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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1946)
LOCAL AND NATIONAL NEWS JQC Per Copy AND WORTH IT— “To Sell It, ADVERTISE** . /JUSTICE/EQUALITY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY _ _ PHONE HA.0800 2420 GRANT ST ,JT 1 . —' . 1 1 - ■■■ - ... '• ..T~ i ■’1 .a--£ £, rfjjf ggg S\TI Rniv iFPT 7 1QJ.A o..- 10*1. v_ mr ot * 1 n n , Enter^ as 2nd class matter at Post-oftice. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of »A I LKPAY, SEPT. 7, I946 Our 19th Year—ISo. 31 * 1QC Per Copy ★ March 8. 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street. Omaha. Nebr. EARLY ENTRIES IN MISS MID-CITY QUEEN “Beauty and Popularity" CONTEST MISS MARY HARRIS of “YWCA Administration" AIMS SMITHERMAM, “Miss Althouse lipauty School” ROSALIE STEW ART, ‘Mrliss W atson Rcauty School" The Miri-City Queen Contest Glorifying the Charm, Personality and Popularity of Our Mid-City Womanhood, has now reached the voting stag. All Clubs, organiz ations and Individuals are urged • ike tbrnr nomination-* before the September 16th Deadline. ^.t Press time, nine iCorr.'nations ’ ive been made in the Mid-City Queen Contest. These are Jean Rudd, 2865 Ohio St., Nellie Taylor 2010 North 20th St., Doris New land, 2908 Franklin St., Laura Smith. 2121 North 28th St., Ca mille Dunham, 2908 Franklin St., Mary Harry. 2308 North 29th St., Ann Smitherman, Alth ouse Beauty School, Margaret King, | 2626 Decatur St., and Rosalie Stewart, 2431 Patrick St. There are many other Nominations not yet confirmed The Omaha Guide will print additional listings and photos in the order they are receiv ed. September 16th is Deadline for Nominating Candidates. The public at large will have the opportunity of selecting Omaha’s most popular and beautiful lady who will be Crowned Queen, or Monday. September 30, 1946 at a Gala Event which will feature Royal Entertainment, including the awarding of six additional prizes. Watch Next Week’s Issue ">r r'-v'-'iote Rist of Contestants. New Urban League Sec’y. Expected to Be Minneapolis Man Mr. Leo Bohannan, Minneapolis civic leader, is expected to receive the appointment as Executive Se cretary of the Omaha Urban Lea gue. Mr. Bohannan is former Re sident Manager of the Phyllis Wheatley Home of Minneapolis and more recently, a representa tive of the UNRA in Europe. Mrs. Bohannan is a native Omahan, heing the daughter of Clarence Wiggington internationally known architect at Minneapolis who be gan his career in Omaha. Mr Duward R. Crooms, former secretary of the Urban League, resigned August 1st to accent the position of sales manager of the Omaha Guide Printing Dept. AFL President t.rren To Address Porters Convent’n It was announced at the Broth erhood headquarters in New York by A. Philip Randolph that at the opening of the 5th Biennial Con vention and 21st anniversary of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, at the DuSable High school. Sunday afternoon, Septem ber 15. William Green president of the Arneri'"- i Federation of La bor. v- til give the principal add ress He wi’1 discuss the role of ©-•ra-iized i tn the world to day and the problem of minorities with special reference to the Ne gro. This wo’ises to be one of the most ircrewtant and vital sta tements presented by America's rank n'T lav-or leader William Greer in connection with the oreani" - tion of Negro workers in the his tory of the American labor move ment. Other sneakers will in''1’' ’ Mrs. Halena V'ilson, Intern ation^1 President of C'c Ladles Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and C. L. Dellu- = Pacific Coast Zone Supervisor and Fourth International Vice Pre d ent. The chairman of the meeting will he Milton P. Webster. 1st Vice President and former mem ber of the President s Committee on Fair Employment Practices. The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car i Porters which waged one of the j most historic struggles for recog- j nition from a great industrial cor j poration in America, the Pullman 1 Company, has become one of the' outstanding international trade un ions in the United States of Amer, jca. affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, and is stead- • ily expanding its membership in related fields such as the Pullman Car Cleaners and Yard Forces. The organization now has contracts with some thirty or more carriers . ■ ~7—' ' » Omaha Guide Secy MISS JOHNNIE McGOY Miss Johnnie McGoy, new Oma ha Guide office secretary, is a former resident of Oakland. Calif, where she was employed by the Tri-City Herald. She was a student at the Uni versity of Denver before coming to Omaha. throughout the United States and Canada and is in the process of planning the organization of the porters on the Pullman cars in Mexico, stated Mr. Randolph. Glamour Girls Entertain G. I.s I-ran.Brocks famous femme trio, which recently was' the rav 1 CL i ~ of the Fa Sc, is pSctand above with Harry ’lt' f h uiing of the famous dancing team of Carl and Harryette on the cvtremi 1. ft. The G. 1. in the background is merely a bit of ” V\t to Harryette i> Iris Vasques: Joyce Win ston and Sue Purcell of whom tin* boys said there was no better trio heard on all the -hows to hit the Islands of the Pacific. Frances Bro. k is fa-t rounding up her hand for c tour of the States and will l«e soon he..rd in all the famous dance emporiums. Several large booting agem-ies have r n to handle her aggregation. i a m bb^. ik — ~ Z Z—"— - ^_____ ~~ — 1 I—— , Daughter of J. Harvey IKerns KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT WILLIAM “Rare Horse” JACKSON, PASSES William (Race Horse) M. Jack son died Tuesday, Sept. 3 at 1 pm. He was born in Kentucky and was well known for the past 40 years in Nebraska and neighboring states tor his ability as a harness horse trainer. Survivors are a son, Allen Jack son, of Kansas City, and a daugh ter, Mrs. Olive Davis of Omaha. Funeral services were Friday at : 2 pm. from the Thomas Funeral j Home. I ' -- -- Senators Wallace, Pepper N. Y. __ Secretary of Commerce Henry A. Wallace and Senator Claude E. Pepper (D., Fla.) will open the current Congressional election campaign when they speak at a Madison Square Garden rally on Thursday evening, September 12 it was announced Tuesday. This will mark the first appearance on the same platform during this cam paign of Mr. Wallace and Senator Pepper, who are recognized as the two leading exponents of the New Deal philosophy within the Demo cratic party today. Organized to rally independent voters behind progressive candi dates running for election to the 80th Congress, the meeting, which is entitled “The Fateful Eightieth" is sponsored by the hewly-formed National Campaign Committee of the Independent Citizens Commi ttee of the Arts. Sciences and Pro fessions, and the National Citizens Political Action Committee. Harold L. Ickes, former Secretary of the Interior and executive chairman of ICCASP, and Dr. Frank Kingdom radio commentator and chairman of National Citizens PAC, are list ed as co-chairman of the National Campaign Committee. In addition to Mr. WTallace and Senator, speakers scheduled to ad dress the rally include Paul Robe son, noted singer and actor, Flor ence Eldridge March, actress and wife of Frederick March, and Dr. Kingdon. A specially-written dra matic presentation depicting the achievements and aspirations of the Roosevelt administrations will be presented, starring well-known radio, screen, and stage personal ities, including Zero Mostel. The Pearl Primus dance group will ap pear, and the CIO Chorus will sing a special adaptation of the United Nations song, for which lvrics have been written by Harold Rome Marian Kerns, age 19, attractive daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. J. Haivey Kerns, formerly of Omaha was killed in an auto accident in Cleveland, Ohio on Labor Day. Maiian, who will be remembered by most Omahans as a little girl, was a student at the West Virginia State College at the time of her tragic death. Her father was the Omaha Lrban League’s first Executive Scuetary, and is now affiliated with the New York office of the Lea gue. James Kerns, World W ar ii veteran and bfother of Marian, was a lecent visitor in Omaha, being a guest at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lambert, long time friends and former neighbors of the Kerns’. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. in Cleveland. Columbia Trial Judge To Quiz Jurors on Bias LAWRENCEBURG, Tenn., Aug ust—In a desparate fight against the "steamroller” justice of Tenn. which seems set to pick a hanging jury of hostile proponents of white supremacy, NAACP lawyers lost another round yesterday. On the excuse that the attorneys for the twenty-five Columbia Negroes charged with atempted murder were using more time than neces sary and were going too far afield Judge Joe M. Ingrahm handed down an extraordinary ruling. Hereafter, the Judge has decided he will address all questions on feelings of prejudice to prospec tive jurors from the bench. The defense must submit all race ques tions to him, in writing, well in advance of the days’ questioning, and he will conduct the future ex amination of veniremen on that point. This ruling was vigorously con tested by NAACP attorneys Z. A. Looby, L. A. Ransom and Hau rice Weaver, since it makes it impossible for the defense to de termine fairly what the true feel ings of prospective juorors may be on race prejudice and the legal rights of Negroes. In addition to denying to the defense lawyers their legal right to examine thoroughly all pros pective jurors on the question of race prejudice, Judge Ingram fined one man $50 for contempt of court because of his statement that he would not be able to be on the jury because of his preju dice against Negroes. Attorneys Looby and Weaver immediately made motions for a j mistrial and for a change of ven | ue, on the grounds that the Judge | by niling in this manner would ! prevent the defense from getting > (Prospective jurors to admit their feelings of race prejudice and, i therefore, they would not get hon est answers from the jurors on this all-important question. As it is, over two weeks of ques tioning have produced only fiv# jurors even faintly acceptable, and the defense lawyers have used up 39 of the 200 premptory challen ges they are allowed in blocking the choice of biased veniremen. There are 120 left on the present venire to be questioned. Of the 190 questioned so far, 75 to eighty have expressed a bias against the Negroes. Dr. Leon Ransom also charged Judge Ingram had committed a grievous error in ordering that Clarence Brown, a defendant, for feit his $5,000 bond for failure to appear in court on August 22nd, although the defendant was ill and 1 a physician’s certificate was shown as reason for his absence. Never the less, the Judge ordered that Brown be brought into court from his sickbed and raised his bond to $10,000. Brown was kept in jail until a bond for that amount was raised. The Judge refused to per mit acceptance of a bond from two other defendants, James Mor ton and Julius Blair. U S War Bonds were also refused as secur ity. Five thousand dollars in cash was raised locally, however, and the NAACP contributed another ' $5,000 for Brown's release. the -- j Street... [ and .. \thereabouts[ nr. ■-■■■■■-ir -p-it- -□ LAWRENCE P. LEWIS M1B.CITY SEPIA QUEEN The contest is nowr in full swing and I am as eager to cast my vote as the rest of you. I know I am not an authority on the choosing of the winner, and being married I had better talk very little about this contest with my better half. Not being so bad to look at her self. as far as she is concerned. I'd better keep telling her that she is the queen of them all, and if I vote il’m going to vote) the lady that I vote for will be my 2nd choice. So many people have asked me about the qualifications necessary to become the Mid-City Sepia Queen, and it is almost impossible for yours truly to answer that question. BEAUTY TO ME IS ON THE INSIDE OF A PERSON, NOT THE OUTSIDE. My choice would probably not ring true ac cording to the majority. So being aiked a question that I fell I can not answer, I’ll just tell you a story of the most beautiful person I have ever known. We’ll call her Anne. Anne was the normal girl, and yet she wanted all the rest of the things young girls have, dancing, dates, and fun in general. Anne was lovely to look at, deep brown complection with (Continued on pageK2p8) | MARGARET KIXG, “Miss ISorlhside Beauty School*' $800 in Prizes Who will he Selected Miss Mid City QUEEN 1. lour (.lub or Organization May Sponsor A Contestant. 2. 4 ou May Nominate Someone Yourself. 3. Any Girl Over 18 is Eligible. 4. 1 lease furnish I he Omaha Guide with a Gloss v-print of Your Nominee for Publication. 5. Entering Blank May Be Secured from Current Ihsucb of The Omaha Guide. 1. S800.00 in Prizes. 2. Seven Winners; Seven Prizes. 3. First Prize, Expenses Paid Week-End Trip to Clucagjn with Reservations at Pershing Hotel. 4. Queen to be Crowned September 30th. 5. W inners to be Honored at Gala Ball on the Night of September 30th. 6. No member of the “Mid-City Queen” Committee will (hs permitted to make any nomination. i. The 7 Contestants receiving the largest number of votes in order, will be adjudged winners. No person may vote more than ONE TIME. 8. Ballots for voting purposes will be printed in snbse quent issues of The Omaha Guide. Mail or Bring Entries to The Omaha Guide Office, 2420 Grant Street. NOMINATIONS MUST BE IN BY SEPTEMBER 16th. THE NOMINATION ENTRY BLANK will be found di rectly below (to be filled out by parties sending in their Kn try). Print plainly the name, address ami age of nomine**.. Attach Entry Blank to a black and white, glossy print photo graph and mail or bring the same to The Omaha Guido of fice, 2420 Grant Street. j* * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ assnBaEBBBBaaaa £ Mid-City Queen - Beauty & Popularity Contest B _ -NOMINATION BLANK ■ ■ 1 or We Nominate. for Mid-City Queen (Name of Beauty Contestant) ■ Whose Address is. Telephone No.... ■ Nominated by ...... S (Name of Lodge, Club or Individual) ■ Address ... Telephone No._ * CLIP THIS FORM and Mail to The OMAHA GUIDE £ Office, 2420 Grant Street. KBBaaBBBaaaasasa a a a a a a at c^j> This is lour Voting Ballot: Vote for ONLY ONE 1 " II II II i II .. IF MIDCITY QUEEN—BEAUTY & POPULARITY CONTEST I Vote for ONE! • My Choice for Mid-City Qu een Is:— (Name of Contestant) _ (Name, Address of Voter) DC—' ' =»=--, ■ -ii=- nr— -nr=,-.—ir— Jesse Owens Racing for $1,000 CLEVELAND, Ohio.. (CNS) — The world’s fastest human, Jesse Owens, will race George Case, the Cleveland Indian's outfielder 100 yards September 8th for a purse of $1,000. Jesse and Case will do the sprint over a straightaway vm the outfield grass in between the games of the Cleveland-St. f^nig double header game. Jesse is co holder of the world 100 yard record, 9.4 seconds. MIUNITE SHOW- One Performance Only- Saturday, Sept. 7, Town Theat re