The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 03, 1946, Page 4, Image 4

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    | SOCIAL Activities
| HA-0800 BY JULIA AT-2680
»-»»• 1 i . . ’ :z " 1 ^r-_ . .I.. i.i. i ■
Mr Samuel Winston, 1611 *4
Maple Street, left last Sunday
morning for a three-weeks stay in
Los Angeles, Calif., where he will
visit with an aunt, whom he has
not seen for a number of years.
Mr Winston was given the trip
to California as a vacation by his
employer, Mrs. Bertha Menedoght.
Mr. Winston is one of the active
and leading members of cleaves
Temple CME church, where he is
a steward and class leader and
active in many other organiza
tions. He is also a member of the
Elks' Lodge No. 92.
* * *
Mr and Mrs. Mitchell Tassin
have announced the engagement
of their daughter. Miss Elena
Bradley to Elmer Woods of Law
rence, Massachusetts. Miss Brad
ley Ls a graduate of Creighton
University and has taught two
years in Leavenworth, Kansas.
Mr. Woods served 29 months in
the army air corps.
* m m
Mrs. Sarah Edmondson of 2722
Ohio St. has as her house-guests
several members of her family
from Nashville, Tenn. The guests
are: her mother, Mrs. George W.
Bowen; her cousin, Mrs. Joseph
Hams; two neices, the Misses Be
verly and Jane Gilbert; and three
af her grandchildren, Beverly.
Jane and Delabee Gilbert.
Mrs. Edmondson’s relatives ar
rived in Omaha Sunday July 23
and plan to remain for about three
* * *
Mrs. Llovd McDuffey of 561 W.
147th St.. New York City will be
the house-guest of Mrs. Joe Win
ston. 2214 No. 27th St. for two
weeks July 22. After leaving Om
aha will spend two weeks in Chi
coga before returning home.
House-guests of Mrs. Joseph T.
Taylor of 2859 Miami St. are Miss
Ethelyn E. Hoard and Mrs. Cor- j
rine Bodine Thomas of St. Louis,;
Mo The St. Louis visitors arrived
in Omaha Friday. July 26 and
plan to spend some time here.
Sunday. July 28th. Mrs. Taylor
entertained at a reception in honor
of her guests. The reception was
held from 7 until 10 p. m. at the
Taylor home. A profusion of flow
ers throughout the house was a
beautiful background to an enjoy
able evening. Musical selections
during the evening were given by
Mrs. Mary FaucetL Mrs. C. E.
Reynolds. Mr Booker Washington
and Mr. A L. Reynolds. An espec
ially lovely centerpiece of gladio
las. snapdragons, begonias and
roses decorated the dining room
Assisting at the reception were
Mesdames W. L. Myers, A. L.
Hawkins. L L McVay, George
Coot»er (Council Bluffs) Jeanette
Collins and Susie Yancey.
« * •
Of 2917 No. 25th St., have as
their houseguest Mr. Lambert's
cousin Miss Mary Duvall of St.
Louis, Mo. Miss Duvall left Wed
nesday for her home after a week3
visit in Omaha.
* * *
Of 2878 Binney St. have as their
house-guest little Miss Wanda
Joyce Martin of Independance,
Mo., who is Mrs. Long’s cousin.
Miss Martin arrived in Omaha last
week and will be a visitor here for
about a month.
• * •
Visiting at the home of her sis
ter Mrs. Edward M. Hayes of
2623 Patrick Ave. is Miss Janice
Richardson of Bolton, Miss. Miss
Richardson will also visit with 2
other of her sisters in Omaha.
They are Mrs. Harold Hunter of
2021 No. 27th St., and Miss Iris
Richardson of 2525 Decatur St.
Miss Richardson also has a broth
er in Omaha Leon Richardson Jr.
Mrs. Hayes honored her sister
at a get-acquainted-party Tuesday
afternoon, July 30 at her home.
Miss Richardson arrived in the
city last week and plans to spend
the remainder of the summer in
* * *
The family of Rev. David St.
Clair and members of the church
and friends gave a lovely surprise
party at the parsonage Wednes
day evening July 17 in honor of
the birthday of Rev. St. Clair.
On the dining-room table which
was adorned with a beautiful lace
cover was the cake which was co
vered with white frosting and de
corated with pink roses and a
border of green frosting.
Rev. St. Clair received many beau- j
tiful and useful gifts. A delightful |
repast was served by the host and
hostess Mr. and Mrs. David St.
Clair Jr.
Omaha Local No. 101 held its
annual picnic at Elmwood Park
Monday, July 29. If you were not
present, you missed a rare treat.
A large truck carried most of the
beauticians. Others went in private
cars. Two large tables were filled
with all kinds of food stuffs. About
thirty-five attended.
The League held the July meet
ing at the Watson Beauty School.
(1st and 3rd Mondays). The Aug
ust meeting will be held at Alt
house School of Beauty Culture.
Beauticians attending the Na
tional Beauty Culturists League in ,
Nashville. Tenn. are Rose Murrell, |
Flossie Moore and Christine Alt
* • •
Proud parents of a baby girl are
Mr and Mrs. Leroy Wright of
2814 Ohio St. The baby was born
at St. Catherine’s hospital on July
WHY WASTE TIME Quilting by
hand, when it can be done so much
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2506 Dodge St., JA-5556
Don't overload your wiring system. When you
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Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Moore
Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Moore and their seven children, Paul, Frank, Kenneth and Delroy Moore; Mrs. Lucille Elbey, Milton Moore and
Mercedes Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Reuban Moore of
2302 No. 27th Ave., celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary on
Saturday evening, July 27th with
a reception at the YWCA. Many
friends greeted the couple through
out the evening. A table held a
beautiful floral centerpiece with
the flowers surrounding a golden
numeral ‘‘50". On either side were
three tall candles. A three-tier
cake was served from a side table.
In the receiving line with the cou
ple celebrating their golden wed
ding were their seven children.
In July 1896 Mrs. Moore, then
Miss Margaret Griffen, was mar
ried to Mr. Moore in Council
Bluffs, la. Since then they have
made their home in Omaha. The
Moore's seven children are Mer
cedes, Lucille, Paul. Frank, Ken
neth, Delrcy and Milton. Mr. and
Mrs. Moore also have six grand
Assisting at the reception were
Mrs. Luticia Taylor. Mrs. A. L.
Hawkins, Mrs. Gertrude Ashby,
Mrs. Josie Harris. Mrs. Delia
Moore. Mrs. Anne Moore, Grand
Matron Cloma Scott, past Grand
Matron Mattie Gooden, Mrs. Mae
Jackson, Mrs. Minnie Taylor, Mrs.
Selma Clark, Mrs. Florence Beas
ley and Mrs. Laura Moore.
Mr. Moore has worked for the
Union Pacific for 56 years, having
. had no other employer. He started
i as a messenger boy in June, 1889.
Later he worked as a porter and
then as a cook. In 1916 he was
promoted to personal chef for Mr.
William Jeffers when the latter
was general manager of the rail
road. Since that time Moore has
faithfully served Mr. Jeffers thru
all of the latter’s promotions on
the railroad—as general manager
until 1928, as operating vice pre
sident until 1932, and as executive
vice president until 1937, at which
time Mr. Jeffers was elected pre
sident of the Union Pacific, re
tiring in February, 1946.
The Pricilla Art and Neddlecraft
Oub entertained their husbands
and friends with a weiner roast
and picnic Wednesday July 24th
from 7 to 12 pm. in the beautiful!
oacK yard at the Earl L. Waldron'
home with white picnic furniture
and barbecue pit about 52 guests
enjoyed roasting wieners and play
ing bingo. All the guests expressed
themselves as having a lovely even
ing. Sixteen prizes were given for
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawrence Wal
dron of 2423 Maple have returned
after a 2500 mile motor trip. In
Okmulgee, Okla. They visited Mr.
Waldron's sister, then motoring to
the foot of the Ozark mountains,
they visited Mrs. Waldron’s bro
ther and other relatives and friends
coming back by the way of St.
Louis visiting Mrs. Waldron’s aunt
in Kansas City. Then to St. Jos
eph Mo., visiting Mr. Waldron’s
brother and sister in law.
Mrs. Waldron's aunt Mrs. Ter
rance of Kansas City, Mo., accom
panied them on the trip.
* * »
Mrs. Sadie White of Chicago
has been a visitor in Omaha for
the past week with Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Bryan of 2817 Binney St.
Mrs. White is Mrs. Bryan’s sister.
The Chicagoan was entertained at
a number of social events while
here. She left Omaha Tuesday
morning July 30 for New York
City where she will visit with
* * * * *
Monday, July 29, was the 12th
birthdav of Miss Jean Joan Mat
thews daughter of Mrs. Maddeline
Matthews. Twelve guests helped
Jean celebrate her birthday at a
party given at 2816 No. 31st St.
The afternoon was spent at vari
ous children's games including
the ever popular ‘Spin the bottle’.
Afterwards refreshments were
served the young guests. They en
joyed ice cream, cake, candy, pea
nuts, and lemonade. The table was
decorated with pink, blue, and
kellow candles in gay holders. A
large white cake trimmed with
pink roses and touches of gTeen
and Happy Birthday to Jean in
pink letters was the centerpiece.
Miss Matthews received many
lovely gifts.
* * *
Mrs. Mabel Galbreath of Pasa
dena, California and formerly of
Lincoln, Nebraska, is visiting with
many friends in Omaha. She is
staying at the home of Mrs. Elise
Turner of 2514 Corby St. and she
plans to be in the city for about
two weeks.
» * *
Mrs. Robbie Turner Davis of
2514 Corby St left last week for
California with Mr. nad Mrs. Wea
ver and their two daughter of
Berkley and Miss Ethel Perkins,
who teaches school in Memphis,
Tenn. Mrs. Davis motored to the
west coast. She visited in Berkley
and San Francisco and went to
Los Angeles Tuesday, July 30,
where she will remain to attend
the Alpha Kappa Alpha Boule.
* * 9
July 30th The Peace Caravan,
under the supervision of the Socie
ty of Friends were entertained at
the Cozy Grill by the Frontiers’
Club of the Urban League.
\ Lewis Interviews Peace Caravan Members ij
(Bv Lawrence P. Lewis*
I finally i n terviewed the
four young ladies who make up
tne Peace Caravan, at the North
side YWCA. Winifred Walker
was playing the piano, Pat Fritz
was reclining upstairs, reading a
book, Susan Gitt and Margaret
Wilson were preparing dinner.
Winifred Walker, age twenty, sat
quietly at the piano, waiting for
my first question.
“Miss Walker,” I said. “When
did you become intersted in this
“When I was a freshman in Col
lege and started to take up Polit
ical Science,” she answered.
“Do you like this work?” I ask
“Oh, yes, I’d like to make this
my life's work,” she answered.
"What hobbies do you have?" I
“I like to play the piano, read,
and play tennis, baseball, volley
ball, basketball, and pingpong,”
she answered.
"What are your plans after this
tour is over?” I asked.
“I have one more year of college
and I plan to return to finish.
Then I expect to continue in this
work.” she ansered.
“Tell me something about your
self, where you spent most of your
life, how you enjoy this work, and
ho you like our city?” I asked.
"Well, I spent most of my life
on Long Island. I enjoy working
in the city, but I like the country
best. I like Omaha very much,
and I like the way it is planned
out. Everyone has been very,
very friendly, and I would say the
newspapers are right when they
say that the midwest is conserv
ative,” Miss Walker said.
Miss Walker should go far in
this work. She is very intelligent
and enjoys making speeches. She
believes that World Peace must
be had, and the way to World
Peace is first through the indiv
Miss Patricia Fritz was next,
and when Miss Walker called her,
she came running down the steps,
rushing to the dinner table, think
ing dinner was ready.
Miss Fritz, who would rather
be called Pat, is 21 years old, was
born in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
She is a graduate of Webster Mi
chigan College.
“How do you like this work all
of you are doing?". I asked.
“I like it very much, and the ex
perience is invaluable to me,” she
“What hobbies do you have?”,
I asked.
“I enjoy most sports, but I pre
fer tennis. I am interested in di
recting and dramatics” she an
“Who or what made you inter
ested in this work?” I asked.
“The secretary of our district
was the first to attract my atten
tion, and I became interested in
its ideals”, she answered.
“What are your plans after this
is over?”, I asked.
“I am going to teach in the
fall, and this experience will help
me so much,” she answered.
“How do you like our city?”, I
"I never have lived in a city
this large, and I prefer the smal
•members of the Peace Caravan . . . their plan Is to stimulate
interest in world peace. Left to right are: Miss Winifred Walker,
Miss Margaret Wilson, Miss Patricia Fritz and Miss Susan Gitt.—
World-Herald Photo._
ler towns to the city, but the peo
ple have been very pleasant," said
Miss Fritz.
Next came Miss Susan Gitt, and
although the oldest of the four,
22 years of age, she looks the
youngest. Miss Gitt as born in
York, Penn., and is a graduate
of Mount Holyoke College, South
Hadley, Mass.
"How did you become interested
in this work?" I asked.
“A good friend of mine went on
the Caravan last year, and by my
believing so much in its ideals, I
wanted to go on it this year", she
"What other interests do you
have?" I asked.
She answered, "I enjoy the
games of baseball and field hocky.
I am very much interested in or
ganized labor,” she answered.
'What are your plans after this
is over ?”, I asked.
“I hope to go to Medical school
in the fall. Don’t you just love
the clean smell of a hospital?",
she asked.
For a minute everyone laughed
but Miss Gitt was very serious
about her hospitals, and Miss Wal -
ker, who seems to be the sergeant,
said, "Quiet now”.
"How do you like Omaha?”, I
“I think Omaha is very easy to
get around in, and the people are
j especially nice, but I still prefer
the country to any city,” she said.
Next as Miss Margaret Wilson,
I but she informed me that they
call her Peggy. Miss Wilson is 17
years old, the youngest of the
group. She loves the life of the
city. Born in Springfield, Mass.,
but lives in Chicago. ,
Miss Wilson attends the Uni-'
versity of Chicago and will go back
to school as soon as their work is
finished in Omaha.
‘How did you become interested
in this work?” I asked.
‘‘I have always believed in its
ideals and I am a member of the
Student Federalist. I attended a
pease rally in Chicago, and during
their discussion on World Govern
ment I decided this work would be
a wonderful experience for me”,
she answered.
‘‘What hobbies do you have?” I
"I like to play basketball and I
like to swim”, she answered.
“What do you think of ourcity?”
I asked.
“I think it is wonderful. I like
it very much. I am not like the
other girls, as I prefer the city
to the country”, Miss Wilson said.
All of the girls are more inter
ested in their work. They all be
lieve there is no future for this
world without World Peace.
The Sub Deb Club had as their
guest speakers Wednesday, July
31, the Caravan girls who are in
Omaha discussing international
relations and religious peace. The
club held its meeting at the Urban
League Wednesday, July 31 at 3
« * *
The YMCA is offering craft
classes for adults on Tuesday even
ings at 8:00. Persons interested ini
learning crafts for recreation,
church and schools, etc., will be
greatly benefitted by attending
the classes. Those wishing more
information may call the YMCA
Phone AT 9134.
* * *
A going away party was given
by the Sub Deb Club for Miss
Maureen Watson at the home of
Miss Louise Perkins at 2015 Mia
mi St., Friday evening, July 26.
The guests had a very enjoyable
time. Miss Watson is the neice of
Mrs. Earl Wheeler of 3011 No. 28.
* * * \
With the arrival of three sisters *
from Chicago and St. Louis a fam-1
ily reunion was held this week in,
Omaha. The arrivals are Mrs. i
Laura Williams from'Chicago and
Mrs. Adelene Thems and Mr. and
Mrs Charles Watson of St. Louis,
Mo. The ladies are all sisters of
Mrs. Earl A. Wheeler of 3011 No.
28th Ave, and are to be her house
guests for the next week or ten
days. The Watsons and Mrs.
Thems motored here from St.
Louis. Mrs. Williams came by rail.
Mr and Mrs Watson will take
their daughter Miss Maaueen back
with them when they netarn to
St. Louis. Miss Watson M*s been
staying with her aunt Mrs. Wheel
er for the past few months and
attending school here.
The visitors arrived in Omaha
Monday, July 29th.
* * *
Miss Florentine Goodlett will
leave Monday, August 5 for Los
Angeles. She will represent the
Gama Beta Chapter of the Alpha
Kappa Alpha sorority at their
Boule to be held there this month.
While in Los Angeles Miss Good
lett will visit her cousins Mrs.
Mary Ann Elliott and Miss Ruth
Vincent. She will also visit in San
Francisco with Dr and Mrs. Carle
ton Goodlett. Miss Goodlett plans
to be gone about two weeks. She
is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs.
F. S. Goodlett of 2726 Binney St:
* * *
Three Oklahomans were guests
of Mr and Mrs. Cozy Nicholson of
2716 Maple St., last week. They
were Mr. Nicholson’s neice Miss
Betty Fowler from El Reno, and
his sister and her husband, Sgt.
and Mrs. P. W. Hamilton of Fort
Sill Oklahoma. During the same
week Mr. and Mrs. Bonds of Lin
coln. Nebr., were also guests of
the Nicholsons’.
* * *
I have watched people do a lot
of work on their yards trying to
have good lawns but have not had
much success because they put
their seed in at the wrong time.
The best time to put seed in is
August and the first of Septem
ber. My experience has shown me
that this about the only time in
Nebraska to have any success. You
should do away with the water
erass before it goes to seed then
fork up your yard as you would
your garden in the spring. Then
get a good grade of blue grass
seed and sow very thick and cover
with straw and keep watering
until all seed are up.
The ground should be rolled and
raked good before the seed are put
in. If you have a lot of shade you
should get shade grass to go in
the shade and sun grass for the
For further information call Mr
L. L. McVay, Websted 0713.
* * *
Miss Marion Webb and her aunt
iMss Georgia left Wednesday July
31, for Hoi breath, Texas where
they will visit with relatives. They
expect to be gone about a month.
* * *
Of 1405 No. 23rd Plaza have
three young ladies as their house
guests. They are Mrs. Scott’s nei
ces Miss Barbara Jean Yancey,
Miss Sara Delores Lindsay of Los
Angeles and Miss Verna Faye
Wilkenson. daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Vernon N. Wilkenson of Kan
sas City. Barbara and Sara arriv
ed in Omaha July 18th and Verna
arrived here Tuesday, July 30th.
The latter will be joined by her
parents some time in August. The
young ladies plan to be in Omaha
for the remainder of the summer.
* » «
Arriving in Omaha Sunday, July
28th were Mr. and Mrs. William
Haynes Jr., and son William IV
from Pittsburg. Penn. They are
I visiting at the home of Mr. Hay
nes mother and father Mr. and
Mrs. William Haynes Sr., of 2859
[ Corby St. Mr. Haynes Jr. is a
| chemical engineer and is employed
' by the government in the Bureau
of Mines in Pittsburg. The East
j erners will be in Omaha for about
a week.
Girls from the Northside YWCA
who attended Camp Brewster from
July 21-28 were the Misses Lucille
Atkins. Pearl Billingsley, Lucille
Goodwin, Rozilia Gibson, Delia
Gardner, Thelma Hancock, Pearl
Hall, Velma Jackson. Evon Avant,
Beatrice Wanger, Gwendolyn Wan
ger, Darlene Duff, Loretta Stev
enson, and Adrian Merriweather.
Miss Mary Louise Butler a college
student at Ohio State acted as Jun
ior Counselor and Miss Geneva
Burney and Miss Jewell Miller as
The girls made a very good re
cord and were considered for hon
ored cabin. Some of the girls re
ceived beginners certificates in
* * *
Mrs. Ella Mae Haynes of 2308
No. 29th St. entertained at a buf
fet luncheon Monday, July 29 for
Miss Betty Mae Albert who has
been her house-guest for the past
six weeks. About twenty guests
were present at the luncheon
which served as a farewell party
for the visitor. Miss Albert left
Wednesday, July 31 for her home
in Kansas City.
* * »
Mr and Mrs. Edward R. Fletcher
of 3115 Franklin St, returned to
their home Saturday evening, July
27, after a two week’s visit in the
south. They visited Mr. Fletcher’s
E. McGILL, Prop.
2423-25 NORTH 24TH ST.
Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m.
Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7pm
—No Charges—
Free Delivery from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m,
JAckson 9411
Bonded Liquors
mother Mrs. Emma Herron in
Forrest City, Ark., where they
were called at the death of Mr.
Fletcher’s stdp-father, Mr. Lonnie
Herron. On their return trip they
visited with two neices, Mrs. Wil
liams and Mrs. Adams in Mem
phis, Tenn.
m * 4
City fireman, 2422 Erskine St.,
returned to work Monday, July 29
after a weeks’ absence due to a
I foot injury.
* » w
The Misses Janis and Joan Mc
Caw spent last Sunday in Vvash
ington, D. C. They are visiting
relatives and friends in New York
City. The Misses McCaws are the
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
McCaw of 2806 Ohio St. The girls
will return to their home in Aug.
* • •
By Frank Wilkerson
Last Friday night the Alpha
Omega’s had their Tacky Party
which was made up of members in
ridiculous costumes. As I looked
at the gang I began wondering
how sad it would be if they could
not dress any better, but I hope
the condition never happens and
anyway most of the gang has
money growing on trees in their
I had anticipated on telling how
everyone was dressed but I’m
I’d be writing a couple volumes of
books. I can say that Jack West
looked Confucius with his pajama
coat on and his very short black
pants on backwards and big legs
i showing. M. L. Reed looked like
1 Santa Claus in his work clothes
as the over-alls he was wearing
i seemed to run around him as he
walked. He had enough room for
someone else in those things. Jean
Rudd’s black skirt and red sash
with a pair of pants hanging be
low her skirt was very comical
and she had herself a ball just
like the rest of us. Can you tell
me who Doris Wilkerson thought
she was? Did I hear someone say
a cow girl?
The dance was fine, but Audrey
Forrest and Florentine Goodlett
started cutting w'ater melons
and seems as everyone forgot
about dancing and eating. George
Moore and Weldon Ross forgot
that the sun wasn’t shining and
/were caught eating watermelon
under a tree. Kind of typical, spit
ting seeds and getting juioe all
iver one’s face as he eats not with
a spoon but with his mouth.
Last Sunday afternoon we had
a meeting at the YWCA and
voted that we have our get-togeth
er Saturday night; this will con
sist of various games and dancing.
Will see you Saturday night, if
you have a new game you’d like
to teach some hard heads bring
it with you, club members.
* * *
Of the Omaha Outfitting Co.,
was hostess at a lovely luncheon
on Friday July 26 at the Cozy
Grill. Her guests were Mrs. Henry
Burnett and Mrs Charles Winston
of Los Angeles.
Interesting and unusual were
miniture oil lamps used at the
1 luncheon. Everyone had a most
enjoyable time.
• * *
The Cozy Grill was the setting
for a birthday party for Mrs June
McClain Friday July 26. A large
white and pink birthday cake with
Mrs. McClain’s name and birth
date written on it was used as a
centerpiece. Around it were placed
tiny golden lamps. Her guests
included her husband Lawrence.
Miss Lena Adams, Miss Ruby
Washington, Mr. John Speese, and
Mr. Clyde Frampton.
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So start today—try Lydia E. Pink
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Plnkham's Tablets help build up the
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Just try Plnkham's Tablets for 30
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