SOCIAL ctivities (by JULIA) HA-0800 AT-2680 • .. --— . — -» FAMILY OF “Y" SECRETARY ARRIVE IN OMAHA Mrs. Katherine yid Miss Alar; remise Butler, wife and daughter at Mr. John R. Butler, executive secretary'of the Northside YMCA arrived in Oipaha last week and win reside at 2113 Locust St. The Butlers are formerly of Springfield, Ohio where MrT But far was also *Y’ secretary. Before iffiUating with the Qmaha ‘Y’ Mr. rJotler was director of the Omaha USO. ’ , Wirr Butler is a sophomore at the Ohio State University. She wfll return there this fall to re sume her studies. • i * * GALVESJON VISITOR A visitor from Galveston. Texas ■ Mr3. Maggie LaFeil, sire is vi- j .ting her cousins, Mrs. Sadie hflips and Mrs. Lillie Tinker at trs. Tinker’s home. 2724 Cald eH St. Mrs. LaFeil expects to e in thc*Ncity about two weeks. MRS. FRED DIXON Left this-r'week for Kani? - C'ty .vhero she.".will visit her mother, '21rs. Elizabeth White. "Mrs. White ia plaiimn . to vi’sit New York la ta1 this iimfner. BURTON WALKER AND WIFE, VISITORS Mr. anp Mrs. Burton Walker. Jr, arrived in Qniaha Friday June 21 fr im their home in Macon, Gu. •me?' are* visiting, at the home of Mis Walker's si ter ar.d brother in-fc.w Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Jus tus of 2911 No. i!?th St. F nroute O-Omaiia, the Walkers vis .ted in.. Chattanooga, Tenn vrtdi their’ fegusins Mr. and Mrs. Immie Smofners. In Nashville ey were .-jpecial guests of Air. ■d Mrs. JimJttie Wilson of Fisk adversity E^’.d 11:harry.- After lving Tennessee; they toured the ite of Kentucky and made sev il other'^thpi including Bt. Lo 3, Mo., iihi.iis ('ity, Mo. and es Moine? *Jr While in Kan la Aty, the vYalkers visited with .ev. and-'Mr,-. laricock. Rev. Hancock - is i. ' ell known ME minister kr.-d a fDinner pastor of Clair Church in Omaha. The Walkers staj^ in Omaha will be indefinite. » I. C. JAMES AND WIFE IS1T OMAHA> Mr. M. C. (Toby) James and his | rife of Oakland. Calif, are now a Omaha visiting at tjie home of ir. and Mrs. H. Jenkins, 2bu6 • viapki St. Mr. Jamies, former Omahan, is the proprietor of one of the largest cleaning and pressing ;. tants in the Oakland Bay area. FAMILY OF PASTOR TO.MOVE! 1 —L._ The officers and members of. l.Iorning Star Missionary Baptist’ Church at 2608 Franklin are very proud to announce their pastor, J ev. Z. W. Williams and family ij moving to Omaha to be with t '.em permanently. The Rev. will : .*rive in Omaha Sunday July 7th. The Parsonage is located at 2 L10 Ohio. Mother send your chil dren to Sunday School. Friends v.sitors are always yvelcome. Our 1 • LADIES.. B AND BOX RESALE ^ Ladies & Children’s Clothing I HOW OPEN FOR EUSINtSS i at jj 2438 GRANT ST | ■ "■ 11 ■ ■! 1 ■ " ' 1 ■ Portia Truelove Is* Bride of Jacob Simms Mrs. Jacob Simms TRIILOVE-SI M MS W EDDING Miss Portia Trulove, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Trulove of 2864 Lake St., became the bride of Jacob Simms, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Simms of Val entine. Nebr. in a 4 o'clock cere mony Tuesday June 25. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. E. B. Childress of St. John's at the home of the bride’s parents. The bride wore a street length dress of white taffeta and wore a corsage of white flowers. Her accessories were also white I Miss Virginia McGraven was maid of honor and Mr. Kenneth Love was best man. Following the wedding, a reception was held for the couple. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Ida Willis and Mrs. Inez Graham. Out-of-town guests were the groom’s parents, and Mrs. Betty 1 King of Lincoln, Nebr. The newly married couple left Wednesday morning for Valentine where they will make their home. Sunday School is at 9:30 a m.; Morning services at 11:30 and evening services at 7:30 pm. Come out and worship with us. VISITOR FROM CLEVELAND Mrs. Jimmie Seay, 2892 Maple Street, has as her visitor this week her sister, Mrs. Hattie McCray of Cleveland, Ohio and her husband. They motored from their home, arriving in Omaha Sunday morn ing and expect to leave Friday, July 5th. Mrs.' McCray’s last trip to Omaha was in 1937. She also has two brothers in Omaha, Mr. Thomas Pettigrew and Mr. Joe Pettigrew. * * * VISITOR FROM SAN FRANCISCO A Visitor in Omaha for the past two weeks has been Mrs. Lena Trainham of San Francisco, Cal ifornia. She has been visiting at the home of her son and daughter in law Mr. and Mrs. John Train ham of 3011 Miami St. The senior Mrs. Trainham left Omaha Mon day, July 1st for Whitesburg, Ky., where she will visit with her bro ther. Mrs. John Trainham is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Wash ington. * * * FLETCHER-CLARK WEDDING JUNE 27TH ' The wedding of Miss Katherine Clark of Washington, D. C., dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Toom er of Berkely, Calif, and Mr. Wa nasebe Fletcher of Omaha took place Thursday, June 27th. The evening ceremony was performed by. Rev. F. C. Goodlett. The bride wore a street length dress of pearl grey with which nhe wore blue accessories. Her corsage was of white gardenias. The bride’s sister, Miss Corea Clark of Berkely was maid of honor and wore a street yellow dress. Best man was Mr. Foster Good lett. Members and friends of the immediate family attended the ceremony. The bride was until coming to Omaha, employed as a clerk ty pist in the War Department in Washington, D. C. Mr. Fletcher is a teacher in the Omaha Public Schools, teaching at Long School. * * » H. L. McO*WS CELEBRATE SIXTH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. McCaw of 2628 Maple St., celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary Satur day June 29th with a party at the AMVET’s Club. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Bryant Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McCaw and Mrs. Herbert McCaw's sister, Mrs. Frank Wilkerson of St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Wilkerson is in Omaha visiting with her sister and plans to remain about two weeks. * * * JOHNSON-JA \f El SON NUPTIALS Before a Fireplace flanked on either side by tall baskets of flo wers Miss Johanna Jameison, the daughter of Mrs. Callie Jameison, became the bride of Donald John son Sunday evening, June 30th in an 8:30 o'clock ceremony. Rev. C. C. Reynolds of Clair Church performed the ceremony which took place a£ the home of the bride’s mother. The bride wore a gown of white marquisette, its skirt trimmed with tiny white satin bows. Her veil of net and lace was a full ength one and she wore finger ’“sq white mittens which were el bow length. She carried a bouquet of white carnations. Matron of honor was Mrs. Hor tense Johnson who was gowned in Only Electric Cooking Offers jj fQCUSED RADIANT ESEftl/ m There’s the big difference .... focused RADIANT heat intense hca:—that goes into cooking the food, not out into the kitchen. RADIANT heat from vour electric range is even, pene trating heat that roasts, bakes, and cooks tlear through. Meats and vegetables retain their natural color and texture—savory juices are locked in—flavor and precious vitamins aren’t cooked away. Glow ing ember heat makes delicious “charcoal” type broiling possible. RADIAN’T heat from your electric range is clean heat—heat with out combustion—without flame. It’s safe ... it’s economical . . . i; s modern! ENo wonder tnousanos oi wise homemaker? are planning to own a _. • # new ELECTRIC RANGE! MO FLAME • MO SMOKE • NO FUMES • NO SOOT F i w pink marquisette and wore a cor sage of blue flowers Miss Cadocia Jameison, sister of the bride was the bridesmaid and she wore a gown of blue mar quisette and a corsage of pink carnations. Best man was Vance Johnson, brother of the groom. Immediately following the cere mony, a reception was held for the couple. The center of interest being the two tier wedding cake topped by a minature bride and groom. Among those assisting at the reception were Mesdames Mabel Bowman, Maude Johnson, Doro thy Bowman and Catherine Parks. Many lovely gifts were received by the couple. GOODMAN-WASHINGTON NUPTIALS Thursday, June 27, Miss Estella Washington, daughter of Rev. A. Washington of 3011 Miami Street was married to Carl T. Goodman. The couple left Monday, July 1st for Spokane, Washington where they will make their home with the groom’s mother, Mrs. Alene Sloan Howard. The groom is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Sloan of 2420 Decatur St., Omaha. * * * PROMINENT TEXAS VISITORS, RELATIVES OF R. C. PRICE ADD TERRY GORDON Mrs. S. E. Terry of Pittsburg, Texas and her sister, Mrs. Ella Gordon, 4185 N. E. St., Paris, Tex. and Roscoe Gordon Jr., are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Gordon, 2622 Erskine Street. Mrs/Ella Gordon is the mother of Mr. Terry Gordon, who is one | of our local musicians. Mrs. S. E. i Terry is a teacher of general sci ence in Douglas High School in Pittsburg. Thev are also visitiing Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Price. 2411 No. 22nd St. Incidently, Mrs. Terry and i Mrs. Gordon are first cousins to Mr. Price, whom they havn’t seen | since they w'ere in their 'teens. Mrs. Terry ami Mrs. Gordon are daughters of the late Thomas Gunn, the first Negro teacher in Lamar County, Texas. He later became a larg# plantation owner in the above mentioned county, and he was the only Negro in the state of Texas to own and oper ate a cottin gin. The visitors have been the re cipients of many social courtesies while in the city. * * * LOS ANGELES VISITORS DEPART Mrs. Roberta Bailey of Binney St. had as dinner guests Tuesday evening June' 25, Mrs. Amanda Ouffett and. Mrs. Ham mond of Los Angeles, Calif. The Angel city visitors have been the house guests of Mrs. Louise Str awther of 2220 Willis Ave. for the past month. They returned to Cal ifornia Saturday June 29th after visiting with their many friends in Omaha. Both are former Oma hans. * * * FIRST BIRTHDAY Celebrating her first birthday on Sunday. June 23. was little Miss Janice Joyce Johnson the small daughter of Mrs. Vivian Wesley. * » • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allen of 2723*Ohio St., are the parents of a baby son born Sunday June 30. Mother and son are doing fine. * * • VISITORS FROM DETROIT Visiting relatives in Omaha for the past week have been Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alrid of Detroit, Michigan. They were the house guests at the home of their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ma son of 2804 Binney St. When they left Omaha Wednesday, the Al rids went to Lenaph, Okla., where they wiH visit for about a month with other members of the family including Mr. Alrid’s brothers and sisters. • • » OAKLAND, CALIF. VISITOR A houseguest of Mrs. Alberta Norman of 2873 Binney St., is Mr. Shelby Ward a former Oma han from Oakland, Calif. The "day of Mr. Ward in Omaha will be indefinite. * * * HOWARD T. SWAIN TO ^ MARRY ST. LOUIS GIRL Mr. James William Pugh of St. Louis, Mo., this week announced marriage of his daughter. Miss Edmae Pugh to Howard T. Swain of Omaha. They will be at home after September 1st at 1728 Lake St., in Omaha. * * * KANSAS CITY VISITOR Visiting her cousin, Mrs. Vivian Wesley of 2930 No 28th St. for the past week has been Mrs. Ha zel Roy of Kansas City. Mrs. Roy returned t oher home last Sunday. * * * SUMMER FROLIC (Carnival Style) AND GARDEN ! REVIEW _ Who will be crowned King and1 Queen of the Summer Frolic's ? This colorful event will take place Friday, July 12 at the Northside YWCA. It is being sponsored by the Progressive 24 Club of St. Johns AME Church. Admission is free. Come and bring your friends. Mrs. R C. Price is general chair man, Lois R. Goode is chairman of contestants and W. P. Ervin is president. A feature event is the Garden Review. The time is 8 pm. MINNEAPOLIS VISITOR Mr. Lonnie Holiday, brother of Mrs. Antha McCorkle is visiting in the City at Mrs. McCorkle’s home, 3456 Patrick Avenue. Mr. Holiday was accompanied by his daughter Clara also of Minneap olis. * * * FORMER WAC IS GUEST OF MRS. HAYNES - - Mrs. Joseph Haynes of 2308 No. 29th St. has as her house guests Miss Bette Mae Albert of Kansas City, Kan. She plans to be in Oma ha about a month. Miss Albert was formerly a member of the WAC detachment in the postal department and served overseas in England and France. Nadine Hancock Represented Near Northside At Girls’ State Meet MRS. ISIAH CAREY ARRIVES WITH DAUGHTERS Arriving in Omaha Saturday, July 29 were Mrs. Isiah Carey and daughters Estrelda and Eva lyn. They are former Omahans and have been greeted by many friends. They will spend the sum mer in Omaha and are staying at 2302% No.~27th St. They were ac companied by Mr. Carey’s neph ew Levy and Marian Webb, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Webb. They are also former Om ahans. * » * VACATIONING IN CALIF. Mr. Frank O’Neal, chef Burling ton Railroad is now vacationing in Los Angeles, California. He will return shortly to resume duties on the Burlington Railroad. He resides at 2510 j->uKe St. * * * MRS. LONGM I RE "ENTERT AI NS Mrs. Alma Lonymire of 2122 Ohio St. entertained with a de lightful luncheon for four Los An geles guests Wednesday, June 26 at her home. The out of towners vere Mesdames Hammond; Wil liams; Crews; and Offutt. When the guests arrived they were served ice cream and punch, fhe luncheon followed at one y clock. Especially lovely was the centerpiece of snapdragons and carnations on the dining table. Other guests included Mrs. Alice Shaw, Mrs. Burton, Mrs, .Mary Orant, Mrs. Josephine Le Couq, Mrs. Iola Holliday. * HICKS JAMES WEDIMSG The marriage of Miss Tena Mae James, daughter of Mrs. Stella Jones of 2424 Maple St., and Mr. Willie Hicks Jr. took place Wed nesday June 26 at the home of Rev. J. C. Wade who performed the ceremony. The bride wore a white eyeiet afternoon dress with white acces sories and carried a bouquet of white flowers. Best man was the bride’s bro ther Frank James. The couple will be at home at 2772 Lake St. * * * VISITING MARINE William Orval Hamilton, Marine who has been visiting in Omaha at the home of his sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Anderson left Saturday June 29 for his home in Hennessey, Ok la. He has just returned from overseas where he was stationed at Pearl Harbor. * * * THE CALLING ALL GIRLS CLUB Honored three of its members with a birthday party on Saturday evening June 22 at the home of Miss Jessie Norman of 2873 Bin ney St. The three girls whose bir thdays were celebrated were Miss Celestine Peters, Miss Jessie Nor man and Miss Berotha Baltimore. Helen Gray is president of the group, Jessie Norman secretary, and Berotha Baltimore reporter. SGT. COLE VISITS 1st Sgt. Daniel M. Cole on a delay-enroute from Aberdeen, Md. to Camp Stone in California is visiting at the home of his mother Mrs. Nina Cole of 2723 Corby St Sgt. Cole served 18 months in France, England, Luxembourg, Chekoslovakia, Austria, Belgium, Germany and Holland. He reelist ed at Soison, France for another year and a half in the service. He will remain in the city for about 10 days. UNDERGOES MAJOR OPERATION Mr. Bert Tata, 2033 Maple St., underwent a major operation at a local hospital last Tuesday morn ing and at this time is doing fair ly well. YNews IS EAR ISORTHSIDE ItRAISCH ‘Y’ BOYS TO ENJOY VACATIONS AT CAMP Plans were completed last week for the boys of Omaha to enjoy a camp period at Camp Strader, Crete Nebraska August 4 to 10. A new experiment in camp rela tions will be established this year in that the camp is to be of an interracial and intercultural nat ure. With (32) Negro and white boys from Omaha joining with the same number from Lincoln to enjoy this week of activities. Camp Strader provides the YMCA witn the facilities to carry on, out of doors, the general program ob jectives of the Y’. Through a camping experience the individu al boy has the opportunity to par ticipate in activities, under ade quate leadership, aimed at the de velopment of mental, physical, so cial and spiritual characteristics. The boys for this period will be selecteu on tne basis of their abi lity to participate in this new type of program and their contri bution Ip tneir church, scnool, and community life along with the staff of tne Near Northside YMCA branch. xue following persons are also assisting in the listing of boys a or camp:. Rev. E. B. Childress, minister of St. John's AME Chur cn; Mr. Duward urooms, execu tive secretary Omaha Urban Lea gue; Mr. Arthur McCaw, Boy’s vVork secretary Omana Urban lueague; Mr. H. F- Amrhein, exec utive secretary South Omana ’Y’ Ajrancb; Mr. vilen Gillespie, exe cutive secretary North Omana *Y’ Branch. A fee of $iU plus trans portation being charged for tne week. THREE CORNERS CANTEEN Members of the Three corners Canteen spent an enjoyable even ing on last Friday night at the • i • where they were privileged to uance to the music of Earl Graves and orchestra. Movies, games and other activities were on our pro gram during the past month. Se f AMERICAN LEGION - AUXILIARY SPONSORED TRIP Miss Nadine Hancock, 2402 No. 27th Avenue, a delegate to Corn Husker Girls’ State, Lincoln, Neb raska, reports a very educational and inspiring meeting. Girl State “Is the American Legion's labor atory of practical political science Learning by doing is the secret of the success of this projeet. It is designed to awakened among our youth a desire to study the pract ical operation of our government”. Instruction and practice in govern ment were held on the University campus and the State Capitol. 184 girls attended and Miss Han cock was the only Colored dele gate. She won in the race for At torney General and served on the planning committee for the feder alist party platform. She stayed in the Sigma Kappa Sorority House while there. The Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion Post, Mrs. Lula Bryant, president is to be praised for taking such interest in Negro Girls and sending delegates to Girls’ State. ■ Miss Hancock brought back ma terial and pictures which she used -in making her report to the Aux: iliary.__ veral new events are on schedule for this month. They are: mock track and field meet: game tour | naments; and a bingo party. The Canteen now has a membership of (185) with the invitation being extended to any teenager who wishes to join. THIS IS YOUR “Y” LET’S USE IT! .Morthside Drama i — By Al Sparks — I ; WAS LENA HORNE IN OMAHA? He was standng in the par-mu tuel line out at Ak-Sar-Ben play ing “Eenv Meeny” with one of those betting sheets preparing to | make his Annual contribution to 1 The Hosses’ Oat Fund. But for i some unaccountable reason his eve3 continued to stray in the dir ection of a lovely, equsite figure, j Now while he ^has the usual mas : culine admiration for beauty, it I was nothing personal. Just ad miration. Even as you and I. ! He had seldom been so transfix | ed by feminine loveliness. There ! was an infinitesimal something a bout this Heavenly body, whose face he could not even see, which caused him to forget about those galloping nags. The fellows behind, nudged him as a wide gap was growing in the line—while he gazed in admiration Finally, after what seemed an eternity, she glanced in his direc tion, and smiled. Yes... Smiled at him.And she WAS beautiful. The most beautiful woman (per iod) he had ever seen in his whole I life. ' Sparkling. evenly set teeth, smiling lips, velvetry bronze com plexion, flirty-flirty nose, dreamy black eyes, dramatic lashes; her luxurious Latin hair framed her features in a setting of tantaliz ing paradise. Her whole being, her every gesture and movement radiated grace, beauty and a thrilling personality. And she had smiled ..the sweet est smile he had ever seen. He was about to pinch himself when the bookie said ‘What’s your Bet Buddy?” He still doesn’t remem ber how he picked the winning Hoss. He was just standing there dazed like, wondering how such a lovely creature could be living in Omaha and no one had ever mentioned the fact before. And wondering if she had been A Dream after all, because Now His Searching Eyes failed to lo cate her anywhere. After a while someone touched his arm, ever so lightly, as if anticipating his thoughts and cooed “Here I am.” It was SHE.again, But before he could compose himself she had disappeared into the crowd, still smiling ...that unfathomable sweet smile. | Was Lena Horne in Omaha last Saturday ? Lionel Hampton and his aggre gation are eJ/fScted this month | end. The July Ebonys are out. boy scouts The Boy Scouts had their Thea tre Matinee last Saturday at the Ritz to raise funds for their An nual Outting. More parents I should encourage their young I sters to join the Scouts. The Boy j Scouts of America have a well i planned program for creating Better Citizens. SOME SALARIES GO DOWN These are sad days for the little fellow with the big family. The little fellow who has been receiv ing a fixed salary over a period of years. While some are boasting of increased salaries, The Little Fellow is in the relative and uni que position of having his salary reduced nearly 50 percent. The purchasing power of the dollai has been greatly • reduced with in flation and is subject to even greater reduction with no price control and the new tax burdens and levies. Who is harmed by price control • Even the Seller has to buy from somebody else, They say prices will adjust themselves. Do they mean like in ’29 and the early ’30s? Even a car falling over a cliff will eventually adjust itself. But How? The system of price control administration is perhaps slightly bungled at the present time. But controlled prices are Checkers for Children Easy to Make i . ___— ■SWEATERS AND BLOUSES MAKE MATINEE IDOLS In this generation what ever;, woman knows is the value of a smart well groomed appearance. The modern woman mut be de manding. She must have clothes that fit her well She must know the current values of fabrics and above all she must be resourceful and practical. Most women’s bud ~ets are always a challenge to their being well dressed. Sweaters and blouses are indis pensable to the modern woman's dressing habits. During recent years several young women have become internationallv famous I for £heir ability to look ultra-at | tractive in their sweaters and , blouses. The most easily remem j bered of such stars is the glam 1 orous Betty Grable. But of course i the superb workmanship of the I sweaters worn by Miss Grable j haTl more to do with her attract iveness than is popularly suppos I ed. To begin with each of the j sweaters and blouses worn by her | was a special creation made to | her measurements with her choice ! of colors, her coice of threads and fabrics. Then her sweaters were fitted so as to give her breasts just the. correct lift. Now all of these things are very important when you are prepar 1 mg yourself to appear n public. •They are important for movie stars and they are for you to re ! member. Aten’t you just import I ant. in your world of things as Betty Grable ? Why of course you are. And it is your duty to see to : it that your appearance is just ! as immaculate and correct as any ' movie star or matinee idol. Your familv, your friends, your most casual acquaintances deserve the privilege o admire and idolize you 'for he sensitiveness of your dres sing appcarel. Difficulties vanish with know ledge. Skill comes with practice. Good workmanship demands the most efficient tools'. The pride of accomplishment and the pleasure of feeling well dressed may be intangible results, but they be come real when you can evaluate them in terms of actual savings in dollars and cents. You should dress well in sweat ers and blouses, but you should also achieve that result at the lowest possible cost. certainly desirable if the little fellow is to be considered. MERCHANTS OF HATE The Bilbos, RanTTTns and East lands are having themselves a weird Celebration down in that strange land behind the Sun. Their candid and whole hearted disrespect for the manifestations of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man would turn Hitler and his gang green with envy. Sortie people think “Strange Fruit” and like literary efforts are fictional. That is because i they don’t understand the strange social and economical system as practiced in some parts of the south. Are Bilbo’s filthy and noisy mis representation a sham cover-up for those who accept none of the responsibility created by their im pulsive sins. I FRONTIERS OF* AMERICA The Frontiers Club of America, Incorporated will hold its first peacetime annual convention in Columbus, Ohio, August 15 thru 18th, 1946. This convention will also celebrate the Tenth Anniver sary of the organization which was founded in 1936 by its pre sent National President, Mr. N. B. Allen, Executive Secretary of the Columbus Urban League. The Frontiers Club the only Negro service group, is composed of bus iness and professional men who hold influential and responsible McGILL’S * BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGILL, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24TH ST. WINE, LIQUORS & CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7pm —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS Free Delivery from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. JAckson 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Bonded Liquors GIRLS ARE DAINTY AND EXPENSIVE 0 — 1 Little girls are the daintiest things, aren’t they? Nature in tended they should be that way. It is the duty of a little girl’s pa rents. to see that the wishes of mother nature are carried out to the last detail. The best technique is to begin teaching a girl early just how to go about caring for herself; how to comb her hair, file her nails, preserve her teeth, darn torn wearing apparel neatly, and how to wear and prepare her clo thes. One of the most important items to keep in mind is that you can not crowd all the knowledge of how to care for one’s self into a 1 young girl's head overnight. Its a slow continuous process and it should begin the girl’s formative vears. A good way to teach the very young is to arouse their in terest by having them try to imi tate ,;you. • For instance, if a mother wants her daughter to be a seamstress or to take a personal interest in preparing her clothes, the mother should begin very early to have her young daughter help mother fix curtains, towels, doilies, tab le cloths and of course the young lady's own wearing apparel. Hav ing ihis knowledge at her finger tips early in life, gives your dau ghter the necssary confidence and control that makes it possible for her to conquer in other fields. Et_ en more than that, in the practi cal sense, the mother will have taught her daughter a lucrative trade at which many make mil lions of dollars anually. So far we have nothing concern ing the economy of teaching your daughter to care for herself and particularly to sew for herself, and particularly to sew for herself and .this is a most important item. Yes, girls are dainty and girls are also more expensive than boys, hats, shoes dresses stockings and a thousand and one accessories are what it takes to keep a girl dainty and attractive. These items can literally cost a fortune if you run to the store everytime your daugh ter needs a new an dattractive outfit. Make your little girl dainty too with this easy to make little num ber. Send a stamped self addres sed envelope to Mail Dept., 54 Clark Street, Newark, N. J. and you will receive immediately com plete information as t« how to make these fascinating creations yourself.______ positions in their respective com munities. There are 15 chapters at present of the organization, loca ted throughout the United States. Columbus, the host city for 1946, is the Mother Chapter. The Con vention will deal with matters of clab interest and civic and social importance. _ • Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Are vou MU? WEAK? from loss of LM00Mt0N? ^B Here’s One Of The Best Home Ways To Build Up Red Blood! You girls who suffer from simple anemia or who lose so much during monthly periods that you are pale, feel tired, weak, “dragged out”—this may be due to low blood-iron— So start today—try Lydia E. Pink ham’s TABLETS—one of the greatest blood-iron tonics you can buy to help build up red blood to give more strength and energy—In such cases. Plnkham's Tablets help build up the fed quality of the blood (very impor tant) by reinforcing the haemoglobin of red blood cells. Just try Plnkham’s Tablets for 30 hays—then see If you, too, don’t re markably benefit. All drugstores. lydia E. Piokbam’s TAS1CTS ———————4 i 1' i Ol^’ M'Ml seffnr from bard of haariirg and Wad «o6S •oMad by catarrh of the baad? WRITS US NOW far proof of tha good remits oor simple borne treatment baa accomplish* J for a great many people. Meet pasf 90 report bearing 6od and baad noises goaa. Nothing fa stems. Seed today for proof aad 30 days trial eflea, •fa rWgstioari JHE ELMO COMPANY, Dept. 516 " DeveSpottr lei«