The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 10, 1946, Image 1

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o_, , „ ,, _ . -- _ _ . Entered as 2nd class matter at Po*t-oftice. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act ot
SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1946 Our 19th Tear—Nc. 27 * 10c Per Copy ★ March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebr
NEW YORK. July 31st—The
National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People, 20
West 40th Street, New York IS,
N. Y., through its secretary Wal
ter White, announced on behalf
of the national office and branches
rewards totalling $10,000 for in
formation leading to the arrest and
conviction of the lynchers of four
Negroes in Walton County, Ga„
July 15th. This reward matches
the one offered on behalf of the
State of Georgia by Governor El
lis Arnall.
In making the announcement
Mr, White quoted an appeal from
a white Georgian who wrote the
“If we can’t break this case no
one’s life will be safe in Georgia.
It is doubtful if future lynchings
would cause the indignation which
this one has because of the nques-;
tioned innocence of three people
of any wrong doing whatsoever. I
shudder to think what would hap
pen if this crime goes unpunished’.
Another prominent Georgian, a
Negro businessman, wrote Mr.
"We all know that here in Geor
gia not even the life of the gover
nor is secure”.
Mr. White also announced that
NAACP investigators in Walton
County have unearthed evidence
pointing to the guilt of certain of
the mob leaders, which informa
tion has been turned over to the
Department of Justice. The NAA
CP investigation has also revealed
that the fight between Barney
Hester, white farmer, who was cut
by Roger Malcolm, it was later
learned, was caused by Malcolm’s
resentment of Hester’s advances
toward Malcolm’s wife.
Ga. Governor Congratulates NAACr._
On Offering Reward
NEW YORK, August 1st—Im
mediately on hearing news of the
posting of a $10,000 reward by the
NAACP for information leading
to the arrest and conviction of the
Georgia lynchers. Gov. Ellis Ar
nall of Georgia sent the following
telegram to the Association:
"Delighted uiat NAACP is of
fering a reward of $10,000 for in
formation leading to the arrest
and conviction of Walton County
lynchers. Have today wired Pre
sident Truman, Attorney General
Tom Clark and FBI Director J.
Edgar Hoover appreciation for in
valuable assistance being accorded
state and local authorities by fed
eral government. You may be as
sured that I will use every resource
at my command as governor to
see that members of the mob are
brought to justice”.
“Lynchings* National Disgrace,**
Statement Approved by Cl OP AC Executive Board
i he outbreak of mob violence in
Georgia and Mississippi, resulting
in the brutal lynching of five de
fenseless Negroes, is a national
disgrace and must be abhorred by
every right-thinking American.
Such lawlessness makes our de
mocratic precepts a mockery be
fore the world.
These outbreaks and the return
to power of the Klu Klux Klan in
many states are cancers which
must be uprooted if America is
to preserve the freedoms and lib
erty it so cherishes. Such violence
further points up the need for
swift passage of a federal Fair
Employment Practices Committee
and an anti-lynching bill, to safe
guard our basic American rights,
two measures which the Congress
has refused to approve.
The CIO Political Action Com
mittee calls upon the Justice De
partment and the Georgia officials I
to intensify the investigation of
the lynchings in Georgia, and ur
ges that the US Department of
Justice assume jurisdiction of the
case and proceed with ist prosecu
tion until the murderers are
brought to justice.
Organization Heads Protest
Klan Atrocities In Georgia ]
The following letter was sent to
President Truman by Ralph Hel
stein, President of the United
Paskinghouse Workers of Ameri
ca, CIO:
‘I am sure that you along with
the majority of decent Americans
reacted with horror to the cold
blooded murder of four Negro ci
tizens near Monroe, Geogia.
The incident is one, which, along
with others that have occurred re
cently, demands immediate action
on the part of all thoughtful peo
ple. The Columbia, Tennessee in
cident; the Ku Klux Klan; cannot
be regarded as unrelated acts of
violence. It is, I am convinced, a
part of a deliberate plan by those
who desire to bring to our notion
the methods and system of Hit
ler’s Germany. It is a process of
conditioning America for fascism.
Persecution of minority groups,
murder, lynching®, beatings, are
all part of the same pattern.
It is not enough to say that, as
the spokesman of the United Pack
inghouse Workers of America,
CIO, we are gravely concerned
with this recent murder since con
cern alone does not adequately ex
press our view of the grave dan
gers that are behind this pattern
of violence and hatred. The Eng
lish language unfortunately does
not permit for use of words to
adequately express our feeling as
a result of these brutal murders.
We note with satisfaction the
statement of the Department of
Justice that it is investigating the
Ku Klux Kian. Such investigations
are not sufficient—-there must be
more. We must make it clear to
all those who deal in brutality
and hatred that there is no place
for them in this nation. There
must be prosecution for those who
are guilty of the crime, but beyond
that there should be a clear ex
pression repeated time and time
again by the leaders of this coun
try against acts which, aside from
being violations of law, offend the
traditions and heritage of our na
tion and strike at the very frame
work of the statue of man in so
ttion’s /veek-kneed approach to
ward the rising tide of American
fascism evident in the latest be
steial lynchings in Georgia and
"These brutal crimes against the
Negro people in particular and the
nation as a whole can and must
be halted by swift and full appli
cation of the full authority and
power of the Federal government.
These murders are not isolated
occurrences. They are part of a
premeditated pattern of open as
sault against American democracy
launched by native fascists and
backed by big monied interests.
"On the recommendation of our
membership in Sawanah, Ga, the
National Office of the National
Maritime Union today voted to
post a reward of $5,000 for the
apprehension and conviction of .the
Georgia lynchers.
"This Storm Troop butchery is
designed to hamper effective ef
forts by labor to organize the
South because fascist elements
fear that strong trade union org
anization below the Mason Dixon
Line will successfully combat lynch
terror incited by the Bilbos and
In a wire to President Truman
today, James P. Cannon. National
Secretary of the Socialist Work
ers Party, demanded that the Fe
deral Government take immediate
steps to prosecute Bilbo, Talmadge
Rankin, and Eastland and all other
fomenters of race violence in high
office. The telegram stated:
"The Federal Government must
ferret out and prosecute to the
full extent of the law the lynch
ers of the four Negroes in Georgia
and end the reign of terror against
the Negro people.
“The Federal Government must
prosecute Bilbo, Talmadge, Ran
kin, Eastland and the other offi
cials who have instigated these
Calls Conference
To Stem Rising Tide
Of Mob Violence
New York, August 1st—In or
der to effect a nationwide and
united program of action against
the rising tide of mob violence
and racial friction, the NAACP
i today issued a call to sixty-five
j organizations to meet Tuesday,
August 6th at 10:00 A. M. in the
auditorium of the Wendell Willkie
Memorial buildin. Among the or
; ganizations asked to participate in
the conference were: the Southern
Conference for Human Welfare:
national boards of the YMCA and
’ gress; National Negro Congress:
CIO; AFL; Southern Regional
| Council; Council for Democracy;
! Council Against Intolerance; Na
tional Bar Association; American
Jewish Committee; National Coun
cil of Negro Women; NCPAC;, CIO
PAC; the National Association of
' Manufacturers and the United
Statet Chamber of Commerce; Fe
deral Council of Churches of
Christ in America; Union for De
mocratic Action; Independent Ci
tizens Committee of the Arts,
Sciences and Professions; IPPOE
of W, National lawyers Guild;
National Medical Association; Na
tional Conference of Christians
and Jews and others.
• For Greater Coverage
ADVERTISE in the Guide
Voicing the horror of the Anti
Defamation League of B nai B'rith
at the Georgia, atrocity in which
four Negroes were murdered. Su
preme Court Justice Meier Stein
brink. Chairman of the Board of
Directors of the League's Eastern
Region, today warmly commended
the statement by President Tru
man denouncing the lynch outrage
and calling for prompt apprehen
sion of tk - guilty. The Presidential
statement, released by Attorney
General Tom Clark, was welcomed
by the New York Jurist as con
crete affirmation of the American
principle of democratic justice
Judge Steinbrink. speaking for
the league, pointed out that no
American dare remain compla
cent in the face of such brutal
racist attacks. For an attack upon
any minority group, he emphasi
zed, constitutes a blow against the
entire democratic community. As
long as one minority is endang
ered. the Anti-Defamation League
official declared, the rights and
lives of all minorities are threat
ened. Judge Steinbrink further ex
pressed the hope that, in accord
with the Presidential pronounce
be taken to secure justice in Ga.
Text of telegram to President
Harry S. Trumar>. and Atty. Gen.
, Clark on Southern Lynch Terror
“On behalf of 90.000 seamen
who lost 6.000 shipmates in the
fight against world fascism, we
are shocked by the Adxninistra
Methodist District Conference At Clair M. E. Church
\Father Devine & 24th St Badmen\
Father Devine says, “Peace is Wonderful.” Whatever
he your opinion of Father Devine. You will admit tha.
Peace IS Wonderful and that we have too little of this .von
derful, elusive Peace—which men so reverently seek, bu‘.
seldom attain. Even with the demise of that Madman Hit
ler, the passing of Mussolini and the defusing of Tojo. ^ e
still have hovering over us the storm clouds of Greed. Hatf
and Jealousy, ever ready to break into a Dynatomic fury.
Vi e have our Eastlands, Ellanders, Smiths and Bilbo s
fanning the fires of unrest and dissention and not without
results—atrocities—lynchings and finally the seizure of a
Tennessee town. And emanating from other sources—
The Degnan slaying, the most fiendish ever.
However, it is not necessary to traverse the globe to find
violence. Here in our own community we had three shoot
ings within 24 hours. Three armed men within 24 hours,
shooting up and down the streets and up alley wavs; in con
siderate of whomsoever should be passing. Stray bullets
are indiscriminate.
We love our wives, husbands and children. When they
make a trip down the street, we like to be reasonably sure
that they will return home safely to us.
Laws are instituted among men that they may live in
Peace. It is for the decent law-abiding citizens io decide
whether their Community is to be over-run with lawlessness.
Everything and Anything cannot he blamed upon a few .un
fair restrictions. Every pioneering group has had obstacl
es to overcome. Progress requires that we be stronger
than any oppression that we do not let barriers dull our
sense of what is right and what is wrong.
Vie can hold sympathy and understanding for any hu
man being, especially when we see their families in tears
and despair. But when it comes to bartering the lives of
our innocent loved ones against the unreasoning, short
tempered vagrants, floaters, vandals, hoodlums or whatever
they might choose to call themselves; that is asking too
For their own well being as well as ours—Those who find
it consistently impossible to adjust themselves to the unre
stricted way of living, should be put in whatever institution
that best fits their type, in order that law-abiding citizens
may exist in reasonable security and go about their business
of developing a greater civilization for those who are quali
fied to enjoy it without jeopardizing the lives of others.
THE --
j Street... |
! thereabout^
ntr_ il—~ -=n
Laurence P. Leuis
My destination was the residence j
of Mrs. Addie Allen. 6614 So. 21st
Street where five of the nicest
children in Omaha live. Three
beautiful young ladies and two
well mannered young men. When
I started I did not know the sun
would be setting before I reached
their home, but one thing led to
another and time just flew by.
As I walked by the Workman’s
Club I met a man who had sol
diered with me in Leavenworth. I
remembered his face easily enough
but his name I had completely
forgotten. He sailed me by my
name and I felt deeply embarassed
by not being able to do the same
toward him.
We talked awhile about our life
I in the army and then he asked,
I “What are you doing over in So.
“I’m visiting friends and rela
tives”, I answered.
“Say Lawrence, what’s been go
ing on over there? I certainly in
tend to stay on this side as long
as they keep shooting and killing
on 24th St.”
"I can’t understand it either”,
I said. "You would think we have
had our share of destruction with
so many fellows maimed ana kil
led in the past war.”
“I know one thing,” my friend
said, “I am not afraid of trouble,
but I do not intend to invite it,
so I'll stay over here”.
“I can’t blame you”, I said.
We walked up ‘R’ Street toward
his home. As I bidded him good
bye I found myself only a few
doors from the Woodson Center,
so I thought I would pay them a
Mrs. Thomas, Miss Robertson,
and a very attractive young lady
were seated around a table. With
only a few children around, the
Center was very quiet. I was sur
prised to find the Center so quiet,
because the last time I was there
it was humming with activity.
“How is the cooking classes
coming along?” I asked Miss Ro
‘We have no cooking classes
this month, but will begin again
next month. Most of the classes
are closed until next month. You
should have come over last month.
We were really busy”, Miss Ro
bertson said.
“And you, young lady”, I said.
“Maybe I can write about you.
WTiat is your name?”
I guess I am really getting old.
I took the young lady to be about
15 or 16, but when she said she
was Willa Mae McCreary, the
daughter of Mrs. Carrie McCreary
/420 Maple Street, and was a
sophomore at the Omaha U., well,
I'm going to stick to guessing
weights, instead of ages.
“What are you doing so far
away from home?”, I asked.
“I help Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Wil
son, and Miss Robertson”, Miss
McCreary said. “I come over here
twice a week, on Mondays and
Thursdays. I have been assisting
them since last September”.
“What are you studying at the
University?” I asked.
“Sociology and Speeches”, she
1 Wounded
In Shootings
Within a little more than 24,
hours of the near Northside was
the scene of three shootings. Two |
men were killed and one is said
to be in a critical condition.
James C. Taylor, 4715 Emiline
Street, Sarpy County, pleaded
guilty to second-degree murder in
the shooting of Walter D. Cline,
filling station owner at 30th and
Lake Streets, August 1st. Taylor
made a statement last Saturday to
City and County officers in which
he said he fired the shot that hit
Cline in the chest. He claimed he
fired only after Cline tried to hit
him with a tire iron. James Lin
coln is also being charged in con
nection with the Cline killing. Po
lice allege that Lincoln drove Tay
lor to the scene. After the killing
it is claimed that Lincoln waited
for Taylor then took him from the
Melvin Keys, 22, of 2208 Seward
Plaza and father of two children,
was critcally wounded at 24th and
Grant Streets Friday night by Lu
cious McClinton, Jr. 6659 So. 31st
St. McClinton claims he was shoot
ing at John Moore of 1418 North
26th Street. McClinton was releas
ed on $1,500 bond Monday, "pend
ing the outcome of Key’s condi
James Gilbert of 2301 No. 27tu
Street is charge® with the fatal
shooting of Birtrue Lax, early last
Saturday morning in an alley near
24th and Lake Streets. Gilbert
claims he was being pursued by
Lax and that after Lax followed
him into the alley he shot him.
Gilbert was arrested about two
hours after the slaying by patrol
answered. "I intend to enter so
cial work after I graduate”.
"How do you like assisting at
Woodson Center?”, I- asked.
"Fine. I enjoy myself very much
The work is very interesting. Of
course by wanting social work as
a career, I am interested in peo
ple, especially children. I have al
ways felt that I could help my
people best this way.” Miss Mc
Creary said.
Miss Willa Mae McCreary is a
member of the Mt. Moriah Bap
tist church. She is president of the
New Era Young Peoples Organi
zation of Nebraska Baptists, vice
president of the BYPU and asst,
pianist at the church.
Leaving the Center and finding
myself out of matches, I entered
Harris’ Community Store on the
corner. Receiving my matches
and turning to go, I glanced a
second time at the young lady,
who is a clerk in the store.
"Aren’t you one one the Stew
art girls?” I asked.
"Yes”, she said, looking at me
I trying to recall who I was. You
i are Flossie’s brother aren’t you?”
I prided myself at that moment
on remembering faces, because it
had been at least seven years
since I last saw this young lady.
I found out she was now Mrs.
Alfred Liggins, 2828 S Street and
that she was the mother of a girl
Clair Methodist Church, 22nd at Miami St., will be host to the
Topeka District Conference, the Conventions of the Woman’s Soc
iety of Christian Service, Youth Fellowship, Ministers’ W ives, and
Christian W orkers’ School, beginning Tuesday, August 13, 1916 at
Ministers and lay delegates will attend from Colorado, Iowa,
Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska.
Dr. G. D. Hancock. District Superintendent, will preside over
the business sessions of the Conference. Miss Freda W oods of
Manhattan, Kansas, is president of the Youth Fellowship. Mrs. C.
C. Reynolds of Omaha, preident of the W oman’s Society of Christ
ian Service. Mrs. Inez Ballard of Wellington, Kansas is, Dean of
the Christian W orkers’ School. Mrs. G. I). Hancock is president of
the Ministers’ W ives.
Courses and faculty of the Christian Workers’ School are: “The
Stewardship of Life”, Dr. H. L. Overton, Kansas City, Mo., in
structor. “Organization and Work of the Youth Fellowship”, Dr.
W. D. Lester, Kansas City, Kansas, instructor. “The Church and
the Problem of Alcohol”, Mrs. 0. N. Norris, St. Louis, Mo., in
Classes and Sessions will be held each day beginning each morn
ing at 7 o’clock, the public is cordially invited to all sessions.
Preaching Services each day at 11:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Bishop E. W. Kelly, our presiding bishop will be present on
Friday. ___
Boys Go to Crete Carrw
World-Herald Photo
Sunday, August 4th the follow
ing boys left, for Camp Strader,
the ‘Y’ Camp located at, Crete, Ne
braska. These boys will spend a
week there enjoying this well
equipped camp. This is to be an
interracial camp period with the
Negro and white boys of Omaha
joining with the same number
from Lincoln. John Henry Wat
kins, Rahn Dennis, James Smith,
James Jackson, Marion Collins,
Frederick Jackson, Charles Faulk
ner, Lawrence Ellis, Fred Lawson,
Richard Curren, Fred Wesley. John
Speese, Davis Miller, Donald Sum
mers, James Perkins, Harold Wat
kins, Vernon Fields, Edward An
derson, Tommie Mason, Binney
Marks, Abraham Reynolds, Har
old Whiteside, George Davis, Nor
man Carpenter, and Norman Hud
Yankee Money Accused
Of Backing Talmadge
! NEW YORK, N. Y. (CNS)—
Clark Howell Foreman, president
•of the .Southern Conference of
Human Welfare, told his organi
zation at a luncheon meeting that
reactionaries of the South are be
ing backed by Northern reaction
aries. According to Foreman, Eu
gene Talmadge, victor in Georgia’s
primary for Governor, was finan
ced by • all mill owners in the
state plus “received heavy contri
butions from wealthy interests in
New York and Chicago.
^ Fine Quality Printing
Call HA-0800
Join Guide
Mr. Arthur B. MeCaw. recently
resigned as Boys’ Work and In
dustrial Secretary of the Omaha
Urban League to accept a position
as A3st. Manager and the heaa
of the Circulation Department of
the Omaha Guide <-o.
Mr. George H. McDavis, Sales
Manager of the Display Adverti
sing Department of the Omaha
Guide Publishing Company. Mr
McDavis has been an executive of
the Omaha -Guide since* February.
Mr. Duward R. Crooms, who re
signed as Executive Secretary of
the Omaha Urban League August
1st to accept the position "of Sales
Manager of the Job Printing De
partment of the Omaha Guide
Publishing Company:
Major Reeves In
• Real Estate Business
Major A. Reeves, 2912 North 26
St. who recently passed the Real
Eestate examination has opened a
real estate office at his home.
Mr. Reeves is a graduate of the
Kansas State Teachers College
receiving his AB degree • in 1938
MS in history in 1939. He served
as principal.of the school at Os
wego, Kansas in-1940-41.
A native of Alabama he form
erly lived in Lincoln, Nebr. Mr.
Reeves and his wife Ruth, are the
parents of four children.
Outstanding Features Planned for Elks
at National Convention in Buffalo, N. Y.
By E. Vincent Suitt
Grand Lodge Chairman Dr. D.
M. Byrd informs the writer that
all eyes are looking toward Buff
alo. Dr. Byrd, also, states that
he and his Grand Lodge Conven
tion Cofflmittee are awaiting with
open arms delegates, brothers,
daughters and their friends. ‘ Buf
falo is prepared to house and en
tertain all Elks and Elk good
wishers”. I
Among the outstanding features
that will receive headline atten
tion are Bathing Beauty Contest,
sight-seeing trip to Niagara Falls
Boxing match, baseball game i
Grand ball and the National Ora
torical Contest.
The Grand Lodge Parade will
be one of the finest ever held in
the country. City officials and the
citizenry of Buffalo are lending
the finest of support in helping
to make this grand Lodge Con
vention historical. One very in
teresting phase of the planning is
the cooperation and support com
ing from the BPOE (white Elks).
This Elk order is making possible
accomodations for 150 delegates.
Such it is beleived is the first act {
of its kind from a BPOE.
Frontier and Elite Lodges, both
host to the Grand Lodge, have
and a boy. Donetta, age 4, and
Alfred Jr., age 2.
I knew, or assumed, that I would
very shortly see her family, be
cause I had to go right by her
residence to reach my destination.
As I . slowly climed the hill in
the 6300 block around 26th St., I
got a little mixed up. I could notj
keep such Streets as Madison, |
Jefferson and Washington straight
I found myself on top of a hill,;
with a clear view of the surround
ings, but between my destination
and I were many garden plots.
After dodging a great many un
friendly dogs, I found myself at
2115 Madison, the home of the
Stewarts. I talked with Mrs. Stew
art and her son Charlie for awhile.
Just on the rise of a hill was
the house that I had started four
hours earlier to reach. I walked
around the. corner and standing
before me was a princess. Shy,
quiet, and smilling sweetly, was
Miss Lois Gordon. I had reached
my destination. Soon the air
would be filled with gay chatter
from Vera, Lois, Jessie, Gilbert,
and Bobhy.’'
As I slowly climed up the hill
with such a lady as a walking
companion, I could not help but
admire the setting sun as I looked
up, absorbing the cool breeze that
was in the air. All around me was
peace, comfort, and beauty. Here
far away from the noise, the busy
streets, was a home blessed even
beyond your estimation and mine.
beautiful homes. To describe them
would be impossible. The new
homes are an education in them
Buffalo, the .City of Good Neigh
bors, beckons all JElks and friends
to be its guests August 25-30 in
Will see you in August.
NEW ?ORk7n. Y.. .'"(CNS)_A
recent column of. Eleanor Roose
velt, which appears through the
Scripps-Howard Syndicate, spoke
of Soprano Ella Bille Davis’ suc
cessful operatic debut in Mexico
“She might have made her debut
on the operatic stage of her own
country..but racial prejudice is
hard to overcome,’’ writes Mrs.
Roosevelt. "Someday, some opera
company in the United States may
have courage to let her sing in an
operatic performance in her own
country. We, of the United States
do let our prejudices spoil our en
joyment of talent. Sometimes it
seems a little foolish, but perhaps
it gives us more pleasure to let
the rest of the world decide:whe
ther or not our citizens are great
artists before we make the de
cision ourselves.”