The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 24, 1946, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Omaha Guide ]
)Fmb-l>r ' f- *n Saturday at t\lO Grant Street
( a* Second Class Matter March 15. 1927
at the Post Office at Omaha. Nebraska, under
lAct of Congress of Mart* 3. 1879
>C. C. G allot, ty^_ Publisher and Acting Editor
1 All News Copy of Churches and all organi
sations must be b our office not later than 1:00
P- tn. Monday for current issue. All Advertising
|Lopy 00 Pa,d Articles, not later than Wednesday
noon, proceeding date of issue, to insure public
| at ion.
ONE YEAR . $3.00
SIX MONTHS .:.$1.75
ONE YEAR . $3.50
National Advertising Representatives—
545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone:
MUrray Hill 2*5452, Ray Pick, Manager
Editorial: Is America Morally ready to Lead the World? “
f--- -
(by Kev. Wil liana C Kernan)
The current revelations of the
Mead Committee investigating war
contracts reminds us that public
office is a public trust. Some su
percilious people—who pride them
selves on what they call their so
phistication—may sneer at this
odd fashioned standard. Neverthe
less. true moral standards have a
Those occasional night* when ner
eou* tension keep* you a wake— are
you more wakeful the harder you try
to alaep? Those flay* when tenaa
nerves make you irritable and jumpy
—are you crankier and more restless
when you try to fight the feeling?
'Mo 'eri I nr can help you on day*
and night* like these It
has been making good
for more than 60 yearn
CAUTION — use only
a* directed. Get Wile*
Nervine at your drug
•tore Effervescent tab
lets, 35c. Tic—Liquid,
15c, 91. Milas Labora
tories. Inc.,
way of persisting and of bringing
people who violate them into judge
ment—even of bringing a whole
nation into judgement which per
mits them to be violated. Ahd it
can be said today, with as much
forcefulness as it was once said
in the early days of our country,
that we must raise a standard to
which the honorable will repair.
Congressmen, regardless of all
I other things, must be honorable
But good government does not
end there. It does not even begin
there. It begins with the people
| themselves whose responsibility to
elect honorable men to the nation
al legislatue is as great as is the
responsibility of the men elected
to discharge their duties honora
We need in America.. in Con
i gress and in the body politic—a
| reaffirmation of personal respon
sibility. Some people do not like
to be told this. It is not a popular
theme on all hands today. It is
easier to find excuses for our fail
ure to take personal responsibility
for what we do. Some people, who
have undertaken to educate the
public, even encourage us to be
; lieve that we cannot be held re
1! Insurance Agency
fe» Estate. Rentals, Insurance
2424 BRISTOL ST. J A.-6261
4 We wish to Announce 4
\ G & J Smoke Shop i;
| 2118 NORTH 24th Street
t Everything in the Line of !|
l Jackson A Godbey, Props. \
i Johnson Drug Co.
: ; 2306 North 24th
WE 0998 '
CJSSOtaccvaplkMbaM yrc»«4 /ar aaar 100 *aara.
Try M oa tka fuaraaBa.W BtiafaBicB «r b&m?
k-— 2c ;X umar 75a na aoataisa 4 (■him. *a
Buck). Ar ail itcna ar-from K.T.Browaa Dn| Ca,
ITT Wawc 9t_, SS York Q»
!uA a
S. 'pyg£tntA5i
sponsible for anything that we do.'
They lay the blame on environ
ment, or weakness under temp
tation, or on the state of our gland
or the influence of other people
around us..
In the end, this kind of teaching
cannot but result in a general
breakdown of public morality. For
the cornerstone of all morality is
the recognition that our actions
are not determined ahead of time
by circumstances—but that as free
people we can choose our course
by taking personal responsibility
for what we do..
There is nothing virtuous in in
difference to our country's welfare
—to the corruption that marks
so much of the political life of
our nation—to the racial and re
ligious hate which is fostered by
people who cannot stomach the
American principle of liberty and
justice for all—to the attack of
both fascism and communism on
our free institutions. Every Amer
ican has the personal responsibi
lity to uproot these things. We
shall fare better and go further
toward pfstecting our democracy
when we embrace again and hold
fast to high moral standards by
insisting that personal responsi
bility is inseparable from the pre
servation of free American soci
V -»
* * *
The President, along with other
national leaders, has done consi
derable talking concerning the
need for strict control of govern
ment expenditures. This policy is
urged as inflation control, no less
than practical necessity to a na
tion confronted with a debt of al
most $300,000,000.
If Congress is interested in fol
lowing the Chief Executive’s ad
vice, it has many fertile fields for
action at hand. As a starter, it
coud do worse than to investigate
thoroughly the various appropria
tions for waterpower development
flood control, etc., which are con
stantly coming before it. These
costly tax-exempt power develop
ments measures.. and their total
sums runs into the billions, .are
unnecessary. At best, they would
simply duplicate a service which
is already being provided, with
out cost to the taxpayers, by the
private, business-managed elec
tric utilities. At worst, they would
lead to the destruction of private
enterprise in the power business,
and the loss of the gigantic sums
in taxes which the publicly regu
lated private utilities pay* to all
units of government.
As the Chicago Herald-Ameri
can said in a recent editorial, “If
the 70,000,000 life insurance pol
icyholders, the 45.000.000 owners
of savings accounts, and the mil
lions who hold government bonds
understand their own true inter
ests, they will insist on remdeial
fiscal policies at the nation's ca
pital. In political terms thi3 calls
, for a radical transition from
LeRoy A. and Jack D. Howell
Sons of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. oHwell, well known Tampa, Florida
residents, leave next month for Palmer Memorial institute, Sedalia,
N. C. The boys are graduates of St. Peter Claver High School and
acquired their excellent swmiming ability at Camp Atwater, East
Brookfield, Mass. (ANP)
gality and thrift”.
It is time, in other words, that
we learned that the great spending
orgy has to end. If it doesn’t end
we will have a ruinous inflation.
Economy in government must be
come a national policy if we are
to successfully make the transi
tion from war to peace without
destruction of the institutions and
form of government we fought to
The recently enacted OPA bill
is a compromise between those
who believe the Office should be
indefinitely continued in its old
form, and those who believe that
the time for governmental tink
ering with the law of supply and
demand is over. It is obviously de
signed as a sort of transitional
measure, to bridge the change
from a government-dominated
war economy to a free enterprise
peacetime economy.
The most important new feature
is its establishment of a three
man decontrol’ board with pow
ers superior to those of the OPA
administrator. The job of this
board will be to remove controls
from commodities when supply is
in sufficient quantity so that the
free market will automatically as
sure fair prices. If the board does
that job successfully, it will be of
immense aid in getting this coun
try back to its traditional ways of
doing business.
In the meantime, the consumers
of the nation must realize that the
basic solution to inflation lies not
in law, but in vastly stimulated
production and distribtion. So long
as the supply of available goods is
below demand, we will continue to
have black, markets. So long as
labor troubles, governmental in
terference or anything else blocks
the production machine, and out
of-line price problem will continue
to be a major factor in our nat
ional life.
The distributive machine is do
ing a fine job, and it is ready to
do still better when goods again
become plentiful. Retailers in all
lines of merchandise paced by the
big chain systems, have sonsist
ently worked against price in
creases. They cannot of course,
prevent price increases made ne
cessary by higher wage, supply
and tax costs. But they are a con
stant guarantee of the lowest price
for what you buy, consistent with
the economic conditions of tl\e
It should be made clear to the
public that the costs of certain ba
sic commodities and services like
oil, electricity, and insurance do
not rise in price every time the
market suffers an upsurge.
William Ft Boyd. Jr. President of
the American Petroleum Institute
made the statement recently that
the prices of gasoline, fuel oil and
other petroleum products hae al
ways been determined by the costs
of production and the ceaseless
competition among the companies
in the industry.
He said, The petroleum industry,
like other sound American indu
stries, will do its best to hold the
line on product prices. Under nor
mal conditions costs vary, and pri
ces vary with costs. If we all work
together, indue course not only
can product prices be held, but in
many cases they can be reducer
as full production anti efficient op
eration are achieved by the effec
tive cooperation of companies, em
ployees and the public”.
A sound industrial policy is not
based on the theory that the great
est profit comes from inflated pri
ces. Industry depends for its ex
istence on a stable and steady
market. As Mr. Boyd points out,
prices reach a natural level when
full production and efficient oper
ation are achieved.
Vet News
At the state American Legion
convention in Lincoln this week,
E. R. Benke. head of the Veterans
Administration Branch 8 office,
whose jurisdiction covers Nebr
aska, called upon state and local
agencies to provide additional
training and educational facilities
for veterans.
He pointed out that in Nebraska
as of July 1, 121-2 thousand vet
erans were in school or being
trained with government help and
that another 12 thousand Nebras
ka veterans had been approved
for training but had not begun
their training courses, either in
college or in on the job training
Negro Softball Stars
Here August 30th
Traveling “Ghosts” To Play
Buck’s Bar At Falstaff Park
Tne traveling Negro softball
team known as the “Ghosts” will
play at Falstaff Park on August
30th. This team boasts some of
the outstanding Negro softball
olayers in the country. Each year
this touring team plays at the
Vinton Street park to a full-horse \
featuring their famous ‘‘shadow
ball" which is well worth the ad
mission price.
The Buck’s Bar team. Greater
Omaha league champions as well
as defending State champions,
will play the colored aces. Big
Ben Crain will be on the mound
for the Buck's Bar Team. I
While some of the 12 thousand
Nebraska veterans probably have
not begun training because of
^c-sonal reasons, Benke said it is
reasonable to assume the training
and education of a large number
is being held up for lack of suit
able training facilities and oppor
Stressing that the Veterans Ad
ministration is without legal au
thority to provide training estab
lishments or facilities, Benke said
it is the responsibility of the edu
cational institutions, of the state,
and of industrial and business
groups sponsoring on the job train
ing establishments and of the pu- :
blic at large to provide additional
facilities so that all veterans may
no wenter the training and edu
cation programs they need to
satisfy their abilities and aptitudes
The 20 per cent increase in vet
erans’ disability pensions and com
pensation ordered by congress and
signed into law this month by
President Truman will add about
$127,000 per month to pension
checks received by Nebraska vets
and their dependents, Ashley Wset
moreland, manager of the Veter
ans Administration regional office
at Lincoln said today.
Currently in line for the increase
are some 10.800 Nebraska veter
ans of World War II, 3,300 of
War I, and 2,500 dependents of
deceased veterans of both wars.
Under the new rate, a totally dis
abled veteran will receive $138
per month instead of $115.
Westmoreland said the boost in
rate will be made automatically
but that the checks received by
beneficiaries prior to October will
not carry the increase. Those af
fected .. veterans or widows who
receive pensions—need not sub
mit applications to receive the in
crease as the raise will be granted
to all those on the rolls.
The increase does affect retire
ment pay and does not apply to
subsistence allowance payments
made to veterans taking training
under public law 16 or 346.
By Ed Hurley
That the production and distri
bution of all-Negro motion pic
tures has gone into the “big mon
ey” bracket is seen this week with
the incorporation at Albany of
Herald Pictures, Inc., whose an
nounced purpose is the production
and release of twelve feature pic
tures at the rate of one each
Heretofore, over six hundred
theatres throughout the country,
catering to Negro audiences, were
forced to depend upon spasmodic
independent prrduction and indif
ferent distribution in relation to
the presentation of pictures fea
turing an all-Negro cast.
In addition to being able to
contract for twelve programs, it
is now possible for an exhibitor
to book and advertise a complete
all-Negro show months in advance
naming stars and titles.
The Herald company, through
its president Jack Goldberg, a
pioneer in this field and a booking
executive of Loews' theatre cir
cuit, announces that production
values on the new picture will be
raised to a $50,000 negative cost.
This is almost three times greater
than has been spent on such type
of pictures in the past.
The first feature, 'Boy! What A
Girl!!!”, is scheduled to go into
production on September 16th at
the Fox Movietone Studios in NY
City, under direction of Arthur
Mr. Leonard, prior to his entr
ance in the Navy spent seven (7)
years with Vitagraph directing
John Gluskin, manager and dir
I ector of orchestras (including Gene
i Short Sports t
NEW YORK—Considering that
there is a shortage of fodder for'
the Joe Louis fighting machine, it
«ould not be altogether an idle
umor to report a slight possib-1
lity that the fleet-footed sprinter
3:l!y Conn will tc given another
crack at the title before Joe signs
iff to join the ranks of the re
tired undefeated. Billy who lost
two foot races to the champ has
Acquired new wisdom, and should
-ie get another shot at the dia-1
dem, he will not depend on his legs
to keep him out of range.
Recently Conn bought himself a
wift three year old racing colt
:hat answer' to the name of Hon
ey Town. Admittedly the boxing
rules will have to undergo some j
changes before Billy the Kid is
permitted to enter the ring moun-i
ted on his trusty steed, but you've
got to admit, that Conn astride a
proud and sensitive filly will be a
swifter and more interesting op
ponent than he has been on foot.
The reported price paid for the
racing nag it $15,000. money that
Conn earned by being sure of foot.
It is reasonable for him to expect
that Honey Town will at least
double the money since he has 4
legs and a lot more space in which
to travel.
• * • *
Speaking of Joe Louis, and that
is what everybody seems to be
doing these hot August days, he j
seems to have his work all layed;
out for him for the balance of this
year at least. When he finishes
Krupa), is a production executive
in charge of casting. J. M. Lehr
field, investments adviser, is secy,
and treasurer of the new copora
In “shooting” their initial pic
ture at the Fox Studios, the com
pany will go on record as having
the first All Negro independent
production to be made in one of
the larger studios, using Western
cji'-et ic sound.
The organisation is opening dis
tributing and booking offices in
ne?<go. Atlanta, Dallas and Los
Angeles in addition to their home
ounces in New York City.
A building has been obtained
in Harlem which will be convert
ed into a motion picture studio,
c t cannot be made ready for oc
cupancy until after the first of
the year. When completed it will
be the only studio in the world
built expressly for the production
of all-Negro motion pictures.
According to Mr. Goldberg, the
atres showing Negro pictures have
increased over 20 percent in num
ber since the war, with sales in
foreign fields having jumped 300
percent. The advent of 16mm pro
jection has also increased the sub
sequent income of Negro films, he
Tami Gettino Ready
For What?
NEPTUNE, N. J_(Calvin’s
News Service)—Tami Mauriello
went through the motions of pre
paring himself for the world cham
pionship bout September 18th.
Having pitched camp here at Nep
tune, he boxed rounds. .two with
Cleo Everette and one with John
ny De Mail. Now scaling 205, he
is anxious to peel down to 192
before he runs into Joe.
New YORK CITY—(Calvin’s
News Service)—Once stopped in
the sixth round by the then (1935)
fast rising Joe Louis, Primo Car
nera, a former heavyweight cham
pion, is in another tangle. It ap
pears that Commissioner William
P. Haughton is refusing Camera
a wrestling permit until there is
an investigation of his war record.
Haughton is seeking to find out
if Camera collaborated with the
Nazis in World War n. Camera is
in the states to make a wrestling
his chore against Tami Mauriello
next month, it is likely that he will
affix his signature to a contract
for an indoor slug-fest for Uncle
Mike Jacobs. His opponent will
be the winner of the Jersey Joe
Walcott-Tommy Gomez battle
which is scheduled to take place
on August 16. If you're inclined
to tilt your nose or to hold the
same because of the calibre of the
opposition, just remember that
there isn’t much of a selection to
be made. If you have any friends
who think they can lick Louis,
send their names to Mike Jacobs,
he'll appreciate the assistance.
• • • »
There must have been some
pretty hot contests up at Yankee
Stadium, the House That Ruth
Built, but the home team has
never turned out the sizzling,
crack-shot plays that were in evi
dence a few Sundays ago when
four top Negro teams broke it up
with exhibitions of thrilling pro
In a twin bill that left the most
avid baseball fan desiring noth
ing, the Cleveland Buckeyes op
posed the Newark Eagles while
the Memphis Black Sox lined up
against the famed Black Yankees
It was scorching baseball played
with a lively professional touch.!
The Stadium rocked with thrills
and cheers, and you wondered as
you sat and watched, why the mo
guls who have the say-so don't
step on the gas and get some color
in their line-ups.
¥ ¥ ♦ ¥
Those of us who have been shout
ing our heads off for Sugar Ro
binson to get a much deserved
crack at the welterweight title
are keeping our crossed at the
date for his bout with Marty Ser
vo draws closer. Ray is scheduled
to exchange blows with Servo in
the Yankee Stadium of the even
ing of September 6, and the event
promises to be a sell-out.
Even though Robinson is fre
quently referred to as the uncrow
ned king of the welters, it won’t
be official until he gets in there
and Makes Servo yell ‘uncle’ or
whatever it is a defeated fighter
yells when he is connected with
the finishing touch or punch.
While waiting for his big chance
Sugar Ray has been doing a little
tuning up. The final session in his
pre-championship campaign will
take place in Hawkins Stadium at
Albany, New York on August 15.
Ray will do battle with Vinnie
Vines, a tough little scrapper from
1 Past '
4 Apex
7 Like a wing
8 Poems
10 Color
11 Telegraph
12 Metal
13 Made hol
lows in
15 Marsh plant
17 Part of
“to be”
18 Type
19 Cover
20 Sagacious
21 Egyptian
22 Winnow
23 Legislature
25 Number
26 Pennsyl
28 Sea eagle
29 Onward
i 31 Daughters
of one’s
33 Goddess of
34 Boat
35 Capital
36 Angle of a
fault vein
37 Mint V
38 Varying *
39 Donkey
___ 1 ’»*
1 Apportion
2 Long, rtout .
glove .
Solution in Next If«ue.
No. 10
3 Coin (Swed.)
4 Wiping
5 Norse god
6 Relating to
7 Biblical
9 Prophets
12 Frozen
13 Performed
14 River in
16 River island
20. Purpfle
flowered . t
herbs . * s
21 American
22 Pinaceous
23 Lair
24 People of
25 Distress
signal '
26 A stamp
27 Public
29 Less
30 Sharp edge
32 Signal system
35 Cry of sheep
Answer ts Pauls
N amber 9
Series G-4#
Schenectady. Because the unex
pected can happen in a matter so
important as this, Robinson’s bac
kers are hoping hard that Vines
doesn't upset the dope and polish
Ray off. Evidently there isn’t too
much worrying being done a^out
it, because the tickets from t’ e
main event are disappearir 7 fast.
As it looks now Robinson will have
a nice, shiny crown to put under
his Christmas tree.
“Can Us First”
5 3
mmmmmm checked
For quick relief from itching caused by eczema,
athlete's loot, scabies, pimples and other itching
coodltmne. use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid
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Gruaselem and rtmntae. Soothes, comforts and
qisskly calms inlcom itching. 35c trial bottle
■roues ig, er moraq Dock Eton t suffer Askyout
druggist today MrD.t.1. NUcmmeit
^ Ladles & Children's
2418 GRANT ST.
/«ii Hunt' rcniucia
Try anur ng 7 day horn#
trial ... if not convinced
that your Biin is lovei er,
lighter, get yo**r money
back. Caution: Uae only a*
directed. 25c and 130c at
drur gists.
Box264, Atlanta, So.
Ladies and Children’s Work
A Specialty
School of
i! JSeaut^
j Culture
!| Terms Can Be Arranged !;
'! 2511 North 22nd Street l!
i| —JA-3974—
Phone JA-4635
formerly at 24th
and Erskine St.
514 N. 16th ST.
increasing millions ')
V Snap JSacJc With y
ft Designed to speedily relieve
It simple headache and painful
discomforts of neuralgia;
r> Measured doses — In powder
Lw form for quick assimilation:
BProot of merit. Same type for
mula over oce-tfcjsd oeatury.
Q Standard V. S. P..ingredients.
Laboratory’ tested, eo&oblled.
rn In priee range of everyone.
|ij 10c ana 25c skes.
Caution: Use only as directed.
I |