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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1946)
M Q ■ E8^ JH| F ■ H HI Ej Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, South Omaha merchants Buyers Guode ™ Bwfc You Can Be Wise.. by ‘Taking Advantage’ of these Ad Offerings which Means - "Take Home Savings” after Patronizing the South Omaha Merchants herewith listed. Everything that is available, These South Omaha Merchants Have. . in the NEWEST and BEST in FOOD, FURNITURE, MOTOR CARS, as well as in CLOTHES and ENTERTAINMENT, and some 36 other Major Groups of W ANTED GOODS and SERVICES. By Popular Demand (by George H. McDavis) DEAR SUBSCRIBERS: The MERCHANTS OF SOUTH OMAHA here represented below, lias made this page, for YOU, POSSIBLE! You can do your SHARE by referring to these Alls, when in need of necessities for the Home. PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS! FERRIS SEED CO. i —“Farmers Caih-A-uny"— FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS CHICKENS [ • POULTRY SI PPLIES & REMEDIES • FARM SUPPLIES 5029 SOUTH 24TH MA. 6340 ii"— =ir--—=^ir= ir= ;=i i =ii ==r 1 11— --=nr=-—-IE V. Georgeff J Expert.. Shoe Repairing —LOWEST PRICES— j 2905 ‘Q’ ST. MA. 6382 -» * r= _ — —1r=r^ii rr. nr=—.=_ ir ■■ ’ 1r=i E. O. FUREN CO. Jewelers & Optometrists *KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS* “We Appreciate Your Trade” j 4839 SOUTH 24TH MA. 1327 FLORISTS Open Evenings and Sundays 4_CUT FLOWERS—FUNERAL DESIGNS— § POTTED PLANTS—VEGETABLE PLANTS IN SEASON J 5414 SOUTH 36TH MA. 1387 City-Wide Excavating • Basements & Hauling • Grading —Dozer • Heavy Machinery Hauled —FREE ESTIMATES— —BOB & JOHN OLIVO— M. 2324 -aisc Radio Repairing • GUARANTEED PARTS AND SERVICE CAR RADIOS OUR SPECIALTY —M. P. DiGiorgio— 4716 So. 24th 112111 -- ==il. . ir= . =H' —-.-i f= t i ■ ' ' ii— n—11. ■ =ii---=ni- • -'-Ij MODERN APPLIANCE CO. Expert Radio & Refrigeration Service AUTHORIZED MAYTAG SALES & SERVICE MArket 6969 4910 SOUTH 24TH =11' =-=1,= IF"' L. FORBES FURNITURE CO ‘EVERYTHING for the HOME’ “We Appreciate Your Trade” C't-S 501? SOUTH 24TH STREET - --11-' -.=^<. .II =^ir--=- if=t- r =~ ' If n—i=r=3i-—If— . =ir^~- in jhebilsky Paint & W allpaper —STORE— • QUALITY PAINTS (MINNESOTA TESTED) “We Appreciate Your Trade” 2409 ‘L’ MArket 2996 GENERAL REFRIGERATOR SALES & SERVICE • COMPLETE LINE OF SHEET METAL & FURNACE REPAIRING % Gibson Refrigerators, Duchess Washers SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF REFRIGERATORS, WASHERS, RADIOS MA. 4311 2917 ‘Q’ ST. i— — ■ -ii— — ir~ !i ir . ir=- ■ “wTSAR” 25th & ‘Q’ Street —WILL APPRECIATE TOUR TRADE” (OPEN EACH DAY AT 6:00 A. M.) t~ » ir-r. -.:.=ar—- -n ■ '-=E | EXPERT-WATCH Repairing —GUARANTEED WORK— WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY L. T. HERDZINA, MGR. | 4720 SOUTH 24TH MA-5050 hi1——.==u- " if=. 11= - ■ ir~ ■ ni T n .v=1 L•" =11. =11- IF^--. ==ll-^-= -1 * Hermansky’s Pharmacy T> Prescriptions Exactly Compounded. • FREE DELIVERY We Appreciate Your Trade EBONY’S ON SALE MONTHLY " 2725 ‘Q’ MA-0260 iRELIABLE RADIO i SALES & SERVICE f 2907 Q Street if RECORDS, if NEEDLES ★ PHONO-COMBINATIONS (SERVICE IN HOMES IF POSSIBLE ) rii=-—-if- -■ ------ A-BOMB EXPLODES BIKINI Soundphoto—This pho to made by a pool photographer shows the atom bomb exploding over the guinea pig feet moored in the lagoon at Bikini. The pho tographer was in a B-29 flying at a safe distance and altitude from the explosion. Note the shoreline of Bikini in the foreground. Forgotten Inventor I THADDEUS FAIRBANKS 1 IN 1830 ^ThE INVENTED THE PLATFORM SCALE -FIRST TIME WEIGHTS RECORDED ACCURATELY ... A LANDMARK IN SOMMERCE.. NEW FAITH AND 55 YEARS OF INVENTING1 SCALES OF ALL CAPACITIES ...PUT TO WORLD-WIDE USE ‘ BUILT THRIVING! \ BUSINESS... LITTLE CHANGE > I IN BASIC DESIGN 1 FOR OVER TOO ' years] /FAIRBANKS INVENTED PLOW...WATER HEATER...OTHER DEVICES OBTAINED LAST PATENT ON H IS_90th BIRTH DAY/ ■ * ^ - —2^ - "4 ^ ^ ' 4 y _/ DU1LD AMERICA ROY CRAFTSMAN TRIES FOR SCHOLARSHIP Typical of the thousands of boy craftsmen throughout the country who are entered in the 1946 com petition of Che Fisher Body Grafts man’s Guild is 18 year old Walter E. Roth Jr., of Detroit. Young Roth is shown at work on a trim Napoleonic coach model to com pete for one of the eight univcr , sity scholarships offered by the General Motors educational found • ation for building model automo I biles and coaches. His model is | ready for painting and completion | before the July 15 closing date of the $75,000 competition. Winners will be announced at the Crafts man’s Guild convention which opens August 19 at Detroit. — + Read The Omaha Guide Joe Louis Signs Contract; Facts of AIL American Drink Corp. Uncovered in Investigation NEW SOFT DRINK TO BE NAMED AFTER JOE LOUIS (BY DOLORES CALVIN) NEW YORK CITY (CNS) Fol lowng a series of mysterious inci dents, it was finally revealed this week that Joe Louis, Heavyweight Champ of the World, signed a con tract June 21st, 1946 just two days after his fistic triumph oVer Billy Conn which will probably result in being the most profitable business dealing of his entire fighting car What kept the country agape in wonder of what the new contract specified and moreover, what it concerned, came to light when it was discovered that Joe Louis him self is giving full support to a new soft drink named in his honor, the Joe Louis Punch. Though nego tiations have been in operation since last November, the final pa pers were signed by Joe just two days after he had kayoed the bal leting Billy. But how did such an idea of a Joe Louis Punch get its initial be ginning? What force kept behind that spark into making it a real ity.all in the span of eight months?. That, too, took time to uncover. After learning that Joe Louis Punch was a product of the newly formed All-American Drink Cor poration, a half million dollar pro ject, we found the principals of the corporation busy behind closed doors of their offices at 55 West 42nd Street, New York City. Patiently waiting more inform ation as secretaries buzzed the conference room. Soon, out came spokesman William B. Graham, who dived right into what we were waiting to hear. “We got the idea some tinrn a go’’, began the advertising execu tive, consultant and promotion ex pert. “One day several of tne boys were at the office making up a prospectur for a national soft drink company. We couldn’t help but notice in the survey the tre mendous volume of soft drinks consumed by Americans and yet how few soft drink firms there ac tually are. We decided then to have one of our own. But what to name it? Another idea struck us. Joe Louis, being the hero of the day and a man of the people why not christen our new drink Joe Louis Punch? We talked to Joe and he liked the idea. Then the hard work began. Setting up the All-American Drink Corpor ation, tasting formulas for just the right extract asid suffering the headaches I guess, of all All-Am-1 erican businessmen. “At the moment we are a half WILLIAM B. GRAHAM, Advertising Executive, Consultant, and Promotion Expert of newly formed company. -———■——■—rmram-mtxi a,-. - I I I im III ■ 11 ■— million dollar corporation”, Mr. Graham assured us, ‘ and intend; to increase capitalization in the near future. Our punch will hit j the market October and we have great plans for its expansion. We first take it to Mexico, South Am erica, Honolulu, Australia, Russia and Scandanavia, among other countries. We expect the sugar situation to be relieved by early Spring. Then we can hit other j sections of Europe. Of course, A- j merica will be drinking it first,” he smiled. The Punch itsel*. which they ex pect to pack a wallop, as does Joe will arrive in a bright 7 oz. bottle. The snarkling water and ginger-, ale will come in quarts. • A careful promotion program is being planned on the punch to gear it for hitting the waiting j market with a surety of those ■ Louis knockouts. With Joe's help and cooperation, the All-Ameriean feels sure they will reach their peak in the near future of being among the ‘first of the country’s soft drink firms. Such a position would be well won for a product bearing the Louis name. ‘‘You might say,” added the Corp. executive as he lit a cigar, “that we want the public to feel that Joe Louis Punch is the peo ple’s drink just as Joe is the peo ple's hero.” V. S. S. NEVADA DAMAGE ---*■««*** * -I3j BAKINI ATOLL Joint Army Navy Task Force Photo. Sound photo—One of the first photos re ceived in the U. S. showing dam age done to USS Nevada, bullseye of the Atomic bomb, reveals how the tremendous hammer blow da maged the old battleship’s top hamper, stacks, radar gear, look out platforms and secondary bat teries. Yet the old ship absorbed the bow with hull undamaged. Read The Omaha Guide Phone Us Your Social- Local News DECNAN SVSPECT IN POLICE SHOW VP Chicago, 111—His wrist securely manacled to the man on his light William Heirens, 17, Chicago’s No. 1 suspect in the kidnap-killing of little Suzanne Degnan, is shown as he appeared in the police show up here last week. Evelyn Peter son, former army nurse of Inde pendence, Iowa, appeared at the showup and tentatively identified Heirens as the man who brutally assaulted her during a burglary attempt in her south side apt. here last October. Police say Heirens’ fingerprints match those found in the Peterson apartment. P • “KEEP IP W ITH THE TIMES ’— —Read 1 OUR Newspaper THE OMAHA GUIDE —Every Week! On Sale at Your Local Newsstand