-'TRY HOME FIRST"-: - FORTH 24TH STREET BUSINESS 1IRE0TT] ffl .. ■ ■ _ C ) SA^f’ , By a'Peep-in* on this Alphabetically " ' and Lots of Time Classified Business Drectory. You May Find Just What You are Looking for “Right at Your Door, or at Your Neighborhood Store”. You Can also SAVE that Car Check and Lots, and Lots of Time! This North 24th Street Classified Business Directory Page is Your “Best Money-Back Guarantee”. UKBORNE AYRSHIRE* FLY TO S. AMERICA LA GUARD LA FIELD. N. Y._ Air shipment of dairy breeding stock to South America as inau gurated when 10 young Ayrshires, valued at $20,000 completed a 20 hour flight from here to Medellin, Colombia. South America. Purcha ser was wealthy young planter an: Cairyman, Antonio Roldan, who reports a saving of 39 days of difficult travel, as compared with normal rail and water ship ment. An air freight plane was converted into a model flying barn approved by federal authorities before the cattle were loaded. The shipping costs of 60 cents per lb. totaled S3,408, on cattle that gros sed 5.680 pounds. The heaviest an imal weighed 1000 pounds. E' I—1"., . . ■ n BAKER DAY A-BOMB EXPLODES BAKINI— Joint Army - Navy Task Force Photo-Soundphoto— Tons of water shoot skyward as Baker Day Atomic bomb explodes amid the Crossroads target fleet in Bikini Lagoon. This photograph was taken from the sky bridge of the USS Mt. McKinley, Cross roads flagship. Note ships still afloat on the horizon, and in the foreground heavy dark line indi cating a warship obscured by the censor. EARL AND BUD’S 7 exaco Service • GAS and OIL “We Appreciate Your Trade” -30th & Wirt APEX Bar Inc. “FAVORITE BRANDS WHEN AVAILABLE” -(Under New Management) Nate Ferer, Manager 1818-20 NORTH 24TH JA. 9331 “VILLONES SERVICE” GAS AND OILS 24th and OHIO THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE . • WINES, BEER, LIQUORS *’We Appreciate Your Trade” 24th & LAKE AT. 4248 OUTLET STORES * MEN ft WOMEN’S FURNISHINGS (SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY) —We Appreciate Your Trade 1510 NORTH 24th fine Quality Personalized PRINTING JUST CALL HA-0800 -—-> Buyers’ Guide • Services, Foods, Accessories, House hold Needs, etc., which may be had at these 24th Street Places of Business. EDITORIAL .BY GEORGE H. McDAVlS, Advertising Manager “ANOTHER FIRST” IN keeping with our policy ®f giving our READERS and ADVERTISERS the Best pos sible SERVICE. The OMAHA CLIDE is FIRST again with a new FEATURE which to our way of thinking, will be of IMMEASURABLE VALUE to all CONCERNED. WE are striving to keep a-, breast of the times, with NEWS, ARTICLES & FEA TURES. KEEP your eye on I this PAGE each week,— here you will find the answer to all your household NEEDS; and PATRONIZE THESE AD VERTISERS. “Be Wise and Advertise in The Guide— The Midivest's Largest Weekly Glass Improves Home Laiety Mi. % YH \_^-!__J I PITTSBURGH, PA.—*T>ark closets and their heaped shelves hold ♦10 more hazard for the harried husband or hurried housewife. Hastily improvised steuladders of stacked books or chairs from which to peer ipto crowded closet corners are no longer necessary. Herculite heat-' tempered glass provides a worm’s-eye Vi£w of what the shelf contains. ifrA.b this added ounce of prevention of home accidents, a stored article longer elusive on a crowded shelf. m SNACK Slop • MOT DOGS-A FOOT LONG—• HAMBURGERS • CANDY—• ICE CREAM—• MALTED MILK • REFRESHMENTS—• FOODS -Open 24 Hours A Day 2108-10 NORTH 24TH Phone. JA. 9434 > ★ We Sell for Less it HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS* CHICAGO FURNITURE CO. “COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED” JAekson 4411 1833-35 NORTH 24TH — <—■ ' —.1 — Phone: ATI antic 3949 PARKER FURNACE & SHEET METAL WORKS 2002 LAKE STREET • GAS FURNACES, OIL—% OIL BURNERS ALL TYPES OF FURNACE REPAIRING “Sheet Metal Work of Any Kind” (EASY TERMS OMAHA K), NEBRASKA WERNER Paint and Wallpaper Company O’BRIEN PAINT DISTRIBUTOR Omaha 2, Nebraska 2212-24 CUMING ST. AT 4744 ■T- ■■ ‘ ; Crounse Bootery Shoes for the Entire Family wars furnishings n 14 NORTH MIR -- THE LIQUOR STORE COMPLETELY REMODELED -AND AIR CONDITIONED 24th & Cuming STREET ---- ' * ' Neighborhood Furnace 60. 2111 NORTH 30th ST. -GUTTERING SPOUTING & REPAIRS INSTALLATION OF OIL, GAS, COAL, also STOKERS ESTIMATES FREE A rp—y |C-| O * TERMS ARRANGED ^ I U10 i • /---1 Midwest Paint & Body Co. + *■ “SEE VS FIRST" -WE BUY ANN SELL- ''*•**► USED CARS & TRUCKS 2812 NORTH 24TH JAchton 0744 »— ■■ E. Schmader Phone: JA. 5606 Schmader Cabinet Works • ALL-AROUND GENERAL MILL WORK CONTRACTING AND BUILDING —Estimates Promptly Given— 2225 CUMING STREET Omaha, Nebraska Vi —-* 1 ■' . .. „ X P&M AUTO SERVICE “WE CAN TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR CAR NEEDS” JA. 5573 24th & Seward : TIP TOP TAILORS Cleaning, Pressing; Alteriug We Appreciate Year Tmide ATI an tie 6136 1864 NORTH 24th ------ BOMB-BLASTED KING DAVID HOTEL JERUSALEM, Palestine—Ra diqphoto-Soundphoto—First p i c - ture to arrive in the U. S. show ing the bomb-blasted King David / .. Hotel here after last week's explo sion in which an estimated 93 persons were killed. Today British troops in battle dress are staging the greatest majihunt in Middle East history seeking extremists who did the bombing. —“JOE KAPLAN”— Gas Oil Service WASHING—POLISHING—GREASING 24TH & GRANT - • — j ~. .-.—.... ' ...-.. RITZ CAB CO. —“PROMPT SERVICE—NITE OR DAY”— •JA-5222 . ■ ' ... —■ i * .11.——M.. . . i <. NORTH 24™ STREET Shoe HospitaV 24th and Decatur WE. 4240 A CLARK Rooting & Siding Co. • HOME INSULATION ★ 2830 CHARLES * * JA. 4845 A WHILE THEY LAST-'" TIRE CHAINS 600x16 _ _ 650x16 700x16 7x25 & 7x50x17 & 18 ~ • FEW TRUCK CHAINS DEEP ROCK SERVICE STATION • 24th CHARLES STREETS FINLAY & COMPANY ACE —24 Hour Service— SCORED ICE AND CUBES (Open Sundays) WE. 0232_ 24TH & SEWARD Houston’s Market -SELECT GROCERIES Home Made Pork Sausage 2114 NORTH 24TH JAcfcron 3343 " ———————wmmmmmmmrnmmJ REID’S PHARMACY -THANK YOIT 24th & Seward WR1813