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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1946)
~~ ■■ — ___ Q-y/a cf^checks, By a'Peep-in'on this Alphabetically 1 and Lots of Time Classified Business Drectory. | You May Find Just What You are Looking for “Right at Your Door, or at Your Neighborhood Store”. You Can also SAVE that Car Check and Lots, and Lots of Time! This North 24th Street Classified Business Directory Page is Your “Best Money-Back Guarantee”. VNgRA Photo 1685 IIRE VDWINNER—This young Chinese in Hunan Province is gathering weeds for h'is family near Hengyang. Supplementing a small allotment of Hour from UNRRA, the weeds are all that maintain life for tms boys family as for many other Chinese in famine-ridden areas. To support greater shipments of food to the starving, Americans are asked to con serve their wheat and wheat products, produce all the food possible in Victory Gardens as well as on the farm, and to preserve their surplus food. TANKS FIND PEACE AND QUIET DOWN ON THE FARM IN ILLINOIS MOLINE. 111., Special photo to OMAHA GUIDE from Leslie Swan son—Far from the Pacific battle ground where they saw service during the World war, two air borne tanks have been retired to a life of peace and quiet down on the farm in Illinois. Bernice Du pre, a farm lass, pitchfork in hand stands beside one of two tanks pur chased by her father, Camiel Du pree, a farmer residing on the bank of Rock River eight miles north west of Genesee, 111. The tanks,' which once ripped through thej Japs, have a peace time reconver sion job of rirring out stumps, breaking land ITr com and haul ing logs. EARL AND BUD’S 7 exaco Service • GAS and OIL “JTe Appreciate Your Trade” -30th & Wirt > —_ **, t APEX Bar Itic. “FAVORITE BRANDS WHEN AVAILABLE” -(Under New Management)—— Nate Ferer, Manager 1818-20 NORTH 24TH JA. 9331 ---- '--—--.-^ “VILLONES SERVICE” GAS AND OILS 24th and OHIO ^-—_ THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE -• WINES, BEER, LIQUORS “We Appreciate Your Trade” 24th & LAKE AT. 4248 OUTLET STORES MEN & WOMEN’S FURNISHINGS (SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY) —We Appreciate Your Trade— 1510 NORTH 24th >■ .. ... ' _ fine Quality - Personalized PRINTING __JUST CALL HA-0800 ' " -- Buyers’ Guide • Services, Foods, Accessories, House hold Needs, etc., which may be had at these 24th Street Places of Business. EDITORIAL .BY GEORGE H. McDAVIS, Advertising Manager “ANOTHER FIRST” IN keeping with our policy of giving our READERS and ADVERTISERS the Best pos sible SERVICE. The OMAHA GUIDE is FIRST again with a new FEATURE which to our way of thinking, will he of IMMEASURABLE VALUE to all CONCERNED. WE are striving to keep a breast of the f’mes. with NEWS, ARTICLES & FEA TURES. KEEP your eye on ; this PAGE ea'di v » -k,— here you w 1 find ti’if" ."-?<wer to all I your household NEEDS; and PATRONIZE THESE AD VERTISERS. “Be IVise and Advertise in The Guide— The Midwest's Largest Weekly.” 9 KILLED IX EXPLO^IOX ONSET, Mass—Soundphoto— Nine persons were known dead and 40 injured, many seriously, when an explosion believed ot have uecn caused by gas, demolished a large 2 *4 story frame building housing Christy’s Spa, a food and liquor restaurant in the center of the » ' r umiaer resort town. The bias came at height of noon hour rocked an entire block and darna ged other buildings. Above ai View shows the wrecked structure • For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE in the Guide M SNACK Slop • HOT DOGS-A FOOT LONG—• HAMBURGERS • CANDY—• ICE CREAM—• MALTED MILK • REFRESHMENTS— • FOODS --Open 24 Hours A Day 2108-10 NORTH 24TH Phone, JA. 9434 ★ We Sell for Less * HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS CHICAGO FURNITURE CO. “COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED” JAckson 4411 1833-35 NORTH 24TH — —— • mono: ATlantic 3949 PARKER FURNACE & SHEET METAL WORKS 2002 LAKE STREET • GAS FURNACES, OIL—• OIL BURNERS ALL TYPES OF FURNACE REPAIRING “Sheet Metal Work of Any Kind” (EASY TERMS OMAHA 10, NEBRASKA -=r— 1 / WERNER Paint and Wallpaper Company O’BRIEN PAINT DISTRIBUTOR Omaha 2, Nebraska 2222-24 CUMING ST. AT. 4744 ——^_ _ Crounse Bootery Shoes for the Entire Family MEN’S FURNISHINGS 1514 NORTH 24TH -— /-1 1 ' THE LIQUOR STORE COMPLETELY REMODELED t -AND , AIR CONDITIONED 24th & Cuming | STREET Neighborhood Furnace Co. 2111 NORTH 30th ST. -GUTTERING SPOUTING & REPAIRS_ INSTALLATION OF OIL, GAS, COAL, also STOKERS ESTIMATES FREE A m_■Jr« n & TERMS ARRANGED A 1 I 0 10 — _ Midwest Paint & Body Co. “SEE VS FIRST» -WE BUY ANB SELL USED CARS & TRUCKS 2812 NORTH 24TH JAckton 0744 — E. Schmader Phone: JA. 5606 Schmader Cabinet Works • ALL-AROUND GENERAL MILL WORK CONTRACTING AND BUILDING —Estimates Promptly Given— 2225 CUMING STREET Omaha, Nebraska ^ "" ——— ———— - —————^ P&M AUTO SERVICE “WE CAN TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR CAR NEEDS” JA. 5573 24th & Seward ! 8- -J TIP TOP TAILORS Cleaning, Pressing; Alteriug We Appreciate Your Trade ATlantic 6138 1804 NORTH 24th -- DANGER SPOT OF ELROPE TRIESTE - Soundphoto—Triest continues to be danger spot of Eu rope despite agreement of Big 4” Foreign Ministers to make it an international zone under the Un ited Nations for 10 years. Clashes between pro-Italian and pro-Yugo slav factions are frequent and Al lied troops British and American, h*\e thankless job of maintaining oraer. Here you see American GI's going into action to break up a melee in San Giamoco Square. Last week one American soldier was killed and another wounded ■••’lien their jeep was ambusn.d near Gorizia. Good 1 ’ading E •“-EATER , VIAHA jJIDE —“JOE KAPLAN”— Gas Oil Service WASHING—POLISHING—GREASING 24TII & GRANT — _/ . 1 -. ... .—. RITZ CAB CO. —“PROMPT SERVICE—NITE OR DAY'’— •JA-5222 X—————— /---' NORTH 24™ STREET Shoe Hospital 24th and Decatur WE. 4240 __- * CLARK 1 Rooting & Siding Co. • HOME INSULATION ★ 2830 CHARLES * JA. 4R45 r —- >1 Deep Rock Service GAS OIL & SERVICE We Appreciate Your Trade 1501 NORTH 24TH ^__________/ _ _ FINLAY fa COMPANY 'ICE —24 Hour Service— SCORED ICE AND CUBES (Open Sunday*) WE. 0232 24TH & SEWARD 1mm—————-__ m --. Houston’s Market] -SELECT GROCERIES_ Home Made Pork Sausage 21U NORTH 24TH JAckwn 3543 - ---- REID’S PHARMACY ] “THANK YOU” 24th & Seward WR1613 .. —— , I, ■■MM———^