 ltti All around him ware the
hungry. He n cud no barns, fur
there -tore the empty hands of the
needy; but money had made hen
hard and proud. He would hulls
bigger %arr.s. perhaps the highest in
that community. People would mar
vel at his prosperity and he would
live long to enjoy it.
But it d:d not work out mat
way. for. alas, it is true of covet
ousness that—
5 It Makes a Man r'oulis.. -Luke
12 19-21». The man who reckons
without God is sure to come to
grief. Leaving him out of one's
thinking and planning invitee dis
God called, and ne who hac
thought to go on for years in self
ish pleasure, found that he must go
and leave tt all. Worse yet. he had
to face the judgment of God upon
his el< mai soul
Do not fail to note that there is a
way to lay up treasures in heaven
—by a “close walk with Christ, com
ing to appreciate and cultivate the
joys of the spirit.** and so using
one's possessions that they count for
the glory of God. Even gold can
be so invested for God as to send
it on to eternity. What an oppor
Gas on Stomach
Relieved in 5 minutes or
double your money back
Wlm **.-»*• iMeucai an,] i.M> caintul. rufftorac -
Im *»» km MtS aa4 swtm locum anlli
pcwcrlla Sr It-!rC aruae aaUclan Uoau f.i
JW «cl Mtc-V—WKticiar* Ufca tea tn Be.: u-U
N ..IMna B»i. m amitt ■- •
v~j »» *-wu# roe- mr-n us « mum ot IxmU
%• Scot C cUUi
Sunday, Sept 8th, was a high
day for Salem despite the fact
that the pastor was out of the city
attending the Nat’l Baptist Con
vention at Atlanta, Ga. Rev. C. C.
Petties was in the stands for the
morning sermon and his subject
was “Christ the conquering king”
Isiah 1:5-6. The 8 pm. service con
sisted of a songfest sponsored by
the following groups: The Senior
choir; the Number Two choir; The
i Junior choir; the Brotherhoor cho
I rus;; the S. S. chorus; and the Sa
; lem orchestra. This all spiritual ser
vice was witnessed by a packed
The pastor will be back Sunday
SepL 15th with a burning mess
age so we do urge you to be pre
sent. Those accompanying him to
Atlanta from Salem are Mrs. J.
: C. Wade; Rev. W. E. Fort; Mrs.
j F. L. Wesley; Mrs. Mamie Thomas
'rs Agnes Fraizer; Mrs. Oneid-’
’’•rown Mrs. Amie Glover; and
Fim-a Morris.
The Sundav School and BTTT
; are pro"’e-sintr nicely and will
sponsor an institute soon. The BT
j fJ director Mr. Coooer states that
j he is well nlea-sed with his wili
ng workers who are helnin? to
! maintain the report that Salem has
| the best organized BTU in the
i nv'S-’vest.
Yours for service and spiritual
. reviving, the friendly little church
on the hill.
Rev. J. C. Wade, pastor
Mrs. F. B. Moore, Clerk
Mrs. L». A. Henderson, rep.
2518 Cuming Street
Elder Milton T. Wilson, Pastor
Sun. Morn. Worship 11 am.
I Sun. Eve. service 8 pm.
Tues. Eve. service and preaching
8 pm
j Fri. Eve. Bible Class 8 pm.
All are welcome!
Ellabelle Davis, the distinguish
ed American Negro soprano who
is filling an extensive concert and
opera tour of Central and South
j America, will make three appear
ances as Verdi's "Aida” in Santi
ago de Chile during the week of
September 18th, as a highlight of
j the Chilean government’s gala sea
! son of grand opera at the Teatro
Municipal, of which Renato Salva
ti is director. It was as "Aida” that
Miss Davis wrote history for her
race last month in Mexico City,
where she made her grand opera
debut with the Opera Nacional as
the first American Negro ever to
have been starred by a major op
era company of the world.
Since her departure from Mexico
City, the soprano has scored a suc
cession of triumphs in concert in
the various Central and South A
merican capitals, climaxed by her
debut appearance on August 22 at!
the world-nenowned Teatro Colon j
in Buenos Aires.
Rev. E. Wade, Pastor
Nome's end Personals:
The Sunday School was well at
tended last Sunday and all dep
artments were represented. Our
Sunday school is doing well and
the teachers are giving your chil
dren the host to inspire them to
become followers of Christ. Send
•■our childien to Sunday School
very Sunday. H. L. Cribbs. supt,
Rev. G. Bivens department supt.
The morning services opeo?d on
* bo”r il am. with a full choir
r 'y to give you the best they
have ii gosnel songs. The Stew
ardess, Ushers, and Usherettes at
their posts to give you their best
services. The pastor was at his
best. He gave us a very inspiring
r es me. He preached from the
:>7 chapter Psalra 6 vs. I am sure
someone was uplifted by that won
derful message. The spirit was
very high. If you want a spiritual
feast, come to Cleaves Temple and
hear this great speaker. On Sun
day night our souls were filled
with another great message from
God. The revival meeting that is
conducted bv our pastor will close
Were Never Meant To
Suffer Like This!
Here’s a tip for M
•omen troubled by 19
Nervous Tension, fcl
Irritability and JZ*
Weak, Tired, Cranky ’’’,r
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If the functional “middle-age"
period peculiar to women makes you
suffer from hot flashes, touchy, high
strung, weak, nervous feelings, try
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound to relieve such symptoms.
Taken regularly — this great medi
cine helps build up resistance against
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Thousands Span Thaaaaads Ndped!
Pinkham's Compound Is one of the
. best known medicines you can buy
for this purpose. It has proved some
of the happiest days of some wom
en's fires can often be during their
40 s. We urge you to give Pinkham’s
Compound a fair and hon
est trial. Just see if it doesn’t
help you, too. It’s also a
great stomachic tonic I ^
next Sunday night. You will miss
a treat if you fail to hear him. So
come out and feed your soul. We
are expecting every one to coop
erate in showing our pastor our
appreciation for his great work he
has given us. He will leave on the
18th for conference.
Send your children to the church
each Friday evening for training
in the Youth Movement also Jr.
Choir rehearsal.
Marie Hudgens, reporter
22nd and Willis Ave.
Reverend E. B. Chill dress
Mason Devereaux Jr., reporter
St. Johns Howell’s on "Howell
Sunday” Sept. 8 with one of its
most successful spiritual services
of this conference year. The men’s
chorus under the direction of H.
L. Preston did themselves more
than proud in rendering the more
than heart-warming Christian
songs on this occasion. The con
gregation that filled the church
showed appreciation of the many
men for this fine service of the day
was reverberated throughout the
church auditorium.
Our minister was at his best; de
livering as usual one of his inspir
ing and soul stirring messages.
Taking as his text Matt. 26:28 his
subject being "My soul is exceed
ingly sorrowful”. Thoughts from
this sermon are: Victory comes
thru faith; whenever a man does
the will of God with or without the
approval of the world he is victor
ious; God can't use a man unles~
he lends his hand that God might
use it as an instrument; if a man
or woman doesn’t give to God or
do the work assigned to him or her
God will move that man or wo
man and raise another who will
do what should have been done,
and finally, do as He pleases but
in the final analysis he must ack
nowledge that God’s way is very
straight. Rev. John Adams, pre
e’’d>nor elder of the Kansas City
district delivered the morning ser
mon. Visitors Mrs. R. Maxwell; Mr
Roosevelt Cawthorne: Mrs. and
Mrs. Jake Smith, Dallas, Texas:
Mrs. Came Brownlee, Oakland;
Mrs. Alice Wright, Memphis, Ark.
sister of Bro. Clark.
It is good to see the excellent
manner in which the members and
auxiliaries of St. Johns are resp
onding to their annual conference
assessment. The Progressive 24
turned in S60 and the Sunday
School $36 all with the many $3
from the members indicates the
enthusiasm of the entire member
shin of our church in seeing that
this Christian cause shall be vic
torious and that St. John shall be
in its place as the leading church
in the district. Yes St. Johns with
this spirit of cooperation, coordin
ation, unification, fellowship and
chrlstion brotherhood marches on
to great heights, glorious and vic
tories in the Mime of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.
Sunday our Junior choir will
have charge of the music under
the direction of Mrs. Childress. At
the evening services they have
planned for their last service of
this conference year a musical
treat. Let us come out morning and
evening and support these young
people the future church.
The Senior choir under the di
dection of Mrs. Pearl Gibson ask
that all members and friends turn
in their requests for the all request
program the fourth Sunday this
month which will be the last re
quest program of this conference
The Mission Society thanks all
who in any way helped and sup-'
ported tbeir last Christian program
on Sunday night Sept. 1.
The Minute Men and Women’s
Auxilinrv will meet at the 'name of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniels at
2620 Bristol St., Sunday, Sept. 15
at 4:30 pm. Ail members are asked
to please be present by the presi
dent Mr. A. R. Goodlette.
Don’t forget the date of the King
Solomon Wedding by the Eveready
club Sept. 30.
It is at 8 pm. Let us all plan to
attend this Christian affair.
Mrs. Lula Washington and mem
bers of the Pastor’s Aid Club ex
tend their thanks to members and
friends of St. Johns who attended
their final service on Sunday after
noon Sept. 1
The Usher board and its presi
dent Br. Brown, extends their ap
preciation to members who attend
ed their annual service Sept. 8th.
Mothers send your children to
Sunday School every Sunday at
9:30. Attend 11 o’clock service and
7:30 evening service. Visitorh and
friends are always welcome at St.
Johns the friendly church at 22nd
and Willis Ave. Come worship with
us won't you?
30th and Corby Streets
H. H. Schauland, Pastor
The eminent author and journ
alist, Dr. Wa T. Ellis, recently
wrote: “We have got to the end of
our human resources. We have
victoriously fought two world wars
that have left us with a heritage
of grief and destruction and hun
ger and horror. Clearly, the great
ends we seek are to be obtained
“not by arms, nor by force”. The
Holy Spirit, promised by the pro
phets and bestowed by Christ, can
do what is impossible to unaided
man. He can turn the thoughts of
sinful man to salvation and right
eousness. He can make up what
ever is lacking in mortal effort..
Our dependence in this hour of de
cision is upon Him and our expec
tation is from Him”.
The Holy Spirit comes to us thru
the word of God as found in the
Bible. This i9 a fundamental doc
trine of the Bible. That is why we
must use the Bible in our homes
and churches. All our teaching and
preaching must be based on this
Book of Books.
This next Sunday may the Holy
Spirit cause all of us to say with
the Psalmist “I was glad wrhen they
said unto me, let us go into the
house of the Lord”. Services at
Hope Lutheran begin at 11 am.
The sermon topic will be “True
Freedom”, based on John 8:31-36.
Come. Sunday school and Bible
class at 10 am.
On Sept. 15th the Rev. E. Buch
/.1 ''
Bringing Christ
to the Nations
“Over Station KBON
every Sunday morn’ 11:30
| —Publicity Department —
3558 South Jefferson Ave.,
Saint Louis, Missouri
Summer Guest Speaker
The Reverend E. H. Buchheimer,
Pastor of Our Savior's Lutheran
Church, Detroit, and summer guest
speaker on the Lutheran Hour, on
Sept. 1, 8 and 15.
Saint Louis, Missouri, September 15 (Special) A plea for deeper
consecration to spiritual values was issued today by the Reverend
E. H. Buchheimer, pastor of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Detroit,
Michigan and summer guest speaker on the International Lutheran
Hour. In the last of his three addresses, over the Mutual Broadcast
ing System and affiliated stations, Pastor Buchheimer declared:
“Active worldliness is a tragic thing to see. Here are the men who
know where they have given their hearts, who are staking everything
I on the world and are out to take it for all it is worthmen and
j women who would “such deeply of life” as Thoreau put it, ‘and
draw out all the marrow.’ Here are the financial Titans whose one
aim is to build great industrial empires, cavalier hosts who sing
wine, women and song; adventurers who penetrate jungles and dive
deep into the sea, and through the stratosphere.All of them in
j the desperate battle against time to lay up for themselves treasures
j on earth alone, as Scripture puts it.It is tragic because no man
, living has ever yet won that battle against time and because the
treasures of earth are never worth the best of human effort.”
Pastor Buchheimer continued: “Christian faith stakes everything i
on the world to come. We can’t lose. It isn’t as though we give up J
one world for the other. This is a game of winner take all. We
get both worlds to live in: one is the world of time and space, in
which men march in picket lines, and hang war criminals and test
A-bombs, a world in which men are young, become middle-aged. |
grow old and die; and one is the world of eternity, in which child
ren are brought to be touched byGod’s Holy Spirit in the Water of
; Holy Baptism, to hear the precious promses of the Master in His
Holy Word; in which men and women look up through tears and
pain and joy and laughter to heaven and the eternal life above. It
j is like eating cake and having it too. Living, even *ow, in eternity.”
| we, the people
i .———
heimer of Detroit, Mich., will talk
| on the subbject: “Love Not the
World”, over KBON at 11:30.
Rev. Z. Williams, ’pastor
i _
Sundav School 9:30 BTU at 6:30.
At 11 am. Rev. H. W. Fitch deli
vered the timely message from the
texts Ezek. 13-19, Matt. 3-5, Jas.
5-4. Sub. “A Poluted Mind”. At
8 pm. the choir rendered a lovely
musical request program. One of
the features was a trio from Misses
Yvonne Spence, Marilyn Birch and
Athalee Fitch. The musical was
well attended. The choir is doing
fine with such wonderful pianist
as Mrs. PoDe. Two members were
added to the church. Both candi
dates were for baptism. Sun. Sept
15 is rally day. We are asking each
member to do your best. The bro
therhood of Morning Star will fur
nish music Sunday all day. Mr.
Curtiss Seals, president. Don’t for
get our weekly activities. Doris
Jean Henderson left for Dennison
Texas for school. She spent her
vacation here with her mother Mrs
Eva Johnson who is now Mrs. Ro
binson. We had with us many out
of town guests. Come to Morning
Star for you are always welcome.
The Week
By H. W. Smith
The Omaha Branch NAACP will
sponsor the first 1946 fall meet
ing at Allen Chapel, 5233 South
25th St., South Omaha on Sunday
afternoon at 3:30. All members
' and friends are requested to attend
1 James H. Fellows, president.
| An Oakland, California street
1 car and a fast train enroute for
San Francisco collided Sept 4 and
! 29 persons were injured. The street
car was almost split in half. It
was loaded with women and chil
President Truman has ordered
, the establishment of a federal com
i mittee to begin a campaign for
f the reduction of highway traffic
accidents on all highways and to
t.rv and eliminate as many as pos
US congresswoman Emily Dou
l glas of Galesburg, HI who is seek
ing reelection said August 24 she
defended the administration’s for
eign policy before a meeting spon
sored by an independent commit
tee supporting her.
Circuit Judge W. B. Arderey of
Kentucky has revoked the rights
of the KKK in the state and the
case has not been contested. The
attorney general of the state filed
; the suit against the hooded klan.
President Truman and US secy.
Byrnes had two yery important
conferences on Sept. 4th on the
Paris Peace conference, the secre
tary telephoned from Paris and he
talked to the President 5 minutes.
The US opened a radio station
in Berlin on Sept. 4 that will peo
ple broadcast to the Germans of
fering equal facilities to all poli
tical parties.
A group of 24 persons were
seized in Hamburg. Germany Sept
4 and charged with being a black
market gang.
12 year old girl was killed in an
auto and truck at 84 and L Sts. on
Sunday afternoon Sept. 8.
A US troopship went aground
16 miles south west of Miami, FI
Sept. 8. It was towed into Miami
by a tug boat. It was enroute from
New York to New Orleans.
Th« first US highway post office
will be operated by the Gulf Trans
portation Company between Mobile
Alababma and Union, Miss, a dis
tance of 181 miles on Sept. 7 and
will deliver and pick up mail at 17
towns on the highway.
Twenty thousand war veterans
are being trained as printers in
Atlantic City.
A landlord in Reading, Pa., ad
1 Combination Screen & Storm Window Co.
Prepare For Winter!
A Self-Storin&
Storm Window
• Save Money by Letting Us Convert Your Present Old-Style Storm
Windows and Screens into This Modern Storm Window.
• No Glass to Change^# No Screens to Store— • Change from Storm
Window to Screen and Back to Storm Window in ONE MINUTE.
• Scientific Ventilation— Rain or Shine.
If You Do Not Hve»Your Old Storm Sash and Screen, New Ones Can Be
Provided at a Nominal Price.
• Our Representative will be Glad to Call at Your Convenience and Dem
onstrate This “Modern Windowf* in Your Home icith No Obligation to
• We Guarantee from 1 to 2 Weeks Delivery. No Down Payment Necessary.
—Up to 36 months to pay.
I for a Free Demonstration...
vertised an improved farm for rent
25 dollars a month only to married
vets who smokes, drinks, has a pet
and a child.
A Los Vegas war bride charged
with murdering her ex-husband,
told a deputy sheriff Sept. 8 she
would rather have a death sentence
than life in prison.
US atorney general Tom Clark
arrived in Dublin Sunday night. He
_ _ _ _t
1 Crown
4 Beak
7 Signal
8 Rowing
10 Kind of nut
11 Grinds to
gether as
13 Decorates
15 Boil slowly
16 Mead' w
17 Pronoun
19 Rhode Island
20 Halloween
24 Destructive
plant insect
27 Officer’s
assista: ts
28 N n-com
30 Neuter
31 River (Chin.)
32 Point
35 Matron
38 Ancient pal
ace in Paris
41 Avoid
43 Immense
44 Branch
45 Merit
48 Half ems
47 Elevated
1 Chocolate
2 Jewish month
3 Founder of
4 A wooden
peg ■
Solution In Next Issue.
5 Organs of
6 Young
7 To give up
9 English
10 Chum
12 People of
14 The whole
18 Reach
20 A hog
21 Employs
22 Collection of
23 Fish
No. 13
24 Apart
25 Leaves of a
26 Hour
29 Trouble
32 Affirms
33 Persia
34 Encountered
36 Unable to
37 Paradise.
39 S-shaped
40 River Z3T
42 Resort town__
Answer to Puzzle
Number 12
Series G-49
To Help You
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Tasteless Capsules Pleasant to Take—
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C Dietrim Consists Only of Nutritive
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No Dangerous Drugs or Chemicals.
Dietrim capsules are accompanied by a
carefully worked out and test reducing
diet together with a scientific calorie
U $249
305 South 16th St.
was on a three week’s survey of ,
Europe as a special representative J
of President Truman.
A convict 82 years old that was \
released from the state prison at
Cannon City, Colo., returned and
asked for work. The warden obli- 1
ged him.
Jesse Owens, the 100 yard dash
champion, out ran George Case, a
baseball player at the Cleveland
baseball park Sept. 8th.
^ TO make air conditioners and forced warm air
rm i°
• Quality Materials,
• Guaranteed Work—
W manship.
1U4 NORTH 24th ST. AT-3700
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OH AGA/H—OFF AGAIN Mr Bo’s—to mtet Ot txta>iops
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$3.00 UAB
Latest Creation*
Easily Attached
Human Hair—
chusmon All Shade*
Fay Postman Full Amount on Mwy
! 507 FIFTH AYE. (Room 905) HEW YORK 17, M. Y.f Deft k
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Da jOa suffer from hard a# beariag and
earned by catarrh al tha haad? WRITE US NOW tar .
proof af tha good result* aor simpla boma traatmaaR
has accomplished for a great many people. Many pa*f
70 report bearing find and bead noire* gone. Nothing
ho wear. Saad today for proof aad 30 day* trial effeo
m tpbUjitwMni
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