The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 07, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    &Tf f SUNDAY
ijttermttkmal I: SCHOOL
■:- LESSON -:
V U« Mood* Bible Ir.etltuU of Chicago.
Ecleascd by Western Ncwspacer Union.
C- - . ...."'" —... =5
Lesson for September 8
Iwa r-bjirw and Scripture text* se
lf .tod and copyrighted by International
U.ati. f Religiouj Education; used by
LTieOft TEXT—Exodus 20:16; Prov
«:• : 26 26 26. Matt. 26 69-75.
MEMORY' SE« ECTION — Wherefore
pu'tug 1x17 lying, speak every man
tiulh with his neighbor.—Ephesians 4:25.
Cud U truth, and therefore any
kind oi i:e is evidence of godless
r.e;s. Satan is the father of lies
(Jy:ui 8:44) and the father of all
I. Tne Prohibition of Lying (Exod.
T1 us * th u shalt not" of God has
to ci» yr.marily with perjury; that
is. t'.e telling of an untruth in court.
To.s is one of the worst forms of
h:r.g. because it may result in the
c against whom it is practiced los
ir.r his liberty, his life or his prop
cry or the destruction of his good
It ;s obvious, however, that the
c t covers all forms of
l.-irg. whit: r in business, in social
contacts, in ti.e borne, or in ther
n u'-fc We might do well to con
t ier what the Bible has to say
.at whisperers, talebearers, back
biter and ethers (see Lev. 19:16;
Ii Cor. 12:20).
II. The Purpose of Lying (Prov.
£ >n as one hears the con
tinuous stream of lies which flow
from tne Ups of some men, one is
apt to feel that it is just a bad habit
of careless talking which has be
come a part of the life.
There is. however, a real purpose
behind the lies of men, and that is
ha deceive in order to get gain or
advantage, or to cover up hatred.
How much of all this there is in
the world today—yes, and in the
church. Those who profess to be
the f Hewers of Christ use the de
mc -i of the devil in their relations
v ,th fellow members of the church.
Christian workers who wish to ap
jv'»r greater than they are, or to
lock greater than others, usa de
ceit an i lying. With what results?
HI. The Punishment cf Lying
O rev. 26:2C-2S; Matt. 23:75).
Owa » e leads to, in fact calls for,
tr other, and soon the liar has
digg-d a pit so big that he stumbles 1
•nd falls into it He is like one who
starts a great stone rolling, and lo,
it rolls back on him and crushes
him. Yes, in due time he is shown
tip before the entire congregation
(v. as».
Then. too. the he does harm to !
othe.s No matter what its nature
—a half truth, or a truth used to
^deceive. or an outright falsehood— j
it bears awful fruit in the life of
the c e toward whom it is direct
ed. or v-h se- name is involved
(v 28>. Once started, it is often im
possible to stop. O-.e cannot ever
catch up with a lie.
But there is also a horrible and
bitter fiuitage of 1 es in the life and
the heart of the liar. Lies do
"come home to roost,-* and they
make the heart and life of anyone !
who has a vestige of decency and
honor left, miserably unhappy. Con
sider Peter (Matt. 26:75).
It is of the utmost importance that
we stress before children and young
people the awful results of lying, as
well as its sinfulness. Lying and
deceit are so commonly accepted
in our day that many regard it as
all right—if you don’t get caught.
But the fact is. you always do get
caught by God—yes. and by your
own lie.
IV. The Practice of Lying (Matt.
26.69 74).
Sadly enough, the constant lying
of the world seems to have infected
the minds and hearts of Christians.
Instead of being cleansed from this <
worldly d* element they carry its
awful tendencies into the church.
The great he within the Church,
and one of Satan's prize exhibits,
is the falsehood of modern relig
ious liberalism (so-called), which is
essentially a denial of real New
Testament Christianity. Jesus said
(v. 42> that if God is our Father we
will accept him as the Christ The
or.e who speaks sweet words about
the example, the manhood, the
leadership of the Master, and who
denies him his place as God, is
clearly in mind here as the follower
of the father of lies.
Someone has suggested that the
great spiritual problem of our day
is not the conflict between the
Church and the world; nor is it to
determine how the Church can best
serve in the world, but rather what
to do about the world which has
gotten into the Church. How did
warliilinnss get into the Church?
The members brought it there after
they had gone out and warmed
themselves at the world's fire, and
fellowshiped with the world in un
godly living.
The denials made by Peter seem
almost unbelievable in the life of
cm who had been in immediate fel
low ship with the Lord and who had
te$n his glory. We have here a rev
elation of the fact that "the heart
is deceitful above all things, and
cc.per$Uly wicked; who can know
U?" U«r. 17:8).
Gas on Stomach
Relieved in 5 nannies or
double your money back
Win mi * ram i. ud cssasa (juntoi. nUotat
la« m mar saiia *ad t-mtlmn. Warn euUi
pnarW Iks faaaaaf artias mtototoa tones to
itovt.-VBto rstof wdUae Uto Uaaaa la MI ana
Ns lumur* M. uu krseo '-nstot Is a
;.t» or toekta r mm mmm >st* os rrturn of butt*
«• so woe i-udtMi
22nd and Willis Ave.
Reverend E. B. Chilldress
Mason Devereaux Jr., reporter
“Remember Me” was the sub
ject of the spiritual message of
our minister to the congregation
Sunday morning, Sept.l. He chose
his inspiring message from the
following two texts Gen. 40 chapter
14th vs. “But think on me when it
shall be well with with thee and
show kindness I pray thee, unto
me, and show kindness I pray
thee, unto me and make mention;
of me unto Pharoah, and bring mej
out o fthis house” and Luke 23rd
chapter 42 vs. "And he said unto
Jesus, Lord remember me when
thou comest unto thy kingdom”
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. P. Powell
of St. Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. Herne
H. Warren of Des Moines; Mrs.
Bertha Rucker of Duluth Minn.;
Miss Tessie Sugwoomook of Green
ville, Ala.; Mr. George M. Watson;
of Kansas City, Mo.; and Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Carter of Coffeeville,
Bring those extra dollars Sunday
September 8 and help Howell, Ho
well with a thousand dollars for
our building fund. The Watchmen
of our church urges members and i
friends to rally around our bro
ther in this effort and really show
that we can Howell with with a
thousand dollars.
Mr. H. L. Preston director of
the Men's Chorus has great things
in store for the congregation in
the form of a excellent Christ three
aim program. Let us remember;
that he or she who supports his
or her own shall forever prosper.
At 3 pm. Sunday, September 8
the Usher Board will have their
services at the church. Mr. Brown
president and members urge the
attendance of all members and all
The King Solomon Wedding spon
sored by our own Eveready Club
will be Monday evening Sept. 30 at
8 pm. at the church. Prepare to at
tend this Christian event.
The Minute Men and Women's
Auxiliary met at the home of Mr.
Burrell of 2006 Maple St. Reports
were received from members as
to the program of their annual
birth dated calendar and from all
indications its success is assured.
All members and friends of St.
Johns please see any member of
this club to have your name un
der your birth date. After this ad
iournment Mr. Burrel served the
members royally with ice cream
and cake. Everyone expressed to!
the host their appreciation of his
The Watchmen at their regular
meeting at the home of Mr. B. A.
How-ell the president, 2627 Binney
St., had Dr. Aaron McMillan who
with his family recently returned
from his work on the Africa con
tinent for 15 months stay in the
United States as guest speaker.
The Christian Banner of St.
Johns flies on as we move onward
and forward to greater spiritual!
heights under the able leadership
of on-- pastor and his w-ife Rev.
and Mrs. Childress for Jesus and
with this glorious spirit of broth
erhood and fellowship St. Johns'
members have carved for tTiem^el
ves and their children and their
community, a wonderful future;
which is unfolding day by day as
"•e draw nearer to the closing of
another conference year of work
in the vineyard of our Father we
pause a moment to examine our
selves to see if wTe have unselfishly!
and undeservedly met our obliga
tions. We each examine ourselves
to see whether we have paid our
annual assessment and that any
auxiliary we belong to has paid
its share in order that we might
close another successful confer
ence year and that the Christian
banner of St. Johns shall contin
ue to fly.
Mothers send your children to
Sunday school every Sunday morn
ing and attend our 11 o'clock ser
vices. Evening services at 7:30.
Visitors and friends are welcom
ed at St. Johns, the friendly ch
urch at 22nd and Willis Ave. Come
worship with us won’t you?
When Taken
Thruout J
The Month 1
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There are no opiates in Pinkham’s
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Thousands upon thousands of women
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V ” urge you to give Pinkham's
Compound a fair *nd honest
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Aiii roMPQiiNn
30th and Corby Streets
H. H. Schauland, Pastor
Two boys were playing on a
hillside when they noticed that
the hour was nearing sunset. The
one boy said: “See how far the sun
has gone down”! Said the other,
' But it isn't the sun that moves:
it’s the earth. My father told me
so’’. The first one shook his head
and replied: “The sun does move,
for I have seen it; and the earth
does not mov£, for I have been
standing on it all the time. I know’
what I see”. “I still believe my
father”, said the other.
So mankind divide ~
accept what their senses reveal:
others believe the Word of God.
Blessed are they who say: “I trust
in Thy Word; Thy Word is truth’.
Only he who is willing to become
as a little child can accept in true
faith God’s Word of truth.
Hope Lutheran teaches the Word
of truth and earnestly pleads with
you to accept it. Won’t you attend
its services at 11 am.? Sunday
School and Bible Class at 10 am.
Parents, help your children to at
tend regularly!
The Lutheran Hour, “Bringing
Christ to the Nations”, comes to
you over KBON every Sunday at
11:30 am.
Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect
peace whose mind is stayed on
thee; because he trusteth in thee”.
We were blessed with good at
tendance throughout the day.
The Sunday School is asking as
many parents as can please come
out next Sunday with your child
ren. The sermons at both morn
ing and evening worship services
were brought to us by the pastor.
If the advice and instructions of
these sermons are put into prac
tice by the Chrustians, they can
not help but grow spiritually. Al
so at the evening worship service
speaking meeting was in order af
ter which communion was given.
Two persons were added to the
church, one of whom is a candi
date for baptism.
A request program is being gi
ven by the choir the last Sunday
in September.
Those who are sick are as toliow
Sis. Aria Thompson, Do ti i
pital. Sis. Ada Stewart, Sis Ida
Willis, Lutheran Hospital and Bro
James Lindsay. Mrs. Josephine
Boyd of 826 Euclid St., Kansas Ci
ty, Mo., the mother of pastor is
very ill. Our earnest prayers go
up before the almighty God for
her recovery and for all the ill.
To the many visitors we extend
a cordial welcome to our church.
We are glad to have you with us
at all times. Your presence is an
inspiration to us.
The Helping Hand Club met at
the home of Bro. and Sis. Miles
Speese 2618 No. 27th P*
evening. A delightful time was had
by all.
Rev. E. Wade, Pastor
Notes and Personals:
The Sunday School was well
attended last Sunday. All depart
ments were represented under the
leadership of our fine staff the
school is doing fine work. The
teachers stand ready to give your
children the best they possess to
inspire them to become followers
of Christ. See that your children
attend Sunday School every Sun
v Visitors are always welcome
H. L. Cribhs supt. Rev. G. Bivens
department superintendent.
The morning service opened on
the hour of 11 o’clock with a full
choir readv to fill your soul with
their gospel songs. The Steward
esses, Ushers and Usheretts were
at their posts ready to give you
their best of services. Bishop J. A.
Hamlett of Kansas City, Kansas,
gave a very outstanding message
from God that was enjoyed by
all. He gave us our closing mes
sage of our 26th anniversary and
also administered the Holy Com
Cleaves Temple was very glad
to have Mrs. Hamlett in our num
ber as this was her fir"=t visit in
Omaha. Don’t forget to come to
Cleaves Temple this week and the
next in our revival that will be
conducted by our pastor. The gen
eral theme “The kind of Co*
God is and the kind of church He
has in what kind of world"’. If your
soul is in God come out and help
save some one else. All that we
have comes from the hand of God
so give Him some of your life be
fore it is to late. Come out and
hear this great speaker. W’ith him
as our leader and God to guide us
I am sure wre can do great things
for our church and save souls for
God. Come out and let the beauty
of God be seen in you. Visitors
are always welcome so come out
and feel at home. Remember the
sick in your prayers.
Please send your children out to
the church each Friday evening
for training in the Youth Move
ment also Junior choir rehearsal.
We are verv glad to have Mrs.
Hall back with us again after her
spending a month’s vacation in
A thought for the week enter
into His gates with thanksgiving
and into his house with praise.
After a three weeks vacation in
Kansas and Missouri. Rev. and
Mrs. C. C. Reynolds returned to
the city this week. They visited
their parents and relatives in St.
Louis and Independence, Missouri,
and friends in Columbia, Mo., and
Kansas City. Kansas, While in
Kansas City Rev. Reynolds served
as instructor in Evangelism at
Mason Memorial church. Rev. Rev
nolds was guest of Bishop E. W.
Kelly Wednesday afternoon Aug
ust 28th.
Rev. Reynolds will return to the
pulpit of Clair Methodist church
this comine Sunday, September,
8th and will deliver the sermons
k 1
Bringing Christ
to the Nations
“Over Station KBOIS
rvery Sunday morn’ 11:30
—Publicity Department —
3558 South Jefferson Ave.,
Saint Louis, Missouri
Summer Guest Speaker
-WW'.'!" —! IT""'-t 1
The Reverend E. H. Buchheimer,
Pastor of Our Savior’s Lutheran
Church, Detroit, and summer guest
Speaker on the Lutheran Hour, on t
Sept. 1, 8 and 15.
Saint Louis, Missouri, September 8 (Special) An appeal for wi
der study and appreciation for the Bible was issued today by the
Reverend E. H. Buchheimcr, pastor of Our Saviour’s Lutheran
Church in Detroit, Michigan and summer guest speaker on the In
ternational Lutheran Hour. Speaking over the Mutual Broadcast
ing System and affiliated stations. Pastor Buchhcimer declared: i
.cannot withhold my conviction that thr’ professing Christian Church
of the Twentieth Century is as much damaged by laxity and indis
tinctness about matters of doctrine within, as it is by skeptics and
' unbeliepers without. So manyprofessing Christians todav seem ut
terly unable to distinguish things that differ. Like people afflicted
with color-blindness, they are incapable of discerning what is true
and what is false. They seem to think that everybody is ri£ht and
' nobody is wrong. They live in a kind of mist or fog. They see
| nothing clearly, and do not know what they believe. They have not
made Up their minds about any great point in the Gospel, and seem
! content to be honorary members of all schools of thought. If their
life depended on it. they could not tell you what they think about j
{justification, or the Lord’s Supper, or faith, or Baptism or the world
to come.”
Pastor Buchheimer continued: “All advancement is spiritual
knowledge, all real growth can come from these truths alone. Jesus
sajd ‘I am the Vine, ye are the branches, he that abideth in Me and I
in him., the same bringeth forth much fruit,, for without Me., ye can
do nothing,.’ Saint John 15,5. These are the first principles of the
j oracles of God. Christ is the \Say: men without Him are Cains,
wanderers, vagabonds. He is the Truth: men without Him are liars,
like the devil of old. He is the Life: men without Him are dead in
trespasses and sins. He is the Light: men without Him are in dark
ness and do not know where they are going.”
...... ■ ■ ■■■■!■ u . i i’; ' ■ ■ r
' ’ If
Continental Feature*
(bv Rev. William C. Kernan)
4 __
Everyone can help to make Am
erica a united country..and thus
a strong country. Here are some
1. Be a good neighbor. As a
good neighbor, you’ll help your
friends recognize and rid them
selves of poisonous and divisive
misconceptions. Simjply by know
ing people, by learning to respect
them for the men and women they
are, regardless of creed or race or
color, you'll learn the good and
the true. . thereby displanting all
misunderstandings and envy, and
all shreds of unseeing, unreason
ing, unholy hatreds.
2. Refuse to spread lies and ru
mors about people of a different
race or religion. The enemies of
our unity try in every possible way
to make us all hate our neighbors.
If they succeed, we shall be a di
vided nation. If they fail, we shall
be a united nation. Stop those who
would divide us by refusing to re
peat their lies and rumors.
3. Keep your children’s minds
PreJudice. You want your
child to be loved, not hated. There
fore you will teach them to love
those with whom they come in con
tact. \ ou will educate their minds
both morning and night. It will be
P1® prst time Rev. Reynolds has
billed his pulpit since Sunday, Aug
11th. He will be happy to see the
members and many friends of the
Clair church. He will announce
the high points of the fall program
for Clair church Sunday.
Elder and Sister Gall Young
evangelists of Kansas City. Kan.. ■
are holding a revival meeting at
the Church of God 24th and Blon
do Sts. The public is invited to at
tend these meetings. Brother and
Sister Young are two inspiring;
young people in the ministery. God
is using them mightily in His ser
vices. Sister Young is a wonderful
singer. She sings with the spirit
1 an,I with understanding. Come out
and hear them. You wont regret it
Let God bless you. This meeting
will last indefinitely.
K. Robinett, rep.
to reject any suggestion that they
must shun or jeer at any other
child who doesn’t happen to go to
your church, .whether he be pro
testant, Jewish, or Catholic. You
must see that your children are
good citizens of America.. good ci
tizens of the world.
4. Realize that men must be
judged as individuals.. not as mem
bers of groups. Remember that a
man’s religion, be it Catholic, Pro
testant, or Jewish, is the little acre
that yields him his belief in God..
its as much his own as the home
he lives in. Remember it is not
for us to judge men by color race
creed, or national origin, .but by
the character of their lives—alone ,
5. Encourage employers and em
pkiyees to avoid discrimination. If
you are an employer, remember
that the man who applies for a job
is an American. In all probability
he is a veteran who fought to save
democracy. Be his name Kelly, Co
hen, or Peterson, .judge him only
by one standard—is he qualified to
fill the job ? And if you are an em
ployee, treat a new fellow worker
as a fellow American. Like or
dislike him as you choose.. but only
on the basis of what he says or
does.. only on his merits as an in
dividual. Not because his religion
or racial babckground may differ
from yours. Remember,Americans
come in ALL races, colors and all
AT LINCOLN V., Sept. 11-16
week-long orientation activities for
freshmen and new students begin
at Lincoln university (Mo.) Sept.
10, W. B. Jason, vice-president and
dean of students, will direct the
program. Dr. Earl E. Dawson, the
dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences, and Mrs. Ina A. Bolton,
dean of women, are associate dir
Reservations are in for all dorm
itory space and University officials
anticipate an enrollment boom.
During the orientation period,
fresmen and new students will take
entrance examinations, scholistie
aptitude tests, English placement
tests, personality tests and under
■ » » ™ ™ V ■■■WWW. «« 'IBP W «II7^BI*K<UI V W
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I i
gie Smith and niece, Agnes Smith
wish to thank the many friends
and neighbors for their sympathy
and floral offerings. In the loss
of our husband and uncle, John
(Jack) Smith.
go physical examinations.
Addresses will be made by Dr.
Dawson and Dr. J. N. Freeman,
head of the department of agri
culture. Scheduled Wednesday, on
Sept. 11, thru Friday, Sept. 13.
are: conferences with personnel
deajis, individual conferences, a
conference for veterans and a con
ference with academic advisers.
David D. Rains, assistant pro
fessor of physical education, will
conduct Play Night at 8 pm„
Thursday, Sept. 12. A weiner
roast will be held Sept. 14 on the
quadrangle. Sandwiched between
these recreational events will be
the reception to meet President
Sherman D. Scruggs and the fa
culty at 8 pm., Friday, Sept. 13,
in Anthony hall.
C Waiter’s
Railroad Boys serving on wheels
with a smile at all times.
Bill Sones, an ex-roast-beef
Knight, going good in the Real
Estate business.
Gerald McKinley going north on
24th St. Friday morning, Aug. 30.
Wm. Hughes formerly of Om
aha is serving in the fine cocktail
lounge at the Palmer House in'
Chicago. Mr. Potter Palmer, al
ways wanted colored waiters in
his hotel.
Mr. James Robinson, the wide
awake lunch car man of the UPRR
should have a photo group of his
lovely three children as they all
have the business look of the fam
Capt. Ed Lee and Bill Taylor
two of the top-notchers of the UP
dining car service.
Mr. George Lipton a very good
headliner at the Fontenelle hotel. •
Mr. Wide-Awake Hill of the
American Legion will pass out the
cigars as the increase to the fam
ily is a boy.
The Regis hotel and White
Horse Inn waiters are going good
and Mr. Pearson is not losing any
Mr. Johnny Maloy will tell of
many sights he contacted on his
vacation and he is all smiles over
the return of his son the soldier
H. W. Smith will carry a very
broad smile on his face as his
daughter will make a short visit
to Omaha in September.
Do you read what t^e 1'>ta *or
is doing? Are you a member?
Miss Adelle Lourie, the charming
elevator operator at the OAC. is
always carrying a friendly smile
and looks to all members and con
tinues to be admired by everyone.
Prey On Recently Bereft
One of the most despicable of
swindlers, warns the Better Bus
iness Bureau, is the "obituary bu
zzard” the unscrupulous gyp who
preys on the sympathies and the
upset emotions of those recently
One of the techniques employed
by this unprincipled schemer is to
check the death notices regularly
and then send a COD package
addressed to the deceased. The
I To My Beloved Neighbors 1
I, Jessica Wright, wish to express my sincere gratitude 9
and appreciation to all my neighbors, who offered me 9
succor and comfort during the illness of my husband, Elbert 9
Mark Wright, who beautified and softened the effects of liis- 9
death by their demonstration of sincere devotion; their 9
kindness I shall always remember. 9
>i iffc cifc |Tlfc nn r II lrii il'lliii i
unfortunate family will assume
that the article was ordered and
will pay for it.. usually an exhor
bitant price for inferior goods.
Most often small articles such as
books, fountain pens, or perhaps
a Bible are peddled in this fash
In another twist to this same
racket, the fraudulent operator
calls at the house in person and
tells the family that the deceased
had ordered a set of books, mag
azine subscriptions, or if the neigh
borhood and house look as if the
traffic could bear more, land or
securities. The gyp artist depends
on the upset condition of the fa
mily to keep them from investi
gating too closely and to induce
them to pay promptly.
Sometimes the unscrupulous
fraud will go so far as to present
the family with a bill for some
imaginary service done for the
deceased or forsomething he sup
posedly purchased.
So, the Better Business Bureau
warns, know with whom you are
dealing. And for complete facts
about a concern or person ask
your Better Business Bureau.
59, of 3008 Miami street, died Fri
day at Lincoln, Nebraska. Surviv
or: Wife, Emma. Services were
held Wednesday, 2 p. m. from the
Myers Funeral Home with burial
..i Forest Lawn cemetery.
l.renter Coverage
ADVERTISE in the Guide
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