i*^_^^_£_^-^_^J_^J_C_Aj< tltK COUNSIL AND GUIPAHCI wbe” xoor mind a weighted down with worry LLBr^s^HAr°^ri^^ *•** ST ‘ "Mr ot •o«»d nod constructive advice analyzing three It) quea . ■■ . * »tamped lie) envelope for your confidential reply, and aiga ^wfeil acme, addreaa and birthdate to all lettere Explain you caae fully nai ^mane year problem within the realm of reeaon. Write to THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE P. 0. Box II. Atlanta I. Georgia H M H. .1 am trying to decide what to do about my future. I continue to be indecisive and time is fleeting. I am wondering should not I give up my further plans for formal education (reluctantly) and get a good job. marry and setttle down I want fame, education and financial and domestic security. Ans: Well sir. you have certain ly set your sights high. Nonethe less, you should complete your ed ucation You are a talented poet and writer. That much is certain, for you have your published poems and articles as proof. However, you have a dependent mother and grandmother to consider. Why not go into journalism? It offers you a chance to complete your educa tion and at the same time do the kind of work you have your heart set on. J W B. .Is it right to give the girl you love money when she asks for it? I am 17 years old and the girl is very nice and at tractive. Ans: Look son, the farther you stay away from such girls the bet ter you’ll be. Besides, you aren't the only fellow who is charmed by this young lady fair. You remem ber those two other boys who were there the night of the 16th.. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT— Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street MMHiniiitiintmnnniiiniiiiiiiniiiik 24th & l ake Sts. T> PRESCRIPTlOyS ^ Free Delivery —WE-0609— Duffy Pharmacy Miimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO 'at*, earner and adJalalaK, an aaa thereat earner Ilrt and (.rare. Knteaalee frontage aa bath 21st aad Genre. Ideal tar 2 ar aaorr homes, ae especially salted as Cbareh (rsaadi. Make reasonable otter IHMLDIATLL V. Address BOX A3M ae Call UAdM. LARGE LOAD PREFERRED Kindling per load $5 00| ■LAFK>TO\E LUMP COAL $1160 per ton JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT 5631 fllfl d*1 Ad* IW |T*I t~ d~ r r + A * * ^ — — they pay off too. No Johnnie, you don't want any part of her kind of woman. There are too many nice girls among your school and church friends for you to waste time with her type. P G..In ’43 my husband went into the service and spent three years overseas. When he arrived back home to my surprise he started running around with other women. I want him to treat me like a wife and do his family duty by me. Ans: Sure you do, but the poor guy finds it hard to settle down after the free and easy love life he led overseas. He will though, 1 if you handle him right. Bear down on him and let him know that he had his fling and its time to settle down. He’ll come to his senses, if you will take a few days vacation away from him. C M H. .1 am 26 years old. I have two kids and I am going with a married man. He says he wants to divorce his wife and mar ry me but he can’t find no excuse. What shall I do? Ans: Here’s what you do. In vite him over to the house soon. Have him sit down at the table and make him comfortable. Then get you a good, big frying pan, walk up behind him and bounce it off his head. Can't you see he is playing yod for a good deal. Certainly he can’t find an excuse for a divorce, let him just men tion it and his wife will beat the socks off him. The place for you is back with your husband mother ing your two small children. A L. .1 have a friend who says he fell in love with me at first sight the very first day he saw me. He says he wants to marry me. Does he? Ans: For a guy that is that much in loce with a woman he cer tainly acts very distant and sec retive You have heard no word from him now in a long, long time. Doesn’t that prove that per haps he was feeding you a line of sweet talk. He got what he want ed, now he is through. C W. .1 have been married for ^ almost nine years. We have two* children. We have been separated j about six times. We went back together in January but I am po sitive that she does not love me from the treatment I get and from her actions. Answer in the paper real quick. Ans: For one thing you have the wrong attitude. You continue to think that you are picked on and pecked at by your wife. You are no saint yourself and you know it. You fuss and fume and rag at your mate until she just has to get out of the house and away from you. My advice then is to examine your conscience and see what you can do on your own to make your wife’s life in your home happy and troublefree. Do your part and she will make you a lov ing mother and wife. Worried..We want to buy a home where we are living. Will we be able to get it or will some -- Classified Ads 6et Resuitsf Would Like to Buy 39 to 42 mode ROOM FOR RENT: for young lady. JA 6283, Mrs. M. Johnson. • Distributor Wanted MARVA LOUIS, Inc.,— wants a reliable well established person to act as sole distributor far Marva Louis (Mrs. Joe Louis) Tbiletnes in the city of Omaha, Nebraska. Joe's boundless pop ularity and Marva’s beauty makes this proposition unusually attrac tive. Will give two year contract Some cash will be required. Give two business references and one personal reference. Marva Manufacturing Co., !nc. • East Garfield Blvd., Chicago, III. C/o W. L. Lowe, Gen. Mgr, • FOR RENT— Two rooms to two Young Ladies. Phone JA 6283 House for Sale. 2515 N. 17£h St. $4,500, 5-r*m bungalow 1-wk pos.’ House? For Sale Anyone or all of the following Houses. 1604-1606 . 1608 North 29th street All completely mod ern—Reasonable prices. Will ac. cept a Good Used Car as Down Payment JOHN GUSPER & SON 2312 N' St, MA. 5490. # ALTOS WASTED! SLLL I S YOUR CAR FOR CASH.f • We will come to your borne. Fred King Motors AT-S463 2056 Farnam Piano, bed. misc. furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. • KoeooBoeoooeooooooocog* ft etc & lied Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART *611-13 North 34th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— “Everything For The Home“ car from private party. WA-8289 FURNISHED ROOM Downstairs for man and wife, 2507 Hamilton AT-0992. HELP WANTED Couple for Cook and Caretaker—■ Good Salary. Colored Old Folks Home, 933 North 25th St. JA-0704 • FOR SALE 5 rooms completely furnished— 2 lots. Modem, 3033 Pratt street. Quick Possession. KELLEHER, 2424 Bristol St. JA. 6261. HOUSE FOR SALE Vacant, ready to move into, eight rooms, all modem, full basement, double garage, large lot. Phone the owner at AT-7783. $3,750. Beautiful Drape Suits all sizes Oxford Clo. Co. 1101 Farnam ■. n 1 • McBrady Products Orders Taken at 2506 Burdette SL, Telephone JAckson 7284. —Mr*. C. M. Elder. DRESSES AND COATS, Size 44 and Children’s Clothes CALL GLen. 4065. Fresh Eggs 40c. We deliver on Saturday in your neigh borhood—HA-0137. NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. "We Buy and Sell" — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, LAUNDRIES St CLEANERS EDHOLM A SHERMAN *401 North 24th St WE. 6065 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1021 DO’S AND DON‘TS: l Help keep your Community Clean. Do stop spitting on the sidewalk. THEY’LL NEVER DIE * ?«* ni——TTII r-^— 1^—■ - - HON. MIFFLIN W. GIBBS AMERICA S FIRST NEGRO JUDGEJ FROM CARPENTERS HELPER TO WEALTH AND A JUDGESHIP IS THE STORY OF MIFFL/N W. GIBBS, BORN 1828 IN PHILA..PA. WHILE STILL IN HIS 205 YOUNG- GHBBS FOLLOWED THE GOLD RUSH AND SET UP A SUCCESSFUL CLOTH ING BUSINESS IN SUNNY CALIFORNIA. HE ALSO FOUNDED THE 1ST NEGRO NEWSPAPER IN CALIF.& WITH IT DEFEATED A PROPOSED POLL TAX FOR SAN FRANCISCO/ AT AZ HE EARNED HIS LAW DEGREE AND SETTLED IN LITTLE ROCK,ARIA. 3 YEARS LATER, IN THATCITY, HEBECAMETHE 1ST NECfeo JUDGE IN THE U.S.A / r \ Continental F-tnr,. one else? We thought maybe it may go for taxes. Ans: Why not go down to the Court House and see the tax col lector. You might find out through him if it will be possible for you to obtain the property in this man ner. If it can’t be done and you 1 still want the property, .then it would be wise to handle the mat ter through a reputable lawyer. M B. .1 met a man from Chicago four months ago and he asked me to marry him. In the meantime his brothers girl friend put a lot of nonsense in his mind about me. The girls’ mother also helped to poison his mind. This mother is supposed to be a saved woman and I don't understand it. What should I do? Ans: All you can is live the same decent, Christian life you have always lived and continue to make new friends among mem bers of the opposite sex. If the fellow in question was as easily influenced as all that, .you’re lu cky you found him out in time. You owe it to him and to yourself to meet him privately and come to a definite understanding about your future. j Fight Polio Don’t swim in polluted waters. • PROBATE NOTICE Omaha Guide 3T W. B. Bryant, Atty. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. Book 66, Page 410. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF CAROLINE MATJPIN, Deceased. The State of Nebraska. To All Concerned: Notice is hereby given that a purported will of the above named deceased, with a petition for its probate, and for granting administration of said estate to W. B. Bryant, some suitable per son, has been filed. Hearing will be had theron in this Court on August 19th, 1946, at 9:00 o’clock A. M., at which time and place you may appear and contest the same. ROBERT R. TROYER, County Judge. Begin 7-27-46 end 8-10-46 Gasoline consumption, which av eraged 76,809,600 gallons a day in 1941, is expected to increase not ably as new cars in appreciable numbers become available. #rr pays to. ADVERTISE PARAGUAYAN PRESIDENT BUENOS AIRES, Argentina_ Soundphoto—Word from Paragua yan sources reveals that President Higinio Morinigo of Paraguay, who is shown here has asked per mission from the armed forces to resign and leave the country. His move closely follows the upheaval in neighboring Bolivia which saw President Villarroel and others of the ruling clique there extermina ted in a particularly messy fashion by revolutionists. President's Mor-1 inigo’s entire cabinet is said to be! following his lead. ANDERSON ASKS HOME MAKERS TO EQUAL CANNING RECORD Secretary of Agriculture Clin ton P. Anderson is calling on the home-makers this year to equal their excellent 1945 canning re cord in order to make more food available for shipment to starving peoples abroad. i Secretary Anderson points' out] that rural and urban home-mak ers preserved 3% billion quarts of food last year to help win the war. Of this amount, colored home makers canned in excess of 200 million quarts. He says that it is necessary to can large quantities of food this lear in order to help preserve the peace. It is expected that while colored farm women will take the lead in home-canning again this year, ur ban home-makers will make a substantial contribution to the ef 1ft iby canning surplus fruits vegetables from their gardens and from the market when farm products are in plentiful supply. I In addition to canning, many home-makers will dry, brine and itore food-stuffs. The county home demostrations agents have launch ed another food preservation cam paign to help assure adequate con servation of food. • Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE SUBSCRIBE TODAY! BREEZY By T. MELVIN {HI,CICERO. 'W'VVHERE o.I—-JwELL-WEVE -ANP.WE HAVEN'T* t>HOW'4 ^ fARE YOUCtOIKJGTI'M TAKIN'vi/VlATTE^Cl>HADTHI4 (GOTTENANY MUSIC EVERYTHING-? |WITHTHE MUSIC,{ IT PACK//—-- .--O^US'C ^TOOL OUT OF IT YET//. , pt^I ' A MONTH 'N' WE TWISTED AND TURNED __ . .IT EV'RY WAY \ J,M STeeLe MEIV.NT..,-, LET'S STOP AND TAKE 1 INVENTORY— I NOU WILL ! REMEMBER . THAT THIS PART < OF OUR. STORY HAPPENS IN • AFRICA/ THE • WAR IS OVER BUT j THE GREEDY ARE 1 STILL BUSY— DOOV\ei, i Jl PADNESE LEADER. ' »SEEKING-ATOVv/C ; ESCAPED BUT... - HAVE SEEN TAKt.s, | INS- PEATH TO OUKTlSf PBHtfSIgf LEARN THAT SOME kcRTOF RAY AWl^AJ E WA^ USED ON ON£ OF THE FAMILIe£/SueF I IAM/W AMP 6tA‘H.-cY£, 7?MT / A/YAl. AACAZ£7££A* AAC I /M THC BAMBOO /MM AT TH/0 T7M£ AMO AM£ A&M/MO I M4AAWMG... | ^ *. Contin«nt»1 P««hirw W..y£AH—7H£X£? y ^ "S ] \K/fVMO 7*£ ( **T£pBOgjBg..* \2£*M £XAW£& 39| \VMS4T GO&>-£y£/J TAN TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN I Ciko © V t-BNTirJe.NTAI. PCATUVEO 'q««* "Next Door” by ted shearer “Mabel, this food situation is driving me crazy !!!” --—, HUCKLEBERRY FINN “How many times have I told you, Gertrude, not to call me at the office!” * KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST COMICS EVERY WEEK in THE “Greater OMAHA GUIDE! I*1!??* »» \ f 1*0 m 5T tMivneeK we oecleved voo- / amvter rirw, v* Mtweo of W. \ <- ''WOfv'* \ [ V* 5l®(tO Yh6 PLEDGE W\S LEGau MARK §S* ( omopo THE \HFLDEHCE OF PiLCOHOL* Jl NOO PLEASE COME Aho ) V*«TW HVS XMARH.- \» A C.1RCLE vl\th V^WoeR Hr 'Huucn'.E ur w.Luroi^/1 suS-*?^ i — -m; r, j&MkW f I'M MOT UNDER THE , \ / ALCOFUJErtCE. OF INCONOI ! i -THiMMLE just peep I ANW l I'M NOT WMF AS THUMK AS ' "/DU fcftlHK \ BE - $ut \ Tool So fcelssh /*eeee vm thumker , THArt I WiiNVv- ,y SQUIRE EDGEGATE - No "Suflrne** Here__ BY LOUIS RICHARD youvs Oor DoM1 V i /-~n~Z^7T\ Sor**. MH+XTy Cooo | /^yyor» /y*uc«# \>V7A*’€ OUT • hr«£TM£<» [ I** SU&E ITS A SOXSl J 'ftZ£~Z**5SZT"*l (v^rZTD Us o.E.ss.m SCO 1-Q^^£ ™*r££Z/ HZ.n'E. J --“Nr--s-^. » ^ '-—-- ^iWP'SE —A