The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 27, 1946, Page 3, Image 3
■-- ■: * ^ ir-^s= ftr* | SUNDAY International 1 SCHOOL -:■ LESSON-: By HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. D. D. Of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Released by Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for July 28 Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se lected and copyrighted by International Council of Religious Education; used by pern;.'din. JESUS AND REVERENCE FOR SPIRITUAL VALUES LESSON TEXT—Exodus 20:7; Leviti cus 1.12; Matthew 5:33-37; Mark 7:5-8; 8:24-C MEMORY SELECTION—But seek ye first urn of God. and his right eousness: ar.d ail these things shall be added unto you.—Matthew 6:33. Reverence is not an incidental thing which we may or may not choose to have in our lives. It is vital. Reverence toward God and the things of God will result in re spect for all values in life. It will balance our thinking, speaking, and our acting toward our fellow men as well as toward our God. Our lesson calls for I. Reverence in Worship (Exod. 20 7; Lev. 19:12). The Lord rightfully expects from us o proper attitude tow’ard him. If we worship him as we should, we shall fil’d that other matters fall into their proper relationships. Essential in true worship is rev erence for the name of the Lord, for that name stands for all the qualities and characteristics of God. This means that there must be no taking of the name of the Lord “in vain.’’ Our use of the word "vain” car ries the meaning of "useless, with out purpose or meaning.” This is p rt of what is in mind in this com mandment. for the name of Je hovah s sacred and is to be rev erenced as standing for the eternal God. It is never to be used carelessly, or for a frivolous purpose. All too often we tell jokes or stories which have no real purpose or meaning ex cept to elicit a laugh, and in them we use the name of God. We all need to exercise care at that point. The Hebrew word translated “vain” has the additional meaning of “evil” and falsehood.” Men are so bold that they may even use the name of God to support themselves in a lie. God hears and will in no wise hold them guiltless. II. Reverence in Words (Matt. 5: 33-37). The Sermon on the Mount (so called). from which this portion of Scripture is taken, is difficult to in \irpret o the satisfaction of all. Seme disregard lla evident applica tion »o Inc kir.gdom and. af’err.pting to apply it in the midst or an u godly generation, fall into such ! consistencv that they abandon trie effort and regard the teaching of the passage as imposs.ole idealism. Others, who rightly interpre. the passage as presenting the laws end principles of life in the kingdom c' God. when it shall be fully set up on earth with Jesus as King, fail to make any application of those prin ciples to life This is also an un fortunate error. We who follow the Lord Jesus are not to swear by either things sa cred or things that might be called secular. Perhaps he has in mind that our lives should be so true that men will not need to have any kind of oath to be assured of our sin cerity and honesty. Swearing should be entirely be yond the pale with Christian men and women. It is all too common with both men and women. One fears that this is true not only in the world, but among professed be lievers in Christ. Let us stop it! III. Reverence In Works (Mark 7:5-8). Words which do not issue in wori.„ are worse than meaningless. They lead to acceptance of a formal re ligious system which is dangerous. "It gives a sense of religious sat isfaction which is very superficial, lut of some apparent value. It car ries with it no high ethical demands. It helps a man to feel religious with out being either ethical or moral. It does not probe or arouse. It soothes and calms” <W. R. White). Who will deny that much of the church life of our day has reached that same sad state of "much ado about nothing”—talk, talk, talk, and no honest disposition to deal with sm, or to seek holiness of life. The Lord hates it, and it is a vain exer as far as spiritual results are concerned. IV. Reverence in Will (Mark 8: 34-36). Here true reverence shows itself Li recognizing that God's wall is "good and acceptable and perfect” iRum. 12:1). Following the Christ of Calvary culls lot a willingness to say no to self iliterally, to deny any con nection with self-life) and to follow through with him on the path of - me and crucifixion. No self v. ill and no compromise are per r.i sible to Christ's disciples. F lishly to attempt to hold one's l-te for self is to lose it. That pain ful loss has left brokenhearted, wrecked lives all along the path of nuns history. But why should anyone do it? E rally foolish is the one who -■ i poses that this world has any n.:i u to satisfy the human soul. As sn-ning the possibility of the impos s: u: that is, attaining the whole world as one's own possession—to co so at the cost of one's soul would be an indescribably poor bargain. Gas on Stomach Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back ,, . ' ' ’ c.k* ad.l pamful. auff.icat . • •* “lr xtomach and heartburn, doctors usually -acting medicine* known for T \ ‘ f—medicine* like thoae in Bell-ans t * V - At ^XAtlTe Bell-ans brings comfort in a money back on return of bottle Phone Us Your Social Local News ===-■=_ -a_-. Religious Mews ST. JOHNS AME CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave. Reverend E. B. Chilldress Mason Devereaux Jr., reporter Sunday, July 21 was the opening day of our last Quarterly meeting of the 1945-46 Conference year. Our Presiding Elder Rev. L. si Goolsby delivered us the eleven o'clock message from Exodus 4:2 ‘And the Lord said unto him; what is that in thine hand? And He said a rod’. His subject “The Po wer of God in the Hands of The Peorple". Several thoughts taken from his message are as follows: It is sad to see so many fall along the wayside when they have come such a long way; The Pastor’s to day need their time to adjust souls not adjust differences in the chur ch; and finally, man should get better in tune with God's program. Visitors:: Mrs. Gladys Cross wright, Atchison, Kan.; Mr. Alfred Lewis of Hutchinson, Kan.; and Mrs. Boxie Oston, grandmother of Mr. L. C. Fisher. Let us not forget the breakfast given by the Willing Workers club of our church at the Masonic Hall 26th and Blondo St, Sunday morn ing July 28 from 8 am. till 12 noon. When we support projects such as this, we in turn support the program of St. Johns our chur ch. Mrs. Lillian Vincent, president of the Willing Workers and the mem bers urge you to come out for a real southern style breakfast and then go to church. The choir is cordially Inviting the members of St. Johns and all friends to come out on Sunday evening July 28 at 7:30 pm. to hear their monthly All Request Pro gram. Mrs. Pearl Gibson, our choir directress, along with the choir, have planned an excellent evening of spiritual music and song. Come and be with them on this evening won’t you? The Youth Guild of St. Johns Missionary Department did such a splendid job in the presentation of The Challenge of the Cross that they have been asked by the Clair Chapel church of which Rev. C. C. Reynolds is pastor, to present it at St. Johns on Monday July 29 for Clair and members. The time will be 8 pm. and the public is in vited to this second presentation. The Youth Guild extends its thanks to the Clair Chapel church pastor officers and members upon being given the opportunity to present this most timely play. The men of St. Johns held their first organizing meeting at the home of Mr. B. A. Howell Wednes day, July 17 at 8 pm. Mr. H. L. Preston acting as temporary chair man. conducted the election of of ficers. The following men will serve as officers of the Layman’s Club of St. Johns AME church: Mr. B. A. Howell vice president: Mr. R Taylor, treasurer; Mr. W. H. Moore, secy; Mr. Mason Dev ereaux Jr. assist, secy; Mr. Wal ker chaplain; Mr. C. B. Fredrick and Mr. H. L. Preston, directors of the Mens’ Chorus. The organization will be gov erned by the discipline of the AME church. The fifth Sunday in Aug. ust has been named “Howell Sun day’’ and the men have adopted as thier slogan “Let’s Howell with a $1000 dollars. Mrs. Lizzie Royster, sister of Mrs. Carrie Howell gave the men several encouraging remarks and wished them well in their newly created organization. The men will be meeting at Mr. Howells’ for the next two weeks. The Minute Men and Womens’ Auxiliary was host and hostess to :heir many friends and guests on Sunday afternoon at the home of their president Mr A. R. Goodlett it their Annual Outing. Games of ill sorts were played and high point winner was Mrs. Bertha Kel og Plenty of delicious ham sand wiches were served along with punch, ice cream and cookies. All jxpressed their thanks to Minute Men and Women for the lovely time had. Mrs. Anna Jones thanks those who so graciously responded to our trail for additional Sunday School teachers for our children. Though the staff is adequate at present, we can always use and welcome any others who so feel the desire to come and give back part of which Jesus Christ has so unreser vably give to us to the service of our church, our cnildren and our God. New additions to our staff are Mrs. Juanita Moore, Mrs. Eva Ma rie Wiley, and Mrs. Dorothy Cun ningham. So St. Johns program moves on to the honor and glory of God. IPs most gratifying and deeply appre ciated by the officers, and pastor, the excellent way the St. Johns church is meeting the challenge of the day and moving forward on all fronts. The motto being Full Speed Ahead in the program of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is with this kind of spirit so Vaanifested throughout the con gregation; it is no wonder that St. Johns membership looks forward into the future without fear of mortal man or beast. As the sharp edges are rounded off St. Johns becomes a smoother, coordinative, unified cooperative organization working whole-heartedly for a bet ter church and program for our children, our community and our city. Mrs Carrie Howell assignee to Class No 8, Mr. Lfiftis to Class No. 17, and Mr. Albert Johnson to Class No. 21. Class meetings are held each Tuesday night at 8 pm. Prayer meetings each Wednes day night at 8 pm Senior choir rehearsal Thursday night at 8 pm. Junior choir rehearsal Wednes day night at 8 pm Youth choir and groups meet each Saturday afternoon at 1 and 2 pm. Allen C--istian Endeavor meets each Sunday afternoon at 6 pm. Mothers send your children to Sunday School every Sunday mbrn ing at 9-30 and attend our morn ing worship at 11. Our evening ser vices are at 7:30. Visitors and our friends are alwavs welcome at St. Johns, the friendly church located at 22nd and Willis Ave. Come worshp with us won’t you ? CLEAVES TEMPLE C. M. E. CHURCH Rev. E. Wade, Pastor No*es and Personals: Sunday School was very well at tended last Sunday. All depart ments were represented. The Sun day School is progressing fine un der the fine leadership. They stand ready to give your children the best thev have to inspire them to become followers of Christ. We are asking you for your children and we will give them the best of our ability and train them in the way of Christ. See that your chil dren come to Sunday School every Sunday and come out with them to see the fine work your child is doing. The Sunday School is al ways ready to welcome visitors. H T/. Crihbs supt, Rev. G. Bivens dept. supt. The morning service opened on the hour of 11 am. It was Mens’ Day at the church. We were verv glad to have the Mens’ Chorus bring us the Gospel in song alco the ushers were at their posts. Our pastor preached a very en lightening message on what man is. Everyone enioyed this great sermon fjom God. On Sunday af ternoon Rev. Williams and his men chorus was with us. Our souls were filled with another great message. Sunday night the men favored us with a very fine program. Don’t forget next Sunday the Mission y ((Stewardesses Board No. 1 and 2 are serving dinner at the church. Come out and have din ner with these fine ladies. The price is 75 cents per plate. Send vour children to the church for training in the Youth Move ment on Friday evenings also Jr. choir rehearsal. Cleaves Temple is very happy to have two of their former mem bers with them; Mr. Curtis Brown and Mrs. Katie Barnett from Los Angeles. Mr. Br<5wn is the nephew I of Mrs. Marie Hudgens. Marie Hudgens, reporter MORNING STAR BAP. CHURCH Rev. Z. W. Williams, Pastor Sunday School was opened at 9:30 am.”with Mrs. Mary in charge. The lesson was reviewed by Bro. Lloyd Pryor. At 11 am. devotional service was conducted by Deacon C. McFall and Raymond Johnson. Prayer was offered by Rev. Craw ford of Zion. The choir rendered a number and the pastor took the service in charge. After some very timely remarks; he read the 8tli chapter of Duet, and the 40th chap ter of Isaih 30:31 verses. He tooK as-a text ’God is a Spirit’ and his subject Danger of Formality and False Worship.’ Everyone seemed to have been touched. The House wife Diner was served by Mrs. Ardelia Wainwrght. Everything good to eat was served BTU was in session at 6:30 pm. with Rev. H. W. Fitch, president, in charge A real interesting les son was instructed. 8 pm. the pas tor preached another great ser mon from the 12th chap, of Exo dus 22nd verse. There is safety be hind the blood. Six members were added to the church. Among our many visitors were Rev. C. W. Wil liams of Union Town, Ala.; and Mr Walter Hollins of Chicago. Rev. and Mrs. Z. W. Williams are now home at 2110 Ohio Street. Mrs. Henrietta Johnson was one of ourshut-ins. Come to Morning Star; you are : always welcome! Mrs. W. R. Richardson, rep. apostolic church of CHRIST 2518 Cuming Street Elder Milton T. Wilson, Pastor Order of Service: Sun. morn, worship 11 am. Sun. eve. services 8 pm. Tues. eve. prayer, preaching 8 pm. Fri. eve. Bible class 8 pm. The Lord is doing great things for us whereof we are glad. Come visit us in our services; you are welcome. CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH 26th and Burdette St. Rev. O. A. Askerneese, Pastor J. W. Goodwin* Assist. Order of service: 6 to 7 am. early morning prayer 9:30 am. Sunday School, Sister Hattie Manley Supt. 11 am. Devotion; 11:30 Morning Worship 6:30 Holiness Young Peoples union 6:30 pm. evening worship Tuesday 8 pm. Bible class and group report Wednesday 8 pm. choir rehear sal at the church. Frday 8 pm. Prayer and praise service The Recreational Committee will meet at the church Mnoday even ing at 8 pm. Sunday was an inter esting day at Christ Temple. In the absence of our pastor who is attending the Western Diocese meeting in Los Angeles, Rev. J. W. Goodwin the assistant pastor, brought the morning message which was rich in thought and sound in judgement. We had visi tors from the city and two from our churches in Los Angeles; Mrs. McDaniel and her sister Mrs. Lou is. They with others paid tribute to the speaker and choir. At the evening service Bro. Welton Shae ron whose mother and wife as well as the children are valuable assets to our church organization. Bro. Shaerons’ message left the church in wonderment as to what he may mean to the church in his future ministry. Some present spoke en courageingly to him. One visitor from Lincoln, Mrs. Tillie Miller, paid encouragement to Bro. Shae ron. His fellow ministers Rev. Jo seph H. Jones, Goodwin, Jesse Manley, F. H. Huntley all gave encouragement to their friend Shae ron. You are always made welcome at Christ Temple. If you come once you will come again. O. J. Burckhardt, rep Elayne Green, asst. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 30th arid Corby Streets H. H. Schauland, Pastor An old minister once preached a sermon on “Eternal Punishment’ The next day a young man came to his house with the intention of starting an argument. The young man began by saying ‘1 believe there is a small dispute between you and me sir and I thought I would call this morning and try to settle it”. "Ah” said the clergy man, “what is if?” “Why”, re plied the young man, ’’you say that the wicked will go into ever lasting punishment, and I do not think that they will”. "Oh if that is all,” answered the minister, “There is no dispute between you and me. If you will turn to Mat thew 25 46 you will find the dis pute is between you and the Lord Jesus Christ and I advise you to go immediately and settle it with him” Similarly, all our religious ar guments are settled by God's Word as found in the Scriptures. The service on July 28, begin ning at 11 am. will be conducted by the Rev. Walter Wilkens of Omaha. You will be spirtually en lightened and refreshed by his message. Visitors are always wel come Sunday School begins at 10 am. Christian education must be gin early. The Sunday School is one good agency for such educa tion. The children need it; Jesus wants it that way. Let them come. The Rev. G. Wittmer of St. Louis Mo., will be the speaker on the Lutheran Hour over KBON July 28. His topic: "Walking with God” Tune in at 11:30 am. MT. MORIAH BAPT. CHURCH Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor Services throughout the day were very interesting and spirit filled. Rev. J. H. Herring, pastor of Mt. Zion Bapt. church, Liberty, Mo. was the guest speaker at the morning worship service. He deli vered a very beautiful sermon from Ps. 92:12. His choice of a to|pic or subject was “Lessons from the Palm Tree”. At the evening worship the pas tor’s discourse was taken from 1 Cor. 6:19. His subject "Keeping Our Bodies Pure", was timely and instructive. Friday night July 26 the Miss ion Society is having guests nite at the parsonage 2422 Ohio Street. At this time Mrs. Aaron McMillan the wife of Dr. Aaron McMillan, will be the guest speaker. Dr. and Mrs. McMillan have been mission aries in Africa for a number of years and it has been quite some time since they have been home so we know that Mrs. McMillan will have many interesting exper iences to tell us. Everybody is in vited to come out . .... .. Among the many visitors pre sent were Rev H. J. Herring of Liberty, Mo; Mr. A. Ransburg of Emporia, Kan.; Mrs. Elizabeth Boyd. Kansas City; Mrs. Irene Ja mison, Xenia, Ohio; Mrs James C. Norman; Mrs. Laura Davis; Mrs. Lula Mae Scott, Zion; Mr. Jake Scott, St. John and Mrs. Aaron McMillan. The sick are as follows; Sisters Ada Stewart; Erma Lee Crooms; Mary Goodlette; Jacqueline Good lette; Alice Austin and Bro. James Lindsay. Visitors are always welcome to Mt. Moriah, the friendly church. • MASONIC NEWS M. L. Wilson, Grand Lodge Rep. The most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Nebraska, Prince Hall Affiliation, closed its 28th Annual Communication Thursday, July 18 1946 by establishing a precedent. It elected the entire Masonic per sonel of Grand Lodge, even to all appointive officers, all district Dep. G’ Masters of districts 1, 2, 3 and4 and all committee chair men. It was the best and msot elaborate Grand Session held in many years as was predicted. A souvenir booklet was complied and printed to help celebrate this an niversary. Much credit is due and was given to P M R. C. Stewart and his assistant for its publica tion. Some of the highlights of the convention was the efficient as sistance of P. Grand Master P. H. Jenkins; RWG Deputy, J. W. Da cus was his usual capable self. RW Senior G. Warden P. L. Adkins, DW Gr Junior Warden Leon Bur den; RWG Treasurer J. T. Scott and the ever capable RW Gr Secy. Robert Harris; RW Gr CCFC W. L. Seals who was incomparable, not only in his splendid report but also in all-around service. C. C. Dudley, MW Gr Lecturer was high ly instructive and entertaining in his reports of his missions for the Grand Lodge. He announced some future policies that should be of great benefit to the Craft. All of ficers, W Masters of the 8 united lodges as well as the entire organ ization were exempliary. Space will not permit further credits. Grand Lodge Officers: M. W. Grand Master, Clayton P. Lewis; R. W. Deputy Grand Master J. W. Dacus; RWSG Grand Mast er, P. L. Adkin; RWJG Warden, L. Burdon; RWG Treasurer, J. T. Scott; RWG Secy., Robert Harris; RW Grand CCFC, W. L. Seals. Appointed Officers: C. C. Dudley, W. Grand Lecturer; D. Nicholson, W. Grand Chaplain; W. P. Burrell, W. Grand Registrar ; Chas. Early, W. Grand Marshall; J. C. Wilson, W. Senior G Deacon; J. H. Andrews, W. Jr. G. Deason C. W. Malone, W. Senior G Steward A. Emanuel, W. Jr. G. Steward Burt Johnson, W. G. Standard Bearer; Jas. Grizzard, W. G. Pursuivant Wm. Burrel, W G Sword Bearer Richard Turner, W. Grand Tyler District Deputy G. Masters: District No. 1 Leon Burden District No. 2 W. M. Hightower District No. 3 Ben Nelson District No. 4 Chas. Walls Governing board members: J. W. Dacus, chairman; P. L. Ad kiin; Robt. Harris, secy.; R. C. Stewart; J. T. Scott Grand trustees: J. W. Dacus, chairman; L. F. Me Summer Guest Speaker The REVEREND GEORGE W. WITTMER, Pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church, St. Louis, Mo., and summer guest speaker on the Lutheran Hour, July 21, 28 and August 4. * Bringing Christ to the Nations THE INTERNATIONAL LUTHERAN HOUR ‘*0»er Station KBOM every Sunday morn’ 11:30 —Publicity Department — 3558 South Jefferson Ave., Saint Louis, Missouri C'KS Saint Louis, Missouri, July 28 (Special) An appeal to “walk with God” was issued today by the Reverend George W. Wittmer, pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church, Saint Lou -is, and summer guest speaker on the International Luther an Hour. Speaking over the Mutual Broadcasting System and affiliated stations, Pastor Wittmer declared: “Down over the sotrmy chasms of history there still comes this echo of the voice of Enoch to tell us: ’Walk with God! Shall we object and say that it was easier for him then to walk with God because he lived away back there in ancient times when privileges were greater and sinful attractions were less powerful? The truth of the matter is that his privileges were less than ours in 1946, and the temptations and complications, though perhaps not the same, were as strong.” The radio speaker continued: “W hy should we walk with God? Wliat are the rewards of walking with God?, W hat profit is it for us? Our text tells us: ‘Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for the Lord took him.' W liy, what other end could there be of a life that was passed in communion with God and in the service of God than that the Lord should take him forever into closer communion with Him eternally? Without seeing death Enoch was translated as was Elijah into the glories and riches of God s Beautiful City above. God does not promise any of us that we shall not see death. But He does promise that we shall pass from death into eternal life. He does promise that whosoever believeth in Jesus Christ shall not perish, but shall have everlasting life in heaven. He does promise that ‘whosoever liveth and believeth in Christ shall never die.' ” Intosh; P. L. Adkin; L. Burden; R. C. Stewart; Richard Turner; G. B. Burleson Committee on foreign corresp. W. L. Seals Committee on jurisprudence: Ed. Fletcher, chairman; W. L. Seals; Herman Smith; L. F. Mc Intosh; C. C. Dudley; R. C. Stew art; Mm. Downing Grand auditing committee: W. P. Burrell, chairman; J. Wen dell Thomas; Fred Starms Grand attorney: W. B. Bryant Grand lodge committee chairman Jurisprudence, Ed Fletcher; Grand Master’s address, H. Smith; Aud iting, W. P. Burrell; Returns of Sub. Lodges, J. Wendell Thomas; Rules and order of business, P. H. Jenkins; Credentials, Robert Harris; Charters and dispensations Chas. S. Simmons; Finance, C. C. Dudley; Foreign correspondence, W. L. Seals; Necrology, D. Nich olson. The subject for the next issue will be “The Spirit of Masonry at Work”. | Fight Polio Help keep your community clean. Waste and exposed garbage may be sources of infection. COPING WITH POLIO Infantile paralysis outbreaks are reported in some parts of the coun try. Before the summer is over it will probably be reported in many other communities, .perhaps our own for summer is the poliomye litis epidemic season. Perhaps our own! Those words strike terror into many parents’ hedrts. There is hardly a father or mother anywhere in the civilized world who hasn't at some time or other felt the sudden pang of dread —dread that those most dear will suddenly be stricken helpless. This is natular. Poliomyelitis is a dramatic disease. It strikes so swiftly. Its ravages are sympto mized by crutches, braces, wheel chairs and iron lungs. And most of its victims are children. Actually, however, fear of this disease is almost always out of proportion to the risk. Though communicable, poliomyelitis does not run through a community as, for instance, does measles. Even in an epidemic area, only one to three children of every thousand are likely to be attacked. According to the National Found ation for Infantile Paralysis, ful ly half of those stricken make complete recoveries, another 25 to 30 percent will recover with but slight after-effects, and only a mong the remainder is there ser ious paralysis or death. Too, the National Foundation’s county chapter is pledged to see that no victim of infantile para lysis goes without care and treat ment for want of funds regardless of age, race, creed or color. If polio strikes, let us avoid pa nic. Hysteria, far fram helping, may actually work harm. Doctors nurses, hospitals canot do their best work under conditions of pan ic. Be assured your public health officials doctors, and hospitals are eenly aware of their responsibili ties in time of epidemics. You may assist them by expressing confi dence in their ability to meet the emergency. For the BEST in News ^ Read The Omaha Guide dfrUSl ^BABY0 By Edna Mae McIntosh f" During these days of stress and hurry, it isn’t always easy to see that Junior gets . outdoors every day. That is, every day^the wea ther isn’t too bad. A particularly cold day isn’t suf-' ficient excuse to miss being out doors. Even a day when the rain isn’t too heavy will make both you and your baby feel better for hav ing had a brief walk outdoors. You will both have better appetites. It is easy to let other interests, or some extra work, or visitors, in terfere with the daily walk. Only with determination can any sche dule be maintained during these busy days with inadequate help. Another important item on the schedule is regular and enough sleep. Adults get along much bet ter if they have regular hours of sleep, and babies show the effects much more quickly if the hours of sleep are not enough. A cross or irritable baby may be just a tired one. A baby has more personal rights than adults because he is more helpless and dependent. Fond rela tives must and can learn to adapt themselves to the baby’s needs. The baby should not be required to adjust to the whims of friends and relatives. Many difficulties will never ap pear in your family if the baby’s schedule of health habits and eat ing are maintained. Plenty of fresh air, of sleep and of the right food are necessary to build a hap py healthy child. CONSTIPATlOy ACIDITY, GAS, AFTER OVER INDULGENCE IN EATING (Mi DRINKING, TAKE DELICIOUS, DEPENDABLE VAYA-LAX EFFERVESCENT POWDERS ... The care of your health should form your most important duty.... The worst enemy of your general good health is the waste matter that ferments in your intestines. Clean your intestines and you will experience the general health and the joy of living. For internal cleanliness, however, do not en trust your delicate digestive or-, ganism to any ordinary product. Be choosy—take delicious, effec tive VAYA-LAX. In Economy Bottles $1.00. High Blood Pressure If you have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and use GARLIC and PARSLEY Ablets for relief, we carry the best. Per Box $1.25. NO C.O.D. ORDERS ACCEPTED VAYA PRODUCTS, 242 E. 41st St., NYC 17. Still Life Drawing TESTIFIES IN W AR PROFITS SCANDAL WASHINGTON, D.C.. Soundpho to—Mrs. Eleanor L. Hill, above, former secretary in the Garsson munitions empire told the Senate War Investigating Commmittee last week that $1000 was sent to Rep. Andrew J. May, (D) of Ky., who she said was identified under the code name of ‘Yiechel’. She testified she handled an envelope containing the $1000 which she said was sent to the House Mili tary Committee Chairman on Cap itol Hill. •For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE IN The Omaha GUIDE! IDA-MTE Service | \\Ve Are READY! ARE YOU? 1 2 Quick Service ON.. I I'_FURNACES - STOKERSI GUTTERING • HEATING!!! I —FRIENDLY, CAPABLE SERVICE— C “Heating Troubles Are Our Meat” f Ph. JA-6133 Day | KE-8301 Nile } 2221 CUMING | IWE ARE NOW ABLE”. C mto Render Much Better Service on All Laundry ■ B THANKS for being so Patient during the ■ mPast Trying Months. ' TOT " I S Edholm & Sherman I 1 —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS— 1 J 2401 North 24th St. Phone WE 6055 \ tenant fo (006 cfoun Cat!" mtA NATURAL HAIR ATTACHMENTS OH AGAIH-OFF AGAIN HAIR DO’S - T§ mat ail oaasiteu PAGE A BOY/ $300/ ✓^7 I *^HI $5*5 " MADE WHILE _ i. ™ I •j&ss&bsih *•** YOU CAM HAVE YOUR HAIR PERFECTLY MATCHER Latest Creations Easily Attached Human Hair — All Shades GLAMOP. PAGE BOYS SEND NO MONEY JUST SEND SAMPLE OP YOUR HA It ALL AROUND ROLLS OR STATE THE COLOR FIRST QUALITY PAGE ROYS *At ^OSTWAN ruu AMC^ on Diuvtmr HALE GLAMORS • POMPAOOUR T P t? C YTT* V A H |"»'i GLAMORS and ALL OVER WIGS ll/LTlju | ♦ * BEAUTY PRODUCT^ 507 PIPTH AVENUE (Room 905) NEW YORK 17, N. Y.