—-- TRY HOME FIRST”-— * NORTH 24TH STREET BUSINESS DIRECTORY □ j ^ V , Q _ ) , By a Teep-in* on this Alphabetically ^ and Lots of Tima Classified Business Directory. You May Find Just What You are Looking for “Right at Your Door, or at Your Neighborhood Store”. You Can also SAVE that Car Check and Lots, and Lots of Time! This North 24th Street Classified Business Directory Page is Your “Best Money-Back Guarantee”. /-——' You Can how Buy Your Fresh Fish OF ALL KINDS —AT THE— Nebraska Produce • Poultry Dressed FRESH FARM Vi hile T * U ait EGGS 2206 North 24th St. WE. 4137 Quality and Service - -. ..* Cozy Grill —**B here Friends Meet and Eat"— Starting Sept. 1st Sea Food - Lobsters, Shrimps Oysters & Fillet of Fish 2615 North 24th PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS— JA. 4336 Geraldine Craig, Proprietor. M ARNE’S FLOWER Shop • Cut Flowers — • Artificial Wreaths • Gift Ware CONVENIENTLY LOCATED AT 20th and LAKE • OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS VETERAN W ORLD WAR TW O —Phorte JAckson 3396— .— .— .—t EARL AND BUD’S 7 exaco Service • GAS and OIL “ITe Appreciate Iour Trade” “30th & Wirt k J APEX Bar Inc. “FAVORITE BRANDS WHEN AVAILABLE” -(Under New Management) Nate Ferer, Manager 1818-20 *ORTH 24YH JA. 9351 /-' “YILLONES SERVICE” GAS AND OILS 24th and OHIO * THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE .• IVISES, BEER, LIQUORS “We Appreciate Your Trade” 24th & LAKE AT. 4248 -„--s r-> Buyers’ Guide . • Services, Foods, Accessories, House hold Needs, etc., which may be had at these 24th Street Places of Business. EDITORIAL £Y GEORGE H. McDAVIS, Advertising Manager (tA\OTHER FIRST” IN keeping with our policy of giving our READERS and AD\ ERTISERS the Best pos sible SERVICE. The OMAHA GUIDE is FIRST again with a new FEATURE which to our way of thinking, will be of DIME A S U R ABLE VALUE to all CONCERNED. WE are striving to keep a ; breast of the times, with i NEWS, ARTICLES & FEA , Tl RES. KEEP vour eve on • • this PAGE each week,— here you will find the answer to all vour household NEEDS; and ; PATRONIZE THESE AD VERTISERS. “Be Wise and Advertise in The Guide— The Midirest's S Largest Weekly.w * C. A, KEiAAR CONSTRUCTION CO. 1 ® ALL TYPES OF HOUSE REPAIRS • Septic Tanks, • Flues Repaired • Concrete W ork • Basements ff aterproofed, • Basements Dug • Sideicalks Free Estimates. “Your Patronage Appreciated" 4104 North 24th KE. 9514 — Gabby’s Service Station 24th & Ohio Streets ^ To All Our Friends—lour Business V ill Be Appreciated. Complete Line of Lubrication &, Accessories GABBY WATSON, PROPRIETOR -- | RITZ CAB CO. —“PROMPT SERVICE—NITE OR DAY”— •JA-5222 lhe SNA CK Stop • HOT DOGS-A FOOT LONG—• HAMBURGERS • CANDY— • ICE CREAM—• MALTED MILK • REFRESHMENTS—• FOODS Open 24 Hours A Day 2108-10 NORTH 24TH Phone. JA. 9434 \ r i THE LIQU< >r STORE COMPLETELY REMODELED -AND AIR CONDITIONED 24th & Cuming STREET | * Ji I i ★ SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE GREATER GLIDE Patronize Our _Advertisers Let SWARTZ FURNACE YOUR HOME Everything in Plumbing Supplies Faucets Kitchen Cabinets Fittings, Etc. WE INSTALL REPAIR -v RESET ** All Makes of k Furnaces I Grates — Fire-Pots LOWEST PRICES PROMPT SERVICE SWARTZ FURNACE CO. 2413 CUMING AT. 2835 ._9 r ' —“JOE KAPLAN”— Gas Oil Service WASHING—POLISHING—GREASING 24TH & GRANT ._• t " .... N NORTH 24™ STREET Shoe Hospital 24th and Decatur WE. 4240 i -* CLARK Rooting & Siding Co. • HOME INSULATIOtS if 2830 CHARLES * JA. 4845 > I -.......S ^ WHILE THEY LAST"-' TIRE CHAIMS 600x16 6*0x16 700x16 7x25 & 7x50x17 & 18 • PEW TRICK CHAINS DEEP ROCK SERVICE STATION • 24th CHARLES STREETS ". ■■ -. -. -* FINLAY » COMPANY "ICE —24, Hour Service— SCORED ICE AND CUBES (Open Sundays) WE. 0232 24TH & SEWARD " -------- Houston’s Market -SELECT GROCERIES Home Made Pork Sausage 2114 NORTH 24TH JAckson 3543 — --1 REID’S PHARMACY "THANK YOU” 24th & Seward WE. 1613 * " . ■ _•