The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 03, 1946, Image 1

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eiTroniv inriTCT o mi/. /. ,... _ _ Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-of lice. Omaha. Nebr., Under Act ol
SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1946 Our 19th \ear—>o, 26 + 1QC Per Copy ★ March 8. 1874. Publishing Office, at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha. Nebr
JoeLouis, Orson Welles To Head Drive for Southern Conference for Human Welfare
Column I
Edited by Verna P. Harris
By James Peck, Editor,
News Service.
Workers Defense League
During ourr anti-jimcrow pick
eting of the American Prison As
sociation’s convention last fall in
New York, one passerby stopped,
scrutinized our signs, shook her
head and said: “You mean to say
they discriminate even in prison ?"
We nodded and answered yes.
Some of us on that interracial pi
ckett line were speaking from ex
perience, as far as federal prisons
are concerned, since we had served
time as conscientious objectors
and had observed, first hand, the
white supremacy behind bars.
Some of us, including myself,
had been locked in solitary at Dan
bury (Conn.) four and a half
months for going on strike to end
jimcrow in the prison mess hall.
Using the same phoney arguments
employed to- defend racial segre
gation in the outside world, U. S.
Prisons Director James V. Ben
nett and the warden had warned
that the inmates would not stand
for abolition of jimcrow, that a
bloody riot would result and that
such changes cannot be made all
at once.
Yet, following our strike, non
segregated seating was put into
effect without any incident. And
within a few days it was taken
for granted even by the handful
of southern-minded whites who
had said they would never sit next
to a Negro.
Following the Danbury strike,
segregated seating was eliminated
as a result of protest actions by
prisoners in Tucson (Ariz.) and
New York City. And since that
time additional progress has been
made, even in the south.
At Ashland (Kentucky), where
last year 14 men including three
Negroes and a Japanese-American
were locked in solitary confine
ment for opposing jimcrow. The
Prisons Bureau tried to break this
strike by transferring some of the
strikers to other prisons. But the
strikers held out.
As on the outside, there is job
discrimination in federal prisons,
most Negroes being relegated to
menial jobs. At Dewisburg (Pa.)
such discrimination became so fla
grant that on one occasion 30 Ne
groes refused to eat. Two of them
were thrown into solitary and
some time thereafter another was
transferred to Atlanta (Ga.), at
which place he received rough
But meanwhile a coupple of the
Ashland anti-jimcrow strikers
were shipped to Lewisburg and
the drive against job discrimina
tion continued. As a result orders
arrived recently from Washington
that hereafter at least 10 percent
of the prison’s white collar jobs
are to go to Negroes. Previously
Negroes had been barred complete
ly from such jobs.
At Milan (Michigan) similar
protest actions by inmates ended
segregation in some of the sleep
ing quarters as well as in the
mess hall.
The Red Cross blood segrega
tion policy, as practiced by the
prison collection units, aroused re
sentment among many prisoners.
Refusing to give their blood to the
Red Cross 40 Negroes and whites
at Danbury in 1943 donated it in
stead to a local hospital which
does not segregate blood. At Mi
lan a Jewish inmate handed a
, Red Cross official a letter criti
cizing the segregated blood bank
policy. Claiming that this consti
' tuted smuggling, prison officials
deprived him of a year’s time off
for good behavior.
An outstanding feature of these
prison struggles for Negro rights
was the solidarity of other min
ority groups. Jewish and Oriental
prisoners took leading parts in the
various anti-jimcrow strikes.
Recognizing the importance of
the anti-jimcrow struggle behind
prison walls, the National Associ
ation for the Advancement of Col
ored People at its recent Cincin
nati convention adopted an am
nesty resolution saying: “espec
ially do we wish to commend con
scientious objectors who have been
instrumental in breaking down ra
cial barriers in several federal pri
,o _APA
Mrs. A. M. McMillan
Guest Speaker Before
Missionary Society
The Mission Society held their
guest night meeting Friday even
ing July 26th at the parsonage.
2422 Ohio St. Many attended and
the talk by Mrs. Aaron McMillan,
who was the guest speaker was
appreciated by all.
We were glad to learn of the pro
gress that this talented couple
have made during their stay in
Africa where they have spent
many years as medical mission
o __
“Stupid Mistake” Admits
Editor of Army Times
WASHINGTON, D. C., July 25th
—Harold G. Stagg, editor of the
Veterans Edition of Army Times,
admitted carelessness in publish
ing an offensive joke in the pub
lication’s 'Mess Line’ column as a
result of NAACP pressure. The
joke in question, containing the
word n.—r, received wide cir
culation in the paper and was cal
led to the attention of the NAACF
Group Seeks “To Improve
Economic, Social, Spiritual
and Cultural Conditions of
South Without Regard to
Race, Creed or Color”. .
When the Southern Conference for
Human Welfare has its much
needed Drive here in September
it will be headed by two greats—
Joe Louis and Orson Welles.
Plans are well under way in the
New York Office here where pe
tite and charming Branson Price
has just returned from a southern
tour where some conditions for
the Negro are still somewhat
working under deplorable condi
tions. Many of such conditions and
special cases have been helped by
this group which was formed in
1938 with the purpose to improve
economic, social, spiritual and cul
tural conditions of the people of
the south without regard to race,
creed or color.
In order to get the Drive be
fore an unlimited number of peo
ple here a luncheon for the Inter
denominational Ministerial Alli
ance is being held here at the Ho
tel Theresa next week.
The Drive of the Conference
will no doubt be a grand success
with the committee having such
chairmen as Joe Louis, Boxing
Champ and Orson Welles, Theatre
Miss Jordan
Northside YWCA
Tenders Resignation
At a meeting Wednesday night,
Miss Elizabeth Jordan. Executive
Secretary of the Northside YWCA
announced her resignation, effec
tive as of August 15th. It is re
ported that Miss Jordan plans to
accept a position in the south.
Typical Army Specialists
To Recruit
Colored Army'
Three outstanding personalities
pictured above are typical exam
ples of the specialists needed for
the new Regular Army. In the pic
ture left to right they are:
Retired S-Sgt. G. E. Bivens, 76
years young, retired from the
army in 1936 after 40 years con
tinuous service; former 1st Lt.
Maurice Simpson of the Army
Ordnance Department. Simpson
plans to reenlist and make the
regular Army his career; M-Sgt.
Frank E. White, former 1st Lt. of
the Army Quartermaster Corps.
He served 20 months in the ETO
during World War II. Sgt. White
was discharged June 18, 1946 and
reenlisted June 28th as a Regular
Army Recruiter.
White says the army is very
much in need of war time colored
specialists and therefore he has
been brought to Omaha for the
purpose of selecting men who have
these specialists qualifications.
High on the critical list are cer
tain medical technicians, radio
technicians, signal technicians and
finance technicians.
Sgt. WTiite can be reached at
the U. S. Army Recruiting Sta
tion, 1516 Douglas Street, Omaha.
Phone Jackson 7900, Extention 542
by Lawrence A. Caesar, a Negro
vet, of Dalton, Mass.
In a letter to Madison Jones,
NAACP Administrative Assistant
Mr. Stagg stated, ‘‘The real blame
lies with me. The ‘Mess Line' col
umn is subject to my censorship,
but somehow the joke in question
escaped my notice at the time
the column was submitted. I trust
that you will overlook the stupid
mistake involved this time. I as
sure you it will not be repeated”.
From coaching championship
football teams to building houses
is a decided change but Walter
“Chief” Aiken of Atlanta, Georgia
negotiated it successfully. Today
he is known as the largest Negro
home builder in the country and
the largest builder in Atlanta, ac
cording to a story in the August]
“Chief” Aiken has coached foot
ball teams at Howard, Atlanta
and Fisk Universities and Clark
College. It was in 1925 that he
entered the building field but only
as a side line and it wa3 not until
1939 that he decided to devote his
time exclusively to construction
• For Greater Coverage
ADVERTISE in the Guide
THE — ...-.'
1 Street... |
! thereabouts^
HL'. ' If II B
Lawrence P. Lewis
On the 11th of August golfers
from the Central States; Kansas,
Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, and
Nebraska, will gather in Minnea
polis. The greater part of them
will be seeking the Central States
Golf Championship.
Many of the old gang, who year
ly participated in the Central
States Golf Tournament, have
moved and will not be with us this
year. But there are those who have
replaced them, and with a decent
break, might bring the title back
to Nebraska.
I have played on golf courses
in St. Paul and Minneapolis, and
you will find they are superior to
the ones that we play on around
here. Plenty of hazards; deep
ruffs and plenty of water. Greens
and fairways in excellent condi
We expect the fellows to bring
back the bacon. Although many of
us cannot be there with you in
person, it is our wish that all of
you perform, finding the course
to your liking, to the very best of
your ability.
The night was cold, so cold that
the still air bit into your face,
reddened it, then numbed it, and
the snow was deep dull white be
cause of the blackness of the
Clang! Clang! rang the bell.
“This is us, let’s go,” yelled the
Hot or cold; rain or ^hine; dan
ger or safety; it makes little dif
ference when the bell sounds and
the call is for Engine Co. No. 14.
Out they go to save lives and to
save property.
Our community has a right to
be proud of the men in Engine Co.
$1,000 Reward Offered by Naacp
For South Carolina Policemen
Who Maimed hegro Veteran
NEW YORK—The National As
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People posted a $1000 re
ward to any person or persons
supplying information which will
lead to the apprehension and con
viction of the sadistic Aiken, So.
Carolina cops who used Nazi
Storm trooper tactics on Negro
vet. Isaac Woodward, who lost the
sight of both eyes as a result of
the outrage.
The posting of the reward was an
nounceir at an NAACP sponsored
meeting of representatives from
veterans’ organizations Wednes
day, July 24th in New York's
Wendell Willkie Memorial Bldg.
The will of Stanley R. Osborn.
Nebraska author who died recently
was admitted to probate by County
Judge Robert Troyer Saturday,
July 27th.
After first providing for certain
bequests to relatives, the bulk of
the estate will go toward provid
ing scholarships and similar aids
‘"V create such employment as
would assist Negroes in using their
advanced training constructively.
Mr. Osborn had made an ex
haustive analytical study of the
Vmerican Negro ar.d his problems.
He reasoned that to withhold and
suppress by customs and preju
dice the talents of the large Ne
gro population was a double loss
to the nation; since energy was
being spent to restrain useful en
In his desire to do whatever he
could “to help Colored Americans
upward into a more efficient and
productive citizenship”, Mr Osborn
willed the bulk of his wealth to
create opportunity for the ambi
tious and capable of the Negro
Where feasible, Mr Osborn asked
that preference in setting up the
scholarships be shown, respective
ly, to the University of Nebraska.
Illinois Institute of Technology,
and Iowa State College. He also
asked preference for Negroes of
The Omaha National Bank Tru
stees, said it would take several
months to work out the initial
provisions of the will, after which
information and specifications of
“The Stanley R. Osborn Fund”
will be made available.
No. 14, and the record that it
holds. The men in Engine Co. No.
14 also have a right to be proud.
There is little our community
can say, except, “thanks gentle
men. for your long and faithful
Outstanding men such as Alonzo
Jackson, Senior Captain, who has
been with the Omaha Fire De
partment since 1911; Winifred
Freeman, Junior Captain, 1919;
Jasper Cole, Pipeman. 1922; Man
uel Cook, Pipeman, 1923; Robert
Greene, Chauffuer, 1928; Harry
Speese, Pipeman, 1931; Kittrell
Hudson, Pipeman 1932; Clarence
Davis, Pipeman, 1934; William
King, Chauffuer, 1942; Warren
Alston, Pipeman, 1942; are now
serving with Engine Co. No. 14.
Venturing as far down as the
Althouse School of Beauty Cul
ture, and wanting nothing more
than to say hello to Mrs. Althouse,
who during my tender years as
a young man, used to give me and
the many other young people of
St. John’s church, so much good
advYe, when she was the sponsor
of our church Club, I entered an
almost empty beauty school.
After questioning one of the la
dies there I found out they were
having a picnic, and they politely
asked me to come back the next
day. I could easily tell that they
did not realize how lazy this man
was, and how hot the sun is mak
ing these days. So I called Mrs
Althouse, hoping that it could all
be completed over the telephone.
I was surprised to find that she
had so many girls in training. 21
ladies are now studying at the
Althouse School of Beauty Cul
ture. After looking over all of the
modem equipment and the amount
of supplies Mrs. Althouse has. I
could understand why so many
cjioose her Beauty School. Not
even mentioning Mrs. Althouse,
who for so many years has been
an excellent instructor and oper
Those now taking the course at
the Althouse School of Beauty
Culture are: Ruth Arnold; Willa
Mae Battles; Daisy Bennett; Mar
guerite Birdsong of Council Bluffs,
Iowa; Betty Mae Mryant; Naomi
Byron; Aritha Claire of Lincoln;
Dorothy Dunn; Nellie Hill of Ok
lahoma City, Okla.; Carrie Holmes
Craig; Ruth Hollingsworth; Odes
sa Hudson of Lincoln; Anna John
?AT 3Qth & LAKE
Gunman Kills
Service Station
^ Walter D. Cline, 45, 3335 Maple
St. was killed by a gunman late
Thursday night in his service sta
tion at 30th and Lake Sts.
The shooting was witnessed by
Robert Cline, son of the slain man.
Both well-known by motorists and
residents of this area. Robert said
he arrived at the station as the
shooting started, tried vainly to
save his father by rushing the gun
man with a tire tool. He threw the
tool at the fleeing gunman but
missed. Mr. Cline died without be
ing able to tell a clear story of
what happened. No arrest had been
made Friday morning.
An attendant in the station
across the street, who heard the
shots, called police. He said there
was about five shots in all. A pre
liminary examination indicated
that Mr. Cline was shot once, thru
the chest.
Inspector Franks theorized that
the man had started to hold up
Mr. Cline.
The grand opening of the Church
of God in Christ at 33rd and Bed
ford Sts., will be held from Aug.
4th-llth. Elder V. M. Baker, Over
seer and the public is invited.
son; Ethel Killingsworth; Mr. Her
bert Mason; Jewell Palmer; Betty
Patten, Kansas; Ann Smithermann
of Lincoln; Evelyn Williams; Mer
cedees Wendell; and Celestine
May of my associates say I am
too young to wish the table turned
back ten or more years, but what
could be more fun, than attend
ing club meeting at Mrs. Althou
se’s residence arguing with mem
bers, and planning a picnic or how
to raise money for the church, and
all the fellows making eyes at the
prettiest gal.
One of the most adorable little
girls that live in the Logan Fon
tenelle Homes is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall, 1432
North 24th St. It is not very often
I get to talk to little ladies that
are only 5 years old so I grabbed
at the chance to talk to this intel
ligent young lady of five.
“Peaches”, that is what she is
called by almost everyone, and
even as tasty and delicious as a
peach is, this young lady far sur
passes that.
‘‘Do you go to Sunday School?”
I asked.
“Yes, and we go every Sunday”,
she answered.
‘‘What church do you go to?”,
I asked.
“St. John’s”.
“When you are playing with all
of your friends what do you like
to do best?” I asked.
“I like to play house with my
dolls. I like to take a shower un
der the hose. I like to swing, make
mud pies, but Mama don’t want
me to play in the dirt. I like to
play hair-dresser”, Peaches said.
"You are 5 years old. I suppose
you will be going to school this
fall?” I asked.
“I’ll see you later, Peaches.
As I turned to go she was dash
ing off toward her little friends.
Her beautiful, long, dark-brown
hair was trying to catch up with
her. What thoughts were in her
mind nobody knows. I wonder if
it could be mud-pies, dolls, or a
ride on the scooter. I guess I’ll
never know.
Men s Day Speaker
DR. S. H. LEWIS, a. B. D. D.
5235 S. 25th St., August 4, 1946
Theme: “Only a whispering
GOD and listening men can save
a world from atomic chaos".
Motto: “Listening Men, become
inspired Souls”.
Dr. S. H. Lewis, ABDD will be
our morning and afternoon speak
er. Rev. Lewis is the pastor of the
First AME Church Kansas City,
Kansas. He is considered one of
the greatest pulpiterians in the
African Methodist Episcopal
church. Schedule for the whole day
Morning worship 10:45 am.: Af
ternoon worship 3:00 pm.; Even
ing program 7:30 pm.
The outstanding feature will be
the Forum: Participating in this
forum will be some of the most
capable minds and personalities in
the city including Judge Robert
R. Troyer, County Probate Judge
; Father Paul B. Kannaby; Atty.
Ralph Adams Jr.; Glen A. Gilles
pie. representative of YMCA cen
tral office; Rev. J Lee Lewis who
will open and close forum; and
final remarks by Rev. Brooks, pa
stor of Allens’ Chapel.
Committees: Bro. Aubrey Wise,
chairman; Program and Publicity
Committee, Elmer Washingtori,
Willard Duncan, J. M. Carter;
Arrangement and Usher Commit
tee, George Wright, Ernest Starks’
J. C. Smith; Finance Committee,
Eugene Danner, Riley Shaffroth,
Webb Alston, Pete Cortez; Music
Committee, Jemes Fellows, Robert
Mosley, Robert Crosby; Special
Stewards, Lott Pegram, Joe Redd;
Pete Jefferson; Special Sunday
School Teachers, Leroy Piggee,
A. V. Bowie, George Woods. Rob
ert Crosby, Aubrey Wise, Elmer
Washington and James Fellows.
To My Fellow Republican:
Needless to say, I was very
pleased at the fine votes I receiv
ed at the Primary, June 11th. This
was, of course, due in a large part
to the untiring efforts of my num
berless good friends in Nebraska.
To them go my many thanks.
It would be impossible to write
all a personal letter, so I am
forced to use this method of ex
pressing my gratitude, but never
theless it is just as sincere.
I hope to see just as many of
you as possible when I return to
Nebraska later this fall.
Thanks a million!
Signed—Hugh Butler1,
United States Senate
BASE—Mrs. Benjamin O. Davis
Jr., announced this week that wo
men at Lockbourne will inaugur
ate a membership drive for the
National Association of Air Force
Women in the near future.
Headed by Mrs. Carl Spaatz,
wife of the commanding general,
Army Air Forces, the organization
wishes to draw all possible moth
ers, wives, and sisters of air force
men into the ranks. It was stres
sed that NAAFW—as the Asso
ciation is known—draws no “line
or rank”. The sole requirement for
membership is that the son, hus
band, father or brother of the ap
plicant shall either have been in
the air forces, or a members of
the air forces at the time of ap
The purpose of the Association
are generally to provide scholar
ships for ladies desiring to com
plete nurse training courses for
self support, and to render finan
cial assistance in needy cases be
ing brought before it.
Ross Professes
Love For
Slain Wife
Says Not Acquainted
With Burnell
23-year-old Oklahoma born Wil
liam Ross who caused a furore on
the near Northside last Tuesday
night with the trench-knife slay
ing of his wife Mattie Ross and
Levon Burnell at 2929 Franklin St.
now occupies a cell in the County
Jail awaiting his trial on first-de
gree murder charges. The trial
will come up in the fall term of
Thomas A. Walsh, deputy county
attorney, in a statement to the
Omaha Guide, said:
“We look upon this double
slaying of Mattie Ross and Levon
Burnell by William Ross as a ra
ther cold-blooded proposition. If
Ross and the defense insist upon
their present plea of Not Guilty of
first-degree murder, the prosecu
tion will ask for the death pen
Mr. Walsft said that according
to witnesses and the information
he had available, Mrs. Mattie Ross
was apparently a decent woman.
We have witnesses, atty. Walsh
said, to prove that Ross had pre
viously beaten and mistreated both
his wife and three-year-old baby.
He said Ross was in violation of
a court restraining order when he
entered the house. He said that
evidence showed that after Burn
ell dived out of an upstairs win
dow, Ross again pursued Burnell
and that there was evidence of a
terrific scuffle around the garage
and in the rear of 2929 Franklin
St. Burnell later having staggered
or crawled almost to Seward St.
where he died.
Attorney Ross Shotwell, attorney
for the defense, in a statement to
the Omaha Guide said:
■‘The defense plea for William
Ross will be ‘The Unwritten Law’
and his wrought up mental state
of mind. From my consultation
with him previously, as his attor
ney, I am of the opinion that over
powering grief put him in a
wrought up state of mind. The fear
that his home was going to be
broken up; that some outside in
fluence was working to separate
him from his family. Ross had
given his family a regular allow
ance during the nearly three years
he spent in the army. Ross work
ed hard to support his family be
fore he entered the army and ha3
been working since his return. I
don’t believe he can be classed as
the criminal-minded type. I’m go
ing to do everything ■within my
power to see that he gets a fair
deal in these proceedings. Circum
stances surrounding and leading
up to these acts undoubtedly caus
ed him to ‘see red’. I don’t believe in
killings, and I believe they should
be stopped but circumstances such
as Ross experienced have often
caused, otherwise normal people
to lose their sense of mental bal
When asked his reason for the
slayings, Ross replied to report
'I suppose I loved her too much.
No man in the world ever loved a
woman any more than I did my
Ross, quiet spoken, said he was
born in Oklahoma, coming to
Omaha in 1941. He said while in
the army he served in France and
Germany with the 1323 Engineers
which was attached to the Third
“I asked permission to see my
wife just once more for the last
time before she is hurried, but I
don’t suppose I will get the chance'
Ross seemed visibly disturbed
when I told him that she had been
buried Monday.
‘‘But they told me Tuesday”, he
repeated twice..
“.. We were getting the house
fixed up. I had bought a washing
machine and a icebox. I wanted
to get a mechanical refrigerator,
but I didn’t have enough money
at the time. I bought her a new
brown suit, for a cost
When asked why he happened to
be at the house on the night of
the slaying, he said he had per
mission to get his personal belong
ings and that he had took some
of them earlier in the evening and
was to come back that night or
the first thing in the morning’ to
get the rest.
“.. I didn’t know Burnell per
NEW YORK, July 26_Governor
elect Eugene Talmadge's Klan
backed exhortations to mob-vi
olence against Negroes bore grim
fruit last night, Thursday, July
25th, when an armed mob in Wal
ton County, Georgia, dragged two
Negroes and their wives from their
homes and lynched them in the
nearby woods.
According to reports filtering m
to the NAACP News Bureau, the
lynching was the culmination of
ill-feeling existing between Roger
Malcolmn, and a white farmer
identified only as Hester, which
began with an altercation between
the two men several weeks ago
According to latest reports Mal
colm, George Butler, his brother
in-law and both their wives were
seized by the mob last night and
hustled off into the woods where*
their mutilated bodies were found
this morning.
These lynchings follow closely
upon the threatenings ravings of
Bilbo in Mississippi and Talmadge
in Georgia, both of whom demand
ed that mob action be taken to
“keep Negroes in their place". Of
ficials of the NAACP also point
ed to the bestial gouging out of
the eyes of veteran Isaac Wood
ard recently in South Carolina.
Walter White, NAACP executive
secretary, in a statement to the
Associated Press stated;
“The quadruple lynchings of
two Negroes and their wives in
Walton County, Georgia, yester
day is the inevitable, inescapable
result of Talmadge’s and the Klu
i,, - Gian's advocacy of outrigh
violation of the laws of the feder
al government and human decen
cy. Election of a man as brazen
as Hitler in hi3 racial theoric.
makes other dastardly crimes of
this nature inevitable unless the
federal government and the powc
of public opinion call a halt t®
such criminality. Negroes were
the victims yesterday; other min
orities and eventually democracy
itself will be the victims tomor
‘These lynchings are not isola
ted. They fit smugly into the pat
tern of lawlessness being whipped
up in the south, such as the Col
umbia, Tennessee, outbreak of last
February, the more recent goug
ing out of the eyes of a Negro
war veteran at Aiken, South Car
olina, three hours after he had
been honorably discharged from
the army on returning from the
Pacific, and other crimes. The
National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People has
today called on President Truman
and Attorney General Tom Clark
to proceed at once against the
I ljmchers under the conspiracy and
J civil rights statutes,
j ‘‘The NAACP has consistently
[ urged the federal government to
1 stop mob violence. This it has
failed to do. What other alterna
tive is left these citizens, many
of them veterans?
‘‘At a time when our statesmen
are demanding democracy and a
restoration of morality in Iran,
Germany, China, Japan, Yugosla
via and Bulgaria it seems ironic
when Americans are dying because
of a lack of this same democracy
in Georgia, Mississippi, South Ca
rolina (the home of our Secretary
of State) and other parts of the
Terming the lynchings of four
Negroes in Monroe, Georgia, "the
climax of a series of terror attacks
on minority groups which threat
ens the internal peace of the na
tion”, the American Council on
Race Relations today called upon
the hundreds of mayors and gover
nor’s commissions and civic unity
councils with which it works to
use “every means at your dispo
sal to bring these undemocratic
acts to a halt”.
The American Council, which is
the central body in its field, warn
ed that ‘‘the attacks have not been
confined to any one region of the
country or one minority group”.
(CONTINUED on (p^Page 8)
sonally. My wife had mentioned
his name, but I didn’t know him.
She said he used to put some of
the fellows out when they became
Ross said that he was expecting
a visit Friday from his two Oma
ha relatives. He refused an offer
of cigarettes, said he didn't smoke.
“..Just lost my head, I guess,
when I saw them there.. ”, Rosa
The trial will be held in October.
Thomas F. Scott, 50, active m
Union affairs; prominent church
man and an employee of Armour
Packing Company for many years,
died Monday at his home 2872 Bin
ney Street. Survivors: Wife, Mary:
son, Thomas F. Jr. Services Fri
day, 9 a. m. St. Benedict's church.
Burial Holy Sepulchre. Rosary,
Thursday, 8 p. m., Myers Funeral
Corby Street playground was
well represented in the Soap Box
Derby. Russell Hawthorne and
Albert Crum were entered for Cor
by Street playground. Russell Haw
thorne won two races: Albert
Crum lost his first race by % se
cond. Time for winner 3.7.
Buddy McCrea, Athletic Direc
tor and playground boosters who
viewed Derby were: Jack Farm
er; Donald Wiley; Kermit Ander
son: Edward Anderson; Wesley
Ashley; Clifton Blackburn; Nor
man Carpenter; Bernard Brown;
Carl Bryant and Laurie Cook.