The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 10, 1946, Page 4, Image 4
SOCIAL Activities ; H A-08C0 BY JULIA AT268° -M — ■■■ —* ■ .ltZ., ir. 1. *»- — ■ r—i SLATED FOR DEANSHIP It is reported that Rev. Edward W. Gordon, pastor of Hillside Presbyterian Church. 30th and Ohio Streets since February and active in community affairs, has been offered an assistant Dean ship at Howard University. Wash ington, D. C. - - * * * MOTORED TO LOUISIANA Mr. and' Mrs. I. S. McPherson of 1712 No -28th St. and Mrs. Het tie Grey and children, Herbert Jr. Barbara Jean, Donna Lee. and Mildred motored to Shrevesport, La., to visit their parents. Rev. and Mrs. C. B. McPherson and* other relatives. - On their return trip'they were the guests of their sister and bro ther Mr. and Mrs Dan Patterson of Kansas City, Mo. and guests • For Rent * • * I -room in modern home at 2764 Grant St.. Call AT-2350 • II-TINC— WHY WASTIJ TIME Quilting by hand, when it can be done so much neater. Quicker and Cheaper by Machine—-For Prices call —.„ thnnhn Quilting Shop 2506 Dodge St., JA-5556 \ * of their sister, Mrs. Sally Ellison and other relatives in Kansas City Kansas. The Omahans reported having a lovely trip and were gone about ten days. * * * VISITING IN IDLEWILDE Mrs. Flora Pinkston Mitchell and her neice, Miss Florentine Crawford left Wednesday, July 29 on their summer vacation. They will spend the month of Auguest at Chicago's beautiful summer re sort Idlewilde. Mrs. Pinkston as spent l|er summers there for the past few years. * * » RETURNS TO OKLAHOMA Mrs. Elsie Belcher returned to her home in Fort Gibson, ^ala., after spending two weeks in Om aha with her sister Mrs. Avoca Mason of 3115 Miami Street. . * • • SOUIX CITY VISITORS Dr. and Mrs. Bush and their 18 month-old daughter Judith of Sioux City. Iowa, spent Sunday, July 22 with Miss Rose LaCour at her home, 2421 Maple St. The vi sitors were accompanied by Mrs. Bush’s twin sister Mrs. George Kersey and her two children Ellen and George Jr. of Chicago. Mrs. Kersey is the wife of Dr. George Kersey prominent Chicago phy sician. "BUT MA'AM-I’M USING THE ELECTRIC OUTLET IN THE KITCHEN FOR'FOUR OTHER THINGS ALREADY/" Don’t overload your r.Irlng system. When yog build or modernise provide ADEQUATE W(RING. NEBRASKA-SOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL tksV cJqouJc GRAY HAIR Gray hair often comes so gradually / that you hardly notice it. But other ' people do! If you’re missing out on fun, popularity and admiration,you may find the answer in your mirror ' —gray hair! Take years off your | looks by giving your hair rich, beautiful color with Larieuse. | f"" ■ . COLOR YOUR HAIR THIS EASY WAY To give your hair new, rich, natural looking color (black, brown, blonde) start us ing Godelroy s Larieuse Hair Coloring NOW...acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily—won’t rub off or wash out—un affected by heat—permits permanents and stylish hairdos... known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give your money back if you're not 100% satisfied. Have beautifully Colored Natural Looking Hair For Best Results, SHAMPOO with Larieuse Shampoo Be fore Applying Larieuse Hair Coloring. GODEFROY’S HAIR COLORING Caution: Use only as directed on label It jm dealer deese't km liriessi (UHT-USE) seed 51-25, pins 25--' Federal Tat duct ta . . Cedttrtf Hit Coapeej, Sit Olire Strait, St Lodi (3), Hissurt | Service ARE YOU? QUICK SERVICE I OlV. I I • Furnaces I • Stokers I • Guttering , • Heating FRIENDLY, ! capabue SERVICE ( “Heating Troubles i Are Our Meat| PHONE- DAY k JA-8133! 1 PHONE-NITE | KE-8301 C 2221 CUMING Haynes-Campbell Wedding j In a quietly beautiful ceremony "Sunday, August 4, Miss Lois Campbell the daughter of Mrs. ouise Campbell became the bride >f C. L. Haynes, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Haynes. The wedding ’eremony took place at the home of the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Leona Pi eston of 2853 Wirt St. Rev. H. H. Schauland of .nope Lutheran Church performed the . ceremony. The bride was lovely in a gown of white net. The gown featured the new cap sleeves and the front of the bodice including the neck line and sleeves was daintily shir ked. She wore a fingertip veil of illusion the crown of which was embroidered with tiny seed pearls. Her bouquet was of white asters and was tied with a wide band of vhite satin ribbon. Miss Doris Mae Younger, who was maid of honor, was gowned in fuchia. The bodice of her gown was fushia taffeta and the skirt which was chiffon was of a lightei shade of fuchia. She carried a mixed bouquet with a center of white asters. The bridesmaid was Miss Marie Merriee who wore blue. Her gown was designed with a blue taffeta bodice and had a skirt of blue net. She also carried a mixed bouquet with a certering of white asters. Best man was Albert Calloway. I Also in the wedding ceremony I was Sol Hardiman. The little flower girls was Carol Patricia Mason, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avoca Mason. Little Carol wore a peach colored dress and carried a bouquet of eweet peas. The reception was held immed iately following the ceremony. Assisting at the reception were Miss Aleta Brashers. who wore a black and yellow afternoon dress with ,a distinctive black mono gram on the front bodice, and Mrs Josephine Stanley who wore a rose . colored afternoon dress. The wedding cake was made with three tiers and was topped by a miniture bride and groom. Many beautiful and useful gifts 1 were received by the couple. For her grandaughter’s wedding Mrs. Preston’s beautiful Wirt St. home was tastefully decorated with flowers. Gladiolas especially were used. Both the buffet and dining table held bouquets of the lovely flowers On the fireplace before which the bride and gTQom were married, the mantle held a huge vase of the beautiful flow j ers. Candles on either side of the floral piece made this setting a love ly background for the wedding ce remony. Miss Brashaers, a cousin of the I bride caught the bride's bouquet. For the present the newly mar ried couple will be at home to their manj' friends at 2704 Erskine Street. SINGER ENTERTAINED Henry P. Markham, lyric bari tone of Los Angeles was entertain ed at a reception given in his hon or at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert C. Lewis, 2228 Burdette Street Friday evening August 2. The reception followed a recital given by Mr. Markham at Zion Baptist church earlier in the even ing. Approximately fiftv persons were present to meet the singer. Girls of the Literary Guild of Zion 'wef-e hostesses and served the guests. Mrs. Edna McAllister Ba ker of Oakland, California was among those present. ¥ * •* I VISITS DENVER Mr. Douglas Corbin and his bro ther Lester, of 2011 No. 28th St., left Omaha Friday, August 2, for a two week’s visit in Denver, Co lorado. While there they will vi sit with their uncle. Mr. Joe Boyd. * * * RETURNS FROM WYOMING Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbin and their son Charles of 1801 No. 28 St. vacationed last week in Green River, Wyo„ where they were the guests of Mrs. Corbin's father and ) sister. The Corbin's arrived lume Wednesday, August 6 after a very pleasant trip. * * » FIFTH BIRTHDAY Little Miss Mary Alice Peters celebrated her fifth birthday Mon day, August 5th with a party at her home at 2817 No. 27th St. 28 little guests attended and helped Mary Alice celebrate her birth day. The three children of Mr. and Mrs. Bovd of Kansas City, Mo., were out of town guests at the party. The afternoon was scent in the playing of games. Refreshments included ice cream, cake and can dy mints. Mary Alice received many lovely gifts and each of her little guests received a papei^ hat and a horn. * * * WEST VIRGIANA VISITOR Miss Alice Hill of West Virginia State College Institute. West Va., is in Omaha visiting with her sis • ter and brother-in-law Mr. and I Mrs. Edward Poindexter of 1443 23rd St. Plaza. Miss Hill expects to be in Omaha for some time. # * * OHIO VISITORS Guests of Mrs. Curtis Kirtley of 2622 No. 27th St. are Mrs. Kirt | ley’s sister Mrs. Etta Anthony and J her niece and husband Mr. and l Mrs. Adrian Moore. The out-of i town guests are all from Cleve land. Ohio. Arriving in the city on Tuesday. July, the Ohioans left Omaha Wednesday, August 7th. * » "» ARTISON-KI RTLEY-FLAN AG AN CO-HOSTESES Mrs. Lewis Artison, Mrs. Curtis Kirtley. and Mrs. Arthur G. Flana gan were co-hostesses at a one o’clock luncheon for several out of-town guests Friday, August 2 at the home of Mrs. Artison at , 2816 Hamilton St. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Ethelyn Hoard and Mrs. Corrine Thomas of St. Louis, Mo. who are the house guests of Mrs. Belle Taylor: Mrs. William Anthony and Mrs. Esther Moore, who are Mrs. Kirtley's guests from Cleveland: Mrs. Grace Maddox also of Cleveland who is a guest of Mrs. John Fields: and Mrs. Lizzie Turner of Dallas. Tex as. a guest of Mrs. L. C. Clark. Also inccluded among the guests of honor was Mrs. McMillan.. A mo~t enjoyable time was en joyable time was enjoyed by all thirty of the luncheon guests. * * * DALLAS VISITOR Mrs. Lizzie Turner of Dallas, Texas has been a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Tur ner of 2807 Burdette St. for the oast five weeks. Mrs. Turner re turned f1 her home Thursday, Aug 1 ust. 8. The Texas guest is a sister of Mr. Turner. * * * TO DENVER, COLORADO Mrs. Minnie S. Wilson and Mi ckey Jean Harrie 2301 No. 22nd St., left Friday, August 9th for Denver, Colorado on a vacation. We hope for them a nice one. * * * TO PORTLAND AND LOS ANGELES Mrs. Lillie Ross, 2709 Corby left Sunday, August 4th with her granddaughter, Patsy, for Port land, Oregon where she will spend a few days with her brother. Then she will go to Los Angeles to vi sit her sister. The trip will take about two weeks. Both sister and brother formerly lived in Omaha. * * * mrs. mcmillan honored The Ace of Spades Club honor ed Mrs. Aaron McMillan at a tea on Sunday evening from 6 to 8 o’clock. The tea was given at the home of Mrs. Theodore Thomas of 2713 Wirt St. A color scheme of salmon pink and a very pale green was carried out in the decorations and the refreshments which in cluded dainty ices, cookies and can dies, were nice. Especially lovely was a centerpiece of salmon pink gladiolas which graced the dining room table. Mrs. McMillan was a former member of the club before' going abroad. All who attended had a very enjoyable time. * « » CONGRATULATIONS Mr and Mrs. Edward Poindex ter are the proud parents of a baby boy born Sunday morning, August 4th at Doctor’s hospital. Mother and son are both doing well. * * * RETURNS FROM FLORIDA Mr. James Dorsey of 2714 Douglas Street returned to the city after a stay of three months in Pensecola, Florida where he visited with relatives and friends. • • • TO VISIT IN CLEVELAND Mrs. Albert Wright of 2872 Maple Street left Wednesday nite I August 6 for Cleveland, Ohio to Charming Visitor from San Diego MISS JANICE LEIGH Miss Janice Deign or San Diego Ca’.U"' nia, Junior at Howard Uni versity, i3 visiting in Omaha at the home of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. William Morris of 949 North 27th St. Miss Leigh will be joined later by her mother, Mrs. Ernestine Wilson. House Guest SOV AND DAUGHTER VISIT DR. AND MRS. WIGGINS Miss Johnnie McGoy Miss Johnnie McGoy of Oakland, i California, is a house-guest of Miss Terry Clark of 2874 Miami St. Miss McGoy plans to remain in Omaha until the tenth , of Sep tember. She attends Denver Uni versity. visit with friends and relatives. Site will attend the Chicago River Association which meet in Cleve land. Mrs. Wright plans to be gone about two weeks. * * * THEATRE PARTY Mrs. Jessie Vann Hilton of 2403 No. 24th St., was hostess at a theatre party on Wednesday, July 31 for the house-guests of Mrs. Belle Taylor, Mrs. Corrine Thomas i and Miss Ethelyn Hoard of St. Louis. The ten guests enjoying the afternoon were Mrs. Corrine Tho mas, Miss Hoard, Mrs. Taylor. Mrs Myers, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Mamie Mason. Mrs. L. Thomas, Mrs. Dora Alexander and Mrs. Eeck. * * * MRS. VAWTF.R ENTERTAINS 40 GUESTS AT LUNCHEON _ Mrs. Havwood Vawter of 1715 No. 28th St. opened the doors of her palatial home on Tuesday, August 6th to entertain at an elaborate buffet luncheon. Roses, gladiolas and asters in profusion, were a lovely background to a de lightful afternoon. The delicious luncheon was served to forty guests. Out-of-town guests hon ored at the suncheon included Miss Ethelyn E. Hoard and Mrs. Cor rine Thomas, guests of Mrs. Jos eph Taylor; Mrs. Laura Williams i Mrs. Adelene Thems, Mrs. Anna I Watson, sisters of Mrs. Earl Whee- ! ler; Mrs. Grace Maddox guest of I Mrs. John Fields; Mrs. Etta An-j thony and Mrs. Ester Moore, sis-1 ter and niece of Mrs. Curtis Kirt-1 ley; Mrs. Mable Galbreath guest | of Mrs. Elise Turner; Mrs. Mattie, Bailey who will leave soon to make | her home in California; Mrs. Aa-i ron McMillan recently returned from abroad and Mrs. Annabelle Childs, cousin of Mrs. Doris Shobe. The other guests were Mesdames Ocee Cooper of Council Bluffs; Joseph Taylor; Ada McDaniels; Rose La Cour; Lois R. Good; Ruth Wheeler; Helen Mahamitt; Essie Myers; Charles Davis; Louis Art-1 ison; E. R. West: C. C. Foster; I Roberta Bailey; Walter Craig; Ar- j thur Flannagan; Edgar Lee; Eva Pinkett; Ollie Robinson; Olive Kirley; D. Waldron; Sarah Wash-j ington; Elise Turner; Mary Fra zier; A. L. Hawkins; Mary Fau-1 cett and Gussie McPherson. The hostesses presented each of i the honored guests with a lovely handkerchief. Everyone spent a ■ delightful afternoon. Assisting the hostess at the luncheon were Mesdames Haw kins, Craig. Turner, Washington. McPherson, Shobe, Banks and Frazier. * * * 90 GUESTS AT ELMWOOD BREAKFAST Co-hostess at a breakfast on Thursday. August 1st at Elmwood Park were Mrs. Jessica Wright, j Mrs Gertrude Lucas, Mrs. Rober- j ta Bailey, Mrs. Mary Faucett and Mrs. Jeanette Collins. The break-1 fast honored many out-of-town guests and their hostesses. Nearly nr'ipcts enioved a delicious * breakfast of scrambled eggs, fried i potatoes, bacon, hot rools, jelly, | Mrs. Mary Chandler Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Wiggins of 30'6 Emmett St. have had two of their children visiting With them at their home for the past two weeks. Dr. Edward N. Wiggins, staff physician at Freedman hos pital in Washington, D. C„ return ed to his home Tuesday evening, August 6 after a week’s visit with his parents. Mrs. Mary Chandler, the Wig gin’s daughter, arrived in Omaha last Saturday from San Antonio, Texas, where she is now making her home. Mrs. Chandler plans to be here another week. grape juice and sliced tomatoes. Out-of-town- guests and their hostesses included Mrs. Lucille Shropshire of Jacksonville. Fla., who is the house-guest of Mrs. Ruby Reese; Mrs. Corrine Thomas and Mrs. Ethelyn Hoard, guests of Mrs. Joseph Taylor; Mrs. Grace Maddox guest of Mrs. John Fields; Mrs. W. F. McMillan, and Mrs. Nellie Hoard, guests of Mrs. Ocee Cooper. Many beautiful garden flowers wTere an appropriate de coration for the out-door break fast. LEAVES FOR LOS ANGELES Miss Mary Ellen O'Neal, 2510 Lake St left Sunday, August 3rd for the west coast. She will visit in Los Angeles with relatives and friends and expects to be gone for the rest of the month. Miss O'Neal is a graduate of General Hospital No. 2 in Kansas City, Mo. and practices nursing in Omaha. * * * MRS. VIRGiL SHOBE Of 1437 No. 23rd Plaza has vi siting with her at her home, her cousin Mrs. Annabelle Childs and also a friend Miss Delores Carufel of Milwaukee, Minn. Both young ladies arrived last week and will return to their homes about Aug ust 14th. • • * MRS. LOIS R. GOOD Of 2820 No. 25th St. returned to her home Thursday. August 1 after vacationing In Illinois, In diana, Michigan and Canada. The Omahan visited with relatives and many old friends on her trip and was away from the city a little over two weeks. * * • VISITS MOTHER A welcome guest of Mrs. J. W. j Milsap of 3015 Corby St. is her soon, Mr. John Hardy of the Mer chant Marines. Mr. Hardy has only recently returned from Korea and arrived in Omaha from Port land, O., Wednesday, July 31. He expects to remain here until about the 25th of August. * * * McGILUS * BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGILL. Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24TH ST. WINE, LIQUORS & CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7pm —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS Free Delivery from 8 a.ra. to 1 a.m. JAckson 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Bonded Liquors • • • • Quality Job Printing Phone HA. 0800 Miss Alma Walker Alma Walker of 1557 No. 19th 1 Street., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carter of 1557 No. 19th St., is the new office secretary of the , Omaha Guide. Miss Walker has recently com pleted 18 months with the govern ment in Washington, D. C. as a clerk-typist. She is a freshman at Creighton University, majoring in Education. Improvement Club To Meet August 14th The next regular meeting of the Ideal Improvement Club will be Aueust 14th at the Masonic Hall at 26th and Blondo at 8 pm. All members and friends who are interested in improving condi tions in this community are ur ged to attend this meeting. All standing committee mem bers will be appointed and other important business will be dis cussed. A. R. Goodlett, president PROUD PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Lloyd of 1706 Lake St. are the parents of a baby girl bom Tuesday, July 30 at Doctor’s Hospital. They have named the new baby Karen Ann ette. The Lloyd’s also hpve another daughter Patricia Yvonne who is four years old. * * * MOTORS TO FORT GIBSON Mr. and Mrs. Henry Broadway of 1514% No. 24th St. and their two daughters Marion Ruth and Wilma motohed to Fort Gibson, Okla. They will visit in Oklahoma with friends and relatives. Mr. Broadway returned to Omaha on July 27th while the rest of the family will remain in Ft. Gibson for about three weeks. Piano, Voice Recital Given By Pupils of1 Addie Foxall Hinton On Sunday evening, August 4, 1916. at Cleaves Temple CME. Church, the pupils of Mrs. Addie Foxall Hinton, rendered a Recital in Piano and Voice. The program given was as follows: “Inch Me and Pinch Me” .John W. Schaum MARLENE JAMES “Nodding Flowers” .. France Williams SHEILA DEAN “The Brown Bunny” .Vivian Lake BEVERLY MOORE “Bobolink .I. Ella Ketterer JOHNNY PHILLIPS JR. “Candy Town Tunes” .Geneive Lake VIVIAN BERRY “The Candy Maker ’ .Geneive Lake EVON COOKE “My Love”. Jean Stanley JUANITA PIERCE “Thankful” (Vocal) .Harold Levey “Doll’s Lullaby” ..Colt-Bompton CHARLENE JOHNSON “In Time” .June Weybright YVONNE HILTON i “Nodding Ferns”.Irene Rodgers I OLLIE LITTLEJOHN I “Songs of the Drum” .Priscilla Ruher PATRICIA WRIGHT “Swans on the Water”.Milo Givonni BEVERLY MADISON “Wfaltz of the Toys” . George Bcrmont , JOYCE DEAN “Home on the Range” .John W. Schaum GLORIA DODD Selection .Woodson Center (Guest) Mrs. Alice Wilson, Pianist “Drowsy Moon” . Lois Long MARGERY KING “Fifi” ...Bertrom Altboyer JEANETTE LAWSON “Brisk W inds” .John W. Schaum ELAINE WADE “Hiawatha’s Lullaby” .Wallis Ward LLOYD HUNTER “Daddy’s Waltz” .Walter Rolfe IRIS HUNTER “Prayer Perfect” .Ervin J. Stenson MISS RESSIE LOGAN, Vocal “Lily Pool” ...Lelzo Flecher RUTH McGEE “Russian Lullaby” .Berneice Bentley JOYCE WALKER “Valse Melodie” .Irene Rodgers SHIRLEY McGEE “Ice Carnival” .John W. Shaum BETTY KING “Fairy Tales” .Erich J. Wolff “The Lilac Tree” .1.George Gartlan “Ho- Mr, Piper” .Pearl G. Curran PATRICIA MIMMS, Vocal “Wood Nymph’s Harp” .Florende P. Rea MISS RESSIE LOGAN “Sleep Little Mormon Maid” .John W. Cadman MRS. BESSIE ORDUNA “Country Gardens” .Charles Manney MARION McCLARITY “Drifting Moon” . Berneice Bentley ADRIAN MERRIWEATHER “Interlude” .Walter Garmon VELMA JACKSON “Trees” . Joyce Kilmer “Indian Love Call” .Rudolph FrimI CLEONE HARMON, Vocal “Bebutante” .Mobwell Emstein GWENDOLYN FOXALL “By A Roadside Fire” .Irene Rodgers DARLENE KING “Italian Street Song” .Victor Herbert HATTIE WILLIAMS, Solo WOODSON CENTER CHORUS “The White Owl” .Berneice Bentley “Moon Winks” .George Stevens JEAN MOORE l L lll “Twlight On the River” ..Ludwig Renk VERZELLA MURRELL “Whitecaps” . John F. Corre ROSE WILLIAMS “Crinoline Waltz” .Vernon Lane CARLENE FOXALL “A Russian Romance” Rudolph FrimI ANNA LEE UPCHER “Valse Lente” .Rudolph FrimI MRS. DELLA LITTLEJOHN “Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen” .. .Arranged by Addie Foxall Hinton HATTIE WILLIAMS, Solo “The Butterflies” . . Grant Schaefer ELAINE STATION “Fluttering Leaves” .Carl Kolling WILL.4 JOHNSON “Scherzino” ..Edward MacDowell CECILIA DUNCAN “For You, I Am Praying”.Guff—Arranged by Peery ROBERT FLOYD, Solo—Woodson Center Chorus